Declan and Jake

By Kenneth Barker

Published on Jul 22, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is strictly fantasy. I do not make insinuations About the celebrities' sex lives, personal lives or sexual preferences. These are expressions of my imagination and as such, reader and author Alike acknowledge that the stories are one hundred percent fiction.

I am now sharing the writing of this story with a fellow reader/writer

By: Kenneth & Michael

Jake & Declan -- Chapter 1

Where do I start? Let's name is Declan Sean Christensen Jr. I am 5'8", have dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, and a medium build. I've got a tattoo up my right arm and along the right side of my upper body. I moved to New York City just before my 20th birthday and have been living here since then. I was born and raised in a small town named Crescent City in the Pacific Northwest on the California coast near the state border. When I moved to New York I had it rough my first year, I did odd-end jobs for awhile before I was lucky enough to find a job as a driver for a car service for actors and musicians based out of Manhattan. I grew to know the city very well and after a year of driving I was able to move from the Bronx over to Brooklyn. This was great because that's how I met Jake Gyllenhaal.

Two years after moving to New York, on a cold February day, I was assigned to pick up an actor at JFK and drop them off in Brooklyn. Upon arriving at JFK airport, I went inside with a sign that said "Jacob Benjamin". I was beginning to wonder who this person was. I'd never heard of an actor or musician by this name before.

After standing with the sign for almost forty-five minutes a man came up to me and told me he was the person I was waiting to take to Brooklyn. I froze for a second when I realized who I was speaking too. He was very good looking with his just-got-out-of-bed hair, those blue/green eyes, and his hot and tight body. I felt like I was looking at my dream man.

'Too bad he's straight,' I thought to myself as I tried to keep my excitement to myself.

"Oh. Well my name is Declan and I'll be your driver for today. Here," I said, reaching for his bags, "let me take your luggage and if you would please follow me to the car we can get started on our trip Mr. Benjamin."

"Oh please call me Jake," He said kindly.

"Yes sir...sorry," I chuckled nervously, "I mean Jake." He laughed as well as we both made our way out to the car.

After opening the rear passenger door and letting Jake into the back seat, I went around to the trunk, grabbed his bags, and put them in. I then made my way to the driver's seat and got in. Once I started the car, I checked my mirrors and pulled out into traffic, making my way toward Brooklyn with my passenger.

After about five minutes of driving in silence, Jake began to make small talk, "So how has your day been so far?" He asked politely.

"It's been okay I suppose. You're my first passenger of the day," I responded, used to the occasional small talk some of my passengers chose to engage in.

"Well I feel honored," I could hear the smile in his voice even without turning to look at him.

As my eyes met his in the rear view mirror we both let out a low laugh at his comment.

"So how long have you been a driver for this car service?" Jake asked, his tone indicating his interest.

I took the time to think about my answer as I changed lanes, "Two years and three months give or take a few days."

"Really? I use this service all the time and this is the first time I've ridden with you," Jake said suspiciously, his eyes taking in the view outside the window.

"I mean, that's kind of expected since there are about thirty drivers employed," I responded reassuringly, my eyes steady on the road.

"Well I guess that explains a lot," he chuckled.

A few more minutes went by as I drove steadily toward our destination. Though I was content to let the conversation rest, satisfied that I had spoken with someone I'd watched in so many movies, Jake seemed to have other thoughts, "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, you can ask me anything," I said truthfully, catching his eye in the rear view mirror again.

"Do you know who I am by any chance?" He asked, his eyes probing mine steadily.

"I know you're either an actor or a musician." My answer was evasive as I brought my eyes back to the road.

"But you don't know me by name?" This was clearly something that he didn't want to let drop so I decided to give him what he wanted.

"To be honest, I do, but I try to give the people I pick up some degree of privacy."

This answer seemed to satisfy him, "Well that's good to know I wish we could have met sooner."

Curious, I asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Cause its rare to find someone who shows that kind of respect for others."

Though there seemed to be more to it than that I decided to let it go, "Well you're welcome."

"So can I ask you another question?"

I chuckled as he seemed to be intent on talking. "Yeah. Like I said before, you can ask me anything but don't get offended if I choose not to answer."

"Would it be wrong to ask if you would like to hang out sometime?"

Surprised, I responded cautiously, "I don't think that would be wise."

But it seemed that Jake was determined, "Maybe you're right, but I feel I can trust you and you never know, we might become friends."

Looking into the reflection of his twinkling eyes, I couldn't help but notice that they were more blue than green and knew that I couldn't refuse him, "Well if you feel that way they I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot."

Immediately a smile grew onto his face as he realized that he had won. "Well with that said here is my cell number give me a call when you feel up to hanging out with me. Oh I should warn you that I am on call with the car service. I hope that won't be a problem?" my gaze was steady as i held out a small card with my number on it, waiting for his response.

"No it won't be a problem," he said as he reached forward with his right hand to retrieve the card with my phone number. Never had I expected such a thing to happen. Though I'd been driving celebrities for two years, nothing such as this had ever taken place. While sometimes there'd be the occasional person who'd strike up a conversation, there was always a certain line that was never crossed. I was the help, I knew it and they knew it. It seemed though, that Jake was different. He knew it, but didn't care.

"Well Jake, we're only a few more minutes away from your destination."

"Great. I'm so worn out from the flight," he sighed.

We pulled up to this beautiful three story brownstone and I couldn't help but wonder if it was a rental or if someone he knew owned it and he was staying with them. I got out of the car and opened Jake's door before going to the trunk and opening it up and pulling out his bags. I walked up to the front door, admiring the gorgeous lawn and extravagant front porch where I set them down. I turned to leave when Jake stopped me.

"Thanks for driving me here Declan, I really appreciate it," he said, a charming smile on his handsome face.

"It's been a pleasure driving for you today Mr. Gyllenhaal," I nodded politely.

"Before you go, are you going to busy this Saturday?" His hand on the doorknob as he waited patiently.

"Let me check," I said as my hand dug into my pocket to pull out my phone. Looking over my schedule, I responded, "Yep, I'm going to be free."

"Good. Try not to make any plans because I plan on hanging out with you then." There was a confidence I could see in his eyes that I was unable to resist.

"Sounds good to me...what time you plan on us hanging out?"

"How about 9:00 that morning?" I nodded my consent and he opened the door, preparing to go in before he turned around at the last minute. "By the way, I should let you know that I'm going to bring two friends with me."

"Not a problem...should I come by here and get you or do you want to meet up somewhere?" I asked, walking slowly down the steps of the porch with my head turned back toward him as I waited for an answer.

"Let's about we meet up in central park on the Westside entrance?"

"Okay I'll see you on Saturday...goodbye Jake," I called, reaching the walkway that led to the car.

"Goodbye Declan," and the door closed.

I reached my car and got in, pulling back into traffic to make my way to my next pick up. I kept running the conversation I had with Jake over and over in my head trying to guess why he wanted to hang out with me of all people. I mean I'm just an average person and he is an a-list actor.

I sighed, "I've got to stop thinking like this, it's getting me nowhere."

I only had ten more clients to pick up before my shift ended at five tonight and since it was almost 11:00 a.m. I had to make up for lost time which meant no lunch break.

Finally I'd dropped off my last client and was on my way to exchange the company car for my own before heading home. I was so glad my day had went by with no problems and very little complaints from the clients. I'd also managed to make one hundred dollars in tips which, though low, was satisfactory. I reached the garage by six and made my way up the stairs.

I was tired and hungry as I hurriedly changed out of the stiff suit I was made to wear by the company and into my more comfortable street clothes. My mind was on my worn but comfy sofa back home.

Keys in had, I made my way back down to the garage, getting into my car and making my way back home to Brooklyn. Making it home at fifteen minutes to seven, I pulled into the underground parking lot designated for my building and got into the elevator.

I sighed as I finally reached the fifteenth floor, exiting the small elevator and ambling to the end of the hallway and my door. I fumbled in my pocket before pulling out my keys and opening the door. "God it's so good to be home," I muttered as I closed the door behind me. My keys hit the table by the door where they went every night when I get home. My feet followed the familiar path to the refrigerator, my shoes being left behind at the door. Every night it was the same thing. I'd become used to the endless cycle my life had become. Jake was actually the most exciting thing that had happened in my life in a while, but I truthfully didn't really expect that to go anywhere. How wrong I was.

Finding nothing in the fridge, I picked up the phone and pulled out the countless amount of takeout menus I'd collected since moving to New York, making my way to the couch and rifling through them. Takeout really was the only way to go in New York, barely anyone actually cooked anymore. What was the point when there were so many different choices available to you? At least that was my philosophy. One that I lived by almost everyday.

I perused the menus leisurely before finally deciding on something and placing an order. The television helped kill time as I waited on my food to be delivered. It was a half hour before someone finally rang up to my apartment. I buzzed the guy in before fetching my wallet from the counter. I reached the door right as there was a knock.

"Ahh..many thanks my man," I said as I collected my food, placing it on the endtable next to the sofa.

"Not a problem," he dully replied, taking the money I handed him and leaving without another word.

I shrugged, closing the door and picking up the food to bring it to the kitchen. Grabbing a plate from the cupboard, I served myself some and sat down in the dining room to eat.

Halfway though my cell phone rang. Fishing it out of my pocket, I checked the caller i.d. It was a blocked number so I debated about answering it before deciding it could be Jake. Taking a chance, I flipped it open and put it to my ear, "Jake?"

"Woah. How did you know it was me?"

"Since the number was blocked I figured it might be you," I responded, standing up and making my way back out to the kitchen.

"Oh...well I was wondering if you have tomorrow off?"

"I only go in for a short shift tomorrow. Why, what did you have in mind?" My tone was curious as I casually leaned against the counter awaiting his answer.

"I was hoping you would meet me at the south side entrance of Central Park."

"...I suppose I can meet you tomorrow," I said cautiously. "How come you can't wait until Saturday?" It didn't make sense to me that this guy I'd met not even twenty-four hours ago would want to spend so much time with me, especially someone of his status.

"Well I won't be able to make it this Saturday. Something came up with a friend."

Satisfied with his answer I responded, "What time did you want to meet up? I get off work at noon."

"How does one o'clock sound to you?"

"Actually," I said, observing my schedule, "two would be better for me, gives me time to turn my car in and grab a shower before meeting up with you."

"That sounds good to me. See you then."

"Bye Jake. See you tomorrow," I closed the phone, sitting it on the counter and making my way back to the dining room and my noticeably colder dinner. Finally done, I stuck my plate and fork in the dishwasher ad started it. I went back into the living room and crashed onto the couch. Turning the TV back on, I surfed the channels before settling on a re-run on the Discovery Channel.

Glancing at the clock a while later, I noticed it was going on eleven o'clock. I decided to call it a night and turned off the TV, going around the house and making sure I hadn't left too much of a mess out. I made my way to my room, clothes marking my path as I undressed before crashing on to the bed.

At five the next morning I woke up to a blaring in my ear. Cracking an eye open, I glared at my alarm clock before slamming my hand down on it. "Ugh..two years and I still hate mornings.." I stumbled over to the bathroom and threw myself into the shower. "No way.." I groaned, fiddling with the knob that controlled the water. Giving up, I slammed my head against the wall of the shower and clenched my teeth. "Great..just great. The water chooses today of all days to not work. I was too annoyed to go in search of maintenance to see what the problem was and just decided to complain to the superintendent on my way out. I threw on some sweats, made my complaint, and started on my way to work, hoping against hope that the water would be on by the time I went home before meeting Jake.

Rather than going straight to work, I stopped to get a cup of coffee and a couple of donuts. I got to work at six thirty and changed into my drivers suit. I then headed to the key cage to get the keys I was assigned and the list of clients for the day. "That's not bad," I mumbled as I went to my car, "only three clients today. That means I'm going to finish work sooner than planned. I hope Jake won't mind the change in plans."

By eleven that morning I'd driven the last of my clients. I made my way back to the service and turned in my keys. As I changed back into the sweats I'd donned this morning, I hoped that my land lady had gotten someone in to fix the water in my apartment. Presentation was important to me, whether I was just hanging with a friend or going out on a date, I wanted to look good. Showing up without having showered at all that day didn't figure into those plans.

I made it back to my apartment in thirty minutes and I went straight to my bathroom to check on the water. As the heavenly liquid gushed from the faucet I couldn't help but let a goofy smile bloom on my face, pleased that my land lady had come through for me. Rushing around my bathroom, I hurriedly showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a nice t-shirt I'd gotten a couple weeks ago but hadn't yet worn.

I was traveling down to my car in the parking garage before realizing that Jake had yet to give me his number, meaning I had no way of contacting him about the change in plans. "I wonder if he'd get pissed if I showed up at the house I dropped him off at yesterday.." I asked out loud as I unlocked my car and got in. Turning the keys in the ignition, I decided to just go anyway, if he got mad then it's really his loss, he did say he trusted me after all. I made way to the brownstone that I'd only recently come to know even existed. It only took a couple of minutes to find it as it wasn't that far from my own apartment. I quickly located a parking spot near by and made my way over to the house. As I was about to knock, the door opened and I found myself staring at a little girl standing in the open doorway. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I finally found my voice to speak up.

"Hello, I'm Declan. I'm here to see Jacob," I said politely, a small smile on my face as the little girl observed me curiously.

She continued to stare up into my face before she turned tail and ran screaming, "Mommy! Someone's here for uncle Jake!"

I found myself chuckling at her display. Noting her dark hair that I assumed she shared with her mother and uncle. A few minutes later she returned with a woman I took to be her mother and therefore, Jake's sister.

"Hi, I'm his sister Maggie. If you wait a minute, I'll go upstairs and get him for you,"

I smiled courteously and respond, "Sure. No problem."

Maggie went back into the house to get him and in just a moment, she and Jake came downstairs. Jake seemed to be both peeved and surprised to see me at his home.

"I'm so sorry for just showing up here out of the blue but I finished work early and wasn't sure how to contact you," I said in a rush.

"Its okay. Please come in," he said, waving me into the house.

"Jake," his sister said with her hand on his shoulder to stop him before he could go further into the house, "I was just on my way out. I'm taking Ramona to the park. We'll be back in about an was nice to meet you Declan," she said with a polite but inquistive smile on her face. She was obviously confused about who I was and exactly what I wanted with Jake.

"Nice to meet you too Maggie," I nodded before following Jake in to the house. "Wow..this house is beautiful," I said, taking in the foyer I was currently being led through.

"Thanks. Can I get you something to drink?" Jake inquired as I observed my surroundings.

"No thank you. I'm good," I didn't want to impose anymore than I already was.

"Well give me a minute to put some shoes on and we can leave from here," he called as he made his way back upstairs, presumably to his room.

" you mind if I use your bathroom?" though he was hardly in the room anymore, I suddenly felt the need to get out of there.

"Sure," though he'd disappeared upstairs, his voice still carried to me, "it's the first door on the left down that hall."

"Thanks," I looked toward where he had indicated.

"You're welcome," was his curt response.

I walked down the hall and opened the door I was told would lead me to the restroom. I washed my hands and threw some water on my face as I finished my business. As I reentered the only other room I'd seen, I noticed Jake coming down the stairs humming a tune I didn't know. He stopped when he realized he wasn't alone. We reached the front front door at the same time. He opened the door and as I walked out, he put the code into the security system before following me out and locking the door behind him.

"So you ready to go?" He asked as he made his way down the drive.

"Ready when you are," I agreed.

"Okay then. By the did you get here?" He asked, looking toward me.

Though I could tell there was still some residential anger left over from my unexpected visit, I didn't think he was actually mad at me. "My car...I parked down the street."

Nodding his head as he considered my answer, he then questioned, "Would you mind if we took your car?"

"Not at all," I consented.

We walked down the street to my car. I got my keys out and hit the unlock button before we both piled in. Checking that there was no one else on the street, I pulled into the clear lane and made my way to central park.

Jake turned to me as we drove on and I could see a curious glint in his eyes. "So how was your day?"

I glanced at him before bringing my eyes back to the rode, turning onto another street before answering him, "It was good, though it would have been better if I had gotten some was yours?" My hands and eyes remained steady as I maneuvered my way through the busy traffic among the streets of Brooklyn. New York was always busy, it being lunchtime didn't really help much.

"It was okay. Got up, got dressed, went to the gym and worked out, came back and lounged around at home till you got here. Nothing special." I could hear in his voice that it wasn't nearly as boring as he'd made it sound. I suppose that these days that seem dull to everyone else were really a relief to people who spent months away from home for their work.

"I what do you have planned for us today?" I was curious to what he wanted to do with a guy like me. I couldn't see us having anything in common. Besides spending our days off at the gym of course.

"I was going to take you to this great little pizza shop by the South entrance to Central Park," he said, looking at me for my reaction.

"That's sounds good to me," I nodded my consent.

"Can I ask you some questions Declan?" Jake inquired, his face hopeful.

"Yea sure, feel free to ask anything you want, I've told you," I assured him.

"Well...okay, how long have you been in New York?"

I could feel his unwavering gaze on me as I answered, "I've been here for almost two years now. I moved here when I was nineteen from Crescent City in California."

"Really? I've never heard of Crescent City." Unlike other times when he'd questioned me, I could detect no suspension in his voice, this pleased me. Though he'd said before that he trusted me, I only now thought that was at least partly true.

"It's on the coast, near the California and Oregon border." I answered distractedly, I was searching for a nearby parking spot so that we wouldn't have to walk too far. Though walking was basically a necessity when you lived in New York, I still preferred the distance to be minimal.

"I see...have you lived anywhere else besides Crescent City?" As he asked I finally found a suitable parking spot and sighed in relief. He looked over to me curiously before figuring out what was holding up my answer. There was a chuckle at my dramatics. His laugh was deep and I found myself smiling at it though it was at my expense.

"No, I was born and raised in Crescent City," was my answer, though admittedly a couple minutes late. "Anyway..we're here," I said, smiling in victory at finding a relatively close place to park.

I parked the car and we both got out and walked into the park. He returned to asking me questions about me. Just general stuff you know; how I liked living in Crescent City, what it was like growing up there, and other stuff of that idea. I glanced at my watch when I noticed the sun was beginning to set; it was almost five at night.

"Jake is this pizza place near by? I'm getting kind of hungry."

"Yea, it's right over there." He pointed over to a row of shops and restaurants across the street from where we were standing. We walked over to it and he grabbed the door, holding it open for me.

"Thanks," I smiled in appreciation.

"No problem," he responded, a genuine smile on his face as he entered behind me.

We made our way over to the counter, picking up two menus, before seating ourselves at a table. We observed what they had to offer, trying to decide what would appease our appetites. Since each of us were pretty sure what we would and wouldn't like, it didn't take too long. The waiter brought over some water before asking for our drink orders.

"I'll take an iced tea..." Jake decided before looking up at me. "What are you going to have Declan?"

"Hmm...the same please," I answered, still looking at my menu.

"I'll be back with your drinks in a minute," and he was gone, I presumed to the kitchen.

"So Jake, you spent all afternoon asking me questions and I haven't gotten to know anything about you," I hinted, 'Though not too subtly,' I thought, laughing under my breath at myself.

"Well what do you want to know about me that you might or might not have read in a newspaper somewhere?" he inquired.

But our conversation was soon interrupted, "Here are your drinks...are you ready to order?" questioned the newly arriving waiter.

"Yes," we both answered before breaking down into smiles and chuckles.

"Go ahead Declan," Jake gestured to me, setting his menu down before picking up his iced tea and taking a sip.

"I'll take a small veggie pizza," I spoke to the waiter as I handed him my menu.

"Wait a second. Excuse me, but would you make it a large pizza since I plan on having the same thing?" Jake questioned as he too held out his menu.

"Sure thing...the pizza should be ready in a half hour," he assured politely before walking away to assist another table.

"Thanks," Jake and Declan said at the same time. They stared into each other's eyes before once again breaking down into a hearty laugh.

Declan waited until they had both calmed down before asking, "So Jake, how did you know acting is what you wanted to do for a living?"

"I'm not really sure I can answer that question per say. I just always knew that's what I wanted to do with my life," he responded, staring into his iced tea before taking another sip.

"I see...don't you get tired of being away from home for long periods of time?" Just like this afternoon, it seemed only too easy to become lost in their conversation, losing any sense of time.

"Yes and no...I do miss home and my two dogs, but I also like it 'cause it gives me a chance to see the world when or if I have time while away filming," the small smile on his face let me see that he really enjoyed traveling the world.

"So you have dogs? That I did not know. Are they the two friends you planned to bring with you this Saturday?"

"Yea I do...and you got me. I was indeed going to bring them," he laughed.

The slight upturn of his lips as he laughed brought a smile to my own face. "What kind of dogs do you have?"

"I've got a pug named Boo Radley and a German Sheppard named Atticus," the glass of tea was now starting to sweat lightly as he continued to only fiddle with it.

"That's cool..."

"Here's your pizza," the waiter said as a large veggie was placed between Jake and I. "...would either of you like a refill?"

"Yes please," Jake and I said, once again in unison.

"You know," Jake said as the waiter refilled both glasses before taking his leave, "that's really losing its humor."

"Yea," I chuckled.

We both took two slices of pizza and began eating. Neither of us talked much as we ate. It was about twenty minutes later that we finished the pizza. We both got up from the table. I went to pay the bill and Jake stepped out to have a smoke. After I paid I went outside to meet him and we walked back to my car. I unlocked it and made to get in.

"So what do you want to do now Jake?" I asked.

"Well I hate to cut the night short, but I have to work tomorrow so I need to head home," he replied while making no move to get in the car.

"Do you want me to give you a ride home?" I questioned curiously.

"No its okay. I can hail a cab," his hands were in his pockets and he was gazing at me steadily with a small smile on his face.

"Okay then. I had a good time today," I said while climbing back out of the car and leaning against the hood.

"So did you think we can hang out again sometime soon?" he questioned.

"Yeah. I don't see any problem with that," I said smiling.

"Well when is a good time for you?"

"Let me think...I'm free all weekend...what about you?" I asked, cell phone out and looking at my schedule to work.

"I'm free Saturday night and all day Sunday," he said grinning at me.

"Let's go with Sunday then," I said decisively.

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you on Sunday...ten okay with you Declan?"

"Sounds good to you think I can get you to do something for me before you leave?" I asked nervously.

"Sure. What is it?" he said with a smile at my nerves.

"Put your phone number in my cell?" I asked, phone reached out toward him.

"Yeah no problem," he chuckled, grabbing the phone. He puts his number in, hands me the phone back, and we say goodbye to one another. I pulled into my parking spot and headed up to my floor. Making it to my door, I go inside my apartment and head to bed. I was sleeping within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

Well that's chapter -- 1 this is my first story so any help or ideas would be great you can e-mail me at with anything you think I should change or things I need to improve on just let me know

Next: Chapter 2

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