Dark Thought Rising

Published on May 12, 2023


Dark Thoughts Rising 5

The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between adolescent males. If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you like it and feel free to respond.

Dark Thoughts Rising runs through fourteen chapters and 145 pages. If you would like the entire novella, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com

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The Basement

“You’re looking too thin Rowan. Are you feeling alright?” Keegan watched Kim brush Rowan’s hair back and feel his forehead. What a pussy. Rowan endured the attention, pausing with a forkful of chicken. His eyes met Keegan’s for a heartbeat before he told his mother he was fine. Rowan subsided into silence as Kim and his dad resumed their conversation about the logistics of her next business trip.

Keegan ripped off a bite from his drumstick, chewing thoughtfully. In the two weeks since their parents had returned, Keegan felt much better. The first few days terrified him. There was no way to be sure what Rowan would say. Keegan’s threats seemed lame in the light of day. Thankfully, Rowan kept their secret. Three nights in a row, he fucked Rowan, just to prove he would do it even though Rowan’s mom slept across the hallway. Keegan even followed Rowan into the bathroom once while Kim was working in her study.

Keegan smiled at Rowan across the table. A big shit-eating smile that earned him a flicker of a frown. The only thing the little faggot was eating well these days was teenage jizz. Who knew how much Davon was feeding him now that he was back from holidays. Keegan did not want to know. He just sent Rowan over to the Ball’s whenever Davon asked. Risky sex was not so bad. Getting the blow job in the bathroom was increadible. Keegan went down on his drumstick for Rowan’s benefit. Rowan turned beet red. “Don't be vulgar at the table Keegan. We’re not your hockey buddies.” Keegan choked, pulled it free and muttered an apology to his father. He avoided looking at Kim.

“I'm going over to Hayden’s.” Rowan picked up his dinner plate and turned to the kitchen. The slut sucked cock or took it up the ass without hesitation now. The only way to get Rowan riled was to hurt him. He needed pain every so often. Davon was reluctant, so it was left to Keegan to keep Rowan afraid. Gotta talk to that fag Davon. He has to keep his end of the bargain.

“Take your phone.” Kim urged. Rowan nodded as he ducked upstairs. That bugged Keegan too. It did not matter if it was just Kim’s cast off four year old iPhone without a data plan. Keegan had to wait till he was fourteen before his dad squeezed the money out for a Samsung. Everything came Rowan’s way.

Rowan bounced down the stairs eager to get out with his friends. The small leather purse swung free behind him, brushing against his sexy little ass. The blood drained from Keegan’s face. What am I thinking?

“Hey! Kim asked you a question.”

“Sorry, I zoned out there. I've got something on my mind.” Keegan turned to Rowan’s mother. “Sorry, what did you ask me?” It was a question about hockey camp. Keegan shook off his confusion. This was safe ground. They talked about his annual two week hockey camp in Fort Qu'appelle. It was the height of Keegan’s summer. He would have liked to go to St. George where Davon went, but of course he was expected to stay with his grandparents. As a consolation, Rey was going with him this year. Grandpa Tyree and Grandma Finola had a boat so they could wave board. They were stricter than grandpa Henry, but they pampered him. He and Rey could cruise for local girls.

Kim got up to clear the table and wash up. It seemed like a good time to approach his dad. “Can we talk dad?”

“I thought we were talking kid.” His dad stretched his arms above his head and finished his beer. “What’s on your mind?”

Keegan glanced at Kim meaningfully. His dad did not take his hint. He gave up trying. “I'm sorry dad, this is a little embarrassing to talk about with mom.” He got points for calling Kim ‘mom’.

“Give it a try Keegan.” His dad encouraged. He leaned closer to Keegan.

“I'm getting older now.” Keegan looked at Kim again, genuinely embarrassed. “Jesus you make it hard for me dad!” Keegan blushed and tried again. “I really need my own room now. Rowan is still a kid for gosh sake. I'm a teenager and, well it's really hard without the privacy. Your a guy dad! You know what I'm talking about.” Kim came into the room as he confessed all this.

“Okay Keegan, I get what you are driving at.” There was a chuckle. His dad noticed Kim. He smiled at her with the superiority of an adult totally in control of his life.

Keegan turned to Kim. Time for another angle. “Rowan is a bit immature Kim. It can be embarrassing in the morning.” He had planned to pitch this to his dad. Kim made it humiliating.

“I think it is very mature of you to try to talk to us like this Keegan. You're right, you are getting to be a young man. Sleeping with Rowan is unfair. I”m just not sure what we can do about it. I need the space for my work and it's a small house.” Kim looked embarrassed herself.

“We need your mom’s money Keegan. Hell, she makes more than I do.” Keegan nodded his understanding, well aware that half of the money she made was actually Rowan’s child support payment. His dad and Kim never thought the boy's were listening to them. “I know you deserve your own room, but we just can't do anything about it right now.”

“I have an idea.” Keegan made his pitch. “One of us can move downstairs.”

“The basement?” The adults looked at each other.

“Listen, it can work. I talked to grandpa Henry and he agreed to help me finish a room. Look, just come downstairs and I can explain.”

“You guys don't even use the basement. You're always camped out in the living room.” This was true, Keegan thought. The house was old and both Rowan and he agreed the basement was depressing. It did not have to be. At any rate, Keegan was not planning to moving down there.

Kim and his dad stood in the middle of the musty room looking around at the dingy wood panelled walls and sparse furniture. Two narrow windows offered muted light. Keegan paced to the far end of the room. He turned toward them and waved his hands around. “Grandpa Henry says we can throw up a wall here for practically nothing. Look, I even measured the space.” Keegan pointed to a string laid across the room. It was just big enough for Rowan’s furniture.

His dad walked over and scouted out the space. “Well my dad is right. There is a heat register and some power on this end wall. The light is not separate. There would be no window.”

“Grandpa Henry has enough old lumber. He promised to come down and teach me how to do it. I even have the time before hockey camp.” Keegan was encouraged.

“So you want to move down here?” Kim sounded unconvinced.

“I thought I would. It would be cool to have the guys hang out there in the big space. It just needs a good cleaning, some paint would be nice.” Keegan shoved his hands in his pockets and looked innocently at them. “The thing is, Rowan likes the idea too.” Kim started to shake her head. It figured she would not want her precious little boy down in the grungy basement. “Rowan said he always felt like the room upstairs was mine. He said he wanted something all his own. We've talked about it quite a bit. I guess I don't mind if he gets the new room. Ask him when he comes back.”

The adults fell to talking. Keegan let them digest the idea. Kim was reluctant, but he could sense he had won his father over. “I'll talk to my dad and see what he says. It would take the pressure off the rest of the house.” The room ran across half of the basement. The other half was unfinished utility space. “The floor is all heaved.” Robert muttered.

“Not here where the room would be.” Keegan insisted.

“Maybe we could find the money for a small bathroom too. I suppose I could ask Kort to help pay for it, if it were for Rowan.” Keegan tried to keep his face neutral. God damn spoiled cunt. He had to put up with the kid for five years and she was going to reward Rowan with his own bathroom. “Could Henry move the old fixtures down here and put something fresh upstairs?”

“That’s starting to sound expensive Kim.”

“I’ll phone Kort before I head to Edmonton.” Kim seemed suddenly more positive about sending her sensitive little fuck toy down to the lonely basement at night. Keegan wondered if the fag in St. George wanted to buy some extra love with a big screen TV.

“I'm not saying no Keegan. Let the adults talk about it.” Keegan left it at that. Screw the bathroom, he wanted Rowan out of his room.

He sat on the edge of the tub flipping through pictures his friends had shared with him. There were some raunchy ones to choose from, but his favourite was actually a picture of Tessa sitting at her desk with a sweet smile. He flipped past a few pictures of Rowan taken by Davon. He paused at the one of the little cunt posing like a slut, arms tied behind his back. One round, dimpled butt cheek, smooth hip, narrow waist, and small boner, just waiting to get his pussy filled. Rowan’s head was turned away. All you could see was his shaggy mane. Keegan flipped through the set slowly. Davon was a fool to take pictures. Keegan found the picture of of Tessa he was looking for.

He propped the Samsung on the sink then pulled his pants down and reached for some lotion. Tessa had been his partner in science. She was friendly. Keegan recalled her soft voice. She liked yoga pants with a long top to hide her big breasts. Keegan wanted to touch those breasts. In his imagination, she was in his bedroom. They kissed. Her lips would be so soft. Tessa laughed at something he said, just like she did in class. Brushed her long dark hair back from her face.

Keegan came with his fist in a death grip around his cock. He had to hold himself up on the sink for a second. Tessa was so hot. Keegan looked at himself in the mirror, not much liking the heavy blemished face staring back. It would pass eventually. He would stretch out soon. His dad said so. In a few years he would be the kind of boy Tessa would date. He’d get fit at hockey camp. If I stay away from grandma Fiona’s cinnamon buns. Keegan reminded himself. His mirror image grinned at him. It was a good smile. Tessa responded to his smile. Keegan started to carefully clean up the mess around the sink. It's not like I want to tap Rowan’s tight ass.


”It's going to be great when you finally have your own room Rowan.” Zander added to the dirt he was smearing around his face. “We can sneak in and out of here and your mom and dad would never notice.”

Rowan supposed this was true. He glanced to where Brycen was cleaning the inside glass. He could see Hayden wiping down the outside. He flipped the switch and started up the shop vac. After that it was hard to talk. Paul and Zander went back to scrubbing years of grime off the blonde wood paneling. Rowan listened to the decaying cement rattle up the PVC hose.

This was not his project. Keegan made it clear that he and Henry had it all under control. It only took half a day to throw up a twelve foot stud wall across the end of the room. Henry and Keegan stripped the paneling off the back wall and used it on the new partition. Henry drove down with a battered door he had found in an alley. Rowan watched them enviously from the steps. It looked like fun.

Henry assigned Rowan to cleanup. The bedroom still needed walls, there was some new wiring to be added, and the floors were a mess. Paul and Zander helped him muscle the heavy shop vac up the stairs and back to the alley. Hayden and Brycen were slumped on the smelly old couch when they returned. His companions piled on top of them while Rowan scrounged some Pepsi's and a bag of chips. Hayden shared a seat on the trunk while they rested.

“It smells better.” Paul suggested.

“It's not so bad.” Zander assured Rowan. “Are you going to paint?”

Rowan shook his head. The adults were making the decisions. He stood up and walked away from his friends. He went into the dark space that would be his room. It would be cold in the winter. That was one reason the boy's did not like the basement. It would be his refuge from Keegan. Perhaps separate rooms would ease the tension between them. Keegan might lay off of him. It was cool in the summer anyway.

Two large garbage bags tumbled down the stairs. “Get out of the way girls.” A third orange bag followed the first ones. Keegan came down after them. He surveyed the room. “You girls do know how to clean. Now fuck off and let a man get some work done.”

“Do you need any help?” Brycen asked.

“Not from you spastics.” Keegan replied. Rowan signalled them to leave. He lingered behind to tell Keegan it was starting to look good. “Thanks.” Keegan replied. “Go play with your girlfriends.” That ruined the moment.

Keegan’s eyes followed Rowan up the stairs, then he turned to the bags of used insulation. Two days to finish everything and get Rowan out of his room. The last few days with his grandpa Henry had been awesome. Keegan ran a hand over the stud wall he had built. The old man had sat back and let him do it all. He had done the work and he knew he had done it well. Keegan felt good about himself. He dragged the bags into the bedroom and went back upstairs for the rest.

Part of the fun was driving the back alleys looking for junk they could use. Keegan had to respect the old man. He could sniff out furniture and fixtures. He and Keegan would haggle over a stained chair before pitching it into the back of the truck. The best stuff was going into his room, but there was going to be another couch for the family room.

Keegan stumbled to a halt when he reached the sidewalk. Tessa and two friends were walking toward him. He knew he was blushing so he busied himself with the next two bags of insulation. “What are you up to Keegan?” A girlfriend asked. He lifted the bags, letting them look at his biceps. The loose tank top hid his soft belly.

“Renovating the basement.” He kept his attention fixed on the girl, afraid to meet Tessa’s eyes. Keegan screwed up his courage. “Do you want to see?”

He held his breath, trying to look relaxed, while the three girls thought that through. “Sure.” Tessa replied for all of them. It was safe to look at her.

“It's a room for my brat brother. You know, give me some space of my own.” The girls wandered curiously around the construction. “It's cold down here, so I'm putting in insulation.” When one of the girls asked, Keegan admitted he was doing it by himself. “My grandfather explained what to do. It's no big deal.” But it was a big deal, and he was getting to show it off to Tessa.

Tessa touched his shoulder to get his attention. God almighty! I'm going to bone up in a minute! Sparks flew between them. “This is pretty cool.” Tessa was pointing at the panel of opaque plastic he had mounted next to the door.

“Oh that, there’s no window in this room. I thought the pussy, I mean Rowan, would need some light in here.” Grandpa Henry had been impressed when he suggested it. The old man had even hinted he might be able to find Keegan an actual job next summer. “Umm, do you girls want something to drink?”

After the girls finally left, Keegan slipped on a work shirt, safety glasses and gloves. The old man had warned him about the fibreglass. He stuffed all four walls. “Oh my God, Tessa fucking Anderson in my house talking to me!” Keegan screamed as loud as he could. Tessa had even suggested he have a house warming party to break in the family room. Keegan screamed even louder.

The insulation muffled his scream. Keegan turned around slowly looking at the used dirty yellow stuffing. He stepped into the larger family room and screamed. The loud noise bounced off the wooden walls. “What’s the problem?” Kim called down the stairs.

“No problem!” Keegan went back into the bedroom. He looked at the ceiling above his head, then at the remaining insulation available. He judged there should be enough. Some sort of ceiling panels would be better. Keegan grabbed the stool and started stuffing battens between the rafters.

The day before Keegan was off to hockey camp Rowan asked Hayden to come over and help him carry his things down to the basement room. They had to scramble, because it was really about protecting his things when Keegan, Robert, and some hockey buddies started muscling his few pieces of furniture down the stairs. Rey just swept his books off the shelf before carrying the small bookcase down.

They kicked his clothes into the hallway before carrying in Keegan’s new easy chair and desk. Robert had let them each have a can of beer as a reward. When Rowan took a last peak in the room, the older boys were all lounging in the room admiring the extra space. “I put all that work making you a room you little fag. From now on, this room is out of bounds, so fuck off.” Rowan turned away, there were no good memories there anyway.

Hayden was stretched out on his bed when he came in with a bundle of clothing. He shifted a leg to let Rowan dump everything. He sat up and helped fold. “It's not a bad room Pen.” Hayden surveyed the renovated family room with its scattering of salvaged furniture. “You can have us over without getting bugged by Keegan.”

“Yes, but I bet he will want to bring his friends down here too.” Rowan prophesied. “I'm not counting on him leaving me alone.” He looked at the blank white walls. He needed some posters. For some reason, it did not feel like his room. Keegan had built it, so it felt like it was his stepbrother’s room. Rowan still had no place he could call his own.

Hayden wandered back into the room. “You said there was going to be a bathroom down here?”

“Just a shower I guess.” Rowan felt oddly isolated in the basement. It was going to take time before he was used to it.

“I got you a present Pen.” Hayden beamed. “Give me your phone.” It was an old docking station for his iPhone with speakers. Hayden fiddled with it and the room was flooded with streamed music. “It can be your alarm clock Pen.”

“Thanks Rat, its cool.”

They lay down on Rowan’s bed, sharing the long bolster Rowan had found at a yard sale. They lay looking at the acoustical ceiling tiles, listening to the music. After a few songs, Hayden rolled toward Rowan. He pulled up Rowan’s t-shirt and looked him over. If it had been Davon, this would be a prelude to sex. Rowan’s cock stirred at the thought.

“You look okay. Is he leaving you alone?” Hayden scrutinized his face. Rowan assured him he was. It was hard lying to his best friend. Rowan was not even sure if he could. Hayden looked at him skeptically. “Are we done? Should we get out of here?”

Hayden’s hand was on his bare chest. They definitely needed to get off the bed and out into the fresh air. Rowan rolled over and started tickling his friend. Hayden’s heat excited him. As they tumbled off the bed onto the hard floor Rowan knew he was skirting dangerous ground.

Hayden landed on top of him and began a retaliatory attack on Rowan’s ribs. Rowan began laughing as he tried to sustain his own attack. “No, no, stop Rat!” Hayden had his t-shirt up over his head. Rowan tried to buck him off, but the shirt was behind his head now and he found himself letting Hayden trap his arms behind his back.

Rowan collapsed defeated. His smile faded. “What do you want to do a Rat?” Rowan shivered beneath Hayden.

Hayden sat straddling his hips, pressing down on his crotch. His friend rested his hands on the web belt. With a slight turn of his head, Hayden replied, “You get so serious Pen.” Rowan felt him shift against his erection. He could not hide it from Hayden. Hayden smiled slightly as he traced a finger around Rowan’s navel. “Dance it out Pen.” And Hayden fell on Rowan’s ribs without mercy.

Rowan cursed between his bouts of laughter. He arched his back, bucked, curled up towards his tormentor, but never asked Hayden to stop. Finally, Hayden fell forward until his head rested on Rowan’s bare shoulder. His body finally lifted off Rowan’s crotch. “Oh God Pen.” Hayden giggled into Rowan’s chest.

Hayden jumped up and turned away, one hand darting down to adjust himself. “Grab your soaker. We’ll find some guys and start a war.” He turned back to where Rowan still lay on the floor. “Do you need a hand getting up?” Rowan nodded mutely. He stood shuffling his feet until Hayden helped him untangle from his shirt. “There, you're free.” Hayden said softly.

The water gun was on the strange shelf Keegan had add all around the room. Keegan, or more likely his mother, had added silk plants here and there. Rowan hated them, but he was used to other people interior decorating his world.


Rowan’s mother stopped by to say goodnight. “I know it's a hassle to go upstairs when you need the bathroom. Henry will come back when he can to put the bathroom together down here.”

Rowan did not bother to tell her he had already started to pee in the laundry sink. That was his secret. She could go away. He was planning to FaceTime with Hayden and then his dad. It was the first time he had slept alone in memory. “You should remember to thank Keegan for all his hard work. I’m really impressed with what he did all by himself. Maybe we can get you boys a TV for the basement.” Roland could not help rolling his eyes as she left.

He read a book from his shelf until the phone chimed. It was Hayden as he expected, connecting with Hangouts on his Android tablet. Rowan hesitated, mindful of his embarrassing erection earlier. He was desperate not to turn Hayden against him. The smiling face that greeted him was reassuring.

“How’s the new room?” Warmth flooded through Rowan. There was room for improvement, but he was feeling better about it. He needed a desk lamp before school started. “Not a problem! I have that covered. I’ll bring it around tomorrow.” They talked about posters and having their own room warming party while Keegan was gone. Just thinking of it lifted Rowan’s spirits.

Their water fight had morphed into a joyful melee among friends and strangers. Rowan was drenched by sundry kids before Faith joined in the fun. For a while, they were just small town kids celebrating an Assiniboia summer, and he was an ordinary boy excited to see a beautiful girl in a wet t-shirt. It meant nothing to strip down in Hayden’s room and slip on a pair of his sweatpants while his dried. He could cosy up to his friend and share their latest game.

His dad knew about the new room. They had not talked for some time, so that surprised Rowan. When his dad asked about the bathroom he explained it would take time to change the one upstairs. Kort Pence muttered, “Son of a bitch!” and frowned towards Santino, hovering in the background. His dad asked for a tour, so Rowan walked around the basement rooms showing the partners in St. George the new layout.

Rowan forgot himself and asked when he could see his dad. That was awkward. His dad got upset and Santino put a hand on his shoulder. “I'm so sorry I did this to you Pen. It isn't fair.” He could not go on.

“Kort will see you as soon as he can Rowan. Please be patient.” Santino broke in. “It's not easy for him.” Rowan realized that it was the first time his dad's partner had ever talked to him. He set the iPhone down on his desk and walked toward the bed, hands clasped at his neck. When he turned around, Santino was gone and his dad seemed to be devouring him with his eyes.

“You're getting so big Pen.” It was wistful.

“Well I don”t feel that way most of the time.” Rowan retorted, thinking of Keegan and Davon. It was late. Soon enough it would be dark. Rowan no longer knew what to feel about that. “I guess I should go dad.” Tears filled his eyes. “I miss you dad.”

“Oh Pen, I miss you too.”

Rowan went back to his book. He read a chapter enjoying the story for a second time more than he had the first. He would get his iPad back from Hayden in the morning. One more night and he would be free of Keegan. Rowan stopped reading and stared at the wall thoughtfully. Since when did dad start calling me Pen? That’s Rat’s nickname for me.

The thought was interrupted by Keegan. His stepbrother stepped through the door and paused. “Not too shabby is it?” Keegan admired his own handiwork. “You're still dressed.”

“I was expecting you later.”

“Not my problem.”

“Can I get ready?”

“Not my problem Rowan. I'm starting to count. One…”

As his stepbrother started to count slowly upwards, Rowan stripped down. By five he was naked. He gave himself to twelve lubricating himself. Keegan had finally tuned into the fact that Rowan’s colon did not secrete fluids like a girl. Rowan waited sullenly.

“Okay then, I've got something cool to show you. Hold out your arms.” Keegan pulled a few strips of fleece out of an old gym bag and bound Rowan’s wrists. Rowan watched Keegan climb onto his desk chair. He fiddled with one of the ceiling tiles and it popped out. After some more fiddling with the floor Joyce Keegan had some sort of steel ring attached. “They would ask about this ring, so I hid it from them.”

Rowan started fighting with his bonds. He tried to pull the knots free with his teeth. This was the psycho sort of thing he was afraid of. Keegan jumped down from the chair. Rowan backed away from him, but Keegan caught his bound wrists. Pulling away just bought Rowan a light knee to his groin.

Rowan was lashed to the ring. It was just something new. Some next step. Maybe it was better than standing there like some idiot while someone hit you. “It was twelve right?” Rowan nodded and pressed his face into his arm.

Keegan liked him on his knees at the end of the bed. He liked to stand behind Rowan. Keegan entered him without much warning. Rowan stared at the white wall at the other end of his bed. He dropped to his elbows after Keegan found his rhythm. He closed his eyes and focused on the pressure across his gay spot. Take your time asshole, take all the time you want.

“Go on you pussy, I know you want to.” Keegan’s familiar taunting did not matter now. Later, the words would be a knife twisting in Rowan’s heart. All that mattered now was the climax.

“Oh God.” Rowan whispered as his hand groped for his groin. The sex controlled him utterly. He let Keegan’s angry thrusts drive his cock through his fingers. It was close, he could tell. He switched to cupping his tingling crown, coaxing his small stream out. “Now, now, now” he whispered. Rowan won the race. His palm was wet and the bliss carried Rowan away from Keegan for a sacred moment.

Keegan felt the boy’s cunt begin to spasm up and down his cock as he pulled back. It was disgusting watching Rowan jack himself off as he took it up his pussy. Rowan’s climax was carrying him over the edge. For a change, Keegan pulled out. He grabbed Rowan’s narrow hips and flipped him head over heals. The surprised boy stared up at his raging hardon as Keegan started jacking his jizz onto Rowan’s face. It blew Keegan's mind.

Keegan sat in the chair for a long time looking at the disgusting little pussy lying splayed on the bed. Rowan lifted an arm to touch his face, examined his fingers, and then let it drop on his chest. As far as Keegan could tell, the little cunt was simply staring at the ceiling.

Self loathing wormed its way through the cracks in Keegan’s armour. This was the way it was now. Rowan had his hooks in Keegan. It was so unfair. Keegan had been so happy over the last week. He looked at the room, remembering each step in building it. Learning how to hang a door from grandpa Henry. Tessa’s look of respect and interest as he explained the opaque panels he put beside the door. That was who he was. Rowan stole that from him.

The boy was just lying there waiting for him to fuck him again. Keegan stood up and walked over to Rowan. Angry, he grabbed the kid’s wrist and dragged him around till he was facing the other way. After looking at his body, Keegan flipped him over with a growl. He sat down in the chair and stared at the inviting cleft, drawn in by each barely perceptible movement of the thin calves louring him in.  

“You worthless little cunt. This is what you wanted all along isn’t it?” Rowan’s hand reached out. Fingers pulled the sheet to his mouth. Moments later, his shoulders were shaking. Keegan felt a stab of guilt. What are you doing? He had to push that thought away. It did not help. Everything would come crashing down if he pitied Rowan. The boy had taken everything. That was the only story here. A twelve year old faggot seduced them all while they were drunk. Rowan could destroy everything Keegan had left in the world.

There was a muffled scream from Rowan. His back bowed as he smothered the noise in his pillow. His lifted his squeezed buns off the bed as his disgustingly slender body vibrated. Keegan ducked away from the fresh guilt into old rationalizations. God damn you Davon for starting this with your perverted ideas. You needed me drugged. You knew the little son of a fag would go for it. Rowan collapsed. A knee was bent and the damn boy’s wet pussy was waiting.

He needed two weeks of sanity away from the selfish brat. Let Davon deal with him on his own. They deserved each other. Sure he had made mistakes. His dad said teenagers always made mistakes. Was it fair to expect him to keep paying for it over and over? Maybe Rey had it right. They should have killed the little cunt that first night. Keegan ran gibbering from that Horrible thought. That was madness. Davon was still right. Control Rowan. The disgusting boy was just a cock whore now.  

Give him your cock. You want it, he needs it. Rowan’s ass was like a little flower hungry for the bee. Keegan climbed onto the boy. His cock hardened as he rubbed his long shaft deeper along Rowan’s oiled cheeks. “Open your cunt.” He growled in Rowan’s ear. After a hesitation, the boy lifted his hips, knees sliding up to support his weight. “Go on pussy, I know what you want.” Keegan waited till Rowan's hands were at his crotch before he stabbed into the wet cunt. They both got what they wanted. Sometimes it seemed like a fair trade to Keegan.

Body of Work

If you are here on the midway then you have come to the carnival seeking entertainment, company and of course excitement. There are a dazzling array of rides suited your every mood. There are gentle rides that conjure up soft memories of youth and rides that lift you from the dreariness of your grind and send you flying ageless through the night. There are also the side shows…

If you are here then you are in the house of mirrors captivated by the reflections around you. They are all curved in some way. Every mirror is imperfect and every mirror draws your attention to something new. The mirrors magnify or diminish parts of what we think is real. Sometimes you like what you see and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you believe what you see and sometimes you can't be sure what has been distorted. The distortions are intentional and we flatter ourselves into believing the mirrors only stand arrayed like this in such places as the midway. Before you go back to the mirrors of your life step closer to this one.

Eliot Moore, 2007

Here is a summary of the wide variety of other stories I have published.

Awakenings: This ghost story was posted to Nifty in November 2016. Middle aged divorcee Jake begins renovating a 1900’s Craftsman home in an old neighbourhood. He becomes entangled with Will, the 18-year old ghost of a Great War veteran and Chris, a 15-year old homeless addict on a desperate quest. As Jake’s failed life is rejuvenated by his love affair with Will, he slowly pieces together the hundred-year-old connection that has brought the three of them together.


For Your Eyes Only: This novella was posted to Nifty in November 2010. Simon meets Glyn and his younger brother James one August evening during a neighbourhood game. Simon and Glyn become fast friends but it is Simon's secret game with James Fleming that helps Simon accept his hidden self.


A Fragile Light: This story was posted to Nifty December, 2009. Graham (28) goes to the Christmas Eve service to be with his husband John. He is alienated from his deeply religious family and detached from the warmth of the service. He identifies a kindred spirit teenage Theo and learns they have more in common than he thought as Theo is joined by Jesse. Graham leaves strengthened by the encounter.


Janus: This story was posted to Nifty July 2009. Michael (18) is coaxed into attending a summer party by his older sister. He is college bound and uncertain about the choices he has made. At the party his encounters with Lauren (19) and Scott (20) help him discover himself and make a decision about his future.

http://www.dabeagle.com/stories/eliotmoore/janus/janusdh.htm and


Hound: This story was first posted to Nifty the summer of 2008. The first draft was completed in 2005 and in truth I sat on it a long time before I decided to post it. Six-year-old Ethan Yates is abducted off the streets by a pedophile ring. Cast into a nightmare world he struggles to hold on to his identity. Isolated and confused, he clings to fourteen-year-old Peter. As the years pass their mutual need develops into an indestructible bond.


Turbulence: This novel was first posted on Nifty between February and June of 2007. Fourteen year old Daniel Murrell finds the hazing at Riverview High School as freshie a serious challenge. He negotiates it with the help and hindrance of his friends. After a long year of discovery, he comes to terms with his bisexuality.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/turbulence/ (first edition) and


Recovery: This story was first posted to Nifty in January 2007. Sixteen year old Greg Cox reluctantly joined his father in a small rural village in Saskatchewan. There his life becomes entwined with fourteen year old Seth Patterson. As he is slowly drawn closer to Seth he struggles with the memories and guilt associated with the loss of his mother, brother and sister while coming to terms with his promiscuity.

http://west.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/recovery/ and


Next: Chapter 6

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