David Was the First to Fall

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jul 29, 2018



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This is the story of how and why I started posting stories to Nifty. I've posted a few stories now, Seduced by Control, My Jockboy, and The Stone Files. You may be interested in checking them out after you learn about their origin.

My introduction to dirty stories was a /dirtypenpals on reddit. If you don't know about them, it's a place where you can find people roleplay or chat with. It has been a lot of fun over the years. It is how I first met David.

David responded to one of my ads about looking for people who craved giving up control. He didn't want to roleplay, just chat. He would ask me questions about things I had done, and I would respond with lengthy descriptions of my previous encounters. He was obviously turned on by my anecdotes, often asking for more details, and if certain things were really possible. Unfortunately, our communications were a little one-sided. He rarely opened up about himself, and never really contributed his own stories. The latter was understandable. He identified as straight, and was recently out of a relationship with his high school sweetheart (who sounded like a real prude). He had not ever done anything with another man before, though from his questions he was obviously very interested in it. His own fantasies largely centered on various situations where he could indulge his gay fantasies without threatening his straight identity; blackmail, hypnotism, magic, and similar situations.

As I said, he wasn't the best pen-pal. He was more of a taker, requesting and consuming stories far in excess of his contributions. So why did I keep talking to him? His videos. Every once in awhile, he would send me a video. His first one was him, standing in his bathroom. He had a handsome face. Dark hair with a conservative cut, piercing blue eyes, a strong jaw, and very kissable lips. He was standing shirtless and wearing low cut jeans. Above his jeans you could see the waistband of his white boxer shorts. His body was impeccable. He was smooth and quite tanned with a broad, well-defined chest and a subtle six pack. The V lines going into his boxer shorts were more pronounced than any I had seen before.

The video was very simple, just him, standing there talking into his camera, complimenting me. He called me articulate, creative, intelligent. I am not immune to flattery, especially from someone with such a handsome face and infectious smile. I hoped that this video was just a primer for more intimate ones to come. While he did send more videos, they always followed the same format, and he never had any less clothing on. Enough to keep me hooked, but clearly, it would never be anything more.

Around the same time, I had dated a man who was turned on by hypnotism. As a good boyfriend, I started looking into hypnosis, NLP, and similar approaches so we could enjoy his kink together. My 'subject' at the time was very eager, and so was great training for me. The topic fascinated me, and I eventually got quite good at it, even applying the skill to non-sexual pursuits like helping friends with anxiety and focus issues.

One of the concepts that fascinated me the most was multi-channel hypnosis. The idea behind MCH is that you can prime someone to receive a message in one place, and then deliver that message in a different channel (i.e. a different context or medium). Because the priming isn't providing any instructions, it can be very subtle. And because the instructions come later from a different source, they get embedded unexpectedly deep. Better still, as the instructions are useless without the primer, the instructions can be public and only the intended subject will receive them. The instructions can be delivered in quite roundabout ways. Key words and repeated phrases of course, but also through cryptics, negative space, and other tricks that just look like poor formatting, spelling errors, odd/repeated word choices, or strange digressions. Even simple punctuation can be weaponized

Now, normally I am very careful about consent. It's mostly an ethical stance, but I also like enthusiastic submission much more than grudging slavery. With David though, I felt like I didn't need explicit consent. He was very clearly interested in hypnosis and submission, and I didn't want to do anything terribly invasive. My goal was just to lower his inhibitions, help him take the next step, and send me some more . . . revealing videos. Sure, writing it out now it seems like a flimsy justification, but some things just sound more convincing with a hard cock. So I spend a few days priming him through email and private messages. I knew he visited Nifty quite frequently. He had linked to me stories here before, and asked me if I had experiences similar to his favorites. So I posted my own story there, under this name, weaving in some gentle suggestions. The story matched his interests and was sure to draw his attention. The intent was simple - to make David more uninhibited.

A few days after posting the first chapter of my story, I received a new email from David with a new attachment. He was laying down on his bed, naked. Face down and grinding himself against the sheets, all the time praising me and my stories. It wasn't everything I had hoped for, but it was much more explicit than previous videos. His ass was exceptional, just like the rest of his body. The video wasn't the only change. He was also much more open about himself. Before, I could glean his turn-ons easily from his questions, but he had never come right and and talked about his interests or fantasies. But now, he was telling me about all of his fears and desires. He also shared much more about his personal life. His ex-wife's withholding nature had made him very turned on by the idea of not being in control of his orgasms. A recurring theme of his wildest dreams was his desire to have his prostate played with and achieve a hands-free orgasm. It was a latent interest, to be sure. He spent much more time talking about the women he'd fucked, and other boring straight guy fantasies. But it was a good start.

I now had two new avenues I wanted to explore with David. Many people in my position would concentrate on turning him gay. It was clear in speaking with him that he wasn't. I assumed he was at least bi as he was browsing the gay section of nifty. But even with his lowered inhibitions he sounded like a Kinsey 1? He could appreciate an attractive man, and he would not be disgusted by gay sex, but it was not something he would really seek out either. He had a fantasy about control, not an attraction to men. That was fine by me. I didn't want him experimenting with just anyone. I wanted him to come to me.

No, all I needed was to continue altering our relationship. I needed keep building up his trust in me by both lowering his inhibitions in general and improving his confidence in me specifically. Ensure that he saw me as someone with experience, someone he could look up to, someone he could come to for advice on his darker urges. The other avenue was to focus him in on the desire to give up control of his cock. The initial interest was there, I just needed to help it grow.

I had two goals, but I didn't know how I could weave them both into the same channel harmoniously. The more I tried, the clunkier it became. So I put the trust triggers in a new chapter of my existing story, and the desire triggers in an entirely new story. I thought it was brilliant, but it would turn out to be a big mistake in the long run.

In the short term though, it worked wonders. Not long after the new stories had posted, I woke up to a new video from David. "Look what you made me do" was the subject line. In the video David was wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton boxer briefs that showed very clearly that he was enjoying the stories. He addressed the camera

"I didn't want to cum until I read both new chapters. I didn't know which one was hotter, so I ended up reading them both multiple times. Now I'm stuck like this . . . "

He hooked his thumbs around the sides of the underwear and started to pull them down slowly, revealing a wonderful mess of pubes. Finally, his cock bounced out, hard and leaking. It pointed straight up, glad to be free. Naked at last he smirked at the camera and then ended the clip. I had made great progress.

While I enjoyed how his teasing videos had become explicit, I found our conversations even more promising. He started to talk about the new porn he was trying - clips about pegging and ruined orgasms.

But I wasn't done with David yet. I whipped up two more chapters. One pushed our relationship to become more hierarchical, filled with loyalty and obedience. The other encouraged total abdication of control over his pleasure. They were a bit rushed, and not my most subtle works to date. But I was blinded by my own desire for David and I was more concerned about efficacy than subtlety.

"Oh man, your latest chapters were so hot. I really wish I could explore things like that."

"I'm sure you could find someone to help you with that."

"No, I would never tell anyone about these fucked up fantasies of mine."

"I'm someone. You've told me all about them."

"Hah, yeah I guess, but you're some dude on the internet. You're not real."

"I assure you David, I am very real. What turns you on most that you really want to explore."

"I dunno. I like the idea of being passive. Not like I need to be dominated or anything. I just like the idea that pleasure isn't something that I can control any more. It is something that just happens to me. I wouldn't be able to control when it stopped or started, or how intense it was. It would be something done to me. It would be out of my hands, I wouldn't have to think about it. I would just be there, experiencing it, however it happens. There is something so damn hot about that. I dunno, it seems selfish when I say it like that."

"I don't know, I'm a little impressed by a boy who could give me complete control over his body and still see it as selfish."

"Hahaha, I guess when you put it like that."

"Let me have you try something out for me. Most guys have two modes. They are either not aroused, or they are trying to cum. Any time they spend between the two is ignored. But I want you to try and stick between those two states. Jerk off whenever you want to, but don't have an orgasm as your end goal. Just try living in that state of being aroused. I'm not saying you can't cum, or that you shouldn't, but just appreciate that extra zone for some time."

Of course, David was eager to try this out. I had already made sure of that.

His next video was much less composed than his previous ones. It wasn't a mirror shot and no mount was used. He was just laying in bed, a little sweaty. He looked exhausted but very happy, almost giddy.

"I just wanted to thank you. I've spent the past half hour jacking off. Not like normal, but like really, really getting close and backing off. It was the most intense orgasm I've ever had." I thought I could see some cum glisten on his shoulder.

After that, he was mine. He couldn't stop crowing about that `middle place' as he called it where he could stay and feel horny and sexy. It made the orgasms so much more intense, but also slightly bittersweet as they took him out of that zone. Of course my conditioning made sure that he couldn't resist bringing himself to climax before too long.

"You know what would be even better?" I asked David one day. "If you let someone else edge you. Keep you in that zone. They could keep you there all day. All weekend even."

David was interested, but hesitant. I could see that I was getting through to him. He wanted it. He needed to give up control like that, but he wouldn't allow himself just yet. He didn't live anywhere near me, so it wasn't like a brief lapse of judgement would get him over to my place. Our meeting would have to be a special trip. So I wrote one last fateful chapter to get him over that last resistance by building up his desire and his trust in me. I posted the story and sent him the link. An hour and a half later he was messaging me telling me that this was my hottest story yet and that he needed to experience these things for himself.

"You're always welcome here. Come out for a weekend and I'll make sure we both have a very good time."

"I would, I really would. No, I will. I just need to save up for a ticket."

"I'll get a plane ticket for you. But if I get a ticket, you have to come. You can't stand me up."

"I won't! I'm so into this."

"I'm glad, but I can't spend that kind of money for you to chicken out at the last second. Let's do this. I'll send you a chastity device, I'll keep the key here. You send me a pic of you wearing the cage and I'll buy your ticket."

And so the agreement was made. I mailed him his cage. Not even an hour after FedEx had confirmed the delivery, I had a photo oh him locked up, nice and snug. I sent him his ticket for the following weekend. Between the reading and rereading of my stories and the experience of being locked up that long, his mind was pudding. He couldn't have resisted me if he tried.

I picked him up at a local regional airport. He smiled at me sheepishly as he came out of the arrivals gate and followed me to my car.


"Here?" He glanced out of the window nervously. There was no one near us in the parking structure, though I would have given him the same instruction either way.

I just glared at him.

"Yes sir."

He took off his clothes in the passenger seat, folded them, and gave them to me. I put his wallet in my glove compartment and his clothes in a paper bag. His body looked even better in person. Tan, toned, locked.

"Shoes and socks too." I reminded him. He complied and was entirely naked except for his cage.

"Good boy. Let's go home." I smiled at him. He grinned back. I could see his cock trying to grow in its cage.

I kept the windows rolled down and threw the bag containing his clothes to a homeless person busking near the freeway entrance. David became visibly uncomfortable, realizing he had no possessions with him and no control. But I put a hand on his knee. "Trust me. You won't be needing clothes for this trip."

I parked and showed David into my house, bringing him into the playroom. "Here is the deal. Your cock will not be unlocked while your hands are free."

"Then cuff me now!"

He didn't have to ask me twice. I locked wrist and ankle restraints on him, as well as a collar. I clipped his wrists to his collar and then unlocked his cock. David was instantly hard. I gave it a few slow strokes and David nuzzled his body towards mine, moaning. The boy was ready to explode, but had not even come close to earning it yet. I pushed him to his knees and got my cock out. I spent the rest of the evening training him to suck dick. It was not hard to believe he had never done it before, but he took instruction well. In time, he managed to get quite decent at it and suck two loads out of me, the latter of which he swallowed. I iced his cock down and once it shrank up I locked his dick away again before freeing his arms and having him get ready for bed.

In the morning, after showering off, I strapped him down to the bed, spread eagle. I kept him on edge all day, playing with sleeves, and vibrators, even a little electricity. When he got too close, I gave him a break so he could suck my dick some more. We took a few breaks, naturally, to eat and stretch out, and he was of course in chastity on those breaks. Towards the end of the night, he was babbling "please please please please please" on a loop. I smiled at the thought of what I had created from the straight tease who contacted me months ago.

Sunday morning I gave my boy a choice. "I can tie you down and fuck you until you cum today, or . . . we can go do some of the tourist stuff around here." He choose well. I set up my sling and locked him in. I started him very gently, using fingers to find his prostate and help him discover this new genre of pleasure. It wasn't a hard sell - he hadn't cum for a week. He was moaning instantly. He was ready.

I push my dick inside of him slowly, watching his face distort with the unfamiliar sensation. I stroked his cock very gently as he got used to my size. When I was all the way in, I started pounding him, jerking him off in time with my thrusts. I felt him tightening, saw his balls rise - and let go of his cock. His hands leapt towards his dick, but couldn't reach - they were securely chained. He struggled against the restraints, trying to grab his throbbing member and get the easy release of a fast orgasm.

I leaned over him and whispered in his ear, still thrusting inside of him "What's the matter David? Isn't this what you wanted? To be passive and controlled? To let the pleasure just happen to you - to let the pleasure be inflicted on you?"

"Oh, god, yes, please, yes," he babbled. He stopped struggling.

I ignored his cock and fucked him hard for another 5 minutes or so before he started to tense again. It was slow, beginning with his ass contracting around me. Then all of his other muscles started to tense, his abs, his legs. His arms pulled at their chains, not trying to get free, but trying to cope with the intensity. His moans rose and became small screams as his cock started jerking violently. After at least a dozen twitches, one jet of cum shot out of him punctuated with a painful but satisfied moan. A few more twitches, and then another squirt. Then another. His whole body shuddered each time. It was a long, slow, handsfree orgasm lasting most of a minute. But I wasn't done, and neither was he.

I grabbed his cock and started stroking it. He writhed from side to side to try throw me off and stop me from playing with his very sensitive cock, but he was too well restrained to deter me. After a minute or so, he relaxed into it. A few more minutes and he was ready to cum again, and I was ready to cum with him. He shot another load, this time with my hand around his cock, while I shot my own load inside of him. I pulled out of him, and milked the last few drops from his dick. When I caught my breath, I started to unlock him.

"A- Aren't you going to put the device back on first?" he asked, confused.

"No, that's your decision. The device is there. I've got the key, I'm going to put it away before I jump in the shower. You can put the device back on, or not. It's up to you." I left the room, knowing he would make the right decision.

It wasn't long before David came to join me in the shower, wearing his cock cage.

We had a good evening together before I gave him some clothes and dropped him back off at the airport. He was already looking for a way to come back and stay with me longer.

I came home, and got on my computer. It had been a busy weekend, I hadn't had a chance to check my email. I had dozens of emails with subject lines like "nifty story", "VERY HOT!", and "Loved My Jockboy". Most had attachments of people sending me videos that looks exactly like David's, following the instructions embedded in those stories precisely. But how had they picked up on them? They should have been invisible without the correct priming. Somehow, the hypnotic instructions in the stories were being triggered without the priming! I was upset and almost in a panic thinking about how I could take the stories down. Thinking about it more though, I felt a little proud of my work, and a little turned on. So I wrote this story to explain the situation. Give people a warning. What they do with that information, if they read my other storied (Seduced by Control, My Jockboy, and The Stone Files), is their decision.

Let me know what you think about this story at adsvasd584@yahoo.com

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