Davids Revenge

By dolphinboy 333

Published on Nov 20, 2011


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author dolphinboy333@hotmail.com all comments are welcome. Please put "Nifty Story" in your subject line

David's revenge -- Part 5

Josh's Kitchen ...

"Hi honey, what were you up to tonight?" his mother queried

"Nothing much" he mumbled in response, "just a little bit of this and that" he added

"Hmmmm ... one of these days you might actually have a descent conversation" she replied.

"Night, I'm tired he said" and walked out the kitchen and took the stairs two at a time.

Just as he got to the his bedroom door, his mother shouted from the foot of the stairs

"Oh, nearly forgot, you had a call tonight, whilst you were out, doing your little bit of this and a little bit of that" she added sarcastically, then continued "It's your friend, David, He said that he is back from holiday and he is dying to catch up with you"

The colour drained from his face, but his mother was too far away to notice in the subdued lighting of the hallway. "Okay" he said, feeling that than one word was all that was necessary.

He closed the door and and threw himself onto the bed. He reached into his bag and pulled his mobile phone out, that had been set to vibrate only. He had one message, a few clicks later, he read the message with utter depression.


Josh received his instructions, he was to go to the hut on Saturday night for a reunion. He was going to be the star guest.

On the night before "the reunion", Josh was ordered to come to David's and Evelyn's house, he was told to bring all the picture's, video clips and everything else that he was ordered to collect as part of his "tasks" . He took everything he had and the two of them looked at all the pictures together, paying little attention to Josh. He was of course on his knees naked at her feet wearing his "Toby" collar. Mike must have been round earlier and handed it back to Evil-lyn. After just 15 minutes, he was told to fuck off and that they would see him tomorrow.

The forest.

It was 7.55pm and Josh was making his way through the woods towards the hut, he had been told to be there by 8.00pm, for a night of fun and laughter. He was the one who was going to be made fun of, and everybody would be laughing at him, that he knew for sure.

As he approached the hut he could hear the voices from within, they were filling him with dread. He knocked on the door, only for it to open almost instantly by Johnny. He must have been watching the boy make his way up the grassy path towards the hut. Once inside the hut, Josh started having flashbacks to his first encounter at this location, he felt his cock grow slightly inside his chastity belt, but knew that it was going to be a short lived erection.

There were a good few people there, most of them from the last time but there were a few he never knew.

"Welcome" was the theatrical introduction made by David at the top of his voice, instantly capturing the attention of everyone in the hut. The all stopped talking and turned to look at the boy who was standing in the doorway. David moved to his side and put a friendly arm around his shoulder. Normally this would be a comforting gesture, however Josh knew it was going to be anything but.

"Please say hello to our special guest star, Josh, or as he is sometimes known as Toby".

David explained to the audience that Josh was the main entertainment for the night and that they were all going to see him laid bear for their pleasure, they all knew what that meant.

Johnny propelled the boy towards the table in the middle of the room, using his hands on his back. Once Josh was facing it, Evelyn stepped forward and took over the MC duties from David.

"Ok Toby, you should know by now what the requisite position is?" she said.

Josh glanced around the room and started to strip off his clothes. Some of the new people there were surprised and looked at each other in astonishment, but quickly turned their attention back to the boy, to ensure that they never missed anything. Josh was stripped down to his underpants and without any hesitation, he hooked his fingers under the waist band and pulled his pants down and stepped out of them, kicking them into the corner of the room with the rest of his clothes.

All the other kids in the hut looked at the silicone contraption that was attached to his cock and balls, they noted his smooth hairless look. He dropped to his knees and crawled over to Evil-lyn, keeping his head down in shame, humiliation and embarrassment. She reached down and attached his collar and lead.

He was paraded around the hut and everyone had a turn in mocking and humiliating him. He was used to it now and seemed just to accept his circumstances as if this was the normal behaviour of school children with one of their own classmates.

After a little while and so that everyone had got used to seeing the boy doing what he was told, David pulled him towards the table and told him to climb onto it and lie on his back. Having been here before Josh moved his wrists in the direction of the table legs, David smirked at the utter compliance of Josh. He was then tied into position, spread out for everyone to see.

The Vote.

"Now, as we all live in a democracy, I think that we need to have a vote on one or two issues" David declared,

"As you can see, Toby here has been locked up in his own wee prison" tapping his hand on the chastity belt to draw everyone's attention to it, he continued "Well as he has been locked up and unable to have any erections or be able to cum, for the last two weeks that we were away on holiday, I think it is about time that we all voted to see if Toby should remain locked up for his own protection, or if he should be allowed out to play", he laughed at his own joke.

Josh was terrified that they might "vote" to keep him locked up. How long for?, when will he ever be able to cum again? He was getting worried again.

"Okay everyone, I have some ballot papers here and some pencils, I want you to vote for one of the three options that appear on the ballot paper" He held up the paper for all to see. Josh strained his head to see what the options were. David ignored him and addressed the hut.

"Number one is:- Keep Toby locked up indefinitely. "Number two is:- Let him out of his silicone prison. Number three is:- Let him out for a supervised play and then get locked up again."

With everything that had happened to Josh in the last few months since crossing David, he was sure that option two, would not win out, he was that despondent,

David moved over to the sideboard and placed a box on it, with a pile of the ballot papers left next to it. He invited all the kids to go up one at a time and cast their vote. Josh watched nervously as each person cast their vote and folded the paper in two and put it in the box.

After a few minutes the voting was over. It was the time for the result. David thanked everybody for participating. He tipped the box out on the sideboard and started to put the ballot papers into piles, there only was two piles of paper when he was finished.

"Okay everybody, the results are now known", he paused for effect and to ensure that he had everyone's attention. "Here", he patted the empty space next to the two other piles of paper, "Is all the votes in favour of letting Toby be finally released from his little silicone prison, in other words, None" there was a cheer from the group. He continued, "Now, this pile is for all the people who want to keep Toby locked up for longer" He picked the papers up and counted them out slowly to increase the tension. He counted Six. " And ... here is the amount of people who are prepared to let Toby have some supervised playtime". He again slowly counted out the papers, till he reached, eight. "I now declare that the official referendum has concluded and the result by a eight to six majority, has indicated that Toby will be let out for some supervised play, then ..." he paused some more ... "be locked up gain" There was a huge cheers in the room. Josh had pretty much expected the result.

As everyone gathered round the table looking down on the boy, David got into position between the legs of the boy. He started to rummage though the pocket of his jeans, then with a puzzled look on his face, he stated "Eh ... sorry everyone, it looks like I have forgotten the key to the padlock, ooops" Josh just looked at him. A few seconds passed then for not the first time in the hut, Josh was on the end of some psychological cruelty. David pulled the keys from his pocket, held them up and gave them a little Jingle and shouted "Kidding". To the amusement of the group.

He proceeded to unlock the padlock and then had to wrestle with the contraption for longer than he imagined, before Josh was finally released from his cock prison. As they all watched, Josh included, the cock remained very small and for quite some time seemed reluctant to stir. Josh started to momentary panic. What if he had forgotten how to be erect?, What if his cock was broken and would never get hard again. He tried mentally thinking of anything to stir his groin, but nothing happened.

Evil-lyn stepped forward and took her position of dominance in between his legs. Everyone waited to see what she would say or do.

"Well looks like this little thing has forgotten what to do" she mocked him.

"Might as well just lock it back up forever, that's what I think anyway". She picked up the chastity belt and started to put it back onto the boy. He begged to have it left off, saying that he would do anything they wanted, but please let him be free, at least for more than a few minutes.

Evelyn enjoyed watching him beg and plead. She thought it interesting that he had an expectation of being locked back up again, but so desperate to have some freedom, that he openly submitted to do anything anybody asked him to do. He really was their submissive slave now. Their plan set in motion in this very location all those months ago, had had the desired effect. They had broken the will of the boy and bent it into the direction that they choose. He was their submissive and willing slave now.

She put the chastity belt down on the table again and looked around the room, everyone just stared back at her. She walked away. David again took his position in between Josh's legs and picked up the small cock, he played with it, flicking it from side to side and and it began, very slowly to respond. After a little while, Josh began to feel what it was like to be erect again, he had not experienced that feeling for two whole weeks and was starting to enjoy it again. David was controlling the boys desires and he knew it.

"Well Well ...looks like he has not forgotten what to do after all", he said.

"Toby ... do you want to cum?"

It was a question that humiliated the boy further, if that was possible, Josh knew that he was going to have to ask permission to even do what most boys do naturally. David was now controlling his ability to cum.

"Yes please" said Josh

"Good boy, I think we can make that happen, if your a good boy" he repeated as he moved round the table and ruffled the boys hair.

As David had been talking and not playing with Josh's cock, it had fallen softly and shrunk again till it was only about one inch in length. Someone pointed out that it had shrunk. There was laughter around the hut. David ruffled his hair again and asked if someone would get in between his legs and start very very slowly to masturbate him, but only if he begged sufficiently.

A few people swayed on their toes, flicking glances around the room to see who would move first. Then a girl moved forward and caught a few people out. She took up position in between his legs. Looking down at his small cock, she spoke.

"Would you like me to play with your very small cock?"

"Yes" was Josh's short reply.

"Not good enough ... I need more than that, if I am to touch your tiny cock" she said forcefully. There was the odd giggle around the room.

"Please play with my tiny cock, please I need to cum, please I beg you to play with my pathetic small cock" Josh said. He knew there was no point after all these months in trying to play any mind games. He was their slave and he knew it. Having been treated like a dog and been abused in all the different ways, he was beyond trying to save face and do the minimum that was required. He just hoped his pleading was going to be enough.

She picked up his cock and started to play with it. Very slowly he started to respond. She patronised him, commenting on the smallness and smoothness of his small boy cock. He started to wriggle his hips to encourage her to speed up. David on noticing the boys reaction, stepped forward and stopped the proceedings. The girl was disappointed but moved away, letting his cock drop and soften. Another girl stepped forward, but David stopped her and spoke into her ear. She waited her turn, long enough for the boys cock to soften completely. Then she did the same, making him beg, this time she mocked him more about his hairless little boy look. Josh had no option but to agree and again belittled himself. She too masturbated him till he was erect but again on a nod from David stopped and stepped away.

For some time the boys and girls played with him, each time making him beg and agree to whatever crossed their minds. He obliged, but still was not getting to cum. He started to wonder if the same thing was going to happen to him today, as it did a couple of weeks earlier when he was first fitted into the chastity belt with David and Evil-lyn torturing him sexually and making him desperate to cum, before cruelly locking him up. He was desperately hoping that this would not be the case again.

David stepped forward after the latest boy had finished and took over. As he had watched the group of kids torment and abuse Josh, he had been thinking in locking him up again, without the reward of releasing his seed. But for once he took pity on the boy and decided that he would be rewarded, but first he needed to be humiliated more.

David went over to the bag, that he and Evelyn had brought with them earlier, from here he took out some plastic pegs, 5 in total. He attached one peg to each of the boys nipples and watched as he squealed. He then attached the remaining three pegs to the boys scrotum, after he pulled the skin out flat.. As he looked around the table, he asked if that looked enough. After a pause or two, someone said ... "No" , there was a giggle or two heard, then David brought out a plastic bag filled with plastic pegs and popped them on the table.

"Okay, everyone, the object of the game is to get as many of these onto the balls and cock as possible. It would be great if we can get the whole lot applied" he said.

A second invitation was not really necessary, the group all suddenly rushed forward to make sure they got some pegs. It was a bit of an undignified scramble, some of the pegs flying off the table and landing on the floor. Followed by kids diving down after them. Soon everyone more or less had a couple of pegs each. They gathered round and debated what part of the body they should attached them to. Soon they all started pulling bits of skin and attaching them to random areas. A couple of the boys attached more of their pegs to his nipples and most of the kids looked for spare scrotum skin and pulled it out and added their pegs to it. Josh squealed every now and again as some pegs caused him more discomfort than others. After a little while they all stood back and admired their handy work.

The bag had contained 30 pegs of assorted colours and they were now all attached to Josh. He was in pain as he lay there tied to the table. David stepped forward in between his spread eagled legs and slowly started to masturbate him, he deliberately went very slowly, the pegs attached to his balls bounced up and down and made Josh flinch in pain.

"Do you want me to go faster?", he asked the boy

Josh knew that by saying yes, the pain he was in now, would not compare to the pain he would soon be in, with all the pegs flying up and down. But what choice did he have. David knew also that Josh had no choice but to agree. He waited for the inevitable answer.

"Yes please" replied Josh, through slightly gritted teeth.

"Good boy, I had a feeling you would say that, David added with more than a little hint of evilness.

David started to speed up his pulling of the boys erect cock. As he did so the pegs started to bounce up and down, spikes of pain shot up the boys body. Josh tried to hold it together, but his head started to thrash about from side to side, as he struggled against his binds and the pain.

David knew that the boy would be in a lot of pain, as he had secretly attached pegs to his own balls one day when his mother was out and knew that when he started to play with himself the pain that was almost bearable when the pegs just hung there, became agony when they started bouncing up and down, as he whacked off. He had cut short his own experiment due to the pain and removed the pegs and rubbed his balls till they felt better. This time however, he was not the one in pain, so it never mattered to him at all. It was an experiment that he wanted to see through to the end.

After a good few minutes he slowed the pace right down and played very slowly with Josh's erect cock.

"Do you want to cum? He asked

"Yes" came the reply.

"How much, do you want it"

"Very much sir" Josh replied. A few giggles were heard from the gang.

"Let me hear you say it, let me hear you say you want it faster"

"Please sir, I need to cum, please masturbate me faster, I want it faster", he almost shouted.

Some of the watching boys flinched as they watched David start to play with the cock, as they could imagine the pain that the boy was in and now that he had begged David to speed up, David complied and the pain started all over again, they saw it etched on his face.

David continued to play with him, he had a look of utter contempt on his face as he stared down into Josh's face. The boy started to thrash his head about in pain and grit his teeth. He was desperate after two whole weeks to cum, that despite the pain, he needed a release sooner than later. He was afraid that David might be torturing him and had no intention of letting him cum and maybe he would just stop and lock him up in his chastity belt again. He could not afford that to happen.

To ensure that he would get to cum. He decided to spur David on and no matter how much pain it caused him, he was determined that he was going to cum.

"Faster, faster" he shouted out, his outburst surprised a few of the gang. "Go on, give it too me, I am a fucking faggot" he again shouted out. " Faster faster" He continued.

David knew he must be desperate to cum, as the pain must would unbearable, yet he was demanding to be abused more and more.

One of the kids shouted out "Faggot", as they watched the show. The others started to join in and soon a chant of "Faggot, ... Faggot, ... Faggot" rung out in the hut. The odd shout of "Gay Boy" could be heard also. David pumped away at his cock. It had crossed his mind to stop and lock him up in his chastity belt again. As that really would be a mind fuck. But he felt that on balance the willingness of the boy to be almost routinely humiliated by him and the others, was reward enough and that making him cum under these circumstances was already a great mind fuck.

"GIVE IT TO ME, I AM A FUCKING FAGGOT" shouted Josh , again to ensure that David never stopped. It was his worse fear that David would lock him up again without the reward of a seed spill.

David, got faster and faster and the pegs bit into his skin in different places, most notable the 20 or so pegs that were attached to his balls. The pain was like nothing Josh had ever experienced before and hoped never to experience again. He bit down on his lip then gritted his teeth, he knew that he was going to cum soon, after two weeks it was going to be a gusher, he felt sure of that. David pounded away and the gang still chanted, this was a situation where everyone was playing their part, to perfection.

Josh twisted against his binds and threw up his hips towards David, his nipples were sore and his balls ached but he needed this more than anything he had ever needed in his short life. His cock was red from all the pulling and nut sack was killing him, but he felt a sensation that he had not done for the previous two weeks.

He stopped thrashing his head about from side to side and now pulled upright to look at his cock, the strain on his face was evident to all in the room. He let then out a scream.... "Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as the cum shot from his cock and flew high in the air. He convulsed and spasmed as David pounded away relentlessly, not for a second letting up his pace. Rope after rope of cum shot out of his cock, to the cheers of the gang

"Keep going boy, give me every last drop" David shouted at him, still pounding away.

Josh arched his back and thrust his hips out, it felt amazing to release his pent up teenage cum. Evelyn, stepped forward and demanded that he give them all the sperm he had. His cock was still red raw and still being handled by David in the same manner as before. This was now a different pain he was experiencing. In the past when he played with himself, he only kept pulling at his cock for a few seconds after cuming and then drifted off to a slow come down from his orgasm. Now his cock and balls were empty but still David demanded more.

David's face was becoming red and beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead. He called over another of the boys and told him to take over and continue playing with him at the same pace. Josh was shocked, his balls were killing him and he was drained and strapped down, when was this going to stop, he wondered.

The boy took over from David and keep pounding away. Josh begged him to stop and said there was nothing left to give, as he put it, his gay balls were empty.

The boy looked at David for guidance, David made it clear he was to continue. David had seen a clip on the internet of a gay boy being masturbated by a guy calling himself the master. The master had edged the boy along before extracting his boy milk, but David was amazed that he kept going and saw the pain the boy was in. This was another experiment, along with the pegs, that he was keen to carry out on his own submissive property, not caring if it was sore or not. Josh lay in agony and pleaded some more to stop, but David did not listen. The boy kept playing with Josh's erect cock, that was trying to soften, but was not being allowed to.

Having been masturbated for five more minutes after he had shot his load, David ordered the boy to stop. Josh had been crying and weeping for a few mins and could take no more. The red raw cock fell against his smooth stomach and everyone just looked down on him.

"Okay shows over" said David.

The boys and girls drifted back to their drinks and discussed in small groups what they had just seen and participated in. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

Evelyn went round the room and gathered up the four people who had not been in the hut the first time a few months ago. The four boys were taken into the side room. She explained to them that everyone else in the hut had been photographed to insure that they would remain silent. They all said that there was "no way" that they would tell anybody what they witnessed tonight. She smiled weakly and said she knew that they would remain silent. Five mins later the boys left the room and rejoined their friends. All their friends never said anything, they never needed to. They all knew that the boys had been photographed in compromising positions, with their cocks out and smiling for the camera. Josh was not used this time, as he was still shacked to the table and not moving. So the boys probably were forced to pose naked or suck on each others cocks, either way, everyone knew that Evelyn controlled everything and that their silence was guaranteed.

Forty five minutes later David announced that the party was over and that everyone should leave, they all took heed and started drifting away from the hut and made their way back to their homes.

Evelyn also packed up all the equipment into the rucksack and spoke quietly with Johnny and David, then she left the hut. Johnny left soon afterwards. David returned to the table, he was the only one left in the hut, other than Josh.

"You did very well tonight Toby, you were a great little performer, you should be very proud" he stated.

Josh lay there still strapped to the table and hour after he came and still the pegs bit into his skin. His small hairless and lifeless red cock lay limply against his leg. Patches of small dried cum lay next to him on the table and on his body. David slowly circled the table a few times, ruffling the boys hair as he passed his head. He also hit the pegs attached to his balls, sending pulses of pain through the boy. He untied his ankles and then moved to the other end and untied his wrists. Josh propped himself up on the table, by his elbows, but kept his legs apart, due to the pegs.

"You were a good boy tonight, a very good little slave boy" David said, Josh just listened and did not respond.

"Stand up"

Josh slowly and painfully rose from the table and climbed down off the end. He stood at the end of the table with his feet three feet apart. David stood in front of him and flicked the pegs that were attached to his nipples. Josh grimaced.

"Would you like the pegs removed?"

"Yes Sir, please" Josh said, keeping his voice as even toned as he could.

"Hands up here on the head, keep them there till I tell you otherwise." he said as he pointed to the boys head.

David grabbed the pegs on his nipples and pulled them off, with some gusto. The pain and the pain relief, went hand in hand. David massaged the nipples with his fingers and made Josh groan. He than slowly one by one , pulled them off Josh's balls, whilst all the time starring right into the boys eyes and watching every reaction.

"Good boy, I bet you are dying to rub those empty balls and bring some life back into them?"

"Yes Sir" was the simple reply.

"Well, you are not allowed to, least ways, till I give you permission." David said.

He went over to the corner of the hut and retrieved the lead and attached it to Josh's collar.

"Open wide Toby" He said.

He took the other end of the lead and placed it in boys mouth.

"On the floor, on all fours"

Josh dropped to his hands and knees. He was still desperate to rub his balls, but couldn't. He saw the pegs scattered around the floor as he looked down at the feet of his master.

David started to peel off his T-shirt and then removed his belt from his jeans. Josh did not look away from his feet but saw the jeans slide down to his ankles. David kicked off his shoes then stepped out of his jeans. As Josh looked at his masters bare feet, he saw his boxers land at his ankles. David was completely naked in front of the boy.

"Toby look up" he ordered the boy

Josh raised his head and looked up at David, he still held the lead in his mouth. What he saw was a slim and golden tanned boy, with just hint of six pack showing. Also very noticeable was his tan lines around his hips. Not least Josh noticed a six inch cock that was semi hard and sticking straight out from his flat stomach.

Without saying anything more, David picked the lead out of his mouth and started to walk slowly around the hut, pulling the boy behind him.

"I want you to stick your nose in my ass crack and insure that it stays there till I tell you otherwise, do you understand?"

Josh barked twice for yes.

David smiled at the response. He then started to strut around the hut with his shoulders back and his chest puffed out. He felt Josh's nose and breath against his ass crack as he walked around in circles. He looked over his shoulders from time to time and enjoyed seeing the boy maintaining his ordered position. He made his way over to the edge of the table and stopped about three feet from the edge. He leaned over spreading his ass and grabbed hold of the sides of the table. Pushing his ass out and upwards he felt the boys nose pushing further in.

"Good boy Toby, I am going to turn round soon and I want you to stick your nose under my balls and sniff in the aroma of your master"

Josh made a muffled barking sound as his face was still buried in David's ass. David laughed out loud when he heard the sound. He stayed for a couple of minutes in the same bent over position, then he turned round. Josh immediately stuck his nose under David's lightly hairy balls and sniffed in the boy smell.

"Look up at me" David instructed.

Josh altered his position to keep his nose in place but be also able to look up at his master.

David started to play with his cock, rubbing it across the cheeks of the boy and his forehead.

David shuffled back and leaned against the table edge. Toby moved forward and kept his nose in it rightful place.

"Here suck this hard" David instructed, as he waved his cock in the air from side to side.

Josh opened his mouth and chased the waving cock till he caught it and started to suck it for all he was worth, hoping to please his master. David watched as the blond head bobbed back and forth and his cock disappeared inside a hot wet and by the looks of it, a willing hole.

"You know, this is what happens when you fuck my girlfriend" he said. "You really ought to have kept your small dick away from Sarah, but because you never, then this is what happens, you become a hairless, desperate, cock sucking, worthless puppy that enjoys being humiliated and abused by everyone who has the misfortune to come into contact with you"

David noticed the frown and puzzlement shoot across the boys features, but to his credit he kept sucking and attending to his masters needs. Josh desperately wanted to correct David but knew it might not be worth his effort, at least not at this moment in time. David never added any more to his statement, he just let what he said sit there in the air between them. But still the blond head sucked his now very erect cock. He took hold of the boys ears and started to push his swollen dick right down the boys throat. As Josh gagged and struggled , David ignored and pushed. After some resistance, his cock progressed further than it has ever been and soon the boys nose was brushing up against his wiry pubes. The full length of his 6 inch erect cock was fully inserted inside Josh's mouth.

"Good boy, Toby" he said as he ruffled his hair once more.

He slowly started to pull out then he pushed back in, slowly and carefully he was skull fucking his submissive slave boy. He felt great. Josh felt sore and stretched.

A few minutes later he withdrew his cock and then shoved it all the way back in.

"Good Boy, Toby, that's a good boy, you enjoy your bone", he laughed at his own joke.

Then he let go of Josh's ears and head and withdrew his cock.

"Up here on the table boy" he said as be patted the table top. Josh got up onto the table and lay on his back, with his legs hanging over the side. David looked at him, half smiled and tilted his head to the one side. Josh raised his knees to his chin and offering his hole to his master, That's what David enjoyed the most, the ability to get the boy to understand the unspoken command. He had understood what was required. The presented rose bud was an offer that David was not going to refuse.

He spat on the hole and gobbed a handful of spit onto his shaft, working it up and down.

"This is going to hurt you more than it is going to hurt me", he said with reverse irony.

He pressed his purple cock head against the hole and pushed hard. Josh's head flew back and struck the table top and he squealed. He had his hole filled and violated without much in the way of a pause. David built up a rhythmic pace and made sure that the entire length of his penis went inside the boys hole in the same manner as his mouth. Right up to the hilt.

David fucked the boy long and hard, he never spoke, just enjoyed his slave, as he neared climax, he pulled out and ordered and dragged Josh off the table and onto his knees in front of him. Pulling his hair and head backwards he pointed his cock right at the boy and told him to open up. He soon was gushing cum all over Josh's face and aimed a few large gobs right into this mouth.

"Swallow it all Toby and suck my cock clean"

Josh did as instructed and rolled David's penis around his mouth, cleaning and licking off all the cum. After he was finished David withdrew his cock and inspected it.

"Good boy"

Josh decided it was time to speak up, clearing his throat, he spoke.

"I never fucked Sarah" he said simply. There was a pause and no response from David, so he continued. " I never knew she was still going out with you, I only ever had one small kiss on the lips, you knew that, you saw that, we never had sex, I am a virgin" he finished, then corrected himself, "WAS a virgin"

David said nothing again for a few seconds then he spoke, or more precisely made a noise.

"Hmmmmmmmm" was all he ventured, whilst thinking things through.

"Well obviously I knew you kissed her, I saw the evidence on Johnny's phone, so I assumed that you were fucking her as well, but now you tell me that all that ever happened was a kiss, is that right?"

"Yes" was the excited reply from Josh, it was almost as if by getting to the truth, would change the way things were. But that was not going to happen as there was no such thing as a time machine, that could get rid of all the humiliation that Josh had suffered. Josh however was clinging to the hope that this moment of truth was the game changer and things were going to be different from now on. His hope and excitement never lasted long. David dashed them with all the contempt he could muster.

"Too bad, slut boy, I could not care less about what happened between you both. It bores me. it was so long ago that I can't be bothered thinking about it anyway. Have not seen that cow in weeks. You on the other hand are a joy to play with and humiliate, especially in front so many of our classmates. It makes for a great bit of fun, don't you think?"

A crestfallen Josh replied, "I suppose so"

"Cheer up Toby, you were made for cock sucking and in fact you are really quite good at it, trained by me of course, so maybe when you leave school, the best job you can get, would be to rent out your holes", David laughed, then continued "Mind you, the older you get the less desirable you become, so it would be best to get your holes filled as often as you can, by as many men as you can, before it all comes to an end and nobody wants you, because that is what you are to me ... nothing, absolutely nothing"

"Bring me my clothes boy" he ordered.

A twig snapped and he held his breath for a second or two, but there was no reaction from either of the boys, they kept walking down the path, he followed from further behind. Eventually they both stopped at a cross roads in the grassy path, David went to the left and Josh to the right. Divide and conquer, he thought. Although that really was not what was happening, they just went their separate ways. He followed Josh.

As he silently closed in on the boy and before he reached the join between the urban landscape and the wooded area, he pounced. Less of a pounce and more of a "Psssssst", but it was effective.

Josh spun round when he heard the sound and was confronted with the large shape of Johnny closing in on him and becoming larger with each second that past.

"I want some" he said when he got to within two paces of Josh.

"What" was all Josh could counter with.

"I want what you gave to David in the hut, I saw it all from the grubby wee window at the back, I saw you suck, I saw you get fucked, I saw you enjoying it and I saw you getting locked up again in your chastity belt. I saw it all and I want it"

He lead the boy by the arm, back into the woods and made his way to a secluded area that he knew of. Once there Josh had to do to Johnny everything that he had been ordered to do to David. For what seemed like a never ending night, he once more got stripped and sucked another cock that was pushed the whole way down his throat, his ass was pounded, only this time Johnny wanted his cum to remain inside the boy. He fired his whole load right inside him. Soon afterwards and feeling guilty, for a reason that he never understood, he quickly left the scene of his forced sodomisation. Leaving Josh to again get dressed and cope with the warm cum seeping from his rear. This time he was unsure how long he would remain locked up, would it be longer than the two weeks he had just endured?. David and Evil-lyn were not on their summer holidays now, so he could not answer is own question. Now he was ready for his bed, it had been a long night.

Two Days Later ... David's Bedroom.

Evelyn sat on the edge of the bed and watched as David, skipped through some old and new photographs, on the computer, taken during their conversion of Josh to a slut that they both owned and abused at will.

She sighed, "I'm getting bored now"

"What you mean?" David enquired.

"I can't be bothered with Toby any more, I think we have to end his torment"

"No way, it's great fun, surely you're not serious?"

"Yes, I am, you saw how he acted in the hut, there was a time we used to fuck with his mind, and tease him, torment and abuse him, but now, the other night in the hut, he just complied with everything and did as he was told, there is no fun in that. It was so much better to force him into doing what we wanted and tormenting him, that's the bit I loved."

"Yes, but that is what we wanted, to break his spirit and to bend it to our will." He said.

"I know and you could say, job done"

"Well, we could do other things to him, something cruel and depraved?" he ventured, hoping to turn around his sisters attitude.

"Fuck sake, Mike told us, how his dog fucked his ass, there can't be anything more depraved than that surely?. We have fucked him at both ends, made him lick up his own cum, locked him in a chastity belt, shaved him and made him remain completely smooth and lastly you pimped him for money in the school and online ... what the fuck else are we to do?"

"Hmmmm ...well, when you put it like that, I suppose we have covered most bases." he agreed.

She added, " And the best part is that we have controlled the situation, using photographic blackmail to keep everybody in line, we own him and we own the situation"

"So what are we gonna do with him?" he asked.

"Well" she said ... and started to giggle, "We could go out with a little bang" she smirked and explained her plan to her younger brother.

"I like it" he simply stated.

Josh's bedroom

It had been another week since his second round of abuse in the hut and he remained locked up in his belt. He had heard nothing from either the sister or brother that owned him.

Josh's phone almost read his mind ... it burst into life as he received a text, cutting through his thoughts and focusing his mind.


Josh, gulped as he re-read the message again. What was in store for him that night.

On Saturday night it was pouring with rain as he made his way to David's house, he started running to avoid getting completely soaked through, then he realised that he was unlikely to be wearing clothes and so it probably would not matter. He stabbed the doorbell and his heart also skipped a beat or two.

The door was pulled open very slowly and Evelyn peered round the corner. She told him to come inside. She lead the way to her bedroom. He pushed the door open and entered, sitting inside were quite a few of her friends, some on chairs, some on the bed and one sitting on a large bean bag. He stood before them, head lowered in it's usual submissive position. Everybody looked at him.

"Tonight, Josh here, is going to be our plaything, so the first thing I would like you all to do, is help poor Josh out of his damp clothes."

The eight girls all got up and made their way over to Josh and started to slowly pull at his clothes, his jumper and t-shirt were pulled up to his armpits, their hands slid over his flat stomach and then sets of fingers played with and loosened his belt and button on his jeans. They slid down his legs. He stood there, head bowed and let them do what they wanted. His tops were pulled off over his head. A couple of the girls played with and teased his nipples, whilst letting out a giggle or two. Evelyn remained in the corner of the room, watching her friends grope and play with the toy that was presented to them.

His trainers and socks were pulled off and as two of the girls were on their knees, they lifted each leg and pulled his jeans off, tossing them in the corner. Now all the girls were surrounding the near naked boy. His face was red and flushed, but he by and large remained motionless, standing in the same spot that he had when he entered the room. He knew that Evelyn would be controlling him soon, so remained compliant. The girls had not said anything up to this point. He had been silently stripped.

One of them finally spoke, "Well, what do he have here, a little naked boy", another added that he looked about 7 years old. The rubbed their hands over his smooth body. Then one girl, slowly ran the nail of her forefinger down the centre of his chest, past his nipples, rounding his belly button and reaching the waist band of his white y-fronts, leaving a red trail. She hooked the finger inside the waistband and pulled it right out. She bent forward and laughed as she looked inside. The other girls also had a look and they too made cruel comments.

The girl pulled his underwear off of his hips and watched as they slid to his ankles. He was completely naked and just wearing his chastity belt.

Evelyn piped up from the corner, "Get down on all fours and pick your pants up and bring them to me" she ordered.

Josh complied and was soon at her feet, head down and holding his pants in his teeth.

The bedroom door opened with a squeak and everyone looked round, except Josh.

"Hi, how's things going, everything al-right?", enquired David. He saw Josh at his sisters feet and without a pause he answered his own question, "Oh, looks like you are getting on great guns!, I will leave you to it" he then disappear back out the room, pulling closed the bedroom door, with the same squeak announcing his retreat.

"Drop the pants" she told him, he placed them at her feet.

"Stand up and sit over in the chair at the mirror". He did as he was told, he always would.

"Right girls, if you have ever wanted to try out any new make up techniques or hairstyles, or any nail polish finishes but you were unsure how they would look, well now is your chance to try out anything you want. Josh here is a willing model", she added, " there is also plenty of clothes in the wardrobe as well".

Second invitations were not required. The girls went to work, applying make-up, blusher and heavy black eye-liner, to Josh's face. He watched in the mirror as he was slowly morphed into some horrible transsexual looking drag queen. They giggled and laughed at their efforts. One girl started pulling his hair up in to small clumps and adding pink scrunches. The effect was not great as his blonde hair was of medium length, but she did her best

"There, all done" one of them announced.

"Well, not bad" was Evil-lyn's reply, although she thought the boy looked horrific. "Okay, stand up and give us a wee twirl".

Josh stood naked and showed off his girly looks to the gang, they laughed.

"Okay, you need to get dressed to impress, so lets start with you Bra and knickers, shall we" she said chirpily.

She went into her drawers and produced a small pair of pink, My Little Pony pants and held them up, adding, "Oh,these are perfect", she passed them to her friend, she dropped to her knees and make Josh step into them. Pulling them up, she pulled them over his chastity belt and up onto his hips. "That's lovely" cooed Evil-lyn. "Next the matching pink Bra", again she handed it to one of the other girls. She went round behind Josh and fitted the bra to him.

"Nothing much to fill the cups" remarked one other girl.

Evelyn directed he comments to Josh, "looking good sexy, lets get you into the schoolgirl uniform".

She produced a pair of white thigh high stockings and handed then to Josh, he pulled them on. Next she handed him her shortest grey skirt and then her blouse. He soon had them on, she gave him the school tie and then took over tying it round his neck, so that the bow was massive, the same style as the girls wore at the school. Lastly a small pair of black shiny shoes were forced onto his feet.

"Fantastic work girls" she told the group, "looks like a proper little schoolgirl hooker".

The gang turned Josh round and round, groping him on the ass. Evil-lyn went into her drawer and brought out the camera. "Right time for some provocative poses, I think"

As she looked at the boy, he stood like a tree and looked every inch a boy dressed as a girl, she needed him to be more girly and push out his assets.

"Go over there and do the following" she ordered. "I want you to push your knees together and put your hands on your knees and look up at me and then push that ass out to the side. Pose for me girlfriend" she said.

Awkwardly Josh did his best to get into the required position. The girls helped move him around, then the camera caught him forever. More pictures followed with Josh being manipulated into various positions. The girls took their inspiration from porn sites on the internet, many of the girls wore school uniforms to preform for their male admirers.

"Okay Josh, hold onto this" Evelyn threw a teddy bear at him. Upon catching it the girls laughed and pointed at him, he was made to pose with his teddy, holding it close to his face and then covering his crotch with it.

"Right, up on the bed and lie back on the bed against the headboard" she instructed.

Josh climbed up on the bed and got into position.

"Open your legs and lets see your pink knickers"

Click went the camera.

"Good girl, you are a natural at this" she encouraged him. " What I need now, is a few more risqué pictures, bringing out your slut side, so here is what I want you to do." The explanation surprised a couple of the girls, but strangely Josh was not in the slighted bit taken aback by what she wanted.

He held onto the teddy and smiled at the camera, then hooked a finger onto his pink knickers and pulled them over to the left, exposing his girly hole. One of the girls took the dildo from Evil-lyn and greased it up with lube. She climbed onto the bed and squatted in between his legs. She pushed the dildo right inside Josh. He moved his hips to accommodate the invasion, letting out a small sigh. Evil-lyn then made sure everyone was out of camera shot and proceeded to take plenty of pictures of her slave posing with his ass being raped and wearing a full slut schoolgirl outfit. He changed into various positions, including getting on his knees and looking over his shoulder at the camera behind him, whilst blowing a kiss. They even made him suck on a lollipop in a suggestive manner. The torment lasted a long time and they made sure that they had hundreds of photo's to humiliate him further, as and when they wanted. He was now standing at the end of the bed and was still trapped in his chastity belt.

There was a quiet knock on the door again and it swung open with the usual squeak, David again looked in to see how things were going.

"Well well, who's your new girlfriend?" he asked no one in particular. Evelyn laughed and showed him some of the photo's she had taken. He laughed and made passing comments on some of them. Josh never knew what one he was looking at, but felt it never mattered. David again left the room, but told his sister that he was popping out for a while and would be back later.

Evelyn produced the keys for the chastity belt and wiggled them about, she went over to one of the girls and whispered in her ear for a few seconds. The girl smiled and nodded. She was handed the keys. She left the room and came back a few minutes later.

"Josh, I want to know if you wish to be let out your little prison?" she asked as she put her hand under his skirt and tapped his silicone guard.

"Yes please mistress". he said.

"Good, suck on this", she raised her index finger up to his face and without much in the way of hesitation, he started to suck her finger. She moved backwards and slowly moved around the room, all the time he followed her sucking on her finger, like a puppy following her mothers teat. After he had sucked her finger, he was told to take his uniform off and get down to his underwear. Then on all fours wearing his, My Little Pony, pink knickers and bra, he waited for his next humiliation and instruction.

"You need to fetch the keys, but only with your tongue and teeth" he was told. He looked up at his mistress with a slightly puzzled look on his face.

The other girl shuffled into his line of sight and patted the front of her jeans. As the others laughed, he made his way over to her. She stood there and watched as he struggled with his teeth to try and get hold of her zip. Eventually he got hold of it and managed to pull it down, She popped the button to help him. As she wore a pair of skin tight jeans he had to tug at each side of her jeans bit by bit till he pulled them down her legs.

"Good boy" the girl said.

"Good girl" Evil-lyn corrected her.

He pushed his face into her panties trying to locate the keys, he was unable to feel them, but persevered none the less.

Gently he tugged her panties down and used his tongue and teeth the pull them down. He was now facing her pussy, but could not see the keys. He wondered if she put them inside her. He looked up at her with sad eyes.

"Inside" she said as if reading his thoughts.

To the sound of more laughter and comments from the girl gang, he started to lick her pussy and push his tongue inside her lips, all the time feeling for the metal keys but registering nothing. He continued as she moaned with pleasure and swung her hips forward encouraging him in his efforts.

"Good girl" she said as she patted his head, "Keep going" He did as he was told and continued to remain on all fours, tonguing her pussy. But he could still never find anything. After another few minutes, she pulled back from him and pulled her panties and jeans up. He looked around at all the girls, he was confused. Another girl stepped forward and looked down at him, she too patted the from of her jeans. He did not know who had the keys, but he knew he was going to have to lick all their pussies in the pursuit of the keys that might allow him some freedom from his silicone prison.

Having satisfied all the girls but failing to find the keys, he looked at Evil-lyn for guidance. She stepped forward towards Josh and patted the front of her own jeans. He moved towards her.

"Stop" she comanded. "They are in here all along" she said as she patted the front of the jeans again and went into the small pocket on the jeans and produced the keys, holding them up.

"I don't know why you assumed they would be in my panties?, I guess you just wanted a taste of some pussy, instead of all that cock you like", she mocked him.

"Get on the bed now" ordered Evelyn.

She gave rope to her pals and they tied his legs and arms to the bed, looking down on the spread eagled boy, they all laughed as Evelyn took a pair of scissors out from a drawer and cut the pink panties off the boy, leaving him wearing his pink bra. Picking up the dildo and getting into position she asked the boy a question that she already knew what the answer was going to be.

"Do you want the dildo inside you, before you get to play with your cock?

"Yes" was the simply reply.

She pushed the dildo past his rosebud and fed him about 7 of the 10 inches. As he lay there, tied down and impaled on her dildo, she loosened the padlock and started to dismantle the chastity belt. Once he was free she fucked him over and over with the dildo to see if his cock would stir. As the girls all gathered round they took off his bra and played with his nipples. Like the time in the hut this cock took ages before it slowly stared to stir and they laughed as it struggled to grow.

"Do you want to touch your own small cock?" she asked.

"Yes please, mistress"

"Are you left or right handed?" she asked.

"Right handed" he replied.

She nodded towards one of the girls to release just his left hand. This she did.

"Now I want you to take this dildo in your hand and fuck your own ass, over and over till I tell you that you can touch your own cock, do you understand?" she asked.

He nodded, "Good girl, but if I find you trying to sneak a little touch of your cock, you will be in serious trouble. Okay?"

She pushed it right up his hole and then let it go. Josh grabbed the end of the dildo with his left hand and started to fuck his ass with it. It was not easy, with him in an awkward position. But he made sure that he never got near his cock. The all watched and made comments about his hungry hole.

"What do you say?" Evelyn asked.

"Thanks mistress, I am really enjoying raping my schoolgirl whore ass and deserve every inch that my hole can take".

They all laughed at his submissive response.

"Well, I guess you must be desperate to play with your bald small cock then" she stated.

He kept ploughing his hole.

"Okay, leave it in place and you can play with your own cock."

Josh shoved the dildo in as far as he could and immediately grabbed his cock, although his member was soft he enthusiastically started to beat off, getting his cock erect within a few seconds.

"STOP" yelled Evil-lyn

He stopped wanking and looked at her, terrified that the 30 seconds he got with his own cock, was all he was going to get. She made him wait long enough for his cock to soften. Nobody spoke or did anything other than watch.

"Okay, you can start again", she said with a smile.

He started beating his cock again, bringing it to life and playing with it like it was a brand new toy.

"STOP" she yelled again, just as he was getting into his stride. This went on for 10 mins, each time just as he was getting going he was ordered to return to a soft state. He was being tormented again.

"Please" he begged, "Can you please let me cum?". She told one of the other girls to tie his had back to the bed and then locked him up in his chastity belt. It took her a while as he was prone to getting hard the minute she touched his cock. But she eventually got him safely locked up. She got off the bed and with the rest and the girls left the room. He started to panic, as they not only left the room, but left the house, as he heard the front door close and the voices were definitely coming from outside. He thrashed about in his binds trying to free himself, but all he did was hurt his wrists and was reminded of the presence of the dildo as it moved about inside him.

Having been left in the room all alone for 10 minutes, he just slumped there, not even trying to escape his binds. The door squeaked open and David stood there, looking at the mess in front of him.

"I'm not sure if you look better as a girly boy or a boyish girl", he said and laughed at the same time.

He released Josh from his binds, then kneeling in between his legs, taking hold of the 10 inch dildo, he fucked the boys hole, instructing him to lift his legs for better access. After a few minutes he pulled it out and told him that he was going to get fucked by the real deal, just shortly.

He pulled the boy up to his feet and led the way to his own bedroom, the boy followed quickly behind him.

"On the bed and assume the position" he instructed.

Josh quickly got onto the bed and got into the doggy position, pushing his ass out as far as he could. David soon stripped off and got behind him, reaching up under his legs he fondled his chastity belt and balls, wiggling them about from side to side.

"Time to get what you deserve and want, is that right" he asked.

"Yes sir, please fuck me", Josh meekly replied.

"As you wish" David added. He then proceeded to grease up his pole and mounted the slack hole. He built up a little rhythm, but fucked the boy slowly, he arched over his back and covered his mouth with his hand.

"You fucking love this you little slut, this is all that you are good for", he whispered in his ear. Josh felt his hot breath against his neck. He never said anything, he just remained in place getting fucked.

David flicked his middle finger into his mouth and Josh started sucking it gently. David still slowly fucked the boy. He knew it was going to be the last time he fucked the boy, but the boy never knew that. He wanted to enjoy it all the more and take his time. Josh still sucked on the finger.

David continued to fuck the boy, forcing him to turn over on his back and then on his side as he took up different positions, taking his time with each position to ensure his full satisfaction. He had Josh lying flat on his stomach, with his legs slightly apart. As he applied his full weight down on him. As he slowly pumped him, his hand covered the boys mouth and he offered a finger to him, which he sucked on like a little puppy. David felt the all too familiar feeling of the cum rising in his balls and cock. He wrapped his left hand around the boys chest and hugged him tighter, still keeping his hand over the mouth. He released all his cum in a violent spasm and thrust his cock as far inside the boy as possible. He kept flexing and pushing till he felt there was nothing to give any more and pulled out the boys hole. As he sat back on his hunches between the boys leg, he watched a small drop of his cum leak from the hole and run down the boys balls and drop to the sheet on the bed.

"Stay there" he ordered the boy, as he left the room to go to the bathroom and clean himself up. He returned to find the boy in exactly the same position as he left him. There was slightly more leakage in the minutes that it took him to clean up.

"Stand up boy and open your mouth". Josh stood in front of him and opened his mouth. David held out his index finger two inches from his face and watched as Josh moved forward and started to suck on it. He started to move backwards and leading the boy out of his room.

"Keep sucking" he told him.

He lead the boy to the bathroom. He pulled his finger out of his mouth.

"Get in the shower and clean your self up, get all that make-up and stuff off you."

He watched as the naked and caged boy showered himself clean. Josh did his best to remove everything and clean as best he could, his cock and balls.

He offered the finger to the boy again and repeated the ritual of walking back to his room followed by the sucking puppy. He certainly was trained well. He was not too happy having to give up his prize property, that he has been able to humiliate and abuse any time he wished.

"Do you want released from your chastity belt?" he asked him.

"Yes please Sir" Josh replied.

"Right then well you have another challenge to complete before I will let you out" he stated. Josh had now been locked up for almost three weeks now, apart from his brief escape and ferocious masturbation in the hut and then being allowed to play with his cock briefly by Evelyn. He had been locked up for some time now with no end in sight till now.

"Okay what is it?" Josh asked.

"Well tomorrow is the first on the month, you will remain in your chastity belt until you have sex with at least 10 men, all in the space of this up and coming month, if you can manage more all the better, or else there will be a forfeit.!

He continued before Josh replied. "However I will need proof of your exploits, like before, this time however I will supply you with a "unique" word, that must be displayed in your pictures. After you have had sex with one guy, you will email or text me with the proof and I will email you right back with your new word. Do you understand? He said as he threw a post it note pad at him.

Josh caught the pad and looked at him. "Yeah I understand"

"Good, well if you have sex with 10 guys or more starting tomorrow, then I will permanently let you out of your wee cage, but if you don't there will be trouble".

David never gave any thought to what the forfeit would be, as he watched from the bedroom window, as Josh disappeared around the corner of the driveway. He merely had to make the threat to get the desired response, however as he sat at his computer, emailing the first random word to his slave boy, he started to gave it some thought. He chuckled to the mental image that popped into his head right at that moment.

He would take the boy into town on a Saturday, find a street that was not too busy, but that had plenty of people passing though it. He would, with the assistance of his friends, tie the blindfolded boy naked to a lamppost using rope and chains and padlocked the chains together. He would then pour super-glue into the locking mechanism and they would leave him there. The police and fire brigade would probably need to be called out to cut the chains, he is likely to be photographed by passing kids on their mobile phones, perhaps the local press photographer and reporter, would turn up to record his plight. He could even call them and tip them off, all part of his civic duty. "Brilliant" he said out loud. Then he thought about it and decided that it would be better if he was not blindfolded, so that he could see everyone looking and laughing at him and if there were people of reporters taking pictures, then it would be more amusing to see his face. Yes he thought to himself, that would be a great forfeit. He looked back at the computer screen and typed his first word to Josh. He pressed send. Job done he thought.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 6

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