Days of Our Lives Series

By Benji King

Published on Dec 11, 2011


"Days of Our Lives" is the property of Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television. This story contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual situations. If you are not of legal age in your area to view such content, please exit immediately. The following story is not intended to imply anything about the actors who portray these characters.

The hot water cascaded down over Dario Hernandez's naked body. It had been a rough few weeks since he arrived in Salem. Of course that brat Melanie Kiriakis had immediately accused him of being a thief (which was, to be fair, not totally untrue), and he'd had to listen to a whole bunch of stupid lectures from his Dudley Do-Right brother, Rafe. He'd managed to score a job at the Cheatin' Heart, which didn't seem too bad, but he was still sleeping on Rafe's couch, in the apartment that he shared with his wife and her four kids. He guessed it was nice of them to let him crash, and Rafe had been weirdly out of it lately, which made things a little less annoying for Dario. Still, he needed to get his own place ASAP.

Outside the apartment, Will Horton fumbled with his keys. He'd had a few drinks with his friends, and he was feeling the effects as he let himself inside. Luckily everywhere within Salem seemed to be within walking distance, because he was in no state to be driving tonight.

Once inside, he found the apartment surprisingly quiet, save for the sound of the shower running. His mom must have taken the kids out, he figured. When the shower stopped, he expected it to be Rafe emerging from the bathroom, but instead, it was his younger brother.

"Hey, man," Dario said gruffly as he stepped out of the bathroom in just a towel. Will hadn't had much interaction with the guy since he started staying at the apartment, but he had caught enough of the tension between Dario and Rafe to be wary. Rafe was a good, upstanding guy (even if he'd been acting kind of weird since that car accident), and Will trusted his judgment. Dario seemed like bad news.

"Hey," Will said.

After a spell of silence, Dario said, "Your mom and Rafe took the rugrats to your grandma's or whatever."

"Oh, cool." Will made his way to the refrigerator for a bottle of water.

Dario went to the duffel bag in the corner to grab some of this clothes. Instead of ducking back into the bathroom to change, though, he lingered near the kitchen.

"Wanna grab me one of those beers?" Coming from Dario, it was less a question than a strong suggestion.

"Uh, sure." Will handed him one of the bottles. He tried not to stare at Dario's bare torso. He had a slim build, and his natural tan looked even darker against the crisp white of the towel. In the center of his chest laid a thin group of black hairs, which matched the line of them that started at his navel and led down into his towel...

Dammit, you're staring, Will scolded himself. It was just like being in the locker room after P.E. class. People always said that all guys check other guys out, just to compare and scope out the competition, but that didn't make it any less awkward. He figured he would stop being so damn curious as he got older and more used to his own body.

"You want one?" Dario said. "I bought them. Rafe and Sami won't know."

Already lubricated by a little alcohol, Will figured that he might as well. "Sure. Thanks." He grabbed a beer for himself and shut the refrigerator.

There was a definite awkwardness in the air as they took their first sips of the beers. Will didn't have much clue what to say to Dario. Will's girlfriend Gabi -- who happened to be Rafe and Dario's youngest sibling -- didn't exactly have stellar things to say about Dario.

"So, uh, how's the Cheatin' Heart working out?" he ventured in an attempt to be polite.

"It's good."

Dario took another drink of his beer. That's it? Will thought. Dario could at least give him something to work with. Will decided that some TV was in order and crossed the room to flip the set on.

Standing by the kitchen counter, Dario watched Will bend over and grab the remote off the floor, where one of the kids must have dumped it earlier. What a hot little piece, Dario thought. He was no stranger to messing around with other dudes. When you're horny, you're horny, he figured. He wasn't gonna move to Massachusetts and marry some dude, but a hole's a hole and a mouth's a mouth. Rafe, Gabi, their late sister Arianna, and their ultra-Catholic mother probably didn't feel the same way, though, which was part of the reason Dario had isolated himself from the family in recent years. He had always been the black sheep.

He felt a tingling in his crotch as Will turned on the TV. Will Horton was twinkier than the guys Dario usually messed with -- like his friend Manny from back home, a built Puerto Rican guy who kind of reminded him of a tougher Rafe. Eighteen- year-old Will, on the other hand, was blond and sweet-looking and seemed smaller of stature, though Dario had caught enough glimpses of him in those tight t-shirts to know that the kid's time in the gym had definitely paid off.

Dario wasn't sure if there was anything to be manipulated here, but he figured it was worth a little effort. As Will plopped down on the couch, Dario slammed the rest of his beer.

"Want another one?" he asked as he went to the fridge.

Will held up his own beer, still three-quarters full. "I'm not even close to done."

"You'll catch up, kid." Dario grabbed two beers and went to the couch. He sat down far enough away from Will so as not to be weird, but not all the way on the other side, either.

A re-run of Seinfeld was playing on the TV. Will tried to keep his focus on it, but he was very, very aware that Dario was sitting a few feet away from him in only a towel. He had his feet propped up on the coffee table, putting his furry legs in the corner of Will's vision.

Dario couldn't help himself. He was getting horny, and the beer was only speeding things along.

"You with my sister tonight?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah," Will said, not sure what he was supposed to say. He knew how older brothers could be about their little sisters. "And a bunch of friends."


Dario was certainly a man of few words. Will tried to focus on the TV show, but the booze was making his head buzz, and he kept having split-second thoughts about how sexy the bad boy sitting beside him was.

"Are you guys, like, banging?" Dario asked out of nowhere.

Will was utterly taken aback. He had no idea how to answer that -- let alone to Gabi's brother.

"Not that I really wanna think of my little sister that way," Dario added. "JustÉ be good to her. You know."

"I will. I am." Will felt his cheeks growing hot as he said, "And no, we're not. I mean--no." He felt like a loser admitting it, but he also wanted Dario to know that he wasn't using Gabi for sex or anything. The last thing he needed was Rafe hearing about this and keeping them from seeing each other.

"Seriously, man? Wow."


"Just figured you would be. You're, what, 18? The only thing you should be thinking about is getting pussy."

"I do!" Will nervously gulped the rest of his beer and reached for the other one. "It's just, you know, I actually like Gabi. A lot. We don't need to rush."

Dario nodded slowly. "Okay. I get it." With the slightest buzz going, Dario had a pretty good idea of what he wanted out of this night -- and he figured he might as well make it happen. He jumped to his feet. "I should probably get dressed."

"Yeah. Good idea," Will said, trying his hardest not to gawk at the half-naked guy standing right in front of him. He stared at the TV but didn't process any of the images.

Dario grabbed his clothes from the table, where he'd set them down. He finished his beer and got another from the fridge.

"Hey, come here," he said to Will. "Talk to me."

Will thought that was kind of a weird request, since the bathroom wasn't that far away and it couldn't take Dario that long to throw on some shorts and a t-shirt. Nevertheless, he picked up his beer and followed DarioÉ who, instead of going into the bathroom, led the way to Will's room.

"I have gotta get my own place soon," he said. "As soon as I save up enough moneyÉ" And just like that, he dropped his towel. Try as he might, Will couldn't avoid glancing at what had been hidden underneath that towel. Dario's dick was about the same size as Will's -- not huge, probably a little more than six inches when it got hard. Right now, it hung down flaccid, nestled in a dense bush of curly black hairs. It was uncut, something Will had never seen before; the foreskin covered the head entirely.

Dario reached for his boxers but paused mid-movement. He saw Will taking the bait and stared at him until Will's eye caught his.

"What are you looking at, dude?" Dario asked, unable to keep a smirk off his face.

"Oh, uh, nothing." Will did the world's least convincing turn away, as if he had just been surveying the room and happened to see Dario's dick along with his own books and CDs on the shelf. With his back still to Dario, he took a few steps over to the desk and made a show of looking at a calendar.

Dario decided it was now or never. Leaving his towel on the floor and his clothes on the bed, he walked over to Will. He moved up behind the blond teen and, feeling a rush of blood to his groin, leaned in close and put his arms on Will's hips.

The contact took Will by surprise. "Whoa!" he said, jerking forward, though there was nowhere to go since he was up against the desk.

"Just relax," Dario said, his voice quiet and his lips mere inches from Will's ear.

Will's heart was pounding so fast that he could hardly breathe. "What are you doing?"

"I saw you looking."

Suddenly Will's mouth was painfully dry. "What are you talking about?"

"You were looking at me in that towel," Dario said. "And you were definitely looking at my cock."

Will hated how much it turned him on just to hear Dario say 'cock.'

"That's what I thought," Dario continued. His fingertips crept around to touch Will's impossibly tight stomach. They crept softly over the skin and muscle. Will wasn't ticklish, but he almost felt like it at the moment -- he was so sensitive to every little touch.

And then Dario's fingers kept moving. They pushed Will's t-shirt up and crept into the waistband of his pants, under the band of his underwear. Will felt lightheaded as Dario grazed his pubic hair and then the base of his rapidly stiffening cock. With his other hand, Dario unsnapped the button fly of Will's jeans. He gave Will's dick several downward strokes, starting at the base, moving over the head, and then removing his hand for a split-second before beginning again.

Then the hand pulled away. Will almost felt like crying out for it. Before he could process the thought, though, Dario spun him around. He pushed Will's jeans and white underwear down to the floor. Will's eyes used the move as an excuse to look down at Dario's dick, which was now sticking straight out from his body. It had the slightest curve to the right, and the foreskin had pulled back so that almost the entire head was exposed.

"Come on. Touch it," Dario urged him in that husky voice.

Will didn't need any further prompting. He wrapped a fist around Dario's dick. The sheer heat of it amazed him. He gave it a few experimental tugs. This was so different than jerking his own cock -- so much hotter.

As Will did that, Dario started stroking Will's dick again. Will kept his focus down, watching the two of them work in tandem. His own dick was a perfectly straight six inches, with a pink head that was just a little wider than the shaft. His light brown pubes were trimmed close to his body -- something he'd only recently started doing.

Dario was doing this amazing thing with his hand, where he'd stroke up Will's dick a few times, then reverse direction and start at the head. Will felt his knees growing weak from the friction.

"Come here," Dario said. He took Will by the arm and moved him to the bed. Uncertain, Will sat down, but Dario grabbed his shoulders and turned him.

"Get on all fours," the older boy instructed. Will did that, and a moment later, he felt the most insane, unbelievable thing he had ever felt. He'd seen it in porn from time to time, but -- holy crap. Dario's lips and tongue were all over Will's exposed asshole, getting it wet, darting inside. Will groaned in ecstasy and pushed his butt back into Dario's face. He felt Dario giggle against his hole.

"You like that, huh?" he said, coming up for air. "I've been thinking about doing that since the day I moved in here. You ever finger yourself when you jerk off?"

"What? No," Will said by reflex, though the mere thought had him ready to explode. He reached underneath himself and stroked his own dick. His entire body felt like it was on fire.

"Here," Dario said. A moment later, Will felt what had to be a finger tickling the outside of his hole. "Push out, like you're taking a shit."

Pushing that gross visual aside, Will made him muscles comply. Suddenly Dario's finger invaded him. Will drew in his breath sharply. It feltÉ weird. Really weird.

"Try and relax," came the instruction from behind him. "Damn, you're tight, kid."

Will tried to get used to the sensation. It didn't feel bad, exactly, but it didn't feel totally good, either. Slowly, very slowly, Dario began sliding the finger back and forth -- probably just an inch either way. The discomfort faded.

"That shit feels good, doesn't it?" Dario said.

"Yeah. Really good." Will could barely get the words out. He grabbed his dick again and started moving his hand up and down on it, not too fast. A high-pitched moan slipped past his lips, and he would have been embarrassed if his head weren't so clouded by pure lust.

"Here you go," Dario said, and then Will felt something different against his hole. Something hard and cold.

"What are you--" He turned back to see Dario tickling his asshole with the tip of a beer bottle.

"You're not sticking that in there," Will said, suddenly nervous.

"I'm just fucking with you." Dario moved the bottle's tip over Will's hole a few more times. The cold glass did feel good. Then he put the bottle down and flipped Will over, telling him as he did it, "Get on your back."

Will complied. Dario pushed Will's legs up into the air, exposing his ass, and he slipped his finger back in. Will began jerking off harder. His whole body felt like one huge, exposed nerve. Dario slipped a second finger into his asshole and started full-on finger-fucking the blond boy.

Will could not believe how amazing it felt. He kept closing his eyes, only to open them and see Dario staring down at him, pure lust all over his face. The strokes of Dario's fingers sped up to keep time with Will's pounding on his cock. He needed to cum so badly. He beat his dick even harder, his hand flying up and down it in a blur.

"I'm gonna cum," he panted. "I'm gonna cum."

Suddenly his dick exploded, firing one, two, three thick spurts of jizz onto his chest. One of them came just shy of hitting his chin.

"So hot, dude," Dario said. He pulled his fingers out of Will's ass, and all Will could think about in his post-orgasmic state was getting them back in there. But Dario climbed onto the bed and straddled Will. He pounded his hot uncut dick feverishly as Will watched in amazement.

"Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. Fuck. You want my cum?" Dario babbled as his strokes grew even faster.

With a guttural cry, he let loose several thick ropes of semen all over Will's chest, neck, and shoulders. The sensation of the hot liquid hitting his body was so intensely sexual that, if he weren't still in a stupor from blowing his own load, he would have grabbed his dick and jerked off again.

"See?" Dario said as he caught his breath, still hovering over Will. "I told you you wanted that."

"Yeah. I guess I did." Will propped himself up on his elbows. The two young men's faces were only a few inches apart. With the eye contact between them not breaking, Will leaned in toward Dario.

At the last second, Dario turned his head. Will's lips brushed against Dario's cheek.

"I don't kiss dudes," Dario said, and with that, he bounded off the bed. "No offense."

Feeling like an idiot, with his head still spinning and his chest covered in cum, Will watched Dario leave the room.

Dario darted back into the bathroom and started the shower. Neither he nor Will had any idea that, moments earlier, someone had been in the apartment, watching them before silently retreating.

Did you get off? Who saw Will and Dario going at it? Who should mix it up next? Drop me a line at with your thoughts, or just to say hi!

Next: Chapter 3: Days of Our Lives 3

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