
Published on Jan 6, 2014



The first time, Kelly remembered was when they were wrestling on the grass. They grunted, cursed, laughed and grabbed each other without holding back. He felt Grant's hand on his crotch, butt, legs and under his loose grey gym shirt.

They both wore loose shorts and shirts, perfect for both the hot weather and hiding their reactions to their bodies writhing over each other.

Now on his knees with Grant behind him, Kelly felt the boy's hands under his shirt and moving to his chest to grab each nipple. Grant demanded he say Uncle but Kelly refused. The fingers pinched harder and harder, twisted until the pain was hard to endure. But Kelly still refused.

Grant released one of his nipples and moved to his crotch. "I see you like it" he said and moved his hand back under Kelly's shirt to reclaim the released nipple. His legs wrapped around Kelly and they rolled over and over while Kelly's nipples were tortured harder.

"Shit man give up of I'll think you're queer" Grant muttered in his ear.

Kelly finally gave in. The pain in his nipples had already been replaced by shockwaves of pleasure. Grant's muscled legs around him felt good and he knew there was something more he wanted, some new pleasure. But Kelly grunted "UNCLE" and Grant released him.

"Fuck me" Kelly said as a curse. "Not now" Grant said slapping Kelly's butt as they laughed and trudged back to the house.

Kelly tried to recreate the pleasure by himself, torturing both of his own nipples until his erection demanded at least one hand. He pumped while pinching the other. It wasn't the same but induced some degree of new pleasure as his body released streams of pent up sperm each time.

After that, Kelly kept hoping that Grant and he would press their bodies again, grappling around each others' back, thighs, arms extending around their crotches, their hands grabbing buttocks.

It didn't happen at least not the way he wished. Their school wrestling practice sessions were more like the competitions they trained for with one or other winning points or occasionally pinning the other to the matt while a grown up coach yelled at them for everything they did wrong.

"Hey man pool at Carney's you game?" Grant sat next to him in the locker room one Friday.

"Uh don't have a suit" Kelly said trying not to be obvious about his reaction to Grant's body sitting against his. He pulled his discarded singlet on his lap. His shorts were beginning to tent.

"Hey no problem, hell we don't wear shorts in the shower do we?" Grant's hand was on his butt, then the fingers slid under his waist band. It tickled.

"I can go by the house on the way" Kelly countered not even entertaining the idea of swimming naked as he assumed Grant was hinting.

"Cool, come on I'll give you a ride" Grant shoved one finger further down his crack then yanked it out patting Kelly's butt while adding "We'll get to that another time".

The ride home kept Kelly's shorts tented. Fortunately they were hidden behind Grant on the motorcycle. Kelly's arms surrounded him out of fear and perhaps wanting to hug his teammate.

"Hey not so tight" Grant yelled backwards and Kelly apologized though he knew Grant didn't hear him but he felt Kelly loosening his grip.

Fumbling around in his bedroom Kelly found and discarded various swimwear he had collected over the years.

"What about this?" Grant held up Kelly's summer swim team Speedos.

"Uh that might be a bit uh... "Kelly felt his cheeks blush.

"Naw it will look hot, hell you were on the swim team right? Now the wrestling team. A total athlete, yea." Grant tossed the swim team logo emblazoned white shorts to Kelly.

"Uh ok" Kelly feared his boner would show thru the wet cloth.

"You want to take care of that before we go?" Grant's eyes aimed towards Kelly's tented shorts increasing Kelly's blushing cheeks.

"Uh er ah no, it'll go down eventually" Kelly tried to sound off hand. His mind heard Grant's suggestion that he could take care of it himself. They would move close together and their hands would slip into each others pants, fingers grappling, holding and sliding until their clothes would be soaked with so much sperm, they'd have to share a shower naked afterwards. Who knows what might happen then?

"You ready to go?" Grant's voice interrupted Kelly's brief daydream.

"Uh yea" Kelly followed Grant to the motorcycle and once again they sped down the street to the pool party. And once again Kelly's penis didn't stay soft stimulated by the bike vibration, the torso he clutched and the aroma he inhaled like an oxygen starved astronaut.

The pool party was fun, nothing surprising or exciting. Kelly, Grant and other teammates made crude jokes, dove into the water in Coach Cradle's backyard. Wrestling matches in the pool followed by a rough and tumble water polo match found more then one guy's swimsuit yanked down or even off.

Then the sunset heralded time for the barbque. Grant became the chef and Kelly his obedient servent carrying paper plates of beans and hamburgers here and there.

"Nice bone man" one of the teammates said. Kelly smiled and cursed back. He knew there was no erection but the small shorts showed off a bulge that was getting attention. Grant winked at him hearing the discourse. Kelly grabbed his crotch and cursed which got a round of laughter.

"Hey nice move earlier" Grant said as they both donned shorts before their cycle ride to their respective homes.

Kelly watched the bike drive away before unlocking his door. He wished he had asked Grant to sleepover. But boys their age didn't do sleepovers. That was for 12 or horny 13 year olds. He was horny but far older then, a college boy, well community college anyway.

It took hours before he could relax. His mind was full of wet crotches, bare buttocks, muscle flexing arms and chests and Grant. Three experiences later, Kelly lay in the darkness wondering if he needed help. Guys his age shouldn't masturbate like new to puberty kids.


Kelly woke to the unfamiliar voice. It wasn't his father. His Dad had gone on a long sales trip. And he didn't have his brother home either. Mark was somewhere the Army wouldn't say.

Uncle Mark for whom his brother was named, still lived in San Francisco, besides Kelly knew his voice.

"Nice tent" the voice continued

Kelly flicked his eyes open. Grant stood there in his bedroom. He was shirtless and taking his jeans off.

Kelly started to move around to get up.

"Naw stay there. I think it's time" he pushed his underwear down his round thick thighs and buttocks. His cock was moving.

"Wha?" Kelly asked sleepily as Grant moved under the sheets over him.

Kelly didn't know what to say or do. He felt Grant's cock against his belly. The body heat seemed to move like a spirit down onto him.

"It's time we fuck" Grant said.

Kelly looked up at the boy, the totally naked boy, erect, sexy, his arms holding his body in a pushup position over him. He moved his arms to feel the thick torso he had felt on the motorcycle just the evening before.

"Don't you?" Grant lowered his head. The kiss was on Kelly's lips. He didn't kiss back.

"I uh guess" Kelly said

Grant looked confused "Hey man I'm sorry I thought we uh you know..." he started to move.

"No uh you just surprised me" Kelly reached clutched and pulled his body up to where Grant was. His lips puckered and met Grant's.

Grant lowered his body now, the air between them was replaced by flesh pressing flesh. Kelly's lips were moving onto Grant's in a way he had never done before. But it felt natural. Grant didn't stop either. His hands moved down Kelly's naked sides.

"So you sleep naked too" he said. The smile was mesmorizing, inviting and enticing.

Kelly laughed thinking of Grant's naked body sleeping alone in his bed while Kelly slept the same way in his lone bedroom. Did Grant masturbate thinking of him as Kelly did? He wanted to ask.

But their lips were too busy. Grant was kissing his neck, his lips then teeth captured each of Kelly's nipples. Kelly hoped Grant remembered that day his fingers attacked his nipples. The effect of his teeth did the same as Kelly's cock expanded so quickly and hard it hurt with a pain that he couldn't remember having.

"We're gonna fuck all day" Grant promised "that ok with you?"

Kelly moved his legs to wrap around the bare hips he had grabbed in singlet wearing wrestling matches before.

Grant moved upwards lifting Kelly. "This is gonna hurt some" he warned or in Kelly's mind it was a promise.

And it was. The thick cock pushed his ass-lips apart, stretched his sphinter and filled his insides with it's girth.

"And you're gonna fuck me too" Grant said "but me first"

His hip movements were hard, fast, driving his cock like a farmboy sledge hammers a fencepost into the hard earth.

There were grunts, curses and unusual comments as their bodies rolled, fell and repositioned. Grant's cock didn't pull out of him. And Kelly didn't want it to. It felt natural inside him. The arms that moved, held and stroked him were rewards for Kelly's willingness. The legs that moved over his and around him in twisted positions added to their growing in uncontrollable lust.

There were no limits to the noise their bodies made. Furniture propped and positioned them. Sweat, odor, sperm and saliva enhanced their need to be and do what their bodies wanted.

Nobody was watching, nobody judged, no coaches, no teammates, no parents, no Preachers and no humans were there invading their pent up desires, fantasies and actions.

Kelly's body was coated with Grant's sperm inside and outside. Grant's face glistened with Kelly's cum, his butt quivered when Kelly entered him. His begging for "harder, faster" told Kelly his sex partner was as starving for the previously unknown sensations.

"Shit you are one hot fuck" Grant panted laying crossways on Kelly's bed. His pectoral mounds rose and fell with each deep breath. His flat stomach sought more air rising to meet Kelly's kisses.

He kissed each muscle definition, each inch of thigh, the knee caps and leg, sucked each toe, licked the feet and lifted the heavy legs over his shoulder as his tongue stabbed into the upturned butthole sending shivers through Grant's body.

"Fuck man that's..." Grant didn't finish his sentence rather gasping as Kelly's mouth surrounded his nutsac.

The cock filled Kelly's mouth. He tightened his lips around it and moved adding a real suction inside. He wanted every ounce of Grant's body fluids down his throat no matter what it was.

Grant begged and groaned. His body's muscles tightened and Kelly knew he was now in control continuing until Grant cursed so loud, Kelly feared the neighbors would hear. But he was busy swallowing the sperm that somehow Grant's body was generating, a fourth time during their sexual marathon.

They were still naked in the kitchen cooking pizza. The beer was cold as each poured it down the other's throat. Kelly guzzled as he had Grant's cock earlier. And Grant laughed as his gut coated by Kelly's sperm felt the cool liquid being added.

"We're two sick bastards" Grant said pressing his we lips to Kelly's while their bodies pressed together surprising each with their growing penis.

"Shit are you ready again?" Grant said moving Kelly to the kitchen table. He lifted the legs he had lifted before. He stabbed his growing cock into the still open welcoming hole he had stretched open before.

Kelly laughed thinking of his Father and Mother in the kitchen watching their only child naked being fucked by another guy.

But instead he closed his eyes and saw Grant in the locker room naked. He saw the other teammates too holding their cocks watching them. He knew their sperm would soon spurt all over him their bladders would wash it all way. He watched Grant jacking his cock now and he opened his mouth.

It was strange to feel the thickness inside him and aimed at him at the same time.

"Hey you ok?" Grant asked. The lockers slammed shut around them. "Good practice today, you were on fire"

"Uh thanks" Kelly said

"So what about the pool party? You can ride with me on the bike" Grant offered.

"Maybe, but I have another idea, can you give me a ride home?" Kelly said.

"Won't your mom freak seeing you on the bike again. She did last time."

"Naw she's not home, Dads away, Marks in the Army. We'll have the house to ourselves" Kelly said as he stood pulling his shorts over his half hard cock.

Grant's eyes dashed down at the tented cloth.

"Good maybe we can uh be late for the party" Grant smiled as he moved his hand to his own crotch and cupped it.

"Or not go" Kelly said.

The air flowed over their heated horny bodies as the bike sped them to a destination they both had thought about, hinted at and desired.

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