Declan's Shit

By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 12, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Declan's Shit

Chapter Five

Dec didn't usually eat a very good diet. His family did cook meals, but a lot of the time he lived on processed food and chips. He liked his food, though, and he liked trying new things when he got the chance. I was vegetarian and cooked the sort of things he didn't often eat, but cooking was a hobby and I was good at it, and a few times he'd tried things I'd been making and liked them. One day we had a drink together after an afternoon session. He got peckish after a couple of beers and earlier that day I'd made some soup. He looked a bit suspicious when I told him what was in it, but when he tasted it his eyebrows lifted appreciatively and he polished the whole bowlful off.

Properly nice, that was! Thanks!' he smiled. He thought for a moment and his face twisted into a sexy smile. So what was in that then? Lentils, wannit? Don't they really make yer shit?!'

He needed a shit the very next day, so he video-called me from the toilet at work and put his phone on the cistern with the camera pointing down into the bowl so I could watch him hover over it and let go. He did a massive shit; a very long, thick golden log that dropped half a dozen fat curls, followed by a long, snaky turd. Then he twisted round and picked the phone up before he sat down.

That felt so fuckin' nice,' he whispered. It's them lentils that's done it! Never normally shit like this two days running!'

`Ha, yes! Just imagine what you'd be like after one of my bean chillis...'

`God, don't. I'd blow the windows out!'

Better and better, cos you could fart in my face! And think of the shit you'd do the next day!'

`Ha ha, yeah! Maybe we could do that, if you do us dinner or something one day. Hang on... Shit, someone's coming.'

He rang off quickly. It was a good idea, though, and we ended up doing it the next weekend. He came over on the Friday evening and I cooked for us, the same kind of meal I'd do when I had my own friends over. I thought long and hard about what to do and settled in the end on a vaguely Middle Eastern meze kind of menu. He'd been to a restaurant that served that sort of thing once, he thought, and he'd kind of liked it, and it gave me an excuse to make falafel and hummus, vegetable kebabs, and another lentil soup for starters. Once again he looked doubtful at first, but then he found the flatbreads and the baba ganoush and his eyes lit up, and he took a big gulp of wine and set about the vegetable kebabs. He wasn't the kind of guy who ate sit-down meals very often and at first he was curiously polite, as if he didn't know quite how I was expecting him to behave.

It didn't last. By the time he'd finished his first glass of wine, which not being a big drinker went straight to his head, he'd relaxed and was stuffing himself enthusiastically. He'd had a burger and chips at lunchtime with his mates at work, but knowing he was coming to mine for dinner he hadn't eaten anything since and he was ravenous, and his appetite was enormous. I always ate a lot but I was still expecting leftovers, and yet between us we cleared the table completely apart from one dip that hadn't worked out as I'd hoped, and made a good impression on the fruit salad and meringues I'd done for afters. After that we really had had enough, and he helped me load the dishwasher before we retreated to the living room with another bottle of wine. We got quite drunk, and sprawled out on the sofa watching television and chatting idly, and smoking a bit of dope he'd brought with him. I saw his face stiffen for a moment, and he looked round with an impish grin.

Gonna start farting in a minute, I can feel it. All them vegetables and, um, chick peas you call em innit. Unf...'

He leaned to the side and farted long and loud, and grinned again as we both got the smell.

`Mmm! Your shit tomorrow...'

It's gonna be fuckin' massive,' he chuckled. Specially since I ain't been today.'

`Haven't you?! I thought you went this morning.'

`Nah, went yesterday evening so I didn't need to. And wiv a big lunch and then that... But, um ... you gonna go as well?'

`Will do, yeah. I pretty much always go first thing, especially when I've been drinking.'

Can I watch?' he asked coyly. Watch you on the bog, like?'

`Sure, if you want. I thought you weren't into that, though?'

Oh I am.' He thought for a moment. It's just that ... I'd wanna get to know a guy first before I'd wanna do it. I'd really like to see you shit, though ... uh, I'm gonna fart again.'

We ended up finishing another bottle, cuddled up together with him between my legs, tensing up every so often and letting off yet another sonorous fart. I teased him about how bad he smelled even as my hard-on pressed into his back. By the time we went to bed we were far too drunk to do much, but we kissed and wanked one another, and cuddled up together before we dozed off.

In the morning he was all sweet and cuddly. I went and got us some tea and we lay in bed for a long time, kissing and teasing one another's morning hard-ons, before we got up and I made us some breakfast and a pot of coffee. We both knew what that would mean, certainly for me and almost as certainly for him. Sure enough, not long after breakfast he watched me on the toilet. He grew a massive hard-on as he watched me take my pants down, and I got him to pull his down too and stand there naked with his cock bobbing up and down in excitement. I could never control the urge to shit for very long, especially when I had a hangover, and as soon as I sat down I let go a big fart, followed at once by a big, satisfying, bottom-splashing shit. The sound of it seemed deafeningly loud, and then the smell hit him. He recoiled for just a moment, but then sniffed deeply and smiled. I was getting hard too, dick jerking uncomfortably as I tried to piss.

Like that, don't you,' I smiled, nodding in the direction of his massive erection. Wanna see it?'

He nodded eagerly, and I stood up and shuffled forward to give him room to lean in behind me and look down on my big toilet-blocking shit. A bead of cum oozed from the end of his cock and dribbled onto the toilet seat. He moved back as I sat back down, took my hand and held it as I started to shit again. Slowly I covered my logs with a big pile of curls and brown mush, grunting with relief as my bowels emptied, looking up into his bright, amazed eyes.

Fuck ... that's so hot,' he breathed. Have you done? Can I wipe yer arse for you?'

I hadn't had my arse wiped for me since I was little. It felt wonderful, and so intimate, him ministering to me while I was having a shit like this. As soon as he was done I straightened up, and he kissed me there and then, standing over the toilet I hadn't yet flushed, both with our pants round our ankles and our hard-ons rubbing together. He drew back, suddenly looking serious, and farted. Even through my own stink I smelled it.

`Mike, I'm starting to need a shit too,' he breathed.

`Ooh, good! Is it urgent?'

`Nah, not yet. Might be soon though! Let's go back through there.'

We sprawled out across the sofa, kissing and teasing and wanking one another. He had such a gorgeous arse, and I ran my fingers over his firm round cheeks and tickled his back and thighs as he knelt across me, talking dirty to him and sniffing at his farts. He smelled delicious that morning, really thick and pungent but somehow fresher and less nasty than usual. The next time he whispered he had one coming I stood him up and turned him round, hauled his pants down and pulled him back so he could fart in my face. I felt the hot puff of gas, and a moment later the raw smell exploded in my brain. In front of me his bottom clenched up sharply.

Unf!' he grunted. Nearly turtle's heading now. Need a shit so bad!'

He pulled his pants up and sat back down. Sometimes he found lying on his stomach helped when he was holding in a shit, and he lay over my lap with his hard-on pressing into my thighs, sighing as I fondled his lovely bum. He let out one last little fart, a soft hiss that smelled as fresh as if he was having a shit right in front of me.

God you smell so fucking nice,' I whispered. You're gonna go any minute, aren't you...'

He nodded mutely.

`Do it here...? Over my knee...?'

He nodded again and wriggled sideways so that his legs came off the sofa and his feet were on the floor, half-lying and half-kneeling over my knee with his bottom in the air, almost as if I was going to spank him. He grunted agreeably, reached back and ran his fingers up and down my leg. Meanwhile I pulled his trunks up at the top and tugged the legs down round his thighs, tightening them around his beautiful bum that I kept running my fingers across and making him chuckle with pleasure. Then he grunted and his cheeks clenched hard, his body tensing up all over. I heard the faintest hiss and click from deep in his crack, and all of a sudden I felt something hot and sticky where the head of his dick was pressed against my thigh. He let out a little whimper, and I could feel him trembling all over.

`Mmm, horny boy!' I whispered.

Ooh...' he grunted in reply. Oh ... unf, it's coming ... I've got to shit.'

His weight came more heavily on my legs and I felt him relax. That faint wet sound came from him again, and a tiny dimple appeared in the seat of his pants. He twisted round and looked up at me, his face flushed and intense, eyes half-closed in concentration as he let his turd out slowly. His bottom squeaked and squelched and the smell thickened, and the dimple grew to a pointed lump the size of a golf ball. Then his mouth fell open in a long moan of pleasure and he let it swell up further, until he lay across my knee with a tennis ball-sized bump in his seat, panting loudly. Another dribble of his cum ran down my thigh.

Oh!' he sighed. Oh it's so big...'

`Yeah! Mmm, it smells really nice as well!'

I sniffed appreciatively, touched his thigh and ran my hand back up onto his bottom again and fondled his cheek, keeping my fingers just short of the lump nestling against his skin. He whimpered and stroked my leg again, and then I felt him tense up and he started to breathe heavily, and his weight came on me harder as he gave another push.

It was as if I could feel him shitting. Certainly I could feel his trembling and his body heaving as he strained. He did a couple of muffled farts and relaxed momentarily, but then with another push his bottom started to make filthy noises and his pungent smell filled my nose. His bulge stirred and pushed out and down, and then quickly out to the right with a muffled fart and squelch.

`Aah!' he gasped. 'Ooh ... oh...'

He was still pushing, edging down my leg and gasping as his shit kept coming and the lumpy mound on his bottom slowly grew larger. When the slimy noise finally ended he slumped across my knee grunting contentedly, and let me fondle his bottom and run my fingers over the pile he'd made. It was hot and tacky, firm to the touch, all solid and lumpy at the bottom but smoother on top, and softer where it had shot out to the right and a bit of moisture was soaking through. On impulse I slid my hand up and pulled his waistband out so I could see it. His shit was a sandier, less orangey colour than usual, nestling against his naughty bum in a big compressed block. He stirred on my knee and reached back to stroke my leg again.

Mmm!' I whispered down to him. Big one! Have you finished?'

No way!' he chuckled, shaking his head vigorously. What was in all that stuff we had for dinner?! Still feel like I got a big turd up me bum! Not yet though ... oh it feels good...'

`Mmm, yeah, take your time. Do it nice and slow. God you smell so fucking nice!'

I ran my hand up and down his back and fondled his thighs and arse again, and as I did so I started to talk dirty to him again. I'd never thought I was very good at it, but when I opened my mouth pure filth came out, and I told him what a dirty boy he was and how horny he was when he'd shit himself. I fucking loved his hot young body and his big smelly shits, and how his big cock was pressing hard into my leg and he was soaking my thigh in his cum as he dirtied his pants. He lay across my knee whimpering and grunting contentedly, reached back and stroked my leg again. Then he grunted and wriggled, and parted his legs a bit. I felt him push gently and his bottom heaved beneath my fingertips.

`Ooh, are you going to shit again?!'

He nodded and strained, and let out an excited grunt as his bottom hissed and started to squelch and his chute forced more hot, slimy shit into his packed pants. It spread his bulge further out, stretching his pants tight, and he wriggled and opened his legs wider to let it slide down between his cheeks and press on the back of his balls.

`Aah!' he gasped.

For a moment I thought he'd cum. Rivulets of hot spunk ran down my thigh and dripped onto the floor and he froze, breathing hoarsely. But then he relaxed and pushed again, farted and squelched, and gave a long, ecstatic moan. I'd never felt him as turned on as this before, shaking and whimpering as he lay across my knee, me still fondling his bottom as the slow, crackling flow continued. Suddenly he did a big muffled fart and it speeded up, his pants stretched a little tighter and a new lump emerged on top of his bulge. At that his head shot up and he froze again.

`Aah ... ah!'

`Alright?' I whispered, still fondling his bum.

`Yeah ... pants are full! Still need a shit but I can't.'

`Okay. I'll make room. Nearly done now...?'

He nodded, and I pulled the back of his pants out. The brown block was even bigger now; a great compacted brown lump that glistened greasily where the light caught it, packing his crack and blocking the way of what still needed to come out. I let his waistband go again and pulled it down so the top of his crack showed, and pulled them down his thighs a little at the back, so that his shit moved a bit and he whimpered. Then he pushed again, farted softly into his pile, and made more slimy noises. Then he relaxed and went limp, and lay over my knee sighing contentedly. I ran a hand down his back again, then onto his bum and fingered his hot, lumpy pile. The smell of him was like thick fog around us.


Yeah.' He twisted round and looked up suddenly, with a broad grin. Fuckin' hell that was massive, wannit! Every time I thought I must've finished I felt another one coming!'

`Heh, yes it's huge. Mmm, it really stinks too!'

He slid off my knee and stood up. His face was all flushed and intense and his cock made a big tent in his pants, all soaked and sticky with cum. He swayed his hips gently and wiggled his bum, and grunted loudly.

Horny boy!' I said again. Turn around now. Show me what you've done...'

He turned away from me and stuck his arse back, grunting ecstatically again. Standing up, his bulge looked even bigger; a great lumpy mound on his bottom. I reached out and grabbed his hips, bent him over further and and pulled him back towards me, until his big shit was right in my face and I could feel its warmth through his pants. Then he reached back and supported his load with one hand whilst he pulled down the back of his pants with the other. He'd done a big, lumpy brown block of compacted logs, and then covered it with a surge of tackier and smoother shit. As he pulled his pants out it peeled away from his skin, leaving a sticky brown mess behind. His shit was huge and obscenely beautiful, and I inhaled deeply and let his healthy stink fill my nose. He twisted round and looked back at me, grinning proudly.

Unf, best shit ever!' he grunted. So fuckin' big. Wanna sit in it!'

`Mmm, yes, but stay on your feet a bit first. Come on, let's go for a walk, go and stink the place out!'

So we did, and he waddled cutely around with me, walking stiffly with his huge shit pushing about on his bottom and wobbling to and fro. His vapour trail followed us wherever we went, and as we went I got him to squat and bend over, get up on the bed and hump and wiggle his bum at me. Back in the hot, reeking living room he knelt down and humped again, my leg this time as I sat on the sofa, grunting in his throat with his big mess tickling his balls and rubbing his bottom. Then I hauled him back up across my knee and made him stick his bottom up, cupped his big dump in my hand and pressed it against his skin. Trapped against my thigh, I felt his dick throb through his sticky pants, and he whimpered. I pressed harder and moved my hand, pushing his shit lightly from side to side, and he bowed his head and groaned.

Ooh, that's massive, innit!' I whispered enthusiastically. Stinky boy! Want your bottom covered in it, don't you?'

He nodded again and I rubbed a bit harder, pushing his shit up and down and out to the sides. He slumped across my knee, moaning and grunting, and then I felt him tense up and ooze more hot spunk onto my leg. He reached back and pushed my hand away hastily.

`Unf ... no, don't mek me cum yet. Wanna sit in it!'

He levered himself upright, leaving a sticky patch behind on my thigh. His crotch was soaked again, and when he turned round his bulge was wider and flatter where I'd pushed it about. He stank. I put my legs together and braced them on the floor, making a nice hard seat for him to sit and squish on, then reached out and took his hips, and as he bent his legs I guided him slowly down onto my knee. His shit touched down first and he gasped softly, and I stopped him there and rocked him to and fro, talking dirty to him and telling him to get ready for the messiest bottom he'd ever had. I could feel the warm bulk of his shit through his pants, all firm and lumpy, and he gasped and whimpered as I made it tickle him underneath, so that his turds massaged the most sensitive parts of his body and made him whimper. He was shaking all over. Quickly I reached round in front of him and fumbled his rigid, sticky cock out through his flies so that it stuck out in front of him like a flagpole. He let out a whimper as I fingered its pulsating end. Then I grabbed his hips firmly and pulled him down into his big shit.

It went everywhere, out across his cheeks and down between my thighs in a solid lumpy mass, and then up towards his waistband as I pulled him backwards and rolled his bottom in the filth that had just come from it. I felt him freeze and tense up all over, he gasped for breath, and a white spurt shot out from him and spattered across the floor.

Oh!' he cried, as another jet fired out. Ooh ... oh! Oh ... oh fuckin' hell, I've cum.'

The tension went out of him, and he seemed to slump on my knee, for a moment oblivious to the mess he was sitting in. His spunk tricked down my legs. I reached up and stroked his back, and ran my hand round to fondle his crotch.

Okay?' I whispered to him. More ... or do you want to clean up?'

Ooh...' he sighed. Stay here, just a minute. Mmm, it feels so nice, all warm an' squishy..'

He leaned back onto me, pushing his shit a bit further across his bottom, took my hands and planted them on his chest so I could run them across his tummy and nipples, twisted round and dropped a kiss on my lips. Then he began to wriggle again, just gently at first.

Oh this is fuckin' mad!' he grunted. I'm getting hard again! Oh, but I've really gotta piss too.'

Quickly I picked up the mop bucket from by the toilet and held it out in front of my legs. He shuffled forward on my lap, sat upright and gave me a full view of his bottom while he held his dick down and pissed like a horse. His shit had spread well out across his cheeks in a big semicircle, but he still had a fat ridge of it where it had squashed between my thighs. They were well stained with it, and the back of his pants was a crumpled, sticky mess. Once again I started to talk pure dirt, about how I loved his messy bottom, and how he needed it really covered in his own shit. When he'd done pissing I was gonna make it go everywhere, I told him, and he whimpered and nodded, and begged me to make him the biggest shitty mess he'd ever been.

When he'd finished pissing and put the bucket to one side I sat him down again, this time onto just one knee, and pulled him backwards to squash out the ridge up the back of his pants. It was fucking obscene, and my cock throbbed as I covered that boy's backside in its own filth.

Oh!' he panted. Oh fuckin' hell! Fuckin' squash it Mike! Uh ... oh yeah!'

He bounced and wriggled, first on one knee and then back on both, until bis bottom was brown all over and shit was squashing out of his pants top and bottom. Every time he moved a big clod of it emerged a little further from under his waistband, spreading a thick brown smear across the base of his spine. The stink and horniness of it all was phenomenal. He slid back and forth and spread hot shit down my legs for a moment, and I felt his cock throb and dribble cum, and he stopped and let out a sigh.

Unf ... take me pants down now,' he grunted. Want you to cum all over me arse!'

We got up together, and I helped him pull his pants down. They peeled stickily away from his skin, leaving big lumps behind, and then when I pulled them right down for him they left big brown streaks down the backs of his legs. Every inch of his bottom was brown, and when he knelt down on all fours and stuck it back towards me blobs and lumps of shit kept peeling away from it and falling onto the floor.

`Lemme suck yer cock,' he grunted.

He pulled me down in front of him, closed his mouth around my shaft and began to suck greedily at it. He kept going until he could taste my pre-cum and I was gasping and trying not to give in to the orgasm he'd created inside me. Then suddenly he pushed me back and spun round, and stuck his arse out again, wanking himself frantically. We came together, him all over the floor and me all over his spectacularly messy arse.

I haven't seen Declan for a long time. Not long after that last, amazing session he met some guy through a dating app, and for a while it looked as if it might go somewhere. He did message me once, asking if I was well but saying his new guy wasn't into anything kinky and he was trying to forget about it all. He and that guy didn't last very long, but by then we'd got out of the habit of meeting and we were both doing different things. I thought he'd forgotten about it altogether, but then he messaged me half an hour ago.

  • Hi Mike. Long time no see. U okay? What r u doing tomorrow? Hope ur free - got day off n really horny ;-)

I am, and he's coming over. He tells me he hasn't shat himself since we last did it five months ago, but he's been fantasising about it for weeks. He hasn't been for a shit today either, and he's just had a massive dinner. He says he can't wait to do it with me again, and I feel exactly the same. He's gonna get over my knee again and push it out real slow, and when he's done I'm gonna make him sit in it and smear it all over his cheeks, make him cum two or three times before I spunk all over his messy bottom. Even the thought of it's giving me a hard-on. Roll on tomorrow!


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