
By M

Published on Nov 23, 2004


Destiny Pt. 10 now

Fear. Its such a motivator. I trembled as my mind reminded me over and over how very screwed I was. I didn't have long to dwell on it. "Slaaaaaaavvvvvvvveeeeeeeee, you lost it already? Oh my, maybe I should just dip my finger in some lube and start on you now. You know, get you at least a little ready for me. Would you like that? OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", she exclaimed as she locked her eyes in mine. Her almond eyes, with the raven hair framing them, were as intense as snake eyes. With me locked in on her radar, she smirked and then slipped her tongue out of that vaccume I couldn't wait to be sucked into again. Her eyes dilated and spoke silently, yet fully. "Your Mine".....

Something happened then. She changed. She had been nice to me really, ever since releasing me that is, from the cuffs. But the Bitch Was Back!!!!! She grasped my hair and led me briskly off my knees and out the hall, into the dining room towards her sturdy mahogany table. She bent me over it rather unceremoniously, and still holding me tightly by my hair, she kicked my legs apart. I was pinned and at her mercy as she slithered in behind me. She used her leather legs to touch me first. I felt them on my legs. Then a leather finger pulled my purple underwear out of the crack of my ass that she had bunched up to get at my ass better for punishing. She pressed her breasts into me and when I jumped back from the cold leather, she speared me. Just the tip, already greased, was half into me. I cried out, but her other hand immediately clamped over my mouth. "Shhhhhhhhhhh slut, what would the neighbors say"? She laughed sadistically, and ground her cock at my exposed ass, but still not all the way in. I was only half penetrated by her mushroomed head. I gasped as she molded herself to me so that I felt her leather everywhere, and she thrusted. My ass still would not relent my virginity to her. Apparently her lube was handy to her because suddenly she pulled back and I heard it being squeezed out of its tube and into her malevolent fingers. I heard them rubbing it around themselves, and then she slipped it between my cheeks and encircled my ass. Slowly, methodically, coating me and preparing me, for my deflowering. I shook my head no, and wimpered, but my ass was being teased by skillful fingers, and my cock had hardened as my ass was slicked up and then penetrated. Her finger eased in just a bit, and she moved it around and then pushed all the way in, enjoying my moans of compliance. I felt my ass spasm on her finger and my cock jump and bump the table I was bent over. Her palm was suddenly on my balls as she just abruptly pulled her finger out. I gasped again. She reached up further and stroked my cock with her well greased hand. The leather felt sooooo exquisite touching me there. I thrusted into her grip just as she lined up with me again, and this time, with all the prep on her part, I was helpless and couldn't stop it as she guided herself and then took me. Just as I was going to scream out in pure agony, she turned it into extreme ecstacy for me by biting me right as her cock took me. Clamping onto my neck and sucking it tightly into her mouth, she turned my screams into moans that were again suppressed by her gloved hand covering me. I couldn't believe how full I felt when her leather touched me on the ass, letting me know she had fully taken me. I wanted her out soooooo badly, but her insistent mouth on my neck made me forget about the pain, and before I knew it, I was molded once again by her, and she was slowly thrusting herself into me gently enough, that I started to respond to the expert fucking of me. She pulled out and now I knew a new pain. My body went into shock as she just drew out and stepped back from me. "I'm impressed slave. Your clean. Stand up, turn around and lay back across the table. Raise your legs and spread them wide and position yourself for my optimizing best entrance to MY Assssssss", she said with wicked venom in her voice. I scrambled to comply. At least the table wouldn't be ground into my cock while she took me. Yesssssssssssss!!!!!!!! Something good was happening.....My face was suddenly slapped loudly, "Where were you at slave, and you better not lie to me". "I ahhhhhhh, I was thinking, I was glad, I was"......."Quit stuttering and out with it whore"!!!!! "I was thinking I was glad you weren't going to be crushing my cock against the table as you took me Mistress". "I love honesty slave. I'm going to be much more gentle then I was going to be. You want me to have your virgin ass don't you slave"? Trepidation had again had time to manifest itself in my mind with the change in positions, and now I was thinking how I might get out of this.

Then those eyes once again took my eyes into captivity. As they trapped me in a seduction all their own, her finger which she had once again greased slid into me and I jumped up off the table, giving her full access to me. She buried it and enjoyed the pain/pleasure scrambled across my face. I closed my eyes and bit my lip. Slap!!! My eyes sprung open and she tilted her head slightly and gave me a hard stare. "You won't close your eyes again. You will look me in the eye as I take you. You will let me enjoy your pain, you will take my pleasure, and then I will relieve you if you have served me well enough. That means you can't even blink". Her finger roughly jammed into me again to emphasize her point as I meekly obeyed with shaky eyes. She enjoyed playing with me both with her finger and her eyes as she showed me many emotions in a brief time. Anger, boldness, seduction, and ownership which for the first time when I saw that, opened my ass up to her completely and she noticed it. "OOOOOOoooooooohhhhh, you like my finger don't you. You want to take two don't you? Yessssssssss, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you do". The second finger speared me and soon she had me humping back onto both of them as her eyes talked to me constantly, and slipped into ownership mode again. I sighed and started really trying to meet her thrusting fingers. "I'm your slut, Say It", she demanded. "I'm your slut", I wheezed out as I continued to try and ride her fingers.

Then she stepped up and pulled the fingers out and rubbed my ass with her hard cock. "Its time baby", she cooed. I was sooooo enraptured with how lovely she was, I didn't care at all anymore. It was true. I was her whore. I was her painslut. I was anything she wanted to mold me into. I wanted her to have my ass too. When she touched my ass, instead of backing away I held fast, and even slid slightly closer, and was rewarded with a smile from her eyes. She teased at me and then pushed in. I was in horrendous pain as she persistently pushed until the head slipped all the way in, her eyes holding me prisoner and giving me a wicked lear. She made her cock pulse in me, and I jumped. She leered and did it again. It became a game for her and she had me at her mercy as she kept making her cock pulse. Slowly she also started to push in deeper. I hardly noticed until she was about halfway in, and then my body started to scream out enough. She saw the pain in my eyes, and dared me with hers, to not give myself up to her. I fought thru the pain and started to move against her. She took that for an invitation to drill deeper and proceeded. Another inch or two, and I was trembling and unsure about this. Then she pinched my nipples in leather fingers from both hands and thrusted all the way in and dared me to scream. I bit my lip harder and I'm sure I drew blood. I felt her leather thighs touching me again, and knew she had taken all of me, and her self assured smirk, told me so too. She stayed like this until I worked through a ton of pain. Finally, my ass relaxed completely and she felt that happen too. She bit her own lip and began thrusting really slowly. Just kind of rocking her hips in a slow circular fucking of me. It wasn't long before I started to match her thrusts. I felt more excited then I had ever felt before, ever. My cock was harder then I had ever felt it feel. It hurt, it was soooooo hard. I had read how it feels this way, but never believed it could be true, but it was. Ohhhhhhhhhh How It Was!!!!!! My joy and complete submission must have flashed across my face because I was gripped by her hands on my hips and drawn towards her more forcefully. She cupped my ass and drove herself into me. I watched as her passion escalated to another level in her eyes. I knew now as she pounded into me, she no longer cared or worried about me. It was now, all about her pleasure, and she was defintely taking it. Her eyes had turned to a smokey glaze, with an underlying serpent still aware if I tried to peel my own away from them. She needn't worry about that. I was hypnotized completely. I tried to meet her passion, but she was not interested in my thrusts, just her own. She rode me hard and fast and my ass would occasionally spasm around her, giving her an added erotic feeling. Then her hips became rapid fire and her eyes became totally serpent like. Possessive, they made their claim as I felt the first eruption of her orgasm. Its molten explosion jetted deeply into me, and was followed by another and another and another and as she finished herself I almost transfixed into closing my eyes as I rode her trying to give her all of me. I realized my eyes were starting to slip and instantly sprung them open wide. She smirked as she continued to ride me. Her tongue came out and slithered over her lips. She started making big thrusts, taking her cock almost fully out and then plunging back in and I could still feel her cumming. Then her leather hand snaked out, and gripped me. I was embarrassed as my cock spewed immediately upon the first touch of her gloved hand. That first shot came straight up at me and landed right on my cheek and she pounded harder as she slowly worked her gloved hand up and down my cock as it just kept spilling all over me and her hand. My eyes were back under ownership stare as she milked me dry. I cried real tears upon her complete claiming of me. She knew she had me then. If ever there was doubt. It was gone. No denying, I had just, submitted to my destiny. She rubbed her fingers in my cum and brought it to my lips as her hips still continued to thrust at me and I could feel she was still rock hard and riding me a second turn. "I'm insatiable slave. I can go all night. I need you to clean my fingers of your cum while I give you another blast of my own". She fed me my cum with twirling fingers that deliberately smeared it on my face instead of working it all into my mouth. "I think I'll rub my cock in your cum and let you take care of cleaning it up that way slave", she stated as she once again slammed into me to gain another orgasm. I licked at her gloved hand feverishly as she teased me with it. I was concerned about having to clean my cum off her well used cock, but knew I would. Those eyes told me I would.

The end

For now......

Next: Chapter 11

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