
By M

Published on Nov 18, 2004


As I laid awaiting my new Mistress to return with her drink, I started to reflect on all that had happened in the course of one evening. Glancing at her clock radio, I saw it was only 9:30 P.M.....I wondered how much more punishment I would have to endure for her. I didn't really care. I was already entranced and broken by her I knew. My ass was extremely sore, my body ached from the different positions she had put me in, and the caked on wax had dried and was now pulling at my skin a little uncomfortably. I knew better then to try and remove it though. Suddenly I felt her presence, and knew I was in trouble because I had rubbed my head on the bed to work down the blindfold so I could see what time it was and thought I could get it back up before she re-entered the room. I was wrong!!!! "Slave, how did you get your blindfold down, and don't you dare look at me, or I will punish you sooooo severely, you will be more then just a bit sorry". "I, worked it down by rubbing my face on your bed Mistress. I just wanted to see what time it was". "The time is of no concern to you. You will not be going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, tomorrow you will be calling in sick for work, because trust me, you will be exhausted and in no shape to work". She moved up from behind me and put my blindfold back down. I was dying to look at her, but knew if I stole a glance at her, she would truly punish me much more sadistically, then she had already.

I was kept in silence for a long period of time, and I knew she was contemplating her next punishment upon me. She could move around catlike in the room and I was never sure where she was at. Suddenly, I heard a noise that was very disconcerting to me. I didn't know what it was, but it was swishing the air very near my head and was making a wicked sound. I couldn't imagine what was making the noise, but I knew it wasn't going to be good, whatever it was. Mistress noticed me cower some, and laughed at me. "Whats the matter slave, are we a bit scared of what might be ahead? You should be. I was going to have a little pity upon you, but since your a sneaky slave who thought he was going to get to look at me before I was ready to show you what I looked like, you must pay". Suddenly, I was grabbed and half thrown to the floor. "Kiss my boots slave, starting with the toe. Since you can't see them, you will have to find them. When you do, I want every square inch of them kissed from the front". I must have looked like the pig I was rooting around on the floor trying to find her booted foot. Finally, I bumped into her toe with my head and immediately started to kiss very carefully all over her booted foot. "I want you to work your way up them, and stop when you find the top of the boot and then find the other foot and do the same with that one". I slowly and methodically worked my way up, being extremely careful to touch every square inch. I didn't let my lips move more then a centimeter away from her boot as I made my way up them. It didn't take me too long to figure out she must have thigh high boots on. Finally I painstakingly made my way to the top and felt the material end against her leather thigh. I bowed back down to find the other foot and I think she was moving it around on me cause I kept missing it. Finally, I made contact with it, and began once again to kiss my way up. Unfortunately for me, because my back was hurting a bit, and my shoulders too from my hands being cuffed behind me, I got a little more careless as I made my way up, and pulled my mouth further and further away as I went up her leg. I got to the top and as soon as I had kissed what I knew was the top, I was picked up by my cuffed hands and thrown once again upon her bed, bouncing again on it. I heard the swish near my head again and quivered in fear....

"Such a shame your not attentitive enough to detail slave. Its going to cost you painfully. You have such a gross amount of punishment ahead, why, I'm not sure if you will survive it". Chuckling a bit hysterically she smacked the bed right next to my body with whatever it was she had in her hand. "There are a couple things I like to use, that are much more harmful then anything I have used upon you yet. One is my bullwhip, which sad to say, is much too long to be used appropriately in this small enclosed room, but the other is my cane, which is what I now am holding in my hot little hands. Are you ready to taste the damage a cane can do slave? Ahhhhh, it doesn't matter what you want, its about what I want, isn't that right slave"? "Yes Mistress", I said shakily. "OK, lets see, the way I have it figured, you missed about 12 inches of my second boot with your careless kisses of it. Two strikes for every inch seems fair doesn't it? Then there is the whole working your blindfold off. Thats worth another ohhhhh, shall we say 12 for that. Then you caressed your cock, even after I told you not too, which is good for another 20. Are you doing the math slave, and if so, where are we at"? I was soooo scared as she laid out what was ahead I had lost count. Oh nooooooo. "Ahhhhhh, about 40 Mistress". WHACK!!!!! Excrutiating pain ripped thru my ass from just one strike. "Nooooo slave, its 56, and I ought to add on the 40 for being wrong, what do you think"? "OOOOOOhhhhhh, Noooooo, please Mistress no, I don't think I could handle it", I whimpered. "MMMMMMMM, yes I suppose being your first time being punished you would fail to be able to take THAT MUCH punishment. Soooo, lets do half today, and half tomorrow. How's that sound? Ohhhh, and since only 4 more would make it a perfect 100, lets just add those on for good measure? Yes, I think so. Now then, how many would you like of these tonight? I shall let you decide. Don't be too foolish though and pick a small number, because tomorrow its gonna hurt worse then today, you should keep in mind". She caressed my ass with her gloved hand and I instantly jumped from the contact. "Whats the matter slave, don't you like my leather hand caressing you"? "Yes Mistress, I thought it was going to be something else". WHACK!!!! I screamed out as the cane came down upon me. I was squirming quite a bit now, in fear and discomfort. "Slave, you will count each and every stroke, and for your own well being, I would suggest not losing count, because if you do, I will be forced to start over. Now then, how many are we going to do tonight? Please, pick a number and lets begin, cause I can't wait to make your bright red ass, bleed for me", she hissed near to my ear. I was sooooo scared I didn't know what to say. Maybe I should just get it over with, and take all 100. As my mind thought about the two I had already received, I had to second guess that thought. Ahhhhh, 50 maybe? Nooooo, I wouldn't be able to take another 50 tomorrow. At the very least I better take 75 now. "SLAVE"!!!!!! "Sorry Mistress, I was trying to decide what would be best for me to do, ahhhhhhhh, 75 I think Mistress". "MMMMMMMM, 75 huh? Obviously you have never been caned before. Your such a silly slave. As sadistic as I am, and as much as it would please me to see you take such a grand punishment, your being a newbie and all, there is no way in heck you are gonna be able to take 75, unless I spared the cane, which I will not do. Sooooo, here is the deal, before the night is over, I'm going to own you slave. Along with being owned by me, you do have a few minimal rights. One is, a safeword. That is"..."I know what that is Mistress". "You did not just interrupt me did you slave"? "oooooooooohhhhhhhhh please Mistress, I beg you to have some mercy upon me". Silence once again filled the air.....

I know I was literally shaking and quivering and almost whimpering aloud, when the destruction of my ass began. WHACK "three"...."Three? Where in the world did you come up with a beginning number of three? Where in the world did you go to school? OOOOhhhhh, I see, your counting the two I did just to show you what was ahead. No silly slave, those were introductive strikes, just to let you know how it was going to feel. I won't add any punishment upon you for that, because in essense, I guess you in your small mind thought thats where we were". WHACK "two" WHACK "three" WHACK "four" Whack "five".....Tears sprang from my eyes and the pain was far more agonizing then I could have possibly imagined. "We forgot to give you that safeword slave. What shall it be? How about you pick it slave. Make it something appropriate though". "Mercy Mistress"? "MMMMMMM, YES, I rather like that, and so it shall be, Mercy Mistress". WHACK "six" WHACK "seven" The first seven hadn't been done very hard. My tender ass just thought so. When number eight came down, I found out she had been sparing me the rod, so to speak. WHACK!!! "eight, ohhhhhh" "What is eight ohhhhh slave? Is that a new number you just made up"? "Nooooo Mistress, its a painfilled eight". "Ahhhhh yes, I could see where you might say it in that manner. You should see your ass slave. Its already sprung some blood for me. Not seriously mind you, although that last one did seem to be a bit better of a mark". I was no longer squirming. I was beaten into complete submission as blood, sweat, and tears dripped from me. I no longer could move. I was as helpless as I had ever been in my whole life, and had resigned myself to just getting this over. I didn't know what subspace was, but if I did know the term, I would know I was quickly reaching such a level. Even though my body ached beyound anything I had ever imagined, my mind had scampered into the deep recess of my brain. WHACK!!! "nine" WHACK!!!!! "Awwwwwwoooooooowwwww ten, Mercy Mistress". "Awwwww, sooooo soon slave? Why you have only made it through 1/10th of your punishment. I suppose you have done well all in all though, being a newbie. I shall never disregard your safeword slave. Soooo, we shall stop at ten. How will you ever take ninety tomorrow", she laughed uncontrollably. I laid in exhaustion, truly beaten down beyond anything my mind could have comprehended or dreamed of before now.

Next: Chapter 7

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