Dark Light

Published on Dec 9, 2014


Dark Light 5

This is my first attempt at making a story that's sci-fi. I've been writing for a while, but nothing like this so bear with me please. This story will be loosely based on True Blood, with references and some appearances of characters from the show and books. I do not own these characters and as disclaimer, all rights of true blood and references to the books belong to their respective owners. Any other suggestions/ideas apart from that belong to me. Hope you guys enjoy.

Suggestions, feedback, comments of all kind are welcome. Please let me know what you guys think. Travisderon@gmail.com

Please remember to donate what you can to Nifty. I think its super cool that this website exists for people to express themselves through their writing in an atmosphere free of fear and judgment for the most part. Growing up reading these stories made it easier for me to identify and become comfortable with the idea of being a gay man. So do what you can, donate. Let's keep Nifty around to inspire other young gays. :)

============== signifies a flashback.

《》 signifies thoughts

Enjoy :)

Dark Light

Chapter Five- Respect The Authority

He needed..my help? What could I do?

"E-Eric I don't know."

I saw a figure move to stand beside him, it was Pam. She was dressed in a lavender long skirt with a matching short blazer that fit her perfectly. High black heels, with her hair pulled back in a neat ponytail, and ruby reds lips to seal the deal.

"Do you really think we'd be here if we weren't sure you could help us?" She looked around as if she were disgusted by the mere thought of being here. "No offense." she feigned a smile.

I was still caught off guard by their sudden appearance, and still a little disoriented.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me, and turned to see Shea looking starstruck by Eric

"Introduce us.." He murmured.

"Eric this is my fr-friend Shea."

Eric turned to Shea and rose an eyebrow, "It is very nice to meet one of Nikolai's friends. A pleasure."


I glance at Shea. Really? After all the hype he made over Eric, the one time I introduce him, all he can say is 'yeah.'

"I hate to cut this little meet and greet with the fan boy over there short, but we have things to discuss with the faerie boy." Pam smiled at me again. I don't know what was more intimidating, her newfound liking of me, or the creepy way she smiled.

"I'm not a fan boy." She glared at Pam.

"Shea don't." I warned him.

Pam rose an eyebrow, "He speaks too? Listen to Nikolai here little human and run along." Her fans popped out, as she gave a toothy smile.

Shea wasn't easily scared, not even by a vampire like Pam.

"Shea please calm down, she's a vampire. She's Eric's progeny, you can't take her on-"

"Why because I'm just a human?!" He shouted.

Everyone in the restaurant was looking on as if they were watching a scene from their favorite TV drama unfold before their eyes. Although they were silent aside from the hushed whispers amongst neighbors, their minds were going crazy with thoughts with every passing second. I tried to block out as much as I could, and turned my focus back to Shea.

"That's not what I meant." I tried to reassure. "I'm just saying-"

"Whatever. " He shrugged me off. "I don't care. It's not like I would expect you to understand."

"That's hardly fair. I'm your best friend, not some stranger. You don't think I know you, don't understand you? "

"No, you don't! " He shouted. "You don't know what is like being normal, being human. Feeling weak and useless to protect those you love. I've tried so hard to act like everything that has been happening hasn't affected me, but it has. I'm fucking falling apart at the seams and I don't know how to fix it. I don't know what to do to become stronger so that you wouldn't have to go through this alone."

I could feel the warmth of the tears, as they rolled down my cheeks. For me to see Shea this vulnerable and broken, was breaking my heart. It went beyond Pam and her comments. It was everything. Me finding out about what I am, being attacked by his vampire father, Eric. All of these things were eating away at him, and there was nothing I could do. The truth was he is a human, and he couldn't be a part of my life like before now that everything had changed. He'd be in danger all the time, and I'd constantly worry about him. He wasn't the only one to think about these things, and honestly it made me feel like a bad friend for even entertaining these thoughts, but I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him.

"Shea-" I touched his shoulder, but he quickly shoved me off.

"Screw this, I don't need to be here and I damn sure don't need your pity! " He pushed pass me and ran out the door.

"I'll stop him if you want me to." Eric looked to me.

I shook my head, "No its fine. He's right. I can't help him, just give him space and let him blow off steam.

"Humans can be so...temperamental." Eric mused. I gave him a look. He feigned an innocent look, "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes.

"Look Nik, if you need privacy you can use my office." I could feel Tom's breath on my ear, as I sighed slightly. That was his polite way of telling me that I should probably leave since my life had all of a sudden become a live action show for the customers of the bar.

I looked around and saw everyone's eyes atill on me. All gawking, waiting for the next drama to unfold.

《Who knew he was a vampire lover》

《Eric looks even hotter in person》

《Nothing good can come from vampires》

《That boy done chose a no good vamp over his friend》

I turned to smile at Tom, "Yeah you're right. Thanks Tom." I have him a hug, and walked towards his office. Naturally Eric and Pam followed.

"That guy seems pretty friendly, for a bar owner." Pam taunted, "If you're into that sort of thing."

"He's just a friend Pam."

She smirked. I really didn't want to discuss Tom in front of Eric, or at all for that matter with the likes of her. Thankfully she seemed to let it go, for now.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and looked to Eric. "What do you think it is that I can do for you?"

He regarded me for a second, no doubt thinking about Tom and what Pam said. It didn't take my telepathy to know when a man feels threatened.

"There has been...talk amongst some of the former sheriffs that a few vampires are trying to rebuild a hierarchy that existed amongst our kind some years ago called the Authority." He paused to give me time to digest his words before continuing, "The last time the Authority existed, the vampires in charge kind of-"

"Were completely and utterly fucked up!" Pam finished.

"Sometimes when vampires run together in a nest, they become more savage and primal. They crave things like power and strength above all else, and destroy everything that gets in their way."

"Case in point the last time the Authority existed, they went off the deep end. Started spouting vampire supremacy shit and killing people for fun left and right. Don't get me wrong I'm all for fun, but they were bat shit crazy, and I don't do crazy." Pam said, while walking around to sit on the edge of Tom's desk. "Anyway they raved about this ancient book of our kind about the first vampire created, and how she was God blah blah crazy vampire shit blah."

Eric picked up, "The Authority was taken down by us with the help of Sookie. If she hadn't helped, things could've gotten a lot worst. Since then we've been able to exist without the interference of the Authority, and I like not having to answer to them."

"So this is all about you not having someone be the boss of you?" I asked incredulously.

"It's more than that Tinkerbell." Pam interrupted, "Or did you not catch the part where they went completely off the deep end the last time they existed?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I still don't see what this has to do with me." Maybe I was being stubborn, but excuse me if I wasn't so willing to get involved in vampire politics.

Eric's eyes gazed at me intently, like he was trying to read me....or glamour me. "You're right it might not have anything to do with you, but if these rumors are true, it'll be a matter of time before the new Authority finds out about what you are. If they do and come after you, I might not be able to protect you on my own. "

"Yes God forbid anyone find out about your little faerie secret stash. You want me all to yourself, is that right?"


I stared at him in shock. I don't know why but i wasn't expecting that answer from him, or for him to say it with so much conviction as if he didn't even need to think about it.


He walked towards me until he was standing in front of me. He stared down at me intently, "I want you to myself. You are mine Nikolai Bennett."

The way he said that i was "his" gave me a shiver down my spine. It made me excited by the idea that he wanted to claim me, but also a little annoyed that he thought I was something to be owned like a toy or something.

"I'm yours?"

"If you want to be...it's your choice Nikolai."

I bit my lip slightly. "Eric I don't know...I.."

"Not this again." Pam mumbled unenthusiastically. "If I have to sit through another faerie love drama, I'd gadly meet the sun myself."

I could feel my resolve slipping as I stared into Eric's eyes. He may not be able to glamour me, but he had a stronger power over me, one that I wasn't sure I could resist for much longer.

"If I agree to help, and I'm not saying yes, what do I have to do?"

Eric smiled, "Just a little reconnaissance, nothing too dangerous. Use your powers to see if our suspicions are right, and Pam and I will handle the rest."

"Yeah but I can't read vampire thoughts remember?"

I failed to see how I would be of use to them, besides one sniff of me and I'd be vampire lunch, or dinner, whatever.

"But you can read human thoughts, and that's exactly what we need you to do Tinkerbell." Pam interjected. I guess Tinkerbell was her new nickname for me. I hate it, but figured if I ignored it long enough she'd get tired of it and move on. Kind of like a kid with a new play toy.

I looked to Eric for clarification.

"It's not uncommon for a vampire to take on human companions for many things. Food, protection during the day, sex." He rose his eyebrow successively at the last one. I looked away in shock, but could feel my cheeks heating up as blood rushed to my face. I could see out the corner of my eye, that Pam was slightly amused by my embarrassment and shy demenor on the subjects of sex and Eric.

"It just so happens this one particular human companion might have the information we need about the new Authority." Eric continued. "If you can get close enough to read his thoughts, you might be able to pick up a name."

I thought it over a little. Eric did save me before from Shea's vampire father, and what he wanted me to do wasn't so dangerous. "Okay fine I'll do it, but after this we are even."

He gently touched my cheek. I leaned info his touch. "As you wish. Neither Pam nor I shall bother you again once this is over."

I could feel the words boiling inside of me. Everything I knew was fighting for Eric, pushing me to him, but I knew somewhere deep inside that nothing good would come if I fully gave into my desire for Eric.

"What do I have to do?"

"There's this big art gala being hosted by a well known vampire. We suspect he's one of the main supporters of the new Authority, but he's too stupid to be the one running the show." Pam said walking around to stand next to Eric. "The gala is tonight, and you will be accompanied by Eric."

I chuckled nervously, "I have nothing to wear to that kind of event."

"That's why I took the liberty of having something delivered here." He motioned to Pam who disappeared, but quickly returned with a large box.

I rose my eyebrow at Eric. "Figured I'd say yes?"

"Hoping you would." He answered.

I didn't know what was so different about me? Besides what I am, why was I so...important to him? Between what I felt for him, and his behavior towards me, I felt like I was going insane becoming overwhelmed by these feelings. I slowly reached for the box. Taking it from Pam, I set it on the desk and opened the top. Inside was a pure white suit jacket, lined with gold along the center and down the arms. Beneath it was a white collar shirt with a gold flower design etched into the fabric with a matching tie. Left in the bottom, were white trousers with a gold stripe down the sides with matching white shoes, that were gold on the bottom. It was beautiful.

"All this for me?" I said looking to Eric. "I don't know what to say."

Pam rolled her eyes, "You've said all you need to, hurry and get changed Tinkerbell. We've got a ball to get you to." She started to walk towards the door and out the office.

"I thought you said it was a gala." I yelled after her.

"Opps, wrong faerie tale." She feigned interest, "Fucking faeries." she walked out the door, shutting it behind her. Now it was just Eric and I alone.

I picked up the collar shirt, but stopped when I noticed Eric watching. "Do you mind?"

"No." He responded, not taking his eyes off me.

"So you're going to watch me the whole time?"

"Does it make you....uneasy?"

He closed the distance between us. I could feel his fingers tugging at the hem of my shirt. Without speaking, he slowly raised it up and over my head and tossed it to the side. He reached behind me and pulled me close by my hips so that we were pressed together. I could feel him hardening under the close contact, his body was having the same affect on me. I could feel his fingers undoing the apron, as it slid to the floor at our feet. I glanced up at him, his lips were close to mine, his fangs bared in excitement. I could feel his eyes on me, giving me that look. I knew the look, it was filled with desire...with need.

"Maybe..we...should..." I started.

"Yeah..."Eric mimicked.

"But I don't wanna...."

"Then don't..." He gently nipped at my lip with his fangs, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make me yip in surprise.

His lips curved in a subtle smile, but I saw it. It was genuine.

"Eric we can't...not here."

I could feel his fingers unbuckling my belt and pants. Slowly he hooked his thumbs in the sides and slid them down my legs. I leaned into him more, pressing my bare chest to his covered chest. Even so, I could feel him as if he were just as undressed as I was. I lifted my legs and stepped out of my pants. My arms wrapped themselves around Eric's neck, as our lips difted closer together. Just a little bit closer.

A knock on the door interrupted us. "As much as I enjoy these moments of witnessing the incredible super faerie snatch powers in action, need I remind you we don't have time for that." Pam interrupted emphasizing the last part.

I gave a noisy sigh. She was right, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I patted Eric on his shoulders softly, and gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'll wait outside."

I nodded, "Yeah I think that's best."

As soon as he left, I quickly got dressed. It took me less than ten minutes. I looked myself over in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. Once I was satisfied, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and opened the door.

I walked around the corner of the restaurant, and it was like time stopped. Everyone simultaneously stopped what they were doing, and all turned to stare at me.

《He's an angel》

《He's glowing. So beautiful》

《What is he?》

《I'd love to bend him over and...》

I shook my head, as I mentally rebuilt my mind blocks. I looked around for Eric or Pam, but saw neither. Emma walked towards me smiling brightly.

"You look amazing Nik!" She gushed.

I blushed lightly. "Oh come on, I don't look that good."

"Are you kidding me, why else do you think everyone is staring at you? Including Tom over there." She added with a nod in his direction. I looked over, and sure enough Tom was staring at me with an adoring look on his eyes.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think he fancies you." She winked at me.

"Emma he's Tom..."

"Yeah totally hotter than hot boss Tom."

Just as I was about to respond, Eric reentered the restaurant. He was dressed in an all black suit. I didn't expect anything less from him, and honestly as cliché it was for a vampire to be all dark and gloomy, it worked for him. His short dirty blond hair was slick and styled neatly in a comb over fashion. His dark eyes, had a mischievous twinkle in them as he took in my appearance.

"Fuck me." Emma whispered.

She took the words right out of my mouth.

Eric glided over to us. His posture erect and poise as he slowly moved.

"You look...radiant." Eric whispered to me.

I blushed again. "Thanks, I guess I owe you for that."

He nodded thoughtfully, and offered me his arm in an escorting gesture. "Shall we?"

I nodded as I wrapped my arm around his, noticing how the white and gold fabic of my suit contrasted with the black of his own. It was like a symbol of me and Eric. Light and dark, good and evil...yin and yang.

We slowly walked arm in arm out the restaurant, and into a limousine.

"This all seems pretty extravagant for just a plan don't you think?" I said, once I was seated comfortably in the limousine.

"Who said this was all for show?" He rose an eyebrow suggestively.

I blushed. I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. Luckily for me the rest of the ride was uneventful. Eric just explained things to look out for and what the guy who I was supposed to listen in on looked like. Before I knew it, we had arrived at the gala.

Using his speed, Eric ran around to my side to open the door and held out his hand for me to esort me. I grabbed his hand and smiled as he pulled me from the limo. There were lights all around lining the entrance. Apparently Eric left out the part that there would be a red carpet with lights, cameras, and lots of people. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close as we walked down the red carpet.

We paused for a few pictures were reporters asked Eric questions, mostly "Who's your friend?" "Are you two dating?" I guess for a minute I forgot how famous Eric was. He nodded and waved, while smirking at the cameras and giving vague and humorous answers.

We finally made it inside, which was just as stunning as the outside. All the walls were white stones built so high that I could hear the echo of voices and music. All around people gathered in clusters looming at different art, laughing, enjoying each others company, or seemingly at least. It was hard to tell who was a vampire and not with so many people around. I relaxed a little letting down my defenses. Quickly I was able to come to the conclusion that there were just about equal numbers of humans vs vampires, though I had yet to see the human Eric described to me.

Eric was approached by a few vampires who knew him, one in particular took extra notice of me. For the most part for whatever reason all the vampires seemed to be immune to my unique scent. Eric seemed to take notice of my confusion.

"It's the suit. Let's just say it "modifies" your scent." He whispered softly to me.

I nodded and swallowed hard. Even so, I had no intention of testing out that theory as I tightened my hold on Eric's arm. I saw a small smile tug at his lips.

Suddenly a clinking sound alerted everyone to the balcony overlooking the gala. Everyone turned to watched as a blonde hair man stepped forward. He was dressed in a traditional black and white tuxedo that was tailored specifically to his body. His blonde hair was slick straight back stopping at the base of his neck. He had a light dusting of facial hair forming a beard and mustache. His brown eyes shined with light as he gazed out at everyone.

"Thank you all for coming tonight, you all have made this year's gala a successful turn out." He paused to allow a round of applause before continuing. "I'd like to extend a gracious thank you, to all of the ones who donated tonight. And a very special thank you to Mr. Eric Northman for his very generous donation. May we please give him a round of applause."

Everyone turned to stare at Eric, while clapping appreciatively. Eric only nodded in response. This had to be the man Eric wanted me to listen in on. He matched the description, and judging by Eric's posture, it had to be this guy.

I tired to listen in on him.

"In just a few minutes Elijah will come to speak to you all about a possible interest you may share. I imagine it is why many of you have attended tonight's event." He stared at Eric knowingly.

《He's here. Elijah should be pleased.》

"So please enjoy yourselves until then. Thank you." He smiled, as he retreated.

I turned to Eric. "That's him. I wasn't able to get much, I need to get closer to him."

"Leave it to me." Eric murmured, as he led us to the staircase leading to the balcony. We ascended the staircase. At the top were a few luxurious sofas, with important looking people sitting around in deep conversation. I could tell immediately aside from the blonde man from earlier, that the three of them were vampires.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Northman himself." One of the vampires greeted. He stood up and walked towards Eric. I clutched his arm tighter instinctively bracing myself for whatever came next.

They stood looking at each other for a moment. I was holding my breath anxiously anticipating the likelihood that we would need to defend ourselves against a room full of vampires. Just as I was preparing for the inevitable, Eric did something that surprised me.

He smiled. "Mason." They both embraced in a legitimate hug. I felt like I just stepped into another world. I was more confused than ever.

They broke the embrace, but the other vampire kept his hand resting on Eric's shoulder in a friendly guesture.

"It has been far too long cousin." The other vampire replied.

Cousin? Eric had a cousin?

"A few hundred years." Eric added.

"Sorry to hear about Godric, at last he and Alaric are together again." Mason looked thoughtful.

I'm assuming Eric's maker Godric and this Alaric had some kind of connection that made Mason related to Eric in some way. I didn't fully understand vampire relationships.

Eric nodded at his words, "Thank you."

Mason looked over at me. He regarded me for a minute or two. To be honest he looked similar to Eric. Not like twins or anything, but they were about the same height and build. Mason had dark hair, and emerald green eyes that gave off a playful twinkle. His hair was cut short and styled similar to Eric. His skin was tanned, hinting at a possible Mediterranean ancestry. He was dreseed in a sliver tuxedo that hugged his body perfectly accentuating his muscles appropriately.

"And who is your lovely human companion?" He smiled at me.

Eric pushed me forward slightly, "Nikolai...Nikolai Bennett. He is quite..enticing isn't he?"

Mason grabbed my hand and rose it to his lips to kiss. "You always did have good taste, I'm jealous. Do you want to play a little with me?" Mason asked.

I laughed nervously. What did I get myself into?

Eric wagged his finger at Mason, like a mother would disciplining her child. "Ah ah, Nikolai is mine."

Mason smiled and walked back to the sofa, "Can't balme a vampire for trying." He winked at me.

I could see the blonde staring intently at me, like he was studying me. The vampire he sat next to I'm assuming was Elijah. He looked older. His hair was wavy and jet black with gray around the temples and a few highlights. His face was older in a rugged way, with a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee that matched his hair. His posture and all black suit exuded power. Despite his age, probably his late 30s early 40s when turned, I knew he was no less of a threat than any other vampire there. He sat silently observing me and Eric.

《Can't do anything. He's going to make his move. No choice.》

"Mr. Northman so nice of you to join us. Please have a seat." Elijah's baritone voice beckoned.

Eric nodded, "If you insist." He guided us to the seat directly across from Elijah. Mason was sitting to my left with Eric on my right. I stared straight across at the blonde.

《Have to stop this. Warn them.》

Warn us about what? I thought.

The blonde's eyes widened for a split second, before returning to normal.

《You heard me?》He thought.

《Wait you can hear my thoughts too?》I was caught off guard. Other than my siblings, I'd never met anyone like me.

《Yeah, that must mean you're like me.》

I nodded slightly.《Who are you? 》

《My name's Grant Stackhouse.》

Stackhouse...wait I knew that name. It sounded familiar. I glanced over at Eric.

Sookie Stackhouse! That's why his last named sounded familiar. He was related to Sookie, he had to be! Unfortunately I didn't have time to think or question him about it further, because what he sent next caused my blood to run cold.

《You've gotta get out of here. This is all a trap to kill Eric. Hurry!》

Next: Chapter 6

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