Days at the Beach

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on Jun 27, 2023


Dislclaimer. This story depicts graphic sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are under 18 or the legal age in your state for viewing this type of material, leave now and don't read this story. Any complaints about the content will be disregarded as you have been fully warned.

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Days at The Beach: Chapter 12

"What are you doing naked in a dumpster?" Alex asked Jason as he lay there, covered in his cum.

Jason didn't really want to answer. His humiliation had only been getting worse and worse. His dick was still hard, jutting forward from his hairless crotch. He didn't do anythin to hide it.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked. He genuinely seemed concerned. He put out his hand to try and help Jason out of the dumpster. Jason accepted the hand. Rather than answer the question, he just allowed Alex to put his hands around Jason's hips and lift him out and sit him on the ground.

"That thing is not going down," Alex smirked as the hard cock rubbed up against his body. Jason felt himself pull away a little bit. "You weren't jerking off in the dumpster, were you?"

Jason shook his head. "No, this is more of that slave stuff that Joe and Mark are forcing me to do," he replied. He then began to explain what was going on.

Alex interupted him. "Hey, why don't I give you a ride back to my place, all right? We can get you showered and then get some rest before you go home." He reached out and put his hand on Jason's buttcheek, carressing it. Jason wanted to pull away but knew he didn't want to offend Alex, since the guy was his only real chance of getting home without being arrested.

They two boys walked over to Alex's car. They got in and Jason was wishing that Alex would give him some clothes to cover up with, but he didn't appear to have anything. During the drive, Jason told Alex everything that had been happening to him. Despite the fact that he was not gay, his cock was definitely responding to the retelling of his tale. it strained hard and he knew that it would be ready for another cumming anytime soon. In fact, a drop of precum found its way out of the tip and down the side. Jason reached out and grabbed his cock, totally intending on giving it a few strokes. He then noticed Alex watching him and stopped.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude," he blushed.

Alex reached over and took a hold on Jason's cock. It should have been second nature to Jason by that point, but he still felt himself jerk a bit in surprise.

"It's not rude if I do it for you," Alex said.

The rest of the ride was not too eventful. EVentually, they got to Alex's place and he helped the hard and naked Jason into the apartment without getting caught. At every moment, Jason expected an old woman or someone to be coming out of their apartment and catch him, but it didn't happen. It wasn't long until Jason was in Alex's apartment, still hard and naked, but then taking a really hot and soapy shower by himself. Afterwards, he dried off and laid down on Alex's bed. Jason tended to sleep on his stomach and it didn't take long before he was asleep.

Jason woke up because he tried to turn over and wasn't able to. It took him a few moments to open his eyes, but when he did get his bearings, he realized he was tied, spread eagled and face down on a bed. It was not too much of a shock until he remembered that he was with Alex and not his regular tormentors.

"Alex, what are you doing?" he yelled, not sure where the other boy was.

Alex laid beside Jason on the bed, rubbed his back and whispered in his ear: "What would you like me to do, sexy?" Alex was clearly naked as well and Jason could feel his hard cock pressed up against him.

"Untie me," was all the reply Jason would give.

"Why, arent you enjoying it?" Alex asked, as his fingers carressed Jason's upturned and naked ass.

"I don't want to be tied up," Jason replied. "I just wanna get dressed and go home."

Alex maid Jason lift his hips up by pressing his hand under them. He then reached under the boy and grabbed his cock, which was hard and dripping. He smeared the precum over Jason's cock head. "If you dont like this, why are you so hard?" he asked Jason. "And by the feeling of it, about ten inches hard."

"Because I've cummed once in the last week," Jason replied. "It wont go down at all. It's pretty much been hard for the last 3 days straight."

Alex continued to stroke Jason's hard cock, which was still pressed up against the bed. Jason found himself trying to move his hips around, to give his dick more room, but the thing was simply too big and he was tied down too hard. "I can make you cum again if you want, Jason," Alex offered.

Jason responded: "Alex you're a great guy but I'm not gay I've been being forced to do all this gay shit but I'm still straight, dude." As he said those words, Alex's hand when over the head of his shaft and forced another moan from Jason's mouth.

"Then why do you keep doing everything those guys are forcing you to do if you don't like it?" Alex asked. He kept his hand moving on Jason's cock. It was very difficult for the boy as the hand kept stroking him, making him feel great, yet at the same time.

"Those guys have a ton of blackmail that they are holding over my head," Jason told him. "You don't." He regretted it right when he said it, but knew he couldn't and didn't want to take it back. Alex had been nothing but nice to him and he sort of figured that this whole bondage episode was just Alex's way of giving Jason what he thought Jason wanted.

Very carefull, still stroking the slippery cock, Alex untied Jason and that was quite the relief. However, it didn't last long as Alex only untied one limb at a time, just so he could turn Jason over on his back, and then he immediately tied him back. When he was done, Jason was on his back, his ten inch cock pointed straight up in the air as a lot of precum continued to make its way down his shaft.

Alex then took a bottle of oil and he poured most of it all over Jason's shaved crotch. Jason groaned loud and against his will. Then, while stroking the slippery thing, Alex put his cock close up to Jason's mouth. He ran one of his hands through Jason's hair. "Blow me," he orded.

"Dude, don't do this to me," Jason told Alex. At the same time, he found himself trying hard to keep from sticking his tongue out and licking Alex's cock. This was the same cock that was pressed up against him from behind that day in the shower, which had been the hottest moment he had experienced once all the gay stuff began.

"Why not?" Alex asked, carressing Jason's hair.

"I told you that I am not gay,' Jason replied. "And we're friends, so I know you won't force me."

Alex kept working Jason's cock. Jason kept looking at the cock that was but inches from his lips. Part of him wanted to suck it, no matter how small a part that was. Jason licked his lips and immediately wished that he hadn't. He only hoped that Alex hadn't noticed him do it.

"I won't force you to do anything," Alex replied. He pushed his cockhead closer and closer to Jason's lips.

Jason's cock throbbed harder as he realized how close he was to sucking Alex's dick. It wasn't as big as his, but it was nice and thick. Jason found himself thinking about how he had been fucked by the dildos and wondered if it would have been any better if it had been done with that cock. He then cleared his head of those thoughts. "But if you suck my cock, I promise I will help you get rid of all of that blackmail."

"How can you do that?" Jason asked, a flash of hope running through his body. Despite his objections, he had already expected that he would be sucking Alex's cock anyway. If he ended up doing it and getting the opportunity to get his life back, then everything would be much better.

"Well I know those guys pretty well,' Alex responded. He pushed his cock closer. It was now so close that it was almost brushing Jason's lips. That little nagging voice in Jason's held kept telling him to go ahead and lick it and that he knew he wanted to, but he did his best to suppress all of those thoughts. "Kyle is tired of being a slave and he wants to turn the tables on joe and Mark, but he asked me to help him. I'd be willing to do that, if I get what I want from you."

"You really are a nice guy, Alex," Jason found himself saying. As he did, he finally felt Alex's cock brush up against his lips. He just wasnt sure if it had been because Alex pressed it up against them, or because he had pushed his head forward a little bit.

"So will you blow me?" Alex asked.

"I guess what happened in the shower was not so bad," Jason found himself admitting. He then thought he would try somethinc clever. "How about untying me and we'll see what I can do?"

"How will I know you won't try to get away?" Alex asked. He kept stroking Jason's hard cock and then slipped his hands down to his balls, fondling them and forcing more moans from the tied up slave's mouth.

"You told me you wouldn't force me, so why would you care if I tried to get away?" Jason asked. He thought he was being quite clever and perhaps this was his best chance to get out of having to do anything.

Alex reached over and flipped a button on his computer. A light came on and Jason noticed that a webcam was looking right at the display on the bed. He, a totally straight guy, being jerked off by another guy with that guy's cock almost pressed up against his lips. All of the gay feelings that had been going through Jason's mind immediately left. He knew he was really straight and the only reason he had considered sucking this other guys cock was because of the serious cum denial that the other guys had been putting him through. All he wanted was to get away and then possibly have sex with several girls to get all of this fag shit out of his system. He turned his face away from Alex's cock.

"Now, are you going to blow me?" Alex asked, still working Jason's cock and seemingly oblivious to the rejection of Jason turning his head away.

"Not with a webcam on," Jason responded, sullenly and somewhat turned off. Alex's appeal had been how nice he had been this whole time and that appeal was fading now. "Why did you turn that on?"

"Because they way you are making it sound, you're going to tryand get away," Alex responded. Jason knew that the words were totally true, but didn't know why it mattered. "The webcam is not recording, but I can turn it on record if you don't blow me" His hand never stopped working on Jason's ever hard cock.

"You told me you wouldn't force me," Jason repeated. "Alex, just untie me and let me go. Why are you doing this? We're friends."

"How are we friends?" Alex asked. "I've totally had the hots for you for years and you never gave me the time of day. Now, all I want is a blowjob from you.. you've been giving tons of them to guys you don't even like. And now you won't give one to a guy you call your friend. And if you blow me, I told you I would let you go and help you get rid of the blackmail." He paused for a moment. "But if you don't like that deal, you are tied up, so I suppose I can just fuck you if it's the only way I'll ever have you."

Jason's cock throbbed at the thought because he had been considering it only moments before. He kept his calm though. "Dude, I am not gay and that would be rape. You wouldn't do that to me."

"Do you want me to help you get rid of the blackmail?" Alex asked.

Jason nodded.

"Then open your mouth and suck my cock."

Without so much as another word and somewhat reluctantly, Jason opened his mouth.

"Lick my cock from the bottom to the top," he instructed.

"Why?" Jason asked. "Let just get this blowjob over with."

"Lick my cock or the deal is off," Alex informed the tied up slave.

Jason stuck out his tongue. He pressed it against the underside of Alex's thick dick and licked it all the way to the tip. There was quite a bit of precum he got in his mouth. It grossed him out a little, but he didnt let that show.

"Open your mouth," Alex instructed.

Again, very reluctantly, Jason opened his mouth.

Alex sighed a bit, but he did not press his cock into Jason's mouth. Instead he asked, "Would you rather I just jack you off, man?"

"Instead of me blowing you?" Jason asked.

"Yeah," Alex said. Jason looked into his eyes and saw something there that he had never seen in another guy's eyes before. Hell, he had never seen it in a girl's eyes either. There was some real emotion coming from Alex and Jason knew that the guy felt bad for the almost forced blowjob. A well of symathy flooded Jason's heart, but he quelled it rather quickly.

"Sure, have fun," he responded coldly.

A look of hurt flashed over Alex's face, but Jason does his best to feel like he does not care much. He was just happy to get out of giving a blowjob, it didn't matter how badly Alex's feeling were hurt.

"OPen your mouth," Alex instructed.

"What?" Jason asked, a bit of shock rushng through him.

"You want to be an ass to me when I am trying to help you, then you are going to fucking blow me right here and now and it better be the best blowjob I have ever had or I am going to fuck your ass all night long,"Alex responded, the warmth and emotion totally left from his voice and face.

Jason, a little frightened, opened his mouth and it was soon filled with the largeness of Alex's cock. What could have been a nice simple blowjob became an intense face fucking. Alex's cock hit the back of Jason's throat several times.

While the fucking is going on, Jason heard the bedroom door open, but couldn't say anything about it because his mouth was full of cock. Alex did not seem to notice at all, though. But within a moment, Joe, Mark and Terry were pulling Alex off of Jason's body. Alex was shocked and had no idea what was going on. However, it only took a very few moments before Alex was tied up naked, spread eagled and hard as a rock beside the very boy he had been face fucking only moments before.

Next: Chapter 13

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