Dereks New Girl

By Andrew Taylor

Published on Dec 30, 2016


I lay there, dressed in my hot pink crotchless panties and matching bra, lacy black leggings, and an 8" dildo vibrating away in my ass while I was firmly tied to my roommate's workout bench. All I could do was wait and imagine what his return was going to bring for me. While I had been getting off on the thrill of him catching me so helpless, and despite the fact that more often than not when I came it was with Derek in my mind, I was incredibly nervous for what my future held.

Even though I'd gotten into the habit of riding my dildo for a good 30 minutes in the small room while separated from Derek only by a very thin door and walls, tonight he had left me immobilized after he caught me in the act and after what felt like hours, I was in a delirious state of mind drunk on pleasure, pain, and adrenaline. I finally heard the apartment door opening and held my breath as he kicked his shoes off and made his way inside. I merely closed my eyes and waited for the dreaded sound of the door behind me creaking open again, but for what felt like an eternity all I heard from outside the closet was dishes in the kitchen and the TV playing. Once I was used to the background noise, I quickly faded out and was surprised when I suddenly did hear movement at the door. My heart began beating excitedly but in my state, all I could muster was lazily turning my head to see a man's silhouette in the doorway with my peripheral vision.

"Told you you weren't going anywhere." he chuckled roughly and while I couldn't see his face, I knew the exact smug look he had on and could practically hear his arrogant smile in his voice.

He flicked on the light he'd turned off when he left me, and slowly but purposefully walked alongside me and leaned back against the wall to my side. From where I lay motionless, I was staring at his crotch and legs. He let the silence grow - knowing I was too weak, both mentally and physically, to say the first word - so that the soft buzzing of the vibrator along with the odd wet noise of my lubricated hole quivering on the toy were all to be heard.

"I fucking knew it, Andy. Sorry... Brandy." he broke the silence like a thunderclap. "Ha! I fucking KNEW it! Ever since last year I had a feeling about you, dude. I mean, I just thought you might have had a weak spot for dick and I knew I was right when I found our internet history, but I didn't expect you were a complete little sissy bitch."

Even though it wasn't a question and I had yet to look him in the face, I could tell he was asking for, or demanding, some sort of affirmation. I closed my eyes and meekly nodded my head in response to his accusation hoping for the best.

"Look at me, Brandy." he said the name, MY name, with a venom that immediately made me open my eyes and obey him, finally looking up to meet his gaze. "Good girl. I'll make this quick and easy for you to understand. I'm not gay, but you are so far from being a man that it doesn't matter for me. And I have to admit that you don't look too bad in that slutty underwear with a dick up your ass. With a little bit of work, you're going to be a hot little cockslut for me, aren't you?"

Again I could only nod, but this time as I was looking him in the face I sensed something predatory in his cocky grin that I recognized from when he'd hit on women at the bar. That smile was enough to make me overcome with a want to make him happy, and he knew that he had me.

"Well, it's getting pretty late and if you're never going to ask to suck me off, I'll help us both out and get us started." Derek unzipped his jeans and pulled out his semi-hard dick, probably 5" but twitching in anticipation. I was actually a little shocked to see he shaved his balls and under his dick but the fluffy mass of pubic hair above was more typical of his don't-give-a-fuck attitude and it was hot as hell. He held on to the base of his cock and gave it a few shakes as he pushed off the wall with his shoulders. "I've done my job, the easy part for you now is just give in and do what you want to do."

Almost subconsciously I dropped my jaw as I stared at his naked dick and balls, the fear slowly fading as I was accepting my situation. I realized there was no turning back now whatever happened so I might as well enjoy it. Derek stopped his approach and when I looked up, his smirk made it clear that was as far as he was going – I was going to have lean out and put him in my mouth. Since I was restrained fairly tightly to the bench, my only choice was to lean my shoulders to him and stretch out my neck so I could get my lips to his cock. It was humiliating and I knew he was loving it, but once my nose was nestled against his pubes and his musky scent filled my brain I lost all inhibitions. Oh god, that smell. I could have sworn this man's crotch was the source for the world's poppers the way every whiff made me feel more and more like his bitch. I kissed and licked my way back up his hardening cock and began licking at the head, the way I had with my dildo so many times in preparation for this very moment. I knew I was doing the trick, as his dick had stiffened to a thick and beautiful 7 inches but I began letting out moans and whimpers before he did merely from sucking on him.

"Yeah I knew you'd love this dick, ahhh, go for it baby show me you want it!" He said as I started taking his fully hard dick into my mouth inch by inch.

I had enjoyed sucking my dildo but was absolutely loving the real thing. He began oozing pre-cum that filled my mouth and made his dick delicious and slippery so that I actually found it quite easy to swallow most of him into my throat. After about ten minutes of pushing further down on him and while I was feeling proud of myself, Derek must have assumed that this wasn't my first time giving a blowjob and took my quick deepthroating as a signal to grab my head and begin facefucking me. I handled the first couple thrusts just fine but started losing control and gagging, fearing I was going to vomit all over him and since I was tied to the bench, there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. Derek could tell he may have gone a little overboard and slowed his thrusting, leaving the head of his cock sliding around on my tongue.

"Sorry dude, I guess I got carried away there but you seemed like you were having a good time." He said as he placed a hand on my cheek and I lifted my eyes to his. I could tell he was genuinely sorry but he was still looking down at me and caressing my face while I was sucking on the tip of his dick like a clogged straw. My face blushed as I pulled off.

"It's okay, Der, I am having fun but I've never done this for real before..." I spoke with a thick and raspy voice, my mouth having only been used as a pleasure hole for the past 20 minutes.

"Well you fooled me. And don't worry, you'll get a lot of practice from here out. Now get back to work, cocksucker." He grabbed my hair and pulled be back onto him, not that I was resisting at this point.

I sucked and slobbered on his dick in the most sloppy of blowjobs until his whole crotch and my face were slick with my saliva and his pre-cum. My own dick had grown hard again and was itself leaking, but even if my hand weren't tied I was too focused on Derek's glistening cock throbbing in front of my eyes. After a good half hour this, he pulled his cock from my fatigued mouth and slapped it across my face a few times, chuckling as he looked down at me collecting myself. I felt as though I was in a frenzy, watching myself become Derek's cock slave while unable to intervene or defend myself but not truly sure if I wanted to. He reached behind me and with a quick tug he pulled the dildo from my ass. I knew what was coming next and readjusted myself to sit up and prop my ass out before Derek had even said anything. "I was all ready to tell you that I'm taking that ass whether you want it or not, but I should have known you'd be ready for it." He waved the dildo in my face and rubbed it against my cheeks and lips. "Is this the only cock you've ever taken?"

I was trying to keep the dildo out of my mouth as he battered my face with it but when I opened my mouth to tell him that he was right, he slid it past my lips and I was surprised that the taste wasn't as revolting as I'd expected. I didn't love it by any means, but as he showed no signs of pulling it out I let him do his thing.

"I can tell you like this thing," he said as he worked the messy dildo in my mouth, "and my dick doesn't vibrate or anything but you're gonna love it even more than this fake bullshit." He laughed and tossed the dildo aside while he walked around to my rear.

Slapping my ass a few times, he kneaded my cheeks and smacked the tip of his dick around my slippery and gaping asshole. I needed no warm up and after he put a squirt of fresh lube on his dick I felt him pressing into me. My eager hole gave way and submitted to his stiffness with no resistance. While he was a bit smaller than the dildo that had spent all night in me, this real life penis was warm and gave me such a strong sense of being filled up that I let a loud, nasal moan that must have filled our entire apartment.

"Jesus, quiet down bitch, I knew you were going to love my cock but if you can't take it without waking up the neighbors I'll shove that shitty dildo back in your mouth." Derek lowered himself on top of me so that he was lying on my back and I was bearing most of his body weight so he could fully bottom out in my ass. He was breathing on my neck and whispering into my hear what a good girl I was for taking his dick so easily.

I don't know why, if it was perhaps the fact that he was now so close to me and speaking so quietly but I felt a much more intimate sense of submission when he began to gyrate his dick in and out of my ass. When I sucked him off at first, I was so lost and focused on his cock that I largely felt disconnected with the situation but as he was on top of me, thrusting into my hole and telling me how good my tight virgin ass felt, I truly felt like I was HIS little submissive slut. He lifted his chest from my shoulders and began pumping with more speed which was not very comfortable for me at first as I was used to mostly sitting on my dildo and riding a little while enjoying the vibrations but I soon found the pleasure taking over my thoughts as he continued to pound away.

Derek fucked me quick and hard until he told me he was going to cum and that it was going in my ass, no questions asked. I didn't offer a word of argument as he grunted and slid his full length into me to unload his seed. The warmth that filled my hole made me think of my own cum and the wetness at my stomach told me I had already spilled my load and my little cock had shrunk back into my panties, not having been touched all night. Derek pulled out after he began to go limp, and just let out a long sigh that turned into a laugh.

"Shit, Brandy, even though I thought you were a faggot, if you'd told me this morning I'd be ending the day by putting a load in your ass I'd have laughed. You took your first dick better than some sluts I fuck from school." His breathing was heavy and I couldn't help but smile to myself as this stud told me I was a good lay.

"I'm going to have a shower and get some sleep, so you better keep quiet while you clean this mess up. You better not have fucked up my workout bench." He untied one of my hands and gave me a final spank before slipping out into the bathroom next door.

While I heard the shower running, I took a few minutes to collect myself and began working the ropes that held me in place with my free hand. My limbs tingled as the blood began flowing again and I stood up on wobbly uncertain legs to survey the scene. The night had been so intense I almost expected the room to appear as if a bomb had gone off, and was underwhelmed to find only a puddle of cum and lube where I sat on the bench and my few belongings scattered about the room. I got an extra towel and dish soap from the kitchen and managed to wipe down the bench and dildo in a matter of minutes. After putting everything back in it's place, Derek was still in the shower so I cleaned myself up with the towel and waited for him. Not only did I now not fear him, but I was eager to show him I'd done a good job.

When Derek came out of the bathroom and saw me standing waiting for him, hands clasped behind my back, he seemed to let out a surprised grunt and a satisfied smirk played on his lips.

"Everything is clean, Derek." I said, sounding pathetically servile even to myself. I felt my face burn red as I had a moment of clarity realizing just how quickly things had changed since this morning, like Derek said earlier.

"Good girl."

And with that he walked past me, into his room, and shut the door. I felt so dismissed that I didn't know what to do other than go to bed myself but I spent all night tossing around in bed playing with myself and replaying the night's events in my mind. I don't know when I finally fell asleep, but I was woken up by Derek flinging my door open and talking rather loudly.

"Wake up, sissy. I'm going to give you a pass today because I didn't really lay out the ground rules for you last night but I think it's clear to both of us that you're now my bitch Brandy and I expect my girl to make me breakfast in the morning. I have to get to class now, but I'll be home in an hour and I want you make good on that, okay?"

"Yes, Derek, I'm sorry" I mumbled, only half-awake and in no mind to argue with him.

He left the room and I fell asleep almost instantly. When I next opened my eyes, I had slept for almost 45 minutes and remembered what Derek had said before I fell asleep. I flew out of bed and ran to the kitchen, surveying our pantry. Being short on time, I began to fry some eggs and toast while I pranced around the kitchen in last night's panties and feeling Derek's cold semen leaking down my behind. The meal was ready just as he was getting home and I proudly presented him with his food which he ate with no reaction to tell me if I'd done good or not.

Finishing his last bites, he turned sideways in his chair and spread his legs, merely looking me in the eye to convey what he wanted. I was pretty sure I knew and so got down on the floor and crawled between his legs to open his pants and get access to his cock. It took me a bit longer to get him hard than the night before, but soon enough I was happily slurping on his full erection as he began laying out his plans.

"So I mentioned this morning that we're going to have rules. I was all distracted in class thinking about how to treat you so you better appreciate this." However he did it, he made me feel lucky to be on my knees sucking him off. "I already told you that you're not Andy when you're home anymore. Get used to being Brandy, a slutty little cock-hungry sissy. Which is who you really are anyway, right?"

I nodded and mumbled an agreement over his juicy cock, happy to say yes to anything he asked as long as he was inside me.

"Good. So to be a good girl, you will always be dressed as such. I see you're wearing the same outfit as last night, so we'll have to get you some more options. Since you're already nice and hairless, keep that up but you are going to start wearing makeup and jewelry too, I like my girls to feel sexy. Would that make you feel sexy, Brandy?"

Again I just nodded and grunted into his dick like it was a microphone, looking up to him and seeing his reassuring smile shining down on me. Where I may have sensed as resentment and exploitation the night before, I now saw was simply dominance over me. Derek would call me a sissy, faggot, his bitch, but we were still friends before all this and he wasn't lying when he said he would force me into anything I didn't want to do, he was just good at making me do whatever he asked. I felt reassured and safe when he looked or spoke to me in that way and as though he knew what was best for me. I was just his slut.

"Perfect, because tomorrow we are going out to get you all set up. I have another class soon so you can work on the rest of your duties. You were already doing most of this before, so I should have known you were a girl at heart and you'll have fun keeping the place clean and neat in your sexy clothes, and I'll leave you my credit card so you can keep us stocked with food, beer, and anything I ask you to buy."

With almost no warning, Derek's cock began to twitch in my mouth and I felt his cum spurt into my mouth. He didn't cum while I was sucking him before, so I was caught off guard and recoiled from the sudden fountain going off in my mouth. Derek laughed and pointed his cock at my face as the last few ropes spurted onto my nose and forehead before he wiped the tip on my lips.

"Ah fuck yeah, look at that load all over you. Until we can get you some real makeup just leave that on your face cause you look like a real slut with that facial."

I beamed at him and began tucking his cock away so he could stand up. I was about to stand up as well when he hit me with a wink and smile that made my knees week so I just sat on the floor wearing his cum on my face as he walked out the door to class. I got to my feet and looked around me, wondering where to start on our messy apartment and feeling Brandy truly take over my being. I was practically flying around the apartment thinking about what Derek had planned for me and felt ironically liberated with my new role as a bitch for my roommate.

Next: Chapter 3

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