Davmoore Brotherhood

By Jae Justice

Published on Jun 7, 2018


Davmoore Brotherhood

Part 7

                                                                      • DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fictional. It is not related to nor inspired by any real world event or persons. I like my stories raw and raunchy but this is just fantasy. Be careful out there.

I enjoy chatting so please don't be shy to contact me:

jaesx85@gmail.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Fuck you doing here, college boy?"

I sighed, and gently placed the dishes I'd been washing back into the sink.

"Nice to see you too, Chaka."

Chaka Kindred. My older brother who I loved too much to hate, and hated too much to love. We'd always had a tense relationship exacerbated by many violent fist fights; a few of which ended up with both of us at the clinic. He didn't look a thing like me since we had different fathers.

Aged 22, Chaka stood 6'1, 200 lbs with a toned basketball player physique. His skin was a golden caramel. Like me, his upper body was tattooed and we kind of competed to see who could get the most though his lazy, wannabe thug ass was clearly winning that battle. We had inherited our light hair tone from our mother, though his was curly and more reddish; making it appear to be just a few shades darker than his skin.

"Little college nigga came home, huh? Tail between your legs? Too dumb to complete a little degree program?"

"No, dumbass! I came back for the summer to make sure your drug addicted ass ain't sold grandma house!"

"Nigga, fuck you, you lil faggot!" he growled, getting up in my face.

"Say that shit again, fool," I shot back, facing him with fists clenched.

"I may be old but if you two don't stop, Imma kick both y'all back up your daddies' balls!"

Chaka and I turned. Grandma was stood by the doorway to the kitchen, a rolled up newspaper in hand. I don't think I'd ever seen her so mad.

"Boy now came home and the first thing y'all do is fight? You're grown men. Act like it!" she snapped before turning back to the den to continue reading the paper.

I glared at Chaka and he glared right back at me. His lips turned up in a snare then he extended his hand.

"Good to see you safe at least, lil bro."

"It's good to be home," I said flatly as he pulled me into a bro hug.

"You still a lil faggot though. You think you fooling me," he whispered in my ear.

I glared at him and he grinned. I hated his dumb ass. He was the only person in the hood who knew my secret and he'd held it over my head from the moment he found out.

It happened when I was 15. No one was supposed to be home. My then boyfriend, Rico Henderson, came over and being two horny teen boys, we ended up sucking each other off on my bed. That was when Chaka came home. I had no clue what he really wanted to do but he was high as a kite when he walked in on us. He wanted to make a scene but we managed to get him to calm down and keep our secret. He agreed but anytime he wanted anything done, no matter how menial, I was forced to carry out the task. Of course, it lessened as I got older and decided not to put up with his shit. I called his bluff and he never did tell anyone but he continued to use my sexuality as an insult. I came to the conclusion that Chaka was simply an asshole and there was no changing him.

Despite the fact that it was getting late, I couldn't stand being in the house with him, especially when I smelled the pungent weed wafting under the closed door of his room. Fucking junkie. He'd been a serious weed-head since he hit high school. It had cost him a basketball scholarship to college and yet he was still doing it. He could hardly keep a job more than four or five months in a row, and had experienced several run ins with the law although he'd never been charged.

The sun had only just begun to set as I walked down the block. I headed to the park. It was overgrown and run down. Kids had stopped playing there a decade ago and it was used only by drug dealers and fuck buddies after dark. I sat on the old swing; the only thing safe enough to sit on in the dilapidated park without potentially contracting tetanus.

I sat and watched as the sun set and turned the sky all shades of red and orange, then purple as it faded beyond the trees. I knew I had to leave soon before the dealers set up shop but I really did not want to go home.

"You still come here?"

I turned and smiled.


He had changed a lot over the years. After the incident, my brother gave him hell. Fortunately for him, his parents moved out of the hood for work. Unfortunately for me, that meant I suffered my brother's punishment alone. I had never hated Rico for that, and we had remained good friends online and hung out whenever he came back to visit his aunt, uncle and cousins but we'd never done anything sexual again.

Aged 19, 5'11, 175 lbs; Rico had the sexiest smile. His skin was the color of brown sugar and he had a neat goatee. He'd buffed up from the super skinny nerd he used to be but even without the muscles, he'd had something extra that just made him so attractive.

"I heard you were back, and I figured I would find you here," he said.

"Lemme guess..."

"You know your grandma can never not talk about you."

"Yeah. I know but it gets tiring sometimes."

"I know the feeling...so...what are you doing for the summer?"

"Nothing much. Going to a gaming convention later with a homeboy from school."

"That's cool. I'm here for a few days before I head to...ah..."

"What is it?"

"I'm going to Canada with my boyfriend...permanently."


He had never mentioned that. Heck, he had never told me he had a boyfriend either. I guess I had stupidly assumed that he was leading the DL lifestyle just like I was. There I was, making yet another wrong assumption.

"I should have told you..."

"It's cool, Rico. Do what makes you happy," I smiled but on the inside I wanted to cry.

Maybe it was selfish because I had never told him but in my heart I still wanted him. When he had left, it was like part of me left the hood with him and I never got that part back. Maybe that was why it was easy to pretend to be straight; to deny having emotional attachments to other dudes I fucked with. All that reasoning and more flooded my brain as he stood and walked away. He looked back like he wanted to say more but he didn't. I sat there. I was frozen. I wanted to say something; say anything but I couldn't even stand up. I sat there in silence for a while longer before I headed home.

I wanted to avoid Rico's aunt's house but at the same time I couldn't. I wanted to see him one last time. I didn't care that he wouldn't see me; that he might be smiling and enjoying dinner with his family. I just needed to see him.

The house was in near darkness when I passed by. The outdoor lights weren't turned on, and only a few dim lamps glowed through the curtains. I turned to walk away.


Rico had been sitting in the darkened porch. I hadn't seen him at all. I walked up the steps. He blew a thick plume of smoke from his vape pipe. He stood and opened the front door, inviting me inside. I followed him up the stairs. I wasn't thinking anything at that moment. I was simply going where the energy guided. I stood dumbly in the center of his bedroom as he closed and locked the door. He turned me toward him and kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Rico, I..."

He silenced me with a finger.

"Let's finish what we started all those years ago, Chaz. It's just you and me now."

He gripped the bottom of my shirt and I let him peel it over my head. He pushed me down on the bed and straddled my waist. He removed his shirt and I immediately caressed his tight and toned body. I felt on his V-cut waist; up his abs; over his chest. He leaned down and our lips met. I sucked on his soft sweet lips for what seemed like forever before we finally got naked.

All the old feelings conquered me as we got into 69 position and sucked each other off. He moaned and I moaned. My dick jumped between his lips as his throbbed between mine. I swallowed him to the root and he grunted his pleasure. The room was filled with the sloppy wet moaning grunting heat of our passion as we worked each other's dick between our lips, over our tongues, down our throats. He pulled free and lay flat on his back, his knees to his chest.

"I want all of you tonight, Chaz."

Any guilt I had left regarding the fact that he had a boyfriend fled from my mind the moment I saw him like that; his hole on display. I lied flat out on my stomach and pressed my face between his butt- cheeks. We both moaned as I slurped on his pucker. I pushed two fingers in and he moaned as his asshole clamped down. I got between his legs as he handed me the lube. With my dick slick, I pressed my bulging head to his back door and slipped inside.

We both moaned out loud. Rico's ass felt like no other. I had never even imagined going that far with him but there I was, my dick buried to the root inside him. His tight silky asshole massaged my entire shaft. I pinned his legs down and fucked him nice and slow. I had to or else I would have cum right there.

I was fucking Rico. I was actually balls-deep inside the first dude I had ever loved. I leaned down and kissed him. He opened his mouth and sucked on my tongue as I picked up the pace and plunged in and out of his eager wet fuck-tunnel. He hugged me. I released his legs and he wrapped them around my waist. We both breathed heavily as he grabbed my butt-cheeks and pulled me deeper into his ass. I looked into his eyes as I worked my entire length through his hole, and he held eye contact with me. I fucked harder and he moaned but not once did he look away. I saw every contortion of his eye brows. The way his full sexy lips opened when he moaned. The way he bit his bottom lip as I pounded deep. Then he nodded, as if giving me permission to go all the way.

It was too much for me. I was cumming. I grunted and buried my face in the pillow as a screaming hot orgasm spilled out of me and into him. Beneath me, Rico gasped and moaned and I felt his dick tapping against my abs. When I looked down, he was spilling creamy white nutt all over himself. I kissed him again and suddenly I felt free. It was as if all the weight I had been carrying since the incident was removed from me.

And I cried.

I don't know why but I broke down sobbing right there on top of him, and he held me. He wrapped his arms tight around me but said nothing as he let me cry out all the emotion I had bottled up inside since I had been 15 years old.

I sobbed and shuddered in a seemingly unending flow until I was so exhausted that I simply passed out.

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