Degree My Love

By Daniel M

Published on Feb 7, 2003


Hey Gang, new year, new story, new games, new players... let's get this party started.

DISCLAIMER: Over a year off and I still hate this part... alright here we go. If you are under 18 (or 21 depends on your local legal system) please avoid this as I accept no responsibilty should ya mama walk in and catch you chokin' the chicken to this. If you are offended by M/M concepts I think ya in the wrong place! Why not go to I claim no knowledge of the personal lives of mentioned celebrities within this fictional piece. I am not associated with Univeral records (or any other record company for that matter). No Goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

AUTHOR'S CHAT: Alright guys, I'm back and weirder than ever. I must say, it's been quite a year hasn't it. 2002 has brought many new things into many lives. I just want to catch up and say hello to everyone. I hope that I can continue to earn the respect that I earnt with 'JC Dreams', 'Garden of Song', 'Hearts of Ash' and 'Yesterdays Child'. I must say thank you also for the BBSA I recieved in the 7th awards. It was a great compliment. Thank you to the readers of 'JC Dreams' who nominated me. Also, anyone with any news on what 98 Degrees is currently up to (recording new album or anything... please let me know). And has anyone ever noticed how drinking lots and lots of coffee makes you hyperactive? Let's see on cup number 6 in ten minutes... this is gonna be a fun story. Let it be said I hate mornings!

AUTHOR'S THANKS: Thank you to Nifty for allowing me to post on this wonderful site along with so many other talented writers. Thank you to Danny. You are my twin man... love you! Steve... you've been there for me through the hardest times and through the best times. You are an angel in disguise. I don't care what you do for a job... I still love you. Darren... thanks for the shoot the shit conversations, they help me more than you will ever know. Sprout... thank you for your story 'The Gift'. It is a gift and I want to thank you for it again.


The Gift - (boy bands) - Drew Lachey and another Drew... I am loving this story... Sprout's pretty cool too.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) - JC Chasez story. JC is paired with Matt Hunter. I love the story... again WAITING FOR AN UPDATE... I tend to think it'll take a while though! It always does.

My Everything - (boy bands) - charming story with Nick Lachey nad non-celeb called Sean. Very fast paced... just the way I like it. Stories that is... now go fetch your minds from the gutter!

FEEDBACK: - messenger attatched to this email so feel free to add me. If you email me, can you please note in the subject that you are writing in relation to this story.

DEDICATION: To my number one man, this story I dedicate to you.

In loving memory,

Caleb Jared Murphy

16 - March - 1998 to 19 - July - 2002

I wish I could have seen you grow up, I wish I could have watched you date, I wish I could have watched you marry, I wish I could have watched you have kids,

I wish I wasn't the one who outlived you.

I think that's it... alright alright I'm gonna start the story now... happy?

Degree My Love 03


Sun Child

Standing together looking out over the city from Mark's apartment, Jeff stood in behind Mark and kissed him lightly on the neck. Sighing contentedly, Mark leant back against, what had become a most familiar chest. Jeff smiled at the trust that Mark was showing.

"How much longer are you in town?" Mark asked.

"A few days. Management isn't sure about the next town we're to play in. They are having issues with the venue. Apparently our ticket sales are down at the moment." Jeff sighed.

"Does that bother you?" Asked Mark.

"It makes me wonder if the roller coaster of fame is about to come screeching to a halt. I mean, don't get me wrong, at times I hate the fame and wish I could disappear into the shadows and not have to worry about the trial and tribulations of the world of pop music. I have no private life, I can't have you by my side like I would want. I mean, I would love to, it's killing me that I can't just take your hand whenever I want to. Not something that I can do though. It would mean we'd lose a huge fab base and as much as they wouldn't mind at the moment, it could mean the end of the band. If the band ended I think we'd remain friends for a while, but if it was too much, I don't know... I just don't want the guys to grow to resent me." Mark turned in Jeff's arms and kissed him.

"I can understand the way we can't be together in public. You think I didn't realise this when I came into all this with you. I'm in this with my eyes opened. I'm not going to walk away from you. Not now, not ever." Mark told him, sealing his promise with a kiss.

"Don't say what you don't mean." Jeff told him gravely.

"What makes you think that I don't mean it?" Asked Mark.

"I've heard it all before, I know it all." Jeff said vaguely.

"Yeah from who?" Pushed Mark.

"That doesn't matter right now." Jeff said, his defenses on the rise.

"Have you heard it out of my mouth ever before? Have I ever done anything to prove it wrong?" Asked Mark. Jeff shook his head no.

"Then don't blame me for their mistakes. I have no intention of leaving like they did... whoever they are." Jeff sighed and leant his forehead against Mark's.

"I know, I'm sorry baby. I would never do it on purpose... I don't even know why I thought you would leave." Mark smiled and shook his head.

"Silly boy, why would I ever let go of a mega-rich boy-band popstar who also happens to be my boyfriend?" He asked giggling.

"You're only in this for the money?" Asked Jeff in mock hurt.

"That and your body is a seller too."

"You wouldn't be able to afford it even if you wanted it."

"I think I have two bucks in my room, will I still get change or have your rates gone up?" Grinned Mark. Jeff laughed.

"You will be very bad for business." Mark smirked and leant in for a kiss.

Mark and Jeff lay upon the couch watching some inane sitcom which was invading the airwaves when Mark's cell phone screeched for attention behind them. Standing, Mark walked over to it and answered.

"Yes Neets?" He asked.

"How'd ya know it was me? No wait... caller ID right."

"No, just bad timing." Mark grinned over the phone.

"Entertaining Mr Timmons are we?" Ribbed Anita.

"Don't you have some poor animal to go toture?" Mark asked.

"Yes Justin is sitting beside me." Anita laughed back. Mark giggled and realised what the call was about.

"Have Mr Timmons and I been summoned have we?"

"That would be a yes." Mark sighed.

"Alright, we're on the inbound." Mark told her.

"Well if you were on the rebound I'd be worried." Anita quipped.

"So tell me, did you cry when that house landed on your sister during your holiday to Oz?" Mark threw back. Anita sighed and ended the call. Grinning Mark turned to Jeff and spied him already preparing to leave.

"That eager to get away from me?" He asked. Jeff shook his head.

"It's easier if we're on time... Sprout would kill me otherwise."

"Chuckles? Hurt someone? I find that hard to believe." Mark said with an eyebrow arched.

"Shit happens... it's easier to avoid lectures from him." Jeff explained as Mark nodded and prepared to go.

An hour later Mark and Jeff were riding the elevator up to the pre-destined floor. When the doors parted they walked out and stood outside the door to Drew's room and prepared to walk into the room, but not before Jeff leant over and kissed Mark. Mark drew back leaving Jeff looking hurt and confused.

"Jeff, what if someone saw that. I'm sure there are cameras around here. That or other guests... not a good look for your band." Jeff simply shrugged.

"I don't care. To be honest I'm over hiding in shadows with my heart. The others have public love, yet mine has to be secret." Mark shook his head.

"Then the band breaks up, your dreams go up in flames and one day you might learn to resent me for it. I don't want that Jeff. Follow your dream as long as you can. This rollercoaster of fame may fall off the tracks someday, don't make it derail early." Mark told him. Jeff sighed and nodded then knocked on Drew's door. Mark felt bad for stopping Jeff, but he was doing it in the best of intentions for Jeff... wasn't he?

Drew opened the door and ushered them into the room.

"Have fun at the music shop?" Asked Nick.

"What's fun, it's work." Mark replied.

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Jeff." Nick said gravely. Jeff paled slightly then regained his composure.

"How did you guys find out?" Jeff asked.

"We saw a story about Jeff Timmons appearing in a local music shop today doing a signing and five minutes later had management on the phone to us flipping a lid." Nick told him disapprovingly.

"We know why you were there, but was it really worth it?" Asked Drew. Mark turned to Drew.

"Hey, that's insulting me there."

"With a face like that you insult yourself." Drew shot back.

"How'd it feel being run over by the ugly bus?" Mark fired off defensively. Drew snorted and walked away. Anita sighed and rolled her eyes.

"How to win friends and influence people, Mark style." She bemoaned. Mark glared at her silently.

"Stop it." Jeff said sternly to Mark. Mark looked at him in surprise.

"What've I done?" He asked. Nick looked over.

"If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have gone to the blasted store, he wouldn't have created a riot, we wouldn't have gotten our asses bitten off by management and wouldn't be having this arguement." Nick said angrily.

"I'm sorry about that then. I'm sorry I bothered to work my ass off for my job. I'm sorry that I sold your CDs so you guys would get an income, I'm sorry that I met you guys the other day, I'm sorry that I met Jeff and started to see him, I'm sorry that I tried to make him happy." Mark snapped. Nick looked at him in surprise.

"You know what, I'm also sorry that Jeff has to hide his love life while you lot can flout it whenever you like, I'm sorry that it's so difficult for you to understand that Jeff feels so fucking alone when you guys all meet up with your girlfriends, and I'm sorry Jeff." Jeff looked at him, fear etched upon his face.

"Jeff, I'm sorry that it's happened this way. I'm sorry but it's over, I'm not going to come between you and your band. It was fun. I'll call you sometime." With that Mark turned on heel and walked outta the room. The room was silent. Mark stepped into the elevator and turned in time to see Anita tearing down towards the elevator. Not wanting to deal with people, he hit the doors closed button. The last image he saw was Anita screeching to a stop and Jeff appearing behind her.

Driving the streets, Mark tried to work out his head. There were so many thoughts tumbling around that he couldn't concentrate. It was all so messy and confusing that his head actually felt like there were no thoughts there. His heart was just as much of a mess. He was feeling so many emotions, he couldn't pick one. Betrayal? Anger? Sadness? Then he realised that he was filled with sorrow. Sorrow that he was alone again. Pulling into his garage he stopped the car. He put his head forwards to rest on the steering wheel. Beside him, his cell shrieked again. Looking at it, he saw it was Jeff again. Sighing he left the phone sitting on the passengers seat as he climbed out of the car. Turning to lock the car he heard his phone stop and leant in and grabbed it, turning it onto silent. Shoving it in his pocket he closed the door and locked the door. Heading up to his apartment, he opened the front door and walked in. Throwing his keys on the table, he fell onto the couch. He didn't know how long he lay there, but at some point drifted off to sleep. He was woken later by the sound of keys in the door. Sighing, he regretted giving Anita the keys to his apartment. Hearing the door close and footsteps, he tucked his legs up out of the way onto the couch, hoping he wouldn't be seen. Closing his eyes again, he tried to breathe as silently as he could. Lying there, he felt a gentle weight sit down beside him on the edge of the couch. Opening his eyes, he saw Jeff sitting there looking at him. Closing his eyes again he sighed quietly to himself. Jeff reached out and stroked Mark's hair gently. Mark opened his eyes again and looked up at Jeff.

"Why are you here?" He asked quietly.

"Love you too." Jeff laughed quietly. Mark shook his head.

"I'm here because I've just met you and don't want to lose you already. What got said at the hotel room was wrong on many levels. The guys were just upset, not with you, with the whole situation and more so with management." Jeff explained in a subdued tone.

"Then why take it out on me?" Asked Mark sadly.

"You were the closest target that they could blame plausibly." Jeff said. With that he leant down and kissed Mark on the forehead. Mark reached out and wrapped his arms around Jeff. Jeff submitted to his arms and stretched out beside Mark. Looking into each other's eyes, Mark smiled gently and leant forwards to kiss Jeff. Their eyes drifted shut as they kissed softly. There was no hurry to the kiss, no urgency. When they finally came up to air, Jeff looked at Mark.

"Wow, that was kinda intense." He said breathlessly. Mark simply nodded his head and cuddled up to Jeff. After a period, Mark sat up, pulling Jeff with him towards the bedroom.

--- There we go, sorry that this is only a short one, I'm pressed for time... still I have more ready and waiting for you. For now this is all ya get though. Hehe. Feedback as always is appreciated. Love Lots SC. xxx

Next: Chapter 4

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