
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 15, 2000


Disclaimer: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor do I know about their sexual orientations. This is purely a work of fiction, its just stuff that came to my imagination.

If homosexual themes and acts offend you, male or female then don't read! If you are younger than 18 and shouldnt be reading this, don't!

All songs written by me unless otherwise noted. Please don't steal any of my songs or poems. If you want to use them for anything just ask and I'll probably be nice enough and let you.

Thanks and enjoy. ~ Elisheva

Feedback and all that----->


Chapter 3

" You've got mail."

" Shit! Well I'll have to get it later, Scott should be here any moment."

" Jas?"

" Ya?"

" Scott's running late, check your damn mail before you have a heart attack."

" Shut up Ape!"

Jas pressed the mail box icon and sure enough there was one letter in her box.

` 12/28/1999 A letter for JD Bass.'

" That's strange. I don't know this address. Oh well." Jas thought out loud.

" Talking to yourself again Jas?"

" Scott!"

" Hey Sis, what's up?"

" Nothing, but this email."

" Well read it then come down to dinner k?"

" Ya, k!"

Jas clicked into the letter and started to read. She couldn't help the tears that ran down her face. He shut her door and turned up the stereo so April would not hear her.

` Dear JD, I don't know what to say. There is so much to be said but I don't know who to do it. I don't even know if you know who I am anymore. So let me introduce myself. My name is James Lance Bass, I'm

in the group NSYNC, and I'm your brother. If you know about your life as my sister please respond, if not, then forget I exist. I love you Desty. I never meant to hurt you as I did. I was young and stupid and in love. Please, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, do so. Until we meet. I love you. Your brother, Jamie.'

Jas printed out the letter and sat on her bed rereading it. She sat in disbelief, she was

related to Lance Bass. No, that couldn't be right. Her last name was Bass, but she was a member of this Bass family. The one that lived in New York. Not the one that lived in Florida. What was going on? She dried her face and walked down stairs. She replayed the letter in her head. She stopped when she got to the last step. That name. That face. Jamie, that name which had been haunting her. Lance Bass, that face which was on her walls. Her body crumbled underneath her. She remembered.

BJ sat with Justin holding hands while they watched as their friends talked with each other.

" Just? Are any other guys in NSYNC, you know, gay?" Justin burst out laughing.

" Ya, like all of them! Well, not Chris, he's got a girlfriend, pretty serious, Joey and JC bat for both teams, and Lance is, but you know that already. It gets a little lonely sometimes, being the only one without someone to love." BJ smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

" You don't have to be lonely anymore." Justin looked at her and smiled. He knew that he would never be lonely again.

" Jas! Jas wake up!"

" Aww, Ape, shut up!"

" Are you okay?"

Jas looked around the room her parents; sister, brother, and Emily were standing over her, concerned.

" I'm fine, really. Is it too late for dinner?"

" No, let's eat."

Jas got up and sat down with her family to eat. Her family. This was the family that raised her, for the most part. This was the family that loved her. Why couldn't they always have been there. Jas listened as Scott told their parents he was going to marry Emily. She listened as they all

congratulated him. She listened to Ape retell her day. She was there physically but mentally she was

miles away.

" Jasmine? Are you alright?"

" Yes, I've just got some things on my mind that's all."

After dinner they gathered in the den to watch a movie. Jas went to her room though; feeling sleepy and light headed. In the middle of the night, she awoke, covered in sweat and calling out for Jamie. She ran from her room and into Scott's. She stopped when she saw Emily in the bed with him. She turned around and ran downstairs. She paced around the kitchen for a few hours trying to figure things out. But she couldn't, not with out answers.

" Jas?"

" Huh?"

" Jas, go to bed, it's too early for you to be up." It was Scott. His voice was tired but concerned.

" No, I'm ok, thanks."

" What happened last night? I heard you come in then leave."

" I had a dream, but Em was there, so I came down here."

" Oh."

Scott walked back upstairs. When he reached his room, he cried for his sister's pain. He went back to bed and wondered how to help her.

Jas walked back to her room and decided it was time to write back to Lance. She signed on

and started to write.

` Dear Lance, Or should I say Jamie. I got your letter and it confused me. The JD Bass you knew disappeared years ago. But now, after your letter, I suddenly remember things about my life before my family took me in.

I remember calling you Jamie. I remember BJ. She was my best friend. But I get the feeling that she was my only friend. I remember a blond boy who used to laugh at me; his eyes were as blue as the sky.

Then I thought about the Nick Carter I met at a concert last year. He changed so much. He was cuter. But he had grown up. And this was a good thing. I did not know at the time, when I met him,

of who he was in my past but I know now, that that blue eyed boy who would laugh at me is now one

of the sexiest men in the world. I also remember something that you told me. You told me that you liked that blue eyed boy. Are you and he together?

I remember my parents. But I don't know anything about them. Did they love me? I can't imagine they did, but I always shiver when I think of them. I have a good life here. I have parents who love me. A brother, who is my protector, always has been. A sister who I look out for. I have friends, and a life that I can call my own.

I appreciate your letter but I don't know how to reach you, to see you to get answers. How is BJ? I want so much to see you again, and April would love that too, she's my little sister, not so little at 16, but still. Please write soon. Love, Jas

PS- In the years that I have been this new person I have learned to forgive the images from my past, even though I didn't know what or who they were. So what I'm saying is, who ever is responsible for

sending me away, they are forgiven. And maybe I should thank them, I have a family now, as good as any biological family. PPS- my number is, 914-555-4839

Lance read the email and was crying so hard that he woke both Nick and BJ. They ran down

the steps and found Lance curled up in a ball with a piece of paper in his hand. His body shook from

the tears. Nick ran to him and held him tightly. BJ reached for the paper and began to read it. When she finished she too was crying.

" BJ? What is it?"

" She wrote to him."

" Who?"

" JD."

" What?"

" Look."

Nick read the letter and the three of them sat together on the couch and cried. Nick got up and held the phone and gave it to Lance.

" Call her."

" How?"

" She wrote in her number. At the end of the letter, you must have missed it."

Lance grabbed the phone and the email and dialed Jas's number. It rang a couple times then the machine picked up.

" Hey party people! It's Jas! Ya well leave me a message. And if this is for Ape or Scott,

CALL THEIR LINE!!! This is for me only! And if this is Ape or Scott, get a life! Well, I should go and let y'all leave that message. Have fun now ya here? Talk to ya soon! Bye!"

As soon as it beeped Lance spoke to the machine.

" Uh hi, I don't know what to call you. So I'll just stick with Jas, since that's your name now. This is Lance Bass, Jamie, Scoop, whatever you wanna call me. I got you letter and I will be in NYC in a few weeks. Call me. Please. I miss you. Well I love you and I have to go. Bye!"

April listened to the message and shrieked in delight.

" JASMINE!!!!!!!"

" What?"

" What is this all about?"

" Huh?"

" Wake up! You just slept through the most wonderful message."

" Ya well. Hey why are you listening to my messages?"

" This is not the time to be yelling at me. You just got a call from a famous person!!!! And ya wanna

know who it was? The one and only James Lances Bass. AHHHHHH you know we share the same last name maybe we're related. Call him, he left a number. I won't tell a soul, but call call call!"

" Ok ok, leave and I'll call." Jas walked to the machine and listened to it. She called the number and asked for Lance.

" Hello? Is Lance there?"

" Lance? Let me check, he may have left. May I ask who's calling?"

" This is Jasmine Bass."

" JD?"

" Well, yes. Who is this?"

" It's BJ."

" BJ?"

" Yeah."

" Wow!"

" Yeah."

" So is Lance there?"

" Uh, he is but he's sleeping at the moment. Can he call you back later?"

" Ya sure, it was nice talking to you BJ."

" You too."

Jas got off the phone and signed on. She had a few letters, but one caught her eyes. The one from She opened it and for the umpteenth time that day, she cried.

` Dear Jasmine, I got your letter yesterday, and it really hit home. There I was going on with my life, not giving a second thought to my past. But then your letter shows up and wow. First off, I need to apologize to you. I took your brother away from you, and the minute after you left I realized what a bad person I

was. I am so sorry I took Lance from you.

And I know this will sound bad but he saved me. I thought I had sent you to your death or something, and he comforted me and loved me. I know all this is not comforting, but I feel as though you need to know. I don't know how much you remember of if you just remember the feelings of the hate and betrayal. But whatever you do, I'm sorry for the role I played in your life.

When I met you a year ago, I knew I knew you, but I didn't know how. Now I do. As for prom, I don't know how comfortable you'd be going with your brother's boyfriend, but I'm sure, I could find you another member of either of our groups to go with you.

Please write or call soon. The number Lance gave you was mine. The three of us cannot wait to see you again. Be well. Sincerely, Nick Carter

Jas finished reading and was so confused. Yesterday all of this made some sense today, it didn't. The memories were not coming to her. At night, after her dreams, they were clear and present,

but then they would fade. What was happening to her? She knew that she knew these people, but

how? She curled up in bed and went back to sleep, she couldn't deal with all this now.

Nick and Lance sat outside holding each other tight. They didn't want anything else to come between them. Across from the two of them sat another pair of love birds, BJ and Justin. Love was in the air. Who would be next in the game of love?

Chapter 4

Three weeks later in New York.

Lance walked around the venue, both bands were on tour together. He was thankful for this.

It gave him and Nick even more time together. Tonight's show would be special. He had made sure

that Jas and her sister would be in the audience. More over in the front row. He wanted this to be

special for her. He had not heard from her since the message she left with BJ, and Nick had not heard from her either. This scared them but they hoped that the show would show Jas just how much she meaned to them. He walked to the stage and watched as the Backstreet Boys practiced on one side and the rest of NSYNC practiced on the other. He hopped onstage and went over to his band to practice.

Jas wondered why she had received two front row tickets with backstage passes to the opening show of the NSYNC/BSB tour. So much had happened in the past weeks since she received

those letters. She knew that she knew the people who sent them but when she slept was the only time when she could relive the past as soon as she awoke the memories went away. She tried to hard to remember just a little bit of what she was writing about in that letter she wrote to Lance. As hard as she tried to push her brain to remember, the harder it pushed back. But she was going to go, and she was taking April.

As the two of them drove to the venue she was preoccupied with why she had these tickets.

" Jas? What's wrong? We're gonna see the best two boy bands in the world! Why are you not smiling?"

" Oh! I'm fine just a little tired."

" Well wake up!" April turned on the radio and blasted the volume.

" Ok, ok, I'm up!"

They sang all the way to the concert and even on the way in to the concert. As they walked in they remember the last concert they had been to. But this one had a different feeling, BSB and NSYNC fans were either fighting or in peace, but for Jas this concert was going to change her life. She didn't know how, but she knew when she went home tonight, her life would be forever changed.

NSYNC had just finished performing ` I want you back', and now Lance was on stage alone.

" This next song is dedicated to two people that are here tonight. I love you baby, and Jasmine, please come back to me."

" You sheltered me from harm

You kept me warm, you kept me warm

And you gave my life to me

You set me free, you set me free

The finest years I ever knew

Were all the years I spent with you

And I would give everything I own

Give up my life, my heart, my home

And I would give everything I own

Just to have you, back again

You taught me how to learn

What a time, what a time

You never said too much

But still you showed you cared

And I knew from watching you

And nobody else could ever know

The part of me that can't let go

And I would give everything I own

Give up my life, my heart, my home

And I would give everything I own

Just to have you, back again

Is there someone you know

Loving them so

Taking them all for granted

You may lose them one day

Someone takes them away

And they don't hear

The words you long to say

Give up my life, give up heart

Everything I own

Everything I own

Everything I own

Everything I own

You know baby

My love for you will always be true (That's right.)

Cuz there is no me without you

I would give everything I own ( everything I own)

Nobody can love you love you love you love you like I do

And I would give everything I own (Everything I own)

Give up my life, my heart, my home

I would give everything I own

Just to have you back again

Just to have you back again." (`Everything I Own', from NSYNC)

Lance stepped back and looked into the front row. He caught Jas's eyes and smiled. He didn't know that the girl he smiled at was his girl, but he smiled anyway. Jas on the other hand knew full well who the man on the stage was and why he smiling. She smiled back but was unsure of who

she smiling at. Nick was backstage and he was smiling as well. Now he had to show Lance that he too had his heart. But how?

Nick walked onstage ready to perform his solo, ` I need you tonight.' Then he realized that that song was a dedication for love, his love, for Lance.

" Hey New York! I would like to dedicate this next song to someone who is here to night. I love you baby."

" Open up your heart to me

And say what's on your mind

I know that we have been through so much pain

But I still need you in my life this time

And I need you tonight

I need you right now

I know deep within my heart

It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right

I really need you tonight.

I figured out

What to say to you

Sometimes the words

They, they come out so wrong, oh yes they do

And I know in time that you will understand

That what we have is so right this time

And I need you tonight

I need you right now

I know deep within my heart

It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right

All those endless times we tried to make it last forever more

And baby I know I need you

I know deep within my heart

It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right

I really need you

I really need you

I need you tonight

I need you oh I need you baby

I need you tonight

It's gotta be this its gotta be this

I know deep within my heart

No, it doesn't matter if it's wrong or it's right

All I know is baby

I really need you

Tonight." (`I Need You Tonight', from Millennium)

When Nick finished Lance had tears in his eyes. The two bands finished the show after four encores. They went backstage to meet and greet and whatnot. Jas and April went backstage as well.

" Man, Jas, I can't believe he dedicated a song to you."

" Ape, there must have been dozens of Jasmines there, it couldn't have been me."

Jas wanted to convince herself that, but she knew that he did in fact sing that song for her. They walked to the line of loud fans and stood there waiting.

" Ape, I'm gonna go find a bathroom."

" Ok."

Jas walked off a bit. This was the scary part. She had to get away from her sister so she could find her brother? It was so weird. She walked down a hall until she reached the door that said NSYNC. She knocked a few times hoping that whoever answered the door could answer her questions.

" Hey pretty lady, you're a little ways off from the meet and greet."

" Yes, I know, I was actually looking for Lance Bass."

" Aren't we all? Kidding, come on in." Jas walked in and looked around, if she was is typical fan mode she would have been eyeing everything but she calmly sat down and waited.

" What's your name?"

" Jas, Jasmine."

" You are the girl he`s been talking about huh? I'm Joey."

" Pleased to meet you." Jas and Joey shook hands and they could feel a shock go through their hands.

" Lance is over with Nick, he should be here soon."

Just then, the rest of NSYNC stampeded in, with Nick following closely behind. They all ran to showers and undressed, totally unaware of the girl who was sitting to their left. Joey closed the door to the bathroom, turn to Jas and smiled.

" Forgive them, they can be pigs sometimes."

" No, it's alright, I have an older brother I know what guys are like. But it's nice to know that

gay guys are just as pig like as straight ones."

" Excuse me?"

" Forgive me, I don't know anything about that, I just know about Lance and Nick."

" How?"

" Well, because," Jas found herself embarrassed. She thought the Lance had talked to the guys about her, but I guess he was talking about someone else. She quickly got up and reached for the door.

" I'm sorry, I must have made a mistake. Tell Lance I was here, good-bye."

" No wait! Wait! I'm sorry, it was just surprising that you knew about our sexual orientations. But please stay."

Jas sat back down on the couch and waited for the boys to come out of the shower. As soon as she sat down Chris, Justin, JC and Nick emerged from the showers.

" Nick, don't you have showers down the hall?"

" Yah, but down the hall I don't have my boyfriend." He saw Jas out of the corner of his eye as he said that and his hands left his towel and went to his mouth. His towel dropped to the floor.

" Shit! Did I say that out loud?"

" Hello Nick."

" Uh hi." He got his towel from the floor and wrapped it around himself again.

" Hello, I'm Nick." Jas got up, walked over to him, and looked him in the eyes.

" I know." Jas didn't know where or how she knew him but she did. Her arms circled his neck and held him tight. When she let go all the guys were staring and Lance was almost crying, he had emerged as Jas hugged Nick. Jas looked over Nick's shoulder she saw a teary eyed Lance.

" Oh Jamie, I'd never steal your boyfriend." Jas stepped back, alarmed at what she had just said. This was the Jamie that she had been dreaming about. Face to face with a memory.

" Oh G-d. Oh g-d, I, I, I have to go now."

" NO!" Lance stepped forward, held Nick's hand as he reached for Jasmine's. When Lance had Jas's hand in his, she felt at home.

" Who are you?" Jas backed away from Lance. She shook from fear.

" Who are you, and what do you want from me?"

" Jas, I want to be your brother again."

" I already have one. And I have a sister too, I don't need you."

" Please, what happened in these weeks?"

" I don't remember what I remembered a few weeks ago. I'm sorry if I mislead you, but I have to go now."

Jas walked out the door and went back to April.

" So did you see any Backstreet Boys?"

" Ya! But I didn't see Nick, oh well. I can't wait until NSYNC comes out."

" I'm sorry Ape, but we have to go now."

" NO! Look I don't really understand why you being like this but I'm not leaving until I see Justin."

Jas gave up and sat down on a near by chair. As she sat all of NSYNC came rushing to the crowd. Jas turned her head away so she wouldn't see them. She turned back to see April chatting it up with Justin and she smiled. She only wished she could understand why she was there.

Meanwhile back in FL

Diane Bass paced around her kitchen, she had just gotten off the phone with the adoption agency. They had said that when they gave up their rights as parents that it was only until JD was well enough to come home. She was well now, and the agency thought it was a good idea for her to go back with her biological family. Diane had no idea how her daughter was doing, but she was about to find out.

Jane Carter rushed into the house yelling frantically.

" Diane? Diane!"

" What's wrong?"

" Well, nothing. BJ just told me that she spoke with JD last week. And that she is doing wonderfully. Lance and Nick have been in contact with her. Isn't that wonderful?"

" Yes, it is."

" What's wrong?"

" The agency wants her to come home."

" Oh."

" I should never have given up on her."

" No Diane, you shouldn't have."

Jas and April got home that night full of energy. They walked into the house expecting everyone to be sleeping, but to their surprise all the lights were on and there was shouting coming from the kitchen.

" She is our daughter, you have no rights to her, She will be 18 in a few days, you can't take

her away."

" I'm sorry ma'am, but we have been ordered to bring he back to Florida, to her real family, tonight."

" Tonight?"

" Yes."

Jas and April listened to them and before April could ask Jas what was going on Jas turned and ran out the door. She got in her car and raced back to the venue. She sped into the parking lot hoping that the bus would still be there. It was. Jas parked next to it and raced to the door. She knocked on it several times. A large man opened the door and eyes her questionably.

" Yes?"

" Is this the NSYNC/BSB tour bus?"

" No, this is just the BSB tour bus, NSYNC left about 20 minutes ago."

" Shit! Fine then, is Nick there, I need to talk to him now!"

" Oh really? What's your name?"

" Jasmine Bass."

" Just a moment." Jas stood there in the cold of New York's winter breeze.

" Jas? What's wrong?" Nick had appeared at the door. " Come in, please."

" They are taking me away."

" Who?"

" I don't know, police. They are taking me back to Florida. Can they do that? They say I am going to be with my real family. I don't want to leave NYC, please Nick if you can help me, help me remember, anything, just don't let them take me away."

" Stay here with us, on the tour, I'll help you remember everything. Until then, we should get some things from your house before we go. I'll go in, talk to your sister, get stuff and come back out. Ok?"

" Yes, thank you."

They rode in silence to Jas's house. Nick got out and knocked on the door. April answered it and almost fainted.

" Shhh, April, please, I'm here for Jas. I need to get some clothes, and some personal things for her. Ok? Will you help me?"

" Yes, is she ok? Are they taking her away?"

" Not if I can help it."

" Why are you helping her, you don't know her."

" Yes I do. And by doing this I can start to make up for the wring that I have done to her."

" The wrong?"

" I will let Jas tell you later, it's not for now, we have to hurry though."

Nick and April hurried to Jas's room. April gathered a duffel of clothes and personal items. Nick

gathered some pictures and went to get a stuffed animal from her bed. He reached down and picked up a ratty old black teddy bear.

" What's this?"

" It's her favorite, she's had since she came here."

Nick knew about this bear. BJ had given it to Jas as she was leaving. BJ said that they would always be best friends, and this bear proved it. Nick held it close and realized that Jas's home was here, and he was going to try as hard as he could to make sure she stayed.

" Nick?"

" Yes?"

" She'll be 18 in two days, they can't make her go there."

"Two days?"

" Yes."

" Hopefully by then, this whole mess will be over and done with."

" Nick?"

" Yes?"

" Uh, here are her things. Tell her that I love her k?"

" Of course."

Nick walked out of the house, with Jas's things not sure if she would ever se her home again. Nick walked into the bus and found it peacefully quiet. Brian, Howie, and Kevin had gone to sleep. Jas and AJ were quietly talking in the corner. As Nick approached them, they flew apart.

" Nick? Did you get my things?"

" Right here. AJ, can I talk to for a second in the kitchen?"

" Sure man." The two went into the kitchen and Nick looked at AJ very seriously.

" Bone, I don't know what your feelings towards Jas are, but please don't hurt her."

" Nicky, don't worry. First off, I am still with-."

" Really?"

" Yes of course."

" Really? Wow, glad to hear it man."

" Yes, now as I was saying, and Jas does like someone, and it's not me, so it's not me you should be warning."

" Oh, sorry man. So since we're talking about it who else is with who? And who does Jas


" Wow, full of questions tonight, you must be antsy from not getting any from Lansten."

" Fuck you! Answer my question."

" Alright, Brian and I, Justin and your sister, you and Lance, Howie and Kevin, and well, Jas likes two guys, but doesn't know if either of them is gay or not."

" Who?"

" Joey and JC."

" They both are bi aren't they? Well do either of them like Jas?"

" I think Joey thinks she's nice, but as for being a couple, I don't think he's ready for that."

" Why?"

" Because he and JC broke up a few weeks ago."

" He and JC were together?"

" Yes."

" How come I was not aware of all this."

" Their relationship was always a little rocky, and finally JC decided that until they could be together and have it not be unsteady that they should be apart."

" And JC?"

" He doesn't even know who she is, yet."

" Ok, lots of info. How come I didn't know about all these hook ups?"

" Because they are not hook ups Nick, all the couples love each other and they have gone through hell to be together."

" Oh?"

" Yes."

Well? It is confusing, I know, but hopefully next week, when I get 5 out it wont be as confusing. But please keep the feedback, comments, ?'s, ideas, predictions, anything keep it coming, it givces me ideas! Thanks!

Next: Chapter 4

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