Darkest Desires

By gaberial lair

Published on Feb 6, 2005


Disclaimer: Strong gay BDSM themes, if either of these offend you please do not read any further. This is a story, remember in real life the importance that everything is safe, sane, and consensual. Please do not reproduce or republish this story without consent of the author.

Thank you everyone for all the emails. I hope you enjoy Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

It had been six weeks and Robbie's beeper still had not gone off. He started to relax. Maybe the man had only given him the beeper to scare him. But when he was really honest with himself, Robbie was disappointed that Charlie had not called for him. No, he wasn't gay, he was sure, but still the brilliant mix... the way that leather wailed across the flesh the way his whole body exploded when he climaxed, that was enough to turn any straight guy to a maybe. It took a week before the welts finally slowly started to fade away and he had felt sad seeing them disappear.

It was two a.m. that night when the beeper went off stirring Robbie from his sleep. Groggy it took him a few moments to process what was making the irritating noise. His heart stopped as he picked up the beeper almost frozen in time. What did he do? He remembered Charlie's warning about not wanting to make Him come looking for Robbie believing the Man's words to this day. Scrambling, Robbie threw on a pair of jeans and ran out the door jumped onto his bike and raced down the streets in the cool night air with the wind against his bare chest, the petals of his bike digging into the bare soles of his feet.

The business district was dead quiet this time of night as he finally arrived 20 minutes later his body sweating his hands shaking consumed with dread and excitement. He locked his bike to a nearby pole and scrambled to the back door of the stranger's studio and dropped to his knees; his heart racing wildly now more out of nerves. What was he thinking? Why had he come back? What would the Man do to him tonight? He felt his cock stir just thinking of the possibility of maybe being fucked again, then shaking his head, no; he didn't want to be fucked again. Did he? Robbie was confused as to what was going on. If nothing else, the fear had brought him here he told himself. It was come, or perhaps have this mad man kill him.

Charlie looked at His watch seeing the young man arrive 27 minutes since He beeped. He made a note to Himself on a small post it scrawling "Cane - 27" down. He liked to keep track of His punishment counts. They let Him remember for future offenses. He fixed Himself a strong cup of coffee sipping on it letting another 27 minutes pass leaving the boy outside shivering on his knees. He would learn quickly as Charlie's other boys had, that there is no time to waste when that beeper goes off. There are serious consequences in making Charlie wait.

Charlie casually flipped through His scrapbook of boys. The dark portraits that He kept locked in His safe whenever He was not looking at them. Smiling as He recalled James. James had been His first. It had been sloppy; perhaps, Charlie wasn't prepared for what happened. It was a legit shoot in the woods originally, James had been modeling since he was fourteen years old, very talented young man, Charlie recalled. Something in Charlie wanted that boy who had grown into a fine young man, so polished and chiseled at 24. Due to the remote location, He had not brought any of His crew with Him. James had put up quite the struggle, but oh how the screams just drove Charlie on and on. Charlie ran a finger over the picture of James tied to a tree with his own clothes, his body bruised and bleeding. It gave Charlie chills remembering. Like the others, in their own shame, James had never told.

Locking away the collection of portraits, He prepared Himself mentally for what was to come. Charlie put down His coffee and picking up His long thin rattan cane headed towards the back door where the boy was still waiting. Charlie was dressed in a white dress shirt with an open leather vest, and a tight pair of leather pants pulled tightly over His black boots. An intimidating force as He walked out the door where the boy shaking already knelt. He spared no words, but stepped down hard on the boy's upper back just between the shoulders forcing his face hard into the ground. Bending down Charlie forced the boy's pants off Robbie's ass exposing it to the night air. Charlie held His breath for a moment, taken again with how lovely Robbie's bum was. It's too bad the cane will leave such ugly marks, He thought to Himself. Charlie's heart was beating hard in His chest, already seeing the marks to come. Brushing His hand against His cock through the leather, His excitement was escalating.

He stepped down firmly on the boy's back to hold him down as He brought the cane high in the air, saying nothing as it cut into the right butt cheek. The body under Him jerked but the struggle was minimal. Charlie's cock jumped with the body, the sound of the cane against the boy's flesh, the surprised cry of the boy. Charlie lifted the cane again landing a harder blow at the very center of the cheek, the screaming driving him on. Pushing His boot harder into the boy's back, landing five rapid blows making five ugly cuts blood slowly oozing from them across the bum. One after another the cane assaulted Robbie's ass. Robbie's agonizing screams filling the night air. The more he begged, the harder it drove Charlie purely in His element. Charlie never spoke a word, letting the cane do His screaming of displeasure for Him.

As the last blow fell, Charlie stepped off Robbie's back using His boot to kick the boy over to his back. Charlie put His boot in the center of the chest looking down at Robbie with His dark eyes placing the tip of the cane at the boy's lips. "Kiss My cane, boy, and thank Me for correcting your tardiness," came the cold chilling words from Charlie's mouth.

Robbie did not hesitate a moment as he kissed the tip of the cane not wanting another dose of its evil. Still sobbing as he said, "Thank You, Sir, for correcting me." Robbie's body trembled as his ass burned in horrific pain from the cane.

Charlie smirked down at the boy. Perhaps He had been wrong. Perhaps this boy was easily broken. Leaning down He finished removing the boy's pants and tossed them in the nearby dumpster. Reaching into His pocket, He pulled out a small bag containing a very thin chain with jagged edges that would bite into the flesh if pulled. He locked it around the boy's neck and then attached a leash to it. Words weren't necessary the boy would follow or suffer as He headed back inside.

Robbie followed in stunned silence. His ass screaming in agony as the blood trickled down his legs. He walked quickly to keep up with Charlie and to keep the edges of the chain from chewing into his neck. This man was a pro at this and Robbie had walked right into his trap. Deep down, Robbie had no doubt in his mind that he'd regret trying to stop Charlie. It was scary how the man's eyes could dance and how cold they seemed now. But the thing that had Robbie baffled was his own enjoyment in this mad man's cruel treatment. The traitor was again standing rigid throbbing from the caning.

Charlie led the boy back into His office, hit a button and waited as a large portrait showcase of some work He had done years ago slid to the side. It revealed a stone stair way cleverly hidden away. He yanked the leash hard towards the door. Taking the hint, Robbie went ahead of Charlie into the doorway. After both were inside, the portrait moved back and left the two in darkness as Charlie shoved Robbie forward. When Robbie fell down, he was not given a chance to get back up but rather Charlie just kept kicking the sore ass forward and down. The howls echoing off the stone until at last the stairs opened up into a dungeon.

Charlie removed the leash from the chain around Robbie's neck and attached just a small leather strap hand hold to pull on the chain if He needed to. Charlie had always used His toys until He tired of them and had never kept one longer then a few months, but there was something different about this boy. He was getting to old for this game and whether Robbie knew it or not, He owned him. As much freedom as that boy thought he had, he would never know freedom again.

Robbie could have died seeing the dungeon. Looking around in horror at all the sources of torture, he could not even begin to imagine what some of their purposes might be. In the center of the room was a large heavy wooden table. On the walls hung numerous whips, paddles, and floggers, Robbie's body hurt just looking at some of them. In one corner was a large wooden barrel full of canes like the one he had just been beaten with. The cage and stock he had built was also present in the room. There was a heavy iron door off to the right side off the room as well... Robbie was sure he did not want to know what was behind that door. The room also had large cabinets hiding what he was sure to be more instruments of torture. Charlie allowed the boy to take the room in for the moment.

"Lay on your back on that table," Charlie pointed to a wooden table in the middle of the room. Robbie, with his heart pounding hard against his chest, ran to the table and obeyed the Man having a feeling that disobeying would result in something far worst then what was already being schemed in the photographer's mind. The table had a rough surface with little wooden splinters digging into the flesh with heavy leathers straps bolted down to the table.

Charlie grabbed the boy's left arm and using the heavy leather straps secured his arm down then proceeded to do the same to each limb until Robbie was helplessly bound spread eagle on the table. Charlie got up on the table and sitting on the boy's stomach leaned down and kissed Robbie's lips tasting them and exploring the boy's mouth, his lips so soft for such a hard body. Robbie didn't return the kiss but he didn't fight it either. In time, Charlie told Himself, the boy will be begging for His kisses. The control He had to use last time to keep from exploring Robbie's body was no longer necessary as Charlie's hands rubbed up and down the strong body exploring over his stomach and chest.

Robbie had a defined six pack; his body spread only enhancing the beauty of the boy's muscles. Charlie clawed roughly over the flesh watching the muscles rippling. His nails leaving red scratch marks up and down the boy's chest and stomach, Charlie's eyes sparkled with pride in His new toy. Charlie's mind was already going about all the things He could do to this toy, things He could not do to the boys He let back into the world, boys that would again know their freedom.

"Yes, I do believe this is the finest body I've owned. You will continue to keep My body in peak physical condition, boy, do you understand?" Charlie asked releasing the boy from the kiss. Robbie nodded which prompted Charlie to grab the leather and pull on the chain. "Answer Me when I ask you a question, boy!"

"Yes Sir. i understand Sir," Robbie grimaced out as the chain cut into the back of his neck. Charlie stood up and picked up the cane from the entry way where He left it and brought it down across the boy's chest five times in rapid succession.

Robbie's screams filled the room his body jerking wildly against the restraints, "please! please! Sir i'll be good please Sir no more please i'll do anything i'm sorry please Sir" crying and begging until Charlie stopped bringing the cane down. Robbie struggled to suck breath back into his chest which was raging on fire, wondering how such a thin piece of wood could inflict such torturous pain.

Charlie went to His workbench to find a large cock gag and going back to Robbie He shoved it into the boy's mouth. Then He secured the straps around the back of the boy's head. He leaned down and whispered into the boy's ear, "you are Mine, you now only exist to please Me, only to amuse Me, I'll punish the smallest infraction severely; it's My promise to you, boy. I'll make you feel so many things, you'll never know what is going to come next but all you need to know is that you will live for whatever I give to you." Reaching down He rubs the boy's hard nipples in His hands. Walking to the other end of the table, Charlie leans over taking the boy's cock in His mouth getting the taste of His new toy.

He stroked the boy's cock in his hand slowly while circling the tip with His tongue. He rarely did such a thing to His boys but He always craved that first taste of their cum, He stroked the boy hard sucking the head of the cock in His mouth working His tongue against the piss slit feeling the cock throb in His hand. Looking up at the moaning boy for an instant releasing the cock from His lips, He commanded, "Cum, boy." Sucking on the juices as the boy's cock erupted in His mouth. The cum so sweet as He swallowed it sucking the shaft dry, knowing it'd be the last time the boy would be allowed to empty his balls for a some time to come.

He moved up to kiss the boy on the cheeks ruffling his hair, "Good boy you taste so sweet." Charlie then went back to His workbench to get out a chastity device and the locks needed for it.

"In the morning, I will allow you to return to your life again, but you will not be with anyone else and you will not get yourself off, boy. I own you and you will only play with this cock when I allow." The chastity tube would allow for the boy to still urinate, but it made it impossible for him to get hard or even get off the ring locked around his balls with a case enclosing them inside the device so only the very tip of the cock was exposed.

Charlie then went to a table and got a small envelope. "This is a list of places you will go on such dates and times and do whatever is asked of you. You will not see Me again until all of these have been handled. Do not be late and do not make Me look for you, boy, you will regret both. In the morning, you will walk home in only these, "Charlie held out a small pair of leather shorts that would just barely cover Robbie and would not cover the marks on his chest.

"The next time the beeper goes off, you will report to me here in only these shorts exactly 48 hours after the beeper goes off. I suggest you work on settling your affairs in the meantime or I will tie up the ends for you afterwards. Don't think about running, I will find you." With that, Charlie shut off the light and the left the boy strapped down for the rest of the night. He'd let the boy go home just before His employees were due to arrive for work. Just so the boy would have to walk humiliated home during the morning rush traffic. Yes, the time was coming; soon the boy would be fully His.

Next: Chapter 3

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