
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 29, 2000


Destiny Disclaimer: This is fiction! deal! feedback!

ok, i do hope that ppl r reading this, b/c i love writing this story, but please just take a second to drop me a line


Chapter 10

" Hey Pittsburgh! We're the Moffatts; you've been great! We would like to welcome next to the stage, the wonderfully talented Jessica Simpson!"

The crowd went wild. Jessica sang a few songs, including, I Wanna Love You Forever and Your Faith In Me. When she was done, she introduced Britney. Britney sang all of her singles that she had released and then she introduced 98*. They sang The Hardest Thing and Because Of You. They seemed to not care about the performance and when they introduced NSYNC, they said it with disgust. The crowd took no notice, but the members of NSYNC did. But they put their attention elsewhere.

" Hey are you ready to PARTY?" Justin asked the audience. His reply was an ear-piercing shriek.

" I'll take that as a yes."

As the boys danced around the stage and sang to their fans, they also sang to ones they loved. All of the members of the group decided to sing a solo. This was uncommon for this group of singers and they decided to only do it occasionally.

Joey took the stage first and sang a new song.

" Hey everyone. This is a new song from our new album coming out soon; it's called

` Forever in your Heart.' And it's dedicated to one I love, they know who they are."

JC stood in the wings. He had yet to hear the song that Joey would sing to him. He listened to every single word as if Joey had written this just for him.

"You know

That I love you

In every way

You bring

So many magical wonders

To my day

How could I ever leave?

One reason why

Cause darlin' without you

I cannot breathe

You're the best thing

In all my life

The only one

Who helps me through,

So much pain and strife

Baby you know...

You'll always be in my heart

We'll never have reasons

To ever part

When I look into your eyes

All I see is you and I

Together, forever in your heart

Darlin' yes

I love you more than words can say

You'll always be mine

No matter where you are

You're always at the front

Of my mind

Only for eternity

You've touched my heart

With undying hope

With your love

My problems can cope

No one will ever take your place

When I close my eyes

I see me

Kissing your sweet face

You're much more beautiful

Than Heaven's glowing embrace

You'll always be in my heart

We'll never have reasons

To ever part

When I look into your eyes

All I see is you and I

Together, forever in your heart

You'll always be

Forever with me

Baby, just wait, and see

You're my dream come true

And all I can say

Is that I love you

All I can say

Is I love you

Every night and day

My dreams come true

Only when I'm with you

Holding you near

I'll always be

With you, you'll see

Forever, Forever in your heart

Only always

Forever in your heart."

(Forever in your heart in from NSYNC's soon to be released album No Strings Attached. Joey sings it on the album)

When Joey finished he bowed and ran off stage. He saw JC and ran to him.

" I love you Joe, I love you so much."

" I love you too Josh."

Lance had taken the stage and he waited for the crowed to calm down. He had written a song for Nick that he wanted to share with him. Since he was already on stage, he decided that he would go for it. He had given the music to the band and prepared.

" I fell in love young

But that doesn't mean that

That love wasn't real

He was heart, and my soul

I wanted to spend forever with him next to me

But fate had other plans

My love

Through the years, I never forgot you

Even as you rose to your greatest potential

I still thought you were my destiny

When I saw you again

So many years later

You had changed

I had changed

But I still loved your heart

But we didn't let on

That we knew

That our hearts still touched

My love

Through the years, I never forgot you

Even as you rose to your greatest potential

I still thought you were my destiny

My destiny

Destiny was what tore us apart

And what brought is together again

And for that, I could never repay my Destiny

But maybe if she knew

That my heart is whole again

Then maybe Destiny would know

The good she's done.

My love

Through the years, I never forgot you

Even as you rose to your greatest potential

I still thought you were my destiny

We don't have to hide anymore

The world is listening as I sing to you

As I sing to you, my destiny my heart my soul

I love you forever

My love

Through the years, I never forgot you

Even as you rose to your greatest potential

I still thought you were my destiny."

Lance bowed and walked slowly off the stage. The arena was silent. The crowd sat in their seats and let the song process. Then all of a sudden they erupted into applause. The started to chant.

" Lance Lance, Lance…."

Lance walked back onto the stage. He never knew that one song could touch so many people. He looked into the word and smiled. As he did, the sheiks and screams started up again. He took the microphone, thanked them for their support, and walked back off the stage. He walked to

his dressing room and cooled off while the other three sang their songs. He wished that Nick would come to him, but Lance knew that he was busy getting ready for his own performance.

JC walked out to greet his own fans. He had no idea how to return the sentiments to Joey. He planned on singing a sad song he had written but his life was not sad anymore. He decided to sing it anyway. ` I'll do it so Joey knows what I went through without him.' JC thought it out in his head. He sat down on a stool and grasped the microphone. Even as he though about how he felt when we write this song, he could feel the emotions flow back into his body.

" Loneliness is a friend of mine

My lover has left and

He forgot to take his key

What will I do with out him?

The world made sense

when we made love

And my heart beat faster

when he walked into a room

but now that he's gone

my world is spinning out of control.

I said some things

That I shouldn't have

But he made me so mad

He made me feel

As if I was not enough for him

I didn't trust him

I told him to get out

How could I send the man I love

away from my bed, my heart

without even the littlest

of goodbye kisses

it always seemed

that when he kissed me goodnight

it was really goodbye

he looked lovingly at others

and I didn't trust

that he would always come home to me

that he loved me

I was foolish

The world made sense

when we made love

And my heart beat faster

when he walked into a room

but now that he's gone

my world is spinning out of control.

I spin and spin and spin

My head gets dizzy

But my heart has always been that way

When he is near

Everything gets blurry

And it's just the two of us

But now I look at him

And he turns away

He has been hurt

But I am hurting too

It kills me to see him cry

The world made sense

when we made love

And my heart beat faster

when he walked into a room

but now that he's gone

my world is spinning out of control.

I looked up loneliness in the dictionary

And next to it

I saw my picture

I am the epitome

Of the lonely man

What can I do

To make him love me again?

The world made sense

when we made love

And my heart beat faster

when he walked into a room

but now that he's gone

my world is spinning out of control.

All I wanted was a goodbye kiss

Than maybe I would feel


To know that he felt sad

That I felt sad

About being apart

The world made sense

when we made love

And my heart beat faster

when he walked into a room

but now that he's gone

my world is spinning out of control.

I miss you."

JC finished his ballad, took a deep breath, looked out into the crowd, thanked them, and walked off. He walked into his room and breathed deeply. He had risked a lot singing that. Until this day, no one knew that he was seeing someone, and they didn't know it was a man. He trusted that they wouldn't mind, they didn't mind the others. He walked back to join the others. He saw Joey standing watching Justin walk onto the stage. JC walked up to him and wrapped his arms around him

from behind. Joey leaned back and took JC's hands in his as they watched Justin sing.

" Hey everyone! How are you?" Justin knew how to work a crowd. They screamed to him.

" I have this song, it's short and sweet that I wrote for my girlfriend. And I wanted to sing it for you guys and you tell me what you okay?" Again, the crowd went wild.

" We are both so young

So full of life

Can we know what love is?

I want to make you happy

I want to make you smile

I want to be the one to love you for always

I used to look at you

When I thought no one was looking

But then one time

I caught your eyes

Looking at me

I want to make you happy

I want to make you smile

I want to be the one to love you for always

When my lips first grazed yours

I could have died then and died happy

Girl, you make my life worth living

You make the words worth singing

You make music worth the melody

I want to make you happy

I want to make you smile

I want to be the one to love you for always

I wanted to give you a gift

Something to show you my love is true

And pure

I wanted to show the world

That my feelings

and intentions are

those of a man in love

I want to make you happy

I want to make you smile

I want to be the one to love you for always

I want to make you happy

I want to make you smile

I want to be the one to love you for always."

Justin looked into the crowd and smiled

" So what do you think? Should I sing it to her?" Justin sat back and listened to the crowd as it roared with approval.

" I'll take that as a yes. Thanks, I'm glad I made the right choice in singing it tonight. One more song than its back to all of us! Take care."

Justin walked backstage and ran into Nick.

" Thank you for doing that man."

" For doing that?"

" For writing that, singing that for BJ, I know you're a good guy, but she'll always be my little sister and I just want what's good for her. But I know now that you are what's good for her. Just take care of her."

" I will man, and thanks." Nick smiled at him and went back to his side of the stage.

Chris walked out and sat on the floor of the stage.

" Now I was gonna sing a song that means a lot to Tessa and me but after all of those sappy

love songs, I think I'll just take a nap here on the stage. Goodnight."

Chris laid down and shut his eyes. The audience didn't know what was going on. Soon the place erupted in laughter. Chris got up and jumped around the stage for a few minutes.

" Ok, I actually have something important to say so I'm gonna do it. Wait a second though. Tessa! Will you come out here?" Tessa walked out slowly and said hi to the crowd.

" Tess baby, I'm not gonna sing a song tonight but I am going to read a poem.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Tessa will you marry me

Because I love you."

Chris got down on one knee and held out an open tiny red velvet box. Tess began to cry as she picked up the ring. She nodded and Chris placed the ring on her finger. The audience went wild.

" Everyone, I'd like you all to meet my fiancée, Tessa Garner, the future Mrs. Chris Kirkpatrick!"

He lifted Tess up and spun her around a few times before lifting her up and running off stage. As he ran he yelled into the crowd, " AND NOW HERE ARE THE BACKSTREET BOYS!"

The boys ran onto the stage and sang Larger than Life, I want it that way, Show me the meaning of being lonely, as well as Don't want you back and The One. They sang older songs too. Including, Quit Playing Games With My Heart, All I Have To Give, Hey Mr. DJ, Get Down, and As Long As You Love Me. After they sang their last song of the night, Everybody, Brian stayed on stage after his band mates exited.

" Hey I know you all probably want to go home, and are sick of hearing all these person dedications. But lots have happened to us since our last show in New York, and we just wanted to get caught up, with you, and with ourselves.

Performing on this tour, are some of the most talented artists in the world. Give it up for NSYNC, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, The Moffatts, 98*, Christina Aguilera, Aaron Carter, Mandy Moore and the rest of the fellas in my band, the Backstreet Boys.

Thanks for coming out tonight, we hope you all had fun. But before we all go home and sleep there is just one more thing that I would like to perform, I hope that's alright with all of you."

The crowd yelled and shrieked, encouraging Brian to go on with his performance.

" This is a poem I wrote for AJ a few days ago. Please listen closely.

You asked me to marry you

And right away, I said yes

You wanted to tell the world

And right away, I said no

I didn't they could handle it

I was wrong you know

And I'm sorry for making you cry inside

I want to walk down that aisle with you

And become your partner for life. I realized I was in the wrong

And I guess this is a lame attempt at making up for it.

Alex you are my life, marry me and make me forever and always yours."

Brian stood there, waiting on AJ, the audience waited too. They started to clap only when they saw AJ run onto the stage. Brian looked for AJ and when they saw each other they ran to each other and hugged.

" I love you Alex," Brian whispered.

" I love you too Bri Bear." AJ answered.

Not caring that they were still onstage, they kissed. The curtains closed on the kissing couple. The show was over, but the adventures had just begun.

Chapter 11

Everyone gathered at a local nightclub after all of the meeting and greeting was over. The tour had rented out Club Star for the night. The only people in the club were the bands, crew, and family of those on tour. The music started to blare through the speakers when Jessica noticed that the one person who should be there wasn't. Jess walked to Lance and Nick to ask about Jas.

" Hey, I was wondering if you knew where Jas was, this is her party is it not?"

" Oh hey, yeah, BJ is bringing her in a little bit. A few more people have to show up first.

" Oh Ok, cool." Jess went and sat with Mandy, Scott, and Clint while she waited for Jas.

" Jas, please come with me to the club, its gonna be no fun without you."

" Look, Beejy, I'm just not up to partying, at least not anymore."

" NO! Please please please! Jas I beg of you to come with J and me. Just for a little bit then if you still wanna be a party pooper then I will come back you. Okay?"

" Oh, alright. Lets go."

" Great!"

Justin, BJ, and Jas walked into the club and into darkness. There was no music and apparently no people.

" Uh guys, maybe you got the wrong place."

" No, I thought this was the pla-."

" SURPRISE!!!" Jas jumped at the noise. Suddenly she heard a chorus singing Happy Birthday. Jas looked around to BJ.

" What is all this?"

" This is for you. Happy birthday darling."

Jas walked in and started to look around the room. Her eyes fell upon her brother Lance and his boyfriend. The rest of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. She saw 98* in one corner and Britney and Christina in another. The Moffatts, Mandy, and Aaron were talking at a table near the back. She turned back around and saw Jess standing in the doorway across the room. Next to her were two girls and a guy. When she saw these people, she started to cry. She ran across the room and into the

arms of the man. She looked up and grabbed the younger girl into the embrace as well.

" I missed you guys so much."

" We missed you too Jas."

" What are you doing here?"

" It's your birthday is it not?"

" Yes, but."

" No buts, we got a call yesterday from-."

" From Nicky GENE!!!" Jas started to laugh at the girl's outburst.

" Yes, Nick called us and flew us down here to be with you. He said his boyfriend had planned this

party for you, who is guy?"

Jas looked over her shoulder and saw Nick looking at her. She then saw Lance holding Nick's hand, his eyes sad. Jas turned back.

" Nick, is a close friend and his boyfriend, he's well, he's my brother."

" Your brother?"

" Yes, my brother."

" What about me?"

" Scotty, I love you, you are my older brother, my protector, but biologically Lance Bass is my brother, and slowly but surely, we are beginning to form that relationship again." Scott nodded and held his hand out for Jas. Jas turned to April and smiled.

" Oh Ape. I've missed you do much."

" I know."

Jas looked up and noticed another woman standing in the doorway. She has long blond hair and emerald eyes. She looked to be about twenty-two years old. She stood looking at Jas with a smile upon her face. Jas walked to her and looked into her eyes. She knew her. But how?

" Stacy?" Jas whispered the cherished name.

" It's me Jazzy. You sure have grown up."

" Stacy? How?"

" Lance, he wanted this party to be everything you had hoped your 18th would be."

Jas turned and walked to Lance and Nick. She wrapped her arms around her brother.

" I love you Jamie, thank you for this."

" Anything for my Destiny." Jas smiled up at him then turned to the room.

" Lets get this party started!" The music started and everyone started to dance. Jas walked back to April, Scott, and Stacy.

" I'm gonna mingle, y'all should try that too!"

Jas walked out to the dance floor. AJ was getting his groove on while Brian just watched his lover dance. Nick and Lance, both uncoordinated, tried to keep up with the beat. Kevin and Howie danced together grinding their hips together as the beat got faster.

Brit and Christina had their arms around each other as they danced. JC and Joey stood at the edge of the floor, holding hands singing along with Jennifer Lopez's Waiting For Tonight. Chris and Tess danced very close. They did not bump and grind. They just swayed. They were just happy to be together.

Off to the side Scott and Mandy danced together. Dave, Clint, and Dave sat a table and tapped their fingers along with the music. BJ, Justin, and Aaron all danced and laughed together.

Jas walked to a woman with long blond hair and asked to dance with her to the next song that had just come on. The two women crossed to the middle of the dance floor and wrapped their arms around each other.

" Love I see forever in your eyes

I can see heaven in your smile

And when I hold you close

I don't wanna let go

Because deep in my heart

I know girl

That you are the only light I see

Your love means everything to me

I know that we will never part

`Cause you'll always be near

Here in my heart

If the sun should refuse to rise

And the moon doesn't hang in the night

The tides won't change

Seasons rearrange

When the world is through

I will still love you."

Jas laid her head on the woman's shoulder and closed her eyes.

" And girl, you're like an angel from above

Sent here to shower me with your love

Hold me beneath your wings

Tell me all of those things

All the hopes and the dreams

We can share

`Cause I'll be your shelter from the storm

I'll be the fire that keeps you warm

I'll be your light in the dark

`Cause you'll always be here in my heart oh girl

If the sun should refuse to rise

And the moon doesn't hang in the night

The tides won't change

Seasons rearrange

When the world is through

I will still love you."

Jas raised her head a bit and saw that this woman had tears in her eyes.

" If anything could last forever

It's what I fell for you

You touch my heart in way

That words could never say

That's why I'll always love you

If the sun should refuse to rise

And the moon doesn't hang in the night

The tides won't change

Seasons rearrange

When the world is through

I will still love you.

If the sun should refuse to rise

And the moon doesn't hang in the night

The tides won't change

Seasons rearrange

When the world is through

I will still love you.

Yes I will

Love you still baby

I will still love you

Girl believe

You're all I need

I will still love you."

(`Still' from 98* and Rising, sung by 98*)

" I think I'm falling in love with you Jess."

Jess looked into Jas's eyes. Jess always got lost in her eyes. She bent her head down and caught Jas's lips in her own. She kissed her slowly. Jess opened her mouth slightly letting Jas slip her tongue in. Their tongues gently explored each other as if this was their first time meeting, and not that morning in the shower. Jas wrapped her arms around Jess's back and

pulled her close. The music had changed but they remained close. Together they found happiness, and together they would stay.

That night held happiness for everyone on the tour.

" Bri?"

" Yes?"

" Make love to me."

Brian turned to AJ and looked at him, his eyes brimming with tears of love, lust, and passion. He crawled onto the bed with his fiancée and slowly started to remove AJ's shirt. His fingers gently undid each button. When Brian had opened AJ's shirt, he ran his hand down AJ's chest. AJ sighed as he felt his lover lovingly caress him. Brian leveled his head with AJ's and kissed him. Their

kiss turned fast and passionate. Brian nibbled at AJ's lips then started to kiss along his jaw and down

his neck. He sucked at his neck and placed tiny kissed along his Adams apple. AJ shut his eyes and just let all the emotions in his body take over his senses. Brian continued down AJ's body. He managed to kiss every inch of his lover's body. He sucked on and kissed AJ's nipples. His mouth loved one while his fingers played with the other. Brian slid AJ's shirt off his shoulders and planted tiny kisses all along his shoulders and down his arms. His hands gently but urgently undid AJ's belt and started to pull his pants down. Brian smiled when he discovered no boxers. His fingers followed a trail from his navel to the tip of his penis. He slowly ran a finger over the head. AJ moaned at the touch. He placed his hands on AJ's hips and slowly placed his mouth over AJ's head. As soon as Brian but his warmth onto AJ, he moaned and squirmed under Brian's touch. Brian took more and more of AJ into his mouth. Brian loved the feel; the taste of AJ's long and silky shaft as it went down his throat. He grated his teeth along AJ's length and sucked on the head. AJ let out a deep groan before shooting his load into Brian's mouth. Brian eagerly sucked him dry. Even after AJ's penis had gone soft, Brian continued to suck on it and massage his balls. Brian remover his mouth only for a moment to shed himself of his layers of clothing. He laid down on AJ and proceeded to grind his hips into AJ's.

" Make love to me Brian, I love you so much."

" I love you too Alex."

Brian quickly got out lube and condom and put them on. He positioned himself near AJ's entrance and popped his head in. AJ shut his eyes and moaned. AJ loved the feel of Brian's penis as it entered his body. Brian slid his length all the way into AJ then slid out leaving only the head in.

With each thrust he took, AJ screamed out louder and louder.

" BRIAN!" Brian always got excited when AJ called out his name during sex.

" Oh, Alex, I'm so close, mm, baby, I love you."

With that Brian shot deep into the condom and slid out of AJ. Their breathing was ragged. Brian threw away the condom and wrapped his arms around AJ's body. Their bodies glistened in sweat. But they didn't care. AJ fell asleep with his head on Brian's chest. They both fell asleep with smiles upon their faces.

Howie and Kevin had fallen asleep, half on the bed half off. Their bodies were covered in sweat and cum. As soon as they got back from the party they hopped in the shower and made love. They then stood in the room and made love. Then finally they made love repeatedly on the bed, only stopping when they both fell asleep. Kevin smiled in his sleep. He could feel his lover's penis still inside him. They often did this. They slept while still inside each other. It gave them pleasure. Howie had wrapped his hand around Kevin's length then fallen asleep. They always managed to find way to always be together even when sleeping.

Justin slept peacefully, unaware of the couple `sleeping' to this right. JC and Joey agreed to wait to have sex. They wanted to go slowly this time, so that no mistakes would be had. But all through the night, their lips were on each other. They lay there and kissed for about two hours before sleeping, their arms and legs entangled in each other.

BJ's dreams were erotic. She twisted and turned as she dreamt of Justin touching her. Touching her in places that only she had touched. He let out small cries as she dreamed of him licking her and kissing her, kissing inside her. She arched her back as if this was really happening. But this all just a dream, and she was so into it she didn't wake when Mandy woke up and watched as all of this happened.

Mandy knew she liked girls, she just didn't know what that meant. As she watched BJ twist, turn, and let out small moans of pleasure, she found herself touching herself down there. As she watched BJ, and she massaged her insides, a face came to her mind. It was not the face of a girl; rather it was the face of Scott Moffatt. She smiled when his face came to her eyes. She laid back down and fell asleep dreaming that it was he who was touching her and not her own delicate fingers.

It was surprising that Tessa's screams didn't wake the entire city. Chris and she made love well into the early morning. As he slid into her he had only one thought in his mind, he was making love to his future wife. And although Tessa was enjoying herself, she could only worry what would happen the next night after she told her fiancée her secret.

Maybe one of the reasons why Tessa's screams didn't bother anyone was that LA and JJ were also screaming loudly. With each thrust JJ took, LA screamed like there was no tomorrow. Their grunts were few but loud. This was their night.

Drew and Jeff slept silently. They both wanted more out of life. They wanted love. They definitely didn't want to hear everyone else grunt and moan in the heat of passion

Nick and Lance's night was not eventful as the others. Nick was very stand offish when it came to sex. Lance didn't know what to think. He tried to talk to Nick but this only caused Nick to scream and run away. So, Lance just offered to hold him at night. As Nick lay sleeping Lance caressed his face with his own fingers and tried to think of a way for Nick to feel completely comfortable with him.

( Warning: Lesbain sex ahead, there is conversation, but the only important, to the story is the last paragraph of talking, with Jas and Jess.)

Britney and Christina took their time getting into bed. They both were still so worked up from the party and the concert that they need to release all of their energy. And what a better way than sex? Britney turned on the hot water and filled the tub, while Christina got out some candles and incense. Brit slipped into the hot bubbled water and called out for Chris to join her.

" Chris? Baby, come on and join me before the water turns cold."

" I'm coming Brit."

Christina walked into the bathroom and set down the candles. She got into the tub with Brit and sat down facing her girlfriend. Underneath the water, Chris's hands found Brit warm spot and slowly Chris stuck the tips of her fingers in and started to massage Brit's inner folds. Britney laid her head back and moaned as Chris's fingers edged deeper and deeper. Chris looked up at Brit and smiled as she saw that her lover's mouth was slightly open and letting out small grunts. Chris pulled Brit close and shoved her tongue into Brit mouth, taking Britney by surprise. Brit smiled into the kiss and deepened it. After about an hour they left the bathroom, blowing out the candles on their way. They slipped into bed, naked and kissed each other good night before drifting off to sleep.

Jas and Jess were among last ones to leave the party. As a present to Jas, Jess wanted Jas to feel her love, to physically feel it. As soon as they got to their room they discarded their clothed and ran to the shower.

" Let's finish what we started." Jas said seductively.

Jess turned on the water and climbed in. Jas followed. As the water cascaded down their bodies, they just looked at one another. Jas drunk in the sight of Jess's small but full breasts and Jess took in the shape of Jas's body, all of it. Her breasts and her tiny rose colored buds and the light trail of blond hair that lead the way to her navel. From there, it led to a patch of blond, almost white blond hair. Jess took a finger and ran down this trial until she reached her final destination. She gently played with Jas's mound of curly hairs. All the while Jas rolled her knuckled over Jess's nipples. Jess suddenly pulled Jas close and captured his lips in her mouth. Their mouths ravaged each other. They were hungry for the taste and hungry for each other. As they kissed, Jess suddenly stuck one of her fingers into Jas's core making Jas scream out, not in pain but in intense pleasure. Jas arched her hips so that Jess could enter her more and more. Jess slid in another finger and started to thrust in and out of Jas at a very fast rate. Jas screamed out in ecstasy. Her fingers found their way to Jess's ass and started to kneed and caress Jess's cheeks and slowly her pointer finger found its way to Jess hole. She slowly slid her finger in sending waves of intensity through our Jess's body. When her finger wen in Jess inserted another finger. Jas didn't know she could stretch that much. She started to thrust in and out of Jess's hole, the faster she went the faster Jess went. The water had turned cold but the two girls didn't seem to notice. They were generating enough heat inside the tiny shower stall to heat up the entire hotel. They withdrew their fingers, quickly washed each other, and slipped in to

bed, together. They turned to face each other. Jess reinserted her fingers into Jas's center and this time rubbed her folds. Jas instinctively stuck two fingers into Jess's core. Together they pounded and rocked with each other until both their bodies shook with orgasm, together. As their juices flowed onto the sheets and onto each other, they kissed with intensity. Jess sucked on Jas's tongue for a good five minutes before taking her mouth away and just looking at her new lover. Jas traced Jess's face with a finger. She stopped when she got to Jess's lips. Jess opened her mouth allowing Jas to insert her fingers, which Jess happily took in and sucked on. They stopped all activity and just looked at each other.

" Jess?"

" Yeah?"

" I want to ask you something."

" Okay."

" Would you be my girlfriend? I know is sounds childish but-."

" Shush, you'll ruin the moment my dear."

" What moment?"

" This one." Jess placed her mouth on top of Jas's and kissed her softly.

" Happy birthday my darling."

" I love you Jess." Jess looked at her, smiled, and held her close as Jas's eyes fluttered closed.

" I love you too Jasmine. You are my destiny."

Jas smiled as she finally drifted off. Jess traced Jas's smile with a finger before shutting her own eyes and going to sleep.

Well? Writing sex is not my strong suite, but the more practice i have, lol. please send feedback!

Next: Chapter 8

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