Deference to Damien

By Stephen Rydalyl

Published on Nov 3, 1999



The descriptions of ALL the characters in this story are entirely fictitious, except the portrayal of Damien, and imply nothing about the sexual lives of those portrayed.


They lay there for longer than they probably should have , what with the probability of someone else arriving growing higher every minute. In fact, as Shane scanned the shoreline again, he could see someone approaching. The person was approaching the rock formation where they had first made love. Shane was about to suggest to Damien, who was still lying on his beautifully muscled chest, that they at least get out of the water and get some clothes on. However, when he saw the gorgeous Britboy lying there, panting from their last fuck, he decided that one person was not too much to worry about. If only he had known who it was...

David Robert Beckham was running down the beach, the water occasionally lapping at his feet as they hit the sand beneath him, wetting the blond hairs on his perfect calves and shins. He had been keeping this regular pace for about 4 miles and he was beginning to get tired. He spotted the rock formation and decided that he would stop there, climb up and have a short required rest before running the distance back to his hotel.. He approached the formation quickly, his pace unaltered. As he came face to face with it, he realised that the heat of the early morning sun was affecting him as well. Detecting a slight breeze, he decided to climb the rock to see if he could catch it as it blew in. He reached the top of the pile of rocks quite quickly, even though he was no expert at climbing. Once at the top, he stood up and removed his sweat soaked T - shirt. The soft breeze he detected blew much more firmly now, as if encouraging him to keep the garment off for longer. He scanned the beach, looking for anyone who could be watching. Not that he was going to do anything that was of interest, he saw that although he had left his usual tail of paparazzi behind at the hotel, he had an audience.

Shane had been interested from the moment the figure climbed into view on the pile of rocks. His interest was indicated to Damien by there being a sudden jab in his back, just above his upper gluteus maximus. He opened his eyes and saw the figure. They were quite a way off, what with the drifting they had done whilst inactive, but they could still see who it was. Damien showed similar interest, but while Shane only saw a beautiful torso and abdomen standing there on the rock about 30 metres away, Damien saw David Beckham. His blond hair dancing in the breeze, this was no less erotic than real blond hair, especially as it was on the head of a topless David Beckham. Damien made for shore, forgetting that both he and his new lover were naked. He realised this fact only when he had climbed onto the sand, clear of the water. "Fucking Queers", was the thought that uncharitably ran through David's mind, uncharitable in the fact that at that point, they weren't exactly fucking. David took his T - shirt up from where it had landed and started down the rocks. Once on the sand again, he took off for his hotel, hoping to leave the sight of Damien's naked form well behind him. Had Damien known of this intention, he would have thought it a strange thing, after all, at least 20 million of Britain's guys would have run up to him, dropped on bended knee and begged to suck his cock. Maybe Beckham was scared by the size of Damien's cock? But Damien did not have access to Beckham's thoughts, not that he wanted access. He only wanted access to the physical elements of David Beckham. Damien dressed quickly, despite still being wet, and began to pursue Beckham. Slightly dejected, Shane asked; "What's up, aren't I enough for you?" "Do you know who that guy is?", Damien replied. "No, but you do of course". "No need to have a tiff, that's David Beckham, he plays football for England". "And he's a babe". "Noticed that, huh?", Damien said checking. "So did you" "Let's find out where he's staying, maybe we can bump into him accidentally on purpose". "Why?" "Are you gay or what?", Damien said, running out of range of Shane. "Not all the time", Shane replied but Damien was out of earshot. He shook his head and picked up his clothes. He started off after Damien.

After they had run the distance, they discovered the beach front hotel that beckham was staying at . They had a look through a gateway at the place and discovered that there were no other members of the football team around, just normal tourists, that meant they could go in and have a look around. Shane was unwilling to go in so Damien went in on his own. Shane said he would see Damien at the rock later. Damien replied affirmatively, but it was obvious he had his mind on other things. He started by looking round the pool, it was well he did as well. David Beckham was not there. In fact, the poolside was oddly deserted, maybe the other guests preferred the sea to a freshwater chlorined pool. The one place that was occupied took Damien's interest, for sitting on the edge of one of the sunloungers was Michael Owen. The Midget Gem was applying suntan to his well-muscled arms. Damien, even though he wanted to stay and watch the stud, was interested in finding Beckham as well. He made a circuit of the pool, looking up at the balconies above him as he walked. "Hey", a voice called. Damien turned on his heel to face what he thought was a member of the hotel staff. As the figure who had called to him came into his field of vision, he saw it was the pocket stud himself. Damien was unprepared for what came next, or the feelings he would experience. "Can you do me a favour and do my back?" Damien nodded and took the bottle of suntan lotion from him. The cute stud lay on his hard stomach as Damien knelt by his sunlounger and squeezed a generous amount of the lotion onto his left hand. He put his hands together to cover both his palms in the cream. He applied it to the middle of Michael Owen's back. He flinched but then relaxed, it must have been a bit cold for the hot stud. Damien began a circular motion that spread the cream from the small valley that was created by his powerful back muscles to first the left side of his lower back. Damien then moved to his left shoulder blade region, reapplying the necessary amount of lotion to his hands before doing so. Damien finished the application quickly and was about to move off when he was asked to do the boy's legs as well. Damien reopened the bottle cap and reapplied some to his hands and took hold of the boy's left leg. He massaged the thigh first, allowing the cream to be absorbed, creating a shine on the back of the limb. "Hang on a sec", Michael said. He got up off the sunlounger and stood in front of Damien, his crotch inches away from Damien's mouth. He hooked his thumbs inside the waistband of his Umbro shorts and pulled them down. He was wearing trunks under the shorts. He lay back down. Damien had to calm himself before beginning again. He ran his hands all the way up the boy's massive quadriceps all the way to the trunk's leg holes. The muscle tensed and relaxed under his hands. A minute later, Damien had finished the application of lotion to the back of those lovely legs and then the stud turned over. The first thing Damien saw was the tenting in the trunk's crotch, the first thing Michael saw was Damien looking at the tenting in his trunks' crotch. He smiled and put his hands behind his head. He licked his lips and got up off the sunlounger. Observers, not that there were any, would have found this scene interesting to say the least. Michael went into the hotel and walked up to his room. Damien followed him into the hotel and up the stairs to his floor. The boy walked ahead of him, wearing only his trunks. He had even left his towel and shorts on his sunlounger when he left. He reached his room and opened the door with an electronic card that just seemed to appear in his hand out of nowhere. Damien followed Michael into his room and watched the stud go to his bed and turn round. He sat on the bed's edge. One of the most attractive packages Damien had ever seen sat before him. He knelt down before Michael. He bent forward and licked the bulge in Michael's trunks. "I'd love to fuck you but..." "Don't say anything. I just want you to suck my cock". "I can do that". "I know", Michael said, he stood up and pulled down his trunks, his cock fell out. It was seven inches long and completely stiff. Damien took it in his right hand and wanked it a little before licking the head. He put his lips around the glans and sucked a little. He ran his tongue through the piss slit in his cockhead. He slowly slipped his lips down the shaft until Owen's pubic hair tickled his nose. He sucked it languidly, slowly moving his mouth up and down the hard shaft. He ran his hand round the boy's left thigh. He ran the hand up to the boy's buttock. His other hand did the same until he held both buttocks in his hands. He stuck his tongue out so that when he withdrew from the shaft, the tongue supported it's weight. He began to suck faster, fucking his mouth on the stud's rod. Michael was unprepared for the intensity of Damien's sucking and began to groan. He fell back against the bed, forcing Damien up and off his knees. Still he held the Midget Gem's buttocks. His fucking of the cock into his mouth continued at the same rate. "My, my, I knew you were horny, but I never knew you were gay!". Damien let the cock fall from his mouth and turned round. Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham stood in the open doorway. She walked din and closed the door. She reached behind and undid the dress she was wearing, letting it fall around her ankles. She kicked it off and stood there naked. She went over to the bed and knelt down beside Damien. She got hold of Michael's prick and went down on him, making him groan. After a little sucking, she withdrew from the shaft and looked at Damien. Whilst looking into her eyes, he licked down he shaft before putting it in his mouth. He sucked and then passed it back to her. She sucked and passed it back. The tow did this for about half a minute, all the while turning Michael on more and more. As Michael got to the point of no return, Victoria french kissed Damien. Damien let her kiss him, allowing himself a little bit of bisexuality. She guided their kiss down and took Michael's cockhead into their kiss. Their tongues continued their swordfighting around the sensitive glans until the young soccer-player could take no more. He arched his back and raised his crotch and then let his cockhead stay in both his lover's mouths. With a final groan, he let fly his wad. Victoria and Damien fought for the cream that flew from his cock. After they had milked it for all they could get, both licked up from Michael's crotch and onto his stomach. From there, the proceeded to his nipples and sucked on them a while. Michael turned to his left to take David Beckham's wife into his arms. He kissed her and slid his hard cock into her. He had forgotten about Damien. Damien considered sliding into Michael's arse but remembered his mission. If Victoria was being unfaithful, David might need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to take his sexual frustrations out on. Damien left the two adulterers where they lay shagging and left the room. He closed the door firmly so that no one else could enter and went off looking for his dream catch. The catch in question was in the shower. He had returned from his run, and had not even noticed that his wife was not in the room. He had gone straight to the telephone to order breakfast and then had gone to the shower and turned it on. He then stripped his sweaty clothes from him and got in. Warm spray set about it's task of cleaning his exertions from him. He took a bottle of shower gel from the tray by the shower and squirted some of the luxurious liquid into the palm of his left hand. He ran it through his hair, building up a generous lather there. Then he rinsed it off. Soap suds in their thousands ran down his naked body, down his back into the crack between his perfectly formed footballer's buttocks and down his muscled front to his crotch and cock where they ran off the large organ in a waterfall to match Niagara. He finished with his hair and was soaping his chest. His hands ran across the pecs and up and down the abdominals, distributing the cleansing lather he had created to those areas where it was needed. Then, he set about distributing the lather to where it was not really needed. He took his cock in his hand. It begged for attention, as it always did. Normally, his wife would join him for his shower, and there the problem would end until the next time. She was absent, on extra - marital activities, no doubt. The problem remained, and would until she returned, hungry for his masculinity.

During the time it had taken for David to have his shower, Damien had investigated most of the hotel. He was just starting on the hotel's top floor when he saw someone approaching. A boy with a tray laden with orange juice and cereal and various other breakfast items appeared from one of the lifts on the floor. Damien stepped back down a side corridor, not wishing to be seen. The lad wheeled the trolley from the elevator and down the corridor. As he passed Damien's hiding place, he stopped the trolley. "Get locked out of your room did you?" "Not really". "Then, why are you only wearing those shorts?" Damien remembered his the state of his attire, no doubt still drying from his aquatic sex with Shane. "I wear these to attract boys like you" "Well, you're not attracting me, I've got no time" "Yes, I see you're busy. Where's that going?" "Suite 503, the Beckham's room". A sudden thought ripped through Damien's mind. With one movement, he launched his right fist into the boy's face and decked him. He stripped the boy and climbed into his uniform. He left the boy naked in the side corridor and went on to Suite 5032. David Beckham turned the shower off and wiped the excess water from his body. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He was just starting to towel his hair off when he heard the knock at the door. Damien, in his guise as Room Service Assistant, waited for the door to be opened. Beckham wrapped the towel around his waist and went to answer the door. Damien's cock grew hard in seconds as the door opened to reveal a topless David Beckham. He had seen pictures of this hunk on the net but this had not prepared him for the sight of the actual man. "Bring it in, I won't be a sec". He said and disappeared into the room, Damien closed the door after he had wheeled the trolley in. He stood momentarily by the trolley but then was totally overcome and snuck round to the door of the suite's bedroom. He peeked through the crack in the door. He arrived just in time for the towel to drop. Beckham quickly grabbed a new pair of shorts and put them on. He went for the bedroom door, leaving Damien no time to get back to his place by the trolley. "You faggot", came the cry. Damien found his arm grabbed by the footballer and he was hurled onto the bed. He landed face down and rolled over. He took Beckham's first strike in the stomach. He doubled over in pain, unprepared. Then Damien fought back. He struck Beckham with a similar blow to the one which had decked the lad in the corridor. It had little effect. Beckham smashed another blow into Damien's jaw. Damien pushed him off and was able to roll off the bed and crawl away along the floor. Beckham caught him and kicked him so he rolled onto his back. Damien defended his face with his arms until they were pried apart by Beckham. David looked down into the eyes of someone who looked almost like him. Damien looked into the eyes of the ultimate British babe. Blond haired, brown eyed, muscled like he himself was muscled. Damien looked down from his face to his shorts. Because of his position, or some natural horniness, Beckham's shorts were tented. Damien was rock hard, he never submitted to his lovers, he was dominant. Damien played his ace. "Do you want to know where your wife is?" "Probably getting fucked by Michael, horny shit". Damien looked at him in amazement, Beckham smiled. "You thought I didn't know. Why else would he have followed us to Australia?" Beckham let Damien go and went to sit on the edge of the bed. Damien got up before replying, "Probably to get impaled on that". Damien pointed to Beckham's crotch. "Probably, he's that horny. He's always wanted cock and cunt in equal quantities. What about you?" "I just want cock". "Came here to look at mine?" "Yeah". "Did you see it?" "Yeah". "Want to suck it?", Damien simply nodded. "Well, tough...."Beckham faltered. Damien took the possible opportunity. He rushed forward and pushed Beckham down on the bed. He didn't go to kiss him but went to pull down the stud's shorts. His cock sprang up vertical. Damien put both his hands round it and licked the head. There came a groan from Beckham. He put the massive cockhead between his lips and let his tongue play with it. He sucked a little each time the tongue ran over the sensitive head. Suddenly, the door opened. "My, my, this is getting to be a morning of surprises". "This is getting to be a morning of distractions. Are you going to interrupt this blowjob as well?" "Don't mind if I do. Its about time David had his big cock sucked. Sorry I'm late, Darling". "That's alright, Darling, the boy was about to take good care of me". "Don't you want me to take care of you?" "Well, I suppose you could. Sit on the bed". Victoria obeyed. David, still naked, took Damien aside and whispered into his ear. "But...", Damien objected. Beckham pushed him against the bedroom's door, he gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'll give you what you want another time". Damien nodded, agreeing to wait for a time when he and Beckham could be alone. Damien started to strip. Beckham turned away to take his wife's clothes off. When all three were naked, Beckham looked at Victoria. "dress us properly". She took two condoms, large Ultra Strong Lubricated Durex condoms (Registered Trademark), and slid one of them first onto David's cock then onto Damien's cock. David took her into his arms and slid her first upward and then impaled her snatch onto his monster cock. Damien took position behind her and, looking into David's eyes, pushed his cock into Victoria's virgin arsehole. She moaned. David lay back on the bed, giving Victoria room to fuck herself on both their cocks. She started to do so, her anus virtually strangling Damien's cock in the process. He looked over her shoulder at Beckham's exposed torso. He started to fuck her, as if he was really having sex with Beckham himself. His fuck of his wife increased the pleasure flowing through David's body from his penis. From Damien's point of view, Victoria melted away and all the noise she was making was coming from David. He screamed from the pain of Damien's ravaging, and from the pleasure of the fuck. The passion of the moment showed on his face along with a look of love. For two full minutes, Damien seemed to be fucking David Beckham, then the inevitable happened. He closed his eyes and fucked his cock into David's wife one last time. He leaned back, his eyes closed, and let out one long moan of contentment as he imagined both David's face in orgasm and the scene of his cock spraying jism all over that beautifully muscled chest. Victoria got up and off their cocks before collapsing by the side of her husband. Damien returned to his original fucking position to see only David, his face set in post-orgasmic joy. Damien breathed a little before lying his naked chest against his dream guy. He licked his lips and his mouth opened, Damien kissed him Beckham wrapped both his arms and his legs around Damien and kissed him fully. The two were locked in an energetic fully-flavoured kiss. David ran his hands down Damien's sides and held onto his arse and everything was going fine until Damien began to rub his cock up and down Beckham's. The stud suddenly realised he was french-kissing with Damien instead of his wife. He pushed Damien off him and threw him off the bed. He got up, erection flapping with the force of his movements. He grabbed the still naked Damien and threw him out of the bedroom. He threw the uniform out after Damien and gave Damien just enough time to grab the clothes before he opened the door and threw Damien over the threshold. Damien raised himself on all fours and saw a cluster of very well polished black shoes around him, they were joined by a pair of naked feet. Damien looked up as the question was raised; "Is that him?". An affirmative answer was given and then Damien was grabbed by a whole new set of hands......

To be continued...

Feedback If you like what you've read, and want to comment, write to me at If you have suggestions for any particular letters of the alphabet (especially Q, Z etc, which are hard to designate for) , or wish to see Damien involved with particular celebrities, drop me a line. You can also write straight to Damien himself (he lives in London r/t): and tell him what a horny little fuckboy he is. He answers all mail when he can:

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