Desperate Measures

By NCfan

Published on Mar 15, 2001


Author's note: Well, I've been convinced to continue this story so here goes! Kudos to all the Nick writers out there!!!! You are all awesome.

Disclaimer: This is completely fiction. I do not know the orientation of the Backstreet Boys. Also, this story contains content of an adult nature so all under 18 are advised not to continue reading.

My mind was glued to the cell phone. Ever since Michael sent me the death threat, my body slid into a catatonic state. I thought I saw Brian running around as if his feet were on fire. But other than that, I couldn't appreciate any movement in the house. All was insanely lifeless.

'If Michael couldn't have Nick, no one could.' His words rang into my mind thousands of times. How could anyone be so selfish? Why did he have to take Nick from me? And did Nick belong to him? No!!!!! Nick was mine. He professed his love to me. His heart was mine and mine alone to own.

I felt streams of tears gliding mercilessly down my face. I had never cried like this before. What was it about Nick that made the emotions start to pour once again from my deadened body? What was it about his laugh, about his voice that made me yearn for it more than ever now? How could I miss his absence so dearly? Just a day ago, wasn't I begging to avoid him?

Suddenly, my mind lapsed once again. I forgot what I was thinking about. Brian was still running around like a yelping hyena, but that was all I could focus on. I would have continued so if it were not for the sound of my cell phone ringing. Brian and I jumped sky high as we were suddenly hit by surprise. Who . . . who would be calling me at this hour? My eyes darted to the clock.

Brian and I simply stared at the cell phone, neither willing to answer. Finally, Brian stared through me, willing me to pick up the phone. I reached out and pressed the 'talk' button. I stiffened at the voice.

"Kevin?" It was weak, labored, uncertain, and most of all fatigued. But there was no denying who it belonged to.

"Nick? Don't you dare hang up on me, okay?" It was a stupid thing to say, I know, but could you blame me?

"Kevin? Michael . . . he's . . . " Nick couldn't continue. I started to panic. What the hell was going on?

"Hang on Nick. Tell me where you are!" I screamed emphatically. Brian was holding me down, keeping me from crushing the cell phone out of excitement.

Just my luck when the cell phone began to run out of batteries. But it wasn't Nick's end that ran out. It was mine!!!! I could punch myself a thousand times for this error. All I heard before the cell phone flickered and then went dead was the words "raped . . . tree . . . " I was left to deal with the silence. I cursed myself until I couldn't find any other dirty words to cry out.

But I heard the word 'raped' loud and clear. My heart began to tie itself in knots as I imagined Michael's disgusting hands roaming Nick's body. I wanted to barf, but I hadn't anything in my stomach to proceed with it.

"Well?" Brian's worried voice boomed from behind me. I jumped a few feet from surprise. I turned around to show him the fear in my eyes. He saw right through me. "Nick . . . " Brian began. But deep down, as if from instinct, he knew the story without me having to tell him.

I looked helplessly at Brian before we both instantaneously made our decision. We were flying back to New York. No doubts. No fears. We were going to find and reclaim what is rightfully ours. Nick was ours, not Michael's, to keep.

The plane trip was faster than I had expected. Within hours, we were back in New York, just the two of us with no gun in hand and no plan in mind. Of course, Brian and I talked about how we were going to deal with Michael once we found him, but the stupid thing was, we didn't really discuss about how we were going to find him in the first place.

Then, it struck me. Nick had said something about a tree. He had to be talking about that treehouse. I remember now. Michael and I used to have these intense makeout sessions in his Uncle's treehouse. It had to be or I would be damned. I was betting Nick's life on that. I quickly told Brian my sudden enlightenment. I guess that he too was desperate for a plan so he reluctantly agreed to start searching that place. Without another fuss or word from either of us, we rented a Honda Civic and headed off towards the treehouse.

For Nick's sake, I certainly hope that my speculation was right.

It took only thirty minutes to reach Michael's Uncle's house from the airport. Of all the things I have forgotten about Michael, I did not forget the directions to the mansion that his Uncle claimed as his own. The mansion was luxuriously furnished, with a driveway that would make some of the richer people envious.

Shards of my memory started piecing themselves together as I slowly started to remember the embarrassingly intimate moments I had with that oaf Michael. Each image that came to mind became more painful than the last. Michael was the biggest mistake of my life.

Perhaps me and Brian were being a tad obvious, but Brian simply drove down the driveway to the entrance of the mansion. Again, no plan in mind, no route of escape. At that moment, I thought that we were both the essence of stupidity. But I didn't say that to Brian, as I was sensing that his love for Nick was clouding his better judgment.

We quickly and conspicuously stepped out of the Honda Civic and ran up to the gigantic doors that allowed us entrance into the mansion. Instead of knocking through the doors, me and Brian decided to climb through one of the windows. I guess we figured that leaving the Honda right in front of the entrance was conspicuous enough so we had better be a little more subtle.

Surprisingly, we haven't seen one soul since we set foot on this mansion, not one life form. I actually started doubting my hypothesis. That was when I heard it. From the way Brian froze, I guessed that he heard it too. It sounded like someone being thrown onto the floor. Then rushed footsteps and a lot of struggling. My eyes roamed all the way to Brian's and the two of us stood there, eyes narrow in anticipation.

As quietly as our agile bodies allowed us, we followed the sound of the other people in this house. It wasn't long before we stood before the door to a room. We heard the noise as clear as if there were no door between us and the two struggling people. I stared at Brian, who simply gazed back with worry. As if on cue, we both placed our ears to the door. Yeah, I admit that we were not the most adept at spying on people, but everything about this place so far was worrisome.

When the noise stopped, Brian and I ferociously opened the door and jumped inside. You could imagine our faces when we saw Nick restrained and chained to a bed with simply a pair of thin pants on and nothing else, his eyes shallow and lost. The sweat dripped from his face as he kept on staring at me with widened eyes. I continued towards him though, not even realizing that Brian was no longer behind me.

"Brian? Get me a . . . " Too late. I felt a strong hand pull a cloth over me and as the volatile went straight to my head, I saw black.

I awoken to a harsh voice that I recognized as Michael's. "That was an intrepid rescue, Kev. Too bad that you weren't able to rescue your beau."

My eyes took there time getting used to the darkness. Before I even opened my eyes, my lips had a mind of their own and I said, "You're a bastard."

I felt a harsh slap on my face, immediately bringing me to reality. My eyes widened as I stared straight into Michael's face, now contorted into something rather menacing.

"Your face was always meant to be slapped," Michael continued his verbal abuse.

I snorted. "Your face to be stepped on."

Slap!!!!! I don't think I could keep silent, not even after his threatening slaps. After my eyes recovered from the slap, I suddenly noticed that we were in the same bedroom that I found Nick. I craned my neck to see above Michael's shoulders and could spot an unconscious form on the bed that seemed to be Nick's. I definitely saw the blond locks of hair on the pillow.

I wanted to lunge at Michael but soon realized that my hands were securely fastened to the wall.

Michael grabbed my face with his hands and shoved my head back to the wall. "F--- you. Listen, dick, I wanted to do this the easy way, but since we've found each other again, I will give you one chance to reclaim Nick as yours."

He smiled, showing me his row of pearly whites.

I said nothing as my head was still spinning, so Michael continued. "Nick's a smart one. He managed to get the cell phone and lead you to me, but in the end, you guys failed miserably. You couldn't save him at all. You simply just ran right into the trap. My original intention was to just use him as a pleasure toy, but now, I think I'll modify my master plan a little to incorporate you two."

"You said you loved Nick!" I countered. "Then why are you doing this?" I needed a reason . . . why we're here . . . why we're going to die.

"I never changed my love for him. I love his soul. I love his voice. But most of all, I love his body . . . which by the way, belongs to me." Michael's language was crude but frighteningly true as I sneaked another glance at Nick's shackled body. He was still unconscious.

"What is it you want to prove?" I asked weakly.

Michael smiled. "That Nick is mine, not yours." Slowly, he backed away from me and towards Nick's bed. I began to feel my stomach twist into knots. He then sat on the bed. By then, I saw Nick's head roll to the side where Michael sat on the mattress. He was still unconscious. Michael then slowly grabbed the blanket that covered Nick's body and in one sweeping motion, pulled it back showing off Nick's flesh. He looked at me and smirked, laying one hand on Nick's abdomen. I felt my chest tightening. His fingers first moved upwards slowly until they rested on Nick's neck.

Inch by inch, he lowered his face until it rested against Nick's neck. Then he teasingly nibbled all the while sneaking a sideways glance at me. He was suddenly consumed in the act because after that initial glance, he ignored me and began being more forceful with Nick. I wanted to close my eyes, but the fascination held me back as I forced myself to witness every last freaking thing he was going to do to Nick. To my utmost horror, Michael's lips found their way up towards Nick's. Slowly, but tentatively, he began his erotic attack. His fingers were tracing Nick's sides while his mouth only focused on kissing Nick. I wanted to puke so bad. I was about to pass out from queasiness when I totally didn't expect the next thing to happen.

Michael suddenly jumped off the bed screaming in pain. I glanced at his face to see blood on his lips. His hands shook while they wiped off the streaks of blood. Fearfully, I looked at Nick's unconscious body only to see his lips also full of blood.

I became frantic. That was when I noticed that Brian, who was shackled quite a few feet from me, started to wake up. I once again focused on Nick. That was when Michael's face twisted into anger as he stomped towards the bed and lifted his hand. Then with one cruel motion, he slapped Nick hard in the face.

That was when I realized what had happened. Nick had bitten Michael hard! I started to dread the consequences of those actions. True enough, Michael hit Nick a few more times before grabbing Nick's head with his strong arms. This time, his lips dug right into Nick's neck. He suddenly lost his gentleness and his actions became rough. His hands were harsh and untamed as aggressively forced himself on Nick.

I stared helplessly as Michael's motions became wildly lewd and unremorseful. He shed his own pants and quickly wasted no time in getting aroused. Then . . . the thing I dreaded most happened. With one sharp pierce, he entered Nick, forcing Nick to scream weakly in pain. I saw the blood dripping onto the bedsheets as Michael moved to a furious rhythm inside of Nick.

All the time he was raping Nick, he grabbed Nick's head roughly. Nick's breathing became extremely labored. I heard some of Nick's muffled cries and my heart ached bitterly. "Let him go!" I yelled over and over, but my cries were directed towards deaf ears. Michael increased his pace even more.

Nick moaned from pain, but I could also tell the sadness in his voice. The tears slipped across his bloody cheeks. And within seconds, Michael orgasmed inside of Nick. He stopped his thrusting and fell tiredly on top of Nick. I could see the sweat on his forehead and my anger multiplied. I was too furious to make a noise. I stared at Nick and then at Michael.

Slowly, Michael's lips pursed into a smile as his eyes opened to acknowledge my presence once again. With one taunting grin, he put his hand on top of Nick's groins and began to rub the area, never once avoiding eye contact with me. "Quite a nice set of tools he has."

I slowed my breathing down. Murder was on the tip of my fingers. Michael laughed as he got off of Nick and walked my way. About a feet from me, he stopped, his naked body flaunted in front of me. "So did you like the little porn show, Kev?" Michael asked cruelly.

My lips couldn't budge.

Michael smirked. "Want another one?" he asked.

I kept silent, not trusting myself to say anything.

"I'll take that as a yes," Michael snorted.

Before I could reply, he walked over to Brian's limp body. He roughly grabbed Brian's face. "Kevin wants another show." Michael's voice was so full of hatred.

Brian tried to grab Michael's neck, but the chains were to restraining. "You damn bastard! What are you trying to do to Nick? He didn't hurt you. He's innocent. And you went ahead to hurt him like that!!!!" Brian's scream was frightening. I have never heard him scream with that much hatred ever.

Michael punched Brian in the jaw. "Shut up!" His actions were rough. He then walked over to a drawer and pulled out something. I gawked. It was a gun. He smiled and walked back to where we stood. Then, he pointed the gun at Nick's head. The color completely drained from Brian's face.

Michael smiled. "Maybe I should let Brian do the honors, huh Kev?" At first I didn't know what the heck he was talking about. Then it hit me. I shook my head. Brian probably didn't even know what Michael just implicated.

Michael smiled again. "Yeah, I think I should let Brian in on the pleasure." Michael then pulled his gun towards my head with one hand while freeing Brian from his shackles with the other. He looked at Brian. "Give us a good show or Kevin's brains get blown away!"

Brian gulped as he inched his way towards Nick. Once at the bed, he sat down and wiped the blood from Nick's face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, exasperated. This man was crazy. Michael only replied by punching me in the face. He turned back to look at Brian expectantly.

Brian turned to look at Nick, and I could see that he was frightened. His eyes just bulged as he suddenly started screaming at the top of his lungs. "Oh geez, Nick? Nick? What's going on?" Brian looked at Michael, the dread radiating through his face. "He's . . . he's not breathing!"

Before anyone knew what happened, Michael ran over to Nick. That was when I realized Brian's brilliance. With one firm kick, Brian knocked the gun out of Michael's hand. Then all seemed to happen in slow motion as the gun hit the ground, the impact so strong that the gun went off. I heard the sound of the shot being fired. I saw the smoke escape from the gun . . . but I didn't see where the bullet went.

My attention was brought back to reality when there was a clank on the floor. I looked to where I heard the noise and saw a pair of keys. Brian had grabbed them from Michael and flung them towards me. With all my effort, I stretched my lankly legs, trying to pull the keys towards me. After about a few minutes, I managed to get the keys in my hands. Don't ask me how because I never figured it out. I guess desperate times lead to moments of spontaneous brilliance.

Brian was losing his fight against Michael. I realized that when Michael threw three punches at Brian sending Brian reeling to the floor. By then, I had unshackled myself and jumped on the oaf. I was much stronger than Brian. Somehow, though, Michael was putting up a strong fight. The next thing I knew, Brian was throwing himself into the fight. And despite a two to one odds, we were still struggling desperately. When did Michael learn all those fancy defense moves?

We fought until I couldn't tell how many more blows I had received. Brian's face looked pretty sh--ty to me, but like oozed out every last ounce of energy in us. Finally, when Brian looked like he was about to pass out from blood loss, I landed the definitive blow on Michael, sending him into another world as his unconscious body dropped to the floor.

Had I any energy, I would have smiled at Brian, but I didn't so I simply frowned at him. I felt the trickle of blood on my forehead, but ignored it. I looked to where Nick's body lay on the bed, his eyes closed. His chest was rising and falling pretty fast and I sighed in relief. He was still alive!!!!! I looked at Brian who looked at me and we managed to laugh for a second. Then the two of us pulled ourselves up and headed for the bed.

I dropped onto the bed next to Nick who had opened his eyes and looked at me. Come to think of it, he looked rather pale, and he was sweating a little. "Hey!" I said suavely as I stroked his hair. I was about to tell Brian to hand me the keys to Nick's shackles when I suddenly noticed something--a tiny hole in the side of Nick's belly. My face drained all of its peach hue and my fingers trembled as the realization struck me.

My eyes darted once again to Nick's face, which was pouring with sweat. That was when I noticed that his breathing was rather fast and even more labored than before. His pretty blue eyes were now closed. My lips quivered as I screamed to Brian. "GET THE DAMN KEYS NOW!!!!!!!!"

I know I was kind of slow in getting this installment out. Writer's block.

Well, comments?

Otherwise, I thank you guys for making it this far into the story.

Next: Chapter 9

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