Dark secrets

By jon thompson

Published on Jun 24, 2004



This is a new story, not totally erotic in nature, but has eroticism all through it.

This is a work of fiction. If anyone has any comments about it, email me and let me know. Dark Secrets

Version 1.0


The day had been like none other, for Susan felt like Tony might be the one for her. He had taken her all over the main street in Salisbury, as the Autumn Festival 1979 was in full swing.

Tony was the big man on Salisbury's campus, (the college was called Salisbury too), for the religious group known as The Revelators. They wanted to stem the tide of decadence that was pervading the USA.

Susan had come from a small town in upstate PA, and Tony had been like a godsend to her. She was raised by her mother and was told that she should find a nice religious boy and marry him.

Susan had just been on campus for two weeks when she had met Tony. They hit it off right away. The young man was 21, and a senior. He seemed to be totally dedicated to God, and he seemed to be interested in her.

This sent chills of excitement when she saw Tony in the cafeteria, or at the religious meetings on campus.

About two weeks after they had first run into each other on campus, Tony asked Susan out on a date. It was to the local church he attended where he asked her, but when he showed up dressed in a suit, Susan knew this was their first outing together.

From the first night they went to church together, they spent all of their free time together. Tony was the perfect gentleman. He was romantic, kind, and handsome. He was better than all of the leading men in the movies of the day.

On Friday of the Autumn festival, Tony asked Susan if she would like to go see the sights up town. It didn't take her but a second to say yes.

The sights and sounds were so plentiful that one could not help but be enraptured by what was there. Walking around the park, Susan felt like a kid again. Tony and her were in a world all their own when they walked arm and arm to see what was there.

The food was unlimited. All kinds and varieties of things to eat were available. Tony bought Susan a powder sugared treat and they sat down on a bench to share it. "Can you believe this festival?" Tony asked her. "It's so much bigger than when I was a freshman." "I've never been to something like this." Susan said. "It's bigger than I imagined it would be." "The parade tomorrow will be even better than what you see here. It goes on and on so long that you think it's never going to end."

Susan took another bite of the sugary treat. The power sugar melted in her throat giving her sensations that she did not get eating at the school cafeteria. "I love this food." "You look like you've been denying yourself. " "I would never normally eat this stuff, even though it tastes so great. I'm always afraid of putting on weight."

Tony looked at her and smiled. "You are always going to look young and beautiful. Besides, it is not what is on the outside that counts, but what is on the inside."

Susan gave him a hug. "You are one in a million. If more men in the world were like you, it would be a better place."

After they were done eating, Tony took Susan on some of the rides. They looked different than most of the college students that were enjoying the last night of the amusements. Tony and Susan almost looked like they had come from the 1950's. Sure they were dressed in 70's clothes, but they looked like they had just come from church.

The Ferris wheel operator mentioned to both of them that he had never seen any two people better suited for each other than the two of them. "You two give this place a look of respectability with those clothes." "Why thank you kindly sir."

After they had sat in their seat, and the ride had started, Tony started asking Susan about her plans for the future. "I know your planning on further education after Salisbury, but you never went into what you were considering." "I plan on spending my first two years here, and then going onto a Bible College. I want to be a missionary one day." "Perhaps you will be married to a preacher one day." Tony told her. He had expressed interest in getting his masters degree in Bible, and perhaps becoming a minister. "I do not know what God has in store for me, but I know that it is not my will that shall come to pass."

From the top of the Ferris Wheel, the two looked over all of downtown Salisbury. People populated the entire area during the final evening of fun. Tomorrow they would be back for the parade, but this would be their last chance for the fun and games that festival brought to town. "I was thinking Susan, perhaps you would want to see my place on the way back to school. I know it's late and you probably want to be up early tomorrow." "I'll come for a minute. I haven't been to see your apartment yet and I have been meaning to stop over for a while now. You can get me back to Eagle Manner after."

On the way back to Tony's place, they passed by all the shops on Main Street. The town was busy into the early evening every evening except Sunday's. That was the day people were in Church. The only places that were open on a Sunday afternoon were gas stations and drug stores.

When they entered Tony's home, Susan found out that it was much more than an apartment. He had made it into a place that looked comfortable. Bible studies could be held here and everyone would feel welcomed. "How can you afford such a place?" She asked him. "My father gave the place to me. He lives down south, but owns a few places in Salisbury. This place is for me to use while I'm attending Salisbury." "Really big place for just one person." "I know, but it is a fortress of solitude for me. Kind of like superman."

Susan thought Tony had a body that was beginning to look like the guy who played superman in the new movie that was just coming out. He lifted weights every day, which had created a smooth muscular body over the past three years. This in combination of his blond hair and blue eyes, made Tony an object of desire for many of the women on campus. It was only his "high moral" values as he put it, which kept him from enjoying what the females of the university had to offer.

When Susan read a poem that her friend had hanging on the living room wall, she realized it had been written by him.

"I know it's a short poem, but I'm not finished with it yet." Tony told her as he emerged from the Kitchen."

He gave her the soda and Susan started to drink from it. "I think it's beautiful. You were describing me, but I don't think I'm an angel."

Tony sat down on the arm of the chair. He put one of his arms around Susan. She looked up at him. "I had a great time tonight." She told him. "It was my pleasure."

Tony got up from the chair and put a classical tape in his stereo. "It's the latest stereo on the market." He told Susan. "It even has a remote." "You must be loaded." "No, I just get great deals."

After the soda pop had been half way drank, Susan started to feel funny. She didn't want to say anything to Tony, since she enjoyed the time with him and didn't want to go back to the dorm.

As they spoke over the next two minutes, Susan felt worse and worse. She could feel herself getting light headed. "I don't know what's wrong." She told Tony. "Would you like to lay down on the couch for a minute? It might help."

Tony led Susan over to his couch. He made her very comfortable. The pillow behind her head was relaxing. "I'll just rest a minute, then I should be okay." She told him. In the next minute Tony found Susan had gone to sleep.

The young man that every woman on campus wanted to be around, used the remote to turn up the stereo to almost full blast. Then he reached for Susan's dress.

Chapter 1: Spring 2003

Chris Myers bit his lip as Mack Strong slowly and steadily rocked back and forth on top of him. They were two 19 years old fair-haired adorable young men, and they loved each other.

Mack's body fit like a glove next to Chris's. If one could see them in the heat of passion, the person observing would not be able to tell where one man left off and one started. They were made for each other.

It had been three months to the day when they met for the first time. Mack had come to an Unite meeting part way through his first semester as a freshman. When their eyes met, Chris knew that he would have him. Chris was a half a year older, although he was a sophomore at Salisbury, and not a Freshman like Mack. He had gone through more than his share of the closet cases on campus the previous year.

On the Salisbury campus, you could always tell a closet case homosexual. These young men were the preppy or jock boys who were at the top of their sport. They were the ones in the band who no one had a clue about, and those in the drama program that denied what everyone knew. The closet case young men were all around the college, and Chris could easily sniff them out.

It would take only a smile from the then freshman, and Chris could tell if a guy was gay. The captain of the track team might be dating the cheerleader with jugs the size of flotation devices, but he liked to prostrate himself to a frat boy every Thursday after their time at the bar.

When Chris found a hot closet case young man at Salisbury, he flirted just enough to get the boy into bed. Once he had his way with him, he politely broke it off in a day or two. The other guy was heartbroken, but he would never tell how Chris had hurt him. The easiest kind of man to keep your secret is one that has something to lose.

Mack was not like the others at Salisbury. He seemed to be someone who was not afraid to go after what he wanted. Although he was not totally open in class about his sexuality, he was open to most of his friends that were in the dorm.

Mack was a shorter slimmer version of himself. They were outwardly close to each other in looks, but there was something different about Mack.

The first night that Chris saw him in an Unite meeting, he asked him out to dinner. "I never would have thought a guy who looked like you would be in Unite." Mack told him. "Why not?" "Because you don't look ...." "Gay? What does a gay man look like?" Just because I am taller than you, with the body of a wrestler, doesn't mean I can't like men. " Chris told him. "Perhaps you just need to meet the right man."

It was that very night that Mack was invited back to Chris's apartment. He lived in a two bedroom place, connected to a living room. He and Lisa, a straight friend who was also a member of Unite (for it was opened to anyone), were roommates. She knew that when his bed room was a rockin, she wasn't to be a-knockin.

Lisa was an Honor's student, and would probably graduate with a 3.95 in two and a half more years. She enjoyed every type of class at Salisbury, except Gym Class. She could never understand why a class that was best left in High School was required in college.

Lisa was about 5'8" and about 140 lbs. She was not overly big, but she was not a petite flower that most straight men slobbered over on campus. If she got any attention, it would be mostly from guys staring at her breasts. This was the one thing that annoyed her more than anything. At least when the men in Unite were looking at her, they were not thinking about her chest size.

Mack had never once mentioned anything about her physicality any of the times he had visited the apartment. He was too busy trying to get quiet time with Chris in Chris's bedroom. Three months of pure pleasure, every night that Mack could get away from the dorm. His roommate knew that he was a partier, even though he was the son of a local preacher. He figured that Mack was just out celebrating like most college guys did when they were away from home. Mack held no love for his fathers' church. With his life he had to not discuss under his parents' roof, he stayed away from them as much as possible.

Mack knew that he's parents had been told about his being gay, but they also knew that it was his own life. His father never mentioned his son at church, if only to tell the people there he was "praying" for him.

Back in Chris's bedroom, Mack was about to feel his passion explode once again. When the two of them were together, they could go on and on for hours. He was almost to the height of orgasm, when a knock was heard at the door. "WHAT IS IT!" Chris yelled at the door. "Sorry to bother you both, but we're going to be late. Hurry up with whatever you are doing." Lisa said through the shut door. "We'll be out in a few minutes." Mack called back to her. "I'll give you ten. Work faster."

Chris looked up at Mack, "Do you think that you can get back what we almost had?"

Mack smiled down at his love, "I'm already there. See what you do to me?"

Thirty minutes later, all three of the friends were waiting at Michelle's Cafe. Soon they would have the biggest table in the place packed. There would be more expensive clothing labels at one table than there ever was in a single classroom on campus.

First to enter was Karl, and then his boyfriend who he lived with entered. Rick was the next guy to come to the gathering. He had a man who looked to be in his early 20's with him. "This is Shawn everybody. He's a guest instructor for this semester."

All of the gay men at the table took one look into Shawn's green eyes, and could see the beautiful soul beneath them. "Calm those hormones down fellows. He's an instructor here. That means hands off!"

Shawn introduced himself. He was going to be giving a workshop/class in creative writing all during the semester. Mack took a second look at him and knew whom he was. "Your Shawn Lewis." He said and turned to Chris. "He's written like five or six best sellers in the past few years." "I'm pleased someone from my old home town knows of my writing." "Knows of it, I've read all but your latest book." Mack told him. "OH, so those are the books you are always talking to me about." Chris told him. "Yes, those are his."

Chris looked at Shawn, "You've done great things for our love life."

Shawn turned red. "I'm glad to have been of service."

The meeting started once they had all had their hellos to the new guy. Shawn was only going to be a visiting instructor for one semester, and since none of the men at the table were taking his class he could be a part of Unite.

The group was just getting started for the semester, and the first official meeting was next week, but they all wanted to get together to talk about their holiday's.

The president turned to the first lady and told him to go first. Chris had a snicker and knew that this is how it would start. The president always left his boyfriend go first in everything they did. "We were going to go home and see my folks this Christmas. If it would not have been for them being told about us, I think it would have been a good holiday." "So you two didn't make it home for Christmas?" Mack asked. "We were told that it would not be a good month if we were there. Since It was my grandparents who own the home that we live in, in this town, I'm not worried about losing our place to stay."

Larry's grandmother looked right into his mothers eyes when she told her what her son had said. She opened her mouth and said, "I've known that since he was 12 years old." "WHAT? How could you know?" "Any good mother knows that about her son. I took one look into his eyes when he was watching Ricky Martin on a video, and I knew it."

That was Larry's grandma all right. She knew a lot of things that her own daughter, Larry's mom, couldn't tell. "Grandma came over and saw us both on Christmas eve. She brought over the presents that my parents had bought for me. She told them that if they denied them to me, she'd cut them off." "You can tell his grandmother is a strong woman." Karl said. "She is more open than most old people we know."

Shawn looked at Karl. "In some of my book tours, I've met people of all ages that are accepting. It isn't just gay folks who read my books."

Every sat riveted to what Shawn had to say. He had gone on three book tours, because after two of his books had come out he was working on the following one. There had been people from all around the country that he had met who were very kind and polite. There were straight, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender people who read his books. "What you two need to do, is convince your parents Larry that even though you are gay, your still the same son you've always been. Gay people have the same needs and wants as straight people. We shouldn't have to prove we are the same as a str8, but that is the way it happens now days." "Any suggestions on how to talk to my folks?" Larry asked. "Just speak from your heart. You and Karl should talk to them together, since it looks like you two are going to be a couple for very long time."

The rest of the people there wanted to know about Shawn's Christmas, but he said that he'd done enough talking. It was time for someone else to get a word in.

Mack picked up the coffee he'd ordered and took a sip. Damn, that was a hot drink. He put the cup back down. "Don't drink so quickly if you have something hot in your mouth." Chris told him. "No comment", Mack said to Lisa when he saw her grin. "You'll find someone for yourself someday." "Not if I hang out with all of you all the time." She replied.

Lisa had the most amazing ability to fall for gay men. She had made friends with many guys over the past semester. Each one had turned out to be either a gay guy in Unite, or a closet case on campus. It was no use.

Some of the men that Lisa had fallen for the previous year, had been the most fun for Chris. There was nothing like finding a guy hot that Lisa had fallen for, and then taking him to bed within 24 hours. If he found one that was truly straight, he would have let his female friend know. Chris considered it a good thing that he slept with the men Lisa liked. He didn't want her hurt later on when she found out they were gay.

Any time she fell for a black guy, Lisa instantly told Karl. Even though he was living with Larry, he still had nightly fantasies about the black men on campus. It added spice to their sex life, but it was hard for his boyfriend to measure up. "Shawn, what brought you to Salisbury?" Mack asked. "There are much more important colleges out there for a writer as good as you are." "Mom has always spoken of this town. Mom was single when she conceived me, and in those days it was tough for a single girl in college who was pregnant. She told me that this town made her tough. Ive never seen Salisbury before I came here, but I heard it was still a nice small town. If it wasnt so cold outside during the winter I`d feel right at home."

A couple of the others in the group had been born in Salisbury also. It seemed that when you were born in Salisbury, something called you back to it sometime in your life. This town affected your life in ways that sometimes were impossible to realize.

There were a few important events that were coming up on campus in January. Karl explained to the group that they had to get involved with the first one. "The university is going to be having a club awareness day next week. On Wednesday the student center is going to have tables set up in the multi-purpose room. We can have a table if we let the activities board know by Friday of this week." "Do you think we have enough time to get some materials together?" Rick asked. "It seems like very short notice." "That's true Rick, but we have the chance to let people know that there is a place for gay and lesbian people to go and talk to people like themselves on campus. Unite is a safe place, but no one knows much about us."

The club had officially been recognized the previous year, but it had been in existence for over two decades. The group had a few different names over the years, but it had basically the same goal: a safe haven for those who were gay/lesbian/bi-sexual or questioning. Straight people could be in the group, but most straight people only joined if they had a friend in the group.

The problem with getting people to join was that Salisbury was a very small town, and gay people were not very welcomed. Sure this was the north, and not like some areas of the south or west. It did not mean there hadn't been troubles over the years. In the early 1980s there had been a gay student on campus that was very vocal about gay rights. He left school after being harassed within an inch of his life. The administration had not taken appropriate measures when he told them about the break-ins to his dorm room, and the threats made to him in person. For his own safety, he left.

A lot of progress had been made over the years, but there was still a long way to go. "I think this is a great opportunity for you guys to bring some acknowledgement to the group. Can I help?" Shawn told Karl. "I can make copies of any information you have that you want made into information leaflets to give out. I have a good computer with a laser printer that can print 30 color copies a minute." "That would be great. Mack is the one that deals with creating the actual stuff we need for things like this, so you could work with him on designing the leaflets." Karl said as he turned to Mack. "You wouldn't mind working with Shawn, would you?" "I wouldn't mind at all." Mack said almost too quickly.

Chapter Two:

That weekend, Shawn invited Mack to his home he rented for the duration of his stay in Salisbury. He wanted to feel comfortable, while he was stranded here in this town in the middle of nowhere.

Shawn thought they would sit down for some Lunch before they got started with designing the informative leaflet that would be passed out at the table the following Wednesday. "How have you enjoyed the short time you've been in town?" Mack asked him. "The people have been good to me. I think it's because of my being a writer, but I sense they are real nice people anyway. I hope that my being at the table this Wednesday will help bring people to it." "They will probably all want you to autograph your latest book. I hear that the bookstore on campus has sold a thousand copies since you showed up." "How did you hear this?" "I have a friend who works there. She keeps me notified when they get one of your old books in. I've had them order two in hardback already."

Shawn was surprised that the school bookstore had sold so many of his works. Most of his audience was a "gay" audience, but he had gone into mainstream with his last two books. The characters in them were not all gay and lesbian, but some of the main characters were.

The two sat down on the couch and they started eating the Pizza that Shawn had ordered about a half hour before Mack arrived. The delivery boy had shown up right as Mack had knocked on the door. He looked at the guy who was probably seventeen, and smiled at him. "He's going to break a few hearts in college" he thought. "You didn't have to go to the trouble of getting pizza just because I was coming over." Mack told Shawn. "It's not just because you're here. I enjoy pizza at least twice a week. My father was really into it when he was younger." "I thought you didn't know your father?" "My mom told me stories about him. He was quite the Stallion from what she told me." "Heh, sounds like my roommate. He has a new girl every week. I'm just glad that I'm gone so much that I don't have to deal with seeing what goes on, on the other side of my dorm room."

Shawn took a drink from the bottle water he had on the coffee table. "You don't have to put up with seeing your roommate engage in sexual activity in front of your very own eyes. You can get assigned to a new room you know." "It's okay, I'm not there most nights till late anyway." "How do you deal with early morning classes?" "They don't start till at least 11AM for me this term."

Mack had scheduled early because of a computer error that put him towards the front of the scheduling list. He made sure that he could spend half of his evenings at Chris's. Late into the night, they were still enjoying each other in Chris's bedroom. "I've been over at Chris's place so much that the owner of the place thinks I live there." "Does he know about you two?" "He does, but he believes in the idea of live and let live." "I wish that others out there in this country of ours felt that way."

Shawn had gone on a couple of book tours since he turned 18. He had put out three books before that time, but because of high school he couldn't go on tour during the nine months of school.

While out seeing the country, he found that sometimes people were not very friendly to gay people. There had been demonstrations in some of the towns he'd been to. In one town, a teen boy had been beaten to death by someone who felt that all "fags" had to die. This was what conservative radicals in the west were like. They were almost as bad as some Baptists.

Why was it that people had to act like if you were not exactly like them, you did not deserve the same right to life they had? Sometimes this country could be very messed up. "Your latest book was a big departure from the previous ones." Mack told him. "It took a long time to understand everything that you wrote." "Non fiction is a lot tougher to understand sometimes. I felt that it was important to make people realize that hate crimes against homosexuals go unnoticed all of the time. It isn't just one lone young man that should cause an uproar in this country. Any time a person gets harassed or killed because of who they are, it is wrong. I just hope that the book wakes some people up."

Shawn had spent six months going around the country interviewing people who had been the victims of gay or lesbian bashing. He talked with loved ones and family members of people who had been murdered just because of their private lives.

It had taken two revisions of the book because some of the information was more shocking than most could deal with. There was still plenty in the book to shock people, and let them know just what kind of horrors went on in the daily lives of those being gay bashed.

The book went to number one on the NY Times best sellers list in just a week. It had been there for the last six months. This one book was the reason that Salisbury had asked Shawn to be a guest speaker for a workshop this term. One of the people in the administration knew a relative of Shawn's and contacted him through that person. "When I got the call with the opportunity to lecture at Salisbury for one semester, I jumped at the chance. I have always wanted to visit this part of PA, and now I will get paid to do it." "What is it like to be a famous writer? I can't imagine the men that come onto you all over the world." "Actually, I've never been outside of this country. I have had offers to visit places all around the world, but after September 11, 2001 I decided that I was going to stay in the country for the time being. That's not to say I haven't had email and letters from fans around the globe. I just wish I could find someone who wanted me for who I am inside, and not my being a writer."

Mack had to admit to himself that the first reason why he had liked Shawn was not for his writing, but for his looks. He thought they would have gotten along great if they had known each other in high school, since they appeared to have similar features.

Shawn was the third blond to now be in Unite. He was more the swimmer type, but he had the same smooth slim body that many gay men liked. He had blue eyes like the crystal blue sea, that drove Mack wild the first time he'd seen them in a picture. Mack never realized that he'd meet him one day, or be sitting in the home of the guy he had carrying a crush for since the 10th grade.

Over at Larry and Karl's apartment, they were working on a piece of music that Karl was going to be singing in a talent show in February. It was going to be the chance for him to compete for a scholarship. "I have to get this just right. There are going to be people much better than I who will be in the competition." Karl told Larry. "There is no one better than you at singing, or any other thing you put your mind to."

Karl stopped his singing for a second to give Larry a kiss on the lips. He knew just how to kiss his love to get him all hot and bothered in less than 3 seconds after an embrace.

Larry pushed away from him slightly. "Now we can't get all caught up in ourselves right now. You have a competition to get ready for, remember?" "That's not for a month. What do you say we go upstairs and have a little fun? We aren't meeting with Mack and Shawn till tomorrow to see what they have come up with."

Upstairs in their bedroom, Larry put Karl up against a wall. He tore into his partners shirt and had it off of him in less than 2 seconds. This was a man on a mission. He knew what he wanted and he wanted it now! "Slowly now my love, we have all day and night."

They could make love for hours, unless someone called to interrupt them. With Karl being as popular with the straight girls in his classes, they sometimes called him to ask if he could tutor them in whatever they were studying. Karl would help them out if he could, but he made it clear that he was not interested in anything but a platonic friendship. He was "involved" with one person, and only one person.

Larry picked Karl up and carried him to their bed. He placed him down on the satin sheets and started to kiss his chest. "You look like the weight set has done you good these past few months." "I've been working out when I can." "We'll have to see if it has improved your stamina."

As Larry went for Karl's midsection, he could tell he had the effect on his love that he was going for. He hadn't lost his touch. "What can I say, I know what I like, and I like you." Karl said.

Then they stopped talking.

The office that Shawn had set up for himself was something that Mack had never seen before. The computer was a desktop, but not one that any college student would have. He was given permission to look at everything it had on it, and he jumped at this opportunity.

Shawn had all of his work on zip disks and back-up CD's, so Mack wouldn't mess anything up no matter what keys he pressed. He saw that Shawn had the latest in voice recognition technology, which made it easier when writing a book. All he had to do was speak into the microphone and the words would come onto the screen. With the voice program Shawn had installed, it had a 99.9% chance of putting the right words up on the screen as he spoke. "I find it easier to write when I can speak the words. You would be surprised how much you can write when you are speaking." "If you have ever heard me talk in class, you would know someone who likes to talk. I'm just a little bit opinionated sometimes." Mack told him. "I like that in a person. The one thing I can't stand is when someone doesn't stand up for their convictions."

Shawn told Mack to give him what information he thought should be included. His ears heard what the young man told him, and then his voice spoke it onto the page.

This went on for about five minutes. After the two of them had the page filled with text, Shawn went about formatting it. He explained it all to Mack as he transformed the page into something more interesting to look at. "You have a great couple of articles here, but we want them to read what you have given me. How we get this done is to make it look good, and not just read good." "But how are you going to do that?" Mack asked. "The first thing we are going to do is to format this page. I'm thinking comic sands for the font. We want it to be easy to be read, but not the boring same old font most people use." "If you say so." "The next thing is, to convert this into a newsletter format. I'm thinking something simple, like The Unite News. I can put a simple but colorful letterhead on it. This will get the attention of everyone who reads it."

Shawn used an old letterhead style he had created, but used different words with it. He added rainbow colors to the words, which Mack found funny. "I know it's a cliché," Shawn told him, "but most will understand what the rainbow colors mean even if they don't instantly get what Unite is all about." "I hope this does some good. I don't think Unite is well accepted on campus." "It isn't about acceptance of the group, it's about people realizing that we are all the same. Everyone has the same basic wants and needs in this life. We want love and friendship. Hard work isn't just a straight thing. Not being beaten to death because of who you love, shouldn't be something we have to fight for."

Shawn had seen many cases of what hatred of gay and lesbian people can cause. When some preachers took things too far and said all gay people deserve to be sent to hell, he knew what that could bring about. When someone respected makes it okay to hate others, people get hurt.

There were some things that Shawn had seen on his journey around the country, that he would never be able to tell his new friends. Even in his classes he didn't tell all of his student what he had seen. "Well Mack, what do you think of it so far?" Shawn asked as he gave the finishing touches to the News Letter. "It looks great. I think we need the email for Unite listed at the top though. If people have questions, they will be able to write and ask for more information." "Good point." Shawn said. He touched Mack's hand in a gesture that expressed he was grateful for the idea. Mack drew his arm back slowly, but had felt a rush of excitement even though his skin had barely been touched. Here was the one author he had obsessed about privately, over the past two years. There were many nights he dreamed about what it would be like to have Shawn's body on top on his. The hips of his dream man working like a steam engine, drawing him more and more inside until Mack was all hot and sweaty with lust and excitement. Their lovemaking would be that dreams were made of. While Shawn got the printer started up and the pages printing, there was a moment where neither of them said anything to each other. Mack used this time to drink in the sight that was before him. Shawn had the ability to make himself desirable to women and men on campus. He looked like the kind of guy that the prim and proper women would look up to as a knight in shining armor. The sluts in the sororities would all be talking about how they wish they could have a gang bang with Shawn as the only male there. He looked like he was hung enough to satisfy all of their sexual appetites. Mack wished he could find out just how hung he was. The closet cases on campus, all the preppy, jock, and band boys, scampered to get added into Shawn's class when news of his arrival to Salisbury spread around the University. Shawn had one of the biggest classes in the school by the time the end of the first week had arrived. "How has the first week gone?" Mack asked Shawn. "Well I had to move to the auditorium in the science building, but it is going okay. There was a techie who hooked up a sound system so I could reach everyone in the class. It is strange teaching to so many people. "Wish I could have been in your class, but they are limiting it to upperclassmen." "Trust me, you probably wouldn't learn anything in the class. I have found you to be able to express yourself quite well on paper, and expression is over half the battle. You have way with words that I can see from what you helped me to put in this news letter today." "High praise coming from you."

Shawn started to blush. He hadn't been flirted with like this in awhile. "You know what to say to a guy don't you. Your boyfriend is really lucky to have you." "How come you don't have someone?" Mack asked. "Any guy would be lucky to have you." "I'm not looking for just any type of guy. He has to be special. I want someone who would like me for who I am on the inside, and not for my money or popularity as a writer." "Let me see if I remember: likes digital photography, long walks along the beach, and a true romantic at heart." Mack said. "You told that to Rosie in your interview last year you did when the last book came out." "You remember way back then?" "I remember every piece of information that I read about you. I don't want to make you think I'm strange, but I have liked you for a long time. Ever since I read your first book I wanted to know more about you Shawn. You are more than just a great writer and a hot looking guy you know. There is something special about you."

Shawn picked up the second batch of papers from the paper tray. Each time the tray had about 50 copies in it, Shawn had to empty it or the thing would overflow. "Really Mack, I'm just a regular guy. You are the one who is special. Being the son of a Baptist minister has to be difficult when you are gay." "You have no idea. I have to be all charming to the ladies when I'm at church. My father thinks he's going to find me the perfect wife one day. What I'd like to get is the perfect husband." "Well I'm far from perfect." "You look pretty damn good to me." Mack told him. He leaned over and gave Shawn a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry, I just had to do that. I've been wanting to kiss you for a long time." "It's okay Mack. We are both adults. It isn't like I'm going to go and run to Chris and tell him." "I don't even want to think about Chris. The sex is great, but we have become distant this past week. I get the feeling he has a thing for you too." "Chris isn't my kind of man." "Just what is your kind of man?"

In response to that question, Shawn got off the chair he was sitting in. He put his arms around Mack and slowly lifted his shirt off. When he kissed the young blonds smooth chest, he knew that this was the start of something that none of them knew how it would turn out. "What about Chris?" Shawn asked Mack. "I won't tell if you won't."

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