Descension Into Submission

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Oct 23, 2018



Written by

Eugene Marvin



Antonio Fernandez



Adeem threatened to expose me, to come to my house and rape my wife, he throat-fucked me, butt-fucked me with my own night-stick and his big black cock, then threw me out into the hallway naked like yesterday's some common WHORE after a trick! Despite everything he did to me (rape, threats, and humiliation), THAT was the lowest of the low! I couldn't get the thought out of my head! I was angry, pissed, and surprisingly, -hurt! Hadn't I done everything he asked me to do...? Hadn't I sucked his cock, took his cum, and made myself available whenever he wanted?

I was sitting on patrol when I suddenly got a phone call from my friend: DeMarco!

"Hey man..." I said, welcoming the distraction! "...I've been meaning to call you..., I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day at your anniversary...!"

"Tony..." he said, his voice sounding strange (sad), "...its Angela..." he added, causing my heart to freeze in my chest! "...she...she's DEAD!"

"ohmygod..." I said, pulling the cruiser over before I caused an accident! "...where are you right now...?" I asked, concerned!

"I...I'm still at the hospital...!" he said, trying to hold back the tears over the phone!

"I'm on my way there!" I said, ready to flip the sirens and pull out into traffic!

"No..." he said, "...I can't stay here..." he choked, under the same roof as his wife's body! "...I have to get out of here...! I'm going home!"

"Okay..." I said, "...good...I'll meet you there!" I promised before hanging up, turning on the siren to beat traffic! I flew through the streets as if chasing a back robber! I cut the sirens off a few blocks before hitting Marco's street, not wanting to make a spectacle!

I pulled up in front of his house, then immediately ran in...finding Marco sitting on the sofa crying, his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands! It broke my heart seeing him like that! I walked over and took a seat on the sofa next to him, not sure what to do...?

"What happened...?" I asked, wondering HOW she died?

Marco pulled his face from his hands...

"sh...she was in a car accident..." he sobbed, "...some old guy had a heart attack behind the wheel and ran straight into her, head-on! She didn't stand a chance!"

"ohgod, Marc...I'm so sorry!" I said, wanting to put my arm around him, to comfort him, but unsure if I should...?

"She was pregnant..." added Marc, much to my surprise! "...she told me the day AFTER our anniversary...after her doctor's appointment...!

"w...we didn't get the chance to tell you and Suzy yet...! We were gonna tell yall over drinks! We should've called you as soon as we found out! I'm sorry!"

"YOU'RE sorry...?" I choked [ironically], "You have NOTHING to be sorry about! I'M the one that should be sorry..." I insisted! "...sorry for the way I acted that night...sorry for Angela...sorry for...everything!"

Marco cried heavier, uncontrollably...!

"I'm all ALONE now, Tony..." he said [after losing both parents to ailments, and now his wife]...! "...I have NO ONE!"

"You have ME, man..." I said, finally putting my arms around his shoulders, hugging him closely! "...I'm HERE for you, Marco...! I'm your BROTHER!"

DeMarco trembled in my arms, falling into me weakly as he sobbed like a baby [or like a man who just lost the love of his life]! I couldn't help feeling horrible for him! We'd been friends since I started The Force, forming a deep/fast/lasting friendship!

I held Marco until he stopped crying, lying him down on the sofa, removing his shoes, making him more comfortable!

"Relax man..." I suggested, "...try to get some rest...I'll be in the kitchen if you need me...!"

"No..." he said, grabbing my hand as I started to pull away...! "...don't go...stay with me..." he pleaded, needing someone with him, nearby! "...I...I don't wanna be alone right now!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" I promised, kicking off my shoes and removing my utility belt, placing my night-stick and weapon on the table [out of the way]!

I took a seat on the floor in front of him, resting my back against the bottom of the couch, letting him FEEL my presence! I'd never seen DeMarco like this! He was like a child, afraid of the dark, afraid of being alone, afraid that everyone was leaving him! I was his FRIEND, I would be there for him, whatever he needed!

I sat on the floor in front of the sofa for an hour! I could hear his breathing growing heavier, indicating he'd fallen asleep somehow! I got up quietly and crept into the kitchen, stepping out onto the patio. Pulling out my cell phone, I called my WIFE and told her what happened to Angela! Susanne was FLOORED, having just accompanied them to their anniversary dinner {last chp}! "I need to stay here with him..." I told her, "...he NEEDS me tonight..." I explained, "...I think I should sleep over!"

Of course...' agreed Susanne, ...DO whatever you have to do!' she encouraged, giving me her blessings! After hanging up with my wife, I called my police captain, telling him what happened with DeMarco's wife and informing him that was here with him now! "I need a few days off..." I requested, " make sure he doesn't do anything stupid..." I exaggerated, "...he really shouldn't be alone, sir!" The captain agreed, granting me the rest of the week off, telling me to keep him abreast on what I knew and how they could help! I promised to inform them as soon as I learned anything new!

After hanging up, I went through the house, picking up things and straightening up, organizing everything so HE wouldn't have to later. I took off my uniform shirt, then laid down on the floor beside the sofa, keeping NEAR him in case he needed me. Eventually I drifted off to sleep as well, getting a good 45mins in before sitting him to find Marco lying face-up on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling [silently]!

"Are you hungry...?" I asked, getting up to see if there was anything I could find for him to eat? I went into the kitchen and looked into the refrigerator, finding some leftover pasta, lunchmeat, and a bottle of red wine [among other things]. I pulled out the pasta and spooned it into a pan and started heating it up on the stove, grabbing a jar of red sauce from the cupboard, selecting just the right seasonings to make spaghetti sauce.

DeMarco wandered into the kitchen...his face all stained with tears, evidence that he'd been crying again.

"Dinner will be ready in a jiff!" I insisted, dashing about the kitchen like Wolfgang Puck!

"I'm...not hungry..." he said, looking about [lost].

"Okay..." I said, turning the fires down on the stove. "...what do you need...?" I asked.

Marco looked concerned...

"I uh..." he started, "...I need to call the insurance company...file a death report..." he explained, "...then make arrangements for a funeral..." he gasped, not wanting to think about it! "...Angela and I made early arrangements after Cody was born...just in case!

"It was as if she KNEW something like this would happen...!"

"I'll handle it for you..." I offered, "...if you want?"

"Could you...?" he asked, much too distraught to go through all the red tape required for the funeral!

"Where's Cody...?" I asked, curiously.

"uh..." he sounded, as if unsure. " his...his aunt's house..." he explained, "...Angela's sister!"

"Does he know...?" I asked, concerned.

"About his mom...?" asked Marco, "No...I told her NOT to tell him...that's MY job!" he stated.

"Alright..." I agreed, walking around the counter to help take him upstairs. "...why don't you take a shower and get ready for bed...?" I suggested, taking him into the bathroom to get undressed.

While Marc took a shower, I went back downstairs and cleaned up the kitchen. Afterwards I went back upstairs and turned down the bed for him, changing the sheets so it wouldn't smell like Angela, reminding him what he lost! Marc came out of the shower a few minutes later [naked]...walking over to the drawer to pull out a pair of shorts to slip into! I encouraged him to lay down and try to get some sleep [knowing he had a thoroughly draining day], while I go back downstairs and sleep on the sofa!

"You don't have to do that..." he said, scooting over to the far side of the bed. "...I have a KING size, there's plenty of room for the both of us!" he insisted, not wanting to be alone!

"Alright..." I said, needing a shower myself.

I took off the rest of my uniform, tossing my underwear on the floor with my clothes and went into the bathroom to shower! While in there I thought about everything that happened, to Marco, to myself...wondering WHY bad things seem to happen to good people...? One day while minding my business I get pulled into an alleyway and my LIFE is forever changed! Angela drives home from the doctor's office and gets in an accident and Marco's life is forever changed!

I finished my shower, then asked if I could wear a pair of Marc's underwear so I wouldn't have to wear my OLD ones! I walked over to his drawer and pulled out a pair of boxer-briefs and put them on. Then I turned around and got into bed, lying down beside him, as we both tried to get some much needed sleep!


The next morning I woke up and Marc was gone! I got up in a panic, calling out his name as I started to search the house for him! I found him in the kitchen making coffee, asking if I wanted any?

He poured 2 cups.

"How are you feeling today...?" I asked [not knowing what else to say].

"Like shit..." he said, turning his cup up to his lips.

"Are you hungry yet...?" I asked, "Would you like some breakfast...?"

He shook his head `no'.

"I have to talk to Cody today..." he said, regrettably. "...I'm not looking forward to that conversation...!"

"I'd do it for you if I could!" I said, sitting at the counter.

"I know, man..." he said [leaning against the stove]. "...but I'm his DAD...I should be the one to do it!"

"I understand." I said, in total agreement.

DeMarco got dressed and I drove him over to Angie's sister's house to spent TIME with his son (Cody). I opted to stay in the car, insisting this was a `family' thing, believing he and Cody should be left alone (or at least in the company of his aunt and uncle, his immediate family)!

While in the car I called my wife, updating her on Marco's status, telling her I didn't think he should be left alone in their house, and that I wanted to spend a few more days with him at least until after the funeral. Susanne said: Don't forget YOU have a family also...', indicating that I was somehow neglecting MY family! "Of course..." I said, "...but you DO understand this is unmitigated circumstances, right...? I NEED to be here for him! He has NO ONE else to take care of him! He's all ALONE now!" I know...' said Susanne, realizing I was right. ` what you have to do.' she acknowledged, allowing me to stay, not that it would have made a difference!

As soon as I hung up with Susanne, Adeem called...I felt an empty PIT forming in my stomach!

What TIME you get off work...?' he asked, How QUICK can you get here...?'

"Now's not a good time right..." I said, hoping for some sympathy? "...I'm having a bit of family drama...! Can we do this another time...?" I asked.

"Fuck no, bitch!" he responded! "You don't get any days off from this shit! When I call, you come! Period! Understand...?" he said (not really a question)!

"Yes, sir!" I answered without argument, realizing MY issues didn't matter!

"Be at MY place after work, 6:30!" he demanded, before hanging up in my ear!

I sat in the car waiting for Marco to return, my eyes on the time...knowing it was counting down to my next assault! After what he did to me LAST time...I couldn't help wondering WHAT he had in store for me this time...?

DeMarco came out to the car about an hour later. I could tell by his RED swollen eyes that he'd been crying with his son.

"How'd it go...?" I asked, knowing it had to be rough.

"It was the worst thing I've ever had to do in my life..." he said, looking down at the floor. "...trying to explain to a 3yr old that his mommy's never coming home..., it was heart wrenching!"

"How are you going to care for him...?" I asked, curious/concerned.

"Angie's sister and her husband are offering to help raise him..." he explained, "...they have 2 kids of their own...they say having siblings might help him to cope with his loss..." he added, sounding unconvinced! "...but I'm not exactly sure how that's gonna work...?"

"It...might be for the best..." I suggested, "...he'll be around kids his own age...around FAMILY...!"

"I guess..." said Marco, hating the idea! "...maybe!"

"You're NO less of a father by making sure your son has adequate care..." I encouraged, knowing it would be difficult on him to try to raise a small child on his own! "'re NOT a failure for accepting HELP..." I championed, "'re going through A LOT right now!"

"Tell me about it." said Marco, looking out the window!

"Is there anything ELSE you have to do while we're out...?" I asked, knowing TIME was of the essence.

"No..." he answered, "...we can go home." he said.

I drove Marco home, then made him something to eat (soup & a sandwich). We sat down for a couple of hours watching tv, but there was really nothing on that could distract his mind from his problems. He even sobbed a few times, as I laid him out on the sofa, letting him drift off for a bit.

He awoke after I took a quick shower and redressed, wanting to be freshly clean when I got to HIS place.

"I'll be back." I informed, as DeMarco sat up and looked at me, puzzled!

"Where you going...?" he asked (sounding like a kid worried he'd never see his parent again)!

"uh...I'm going home to get a change of clothes..." I lied (on my way to Adeem's apt.)! "...and to...GET a few things...!" I concluded, hoping he wouldn't ask to go with me!

"You don't have to do that..." he countered, not wanting me to go! "...I have a closet full of can pick whatever you want to wear! You don't have to GO for that!" he pleaded, practically begging for me to stay!

But I had no choice! If I didn't go to see Adeem at the scheduled time...he'd go to my HOUSE looking for me!

"I need to check on Susanne..." he explained, reminding him that I had a wife also! "...just to make sure she's okay!" I incorporated, knowing he'd understand! "I'll be back soon..." I added, "...I promise!"

I felt like SHIT leaving DeMarco to go off and get fucked by Adeem...but what choice did I have...? My life was not my own anymore! Someone else was pulling the strings now! I was just a puppet in my own story!

I drove straight to Adeem's place, parking my police cruiser in the usual spot outside HIS apartment building...feeling less of a spectacle now that people were getting used to me being in their neighborhood...!

I went in and walked up to his door and knocked..., waiting for his usual command to come in'...but this time when I walked in I was SHOCKED to find Adeem with another black man sitting beside him on the sofa! Ohfuck...' I thought to myself, dumbfounded, did I get the TIME wrong...? The guy was naked like Adeem, stroking a similarly huge erection, both of them catching my eye as I wondered `what's going on...?'

"Don't just stand there, bitch...close the fuckin' door and get on yur knees!" ordered Adeem, as I closed the door and dropped to my knees to crawl over to them (as I'd been trained)! The new guy chuckled!

When I got closer to them, I looked confused, unsure what to do...? "Don't be RUDE to my guest..." said Adeem, staring down at me on the floor. "...lean in and say hello'!" he demanded. I looked up at his friend and said Hi' meekly. "Not THAT guest you dumb bitch..., THAT one!" he pointed, aiming down at the other guy's huge cock in front of me! His buddy waved his big black 10" dick at me, teasingly! His cock was darker than Adeem's, his purplish/plum colored head peeking out from its foreskin, looking even more ominous than Adeem's cock did that first time! It also curved up and to the right, like the cock of some hideous monster!

I look back at Adeem, not sure if he was really serious about me greeting this guy's cock...? That's when I felt the sudden STING as he slapped me across the face (unexpectedly)!

"What I say, bitch?" asked Adeem, angrily! "Greet the motherfucker! NOW!"

"H...hel...hello..." I said (my eyes suddenly watery from the slap), feeling like a total loser as I spoke to the guy's cock like a person!

"Now kiss it!" he ordered, as I leaned in and KISSED the guy's cock right on the tip of the head, his pre-cum sticking to my lips (as I instinctively tasted it)! "Suck it!" said Adeem, as I took the dickhead in my mouth and started nursing on it! It was only the second cock I had ever sucked, and I was really feeling some type of WAY about it, feeling totally degraded to have to suck off a second man (having always thought I'd only have to service Adeem)!

"I thought you said this bitch knew how to suck dick...?" said the second guy, prompting me to take MORE of his cock in my mouth, stretching my mouth wider as I began to cram it inside! With his cock curving upwards, I had to actually LIFT myself up higher to get a better angle! When the cockhead touched into the entrance of my throat, I felt myself starting to GAG...the angle of his cock made it rise UP instead of curving down into my throat (like Adeem's did)!

Adeem (embarrassed by my inability to deep throat his friend willingly) grabbed the back of my head and FORCED me down on the cock...making it TEAR through my throat painfully, going against the natural curve of my neck! It was very difficult to accommodate him, as I had to twist and turn my head to get a better angle for him! Drool and slobber dripped down over my chin, as I suddenly feel my face plastered in his pubes, his entire cock lodged in my throat! I felt myself gagging and tearing up, literal TEARS starting to streak my face as he held me down on the cock (feeling it flex in my throat)!

After what felt like HOURS, Adeem finally let my head go, allowing me to back off as I rose up for air! I wasn't allowed to come off the cock completely however, as I suckle the big bulbous head before being forced back down on it again! This time the `friend' grabbed my head and started to face-fuck me, bobbing my head in his lap! I could feel his cock moving back and forth, sliding in and out of my mouth and throat, making me gag when it went down too deeply (which was all the time)!

"Strip, bitch!" ordered Adeem, as I pulled off the cock and started to lift my pullover shirt off overhead! I received another SLAP across the face (for being stupid)! "I didn't tell you to stop sucking, now DID I Pig...?" asked Adeem, looking at me like I was daft! I retook the guy's cock in my mouth (resuming sucking), then started to remove my clothes without removing my mouth! I kicked my shoes off one at a time (while still getting face-fucked with deep strokes)...then undid my pants and slid them down off my hips and legs until I was completely naked in front of them!

The guy (Raymond) continued to hold my head and fuck my mouth and throat while I stripped, never once missing a beat as he pulled my face back and forth in his lap!

"Bitch ain't bad..." complimented the new guy, "...big, beefy, macho looking pussy-boy with a good throat! You sure can PICK `em!"

Adeem laughed as he watched the guy fuck my face for a few more minutes while he happily stroked himself, keeping his erection up! When Ray had enough, I was pulled off his cock and transferred over to Adeem! Adeem guided me over to HIS cock, pulling me all the way down on his 9.5" rod with one stroke, making me deep throat him instantly!

"Yeah, that dick!" amused Adeem, smashing my face in his pubes, churning his buried cock about in my throat! After a few seconds of torture, he lifted my head out of his lap and started to bounce me up and down on his dick (effectively fucking my throat)! I had no choice in how these guys fucked me, I was just there...a hole to be used in any way they saw fit!

Adeem fucked my throat for a few minutes, opening my neck muscles as he started to pass through with less effort! Ray stood up, stroking his big cock as Adeem shoved me off his cock and back onto his friend's! Ray grabbed my head and shoved his cock back in my open mouth, then rammed himself in balls-deep, holding himself in my sore throat as his cock bent awkwardly into my ravaged esophagus!

For the next 3 or 4 minutes Ray ravaged my throat, pulling my head back and forth as he rammed and re-rammed himself in and out, watching his big cock disappear!

Adeem got up and stood next to him, stroking his own cock to keep it hard, pulling me off Ray's wood to shove his own rod into my face, occupying space in my throat! While Adeem was face-fucking me, Ray stepped up and started slapping his billy-club against the side of my face, leaving wet marks and pre-cum streaking my face! I heard the 2 of them whispering to each other before laughing...then Adeem pulled back until only the head of his cock was left in my mouth! I was busy suckling the head when I felt Ray move in, pushing his own cockhead in against my lips, forcing my mouth open as he worked his way inside, planting his cockhead right next to Adeem's within my oral cavity! I now had BOTH cocks in my mouth, suckling both of them simultaneously!

I could still feel Adeem's hand on my head, holding and guiding me in place as he and Ray started a sword-fight in my mouth...both of them fucking in and out as I stretched my mouth wider to accommodate them, feeling both dicks fuck deeper!

"UMMFF...!" I gasped as they took over my cavity, both trying to overpower the other by fucking deeper than! I could feel the corners of my mouth starting to rip and tear under the strain, as the dueling rods kept my oral cavity stretched beyond its limits!

Eventually they set up a fuck pace, with one pulling back until only the head of their cock was in my mouth while the other one fucked deeper into my throat for a few strokes...then they'd switch off as the other pulled back until only his head was in my mouth while his buddy fucked my throat for a few strokes, keeping my throat wedged wide! I choked and gagged from each new entry as they dove in deep and fucked roughly, causing gobs of drool to pour out over my chin, making a mess to my torso!

They must have fucked my face for about 40mins, taking turns to see WHO could choke me the worst! When they finally bored of throat-fucking me...Ray pulled out completely and started reaching down for my ass! I pulled away slightly, not wanting another cock in me, fucking me (Adeem was enough)...but I could feel the guy grabbing and slapping my ass, getting rough with me, pulling the cheeks apart to see my asshole!

Now the only one still fucking my throat...Adeem pulled my face into his pubes, burying his cock in my throat as he held my head tightly and retook his seat on the sofa, pulling me down with him (keeping his cock lodged in me as I knelt in front of him)! That's when Ray got in behind me...gripping me by the balls to hoist me up off my knees and into bending-over (at the waist) position! He stood behind me, prying my ass open, spitting on my asshole before shoving a curious finger into me!

"UMMPPHH...!" I yelled (muffled) around Adeem's dick, as he started bouncing my head in his lap again! Ray twist and turned his curious finger around inside me, poking it in and out before adding another one, and then another, fucking me with 3 digits! The pain was intense (especially with him only using spit as lube)! When he tried for a fourth digit, I wrenched as he tried to force his way inside, making my hole feel as though it were about to RIP apart unbearably! When I tried to move away in silent protests, he SLAPPED my ass cheeks hard, making them sting! I was still getting roughly throat-fucked and unable to vocalize my protest, so the slapping continued far longer than I anticipated! He must have liked watching my ass turn from white to red, as he left stinging red handprints all over my ass!

When he was finally done beating me, he forcibly pulled my ass cheeks open and spit on my hole again before ramming all four digits into me, pushing his hand as FAR as he could into my ass, making me whine around Adeem's cock!

"This bitch's getting' FISTED tonight!" glee Ray, trying to make his hand disappear! In a panic I tried to pull away...pissing Adeem off as he pulled me off his cock and SLAPPED me across the face a few times (hard), knocking some `sense' back into me!

"Stay!" he yelled angrily, pointing his finger in my face! "Don't you fucking try to get away from me again! Ever!" he ordered, chastising me in front of his friend!

Then he turned to Ray..., "Naw nigga..." he said in answer to Ray's statement! "...he ain't ready for that shit, yet! Just feed that big nigga-dick, mouth and ass...he likes that shit alight! The harder the better! Bitch likes it rough!"

"Okay...!" agreed Ray, spitting into his hand before reaching between my ass cheeks to smear it over my asshole...! Then he stepped up behind me and aimed his cockhead up against my spit-wet anus and SHOVED straight in!

"URRHHHHGG...!!" I grunted aloud, feeling the dick punch straight into my bowels! Ray gripped me by the waist as he held himself inside me, grinding away at my ass! After a few seconds he pulled back with his hips (withdrawing 5 or 6 inches)...then rammed back in, slamming his pelvic bone into my backside! I grunted aloud, feeling the full force of his cock burrowing into me!

Adeem watched his buddy fuck me for a minute or two...then reached up and grabbed the back of my head...pulling me back down on his hard-on, making me deep throat him to the root!

I stood between the 2 black men, feeling them use my holes roughly as one pulled at my hips to bury his cock while the other gripped my head to do the same! It was like being in the middle of a tug-of-war...with both men determined to be the victor!

As battered as my throat felt (having been thoroughly fucked by both cocks), my asshole felt worst as Ray fucked his big hard cock into me without mercy or regard! He simply held onto my waist and pounded me relentless, slamming his body into mine harder and deeper, making me take his big cock like punishment! I groaned dreadfully around Adeem's thrusting cock, more concerned for my hurt ass which felt like it was ON FIRE from the pains shooting through it! I could feel Ray's hips slapping into my backside like a brick wall every time he rammed his cock home! He built up a quick-rough fuck pace, and never let-up for even a moment, pounding me ruthlessly and he fucked and fucked me until his cock suddenly stiffened and swelled...!...he rammed himself in gut-deep, spearing me in one deep stroke and held himself inside!

"ARRHHHHHHHH FUCK...!!" he cried aloud, as his cock started pulsating and jerking inside me, sending a massive amount of hot cum deep into my aching bowels! I could feel his searing load burning into my vitals, the first person since Adeem to cum inside me, using me as his own personal cumdump!

He pulled out of me, moving around to sit next to Adeem on the sofa while Adeem continued to fuck my mouth and throat!

"I don't know HOW you do it, man..." said Ray, watching me get throat-fucked! " always manage to get the BEST pussies!"

"Naw nigga..." countered Adeem (still bouncing my head on his lap)! "...I don't GET the best pussies...I MAKE them! They don't start off that way!" gloated my master, using me as an example! "And THIS little piggy is my top-grade Pig-pussy!" he complimented, holding me by the ears!

"They're ALL pigs, man...!" laughed Ray (regarding to us being pigs for cock)!

"No nigga..." corrected Adeem, "...this's a REAL Pig..." he informed, "...COP pussy!"

Ray looked as if he were lying!

"Nah..." he challenged, not believing it! "...he ain't no REAL cop...!" he said, skeptically!

Adeem smirked!

"Show'em, bitch!" was all he said, releasing my I slowly pulled off his stiff standing cock and looked up into his eyes...!...silently pleading that he don't make me reveal who I am to anyone...!

He SLAPPED my face (again), reminding me WORSE could happen if I didn't comply! He reached for my pants and pulled out my ID and badge...showing it to him!

"NO FUCKING WAY!" thrilled Ray, snatching them out of my hand (to get a close look at them)! "I just fucked A COP...?!" he yelled in disbelief!

"He MY bitch now...!" informed Adeem, "...I claimed this pussy!" he declared, pulling me to my feet before turning me around (facing away from him)! "Sit on this dick, Pig-boy!" he commanded, pulling my ass cheeks apart to get a quick look at my just cummed anus! My asshole felt super-opened and wet after the fucking Ray gave me! I reached down to hold Adeem's big cock upright, aligning it against my asshole as I slowly (carefully) inserted it in my wet anus and started to sit down on it...!

Adeem shoved my guiding hand aside and gripped my waist...pulling me down faster on his thick cock, impaling me fully as he pulled me into his lap and started grinding me against him! "Ride it, bitch!" he ordered, slapping my ass as I started to lift and lower myself on his big cock...taking it from head to base, fucking myself on ALL of it, Ray's sperm acting as lubricant, allowing Adeem's cock to slide through easier! It was very humiliating having to fuck myself with another guy in the room watching! Up until now, everything had happened privately, with no one witnessing my degradation but me! But now there were an extra set of eyes watching as I whored myself on Adeem's cock! I happened to look up at the tv screen for the first time and noticed a white woman riding a black man's big black cock similarly, with him pulling her back on his big dick repeatedly, spearing her pussy deep!

As I rode Adeem's cock hard (subconsciously trying to make him cum quickly), staring up at the white woman getting fucked...Adeem's friend blocked my view as he suddenly stood in front of me and pulled my head forward onto his stiff cock! I opened my mouth and let him in as he held my head in both hands, guiding me down on his thick dick, tasting the remains of his earlier orgasm! For the first time I was being fucked at both ends at once, finally understanding WHY Adeem used my night-stick on me last time (chp-4)!

For the next 10mins or more they fucked me like that, with Adeem holding onto my hips, guiding me up and down on his stiff cock while Ray held my head, pulling me back and forth on his equally big dick! I felt like a piñata, stuffed full and beat hard! I could barely concentrate as both holes were stuffed and fucked, leaving me with little else to focus on! I couldn't believe that only a month or so ago I had been a totally straight married man with a kid, having never thought about or fantasized about men or getting fucked! Now I was getting done at both ends, made to ride and suck simultaneously, used like one of those whores in those pornos Adeem always watch! I could feel myself choking and gagging as Ray's cock pummel my throat nonstop, he was not the least bit concerned whether or not I could breathe...his primary focus was on fucking and coming again, as he tightened his hands in my hair and started to pound my face unusually hard, pulling me forward on his dick as his cock never left my throat for a second!

"Ohfuck, man...I'm gonna cum again..." he gasped, ramming all the way down the back of my throat, holding himself inside as the first wad from his straining cock shot down into my aching esophagus! "...ARRHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he came, yanking out of my mouth abruptly to jack off another 5 or 6 creamy wads across my panting face! I could feel the warm cum shooting into my hair (across my forehead), my eye (burning like a sonovabitch), my cheeks, up my nose and across my open mouth and extended tongue!

Instinctively I swallowed and licked away what I could from my lips...but I barely had time to react or process what was happening when Adeem suddenly gripped my waist tighter and pulled me down on his thick throbbing cock, completely sheathing it fully up my ass!

"Fuckin' TAKE my load Pig-bitch..." he cried, grinding me into his lap as his cock thickened and strained inside me! A moment later I felt it jerking wildly as he shot straight up into my bowels! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he yelled as he came hard, adding his load to his friend's, dumping a ton of hot cum inside me!

"Yeah...breed that bitch!" encouraged Ray, still stroking out the last droplets from his own cock!

"Clean my dick, bitch!" ordered Adeem, pushing me off his cock after his orgasm was over! I quickly lifted off him, then spun around and dropped to my knees between his spread legs and started nursing on his rubbery rod, cleaning off all of Ray's coating cum as well as draining out the last droplets from Adeem's fire hose!

"Damn man..." laughed Adeem, finally noticing all the cum clinging to my face as I drained his cock dry! " nearly drowned the bitch!" he joked, as I lifted up to wipe my face clean! "No bitch..." he protested, grabbing my hand to keep me from cleaning off! "...that shit STAYS there..." he ordered, admiring Ray's handwork! "...just don't get any of that shit ON me!" he added, as I milked the last seeds from his cock before leaning in to lick them away (every ounce of his sperm now inside my body)!

After I finished cleaning off Adeem, I moved over to Ray and cleaned his cock as well, drawing out the last droplets of his seed!

"You can GO now, bitch!" said Adeem (finished with me)!

"Wait..." called Ray, as I pulled off his cock and started to stand up! "...bring us 2 beers from the fridge first!" he requested, as I made my way deeper into Adeem's apartment for the first time, entering his kitchen to retrieve 2 beers (ignoring my own parch)!

I could feel their cum dripping down my face and the backs of my thighs as I walked, trying to clinch my aching asshole tighter to keep most of their loads inside me!

"Now get the fuck out!" said Adeem (cruelly), after I handed them their refreshments!

I turned around and grabbed my boxer-briefs off the floor, struggling to get them on! "I said GET OUT!" yelled Adeem, as I quickly scooped up my shit and rushed out the door...getting dressed (quickly) in the hallway! Nothing was more humiliating than getting kicked out of his apartment naked, AFTER he's dumped his loads in me and discarded me like yesterday's trash! I finished dressing as quickly as possible (forgetting about the cum on my face) and started for the main exit! I passed a couple coming in as I was leaving out, holding the door open for them (politely) when I heard the woman say to her boyfriend `what's all that stuff on his face...?'

`OHSHIT!' I thought to myself, reminded of all the cum Ray shot over me orally! I dashed back to my cruiser, started it up, put it in gear, then tore out of there as fast as I could! I couldn't believe I'd just been SHARED by another man...!...I now had 2 different guys sperms inside me...making me a TRUE whore!

While driving home, I pulled up to a stop-light and pulled off my t-shirt to clean my face off! When I got to my house, I avoided my wife and dashed straight off to the bathroom, chucking my clothes and hopping into the shower before she even knew I was home!

"Antonio...? that you...?" she asked, twisting the doorknob, finding it LOCKED! "I didn't know you were coming home! Why's the door locked...?" she asked, knocking!

I ignored her, scrubbing the cum off my face with soap and releasing all the sperm inside me as it all washed down the drain! Reaching behind me, I could FEEL how sore and swollen my anus felt! I was easily able to push 2 fingers inside, feeling more sperm oozing from the entryway, coating my curious fingers!

After the shower I added more ointment to my sore anus (now used to the burning chemicals), then gathered up my soiled clothes and tossed them directly into the washing machine for the next load of clothes.

"Welcome home!" said Susanne, sarcastically...walking into the kitchen to find me standing at the washer naked!

"I'm NOT home yet..." I informed, "...officially!" I added, as I headed to the bedroom to get dressed and pack a few more things into a duffle-bag for a few more days at DeMarco's place!

"What do you MEAN you're not home yet...?" asked Susanne, following me into the bedroom! "You have your OWN family you need to be worrying about!" she reminded me (as if I needed reminding), [she had no idea WHAT I'd been going through to keep my family safe]! "I feel SORRY for DeMarco, I really do...but I need my husband too! I'm NOT a single parent you know!"

"I know, Susanne..." I said (getting terribly annoyed)! "...but he had NOBODY..." I explained, "...he's in that house they shared all alone..." I reminded, "...he NEEDS someone there to made sure he doesn't go off the deep end! He still has a SON we need to worry about! HE would do the same for ME if I'd lost YOU!" I added, stuffing clothes into my bag!

Susanne softened (a little)...

"I know he would..." she said, feeling bad for fighting me on this. "...I just...WE miss you, is all!" she stated, as I turned to her and kissed her on the lips.

"I'll be back in a couple of DAYS..." I assured her, "...AFTER the funeral..." I specified! "...he's REALLY going to need me to get through that!" I predicted, knowing he would lose his lunch when he saw her in her casket!

"Give him my best!" said Susanne, watching as I walked out, getting back into the squad car to head back to Marco's!

This story was written by Eugene Marvin, aka NPhillydogg, AND Antonio Fernandez! It was heavily inspired by real-life events that happened to him personally.

If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions.

You can contact Antonio directly at with any questions you have about his story and depiction.

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Next: Chapter 5

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