Daveys Story

Published on May 30, 2022


The 1998 Original Version of 'Davey's Story'

The Original DAVEY'S STORY

Copyright © 1998 by JD

Authors Note: This was the first diaper story I ever attempted to write so please go easy on it as it isn't all that good. Ever since I wrote this story though, I have wanted to rewrite it and make it a much better story. I wrote a couple of other stories after this one that were written just as bad and I will also include them here on Nifty. I just want everyone to know though that even though this one definitely isn't that great, I have since started re-writing this story which I will also start to shortly post here as well. The newer `Davey's Story' in my honest opinion is much better and shows great improvement in my writing. Then again, I was in my Twenties when I wrote this one and now over 15 years later, I think I have come a long way. I hope that no matter how you feel about this story that you will definitely give my newer version of `Davey's Story' a look as I can promise you that if you like my long story `Titanic' you should definitely love the new `Davey's Story'! For those who would like to email me, you can reach me at johndazel@hotmail.com. Please remember that if you like the stories here on Nifty to donate whatever you can to help keep this wonderful site up and running.

JD – May 29th, 2013

Chapter 1 "How my parents met"

Hi my name is Davey and this is my story. My story begins 20 years ago. The year was 1978 and was the year my parents met. My mom Debbie Long and my dad Jeff Brown met in their senior year of High school. They believed their love was stronger than anything and felt they belonged together. If you asked any of their friends they would all say the same thing that "Those two are inseparable". They were even voted best couple and the most likely to stay together. But I guess this was never meant to be.

Their plan was that after graduation they would find a place to live and get married. My dad's parents did not approve of this idea though and stated that if they were to follow thru with this plan that they would not support my dad thru college. Well as you can guess when given the ultimatum he chose my mom. Again they thought their love was strong and all they needed to survive.

Luckily my dad had a job down at the local supermarket as a bag boy so they did have some cash. Even though he had a job it still wasn't enough and their lifestyle was very poor. They lived in a small rundown apartment downtown that was still way to expensive for them. And true to their word my grandparents would not help them with one penny.

In November of 1979 my mom became pregnant. By this time my parents were not getting along that well. They hoped with a baby coming that it would make them close again, boy were they wrong. On January 22nd 1980 my parents decided to tie the not and got married. For awhile things would get better for them.

On August 21st 1980 Ashley Marie Brown was born. It was also the month my dad got a promotion at his job. With more money and a bundle of joy they had a new outlook on life. They ended up moving to a larger apt. in a nicer part of town and even got a car. And for the 1st time since their marriage they went on a vacation. They thought that things could only get better.

On August 8th 1981 shortly before her 1st birthday my sister died of SIDS. I guess you can say that this threw the finale nail into the coffin. My parents ended up blaming each other and fighting all the time. My mom went into a deep depression and got involved with drugs. By the end of August they knew the marriage was over. The divorce finalized on Oct. 10th 1981. My mom left town and moved across the country. Her reasons for doing this was partially to start a new life but mainly to hide a secret from my dad, me.

My parents lost touch and started to live their lives apart from each other. On March 16th, 1982 I was born as Davey Long. My mom informed the hospital and later myself that my father died before I was born. Later I would find this out to be a lie. 6 years later my dad won the state lottery and became 23 million dollars richer.


Chapter 2 "The Search"

My father never knew I even exited that is until June 1990. He was vacationing in Florida and happened to bump into Justin Hawk an old friend of both my mother and himself. Both of them couldn't believe the fact that they even bumped into each other, though Justin was even more surprised. "I thought you were killed in a car crash" said Justin. "What" said my father?

Justin then explained how he also happened to run into Debbie out in Nevada. He had asked her how my father was doing if I hadn't been there at the time my mom would have just told him that she left my dad, But instead I who at the time was 7 years old informed the gentleman that my dad was killed in a car wreck. So that his how he came to believe my dad was dead. This is how my dad found out about me. He asked Justin if I and my mom were still out there or not, but Justin didn't know for sure.

Later that afternoon after trying to find the best private eye he sat down with Jim Franklin. My father told him everything from high school to the run in with Justin Hawk. Well Jim was pretty straight forward and told him that there might be a chance that she does not still live in Nevada but was a good starting point. So Jim and my dad both went to Nevada to a small town named Red Creek. To my dads misfortune mom and I moved 3 weeks after our run in with Mr. Hawk. My father and Jim asked about my mom and me and there was several who knew her but none of them knew where she went. The people who seemed to know her best said that she was on the run from the law and that she was heavy into drugs. She and I had come to Red Creek on Jan 23rd, 1989 and left on May 9th 1989. So she wasn't there long before she moved on. Jim did manage to find where they came from before their stay at Red Creek, Las Vegas.

In Las Vegas they came across the hospital where I was born at and also got a copy of my birth certificate. They also found out that she was wanted by the local police for drug and prostitution charges. Well the lead turned cold and Jim told my dad that he would try and find new leads and when he did that he would call him immediately. So my Dad went back home to Michigan.


Chapter 3 "My Life with Mom"

It now was July of 1993 and I was 11 years old. Living with mom all these years hadn't been the best for me. My mom never did the stuff that other mothers did with their kids. Instead she drank and did a lot of drugs. I begged her many times to please quit, but she didn't listen to me instead she backed handed me. I had problems at school I was 11 years old and was in the 3rd grade. You see with all the moving around that we did I just never got a real chance to learn anything. I was having trouble with basic math (the pluses and minuses), I couldn't read, and I was slow in everything else. Don't get me wrong I wasn't stupid, I just didn't have the chance that I needed to learn, and I didn't have any help at home neither. Another thing that didn't help was that must of the other kids were cruel to me and picked on me quite often. The day that they found out about my other problem they got even worse.

You see no one was around when I took my first step I was 11 months old and had been locked into my room while my mom was out getting high. When she finally did see me she didn't even think twice about it. I also learned everything else without any help from my mom. But one problem I had seemed beyond my control and didn't even become a big issue until I was 5 1/2. That problem was toilet training. My mom just kept me in diapers but the problem was over the period of time the diapers were getting to small for me. So finally my mom did something with me. At that age I craved attention but never got it so when my mom gave it to me I was happy. I realized that my mom wanted me to learn to potty in the toilet but I also knew that if I did this that she would no longer have a reason to pay any attention to me, so I fought it.

By the time I was 6 I finally did learn to pee in the toilet but could not hold my poop and because of it pooped in my pants. So now at the age of 11 I still can't controls my bowels and by the time school is over I have pooped in my pants. I also still tended to wet my pants at times when I am not paying attention to my bladder. So the kids at school made fun of me. And when I got home I would get my daily beating for having an accident. The only time I didn't receive a beating was when my mom was out getting high or boozed up or when she was passed out.

At night I had to sleep on a bed that I had peed on numerous times before that never had a rubber sheet placed on it. So the mattress was saturated with piss and stank real bad. Also all my underwear were pissed stained and had shit stains in the seat. My mom hated laundry so I was only allowed to change my sheets and pajamas every Saturday. On that day I also had to drag my mattress outside to be hosed down and dried.

So the day the man walked on the porch of our house and asked me if I was Davey Long and I nodded and told him I was, I about jumped into his arms when he told me he was here to take me away from all this.


Chapter 4 "On the Run"

As Jim Franklin was helping me gather some things my mom and her current boy friend Tony came home. My mom about freaked when she saw a stranger in the house and of course yelled at me for letting him in. Jim quickly explained the situation to my mom and emphasized that he had authority by my dad and the court to take me back to my father.

"Do you have that order with you" asked Tony.

Jim then realized that he made a big mistake. He forgot the court order papers. "No I don't have it but the local police have been notified and have a warrant for your arrest Mrs. Long.

"Well until they show up on our porch you get the hell out of here" yelled Tony who looked like he was going to take a swing at Mr. Franklin.

Well the next few moments were spent throwing stuff into suitcases and then into the car. My mom and Tony knew that Mr. Franklin was going to call the police and that they didn't have much time. Everything was happening so fast my head was spinning. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I was to do as my mom told me, so I packed my things. Because of the experience of fast moving and not having very much it didn't take long to get everything we needed packed. We then all got in the car and drove away from the growing rapid sirens.

I don't know if it was a streak of courage or just stupidity but I started screaming and throwing a tantrum. All I knew was that my mom had lied to me and was trying to take me away from my dad.

"Cant you quiet that brat of yours Debbie?" asked Tony who finally made it to the interstate.

My mom didn't even give me any warning she just smacked me right straight in the face. That stunned me for just a second but my mom was prepared. The next thing I knew I was being injected by a needle. I knew from experience that it was a powerful tranquilizer. She had used tranquilizing drugs on me numerous times before whenever she wanted me out of her hair so that she could do the things she liked.

When I came to it was dark. I had slept according to my watch about 5 hours. I noticed two things right away. The 1st thing was that I was very thirsty and needed a drink. The next thing I noticed was that I had peed my pants in Tony's car. I knew the last time I did that he threatened to kill me if it ever happened again. That is why I decided that I would wait for a drink at the next stop, which I was hoping soon. Luckily they had the windows down or they might have been able to smell the pee.

A half an hour later we finally stopped to get gas. I quickly ran into the bathroom before either one of them had a chance to even notice that I was awake. It wasn't until I got my drink and attempting to dry my jeans that I realized that maybe this was my chance to escape. Luckily the bathroom" which someone happened to be coming out of" door locked behind me so Tony wasn't able to come in after me I had also locked the dead bolt. While thinking of my escape plan Tony pounded on the door and yelled to get my fucking ass back in the car. That was when I realized running as fast as I could out the door was not going to help me. I looked around the bathroom and noticed a small window above the sink and decided that this was my only means of escape.

I got up on the sink and opened the small window I then squeezed my small body thru the opening and started getting up. To late my mom was waiting by the window for me just in case I decided to pull that stunt. I knew that my only choice was to start screaming and scream I did.

It didn't take long for people to come to my aid. One gentleman asked my mom what she was doing to me. "I am sorry my son is mildly handicapped and tends to get into fits sometimes" said my mom. My mom then took back out the hypodermic needle and gave me another shot which started its magic immediately. "See he's fine now that he has gotten his medication" my mom said. She then put me back in the car and back on the road we were.

Before the tranquilizer had its chance to take fully affect of my body my mom yelled at and hit me continuously. I kept apologizing but she just wasn't listening. She finally stopped when Tony yelled that he was about to just dump both of us off along side the road. As darkness started clouding my mind I started wondering where exactly we were going. The last thing I thought I heard before I fell asleep was my mom mentioning to Tony 2 words "his Grandma".


Chapter 5 " Grandma"

I only met grandma (Mom's mother) once a long time ago; I believe I was 7 at the time. We had no where else to go and no money so mom decided that we would stay with grandma until she had enough money to get back on her feet. The problem was that she hadn't talked to grandma in years, so my grandma never even knew that I existed. At that time grandma had lived in a small house in New Mexico and was living on my grandpa's pension and social security. When we showed up at her door that night long ago she took one look at me and went berserk. I don't know much about what happened next because my mom had been prepared for such a reaction and had given me a tranquilizer before we got there. All I remember before I fell asleep was that there was a lot of yelling going between my grandma and mother. The next morning when I awoke we packed up what little belongings we had and left. I never did get to speak to her.

While out I dreamt about that first meeting with Grandma. I wondered if that was really where we were going or if I misheard. I really didn't know what to think about the whole situation. Somewhere in the middle of this dream the images changed and instead of seeing grandma I saw the man who had come to take me back to my dad. I also dreamt what my real dad looked like and how my life would be if I were to live with him. I dreamt of playing catch, camping, going fishing, and swimming which I didn't even know how to do. I don't know if it was because of all the water or if it was because of timing but the next thing in my dream became clear. I was peeing into a nice blue lake and watching the pee arch in the air but realizing at that moment that warmth wetness was spreading around my crotch, that's when I woke up.

I realized as soon as I woke up it was to late the bed I was laying in was soaked and I also could tell by the strong odor that I also pooped in my pants. I knew immediately that I was going to be in big trouble. I had been doing pretty good lately about pooping in my pants. I hadn't had a bowel accident now for 3 weeks and as far as anyone knew I hadn't had one for 2 months.

I had managed to hide the evidence of my last 4 pooping accidents, but I knew I would never be able to hide this one.

As I became more aware I finally realized that I was in a bed and not in the car. I also realized that I was gagged and strapped to the bed. Scared I tried to look around but the room was dark and with no windows. What I had thought was a completely dry bladder all of a sudden let loose another stream off piss all over myself.

I laid there for what seemed like hours until boredom finally overcame me and I fell back to sleep. As soon as I was asleep the dream of grandma came back to me. In my dream I saw grandma face again; a face that time took its toll on. The thing that I saw was not the wrinkles or the old grumpy and mean person before me but the face of a once beautiful lady. I remembered how on the next morning I wanted to talk to my new found grandma, but she was nowhere in sight. Later my mom told me that grandma had left early that morning and had asked mom to not be there when she got back. I also remembered looking at my mom and asking her why grandma was so mean. "Grandma wasn't always this way, before my dad your grandpa died she was the sweetest person you ever met." "But after your grandpa died she started hating the world and everyone on it." My mom said. I continued to dream about grandma that was until I was dumped out of bed.

I didn't know that it was coming when a fist socked me in the face. I woke up fast and realized that Tony had un-strapped me and was beating on me with his fist. He was obviously angry about something and I didn't know what it was. All I could do was cry and ask why he was mad. "You know God Damn why I am mad at you." "You pissed all over my back seat." Tony screamed at me. "Remember what I told you I was going to do to you." He asked. I just nodded and said yes. Tony probably would have kept his promise and killed me if my mom hadn't come in the room and rescued me from his temper. "Tony please don't hit him anymore he is just a little boy who was on a powerful drug." "Even you would have pissed on yourself if you were in his shoes." "Please don't take it out on him." My mom pleaded. Tony finally decided that he did enough to me and stormed out of the room. My mom then helped me out my smelly cloths and then led me naked to the bathroom across from the room I was in. she told to get in the tub and take a bath.

Later I found out that we were in some old cabin that Tony knew about. It belonged to a friend of a friend who also set them up with a different car just in case. That night we again were on the road this time mom didn't drug me and gave me a book to read. It felt good not to be tied up or drugged and I decided to just read the book and do whatever I am told.

The next afternoon we had made it to Tulley a small town in Utah. Tony drove us to a small dumpy neighborhood where several rundown apartments were at. It was one of these apartment buildings that we finally stopped in front of. Tony then helped us unload are stuff and set it on the sidewalk in front of the building. He then looked at mom and said goodbye and if she changed her mind she knew where to find him. It wasn't until later that I found out that Tony and my mom had gotten into an argument over me and my mom decided it was thru with them. Well we picked up our things and headed inside. At apartment 6 mom stopped and knocked on the door. The woman that opened the door was old and had a stubborn look on her face. Even though she looked much older and meaner he knew it was her, his Grandma.


Chapter 6 "Life at Grandma's"

The 1st couple of weeks at grandma's was real stressful on mom but I could see she was going to try and make it through this ordeal. She promised me that as soon as she got a job and a little money saved she would find us a small apt. of our own. Mom got a job as a waitress at the local Denny's and had to work 3rd shift, so she was gone all evening. After she got off she went straight to her 2nd job at local motel where she cleaned the rooms that people slept in. It was one of those 1hr motels, that was all my mom would let me know. By the time she got home it would be 3:30 pm and she would be exhausted. She usually went right straight to bed.

While mom was at work I spent as much time away from Grandma as I could. It seemed all she ever wanted to do was yell at me. It seemed that the minute my mom got home she would repeat the same 8 words everyday. "Do you know what your son did today" my grandma would say angrily. She would have some complaint about me even if I hadn't been in her sight all day. If you thought that was bad you wouldn't be able to imagine what she had to say about my bedwetting problem. I actually made it to the 3rd night at my grandmas and also my mom's first night at Denny's without wetting the bed. But that lasting would be to good to be true. And sure enough when my mom got home that afternoon "Do you know what your son did today" yelled my grandma. "He pissed all over my Guest bed" continued grandma. "And when he got up he didn't even bother to clean himself or the bed up, just ran off" grandma yelled again.

That night when I went to bed I noticed that grandma had put a rubber sheet on the bed. Since I never slept on a bed with a rubber sheet before it felt different. Over the next week that rubber sheet was put to full use. It seems that 1st accident triggered my bedwetting real bad again. I started wetting the bed every night after that. Pretty soon grandma started complaining about the constant wet sheets. She told me that she was not going to wash my sheets everyday but that I would have to sleep on them for 2 weeks. She told me that sheets in her house get laundered only twice a month. She told me when I wet the bed I was to pull back the blankets and let the sheets dry during the day. This didn't bother me because I was use to it.

While at grandma's I started to think about my dad again. I wished I knew where he was so I could call him and maybe even see him. Even though I thought about calling the police and letting them know what had happened I knew right away I couldn't. Even though mom had put me thru a lot I still loved and cared for her and in her own way I knew she did too. It was the drugs and booze that made her mean, but when she stayed away from it she was a halfway decent person. I just hopped that this time would be different and she would stay away from the drug scene.

I actually started liking my life with mom. Even though I didn't see her much she spent as much time as she could with me. On her days off we would go to the park or even sometimes to a movie. The few times I did have daytime accidents she even helped me keep it a secret from grandma and didn't even spank me. Every night she would get up at my bedtime and tuck me in and sometimes read me a story. I guess she was trying to make up for a lot of lost time. Before she went to work she would come back to the room and wake me up and take me to the bathroom to try and prevent any accidents. Even though it didn't help she still continued to do it. She would then put me back to bed and kiss me goodbye.

During the day I would get up at about 7 am get dressed, eat, and leave before my grandma got out of bed. Sometimes she would get up before I was able to get out and put me to work for the day, but most of the time I was out the door before she was up. Since it was summer a lot of the kids in the area got up early. And they would play around until it was time to go back home for lunch or in most cases till dinner time. Since most of the kids came from poor families they didn't have much to brag about and generally were easy to get along with. Even though I played with them I wouldn't say any of them were friends but more like acquaintances. We roamed the area streets playing tag and war and a bunch of other kids stuff. Also another nice thing was if I peed my pants by accident no one seemed to notice. But if I pooped them I would usually leave the group and find a spot to dump the poop out of them, and then would go back to the group and play. Later by the time I got home my pants were usually dried out and my mom would later take care of them especially if they were poopy.

I guess it was sometime during the 2nd month of our stay at grandmas that she found out about my daytime accidents. I was out playing with the other guys when I realized that I pooped in my pants and that I needed to pee also very badly. So like usual I left the group and started looking for somewhere private to do my business and dump out my poop. I started walking around the corner of the block I was on when I ran smack dab into grandma.

"I have been looking all over for you young man" She yelled while grabbing my arm.

She dragged me all the way back to the apartment. I tried to plead with her to let me go but she wouldn't. I couldn't help it by the time we got back to the apartment my bladder was bursting and I peed all over myself.

My grandma was shocked "boy you cant even control yourself in the day, what are you a baby?" She asked.

She never waited to here my answer but dragged me into the bathroom and started to strip me. Boy I thought she was mad and shocked when she seen me pee myself she went berserk when she notice that I also pooped my pants.

"Cant you control your bodily function?" asked my grandmother.

"I am sorry I couldn't help it, I was playing and the next thing I new was that I pooped in my pants" I exclaimed.

It didn't matter what I said she was mad and was going to stay that way. She cleaned me up as if I was toddler. It turned out that she was taking me to see a doctor about my bedwetting. It turned out to be a real embarrassing day for me. The doctor stated that there was nothing wrong with me that he could find except that my bladder was small for my age and that my bowel sphincter muscle was pretty weak. He told my grandma that given time I should grow out of it, that it was most likely a phase. Of course that night when my mom got home those 8 famous words came screaming again from my grandma's lips.

The next day I was surprised to see grandma up and dress when I got out of bed. When I came out into the kitchen to get breakfast the first thing she asked me was if I peed the bed in which I nodded yes. "Did you clean yourself up" She continued. I off course hadn't cleaned myself so I said no. She then ordered me to the bathroom where she stripped me naked and gave me a bath. "You want to pee and poop yourself like a baby then for now on I will treat you like a baby" Said while giving me my bath. She went on to tell me that the rules were going to change, and until I could learn to control myself I would have to follow the new rules.


Chapter 7 "Dad Hot on the Trail"

My dad through all of this never gave up looking for me. Him and Mr. Hawk tried every lead they could find. As time went by my dad started to feel that it was hopeless and that they would never find me. Jim Hawk told my dad how sorry he was to screw up as he did but he didn't even think about the court order papers. He told my dad that because of it he would do the rest of the case pro-Bono.

The 1st lead they tried was the license plate but it turned out the plate was stolen so that didn't go anywhere. Next they tried to find people who might have known them, but that to didn't work. Either they didn't know, didn't care, or weren't telling.

It wasn't until a week later that someone came forward with a good lead. The man who came forward was the guy from the gas station that we had stopped at on the way to grandma's. He had noticed a picture of me that Jim was lucky in finding at my school in the school yearbook, and had made several hundred copies offering a reward for $5,000.00 for information leading to my rescue. He told Jim that we had headed east, and he noticed the plate which turned out not to be the same plate on the car when Jim saw it. So that meant that they stopped to switch plates. The biggest news was according to the guy the plate was expired.

Later when Jim told my dad of the good news my dad asked why this was good news.

"Well my guess is that the boyfriend stole the plate I saw on the car because his plate was expired and either didn't have the money to renew the tags or most likely had a reason not to try like outstanding warrants" said Jim. "When he took off from the house he knew that I must have gotten his plate # and decided to take a chance with the old plate instead of the stolen plate." continued Jim.

"So when will we find out anything?" Asked my dad.

"Soon, soon" Jim Replied.

By the next day Jim had the information he was seeking. It turned out that it indeed was the boyfriend's old plate whose name was Tony Bernelli and currently was wanted on charges of check fraud and now kidnapping. With the information he also got a picture which he also plastered up everywhere with a $1000.00 reward. It didn't take long for one of his so called buddies to come forward and turned Tony in.

Jim informed the police of Tony's whereabouts and later that day was picked up. At first Tony didn't want to talk about anything until he spoke with his lawyer. My dad pleaded with the police to at least have a chance to speak with Tony. In the end they gave dad that chance since they knew nothing else was going to work. My dad, Jim, and the police sergeant in charge of the questioning went into the room they were holding Tony.

Tony and my dad looked at each other face to face and finally my dad spoke. "It is my understanding that you have a warrant out for your arrest, is that true?" asked my dad.

Tony nodded.

"Tell me do you think you will be able to win your case?" continued my dad.

Tony didn't say anything.

"I tell you what besides dropping my charges against you for kidnapping I will pay your bail and get you the best attorney money can buy to defend you against your pending charges." Said my dad.

Tony looked at my dad and finally spoke "You throw in shampooing my inside of my car and you got yourself a deal" Said Tony.

My dad looked confused and asked why such a strange request.

"Because your son is a fucking idiot who cant control himself and peed all over my backseat of my car" Tony said.

My dad agreed and Tony gave them the address of my grandma's apartment. With finally knowing where I was at Jim and my dad were on the way.


Chapter 8 "My Training"

It turned out the new rules were that I was to not leave the apartment grounds and I would immediately inform my grandma if I had an accident. If I were to have an accident I would be put into a diaper and forced to wear it the rest of the day. At night I was to wear a cloth diaper and rubber pants which was the same thing I wore during the daytime if I had an accident and that and a T-shirt was all that I would where. I knew right from the beginning I was going to hate the new rules. On top of that I had to come to the toilet every hour and sit on it until I did something.

My grandma claimed she would have me trained no matter what. With the system she had in place I did real good at not having accidents until about a week after the new rules started. She had decided that we needed groceries and made me go with her. While in the store I realized I needed to poop real bad and that I already had started and couldn't stop it. I knew right away what this meant for me and decided to try and hide the fact of what I done. On the way home though the hot car made my smelly pants reek even more and it didn't take long for grandma to notice. Boy was she mad. I pleaded with her not to diaper me that I couldn't help it, but like usual it didn't work.

So for the rest of the day I spent it in a diaper. Actually I noticed that even though I hated the shame that came with my diapers I was starting to like the feel of being wrapped in one. I guess in a way it gave me part of my babyhood that I missed back. My grandma told me while the diaper was on me that I was to use it for the purpose it was intended for. She also informed me that since it was so late in the afternoon that I would remain in this diaper for the rest of day and would be changed before bedtime.

Another thing I realized that I liked about my diapers is the fact that I no longer wake up in a cold wet spot every morning but instead wake up warm and dry except for my diaper. I also was amazed at how much pee it could hold. I knew that at night I peed a lot but never did it leak.

As far as this diaper was concerned though It didn't take long for me to use it. It was the 1st time I had ever peed in a diaper while awake. At that time I couldn't explain the way it made me feel except that it gave me this weird sensation that felt wonderful. Later in my mid teenage years I would learn more about this feeling.

It didn't take long until the next time came for me to wear a diaper during the day. I was out playing on the playground in back of the apartment building when I noticed a kid maybe 2 or 3 years younger then me. What I noticed about him was the fact that he had a big wet spot on his crotch. The kid who I later learned was named Tommy had noticed me staring at his pants.

He looked down at himself and then looked back at me and said "Your wet too."

I looked down at myself and sure enough there was a big wet spot on my crotch. In embarrassment I tried to cover it but it was to big to cover besides the kid had already seen it.

"You don't have to worry I wont make fun of you. As you can see I have wet myself too, by the way my name is Tommy and you must be Davey" said Tommy.

"How did you know who I was?" I asked.

Tommy said the obvious "Your the only new kid around" And so it was.

I later learned later that afternoon that Tommy was actually 10 going on 11 and was only about 8 months younger then me. I also found out that Tommy was not only a pants wetter but also a bed wetter. Even though his bedwetting was uncontrollable he states that his so called daytime accidents are mostly done on purpose. He told me that he doesn't like having to waste all that time going up the stairs and going to the bathroom so he just rather pee his pants then stop what he is doing. He told me he rarely ever uses the toilet and his dad doesn't seem to care about it so it was no problem. I ended up playing with Tommy until lunch time.

When I came in for lunch my pants had already dried but today grandma decided to make sure by pulling a surprise underwear test. Which of course were still damp and freshly stained with yellow pee. She could also smell it. So again I was in a diaper. Because of the diaper I voted to stay inside for the rest off the day. Later that afternoon Tommy came over and asked if I could play. I told my grandma that I didn't want him to see me that way, but grandma didn't care like usual. She made me go outside in just a diaper and long shirt that barely covered the diaper. Boy was I embarrassed. I just looked for a good tucked away spot out of everyone's view. Tommy followed me and we talked. That was when Tommy told me all about his life and how he wished his dad would give him enough attention to at least diaper him. We talked until my mom got home which was when I introduced Tommy to her. We all talked until mom had to go to bed after that Tommy decided he needed to go home and promised that we would get together tomorrow.

After Tommy left I just went to my room and stared out the window, about a half hour later a big fancy car pulled up to the apartment complex. I knew right away something was about to happen because cars like that just didn't pull up to places like this unless for a reason. The 1st man to get out of the car was of course a stranger to me, but I recognized the 2nd man to exit from it instantly. It was the man who promised to take me to my Father!!!


Chapter 9 "I Meet Dad"

I couldn't believe my eyes, the man from the porch at our house found me again. I thought about running down to him before anyone knew what was happening but knew I would probably regret pulling a stunt like that. I decided to wait and just see what happens. To my surprise a police car had also pulled in front of the apartment building "this time my dad was prepared". It didn't take long for them to get to our apartment and knock on the door.

In the other room I heard my grandma answering the door. "May I help y..." I heard her start say.

The reason for her mid sentence stop was because she had recognized dad and saw that there were a couple of police officers with him.

"Debbie get up and out here right now" I heard my grandma scream.

I decided to come out and see them, but before I could come into full view of the door Grandma screamed for me to go to my room. I went back to my room but left my door open so I could listen.

"Mrs. Long can we come in" I heard someone ask. The same person continued to say "This is Jim Franklin he is a private investigator and of course these two gentleman behind me our from the local police dept. You of course know who I am".

My grandma quickly stated no that they could not enter her home unless they had a warrant.

The man responded "we will leave if you let us have my son, he rightfully belongs to me".

Then it hit me the man speaking was my dad. I finally heard my mom coming out of her room and decided that I no longer could stay in my room no matter what happened. I wanted to very badly meet my dad. Well as I went out there 2 things happened very quickly the 1st was when my mom entered the room and came into view of the door one of the officers asked her if she was Debbie Long and before my mom could barely shake her head he entered our apartment and slapped a pair of handcuffs on her.

"You are under arrest for kidnapping and misc. drug charges, you have the right to remain silent if you say anything it could and will be used against you in a court of law" said the officer.

I couldn't believe what was happening here my mom was getting arrested and her rights read to her. The next thing to happen was the man I heard talking and assumed was my father ran up to me and picked me up and hugged me. I didn't know what to think but I decided that I was happy to finally meet my dad and hugged him back.

"Wait a dam minute you may have a warrant on my daughter for a untrue crime but you have no right to that child. He is my grandson and until I see proof that he is your son (she pointed at my father) I don't care what kind of papers you have." Yelled my grandma.

My father (who was still holding me) looked at the officers and asked if she could do that.

"I am afraid she is right until a court here tells us that this is indeed your son and that the papers you have are recognized by the local government we cant do anything" said one of the officers.

Dad who I could tell was unhappy for hitting another wall in his way to his goal set me down on the floor and said goodbye to me and promised me that we would be together soon as he left with Mr. Franklin, the 2 officers, and my mom.

After they all left my grandma looked at me and started yelling at me as if it were my fault. "Now look because of you your mother is going to jail and like always I will have to bail her but out" yelled grandma. She then got on the phone and called a friend of hers who happens to also be a lawyer and asked her to come over. I was then again told by grandma to go back to my room and close the door and play. About 20 minutes later a woman came to the door and I figured it to be the lawyer friend. I tried to hear them but because of the closed door I couldn't quite hear what they said except for bits and pieces. Well I figured I guess I will find out later maybe, and later I would.


Chapter 10 "Court"

Mom came home about 2 hours later released on bond. She had a court date set for tomorrow at 2pm and hopefully according to grandma all kidnapping charges would be dropped and as for the misc. drug charges the DA said that they will drop those as well. That night before mom left for work she like usual came in to tuck me in I decided now would be a good time as any to ask her a question that has been bothering me all day.

"Mom, are we going to have to move again?" I asked.

My mom just looked at me and shook her head "I am tired of running and feel it is time to make a stand" Mom said.

"Mom was the man that came here today really my dad" I asked?

Mom just sighed and told me to go to sleep and that she would talk to me later about it.

The next morning not only did I wake up to a wet bed but I noticed that I also pooped in my pants. On top of all that grandma walked in as I was getting undressed and noticed what I done.

"I swear child I do not know what I am going to do with you" said grandma.

She gave me a bath and stated that since I pooped in my bed that she was going to make me wear a diaper all day. She put the diaper on me and gave me a pair of my sweat pants and a t-shirt to wear outside. With the diaper on I was to embarrassed to play with the other neighborhood kids so I just hung around the back of the apartment building.

I was entertaining myself with some matchbox cars and was not paying attention to everything around me, when Tommy came up behind me and actually scared the piss out of me and I don't mean figuratively.

"What you doing" asked Tommy?

"I'm just playing with my cars" I answered.

Tommy looked at me closely and stated "you are wearing a diaper aren't cha".

I looked at him and pleaded not to tell anyone and again he reminded me to not worry that he would not tell. About an hour later I noticed that Tommy's crotch was growing a wet spot. I pointed it out to Tommy who decided that maybe he should go ahead and go inside and change since it was almost lunch time anyways. He asked me if I would be out after lunch and I said no that I had to go down to the courthouse with my mom and grandma this afternoon.

I went in to eat lunch but was surprised to learn that grandma was going to take us to McDonald's on our way to court for lunch. Before we left grandma changed my diaper and handed me the clothes that she wanted me to wear. I quickly got changed and off we were to McDonald's then to court.

We arrived at the courthouse around 1:45pm so we were a little early. Mom took me to the courtroom and found us a place to sit while grandma waited outside the courtroom for her lawyer friend. The Lawyer got there about 5 min. before court was to start and had a quick meeting with my mom and grandma to let them know the newest information she had on the case.

The courtroom was quickly becoming crowded with other people who were going in front of the judge. Because of all the people my mom's case didn't come up for quite awhile. By 3pm I noticed that I needed to poop real bad and mom's case still hadn't come up yet. I decided to ask grandma if she would take me to the bathroom.

"Grandma I need to poop real bad and I need help to take the diaper off" I whispered to her.

She just looked at me and said that I was to hold it or just use my diaper because that was why I was wearing it. I tried to hold it but just couldn't and soon I felt the familiar feeling of pooping my pants. On top of that I also ended up soaking the diaper also and knew that I needed to be changed real bad. Luckily mom's case was finally announced.

"The STATE OF UTAH vs. Debbie Long case #5674898-g" announced the court clerk.

My mom and the lawyer then went up in front of the judge and presented themselves.

"Mrs. Long you have been charged with not only Kidnapping charges which is a C Felony in this state but you also have been charged with misc. drug charges which is a. A type Misdemeanor" Said the judge.

The judge then asked my mom if she understood the charges brought on her and she nodded her head and said yes.

"I see that you and the prosecutor have worked out a deal are you willing to accept this deal" asked the Judge.

Mom again nodded her head and said yes.

"Let's see the kidnapping charges are being dropped because of no proof that a kidnapping ever took place and the prosecutor has decided to recommend probation for the drug charges, is this correct" Asked the judge?

Mom again said yes.

"Okay it is the judgment of this court that all kidnapping charges will be dismissed and as for the drug charges I sentence you to 3 years of probation" BANG BANG "next case" yelled the judge.

As we left the courtroom the lawyer turned to mom and grandma and said "Okay we got step 1 done and taken care of, now step 2 is going to be more difficult". She went on to tell them that my dad had already filed a custody hearing to gain custody of me. She continued to tell them because of the money that dad has he already has an advantage. The only problem for dad was that he had to give enough evidence to prove that he could possibly be my father before the Judge would even consider genetic testing. This was supposed to be good for my mom because if he doesn't get that test done there is no way he can prove he is the father so the case will be closed and everyone can go back to their own business. At this point in time I really didn't understand all this and it wasn't until recently that I began to understand what was happening.


Chapter 11 "Tommy"

It wasn't until next week when mom was served with the custody hearing papers and the initial court hearing wasn't until 3 weeks. In the meantime I got to know Tommy real well and even spent the night at his house a couple of times.

Grandma wouldn't allow him to spend the night at our apartment because she said one bed wetter was to much to handle and she wasn't going to take on another.

Tommy's apartment was a wreck and smelled real bad. I decided that Tommy was too good of a friend to lose to make any comments to him about his place. I knew that it would be a sensitive topic. Besides I was kind of use to that type of atmosphere anyways.

I also learned that ever since his mom died 2 years ago and left only him and his father things have been rough for him. He told me sometimes his father beat him for no reason and other times would ignore him like he wasn't even there. His father was also a very well known alcoholic around the apartment building, which by the way according to Tommy only got worse after his mother had died.

The first couple of times I stayed with Tommy his dad was not around and I figured Tommy had planned it that way. But the last time I stayed there his father came in real late after we had gone to bed, and dragged Tommy right out of bed for no reason and started beating him. He even took a swing at me and gave me a black eye. When I came home that morning and mom found out what happened she was pissed and told me I was no longer allowed to stay at Tommy's. She also went and threaten Tommy's dad who by the way didn't even remember last night. He told my mom that if he did take a swing at me I must have done something wrong, boy was mom pissed when she came back from his apartment. She again reminded me to stay away from Tommy's dad and if I wanted I could still play with Tommy outside or if grandma agreed in our apartment.

About a week before court I noticed that the police were at Tommy's apartment and I decided to break my mom's rule about not going near Tommy's place. What I saw was the police hauling off Tommy's dad. I decided to ask one of the neighbors that was hanging around what was happening. According to the neighbor Tommy's dad had come home this morning and beat up his son so bad that he put him in the hospital. The hospital just recently informed the police that the broken child was indeed physically abused and they highly suspected the father so the police were sent to arrest him.

I was really concerned about Tommy and asked if Grandma would take me to see him.

"Kids are not aloud in the hospital" was all she told me.

A couple of days went by and all I could do was think how Tommy was doing. Because my concentration was on him I did not end up concentrating on my bladder and bowels so I ended up having plenty of accidents which I even managed to hide from Grandma the first day but got caught the next day, so again I was in a diaper.

Finally on mom's day off I asked her if we could go see Tommy and she agreed to take me. I guess she realized Tommy was probably the only real friend I ever had. We left for the hospital later that afternoon. Tommy was in the children's ward and was luckily awake when we got there. Boy I was shocked to see what he looked like, his face was all swollen and red and there were cuts all over it. One of his legs was in a cast and so were both of his arms. Even though I could tell he was in pain I knew that he felt better seeing me there. The nurse gave me and my mom 30 min. to see him then we had to leave. I told Tommy how the police came and arrested his father (by the way when I mentioned his name I could tell Tommy was scowling). Tommy also told me how they had put him in real nice soft comfortable diapers, and how they come to change him when he needed it. It was as if he was a toddler again and he said he loved the feeling and the attention. Before I knew it our time was up, I promised Tommy I would be back as soon as I could to see him again.

As we left I asked the nurse how long she thought Tommy would be here. "Probably another week at the most" she said. As me and mom left I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to Tommy since his father was in jail.


Chapter 12 "Genetic Testing"

The day of the hearing finally arrived a few days after I saw Tommy at the hospital. Even though mom had a decent lawyer they still were not prepared for my dad's offensive. When the lawyer told my mom that I had to be there my mom refused but in the end had no choice since I was going to be questioned by the judge. Both mom and the lawyer grilled me real well for anything the Judge might say or ask, but in the end I decided to be honest and truthful.

As I said dad had been prepared. He not only have the friend that originally told me that I existed, but he also had several other people some who I recognized like Tony mom's last boyfriend and many others that I didn't but seem to look familiar to me. Since this was a closed hearing we were the only case that this Judge was going to hear today and he began it as soon as we showed up. The case # was called off by the bailiff and was started.

"Okay let me see here. You Mr. Brown are suing Mrs. Long here for custody of the minor child David Long who is now currently in his mothers custody" asked the judge.

"That is correct your honor" replied my dad.

"Your honor at this time we would like to remind the court that the minor child in question has been living with his mother since birth and there is no proof whatsoever that this child is this mans son. With this brought forward I would like to ask the court to kindly dismiss this case." asked my mom's lawyer.

"Is this true" asked the Judge to my dad's lawyer? No your honor we have every attention of not only bringing forth proof of are intent but also plan to prove beyond a doubt that the minor child is indeed Mr. Browns son. Said my dad's lawyer.

"Okay with that said I am afraid councilor (addressing my mom's lawyer) that your motion is denied at this time" stated the Judge. "Councilor you and Mr. Brown may go ahead and present your case, but be warned I have given all the leeway that I am given to you at this point in time." continued the Judge.

The rest of the day was spent listening to my dad's lawyer presenting their evidence and my mom's lawyer objecting.

While all this was going on I realized that I needed to use the bathroom and was about to pee my pants when the Judge noticing my discomfort halted the proceedings for a 15 min. break. I ran to the bathroom as quick as I could. As I entered the men's room I lost control of my bladder and started peeing in my pants. I ran to the urinal and finished in the urinal. After I finished I surveyed the damage to the front of my pants. There was a small wet spot on my pants and my underwear was very wet. I took off my underwear and tried to dry them out under the hand dryer.

Now here I was standing in the men's room with my underwear in my hand trying to dry them off and all I have is a shirt on and was completely naked from waist down. It would have been a very embarrassing situation if someone had walked in right then, but luckily no one did. After I got my underwear as dry as I could I did the same with my pants. By the time 15 min. were up I was redressed and back in the court room. Hopefully no one was the wiser and didn't know that he didn't quite make it to the bathroom in time.

The rest of the afternoon was pretty much the same as earlier and it took everything I had to keep myself from falling asleep from boredom. Finally the Judge called out my name and I was asked to come forward. First the Judge asked me if I knew the difference between the truth and a lie and would I tell the truth to him. I answered him yes on both questions. The Judge then proceeded to ask me about my life in general with my mom and if she ever told me about my father. I answered him the best that I could and was as honest as I could be about the situation. The last question the Judge asked me was if it turned out that if Mr. Brown was indeed my father and if it was my choice would I want to live with Mr. Brown or my mom. I thought about this question for sometime and finally decided on my response.

"Your honor I guess since I have lived with my mom all this time and had a chance to get to know her I think that it is only fair for me to have a chance to live with my dad and have a chance to get to know him too." I said.

The Judge looked at me for a min. and stated "A very good answer and well thought out". He then dismissed me and took another brief recess which was fine for me because I again needed to use the bathroom.

After the recess the judge entered the courtroom and said "First I want to tell you that this is a hard decision for me and I know that whatever decision I make is going to hurt someone, so the only logical thing to do is see to the child's best interest. Mrs. Long you have yourself a well behaved young man here and smart too, and even though I have heard some things in your life that I don't like that are not good for raising a child I still think you have done just as good of a job as any one else could have. But then there are those transgressions in your life that suggest that maybe you are not quite fit to be mothering this child. But when it is all said and done with it is not my place to decide at this time where this child will be placed. It is only my job to decide whether or not there is enough evidence that this child should be subjected to DNA Testing. And so it is my decision that there is enough evidence to have the child DNA tested. The court hereby orders the minor child David Long to be taken to Mercy hospital tomorrow at 3pm and have his DNA tested along with his mother Debbie Long and supposed father Jeffery Brown." BANG BANG.

By the time we left it was almost 5pm and almost dinner time. I also realized that my mom might be mad at me for what I said. Luckily my grandma hadn't been able to come today or she might have bitten my head off for what I said. I looked at my mom and asked her if she was mad at me for what I said.

At first I thought she was mad but then she sighed and said "No honey I am not upset with you, you were right to tell the judge your feelings I am just a little disappointed is all."

"How about we forget what happened today and grab something to eat" asked my mom?

I just smiled and agreed.

3pm the next day came quickly and before I knew it I was having a blood sample taken from me. After they had taken the blood I then went down the hall to see Tommy while mom was getting herself tested. Me and Tommy talked for awhile and I asked him how he was feeling. I noticed he looked much better and seemed to be stronger but I was still scared of possibly loosing my best friend. He then told me something that I couldn't almost believe his own dad had hung himself in jail using his shirt.

"And you know the worst of it, I found out because of the news and no one here hasn't mentioned a thing about it yet." he said.

"So what is going to happen to you then"? I asked.

He just shook his head and said he didn't know. Mom came in shortly after that and said we had to leave. I said goodbye to Tommy and we left the hospital. As we were driving back to grandma's mom looked at me and said it smells like someone needs to change his pants. I quickly looked ashamed of what I did and knew I from the smell that I pooped my pants. Trying to change the subject and also find out something I asked mom how long would it be for the results to come back.

Mom looked at me and said that the results were supposed to be completed by next week sometime. She then went on to say "Honey the man in the courtroom today, Mr. Brown well he is your father after all and when those results come back he is going to try and take you away from me. Do you understand"?

I nodded my head yes that I understood but I also wanted to know why I couldn't live with both of them. Mom just said that was not an option and that she was going to fight for me and do what ever it takes to win. I just sat back and thought about what mom said on the rest of the way home.

Next week the results did come in and they did show that Mr. Brown was indeed my father. With the new evidence my father again went forward with the legal proceedings. A new court date was set up for the following week. Normally my dad would not be able to get a court date so quick but since it was a small community and my father had the money to pressure the right people he was able to move the case faster then normal. The court also ordered my mom to present me at the court 2 days before the hearing so that I could have a chance to meet my dad and spend a couple of hours with him. Monitored of course by the court Liaison I couldn't wait for the day to come.

Also during the time we were waiting for the test results to come back Tommy was finally moved out of the hospital and was placed in a facility that housed orphans waiting to be placed in adoption or foster parent programs. I got to see him one last time before they moved him and took him to the home which was in Salt Lake City. Before I left that last time I promised him as soon as I could I would come and see him. I then went back home that day with mom and thought of what the future would bring to me.


Chapter 13 "Me and Dad's Outing"

The week went by slowly and I started to think that me and dads visit would never happen. Another thing I noticed that week was that for some reason I didn't have any daytime accidents except for 1 small peeing accident. I still of course was wetting the bed but I never pooped in my pants all week. The day before my visit with dad was the day I had wet my pants. I was out playing with some of the neighborhood kids and I didn't realize that I had to pee until it was too late. I was pretending to be a cop chasing after a couple of other kids who were supposed to be crooks when I noticed the familiar wet feeling growing on my crotch. Boy was I embarrassed. The other 2 kids didn't realize at first what had happened but then one of them noticed and pointed it out to the other kid. When they started pointing and laughing I couldn't help myself I turned around and ran back home crying.

While running I could still hear the boy's laughter and jives. "Ooh look little Davey has peed his pants and now is running home crying." They yelled.

When I got home Grandma was no comfort to me whatsoever. She thought it was about time someone made fun of me and proceeded with diapering me for the rest of the day. I spent the rest of the evening sulking until bedtime. The last thing I remember before I fell asleep was that soon I may be living with my dad.

I wasn't supposed to meet dad until after lunch that day so mom took me to Hardies before we went to meet my dad. While there mom started to talk to me.

"I realize honey that living with your grandma has not been a picnic for you, and that I realized I haven't always been the best mother to you."

"I don't blame you at all for hating me but please if you can please forgive me."

"I don't know what I would do without you I need you in my life and I promise to stay away from the booze and the drugs." said my mom.

I looked at my mom and saw tears in her eyes and told her not to worry that I still loved her and would always love her no matter what. After that she seemed to look much better. Right before we left mom asked me how I would feel about being able to spend all evening and tomorrow morning with dad. I couldn't believe she was going to let me do that.

"Yes can I?" I asked!!

"Yes you may" mom said. "I just have to work it out with the court.

What I didn't know at the time was that dad had asked if he could see me longer. Mom had refused immediately to the question but was talk into doing it by her lawyer. The lawyer thought it would look good to the court if she was a little more understanding to the father's needs with the child. So my mom had agreed only if I was okay with it and that she would have the answer by the time of the visit. So when we got there dad was happy that he was going to get more time with me and unsupervised as well. We both agreed later that it was much better to spend time with each other then to have some nosy person watching everything we do together.

After we got into dad's car he looked at me and asked me what I wanted to do he said ask away the sky's the limit except that we would have to be able to fit it into the allotted time we had with each other.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Yes anything" my dad again said.

"Well I always have wanted to drive one of the go-carts at GO-CARTS AMERICA" I said.

So that first afternoon we went to GO-CARTS AMERICA and rode go-carts, played miniature golf, and played at the video arcade.

I was having so much fun I had forgotten to pay attention to my bodily functions and ended up having a accident. Boy was I embarrassed, I didn't want my new found dad to realize what I had done so I decided to accidentally spill my soda that I had on me. Well luckily the soda trick worked and to my knowledge dad was none to the wiser. After that we went back to his hotel where I changed my pants and dad had the ones I had on sent to the hotel laundry. We then went to an expensive steak house and ate a huge meal and then went to see a movie together. The movie was one that I had been wanting to see but hadn't been able because mom said that it cost to much to get in and that I could wait until it came on TV to watch it. Before the movie was over I fell asleep, and it wasn't because the film bad it was just because I was exhausted and had a long day.

The next morning I awoke to find myself in a strange bed and realized after a few min. that I was in dad's hotel room. I looked over at dads bed and found it empty and was about to get up when I also realized that I was soaking wet.

"Dam" I thought, "I peed all over the hotel's bed now dad wont want me when he realizes that I have bad plumbing and because of it leak all the time."

Dad then came into the room a startled me "oh your awake get up and get dressed then we will go down to the hotel restaurant and have breakfast" said dad.

I then knew that there was no way to get by the fact of what I had done.

"Dad I have a problem and because of it I had an accident and peed all over the hotel bed"

While I was telling dad about this I had threw back the covers and let him see for himself. I also started crying out of shame afraid of what my dad was going to say. What dad did say surprised me.

"I figured this might happen so I had the hotel put a rubber sheet on your bed last night before I put you in it." dad said.

A look of confusion must have showed because dad continued and explained what had happened last night. "You see you fell asleep shortly before the movie ended and I tried to wake you when it was finished but I was not successful in doing so, so I had decided to just carry you back to the car and take you to the hotel and put you to bed. When I picked you up I noticed that you were wet and realized that you had peed your pants. This made me think of something Tony told me (your mom's ex-boyfriend). He said that you had peed your pants in his car. So when I got back I called the front desk and had them put a rubber sheet on your bed then while they were doing that I got you cleaned up and put you in your pajamas and then to bed. You woke up briefly while I was doing this but went right back to sleep after you got in bed. I guess you weren't awake enough to remember what had happened." my dad told me.

I looked at him and asked if he was upset that he had a son who still had accidents. He again surprised me with his answer.

"Nope I still love you no matter what and besides I also wet the bed at your age" answered my dad.

I then got out of bed and pulled off my pajamas right in front of my dad and noticed to late that I not only wet the bed but I also pooped in my pants. Dad realizing what happened again made me feel better by telling me that he knew about that to. The reason he said that he had to clean me up last night was because I had pooped in my pants. I then knew I had to tell dad the truth about my first accident and again was surprised by his answer. He told me he figured after what happened last night that must have been what really happened.

I quickly got cleaned up and dressed so that we could go eat breakfast together. At breakfast me and dad talked in great detail about our individual lives. He even told me more about his toilet problems when he was young. They weren't as severe as mine were but they were bad enough for his dad's age then. He wasn't toilet trained until he was 4 1/2 years old and wet the bed until he was 15 1/2 years old. He remembered that he had several pants wetting accidents when he wasn't paying any attention to his bodily functions but again they were just every so often accidents that a lot of kids face until they turn 8 or 9 years old. Dad did tell me though that he wet his pants when he was 13 during a math test because the teacher wouldn't let him go and he couldn't hold it. These things that my dad revealed to me made me feel much better, also knowing that dad wasn't going to punish me for my accidents and except them for what they were just accidents that don't need a big deal made about them.

After breakfast dad asked me again what I wanted to do reminding me that whatever it was that we needed to be back by 8pm. That was the deadline that mom had given him to have me back by. It was originally 2pm but dad had called her this morning and begged her for more time which she broke down and gave to him. Today I decided that I wanted dad to meet Tommy I also was wanting to see him and find out how things were at the orphanage for him. At first dad told me that he would prefer to spend the time with just me but after a few minutes of pleading we were soon on are way to Salt Lake City.

It took us a couple of hours to get there and then an hour and a half for dad to pull a few strings so that we could see Tommy and even take him with us to see a film together. Matter of fact it was the same film that I tried to watch last night and was happy to get another chance to see it. During the movie I had an accident but this time was not ashamed for having it. Tommy who was right next to me noticed after the movie was over and whispered to me my condition of my wet pants. On the way out of the theater I explained to Tommy while dad listened about yesterday and how my dad feels about the subject. I guess that was a load off Tommy's because he finally admitted to my dad that he to had those type of problems and right at that moment was wearing a diaper because the orphanage didn't want him running around in wet poopy pants. We then went and grabbed something to eat at Taco Bell and then reluctantly took Tommy back to the orphanage. On the way back to grandmas dad told me that he enjoyed our little visit and hoped that we can do it again soon. He also went on to say that he liked Tommy very much and thought him to be a very respectable child. When we got back to grandmas dad hugged me and gave me a kiss and promised that we would be together soon. As I walked back into the house I waved to dad goodbye as he drove back to his hotel. Latter that night I wondered what tomorrow would bring. I knew what ever happened it would change my life forever.


Chapter 14 "The Custody Hearing"

Finally the day of the hearing was here and by the end of the day my life would change forever. The hearing was set to begin at 8am and mom and me were there 20 min. before the time of the hearing. My dad, his lawyer, and Jim showed 5 min. latter. Mom's lawyer showed up at 5 min. before the hour and was out of breath as she approached mom and me.

We all entered the courtroom and it wasn't long before the Judge entered also. I noticed right off that the Judge was not the same as the one at our last court date. This Judge was a woman and I noticed that when mom saw this she felt much more at ease. I was amazed today how fast things were proceeding it wasn't like last time when we were here and everything drag on and on and on. Dad's lawyer was much quicker in his questioning of the witnesses and was getting to his points much quicker. Mom's lawyer also seemed to be moving faster. What I didn't realize was that both parties had agreed before court had started to move their case as quickly as possible because the Judge had another case at 2pm and she would have to order a continuance and maybe even place the child with child welfare until the case was resolved. Neither party wanted this so they had both agreed to move it along.

Around about 10am I realized that I had to go potty real bad and started to squirm in my seat. Unfortunately this Judge was not as noticeable about my discomfort as the last judge or didn't seem to care. To make matters worse I was at that point in time called to the witness stand and whispered to my mom my situation. Mom then told her lawyer who then asked for a brief recess. Before my lawyer could explain why the judge declined and said that there was a planed recess in 15 min. and that she would stick to the plan. I was then told by my mom to hold it for another 15 min. and then she would take me to the bathroom herself.

I then realized that there was no chance of me getting to use the restroom now so I decided that I would try to hold it until the 15 min. were up. Once up on the witness stand I was again asked by this Judge if I knew the difference between the truth and a lie. I of course said yes and stated that I would be truthful in my testimony. While the judge talked to me I started grabbing myself and the judge gave me a funny look so I tried to just squeeze my legs together and hope that I didn't loose control. After the judge was done questioning me, dad's lawyer had his turn. While dad's lawyer was questioning me I could feel the loss of control on my bladder and ended up peeing a little in my pants. I was able to quickly pinch off the flow of pee with my fingers and kept it that way until the contraction in my bladder went away. I again was getting funny looks not only from the judge this time but also dad's lawyer.

After dad's lawyer had his chance with me mom's lawyer got her chance. She at first promised me to make this quick and told me that all I had left to wait was 5 min. As mom's lawyer started questioning me I again felt a strong contraction in my bladder and again started peeing in my pants. I again pinched off the flow and this time didn't even bother to look to see if the judge was staring at me. After that contraction past I looked to see the damage I had done to my pants. There was only a small wet spot luckily and I was starting to think I would make it. Like she promised the lawyer was done pretty quickly with me and I was dismissed from the bench. As I was getting up 2 things happened the Judge announced it was time for the 15 min. planned break and I had another contraction in my bladder this time much worse and I grabbed myself as I came into complete view of the court. This time the judge finally decided to ask what was wrong with me. It didn't take long for her to realize what was wrong as everyone else in the courtroom also watched me pee my pants while standing there trying to pinch it off. I wasn't the only red face in the courtroom I also noticed that my mom's face was very red indeed as the people in the courtroom started pointing out at what I had done.

After I finished peeing I ran out of the courtroom and hid inside the men's room. Grandma who happened to be at the hearing today but had got there after court had started walked right into the men's room and dragged me out to her car where she proceeded to pull off my wet pants and underwear and then diaper me. She had place some diapers in her car just in case I needed to have one put on me while we were out running around.

When we re-entered the courtroom I got many looks from the people. Luckily grandma also had a pair of my play shorts in the car and put those on over my diaper. The problem was that they didn't do a good job in concealing the diaper and everyone could see that I was wearing one. There was a lot of snickering going on inside the courtroom and was immediately brought to a stop by the judge who then looked a little more sympathetic and apologize to me for my embarrassment that was obviously her fault. After that no-more was said about my accident and the case moved on.

It was now time for my mom's lawyer to present her case. She had brought numerous witnesses that stated that even though she was not always the best mother because of her drug problem that she was much better now and promises to stay clean for herself and her son. By the time 12:15 came around mom's lawyer wrapped up their case and lunch was announced. The judge stated before calling lunch that we were all to return to the courtroom by 12:45pm and that she would give each side 6 min. for closing arguments and then at 1pm there would be a 15 to 30 min recess while she made her decision.

There was a dinner around the corner of the courthouse and mom and me walked over there and had lunch together with the lawyer. The lawyer and my mom both looked happy because they believed that things were looking good for them and that we should relax that it looked like mom had the best shot of the 2 for full custody. When lunch was over we went back to the courtroom and started the closing arguments.

1st up was moms lawyer who again reminded the court she was a good mother who had raised her son for 11 years and that he had turned out to be a well respectable young man. She also reminded the court that she had been clean ever since they moved here and that I was being well taken care of by my mom and grandmother and that mom had even been holding down 2 jobs so that she could put enough money away to pay for a home of their own. She went on to say a few more things.

Next it was my dad's lawyers turn. He was not so polite to the court the first thing he said was that this was not the 1st time or even the 2nd or 3rd time my mom had promised to clean up her act. She had promised a couple of her best friends who threaten to turn her in to child welfare that she would clean up her act. She even promised her last probation officer that she would clean up her act. Which the lawyer went on to say she did for a couple of months. He then begged the courts to realize that this is just going to be another one of those promises that eventually she would break. He also reminded the court that she had never been to any type of counseling about her drug problem. He then brought his argument to its closing by saying that he felt that the child would be better off with his dad who not only is a respectable person in his community but also unlike his mother have the means to support him financially and beneficially.

After the closing arguments court was dismissed for the break while the judge went over all the facts and made her decision. While waiting for the Judge to return I noticed that mom's lawyer was not so sure of herself anymore and I knew mom could tell also. Mom finally asked her if she believed that they were going to lose. The lawyer said she was sorry but she could tell with that last closing argument that my dad's lawyer really moved the Judge. She felt that if mom had indeed got counseling that she would have won but now she was certain that mom had lost.

25 minutes later the judge came back and the hearing proceeded. "Okay everyone please be seated" asked the judge. "This has been a very difficult case to decide upon. On one hand we have a mother who has in my eyes raised a very decent son and I believe has done a good job. On the other hand we have a mother who has been involved in drugs and alcohol problems for all of her son's life. So what the decision comes down to is what is the child's best interest. I truly believe that the child would be better in his present situation. It right now is stable and he is with his mom the person he knows and has come to trust.

Even though I believe he would be better where he is at I cannot use this as a reason to put him in further contact with a person who is a known drug abuser. His father has shown stability and the means to support the child plus has no criminal record on file. So my verdict is for Mr. Brown to have temporary custody for a period of 1 year and depending on the situation, at the time I will review all progress and then give my decision for full custody. May I also recommend Mrs. Long that you make sure to enter a program for drug and alcohol abusers. If you do so it would greatly improve your case. Also Mrs. Long you are ordered to hand the child over to the custody of Mr. Brown in 1 hour." Bang Bang went the judge's gavel after her speech.

That was that the judge had made her decision and I was going to go live with my dad. After we left the courtroom mom and I took a walk where we talked about all the things that have happened in the last couple of months. "You know honey what ever happens remember that I will always love you and think about you" said mom. "I will always love you to mom" I said.

As we were walking and talking I noticed people staring at me that is when I realized I was still wearing the diaper and people were noticing it. I looked at mom and asked her if it was possible to go home now and that way I could get some of my things together before dad came by to pick me up. Noticing how uncomfortable I was at having people stare at me she agreed. When we got home I packed a few of my belongings. By the time I was done packing dad was here to pick me up. I kissed and hugged mom and grandma goodbye and then left with my dad.

While we were driving dad told me that we were going to the airport and there we would fly 1st class to his home in Michigan. I told him that it would be the first time in a plane and I was a little nervous. He said that I would be fine and that I would love the ride. I knew that he was right and I did enjoy the plane ride especially first class. That evening we entered Dad's house and my new home.


Chapter 15 "Dad, Me, and Tommy"

Right from the beginning I realized that life with dad was going to be much different than with mom. Dad's house was huge and had an indoor pool. My room was bigger then grandmas whole apartment. I had my own huge bathroom and a huge walk in closet bigger then my old room at grandmas.

The bathtub in my bathroom was almost big enough to swim in it. Dad had the room decorated for a young boy look. There was model airplanes hanging from the ceiling, and a ball bat and baseball glove sitting in one corner and on the dresser sat a football and basketball. The dresser was filled with expensive name brand clothes that all the boys wore nowadays. The bed was a king size waterbed. Dad even made the joke that I now have a bed that could actually wet me instead of the other way around. Also in the room was a computer desk and a brand new top of the line computer sitting on it. All of the things in the room according to my dad belonged to me. He also pointed out the basketball hoop down in the driveway that had been put up and the tennis court out back. He even bought me a moped to drive and a four wheeler to play with. He called these my big toys, also in the garage was 2 snowmobiles which one belonged to me.

The first evening as I was getting ready for bed I asked dad about my pants and bed wetting.

"Well son I am glad you brought that up because I really wasn't wanting to be the one to do so" said my dad.

He went on to tell me that I could choose myself how I was going to handle it. He said if I wanted I could wear diapers or some kind of protective underwear made specially for me that I could change out of easily if I had an accident. Or if I wanted I could just wear the normal underwear and pants and if I had an accident anyone would be able to tell.

I told my dad that I liked the washable underwear type diapers. And so dad had them made and my regular underwear was replaced by my new ones which in all reality looked like regular underwear but could soak up and hold a lot of pee so now my embarrassment would be minimal. Like dad had promised he never made fun of me or punished me when I had an accident. Matter of fact I started to realize that I liked the fact of wearing my special underwear and being able to pee and poop in them without anyone noticing what I had done. So I found myself having more accidents before and later when I decided to come forward to my dad on this subject I was afraid that he might take away my special underwear and go back on his promise. But he shocked me again and said that what I had was a fetish and that it was completely normal and healthy for some people to feel that way. He also said that if I wanted to that I didn't have to ever use the bathroom again that if I wanted to go in my pants that he would accept it and let me do it. As I said I was shocked to here this from an adult.

After about a month of living at dads I started to feel sad. I realized that I missed mom (who by the way called me every week and tells me how she is doing in the drug and alcohol program she is in) but I also missed Tommy. Even though I made some new friends in the neighborhood where dad live I still didn't feel as close to them as Tommy. I had told dad one day a month and a half after I moved in with him how I missed Tommy. He just nodded and said he understood and that I must understand that there is a good chance that Tommy had been placed already either with found relatives or someone might have adopted him. Well that still didn't help and even though I loved my new home that it would never quite feel like home unless Tommy was there.

Two months after I had told dad about missing Tommy dad had come back from one of his short and few business trips with a surprise for me. He first asked me to guess what it was but I wasn't able to guess he then motioned something into the room. To my wonderful surprise was Tommy. Dad had looked for him just for me. It took him awhile but he finally tracked him to a 2nd cousin who was asked and basically forced by the state officials to take Tommy into their home since they were his only living relatives. The state paid them $200 dollars a month to feed and cloth Tommy. When my dad had come along and asked how Tommy was doing and that I was interested in seeing him they were more then happy to let dad take over the responsibility of raising Tommy. For their part dad gave them $10,000 and had a lawyer draw up the adoption papers. Tommy from this day forward would now be my brother. At first dad was going to set up a room for Tommy also but both me and Tommy decided that we wanted to share my room and bed. Dad who at first thought that Tommy would be happier with his own room saw how much we wanted to be together said ok. Later that week another dresser and computer desk with computer were brought into the room. Tommy also got his own special underwear for his problem as well. And together we shared the secret about that underwear from all the rest of our friends who thought that we were just regular kids who happened to be real rich. Also Tommy got his own 4 wheeler, snowmobile, and moped. Dad also bought all three of us mountain bikes so that we could go bike riding together.

It wasn't until a year later that dad officially adopted Tommy as his son. Also it was the time for the new hearing in front of the judge. This time though I didn't have to go because all the judge wanted to do was talk with my parents and review the case and the last year with them. In that years time dad flew me to see my mom several times. Like she had promised she managed to stay away from the drugs and also had gotten one job that paid her enough to even rent a nice small house. I met the man she worked for his name was John Stapleton and I thought he was a pretty nice person, so did my mom but she never admitted it to John.

But anyway back to the judge she reviewed all the facts and complimented my mom on how well she was doing. But the facts still remained that according to her that my father was still her choice so my dad was finally given full custody over me at the same time the judge let my dad give me his last name so I was no-longer David Long but now was David Brown. After the verdict was announced dad had promised to her that anytime she wanted he would fly her out to visit me and that he would share me with her for the holidays. Mom I guess was pretty happy to hear this and took dad up on his offer.

That Christmas I flew out to see mom and even got to see grandma who seemed to mellow some over the last year and a half. She finally treated me like a real grandson she even was nice to Tommy who happened to also come. Also mom announced to me that she was now seeing her boss John and was real happy with him. He also spent Christmas with us along with his own 3 children - Bobby 10, Steve 8, and Cindy 6. Their mother had died giving birth to Cindy and John with help from his folks had been raising them since. I fell in love with Johns kids right away and we all seemed to get along. Life for me seemed much better and I was finally happy.

On a sad note though Feb. 12th 1995 we lost grandma. Mom called me up early that morning and told me that grandma had died in her sleep. It saddened me because I was starting to really like my grandma who seemed to no-longer blame me. Mom was saddened by grandmas death but was happy that she wasn't in any pain and never had to face any real pain. Dad had flew with me and Tommy (who also had started to like my grandma) out to Utah for the funeral. Besides us and mom John and his own small family was there. Also a few of grandmas friends including the lawyer that had defended mom. Even though my mom was sad I could really tell that she and John loved each other matter of fact me and Tommy had discussed it at the hotel the evening of the funeral. I knew that this man was meant for my mom.

Sure enough a month later on March 16th 1995 my birthday they were married, also mom had adopted John's children and became their legal mother beside being their step mother. I was very happy for my mom and I knew that she was happy too. For once things were going good for her. Dad had even took care of Johns children so that they could go on a honeymoon together which dad even paid for. He told my mom that it was the least he could do for her. Also he was glad that she was happy. He to had been seeing someone for quite sometime her name was Julie. Though I knew dad cared for Julie I was certain marriage was not in site for either of them. But they were happy that way and knew that if the right time ever came for them to tie the not then they would do so. If you had asked me a couple of years how I thought my life would have turned out I would have probably not been too optimistic, but now I know that I was going to be okay and that where ever the road of life took me I would be okay.


Note: This is to tie up this story please realize that this story is complete fiction and when I talk as the character please remember that it is only a character and not my life. If you want to know my story please read the section on my page Titled my story. - JD

Well now I think that pretty much tells you how I not only met my father but how my life changed for the better because of it. I guess I will fill you in though real quickly on what's happened in my life since 1995. By the way it is now currently 1998 as I said in the beginning the story began 20 years ago and ends now in the present. I am now 16 years old and still use my special diaper underwear. Me and Tommy still share not only the same room together but the same bed also. When we were about 13 we realized that we liked each other more than friends. At first we were not sure about our feelings but later after hearing about sex from other kids tried stuff with each other. Of course now we know that we are gay and that we love each other. We have not told anyone including dad about our new found love but I think he knows anyway. Me and Tommy discussed it several times but decided that unless dad brought it up we would not volunteer any information. A couple of times I think he tried to but was not able to fall thru. He did tell us once that he didn't care about certain things and that what he did care about was us and that he would always love us no matter how we turned out.

I told my self when I started to write all of this down that I was not going to end this story on a bad note, but I am afraid I have to. A couple of months ago my dad made an offer to John and my mom. He offered john the money that he would need to start his own business plus he got him a loan to buy a house not very far away from us so then mom would be able to see me everyday if she wanted. They were very ecstatic and said that they would go ahead and take the deal. They were supposed to be here this week if things had worked out but unfortunately things didn't turn out that way.

Last month while on the way home from a family outing a semi truck with a full load lost control ahead of them. The truck driver later was found to be not only stoned but intoxicated. The truck ended up jackknifing in front of John. John tried to stop from what the witnesses say but didn't have a chance. He slammed into the truck which happened to be a fuel tanker the whole back of the truck exploded when John hit it. Everyone, according to the coroner, in Johns car including my mom were killed instantly. Fortunately the Truck driver lived. My dad currently has a major lawsuit against the Oil Company who hired the driver and the driver himself.

Don't get me wrong I am very sad indeed about my mom's death but I realized that at least mom had the chance to die happy and so I am dedicating my story to her. I grieve for my mom but I still realize that even though there have been some sad parts in my life I need to still go on, so I have decided to move on with my life and recently have started enjoying it again. Someday I am certain I will be able to look back and accept that what happened, as part of life. As for now I need to go and change my diaper underpants for they are starting to leak.

The End

Authors Note: Please know that this is a fictional piece of work. To my knowledge none of this has ever happened.

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