
By moc.loa@ezakaK

Published on Jun 14, 1998



This is my first attempt at a sex story. Some of it is true, most isn't. If you just want to get to the sex, you'll have to scroll down a bit. Send questions/comments to Kakaze@aol.com


By Kakaze

In my third term at college, the local community college, I decided to take acting. I've always been interested in the silver screen, and whatnot. Anyway, on the first day of class, I noticed David. He wasn't beautiful; he wasn't ugly, just normal. He's about six feet tall, maybe shorter. Every time I've seen him, he's been in corduroy pants and long-sleeved striped shirts.

When I first saw him, I didn't pay him any attention. I figured all of the guys in the class would be straight, and that even if they were gay, they wouldn't pay any attention to me. What first got my attention to him, was when we were doing improv's. Most of the time, he would come up with an extremely exaggerated gay persona. He acted like RuPaul on steroids. Of course my gaydar picked up on it instantly. Though, my gaydar is horrible. I've never been able to tell if someone was gay or not, no matter how they act, pathetic isn't it?

Well, we've been going to class for a few weeks now, and I've made sure I've watched him during each one. Over the weeks he's become more appealing to me. I can't explain it. It's like, the first time I saw him he was someone I might give a second glance to, but now, I find it hard not to look at him. I'm pretty sure I'm not falling in love, and that its entirely a case of over active hormones, but stranger things have happened.

Since class has started, we've been paired up like three times to do small improv's and sketches. Of them, he played the gay character once; I too played a gay character -- it wasn't much of a stretch for me though.

Just recently, we've had to find partners to do small scenes from movies. I procrastinated as usual, and finally I had to pick. The day that I had to pick, there was hardly anyone in class. The teacher read off the names of those who were partnerless, there were three others beside me who were in the class, and two who were out. Two of the people in class picked each other, which left me and the other person. Since I wasn't paying attention the first time `round, I asked the teacher to read off the people who weren't in class. To my luck, David was one of them! I didn't want to appear too eager, so I waited before picking -- you know who I picked. I was ecstatic that I was going to have David as my partner.

I fretted over myself for the next week (the class was only once a week, but three hours long! Oy!). I ran over every scenario of what could happen, in my mind. I fretted so much that I started having stomach upsets.

The day of the class finally rolled around. By that time, I was doing everything I could, to get my mind off of being David's partner. When I got into class, he was already there -- I was shocked to see that he dyed his hair blue! It brought out the colour in his eyes though. I took a seat and didn't say anything, I tried to play it cool. I was worried for nothing, because nothing was said about being partners until almost the end of the class.

The teacher made us get together, and she handed out various scenes to choose from. We got four scenes. One was about nerds (no, not revenge of the nerds), another was about two guys looking at women (I'd have to win an academy award if I were going to pull that off), another one was about a guy coming back home after being on holiday and finding that his brother fucked his wife, and the last was from "Brighton Beach Memoirs" about masturbation. We liked the one about the brothers, and the one from "Brighton Beach Memoirs". After some discussion, we finally decided on "Brighton Beach Memoirs". It's a really funny scene. The younger brother tells the older brother that he had a wet dream, and the older brother goes into a discussion about jerking off, even going as far as saying their father did it before he got married. Like I said, very funny.

Well, we read it over he decided to take it home and copy it. He said he was going to mail me the copy. We exchanged phone numbers and left. He called me the next day asking for my address, I gave it to him, and he never used it. I met him in class the next week and he said he forgot. He gave them to me then, and he also said he would call me the next day to set up a meeting to rehearse on Thursday.

Wednesday came around, and he called. We decided to meet the next day at one, to rehearse.

We met in the same building the class is in. I think he intended to rehearse right there in the lobby of the building, I was a tiny bit self conscious though -- would you talk about jerking off in the middle of a fairly trafficked place? I asked if we could go somewhere less populated. We got up and walked to the other side of the building where hardly anyone goes, unfortunately there was someone there already. Then he came up with a brilliant idea. We could use the dressing/class room, near the acting theatre/class.

The door was unlocked, so we just walked in and turned on the lights. This was definitely a strange room. On one wall was a blackboard, with a desk in front. The adjacent wall had dressing tables, with mirrors. There was also a television and a corkboard in the room, as well as some desks. A strange room indeed.

We pulled some desks together, and sat down. We took our scripts out and prepared to rehearse. He brought out a tape recorder so we could listen to ourselves later.

We practiced a few times, telling each other what we did wrong, and giving each other tips for improvement. We were getting ready to go, when we started talking some more. There was one line that he had, that I couldn't stop laughing at. His character was explaining about jerking off, and my character asked if he knew anyone who did it. So, his character replied that all the guys did it, "--except Haskell Fleischmann, the fat kid. He does it to the other guys--" We got to talking about it and I told him that Haskell Fleischmann sounded like me.

"Really?" He asked while standing up.

I was putting my things together, and standing up, when I replied, "Yeah, though I did more then jerk other guys off."

"Like what?"

"Just blow jobs, but it was definitely more then jerking them off."

"Ever do more?"

"I was going to one time, but he backed out. I was all ready to get fucked too. I won't see him again till September. That's when he's coming back from boot camp. The idiot joined the airforce, ugh. Man, how I wish he showed up, I was so horny that night."

"You do anything with him before?"

"Yeah, we had a sort of deal. When he was horny, he'd come over and I'd suck him off. He had a nice little dick. Well, not too little. It was about six inches, and it had one hell of a curve in it. Sucking it was kinda hard since it had the curve. His dick is definitely better for fucking, which is why I wanted it."

"Did you swallow his cum, or spit it out?"

"I swallowed. I love cum. The first taste I got from him was wonderful, after that, it varied. It still tasted good, though."

"Man, you're getting me horny."

"I have time before I have to go. Do you want a blow job?"

"I don't know -- someone could find us."

"Just turn off the lights and go as far away from the door as possible. I don't think people come in here very often, I'm sure we could do it. Besides, how long does it take to cum?"

I walked closer to him, and grabbed his dick through his pants. It was hard. It felt huge! I couldn't wait to see it up close.

I got on my knees and unbuckled his belt. Then I went and unbuttoned his pants. The only thing between me and his dick now was a zipper, and maybe some underwear. I slowly unzipped his pants, I could see more and more of the white of his underwear as I did it. When the zipper was finally down, I pulled his pants down. I could smell him through his underwear. It made me extremely horny. This is the smell they should bottle and sell as cologne, "Ode de young male".

I grabbed his ass with my hands, and pulled his crotch to my face. I soaked up the wonderful smell coming from him. I wanted to get to his dick though, so I reluctantly pulled myself away, and started to pull his underwear down. It felt like it took forever, but I finally got them down, and got to see his cock. It was beautiful! About seven inches long, and extremely thick, I could barely get my hand around it.

I realized that the lights were still on and that we were in the middle of the room, so I got up. I told him to go sit on one of the dressing counters, while I went to turn off the light. I turned the light off, and went over to him. He had taken his shirt off and was starting to pull his pants all the way off too. I moved closer, and bent forward to start sucking on one of his nipples. He moaned with pleasure. I started to kiss and lick my way down his beautiful torso. It was perfectly tanned, with just a few wispy hairs here and there.

I finally got to his beautiful dick. It was starting to leak a little pre-cum. I scooped it up with my tongue, and he moaned. I kept moving down, however. I wanted to lick and suck his balls. Not to keep his dick left out though, I grabbed it with my right hand and slowly jerked it. He was moaning and squirming with each stroke. I finally got to his balls; they were huge! I could probably get both in my mouth if I tried hard, but it would probably hurt. I started licking them. After a few minutes, I pulled the left one into my mouth and sucked on it. This really got David moaning. I let go and told him to keep it down, there was, after all, a class next door.

He nodded his head yes, and I went back to sucking his balls. My left hand was left with nothing to do, so I moved it up and started tweaking his nipples with it. This elicited more squirming and low moaning. I was getting really horny, from the sound of his moaning, and from the feel of him under me, and from the smell of him.

He told me he wasn't going to last much longer, so I stopped sucking on his balls, and moved up to his cock. By this time, a stream of pre-cum was running from his head and pooling in the space between my fist and his shaft. I tongued it up, and then started licking his head. I finally took the head in my mouth. I curled my tongue around it while sucking as hard as I could. This had him getting ready to explode.

I decided that if I wanted to taste more of his dick before he came, I'd better do it quick. I let go of his dick. I used my right hand to open my pants and start jerking myself off, if I didn't I would've cum in my pants. I went down on him as far as I could, but still leaving a good one and a half to two inches out of my mouth. I wanted to include that part of his dick in my oral ministrations, so I pulled off of him and just started to lick his dick all over. I made sure to get what I couldn't get before, and everything else while I was at it. Between breaths, David managed to squeak out that he was getting ready to cum. I quickly went down on him again, sucking for all I was worth. He started groaning loudly, and because I was getting close to cumming myself, I didn't care if he all out screamed.

David's dick started to expand, and get hotter in my mouth. He started gasping for air. Then, with one fairly loud grunt, he exploded in my mouth. His cum tasted awesome; it was sweet, yet salty at the same time. I could never have anything other then his cum to drink, and I would be happy. He came a lot though, it felt like he came in gallons, I've never had that much cum in my mouth before. He shot strongly at least six times, and weakly at least five more. He grunted and moaned with each shot, and squirmed so much that I thought his dick was going to come out of my mouth.

I don't know how I did it, but I managed to keep it in me, and get every drop of his delicious cum at the same time. Sometime during his orgasm, I came. I didn't even notice it until I was finished with David's dick, and managed to look down at myself.

I continued licking and sucking on his dick for almost ten minutes after he came. The hole time, he just sat back against the dresser mirror with his eyes closed, emitting small grunts and moans occasionally. I only pulled off of his dick when my knees started screaming at me to get up. I did, very carefully, and when I was finally up, he grabbed a hold of me and pulled my face towards his. Our lips met and we kissed passionately. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, and I opened mine to let it in. We Frenched for a few minutes, and finally broke our kiss. He said that was one of the best blow jobs he'd ever had, and that I was one of the few people who ever swallowed.

He pulled his clothes back on, and I zipped my pants backup. We sat down for a few minutes, to cool off. We talked to each other, about various things, and we set a rehearsal date for next Monday. We finally got up to leave, and just before we got to the door, he pulled me to him and we kissed again. We broke apart and opened the door. He went his way and I mine. Before I got too far, he called to me.

"Remember, next Monday at five!"

"I'll be there," I said with a huge grin on my face.

We both started walking again. I was late to my class, but I was oh so happy that I didn't care!

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