Days at the Beach

By moc.loa@efiLfOioB

Published on May 17, 2005


Dislclaimer. This story depicts graphic sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are under 18 or the legal age in your state for viewing this type of material, leave now and don't read this story. Any complaints about the content will be disregarded as you have been fully warned.

Days at the Beach Chapter 5

Sean had come to accept his fate rather easily. There was really no way for him to get out of it. Kyle was being more stubborn, but Sean had no doubts that the younger boy would have to eventually come around. Sean himself had been very hesitant when all of this started, but had come to terms with it.

Joe and Mark, however, were only starting to have fun. The excitement of having Sean as the original slave had passed and that was why they added Kyle to the humiliation. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, both boys knew that Kyle was gay. The way he played with Sean's cock and the plain and simple fact that he had set all of this up to beging with was all the evidence they needed. So, they were convinced that deep down, Kyle was enjoying everything as much as Sean had been.

To truly humiliate someone, you have to be able to force them to do things they wouldn't enjoy. To prepare someone to be a real slave, they had to be blackmailed and forced to down to a further and further level. Two fags like Sean and Kyle had longed for things of this nature to happen to them. The torment was something the both of them loved, no matter how much they refused to admit it. No, what Mark and Joe needed was to add someone in that never would have considered doing any of the things that he would be forced to do.

They needed a straight boy.

The night of the volleyball game was the night that the two boys had sat around and considered what they next step in the process would be. Neither of them were really that big or strong. They relied on pure blackmail to get Kyle and Sean to do what they were being forced to do. That was a tried and true plan that would have to come together as it had before.

Joe and Mark took Kyle and Sean into Sean's bedroom. Both boys were hoping that they wouldn't be the one to be tied up with the rope. Needless to say, both of them were disappointed.

"Here's how this is going to play," Mark said. "The two of you are going to lie together in a 69. Joe is going to take the rope and tie you together in the middle and tie your hands behind your backs. You'll be stuck in the 69 for as long as we want you to be."

Joe continued: "The rules are the same as they have always been. Sean is not allowed to cum. But to make sure you don't make him shoot, Kyle, you will be the one punished if he does. I think it's enough incentive to you that if Sean does shoot, you will have cum all over your face and in your mouth."

"Kyle, on the other hand, still has five times to cum," Mark said. "So you guys better get to work. Oh, and just to make it more fun, Kyle is going to wear those bikinis we had him wearing at the beach. We want them soaking with his cum by the end of the night."

Sean and Kyle went ahead and laid down on the bed. Neither of them really felt much like arguing at that point. Kyle had his bikini briefs on, but Sean was still totall naked. They laid together in the 69 position. Sean's cock was right in Kyle's face. There was not much he could do about it, though, as Mark started tying his hands together. Joe, on the other side, was taking care of Kyle's hands. They then put the rope around their midsections, tying them both together tightly. The rope was strong and there was no way that either of the boys were going to be able to get out of it.

"Have fun, boys!" Joe laughed as the two of them left the room. They closed the door and went off to do their planning.

Sean went straight to work on Kyle's pouch. he was breathing heavy through the mesh and licking and sucking for all his was worth. He had about 90 minutes to be able to get Kyle off five times. Whatever punishment lay in store for him otherwise was more than a motivating factor.

It took Kyle a little while, but he relaxed a little bit and started moaning. Sean's cock was hard and dripping cum all over Kyle's face and the younger boy did not like that at all. Even though it was probably because of his overflowing lust, Kyle would never admit that was why he took Sean's cock in his mouth and started sucking. He kept telling himself over and over that it would be better to get all of the leaking cum into his mouth instead of on his face. Still, he did like the feeling of having a hot shaft sliding in and out of his mouth. It was all that it took to get him off the first time.

Sean's tongue and mouth were working hard on Kyle's bikini clad cock, and having his own dick slide into the younger boy's wet and slippery mouth was enough to make him go a little wild. Both boys enjoyed it and soon, Kyle was shooting off into his briefs. It was another large load of cum which drenched the bikinis. The feeling was so intense that it set Kyle on fire and he started really going to town on Sean's cock. He sucked it hard. His inexperience with cock sucking took over when Sean's dick slid out of his mouth while he was cumming. Overcome with lust, he started tonguing the thick shaft. He had to have the taste of it, he had to try and get it back in his mouth.

After Kyle was done shooting, he relaxed a little bit. It was a very good thing that he had, too. He had brought Sean closer to cumming than the boy had been in the past few days. Sean was right on the edge and about to erupt. Kyle stopped just in time and prevented the two of them from getting punished.

Sean, having had no relief, was still as horny as hell. Instead of taking a break, he went right back to work on Kyle's cock. The boy's dick did not even have a chance of going down. It didn't take long before Sean was moaning once again. And like before, as soon as he was worked up, he set to work on Sean's hard cock again. It was going to be a long night.

Meanwhile, Joe and Mark had been discussing what was to be the next step in their little game. Trying to decide on how they were going to get a straight guy into the humiliation play that had been going on. After discussing it for a while, the two of them came to an idea.

"What about Jason?" Mark asked. "He's pretty hot and he has a thing for my cousin. Perhaps there is someway that we can use that to our advantage."

"Isn't Jason's dad a city councilman?" Joe asked, an idea beginning to brew in his mind.

"Yeah," Mark said. "We could get my cousin to sleep with him and record it. Then we could threaten to use it against him unless he does everything we say."

Joe laughed. "I think that's a great idea," He agreed. "Let's see if it will work. How quickly do you think that Jane could do this set up?"

"Jason is so hot for her, we could probably have them fucking sometime tonight," Mark guessed. "I'll call her and you can go get the camera from Sean's room. If we play this just right, we may be able to get Jason over here in a few hours."

"You think the boys are done?" Joe asked.

"Who cares? this is going to be so good if we can get Jason in here. Let's just say it'll be a surprise for Sean and Kyle."

Mark started making the phone call as Joe went into the bedroom to get the camera. Kyle and Sean were still hard at work on each other's cocks. They both stopped when Joe entered the room and looked over at him with alarm.

"I have to get Kyle off once more," Sean insisted. "Don't I have some more time?" He was unable to get a good look at his alarm clock because of the position he was in.

"Well Mark and I have some things to do," Joe said. "We'll let you guys relax for just a while. But first-"

Joe reached between Kyle's legs and slipped the bikinis off of the boy. "Since Sean has been tasting your cum all night and he can't get off for two more days, I think you should get a taste of cum too." With that, Joe stuffed the cum drenched bikinis into Kyle's mouth.

"You boys have fun. Get some sleep. We'll be back later with a surprise."

Jane had just finished sucking Jason's cock. It felt so good when he came and shot his loads of cum onto her face. Although Jason enjoyed cumming, his favorite part of the whole episode was when her tongue licked up and down on his tight shaft. His cock was a beautiful eight inches long. It was thick, too. But its best feature was probably how tight the skin got when he was up. He had seen other guys hard (in porn films and such) but a lot of them still has some wrinkles in their hard-ons. Not him. His cock was so tight that it shined.

Jane was still a virgin. They had only made it to third base. Only third base for Jason, that it. She would not let Jason go down on her. In fact, Jason had never even seen her naked yet. He wanted to. Several girls would have jumped at the chance to be nude in front of him. Not her, though. For some reason, she wanted to suck his cock desperately that night but wouldn't let him do a thing to her. At first, he had thought this was very weird. Doesn't everyone like to have sexual attention thrown upon themselves? After a while, though, you start to realize that free blowjobs were nothing to complain about.


The sound came right before Jason came. He turned over and saw two guys standing at the door with a camera in one's hand. He smiled at Jason. He was about four strokes away from shooting all over Jane's face and that was the point of no return. Looking at his girl he started to mouth the word `stop' but it was to no avail. Jason's hips started bucking, his cock grew tighter and he started spewing boy cum all over Jane's face. To his further horror, the guys kept taking pictures. Jason wanted to stop him, but he couldn't. Every spurt was recorded on the digital camera.

After he was done cumming, it didn't stop either. Jane kept stroking his cock. Jason found himself embarrassed but also excited about being caught by the boys he now recognized as Mark and Joe. Jason quickly came close to another orgasm and this time he didn't notice Mark handcuffing him to the legs of the bed as he was shooting. Needless to say, cumming makes it rather hard for you to do anything but cum.

Usually, when Jason was done, he liked girls to lick all of the cum off of his cock and stomach. He hit my face a few times too, and was hoping that she would lick that off as well. She didn't do either, though. Standing up, she walked over to the other boys and took the digital camera out of his hands. They both turned and smiled at me.

"What the hell is going on, Joe?" Jason asked, finally coming to terms with the fact that he was naked, covered in wet cum and his hands were spread out, handcuffed to the legs of the bed.

Mark patted Janeon the back. "You know what to do with those, honey, right?" He asked. She nodded, patted him on the back and then walked out.

Looking at Jason's disappointment, Joe smiled at him. "You're upset about her not licking your cum up, huh?" he asked, coyly.

Noddding, Jason said "Among other things."

"Well, I hope you enjoyed that blowjob, because it's the last sexual contact you are ever going to have with a girl," he told Jason.

Jason narrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Both boys starting walking over towards Jason. His cock, which had gone down, started to rise a little. He wasn't sure why. It didn't get hard all the way, though. It begun snaking up, just a bit. Jason took his feet and he spread Jason's legs far apart. Then, kneeling, he placed his hands on his hips, being careful not to touch anything.

"After tonight, Jason, you're going to be a total cocksucker," he whispered.

"Uh uh," was all Jason could get out. "I'm no fag. That's just nasty." In spite of his words though, he kept throwing a rod. Mark noticed this and smiled.

"When we're am done with you, you won't have much of a choice," he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, let's just say that you're going to go through a series of tests," Mark said. "By the time you are done, you are going to only want to be with boys." Pausing, he smiled. "We're going to turn you gay. You'll never have pussy in your entire life. All you will want is cock."

Jason started to pull on the handcuffs, but that was to no avail. They were on pretty tight and the bed was too heavy to lift. "Let me the hell out of this!" he yelled. "I want out and you're not touching me ever again!!"

"Well, if you want your dad to see those pictures," he started to get up as he spoke. Walking towards the door, he froze and Jason knew it was for him to have a chance to speak. His obvious reply was, "What?"

"You ever wonder why Jane wanted nothing to do with you fucking her?" he asked. "Ever wonder why she never let you touch her? I asked her to suck you. I asked her to find out how long it took you to shoot your load when she sucked you. Then, we set up this little blowjob to get those pictures. Right now she is loading them on the internet. If for ANY reason, you fail to do whatever I say, she'll email them to everyone in town. What do you think will happen then?"

"Don't be upset," Joe soothed. He sat down between Jason's spread eagled legs. "The next couple months might be a little hard on you, but it's all for the best. We're only gonna make you very happy. Besides, look down."

Jason did and was shocked. His dick had risen to its fullest height. Jason blushed.

Joe put his hands back on Jason's hips. There was cum there and he rubbed it in. Jason moaned a little. Joe smiled. Very slowly, he inched his hands up Jason's sides, every so slightly coming closer and closer to his throbbing cock. The closer his hands got, the more the cock jerked. A moan escaped his lips as he knew the other boy was about to touch it.

But he didn't. Instead, he encircled the cock with both of his hands. Not laying a finger on the bone, he just took his hands and pretended to jack off the cock. It made Jason so horny and he even spurted some precum out. Joe stopped and reached up to his chest. With his hands, he rubbed the cum into Jason's torso. It felt so good and Jason moaned again.

Joe did not look shaken at all, though. "You'll love it." He and Mark just got up and walked out of the room. They left Jason handcuffed and naked with a raging boner. He called out their names as they left, but it did no good.

About twenty minutes later, the boys came back with some shaving tools. They had three disposable razors, some shears and shaving cream. Both boys sat them down beside Jason. Taking a hot and wet wash cloth, Joe threw it on Jason's crotch. The boy moaned as the hot dampness provided the only cover on his body.

"Here's the deal." Joe said. "Either you ask me to let you suck cock, or I will shave yours clean. And if I get to the end of the shave and you still haven't asked, there will be another punishment for you. What do you say?"

Jason shook his head. His pubes were not a big deal to him. Some guys lived and died by them, but not Jason.

"Fine," Joe said and sounded a little irritated. It was the firs time in this ordeal that he seemed less than happy. Jason suppose that should have frightened him, because the boy was standing over him with 3 razors and scissors, but Jason was still convinced that he wasn't going to be hurt.

Taking the can of shaving gel, he held it over Jason's crotch and pushed the button. The gel came pouring out and generously covered his entire pubic region. The moaned yet again as the cold gel fell on his hot cock. It felt so good and indescribable.

Then, Mark took his hand and started rubbing the gel in. It felt so awesome to have a hand on his dick again.

For a while, the two boys took turns jacking Jason's cock while it was covered in the shaving cream. Every time he came close to cumming, Jason would moan and the boys would stop. Then, while Jason was receding, one of them would shave part of him; either his cock, balls or pubic area. Each boy jacked him at least ten times close to orgasm while he was shaving Jason. Once they were done, Joe wiped the hairless crotch off and then covered it with the wet cloth again. Then, grabbing the shaft, he quickly jacked Jason off to a stunning orgasm. He came through the cloth and his newly shorn cock was covered with cum.

"Are you guys gonna let me go?" Jason asked. He assumed that after he came, everything was going to be over.

Joe laughed. "Jason, we haven't even begun," the boy said. "Mark unhandcuff him, but leave the cuffs on his hands. If you struggle once, Jane is going to show those pics to everyone. So you better just get used to the fact that we're going to humiliate the living hell out of you. Got it?"

Jason wanted to get free and beat the crap out of the two boys, but he bared down and nodded his head. If his dad found out about any of this, he would be thrown out on the streets and he couldn't let that happen. Hoping that the two kids were not going to do much to him, he resigned himself to his fate.

Sean and Kyle were sleeping in each others arms. It was hard not to as the both of them were tied together. For some reason, there was a light in the room that woke them up. Not knowing what was going on, they slowly woke up and looked around.

"What the hell?" Kyle asked. With a bit of cooperation, the two of them managed to sit up and what they saw shocked the hell out of them.

A cot had been brought into the room and was laid out beside the bed. Handcuffed face down on the cot and gagged was someone that both of the boy's knew.

"Is that Jason?" Sean asked and Kyle nodded.

Jason turned and looked at the two boys. His furrowed his brow in anger, but was not able to really say or do anything.

The light was coming from a white candle, which had been placed between Jason's butt cheeks. He was instructed to hold the candle tightly or he would be punished severely.

Sean and Kyle were not sure whether to be scared or relieved. Now there was a third person involved in all of this. What did Joe and Mark have in mind.

The following morning found Sean and Kyle wakened and tied down to the bed. They laid beside each other with their hands and their legs roped to the tops and bottoms of the bed. Kyle's cock had been worn down by the constant attention, but it achingly began to grow with the excitement of the new bondage. Sean's cock, however, was as hard as ever, leaking tons and tons of precum. In fact, during the night, Kyle had probably swallowed just as much precum as Sean had regular cum.

When Joe and Mark untied Jason, the boys saw that he had his cock and balls totally shaved. The candle he had been holding between his cheeks had melted down all the way, covering his butt in wax. They made him stand naked in front of the others.

"This has gone on far enough," Jason said, with a tremble in his voice. "Please let me go, guys."

Joe answered by slapping Jason on his sore ass. The boy yelped from the pain. He definitely had his answer.

"Now get on the bed with the boys," Mark commanded.

There was just one moment of hesitation before Jason did what he was told. In spite of himself,the scene was obviously turning him on. His nice, long cock was growing. It had a nice shape to it, and curved slightly up. Both Kyle and Sean found themselves looking the other boy over. Jason was taller than all of them; probably standing about 6'3". He was toned and lean, at about 180 pounds. He had short brown hair which was only on his head with his pubes gone. Both boys in bed got huge boners looking at the straight stud.

Almost whimpering, Jason got down on the bed. It was near impossible for him to get into any position where he was not in some sort of contact with the two boys. Eventually, he was able to get himself down in the middle of them.

"Three fags on a bed," Joe laughed.

Mark made sure to shush Jason before he had a chance to deny this. Humiliated, the boy just sat there.

"So, here's the itinerary for today," Joe said "We're going to make a nice trip to the beach. Kyle is going to wear those bikini briefs he had in his mouth last night. Sean will get to wear a thong, and Jason is going to wear a mesh jockstrap. We want everyone to be able to see what a nice job the candle did on his ass."

"I'll get arrested!" Jason protested. This was a big mistake and pissed both Joe and Mark off. They both went over to Jason, who realized he fucked up by speaking.

Mark pushed Jason over so that he was lying face down between the two tied up boys. He then held Jason's hands to prevent him from getting up and defending himself. Joe then took his hand and slapped Jason hard on the ass. His butt was already sore and the slap caused him to cry out.

"Ow, please stop!" the boy pleaded, tears entering his eyes. It was still so much for him to take in everything that had happened to him in the past ten hours.

"Shut up!" Joe said and slapped his ass again. Jason seemed to know better than to say anything in response. Joe kept slapped the red ass until Jason was in so much pain and humiliation that the normally tough straight boy started crying.

"If you ever question our orders again, there is going to be hell to pay," Mark threatened. "And it won't just be a slap on the ass. The very next time you piss either of us off, we're going to take you down to the mall. Then, you'll jack both Kyle and Sean off at the same time in front of everyone in the food court. Got it?"

Jason at first did not say anything. A hard slap on his butt from Joe started the tears up again. He agreed.

"Good, now untie Kyle and Sean and the three of you can get dressed in the outfits we laid out for you," Mark said. "Joe and I are going down to the car. All three of you better be out there and in the back seat in five minutes. If you're not... you won't be very happy with what will happen to you."

Joe and Mark left the room. They went outside, laughing. When everything had begun, the two of them had been very hesitant to go along with Kyle's wild idea. Now, they regretted ever thinking about backing out. The past few weeks had been the most fun parts of either of their lives.

The five minutes passed while the two sat in the front seat of their car. Kyle, Sean and Jason all made it out to the car on time. Kyle and Sean made no attempts to cover themselves. The two of them had been exposed so much already that it wasn't a big deal. This was still a new experience for Jason, however, as the boy had never been nearly naked in public before. He kept trying to cover both his front and his back with his hands, but was not able to sufficiently cover either. His cock betrayed him in the exicitement, growing hard and stretching the fabric of the mesh jockstrap.

When they got in the car, Jason was made to sit in the middle of the two other boys. Sean was so horny that his cock was not going down anytime soon.In spite of the obvious humiliation, Jason's cock was at full mast, too. He tried covering himself each time a car drove by but was caught doing this by Joe. Joe instructed both Kyle and Sean to hold one of Jason's hands down to keep the boy from covering himself. They did and his cock pushed straight up, straining the fabric of the pouch. A few cars drove by and girls and guys caught looks at the three almost nude boys in the backseat. Sean and Jason's huge and hard cocks got a lot of cheers from those who saw it.

Once they arrived at their regular beach spot, there were a little bit more peope in attendance than usual. This was more than likely a result of the previous days volleyball game. When Joe and Mark led their entourage of almost nude boys to the blanket, attention started coming their way.

Jason was obviously very nervous. He wasn't aware (as Sean hadn't been) that this part of the beach was predominantly gay. Most gay men weren't going to call the cops or try to put a stop to a spectacle of sex and nudity. It was the main reason Kyle had originally picked the spot to begin with. They wanted to have as much fun with the slave as possible without themselves getting into any trouble.

Immediately, Joe and Mark made Sean and Kyle lay down on the sand. Their arms and legs were kicked apart so they were spread eagled. Joe had a bag with him and he took out some ropes and stakes. It didn't take long to plant the stakes in the ground and to have the two boys tied up. Covering his bare ass with his hands, Jason stood and wondered what was going to happen to him.

It didn't take long to find out. "Okay, the rules are this," Joe instructed. "Jason is going to get his first taste of cock. And not just one cock, but two."

"Originally, we weren't going to let Sean get off until Monday, but we decided to go easier on the boy," Mark continued. "I think that Jason needs to taste some cum, so you're going to get both Kyle and Sean off today."

"Oh, that's nasty!" Jason protested, although his cock grew a whole inch with the thought. It was his biggest mistake.

Joe walked over to Jason and grabbed him by the hand. He started swatting Jason hard on the ass, causing the boy to cry out in pain. he couldn't cover his pouch anymore and his hard dick was jutting out in front of him. His crying caught a lot of attention and some men began taking notice. By the time Joe was done,Jason was hard as a rock and in tears.

"Just for that, you are going to be punished severely after we leave the beach tonight," Joe whispered in Jason's ear. "Just remember about what we said about the mall. Now get down between Sean and Kyle. You have a lot of work to do."

Still crying, Jason walked over and sat himself down between the two boys. He didn't do anything at first, which was all right. He was trying to keep his ass covered.

"Okay," Mark instructed, "We'll tell you what to do and then you'll do it. And if you do anything differently than what we say, the consquences will be MUCH worse. If you are a good little fag, Joe and I MIGHT reconsider your mall punishment."

Jason nodded.

"Okay, first get on your hands and knees," Mark said.

With only a very slight moment of hesitation, Jason propped himself up on his hands and knees. His nice, smooth yet red ass was completely visible to everyone. He awaited his next instruction.

"Start by caressing BOTH Sean's and Kyle's pouches," Joe instructed.

Jason put his hands on both cocks, with only thin, mesh fabric seperating his hands from two boners. He had never touched another man's cock before. It was an odd and new feeling, but he found that he didn't mind it too much. Without being told to, he started massaging both pouches.

"Good job," Mark said. "Now start jacking them both."

Jason closed his hands around the shafts and started pumping through the fabrics. Both Kyle and Sean started moaning and both of the boys closed their eyes.

A few guys noticed the show and decided to come and watch. All they saw was an extremely hot boy in a jockstrap with a very red ass pulling on the rods of two tied down studs.

Jason soon found himself getting into it. For a while, he forgot about his audience and his tormentors. He was jacking the two cocks in rhythm. He never realized that he started drooling just a little bit and licked his lips.

Mark's words broke him out of his little trance. "Now, grab the top of the briefs and pull the pouches down," he instructed. "Don't pull the underwear down though. Just release the cocks and hook the pouches under their balls."

Jason did that. He grabbed the waistbands and pulled them down. Sean and Kyle's hard cocks immediately sprung free. Both boys sighed with relief as their hard and struggling cocks were finally freed from their prisons. He hooked the pouches underneath the balls as ordered.

"Now jack those rods off until your hands are covered with cum," Joe ordered.

Jason grabbed the two cocks and started pumping them. They were both slick with precum and his hands easily slid up and down the shafts.

"Get them off fast," Mark commanded. Jason started jacking fast, eager to get the scene over with. About 7 guys were watching the event and a few of them even were cheering Jason on.

"Wait, I got a better idea," Joe said. "Stop stroking."

Almost slightly disappointed, Jason did what he was told. He did, however, keep his hands around both of the cocks.

"I think it's time for Jason to get his first taste of cock," Joe suggested. "So, you're going to suck Sean off while jacking on Kyle's."

"I don't wanna suck cock!" Jason protested and realized too late that it was a mistake.

"You suck that cock, boy, or we'll have Sean and Kyle gang bang on your ass in front of everyone," Joe said.

Definitely not wanted that (but not totally unsure it was going to eventually happen anyways), Jason sucked it up and decided he had to do it. While still gripping Kyle's cock, he slowly went down on Sean's.

The moment his lips touched Sean's cockhead, it was a feeling like nothing he had experienced. The cockhead was soft, yet hard and very warm at the same time. Also, the precum tasted salty, although not too bad.

Slowly, Jason began to suck on the cock, more out of curiosity than the fact he was being forced. It was an odd sensation and he almost liked the idea of having something like that in his mouth. Although he was at work on Sean's cock, his other hand still simply held on to Kyle's. He didn't jack the other boy at all at first.

"Start sucking," Joe ordered.

Taking the cock all the way in was quite a task. Sean's cock was as long as his own, but much thicker. He grabbed tighter on Kyle's rod, but still did nothing to get the boy off.

Jason started going up and down on the baseball bat of a cock of Sean's. The boys dick was hard, tight and not about to last long. Jason tasted the cum as he was about to pull his mouth off. Before he could, though, Joe said, "Don't you dare."

there was no way out and he had to just go through it. Jason started sucking harder and Sean started moaning. The cum was at this point sitting in his shaft, ready to spurt out. Sean started to breath heavy and then began cumming hard into Jason's mouth. It had been the first time in over a week since he had shot and he unloaded tons of cum into Jason's mouth. Jason swallowed as much as he could, but he was too inexperienced to get much. Cum started pouring out of his mouth and back all over Sean's cock and stomach.

In spit of himself, Jason was severely turned on. He didn't realize it, but he started jacking Kyle's cock at the same time. Kyle had been close too because of the constant squeezing Jason was giving him. After Sean was done cumming, Kyle started shooting off into the air himself. he shot so high that the gathering crowd of men let off a cheer. Even after both boys were spent, Jason kept stroking and sucking. It wasn't until Joe told him to stop that he did.

"Okay, now for the fun part," Mark said. "Lick the cum off Sean's balls and cock and tell him how much you like it."

Without so much as a split moment passing, Jason started licking Sean's cock. Sean moaned as his dick stayed hard.

"Tell his cock how much you like it's load," Joe said.

"I like your load," Jason said, feeling silly.

"You better put a lot more feeling into it than that, or you know what will happen," Mark said.

"MMMM thank you, Sean's cock," Jason said, blushing. "You tasted so good."

"Now lick his bals," Joe ordered. "And tell them how much you enjoy the load."

Jason did exactly what he was told. He started licking the cum off of the low hanging balls. He liked the taste, and he vocalized that. "Thank you for the load of cum you fed me," Jason said, as he licked the cum of his balls.

Mark and Joe laughed at the humiliation of the straight boy. It was fun... but it wasn't going to be as nearly as fun as what was coming. Once they were done with Jason, he would not only have the living hell humiliated out of him, but no girl would ever want to touch him again.

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Next: Chapter 6

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