Days of Our Lives Series

By Benji King

Published on Mar 3, 2012



"Days of Our Lives" is the property of Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television. This story contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual situations.

If you are not of legal age in your area to view such content, please exit immediately. The following story is not intended to imply anything about the actors who portray these characters.

EJ DiMera was having a very bad day.

Normally, he would have been furious at his father for being out of the country at a time like this. Stefano was gallivanting around Europe with his wife, Kate, ostensibly tending to business but more than likely taking plenty of time to enjoy all the luxuries that money could buy. In any other crisis situation, EJ could have used his father's guidance and help. But not this time.

No, it would have killed Stefano to see what was on the DVD that had just been delivered to EJ.

He sat in the living room of his father's mansion and watched, mouth agape, at the scene unfolding on the television screen. His younger brother, Chad, was lying on a massage table, his long legs splayed in the air while that piece of trash, Quinn Hudson, drilled his cock in and out of Chad's asshole.

The whole thing was shocking and sickening. EJ had never had any sense that his brother might be homosexual. True, he had known Chad for only a year and a half, but the tall, handsome college student seemed to have an active interest in women. He certainly didn't seem to be faking his interest in his latest girlfriend, Abigail Deveraux. Yet there he was, plain as day, captured on video moaning and thrusting while that Australian beefcake took him like a bitch in heat.

Quinn wanted money to fund his attempt at becoming a legitimate businessman. He had to be an imbecile if he thought it would be this easy. As if EJ would simply hand over hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep this from getting out.

The man must have done something to Chad. Of course, the video showed no indication of that. It had picked up mid-encounter, with Quinn's dark-haired head bobbing up and down in Chad's crotch. But EJ could not imagine that his recently discovered younger brother had a secret double life hooking up with men -- especially not men like Quinn Hudson.

EJ found himself oddly mesmerized as the video went on. He couldn't help but observe that Chad's body was so much smoother than his own. Aside from the dark hair in his armpits and his trimmed, dark brown pubic hair, Chad's body was just about hairless. And the Chad on the screen did seem to be enjoying himself. As if to provide irrefutable proof of that, the boy let out a wild moan and fired several blasts of cum all over himself. One even hit him in the chin. Quinn's rock- hard, impossibly round ass continued to thrust back and forth, picking up speed until he, too, let out a wild groan and slammed even deeper into Chad.

EJ could not ignore the stiffening inside his slacks. It was no surprise, of course; anyone would become aroused watching such a heated sexual act, no matter who the participants were. It was only human nature. Plus, anger always made EJ horny, in a strange way -- and right now, he wanted to kill Quinn for his stupid blackmail attempt.

Abruptly, the video cut to black. The disc stopped running. EJ was thinking about rewinding it -- he felt like he really had to know what he was dealing with before embarking upon a plan to neutralize Quinn -- but then the doorbell rang.

Remembering that his father had given the household staff the weekend off, since he and Kate were traveling and EJ was alone in the mansion, EJ stood from his chair. He pressed down on the obvious erection in his slacks, but his touch only made it swell more. He gave it a few seconds to subside, doing his best to think non-sexual thoughts, and made his way to the door.

He should have known there would be another headache awaiting him on the other side. That damned doppelganger for Rafael Hernandez stood on the doorstep, grinning like an idiot.

"Got a minute?" the Rafe impostor asked before barging into the house.

"Not particularly," the tall Brit said, though there was little point.

"We've gotta talk."

EJ closed the door in annoyance. "AboutÉ?"

"The plan. Something's come up."

"What now?" This entire situation was turning into a massive disaster. The impostor was a loose cannon, arousing suspicion all over Salem.

"C'mere." The fake Rafe led the way back into the living room, where the blank TV screen was humming lightly in the background. "It's about the kid. Will."

"What about him? He hasn't figured it out, has he?"

"I dunno. Some stuff happened."

"What kind of 'stuff'?" EJ bellowed. His voice bounced off the walls of the huge mansion. When the impostor didn't immediately respond, EJ muttered, "Jesus." He turned to the bar and began pouring himself a drink.

While EJ had his back turned, Rafe allowed himself a momentary smirk. Every time that he had to pretend to be that disgusting creature who took over his life, who seduced not only his wife but also his stepson, he needed to find a few private moments to be himself. Luckily, it wouldn't last much longer -- not if everything went as planned today.

EJ swiveled back around, bourbon in hand. "Now what in the hell--"

Before he could even finish the question, Rafe whipped out a taser. EJ dropped the glass as the charge hit him. He heard the shattering in the distance, but all he could feel was a heavy buzzing as every muscle in his body seemed to seize up.

The next thing EJ saw was the ceiling.

A quick swivel of his head confirmed that it was the ceiling of the mansion's living room. . . where he last remembered being. . . with that imbecile doppelganger.

"You're gonna love this, Junior," the voice--Rafe's voice--was saying.

EJ jerked his head off the ground to see "Rafe" crouching over him. All at once, he became aware of how restricted his movements were. His hands were tied behind his back, his ankles were tied together, and. . .

"What do you think you're doing?!" EJ demanded as he realized that his button- down shirt was torn wide open and his slacks and underwear had been yanked halfway down his thighs, leaving him exposed.

"Giving you a taste of your own medicine, buddy." The doppelganger grinned lewdly at him and held up what EJ recognized as a thick black dildo. It had to be nine inches long.

EJ thrashed around, desperate to free himself. He realized that his feet had also been tied to the desk, making it impossible for him to go anywhere. "You lunatic! Let me go!"

"Rafe" pulled out the taser. "Want me to use this again?"

"Couldn't make things much worse," EJ mumbled, though he stopped moving around. "What do you want from me? More money? Is that it?" That had to be it. It wasn't enough for Javier Morales to have a new face and a chance at a new life. No, he needed to bleed the DiMeras dry, and in the most demented manner possible. Where did Stefano find these nutjobs?

"I don't want money. But I do wanna see you pay."

"Pay for what? How?" EJ was getting nervous. On top of the fact that he had no idea what this maniac was capable of, he was essentially stripped naked in the living room of his father's home. True, Stefano and Kate were traveling and the servants had the day off, but there was no telling who else might come traipsing through the place. Not that EJ had much to be ashamed of--he had a broad chest and defined stomach that were covered in closely clipped black hair, and an impressive (even when flaccid) cut cock that hung over a set of full, furry balls-- but this was not exactly the venue in which to show off.

"You're gonna pay--" The doppelganger lowered the dildo out of EJ's line of vision. "--for what you did to my wife and to her boy. I want you to know exactly how it feels to be taken advantage of, when you have no say at all."

EJ felt a hand working beneath him. He had not had his ass played with often, but there was no mistaking the sensations. This lunatic must have lubed him up while he was knocked out.

"Stop that!" EJ ordered, flailing around to keep the man from doing whatever he was trying to do.

Instead, he felt his whole body being grabbed and flipped over. Without much use of his limbs, EJ was powerless to stop the manhandling.

"Nice pussy you got here," Rafe or "Rafe" or whoever he was said. "Real nice." His big fingers stroked up and down EJ's fuzzy crack, which was well-lubed.

For some reason, EJ's mind flashed to the DVD he had just watched, depicting that ape Quinn mounting and riding his little brother.

"The boys in Statesville are gonna love this," came another comment from behind EJ. He tried to clamp his butt shut, but the doppelganger responded by forcing the dildo into his crack.

EJ had himself propped up on his elbows. "I don't understand what this is going to accomplish."

"It's gonna show you what it feels like to be used. Raped. Just like you did to Sami. Just like that animal did to Sami and to Will."

That animal? Will? EJ's mind was spinning in overdrive. Why was he talking about--

EJ turned his head as much as he could, only to see Rafael Hernandez smiling back at him.

"It's me," Rafe said. "I'm back, Junior."

EJ had no time to think about the how or the when or any of it, because the next thing he knew, Rafe had shoved the dildo straight into his asshole. EJ cried out in anguish.

"You bloody motherfucking son of a cunt!" EJ yelled. His voice rattled the house.

Rafe's only response was to slide the fake cock almost all the way out and then slam it back in. EJ had no idea how much of it was inside him, but it had to be at least half of it. It felt like the entire thing, that was for certain. Pain tore through the Brit's body.

Rafe was nattering on: "How's that feel, DiMera? You like that? You like being my bitch?"

"Where in the hell did you come from?" EJ shouted angrily. "You were supposed to be--"

"Gone? Not able to remember anything? Yeah, you DiMeras have gotta work a little harder on your evil plots." Rafe slammed his palm into the back of EJ's head, which knocked him off-balance and drove his face to the living room carpet. But he barely noticed, because the feeling of that dildo sawing in and out of his ass was so overwhelming.

"Hold that thought," Rafe said. The dildo stopped moving, though it was still buried in EJ's ass, and EJ looked back just in time for Rafe to snap a photo with his phone.

"Take it out!" EJ demanded. Rafe responded by stroking the dildo back and forth a little faster.

EJ was about to issue another threat when something jarred his whole body. Rafe had hit something inside him -- it had to be his prostate -- and it felt. . .

"My god," he said, his cheek against the floor.

"You like that, huh?" Rafe repeated the movement. EJ shuddered as his prostate sent waves of pleasures flooding through his body. Even the dildo itself, going in and out of his hole, was starting to feel good. He wondered if this was how Chad felt while Quinn was fucking him.

EJ tried to force the image of his younger brother being fucked out of his head, but the intense pleasure from his prostate was locking his mind in a very lewd place. He cursed himself as he felt his balls tightening up and his dick growing hard.

"You DO like that," Rafe said, his voice a strange blend of amusement and fascination. He reached under EJ and gave his seven-inch cock a single stroke. EJ almost begged him to keep doing it but restrained his urges.

Then EJ heard a zipper being lowered behind him. He pushed himself back to his elbows and turned his head to see Rafe taking his dark, eight-inch dick in hand. It looked uncut, but the head was fully exposed when he was erect, like he was now.

"You sick bastard," EJ said.

"I'm the sick bastard? Really?" Rafe left the dildo in EJ's ass and flipped DiMera over. EJ landed hard on his back. The sensation of the dildo crammed halfway up his ass was both exhilarating and terribly uncomfortable.

Rafe stroked his fat hog from its hairy base to its very tip a few times. Then he stood up and loomed over EJ.

"This is for Sami and Will," Rafe said with a sneer. He threw his head back and, with his pants and boxer shorts around his ankles, beat his cock with abandon.

Rafe closed his eyes. He remembered how Will's mouth had felt, getting his dick all wet, making him want to cum so badly--

It was only a few more seconds before Rafe let out a low moan and released a huge load. EJ tried to squirm out of the way, but it was no use. Rafe's seed splattered on his furry chest, on his arm, and on his side.

Breathing hard, Rafe pulled up his boxers and pants. He quickly grabbed his phone and snapped a few more photos of EJ covered in cum.

"You miserable bastard," EJ said. "Will you untie me now?"

"Nah." Rafe started for the door, then turned back. "Like I said: that was for Sami and Will. Asshole."

The next thing EJ knew, Rafe was stomping through the foyer and out the front door. As the door slammed shut, EJ realized that he was stuck here. He was tied up and could barely move, let alone free himself. Even worse, he had Rafe Hernandez's cum all over him. And worst of all, his cock was still standing at attention, desperate for release.

He was thinking about rolling back onto his stomach and grinding it against the floor when he heard the front door open. EJ braced for utter humiliation.

Chad strode into the room and stopped in his tracks. "What the. . ."

What did you think of Rafe's revenge on EJ? What will happen with EJ and Chad? Drop me a line at with your thoughts, or just to say hi!

Next: Chapter 8: Days of Our Lives 8

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