David the Sailor

By Michael Tull

Published on Apr 13, 2011


"Sit." David commanded.

I sat. He removed my jeans and folded them neatly, placing them on the blanket. He did the same with my shirt, my underwear and socks. I sat naked and vulnerable in front of him.

"Lay down" he said.

I followed his instruction. He opened the box and pulled out a small pillow which he placed under my head. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt I was in a room with many people staring at me. In the awkward discomfort of that moment I opened my eyes and it seemed, for only a fraction of a second, that there were people standing around me, staring down at me.

"I feel scared, like strangers are staring at me." I admitted.

"Don't be scared, you are with me," He said.

I closed my eyes again. Again I felt the presence, I tried to ignore it. I relaxed and felt my body slack heavy in relaxation. I opened my eyes again and David stood beside me.

A square of moonlight framed by the parlor window lit him as if he were the star of a one man show. The soft blue light presented him as if he were a slightly colorized black and white film. His skin, the wall, the floor all shades of gray but his hair was a soft orange that only hinted at the fire it shows in the height of the day. He smiled. With his right hand he pinched his nipple and then caressed his torso until his thumb rested on the buckle of his belt. With one hand he pulled and tugged his belt open, then pulled it so its length snaked through the belt loops of his jeans. He held the belt with his hand on the buckle and he dragged the leather strap across my naked body. It caressed me lightly across my thighs, stomach and finally my cock. Then he dropped the belt so that it crossed my waist. He smiled. His right hand again rested on the opening of his jeans and he pulled the button fly open. Pop, pop, pop he opened the fly slowly until I could see the dusting of ginger hair peaking into the moonlight. He wore no underwear. Once his jeans were fully undone he pushed the pants down past his knees.

His thighs were powerful and lean. His cock was un-cut, plump and it hung long against his leg. Its large mushroom head peeked through the foreskin like a frightened turtle. I wanted to touch it, I tried to move but I was unable to move. My limbs were heavy as if I were being pressed to the floor.

David kneeled slowly, sat next to me and pulled his jeans the rest of the way off.

"Do you want to touch me?"

"Yes, please."

He moved closer to he was kneeling next to my head. My arms were released and I touched him with my finger tips, dragging them across his abs, thighs, chest and cock. The skin was soft and warm and I could feel his heart beat as blood rushed to his hardening member. My fingers explored his balls and I ran them through his pubic hair. I wrapped my fingers around his dick and started to jerk him off. He pulled away from me and stood up next to me. I wanted to sit up but again I was heavy and stuck to the floor. My heart raced, I studied his body and saw that the purple mushroom head was now fully exposed from behind the foreskin.

"I want to taste you," I said.

"I will allow you to," he said. Suddenly I could move and I sat up. He stood in front of me with his legs slightly apart. He put his hands on my head. His cock head was just at my lips. I could smell a musty masculine smell that was intoxicating and inviting. I stuck out my tongue and licked his piss slit. It was salty, my lips tingled. I leaned forward and licked his cock like a lollypop and buried my nose in his red bush. I leaned below and licked his balls and the musky perfume had a flavor. I closed my eyes and buried my face deeper into his crotch. I leaned back, opened my mouth and placed his now pulsing dick inside. David sighed and I could feel slight pressure on the back of my head from his hands. He was guiding me. His cock filled my mouth, inch by inch until its length filled my mouth and throat. I gagged a little but David's voice calmly said, "Relax", and the magic of his being relaxed my gag reflex and the discomfort went away. My hands were on his hips and I started to move him in and out of my mouth until his cracking voice said, "Stop." As he pulled his cock from my mouth I sucked as if he was a straw. I could taste his precum leaking on my tongue.

"I am not ready for you to taste me." David said. I said nothing. He sat down next to me, facing me. He leaned into me and wrapped his arms around me. I followed his lead and we kissed, deeply and passionately. I heard his voice in my head ask, "Do you taste yourself in my mouth."

My thoughts replied, "Yes."

"I want to fuck you." David said. "You don't need to be scared, you will feel only pleasure." He laid me down on the blanket again and moved between my legs. He lifted my hips into the air and buried his face into my anus. I could feel his hot tongue lapping at the tender skin of my ass hole; I could feel it wiggling past the opening. It felt weird but so right. I could feel my body relaxing into the pleasure of the moment. It felt as thought he continued to tongue fuck me for hours but even so all too soon he stopped and he lowered my waist to his. My ankles resting on his shoulders and my ass waiting for his cock to invade. He reached over to the box and pulled out something I could not see. I felt warm fluid drip on my skin and then felt the heat of his cock head against the pucker of my ass. I could feel it pushing forward and I could feel it passing into my body. I felt full. I felt him filling me with his hot hard cock and the desire for more. I moved my hips instinctively and David made guttural growls. I opened my eyes and watched his face as he slowly moved his cock in and out of my body. With every thrust the push became harder and more intense. The intensity show in his face as well. I could see beads of sweat form on his brow and then his eyes changed from blue to a reddish hue. He stopped moving then thrust again as he shouted something in a language that I had never heard. His face and his eyes seemed to glow red from an internal light and my body convulsed in a jolt of pleasure that I have never even thought possible. We stayed in that pose for seemed several minutes.

His face returned to its normal color and I could feel his softening member retreat from my body. He lay next to me sweaty and spent and he spooned into me, his arm around me as if he were shielding me from something. I suddenly sleep found me and I knew nothing until the morning sun filled the parlor.

I was naked on the blanket on the floor of the abandoned house. David sat on the box in the corner of the room watching me. I reached for my pants.

"No, you should never wear clothing, you are too beautiful to be hidden." He said.

I blushed and smiled. "I think that the administration would disagree with me going to class nude."

"They are only jealous." He said. "How do you feel this morning?"

"Like I am floating." I said. I stood and walked over to him, my dick getting hard with every step. Without speaking a word he opened his mouth and guided my cock into it. He held my hips and sucked me down. My knees buckled but yet I stood as if supported by something outside myself.

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