Deep in Denial

By betablue02

Published on Dec 16, 2022



Deep in Denial Part One

December 15, 2022


------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER:

This work of fiction is for adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. All sexual activity in this work is consensual and all sexually active characters are 18 years of age or older.

Chapter One: Beginnings

My name is James Turner. I'm a sophomore at Ohio State, and I'm Bryce Wagner's little bitch.

But let's back up a second.


I guess I was always a little "curious." There was a part of me that wondered about other men, but I always considered myself totally straight. Even if I didn't have a girlfriend.

It wasn't for lack of trying. I had a few crushes. I kissed a couple girls. I even fingered Madison Evans at a party one time, but none of them really met my standards.

Back then I was a very minor track star in my hometown, a suburb of Cleveland. I'd win a meet here and there. Get my name in the paper. And with all of that came higher expectations, and a lot of time in the locker room.

Sometimes I'd check out the taller guys and take an extra glance at their cocks--telling myself it was because I wanted to be like them. I told myself I thought they were "cool."

As a 5'9'', 155lb, blonde, white guy, I was always on the smaller and slender side. And as a sprinter, my only muscles were built around my ass and thighs. It made me faster, but it didn't exactly make me look strong.

Some might say I looked a little feminine. My blonde hair was sandy and medium length, past my ears in a messy style. I have blue eyes, fair skin, and a few freckles around my face. I have a small button nose, and what my parents' called "pouty lips."

Yet outside of the occasional glances I never acted on any of my thoughts. Well, other than by myself. Late at night, while watching porn and jerking off, I started getting myself to climax by imagining myself as the girl. Especially when they were sucking cock.

Maybe it's because I never had the biggest dick, but I couldn't compare to the guys in porn. Some might say I was "average," 5'' on a good day. But it's more like 4 1/2'' if I'm being honest.

These unusual thoughts crept in around sophomore year. Those nights, I'd shrug it off as being "extra horny." Unfortunately, I didn't stop there.

One day in junior year, while rummaging through my parent's garage, I found a pre-packaged dildo with a suction cup base from the early 2000's. It must have been a forgotten gag-gift because I'd never found anything like that with my parents' things. I pretended I didn't see it and let it sit in the box, but I made an internal plan to come back for it later that night.

I didn't even know what I'd do with it. Only that I needed it.

I quickly went from an anal virgin to a complete slut that night. I managed to not only get this 10'' cock inside of me, but by the end of the night I rode it, sliding it in and out of my ass like a cam model. In fact, I was impressed with myself even if I didn't understand why.

I didn't get myself off hands-free, but the sensation of the dildo deep in my ass with my little dick pressed against my sheets gave me the most thrilling orgasm of my life.

I was hooked.

But I forced myself to not think about what it all meant. I told myself it was because "I liked anal play." Not like I was gay or anything. When I was done, I would clean everything up and kept my mind occupied with literally anything else.

In fact, I didn't use it again for a while. Some vain attempt to convince myself it was a one-time thing.

But every time I'd jerk off, I'd think about taking it out for one more go. "Maybe if I only did it once a year, then it wouldn't be gay," I'd think to myself, counting down the days to one year.

Unfortunately, I only made it six months before I succumbed to my urges. I told myself, "So what if you're doing this once or twice a year? That's not so bad. If that's all it takes to manage these urges, you can do this."

I caved even faster. Only three months went by, and I was back on all-fours fucking my own ass. One month after that I was on my knees with a rubber cock eight inches down my throat. Pretty soon I was fucking my ass and mouth nightly.

As the end of senior year approached, I was a seasoned pro. I'd never touched another man, but I could deepthroat a cock and take a dick harder than most girlfriends.

I knew I'd have to get this under control before college. I didn't want someone to learn my secret as if I was some closeted gayboy. I wanted to fuck all the hot girls I could like I'd always imagined college to be.

But that didn't exactly go to plan.

Chapter Two: Meeting the Frat

A few weeks into my freshman year at Ohio State, I was handling my urges well. Maybe I spent a little extra time jerking off in the shower and I'd slip a few fingers up my ass, but I managed to keep it in check. It was only to get myself off quicker, I'd tell myself.

Besides. The first night at in the dorms, I made out with a girl from the floor below me so I felt like I was on the right track. Maybe if I hit the gym a little more, focused on my arms and chest, I'd finally get the girls I wanted to be with.

I didn't want my first girl to be some average girl. I wanted her to be that 10/10 smoke show so everyone would know I was "the man."

I needed to learn how to be that stud all the ladies wanted. I figured the best way to do that was to learn from the best:

The frat guys.

That first week of open house tours I found the best one. Theta Alpha Chi. They were the guys every girl wanted to get with, and the ones every guy wanted to be.

They had a couple of the football players, they threw the biggest parties, and had the hottest groupies. I had to be part of it.

After hearing about my track days, I got invited back for the first private rush event. I even managed to get my roommate Brandon invited, too.

Brandon was a half-white, half-Indian guy from a small town outside of Cincinnati. He was a bit on the nerdier side, tall and slender with shaggy dark hair, and couldn't have been nicer. I could tell Brandon and I would be friends, but there was certainly no temptation with him.

The invite was to a party at the house watching the Buckeyes play on the road, meet some of the guys, and see how well we all fit in. Noah Kelly, the rush chair of Alpha Chi, texted us to head over around noon to for an "all day rager." We were fucking pumped.

That day, Brandon and I walked out of Blackburn House in north campus and headed down High Street to the party. Students were pouring in and out of houses, filling the sidewalks, and not even attempting to hide their beers or White Claws from the cops. Some taking pulls of vodka straight from the handle, others vaping.

"I didn't know campus turned up for road games, too," Brandon exclaimed.

"Yeah, it looks like everyone's on a mission to black out," I replied, trying to navigate my way through the crowds of people. "You think Alpha Chi is going to have booze for us there?"

"Yeah, I'm su--," Brandon begins to reply.

"--YO! You guys heading to Alpha Chi, too?" a voice interrupts.

It's Tyler Conley, a fellow freshman from Blackburn.

Tyler was a 6 ft, baby-faced, but muscular white guy with green eyes, curly, light brown hair on top and buzzed short on the sides. He had a light brown stubble that matched his hair, and his shirts were always bursting around the chest and biceps, which drew a lot of attention from the ladies and myself, too.

"Yeah, this guy Noah said to come over around noon," I said back.

"Fuck yeah! Me too. I told 'em about my football days back in high school and they were eating it up. I'm in for sure."

"Nice. Well, put in a good word for us then," Brandon joked back.

"Bet. You wanna slap?" he asked eagerly as he holds up a bag of Franzia.

"...uh sure." Brandon sheepishly replied.

Tyler holds up the bag. Brandon pulls back for a slap, but only clips it with his fingers.

"Aww fucking weak, bro." Tyler laughed. "You ready? One, two, three..." Tyler counted as Brandon began to chug from the nozzle.

...twelve, thirteen, fourteen."

Brandon coughed and spilled some on the sidewalk.

"Alright, alright. Not bad. Not bad." Tyler reacted. "You in, James?"

"Nah I'm good, I took like three shots back in the dorms," I lied.

I didn't want to mess up my chance to get into the frat by being too drunk, and I couldn't let them know I was anxious about it.

Brandon looked at me, puzzled.

"You fucking pussy," Tyler laughed. "Alright, follow me. I think that girl Alyssa walked by with some of her friends. We should get 'em to come," Tyler yells as he runs ahead to go talk to them.

Brandon looked at me and shook his head with a grin.

Alyssa was the hottest girl in Blackburn. The guys had been talking about her since move-in day. She was a medium height, slender and tan, white girl with long, wavy brunette hair past her shoulders. She had deep brown eyes and an absolute shelf of an ass she showed off under her usual yoga pants.

I had already envisioned that this might be the girl to reach my standard. With her coming over that night, I thought if I could pull it off, I'd be a legend. The frat would surely let me in.

As we turned down 15th past the frat houses, the crowds only get bigger. The music and partying got louder.

"Up here." Tyler yelled back to us. Tyler was now walking with an arm around Alyssa and her friends in toe.

"How'd he pull that off?" I asked incredulously. Tyler was taking this opportunity right out from under me.

"Who knows, man," Brandon laughed as we turn onto the front lawn of the house.

The house was a classic frat house on 15th Avenue. It was two-story red brick building with giant white pillars out front. It had a large front yard and a small driveway to its side surrounded by other buildings that turned into extra party space on Fridays and Saturdays.

That afternoon there were about fifty people across the front lawn, some standing around, others playing beer pong. Then there were a hundred more in the small driveway on the side. Frat guys were hanging outside the windows, one guy had even set up a small DJ booth on top of a shed in the back. Girls were dancing on top of picnic tables and a giant beer bong from the second story was stretching down to some people below.

"Dude, we have to get in here," Brandon said breathlessly.

"We will," I stated. Although I was beginning to have my doubts.

Every guy there was a stereotypical "alpha." Each one was either jacked and in amazing shape, model gorgeous, or both. My eyes kept darting around all the men, each with perfect jaws and bulging pecs, bro-ing out with each other chugging beers.

One was making out with some girl about thirty feet away at the other end of the lawn. Without consciously doing it, I immediately thought about what it would be like to be her. To be held his big arms, leaning into him as I feel his manhood press against me as he sticks his tongue down my throat.

Suddenly, they made eye contact with me. I snapped out of it. I averted my eyes as fast as possible as if I wasn't salivating at the image. I began to get nervous, and I blushed as I stammered for a way to move on.

"S-so where's the keg, do you think?" I nervously asked Brandon, trying to cover it up.

"Um, I don't know. Probably in the back. Let's look."

The pair go back to what they were doing, and I continued to avert my eyes, but immediately they got drawn to one man in particular: an absolute Adonis.

At first, I only saw him from behind. A 6'4'', muscular frame with strong shoulders, strong, tanned arms, and the perfect V-shape under a tight white t-shirt trailing down to his blue jeans, which showed off two perfectly round cheeks, pressing to get out. I kept staring hoping to get a glimpse of the front.

Finally, he turned. He was breathtaking.

Ruggedly beautiful; he was wearing a backwards black snapback over medium-short, dirty blonde hair. He had a square jaw with a pearly white smile, covered by a light blonde, short, but messy beard. But it kept getting better. He had piercing blue eyes behind a masculine nose that looked like it had been broken a time or two. Maybe playing sports. Maybe fighting? He glanced over and we made eye contact.

I averted my eyes again and he absolutely noticed.

"Get your shit together." I thought to myself. "You're confused. You're probably wishing you were him." I needed to get this shit out of my head,

As we headed into the house, we saw Noah and he approached us with open arms.

Noah was the epitome of the pretty-boy, Zac Efron type. He was about 6'0'', with short dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, with a million-dollar smile. He was in good shape, toned, and slender, but not bulky or ripped. He had an extremely chill, relaxed sense about him, as if he had recently smoked a fat joint.

"Yo, yo!" Noah exclaimed.

He put one arm out for a dap and hug to Brandon.

"You guys made it," he continued.

Brandon awkwardly fumbled the handshake.

"--oh, shit, sorr--" Brandon tried to recover.

"--it's all good," Noah responded. "You guys been here long?"

I got nervous and I extended my hand out for a normal handshake.

"No, just got here." I blurted out.

Noah looked confused but gave me a regular handshake back, seemingly disappointed in not a bigger embrace. He looked me in the eyes.

I instantly blushed.

"--I, uh, we also came with T-Tyler, uh, he's out there, and, like, some girls from the dorm," I stuttered.

"Oh, dope, man. Tyler's the shit. I didn't know you guys knew him." he replied cooly.

An awkward pause ensued.

"...Well, we got some drinks in the back. I tapped the keg," he fills the void.

I desperately needed to recover.

"Uh-yeah, th-thanks man. This party is s-sick."

"Another Saturday in paradise." He calmly smirks.

God, he looked so hot, I thought to myself. I snapped out of it.

"Cool, cool. Well, w-we're gonna check it out." I stammered again.

He looks on.

"...the keg. G-Gonna get a drink."

"Cool." Noah looks off in the distance.

He pulled out his phone and began to text.

"Well, lemme know if you need anything," he said while looking at his phone. "My girlfriend's blowing me up right now, give me a sec."

He wandered off looking at his phone.

"You okay, man? Are you nervous or something?" Brandon whispered to me.

"No, no, I'm good," I lied. "I, uh, could barely hear him with the party and stuff."

"Oh, alright." Brandon replied. "Let's go find that keg."

An hour later into the party and Brandon and I were in the corner of the kitchen by the keg. After the conversation with Noah didn't go well, I was nervous to get out there until I had a few drinks in me. Maybe then I'd be more confident.

Tyler and Alyssa, still together, stumble into the kitchen giggling.

"Oh my God, James, where you been, man?" Tyler slurs his words. "We had the best round of flip cup outside. Alyssa is a fucking boss, yo!" He exclaims and high fives Alyssa.

She playfully high fived back and their hands lingered together a little longer.

"Oh, you're James!" she blurts out, still half embracing Tyler.

Oh shit, "now's my opportunity," I thought to myself.

"Y-y-yeah..." I completely froze on what else to add.

"...well, I'm Alyssa. You're in Blackburn, too, right?"

"Um, yeah, uh, Brandon and I are roommates up on the f-fourth floor."

She blushed and covered her forehead with her hand.

"Sorry, this might sound creepy, I think you may have raced against my brother back in high school. Are you James Turner?"

Shocked, I responded, "...uh yeah--"

"--my brother went to Chagrin Falls. I saw you beat him. This whole summer he kept mentioning how pissed he was some guy named James Turner passed him in the last few seconds at state."

"What's this?! I didn't know you were a fucking beast, James," Tyler interrupted while laughing.

"Yeah! James here won the 400 at state last year." Alyssa enthusiastically added on.

I blushed. "Yeah, I just like--"

"--we got a celebrity on our hands!" Tyler interrupted. "Dude, we should fucking race later! You in?!"

"I, uh, yeah, let's do it."

"Fuck yes! Alright, we gotta get back to that game." He starts darting his eyes around the room.

He runs over to the fridge and pulls out a fresh 30-rack.

"There it is. Alright, you ready for round two?" He yelled to Alyssa.

She shrugs, "--yeah, let's go." she awkwardly replies. "I'll see you guys out there."

Tyler started to run off pulling Alyssa by the hand.

"Get your ass out here, boys!" he yelled back as he ran off.

I took another swig of beer from my cup. Brandon looked over at me and shook his head.

"That was hard to watch, man." A voice from behind me said.

I turned around. It was Adonis, himself.

"That girl was totally hitting on you," he added.

"Yeah, man, you didn't even say anything," Brandon piled on.

"What? I-I couldn't get a wor--"

"--you gotta assert yourself. I'm Bryce by the way."

He extended his hand for me to shake, and I immediately get lost in his eyes as I look up at him.

"I--uh--I'm--uh, James."

"Yeah, I heard. James Turner. Track star. Cool stuff." Bryce adds. "You coulda pulled that one, man. I think you blew it."

"W-what, I wasn't even--"

"Really? You weren't hitting on her? That girl's a dime."

"I-mean I-I was--."

"Chill, man, it's cool," he laughed, "I'm giving you shit," he smiled back.

Immediately I fell into his eyes again, wondering what it would be like for him to be on top of me.

I snapped out of it and averted my eyes quickly.

"So, I hear you're both rushing the frat?" he changed the subject.

"Yeah, this party is fucking awesome," Brandon added on.

"Great, well the guys are even better, too. They're really watch out for one another. And I promise we don't give each other this hard of a time normally." He smiled.

"Have you met Mike?" he points to a black guy entering the room. "He's our newly elected President."

Mike Morris is a 6'2'', muscular black man with short black hair, a perfectly trimmed stubble beard, dark brown eyes, and a heart shaped face with a chiseled jaw that could cut through glass. He was wearing an OSU black collared shirt with his arms nearly bursting the fabric at the seams.

"How are you both doing? I'm Mike."

He shook my hand with his strong grip and my mind immediately wondered how big his cock might be.

"Fucking stop!" I thought, trying to shake the thought out of my head.

He reached over to shake Brandon's hand and they both begin talking.

Bryce leaned down to whisper to me.

"Hey, don't get down about the girl. You'll get another shot."

"--y-you think so?"

"Well, sure, man. Gotta get your confidence up. I'll help you out. You'll be picking up girls like that in no time."

"Ha" I laughed, "w-where do I start?"

"I'll show you," as he gave a quick smile.

And as he wandered out, he passed me, and as he did, he spanked my ass with serious heft.

I fliched. I was frozen. And completely aroused.

Surely, he was bro-ing around. Guys do that all the time.


Chapter Three: The First Night

The party went on all day and into the night.

We played beer pong. We did keg stands. We danced. The Buckeyes won. Brandon and I even made some more friends at the frat:

Jackson, a friendly baseball player from Minneapolis who loved to take off his shirt and show off his incredible abs whenever he'd win a game. And Alex, a heavier-set, but muscular, sophomore econ major from outside Pittsburgh who loved to smoke weed and talk about politics.

Brandon would indulge Alex in endless conversations about gerrymandering, while I kept trying to team up with Jackson to get another glimpse of his abs--although I told myself it was because I wanted to win and impress a few girls in the room.

By 3:00am, Brandon, Tyler, Jackson, and I had been polishing off beers in the lounge room of the basement for a couple hours. I kept things in check and was only buzzed.

Alyssa and the girls had all left, Brandon and Tyler had passed out on one of the couches, and Jackson and I remained awake sitting in a couple old recliners.

Suddenly, Bryce entered.

"Well, well, look who it is," he excitedly yelled out.

Somehow, he looked even sexier, but maybe that was the beer talking.

"Hey, what's up, Bryce?" Jackson replied, as he reached out for a dap with whatever energy he had left.

"Not much, got back from this after-party on Woodruff." He slapped Jackson's hand. "James, right?"

"Y-yeah, good to see you again."

Bryce sits down at the couch.

"Well, I'm glad you've been fitting in. Looks like these clowns couldn't take it," pointing at Brandon and Tyler, passed out.

Jackson butts in: "Yeah, James was killin' it at beer pong earlier. He's got a fuckin' laser," he laughed.

"Damn, sounds like you've got some talents, track star." Bryce snipes.

"So, where's Makayla?" Jackson asked, beginning to fade.

I perked up.

Bryce rolled his eyes.

"Ehh, not worth talking about."

Jackson nodded. Took a swig of beer.

"Is that his girlfriend?" I wondered. "Hookup? Why am I jealous?"

Bryce looked across the room cautiously.

"You guys want to smoke? This weed I got is straight fire."

"Sure!" I immediately jumped.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna get the fuckin' spins." Jackson responded; eyes half shut.

"Alright, I got it back in my room. C'mon." Bryce got up and started turning towards the door.

My dick immediately twitched in my pants. He wanted me to come to his room? Only me and him?

Before he changed his mind, I followed him out of the room and down the basement hallway to Bryce's bedroom at the end.

He turned on the light.

Bryce's room was surprisingly nice compared to the rest of the house. There was one window at garden level to the outside and old OSU and Cleveland sports pennants on the wall. Bryce had decorated it with more care than a normal college student.

He had real bedside lamps, a floor lamp, a tattered Moroccan rug over the hardwoods, clean gray sheets, and a mid-century modern bed. In the far part of the room, he had his flatscreen, an old leather loveseat, and two wooden folding chairs with a glass coffee table in the middle.

Although it was nice it somehow seemed like it wasn't trying very hard either. It didn't look nice enough to scream gay but didn't look bad enough to be a dumb, frat boy.

The mystery continued.

"Take a seat."

"Oh, thanks." I replied. I walked over and sat down on one of the folding chairs.

Bryce began to fiddle with the bong in his dresser drawer at the entrance of the room. He closed and locked the door.

"So how do you like it so far? The frat."

"Everyone's super nice. To be honest, I was, uh, a little worried before coming over."

"Ehh, that's alright. Everyone's nervous when they rush."

"W-Were you?"

He smiled. "Yeah, a little." He paused. "It's been a while, but I struggled with confidence back then, too."

He pulled out the bong and set it on the dresser.

"You did? What year are you?"

"I'm a senior." He began to pull the weed out of the bag and pack the bowl. "And yeah, I had some shit to figure out. But once I did. I never looked back."

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

"My big brother." He grabbed the bong in his hand and began to walk across the room.

"Your actual brother?" I asked.

"No, a big brother is like a mentor in the frat. Everyone gets one."

He plopped down on the loveseat diagonally from me.

"He coached me up. Got me comfortable in my own skin. And the rest is history. Here."

He handed me the bong and a lighter from the table.

I took a hit and set them back on the down, blowing a big smoke cloud out.

"Damn, this is pretty good," I compliment.

"Yeah, not bad for Ohio," he laughed.

There was an awkward pause. My mind was still wondering if he had a girlfriend. I had to find out.

"So...uh, who's this Makayla?" I asked.

He chortled. "This girl I hook up with." He shook his head and took a hit from the bong, pulling the slide out.

"Sometimes she lets me hit it," he said while trying to hold the smoke in his mouth before releasing it in one giant release. "Usually, she plays hard to get."

"I'm taking it didn't work out tonight?" I chided.

"You wouldn't be here if it did," he retorted.

I awkwardly laughed, but he was oddly silent and hits the bong again and sets it back on the coffee table.

Was I her replacement? The silence continued.

"You want to know the secret about confidence?" he whispered, filling the void.

He leaned in.

"You can only learn how to be an alpha, from an alpha."

He paused. "If you learn how to help an alpha, they can give you that confidence."

He paused again. "It worked for me."

Bryce leaned back, stretched, and briefly brushed his crotch with his hand.

I was rock hard.

I caught a quick glimpse of the outline, and holy shit, it looked like it competed with my dildo. My mind began to race. Was he hitting on me? How do alphas help each other out? And most importantly, was that a hard on in his pants? Was it for me or was he thinking of Makayla?

"How does that work?" I asked, genuinely.

"Think about it. An alpha knows exactly what women want. They want a good-looking guy that's fun, successful, and shows them exactly what he wants."

He continued, "He shows them how he wants to be treated. But if you don't know what you want, how can you expect them to?" He shrugged.

It made sense.

"You mean, like, romantically?" I asked.

"Well yeah, that." He paused. "And sexually."

I gulped.

"I take it you're a virgin, yeah?" He interrupted.

I blushed and turned my head, embarrassed.

"Listen," he reassured me. "Once you know how you like it, you'll know how to give it to 'em," he explained. "It's really easy. Until then, you'll never have the confidence to take charge."

Could he help me, I wondered?

"S-so if you trained me..."

He remained silent, waiting for me to finish.

"...I an alpha, too?" I asked.

He was quiet for a second, then nodded.

I looked back at him, then down at his crotch. I unintentionally licked my lips.

"Yeah, I could show you a thing or two." He moved his hand back and rubbed his cock through his pants again, this time less subtly.

Pre-cum was leaking out of my cock.

" want to learn?" he added.

He caught me staring at his bulge. I nodded.

"to learn w-what?" I ask.

"Well, have you ever gotten a blowjob before?" he asked.

I choked. I immediately got embarrassed and blushed.

"From a girl. Maybe back in high school?" Bryce clarified.

"Um, no." I coughed. "Not exactly," I said dejected. "This one girl, Madis--"

"--Listen." He interrupted me. "Like I was saying. How are you going to get these girls to blow you, if you don't even know what you like?" he laughed.

I nervously laughed with him.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess so--"

"--so you need to learn what it's like to give head." He interrupted again.

I paused not knowing what to say. My dick was so hard it hurt. Was he really asking me to blow him so I could be an alpha, too? Was that this frat's secret?

"Um, I guess. But isn't that like... gay?"

He looked confused.

"James. There's nothing gay about learning from an alpha. Plus you're helping me out when these girls get crazy. You know how they are," he laughed. "We do this all the time."

"Really? Well, I mean I guess..." I trailed off.

Bryce stops smiling and gets a serious look on his face.

"Get over here" he demanded, pointing at the space in front of him. At this point he's leaning back on the loveseat, diagonally across from me in the chair.

Without thinking, I slowly sunk to my knees on the floor and began to crawl to his lap. As I crawled to him, I looked up at his beautiful eyes. His perfect chest and ripped abs were poking through his shirt. A little touch of chest hair was poking out the collar.

He smirked.

"God, he looked so hot," I thought.

He quickly began to unbuckle his belt and I positioned myself between his legs, eagerly awaiting. I was finally at eye level with his abs, so I reached out and began to unbutton the fly of his jeans.

He sat up slightly, slid down his pants, and reached into his black boxer briefs and flopped out his hard cock and balls in front of my face.

It was perfect. It must have been more than 8 inches, cut, and wonderfully thick above heaping, beautiful balls with the trimmest of stubble on them. His cock had a few strong, masculine veins running up the length, zig-zagging around. His pubes were trimmed to a tamed length, and I was overcome by the wonderful scent and pheromones from his cock.

"You do this." He declared. "You'll be an alpha in no time." He rested his arms on the back of the loveseat.

"This is good for me," I thought to myself. "This is all about getting my confidence back. Bryce is making me an alpha so I can get girls like Alyssa and Makayla."

I stayed silent for a second, kneeling between his legs. He pulled down his boxer briefs a little lower to give it some room. Then he held his cock upright with one hand, inviting me in.

"I, uh, I-I've never done this before," I said, sheepishly. "You're not going to tell anyone...are you?" I trailed off.

He breathed deep.

"Don't worry, it's alright," he leaned forward, reached out with left hand and cupped my cheek, "We'll take it real slow," he reassured me, rubbing his thumb on my chin.

I was inches from his face, staring into his beautiful eyes as he held my head. I looked back down at his cock and was transfixed by his manliness: he was in amazing shape. His thighs were muscular and well-defined with practically no fat on them. His soft pubes were perfectly trimmed and led to a little trail up to his flawless abs and belly button, peeking out from under his shirt. All complimented by his massive cock and balls, imposing their power over me.

"A-and this is gonna make me an alpha...right? 'Cause I'm, uh, I'm not gay or anything..." I begged in a whisper.

"Absolutely, of course you're not," he stated, confidently. "Every alpha does this."

That made me feel at ease.

"Really?" I asked earnestly.

"Of course. But you gotta swallow." He added. "That's where the magic is..." He winked.

Bryce leaned back onto the couch, pulling his hand away.

My face flushed. I was nervous. Was I really about to give Bryce a blowjob and swallow his load? Is cum the secret to being an alpha? Am I sure this isn't gay?

But those thoughts quickly left my head. The opportunity was too great. I really wanted to be an alpha.

I leaned forward, reached out and grabbed his firm cock. It was so thick I could barely get my full hand around it. Instantly it was better than that old dildo I used back home.

My mouth was inches way. As my grip firmed on his warm shaft, I began to pump it, slowly. I glanced up at his eyes as I tugged it slowly in my hand.

He gave me a small moan to show he liked it.

He continued eye contact with me and ran his left hand to the back of my head and gently rubbed.

"God, he looked so sexy" I thought, his cock mere inches away from my face as I looked deeply in his eyes.

He bit his lip.

My dick twitched.

I slowly twisted my hand around and slid the skin of his cock up and down around his shaft. Milking it. Caressing every inch of it. Feeling and appreciating his warm, smooth, rock-hard cock between my fingertips. I sped up slightly. Still pumping his veiny member with my hands at a slow, gentle pace. Then a little faster. And faster again.

"Mmmm," he moaned again a little louder. He was liking it.

I looked back up at him, then back down.

He gently pressed my head down towards it. I opened my mouth.

"Is this really happening?" I thought. "This isn't gay." I reassured myself. "No. No. This is alpha stuff." That made me feel better.

So, I did it. I opened my mouth, dropped my head, and crossed the point of no return: I took him in my mouth, as far as I could take it.

He let go of my head.

God, his cock felt good. It was warmer, smoother, and tasted so much better than I had imagined. I held it deeply in my mouth for five seconds and wiggled my tongue around the head to get it wet.

"Fuck," he whispered silently.

I pulled back up for air.

"Oh shit," he exclaimed. "You really went for it."

I blushed, but I was addicted. My little dick was dripping pre-cum and ready to explode at the slightest touch.

I immediately got back to work, taking him back into my mouth, slowly caressing him with my tongue and mouth, bobbing my head deeper and deeper on each thrust, taking more and more of him with each.

At first it was an inch or two, but it quickly grew to half of the shaft in my mouth as I pumped it in sync with my hand.

I could feel him start to squirm.

"Mmm... yeah, baby," he encouraged me.

There was no denying it now. I was giving my first blowjob: I was milking him with my hand while twisting my lips and mouth up and down his length. And I was loving every second of being his dirty, little cocksucker.

I pulled off and began to lick his cock from the base to his head.

Then, I hovered my mouth over the tip and spit. I let my saliva drain out of my mouth and drool down over the head and down his shaft, slowly dripping to his balls.

"Fuck yeah," he oozed, watching me wet his cock.

I worked the saliva around his dick with my right hand. The wetness allowed me to spin my hand with more ease. With my left hand I began to caress that saliva around his balls as my right hand continued to pump his shaft. I took him back in my mouth and sucked him in sync with my hands.

It was complete bliss. I twisted my hand in opposite spin with my mouth. Over and over again I was loving every inch of him with my wet mouth while slowly caressing his balls with my left hand.

"...damn..." Bryce added.

He was sopping wet.

I was now taking him deeply, more than halfway down. I could feel his soft, firm head rub against my tonsils. I could taste his sweet pre-cum as his first twitches gave me confidence I was doing it right. Saliva covered my hands and face.

It got me excited knowing that this pre-cum would make me an alpha.

I decided to go faster, picking up the pace as I thoroughly fucked him with my mouth. I kept going. Bobbing my head deep into his lap, beginning to feel his pubes brush against my lips as I pushed further and further.

But I wanted more. I wanted to take it all. I wanted to deepthroat him.

I pulled my hands away and decided to do this hands free. I was going to deepthroat it.

I put both hands on his hips and positioned myself vertically above it to let it slide down my throat with ease. I wanted every inch of him.

Bryce took both of his hands and gently pressed the top of my head onto his cock. He pushed it deep into my mouth and I went until it could go no further.

"Unnnhhh...fucking take it..." he demanded.

Then, I swallowed. In one motion, I felt his cock break the barrier of my tongue and it thrust deep down into my throat. His shaft slid further into my mouth. My lips pressed against his pubic bone. His balls covered my chin.

I gagged. My eyes watered. I was deep throating all eight and a half inches of him. His cock twitched and I could feel mine about to burst.

"Unnngghh," he moaned loudly.

I held it as long as I could until I could take no more.

Finally, I pulled up and gasped again for air.

"Holy fuck. You're incredible," he exclaimed. "No way this is your first time."

"I...uh...well...I've practiced. But, uh, not exactly with someone else," I nervously choked out.

Strings of saliva were stretching and dripping from his groin to my lips and making a mess of his pants, the couch, my face, and the floor. I slowly massaged his shaft as I smiled and made eye contact with him.

"You're gonna make such a good alpha," he reassured me, staring into my eyes.

"Really?" I begged, wholeheartedly, saliva and pre-cum covering my hands and face as I jerked him gently.

He was so confident. It felt as if this was working, even if I wasn't feeling like much of an alpha right now: Covered in spit, kneeling between another man's legs, sucking his dick. But if it helped him...maybe it would help me. All I knew is this felt right.

"Do it again." He demanded.

Again, he pushed my head back towards his fat cock and pressed it into my mouth. He held my head halfway down and began to thrust upward. I relaxed my tongue and immediately he began pushing his cock down my throat. He was using my head as a fuck toy.

I gagged. He intensified his thrusts faster and faster. Holding my head down as I let him use me. His dick was pushing deeper and deeper down my throat as his balls began to slap my chin and my nose slammed against his pubic bone.

I let out a deep moan as he fucked my face.

"FUCK!" he screamed. He stopped and let me up as I gasped for air. "God damn you're a natural." He exclaimed.

I was so proud. My eyes watered, saliva and pre-cum had completely covered my face and strings of saliva again were stretching from his tip to my nose and cheeks.

"Y-you like it?" I choked out.

"OH YEAH!" he exclaimed.

So, I got back to work. But this time I wasn't stopping. I was going to suck him off.

I wrapped my lips back around him and slid my mouth deep down his shaft. I twisted my mouth in circles. I pumped my hand up and down in sync with a gentle squeeze.

Over and over again, I pleased him like this for minutes on end. My hands explored his wonderful body as I serviced him. I loved feeling his rock-hard abs as I sucked him. I cupped his balls and wrapped my hands around his well-defined cheeks as his dick slid in and out of my lips.

An hour ago, I was a normal "straight" college guy trying to drink beers and make friends. Now I was kneeling in front of another man giving him head: my shaggy blonde hair bouncing, my back arched, my bubble butt bent high in the air. My head bobbing up and down a thick cock like a dirty slut.

I was in heaven.

After a bit, he moaned louder, and I felt him subtly thrust upwards into my mouth as I sucked him. The thrusting felt so hot as I dropped my mouth as deep as I could go. I gradually let him fuck my face as I pleased him.

Surely this would give me that alpha male power I needed. I was learning so much.

I began to taste more pre-cum. I knew I was getting him close, so I fondled his balls more, attempting to work a fat load out of them as he fucked my mouth.

He was moaning and writhing in his seat. He pulled back from thrusting, and now I was back in total control of servicing his cock. Slobbing up and down his shaft for a chance to become an alpha, too.

I went back to bobbing my head up and down, faster and faster as I milked him with my hand.

"Oh my God, don't stop," Bryce begged.

I kept up my quick rhythm. Sucking, slurping, and gagging up and down his dick deeper and deeper, spinning my mouth and hand as one. Trying to be the best suck he's ever had. I wanted that fucking cum because I wanted to be an alpha so badly.

His cock stiffened. It began to twitch. I knew he was close.

"That's it. That's it. Keep going. Keep going."

I moaned as I taste another delicious wave of pre-cum.

He was so wet and hard at this point my mouth and hands were gliding over his rock-hard erection trying to please him as best as I could. But I wanted him deep when he came. I wanted that alpha power.

So, I started taking him as deep as I could, as fast as I could.

He felt the difference.

"Fuck, I'm gonna... I'm gonna...."

I give out a loud, reassuring, "mmhmm" with his cock deep in my mouth to let me know I wanted him to cum. I was ready for it.

He began to throb, hard.

I was frantic. I sucked his dick furiously. I bobbed my head in perfect rhythm to his gentle thrusts. Just how he liked it.

"I want to be an alpha so badly," I thought to myself, choking on his giant dick again and again.

His cock twitched.

"I'm're gonna make me cum..." he whispered.

"Mmhmm," I moaned again on his cock.

"He's cumming and I'm finally going to be an alpha male." I think to myself." The thought of me swallowing his load pushed me over the edge.

I came.

"UNNGGH" I moaned, as I twitched a flood of cum into my underwear. But I didn't stop sucking.

"I'M CUMMING!" Bryce moaned.

He grabbed my head with both hands and pushed it down as far as I could go. He held it there. I gurgled and wiggled my tongue around as I struggled.

He throbbed and I finally felt his huge cock explode down my throat, while my little cock bursted in my pants.

"UNNNGGGHH!" he screamed.

Each throb pulsed a hot, salty wave of cum streaming down the back of my tongue, coating my throat. His strong hands were locked on my scalp. I couldn't do anything but take it.

And we were cumming together; my little dick pumping in unison in my pants. I continued to gag and squirm. I couldn't breathe. His cum pooled in my mouth as I gagged to swallow it, filling my throat while my dick flooded my pants.

He held my head down, his heavy balls pushed against my chin as the cum continued to pour into me. I loved it. It tasted better than I ever imagined.

"FUUUUCK!" he exclaimed.

Still gripping my head with one hand, he pulled me off his cock and I gasped for air. He held my face just above his cock where the last two streams of cum shot all over my face as he jerked his dick. Cum was dripping on my cheeks and lips.

He finally released me.

"Holy shit. That was incredible," he praised as he fell back into his seat.

I fell onto his crotch, resting my head onto his dripping cock and balls, embracing the moment. I was panting for air, a mixture of saliva and cum covering my face and hands. His erection was still throbbing; oozing cum in his lap.

It was the best orgasm of my life. Even better than the dildo in my bedroom.

He was leaning back, panting.

"Oh my God," he declared.

I smiled.

I decided to end it right, and I slowly sucked him as a kind of "end of blowjob" dessert, my face still covered in cum.

He tasted so good. Especially now. And I wanted all that seed to be the best alpha I could be. "The more cum the more alpha I'd become, right?" I thought to myself. "Besides, it's not like I did that because I liked it." Lying to myself.

I slowly cleaned him up with my mouth. Sucking up any cum I could find on his cock and balls. I then wiped the cum from my face with my fingers and licked them dry.

"You are gonna be special," he proclaimed, as he watched me clean up the mess.

"Really?" I ask as I continued to lick cum from my fingers. "I can't believe I'm an alpha now," I exhaled, relieved, and exhausted. "I do feel different!"

He was silent for a moment.

"Um... yeah. About that," he trailed off. He paused again.

I stopped.

"It takes a little while," he added.

"Wait, I thought this was going to make me an alpha?!" I cried.

"Oh, it is!" He quickly interjected. "It is. It takes a few times. It's different for everybody."

I sat there with his wet cock in my hands, now at a thick, beautiful, half-mast. I was puzzled.

"That makes sense, I guess. I do feel a little more confident," I explained.

"Good. Good. Good. That's a good sign," he reassured me.

He paused and looked up at the window and around the room.

"Now let's get you out of here before anyone sees. They might not understand."

I nodded and smiled. I finished cleaning up the cum off my hands and face.

Bryce stood up, slid his dick and balls back into his underwear and buttoned his jeans up. Still kneeling on the ground, I wiped my mouth with my arm, sniffled a bit, and dried off my eyes.

"How do I look?" I asked, seeking reassurance.

"Like the newest member of Theta Alpha Chi," congratulating me.

I blushed as I looked up at him. My prick was still rock hard in my pants.

He reached out his hand and pulled me up towards him.

"Now get outta here, track star," he whispered as he winked at me and spanked my ass for old time's sake.

That nearly got me off again.

So, I headed out the door and he closed it behind me. It was technically my first "walk of shame," but it sure didn't feel that way.

Bryce was making me an alpha, and I couldn't wait for more.

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