
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Mar 12, 2000



Dont know em, legal stuff , u know it, enjoy~ Elisheva

Tell me what you think, please? Thanks!

Chapter 12

~ The next week ~

A week and a half had passed since that day that Jas and Jess made love. It had only happened that one time. Jas was puzzled by this but didn't press the issue because she knew Jess was under a lot of pressure form the tour. As the days passed, Jas didn't know what to do anymore.

" Jess?"

" Yeah?"

" Is everything ok?"

" Sure, why wouldn't it be?"

" I don't know, we don't talk or touch or even kiss anymore."

" Jeez, we've only been together a week, give me a break, already you act as if we're in love and getting married."

" You don't love me?"

" Sure I do, I'm just not in love with you, I know I can be, but now? No I don't."

" So you lied to me."

" When?"

" When you said that you loved me, when you said I was your destiny. Did you just say all that shit to get me in bed? Did you?"

Jess looked away from Jas, she didn't want Jas to see her eyes. Jess had used her. There was no denying it now. She had been a bitch. She just didn't want a relationship with Jas. She had someone else in mind already. However, this person was not avaiable. Nevertheless, Jess knew that one day her brown haired bombshell would love her again.

Jas looked at Jess for another moment before turning away. She quickly packed her things and left the hotel room. She could no longer stay on tour. She had no reason to be there. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to leave these people. She rushed to the lobby and called the airport.

" Hello, when if the next available flight to Orlando?"

" At 4:45pm."

" Thank you."

That gave Jas about five hours to say goodbye and leave. She put her stuff behind the front desk and went back to the floor. She went to knocked on Lance and Nick's door when she heard shouting coming from behind the door.

" NICK! Tell me why you won't make love to me!"

" I cant! Damn Lance, is that all you want from us, sex?"

" NO! How can even suggest that?"

" I don't know, I don't know why I don't want to make love to you. I'm scared that's all."

" Scared of what?"

" Being hurt again."

" Again?"

" Lance, I, I am sorry, I just cant talk about this."

" Nicky, what happened?"

" I have to go."

" NO! You are going to tell me."

" I was raped! There are you happy now?"

" What?" Lance whispered; he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

" I was raped. When I was thirteen."

" What? When, who?"

" Our first tour, when we went to Europe. It was one of the dancers. He told me that Kevin said it was all right, but I still was unsure. He said that if I didn't, he would tell the world that I was not only a big up and coming star but also gay. I was scared. So, he had his way with me. I was young; I didn't know what to do. When he would finish, I would go to my room and cry. I always had the room to myself. I would cry and think about you, it was the thing that would calm me down those years."

" Years?"

" Yes, it went on for about two years. When I turned sixteen I realized that I had been foolish. Why would Kevin, my older brother, say it was all right for this man to force himself on me? I convinced Fatima to fire him. She did but then insisted that I tell her. She is the only one that knows. She helped me. Whenever I would cry, she would be there. She was even my best friend when Brian was too busy fucking AJ. So, you see why I don't want to have sex. I'm so scared Lance, I don't want to be hurt again."

Nick was balling. He curled up on the bed and cried, he cried as if he had never cried over this before. Lance crawled onto the bed with him and held him close. Lance ran his fingers through Nick's locks. He rubbed Nick's back as Nick sobbed into Lance's chest.

" I know that this wont make things better, but I would never force myself on you. I love you so much. You are my destiny, and if you need time, I'll give for time. If it means that we never have sex, then we wont. I don't ever want to hurt you."

" You'd go forever with out sex?"

" If it meant being with you? In a heartbeat."

" I love you Lance, I always have."

" I know baby, I know."

From outside, Jas stood quietly. She didn't hear everything but she heard Nick crying and knew that she shouldn't interrupt. She took a post it and put it on the door. It read: I'm going home, Jas. She touched the door and walked down to Brian and AJ's room. She was about to knock when she heard a commotion from within their room as well.

" What?"

" Bri, its not that I haven't told her I'm with you, she does watch TV, it's just that she is forbidding me to marry you."

" Excuse me? And you are even considering listening to her? Denise, you know me. I am a good man."

" Exactly, a man. My son is still a child."

" Mom!"

" And frankly I don't even believe that he would have chosen to be with a man if it weren't for you."

" What?"

" You took advantage of my son when he was just a child. You were a man then."

" Are you that forgetful Denise? I was 17. I was a child myself. How can you be so naive?"

" I don't want this for you Alexander. I want you to have children one day."

" And what makes you think that Brian and I wont have a family later on down the line?"

" You want to raise a child? The two of you?"

" We haven't discussed it but I suppose that yes, later, when we are ready we would like to have children."

" I want to marry your son, to have a family. I'm sorry if you don't like that."

" I'm sorry too. But AJ, I don't believe in this."

" What's not to believe? Its not like it'll hurt our careers, our fans know we are getting married and they support us. Why cant you?"

" I can't believe you two would do this. Don't you have any respect for me?"

" Of course I do Mom, but Brian is my soul mate and I won't let that or him go. But if you make me choose, I will never forgive you."

" Alexander, I am your only real family."

" No, Mom, you aren't, not anymore. The guys are the brothers I never had and Brian is going to be my husband. Together we will be a family.

Jas put another post it on the door and walked down the hall. She stopped in front of Drew and Jeff's door. She didn't stop to say goodbye, but she stopped because she heard shouting.

" Are you backing down?"

" No, Drew, but this is stupid. We are going to fuck with too many people. Why cant we just go out find a good fuck or a relationship that doesn't include fucking with other people?"

" Because I want Kevin. What has gotten into you?"

" I've seen JC and Joey together. They are happy. And I'm not about to go and fuck that up. I want a boyfriend, I want love but I won't do it at anyone's expense."

" Fuck Jeff, I don't have the guts to do this alone."

Jas stood shocked. She quickly ran to JC and Joey's room. She put a note on their door. It read: trouble is brewing. Trust each other, always. Love each other, no questions. Be well, Jas. She put the same not on Howie and Kevin's door. She went to Mandy and BJ's room next. From inside she heard a guy's voice.

" I like you Mandy."

" I like you too."

Jas put a note on that door saying this: Trust your heart. She went to Justin's room and heard BJ talking.

" Make love to me."

" BJ, I don't want to hurt you."

" You could never hurt me."

" Someday BJ my love, some day I will make love to you."

Jas put a note on their door too. Trust your heart, it will lead you to your destiny. Jas.

She hurried off to Brit and Christina's room. She stopped when she heard three voices from behind the door.

" You what?"

" I don't know what I was thinking. She was so sweet and I miss Katie so much. I was a bitch."

" I'll say!"

" Brit!"

" What? Chris, she's one of our friends and she goes and fucks one of the sweetest people I've ever met, who by the way has been to hell and back in the last few months, Jess, how could you?"

" I don't know. I guess for a second, I wanted what you two have. Love happiness warmth. And you have each other all the time. Katie and I see each other so infrequently. I'm sorry."

" We know but does she?"

" I don't know what to say to her."

" Well, you don't need to think about it now, stay here for a while, we'll think about it later."

Jas had tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and put a note on their door. It read: I forgive you. I know what's it like to love and miss. Take care of each other and Jess, call this Katie person, and follow your heart. Brit and Chris, thank you for taking me in as friends.

She ran to Chris and Tessa's room and wrote a note for them. Tess. You and Chris will always be together; nothing you tell him will tear you apart. Don't be afraid of love. Thank you for trusting me with you secret. Your friendship means a lot to me. Chris, you're crazy but I guess that a reason why I like you. Take care of Tessa.

Below the note, she put another one. To the Pop 2000 tour, I am going home. If you need to reach me, find me. I need to leave. This is not the place for me right now. But if I've learned something its love the one you're lucky enough to be with. Chances are they are your destiny. Take care. Love, Jasmine Destiny Bass. Jas ran to the lobby, grabbed her bags, hurried into a taxi, and headed for the airport. She quickly got checked in and as she sat on the plane that was taking her to Orlando, she though thought about the family that she left behind, the one she was leaving and the one was going to.

As the plane landed in Orlando, Jas suddenly got butterflies in her stomach. She quickly got off the plane, found her luggage and hailed a cab.

" Where to?"

" 178 W. Palm."

" Sure thing."

Jas sat with her knees at her chest. She watched as the car whizzed through the streets of Orlando. She opened the window. She inhaled the warm Florida air. She remembered always loving the way Orlando smelled. She watched as she passed the palm trees and houses. As the car slowed in front of a huge lightly pink painted house, Jas sucked in some air. This was the house. The house she grew up in. She slowly got out of the car, paid the driver, and dragged her belongings to the door. She looked at the name placard on the door. It simply read: The Basses. Jas felt nervous as her fingers went to the doorbell and pressed. From inside she heard the faint sounds of piano music flow through out the house.

" Coming!" Jas heard a young child run to the door and fling it open. She looked down and saw Angel Carter looking up at her.

" Hey, is Diane here?"

" Yeah, just a second." She rushed into another room. A woman turned the corner and walked to the door,

" Yes? May I help you?"

" I was wondering if you would let me come in and stay here for the night."

" Excuse me? I don't even know you."

" If you look closely, you'll recognize me, Mom." As Jas said mom, she started to cry.

" Jasmine?"

" Mommy?"

The two women just stared at each other. Diane took the young woman in her arms and rocked her back and forth.

" Oh baby, I love you so much."

" I know Mommy, I love you too."

" Come in darling, welcome home."

" Thank you."

Jas walked into the house. It was different since the last time she saw it but still it felt right. She walked to the kitchen and saw Angel and Leslie Carter as well as Stacy. Stacy turned and saw her younger sister standing there, looking at her surroundings.

" Jazzy?"

" Hey Stace. How are you?"

" I'm good. What are you doing here?"

" I couldn't stay at the hotel, or on the tour anymore. I had to come home. Hi I'm Jas."

" Angel."

" Les."

" You're Nick, BJ and Aaron's sisters?"

" Unfortunately."

" Angel!" Les scolded her sister.

" Sorry. Yes we are their sisters."

" Nice to finally meet you."

" Huh?"

" I know your sibling. But I'm sure we met a long time ago when you guys were just babies."

" Oh? Cool. Come on Angie, let go watch TV."

" Okay, bye-bye!"

" Bye!"

" So Stace, surprised to see me?"

" Yeah, just a bit."

" Well, I'm home for good. By the way, what are those two doing here?"

" Jane usually drops them off here when she needs to go out of town."

" What about their dad?"

" He's away on business."

" Oh."

Just then, Diane walked in with the telephone in her hand. She held it out to Jas. Jas took the telephone and put it to her ear.

" Hello?"

" JD? This is your father."

" Daddy? Hello."

" Its wonderful to hear your voice again. You sound so grown up. I am in New York with your family."

" What?"

" I was coming here to tell the police to back off, that you didn't have to come to Florida if you didn't want to but when Diane called me with the news, I had to call."

" Daddy? Can I talk to them?"

" Of course sweetheart."

" Hello? Jas?"

" Ape?"

" Yeah."

" How are you?"

" I'm good."

" What's wrong?"

" How could you?"

" What?"

" How could you leave us?"

" I'm not leaving anyone. I had to come here. I am who I am Ape, I wont deny that part of myself again. I am home now."

" But we are your home!"

" And you always will be but now I have two homes."

" Sure whatever."

" Please understand Ape, I need to be with my mother and father and sister now. Then in March, if I want to I'll come back to New York."

" If you want to? What happens if you want to stay in Florida?"

" Then I will."

" What about me?"

" Ape, I love you, you will always be my younger sister and best friend. But I need to be with this part of my family now, I'm sorry if you don't understand."

" I understand, I just don't want to."

" I know Ape, I know its hard."

" I have to go here's Scott."

" Scotty?"

" Hey sis."

" Do you hate me too?"

" She doesn't hate you she's just hurting."

" I know. But you too?"

" I don't hate you, but I too am hurt that you chose to go to them."

" I had to."

" I know. Now, I wont be your older brother anymore. At least with April, she'll always be your younger sister."

" No! Scott, you're my protector. Lance can never be that to me again. He lost that privilege a long time ago. He can be brother and my friend, but you will always be my older brother."

" I love you Jas."

" I love you too."

" Here's Mom."

" Mom?"

" Hello Jas."

" Are you mad at me?"

" Not at all, I am proud of you for making these decisions."

" Thank you."

" You will always be my daughter, no matter what happens in the future."

" I will always love you Mom. But I will love you like a mother. I know that sounds bad. But I have to give Diane a chance to be my mother again. I need that, and I need Jim to be my father again."

" I know that darling and so does your father."

" Is he home?"

" No, I'm sorry, he went to the office."

" Tell him I love him k?"

" I will, I love you Jas, goodbye."

" Bye Mom."

Jas hung up the telephone and gave back to Diane. She wiped her eyes and smiled.

" Are you alright?"

" Yeah Stace, I'm fine. I think I'm gonna go and join the girls and watch some TV."

Jas walked in and saw that the girls were watching a concert on TV.

" Whose concert is this?"

" Nicky's."

" Really?"

" Yup they are televising tonight's show."

" Cool, can I watch with you?"

" Sure!" Les grabbed her hand and pulled her down. Jas watched as Carson Daly introduced the show. She really disliked him and his commentary but she didn't say anything.

" Jas? What do you think of him?"

" What do I think of who?"

" Carson?"

" Ugh! I don't like him at all, watching him on TRL is hell." Les and Angie broke out in a fit of laughter.

" We know, he's really annoying. The only good thing he did was support the guys when they came out."

" Yes, that was good of him."

" Jas, you were on tour with them right?"

" Yes, for a little while."

" Is Nick happy?"

" Yes," Jas knew that he wasn't but she didn't want to let on. " Yes, your brother is very happy."

Jas watched as Aaron jumped onto the stage. Les and Angie went crazy over their brother. It was sweet. Jas just sat back and watched. She knew that Jess was up next, but she realized that she was her destiny. And if she were her destiny, then one day they would be together. All that mattered now was her happiness. As she sat there and watched her friends sing, she knew that this was where she belonged.

~~ Earlier that day ~~

Denise stormed out of Brian and AJ's room and slammed the door. She was furious. She noticed that a post it fluttered to the ground. She picked it up and scanned the note. She quickly walked back into the room, not caring that her song was in Brian's arms, crying, and shoved the note in their faces.

" What the fuck Denise?"

" Don't talk to me that way Brian. I found this on your door." AJ grabbed the note and read it.

" NO! What, when? No, no, this is bad."

" Alex, what is it?"

" Jas is gone."

" Gone?"

" She went home, but she also says that she thanks me for my kindness. She also goes on to say that we should love who we love, and not care what others say." AJ smiled at this.

" What does she mean by that?" Denise looked as if she was going to explode.

" Nothing mom, I guess she knew more than she let on huh?"

" I wonder what else she knows."

" We should let Lance know, he's gonna shit a brick."

" Yeah-."

" WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!"

" Was that Lance?"

" I think he just found out."

Brian, AJ, and Denise ran out the room and found Lance on the floor pounding the carpet. Brian rushed to him and grabbed him. Nick ran from down the hall.

" What's going on?"

" She left! She fucking left me!"

" What?"

" What Lance is trying to say is that Jas left, she went home."

" Shit, I'm sorry Lance." Nick said softly.

" You're sorry? That's all you have to say? You're sorry? I finally have her again and she's gone. You know, if it weren't for you I would never have lost her in the first place!"

Nick stumbled backwards as Lance lashed out at him. Deep down he knew Lance was just angry, but he basically said that this was his fault. Nick just looked at Lance. His face was completely emotionless. He looked him in the eyes and walked away. When he was half way down the hall, he

ran. He didn't know where he was running to but he ran. He made sure he had his wallet with him. He ran out the door and passed the tons of screaming fans, into a taxi and to the airport. He ran to the check in counter.

" Is there a flight going to Orlando now?"

" Now? No you just missed it, there is another leaving in 45 minutes, would you like to but a ticket for that one?"

" Yes."

" We only have room in first class."

" That's fine."

Nick paid for his ticket and ran to the gate. His flight was called and he rushed to the plane.

As it got high enough to make a call, he called the guys. He knew that were gonna be mad, especially since they had a show, but he had to go to Florida. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that Jas didn't go home to New York, but home to Orlando. The telephone rang a few times before someone picked up.

" Hello?"

" Kev?"

" No, this is Chris, who is this?"

" Hey its Nick."

" Shit Nick, they are gonna kill you, where are you?"

" On a plane?"

" A what?"

" Look, calm down, I have to go to Orlando. Please tell the guys I may be a few days."

" Nick, are you in trouble?"

" No, I just needed to get away. From Lance mostly, but I needed to come here."

" What happened?"

" I can't talk about it right now, just tell the guys k?"

" Yeah sure."

" Thanks."

Nick hung up the phone and slept the rest of the way. He ran out of the terminal and out to get a cab. He found one and it sped off to a house on Palm. Nick had no thoughts in his head. He watched as the sky turned from purple to navy. He was going to be in trouble when he got back, but he had to leave. He paid the driver and walked into the house. Diane had given him a key, when they were younger. He always kept it with him. Now he thanked himself for doing so. He walked into the house and heard the familiar squeals of his sisters. He walked to the den and saw his sisters watching his concert on TV. He forgot that this one was going to be televised.

" Shit!" He cursed under his breath. Not quiet enough though. Les turned and shrieked.

" Nick! What are you doing here?"

" I was looking for-."

" Nick?"

Jas walked into the room and just stared at her friend. She sat back down next to the other girls, looked up at Nick, and motioned him to come and sit down next to them.

" Nick? Why are you here?"

" You left, it was my fault."

" No, how could you think this had anything to do with you?"

" Lance said it was my fault."

Jas got up and pulled Nick up with her. She walked out to the deck. The air was warm and inviting. They sat on the wooden steps and just took in their surroundings.

" You gonna tell me what's up?"

" He said it was my fault you left this time and last."

" No, sweetie, it was no ones fault, and if it was, that it was certainly not yours or Lance's. He was just

upset. He loves you so much."

" I know, but I think he's mad."

" Why?"

" Because I wont have sex with him."

" Oh. Do you wanna tell me why?"

" I know Lance would never hurt me or force himself on me, but the last time I had sex was when I was raped."

" What?"

" When the group was just starting."

" One of the other guys?"

" Lord no. It was a dancer. The only other person who knows is Fatima, she fired him, and we went on with life. I never had relationships. And now that I have Lance, the memories are just flooding back to me." Nick broke down and cried. His tears spilled down his face fast. Jas took a tissue out of her pocket and gave it to him.

" Nick, he loves you."

" I know, he said that even if we never had sex that he would love me."

" Then what's the problem?"

" I just couldn't look at him when he said it was my fault. I know he was mad, but I just hated him so much at that moment."

" Call him. Please, I don't know what I'd do if you two broke up."

" Why?"

" Because then I would blame myself."

" Why?"

" I brought you two together in the first place, and I tore you apart, then I brought you back."

" You had a small part in it I suppose." Nick smiled at her.

" Nick, you can stay here for as long as you need, but I know that Lance needs you, not to mention the severe beating Kev is gonna give you when you get back."

" Yeah, I screwed up."

" No, you did good Nick."

" So now that I've told you all this wanna tell me why you left?"

" Hmmm, not really. Just kidding. I overheard Jessica talking to Brit and Christina about me. Jess apparently has a girlfriend."

" Ah yes, Katie."

" You know her?"

" I know who she is, so do you. But I was not aware that they were still together."

" Yes, well Jess was just missing her so she said those things to me and we did those thing." Jas turned away from Nick as she cried about this for the first time.

" Shush. It's ok. You will find love I'm sure of it."

" Thanks, how would I know her girlfriend by the way?"

" Ever watch Dawson's Creek?"

" NO WAY!"

" Way!"

" Oh my god, shit! Isn't that an interesting turn of events."

" What?"

" Nothing, its just funny. I have Katie's face plastered all over my room."

" And what about my face?"

" Shut up! Your face too!"

" Look, it's about eight o'clock, how about we watch the rest of the concert then go out to a movie or


" Sure thing lets get inside."

Jas and Nick walked back to the den and watched the remainder of the concert. Nick forgot how much this house felt like a second home to him. He sat back and watched as his sisters and Jas relished in the excitement of watching the concert on TV. When it was over Jas and Nick started to talk towards the front door.

" Les, do you have any money?"

" No, why?"

" Here's twenty bucks, just in case."

" Thanks, but we'll be fine."

" I know, but incase you wanna get a pizza or something."

" Really?"

" You're in charge."

" Cool!" Les ran back to Angie to tell her.

" You're good with them," Nick said.

" Thanks."

Jas and Nick climbed into Jim's Durango, which he told Jas she could use, and drove around town. Jas didn't remember the city well enough to navigate so Nick helped her out.

" So where to?"

" Um, go down this street and turn left, then we'll be in the outskirts of downtown and there are lots of cool little shops we could check out. Let me just put on my hat and shades and we can explore k?"

" Sure." Jas parked and locked the doors.

" Ready?"

" Yeah, let go."

They walked around and went in and out of the shops. Jas suddenly found herself in front of a music store and had to go in. She loved CDs. She had a huge collection, over 500. She didn't ever listen to all of them but she took pride in them. She walked in and went straight for the new releases. She saw the singles to the three latest Backstreet Boys songs. She bought them up and left the store.

" What did you get?"

" The singles to I Want It That Way, Larger Than Life, and Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely."

" You know I could have just given them to you?"

" I know but this much more exciting not to mention, I can sell them."

" Shut up!"

" I'm not kidding have you seen those yahoo and ebay auctions, I get you to sign them and they will

be huge!"

" Whatever!"

" Come on I want to get coffee."

Jas and Nick walked into the nearest Starbucks and ordered. They sat there and just talked, about nothing in particular. It was nice, that they had this bond between them. Jas turned and looked into Nick's eyes.

" I remember."

" What?"

" When I looked into your eyes last year, I got scared. But now, I know what I saw."

" What?"

" Compassion, love, you had grown into a person that I could confide in, that I can. I love the person you have become Nick, and I'm so glad we are fiends."

" Me too. Your eyes, when I saw them, I knew it was you, I just didn't understand. I had tried to put that night out of my mind. But as I saw you in the front row, I was taken aback. You too had changed into an extraordinary person, but someone I didn't know anymore."

" I know you now."

" And I you."

When they finished they walked outside and headed back to the car. They drove to the movies and bought tickets to see Girl, Interrupted. They walked in to the theatre and Nick took off his sunglasses the lights went down.

" When we get back, I'll call Lance, but will you stay near?"

" Of course, I should talk to him too."

Even as they watched the movie, they both worried what would happen when they returned to reality, Nick to his tour, and Jas to her life.

" Tessa? Are you alright?"

Tessa had been sitting and crying in the bathroom for the entire show. She had to tell Chris but she didn't know how. She emerged from the bathroom. Her mascara was running but she didn't care.

" Alan?"

" Yes?"

" We need to talk." She sat on the bed, he on the couch.

" I love you. And I want more than anything to be your wife, but I have a secret."

" I know you do, but if you don't want to tell me right now then that's alright."

" No, Alan, I have to tell you now. I'm, I'm, we're, we're gonna have a baby. I'm four months pregnant." She said it as quickly as she could. She looked up and saw that Chris was crying, and this man never cried.

" Alan? Baby, you alright?"

" I love you so much. I want to marry you, and I want to be a father."

" Are you sure?"

" I love you and our baby."

Tess ran to the couch and jumped on top of him. Chris held her tightly and watched as their tears mixed together on Tessa's forming belly. They climbed into bed and fell asleep holding each other. Chris kept one hand on Tessa's belly.

" Bri?"

" Yes?"

" It was a good show tonight?"

" Yes, although I'd like to know where the fuck Nick went."

" So does everyone else. Do you think Lance meant those things?"

" I don't know baby. He was just so mad. I'm sure Nick went somewhere so he didn't have to be near Lance. It was not the smartest move, but I understand why he did it."

" I want to marry you."

" And I you. What's wrong?"

" My mother is not going to give up on this."

" I know Alex. It's gonna be a fight but I'm willing to fight it if you are."

" You know I am."

" Good, now lets get some sleep, its been a long day."

" Good night Bri Bear, I love you."

" I love you too Alex."

JC and Joey read the note over and over again but they were still confused on what Jas meant. Everyone brought their notes to the sound check. Everyone was curious to see what everyone else's said. Kevin and Howie's note was the same as JC and Joey's but they couldn't understand what she meant. Drew and Jeff on the other hand were fuming. They were so mad that Jas has overheard their conversation. Jeff told Drew that he didn't want to be a part of this anymore.

" Jeff, you have to help me."

" No I don't, they know something is gonna happen, and frankly, I'm not so interested in this sick and twisted plan of yours. Why are you being like this?"

" I want love!"

" Then find it yourself!"

JC and Joey put the note on the nightstand and got into bed. They faced each other and gently caressed each other.

" Joe, I don't quite understand Jas's note, but I love you."

" And I you."

The two men slowly brought their lips together in a sweet kiss. JC nibbled Joey's lower lip and Joey stroked JC's hair. They stopped and just looked at each other. They were finally where they always had wanted to be in the past.

Kevin and Howie stood out on the balcony of their hotel room and just breathed in the cool scent of the air. It was chilly but they didn't seem to notice. Kevin stood behind Howie and held him. He placed his chin upon Howie's head. They too didn't understand Jas's note but they took it to heart that she would think of them. Kevin's arms tightened around Howie.

" Boo? You all right? Are you cold?"

" No, I was just thinking."

" About?"

" You."

" Oh really?"

" Yes, Howard, I love you."

Howie turned so that he faced Kevin, but because of the height difference, he had to lean back and look up. He wrapped his arms around Kevin's torso. He leaned in and placed his head upon Kevin's chest. Standing there it felt as if they were two young lovers. To them, they would always be two young lovers. Howie tightened his hug. He knew when Kevin just needed to be reassured of his love. He supposed that this was one of those times.

" I love you too Boo."

With Nick gone, BJ took the liberty of sleeping in the same bed as Justin. She walked into the bathroom to change. She knew that this was not their night to be together. But just the thought of Justin holding her through out the night, made her shiver with happiness. She quickly changed into her tank top and boxers and left the bathroom. She saw Justin in bed already watching TV. She slipped into bed and touched Justin's thigh ever so softly. He jumped a bit, then turned to face her. He brushed away a strand of hair and kissed her lips.

" This is fun." BJ laughed a little.

" Yes it is, come here, I want to hold you."

BJ moved over so her head was resting on Justin's bare chest. She put a hand on his chest and traced tiny circles on it. Justin giggled a bit. Even this touch, this sensual touching was making him laugh. He was the most ticklish person. But BJ continued to do it. She loved the feel of her head, her hands on this man. Just touching him made her wild. But she kept her hormones in check.

She slowly fell asleep to the buzz of the TV and Justin's breathing seemed to relax her. Justin looked down and saw his beautiful angel asleep by his side. He smiled at the sight of this. He loved BJ so much. His body ached for her. But he knew he would have to wait. He didn't want to take any chances at anything messing up his love life. He turned off the TV and snuggled closer to BJ. She stirred a bit but did not wake. Justin kissed her forehead before shutting the lights.

Brit and Chris just held each other as they watched their friend cry in her sleep. Jess was in a lot of pain. She missed Katie and she had hurt Jas. The girls offered their room to Jess. She accepted because she didn't want to be alone. Britney wondered how she could help her friend. But nothing short of Katie would cheer her up, and Katie was busy with the show. But maybe somehow, she could arrange a visit. She shut off the lights and spooned with Chris as they fell asleep.

Mandy stayed up well-passed midnight talking to Scott on the phone. She wanted to learn everything about him and where he grew up. He wanted the same from her. They just talk about school, pets, siblings, TV, and music. Anything that would make them laugh or smile. Mandy smiled to herself. This was what she wanted.

LA and JJ fell asleep as soon as they got to the room. Jeff had told them what Drew wanted to do but that he was out of it. This calmed LA down a bit, but not much. He knew that his brother could do a lot of damage by himself, he just hoped that he would give up before everyone got hurt.

Lance sat in his bed. He kept looking over at the space next to his. Nick was supposed to be there next to him, but he chased him away. Lance felt so miserable as he turned out the lights. Suddenly he heard the phone ring.

" Hello?"

" Lance?"

" Nick?"

" Hey."

" Hey."

" Where are you?"

" In Orlando."

" Why?"

" I came to see Jas."

" Jas, is in Orlando? Why?"

" She went home. Like she said, she went home."

" But home is, she went to my home?"

" It's her home too now."

" I know."

" Yeah, well I just wanted to call and say that she's here and where I am so that Kevin doesn't totally freak out."

" Yeah, I'll tell them."

" OK, well I should go to sleep, its even later here than it there, so uh, bye."

" Nick wait!"

" Yes?"

" I am so sorry. I lashed out, and I don't even know why. I love you so much and its killing me not having you near, not having you here next to me."

" Lance, I love you too. But I had to come here, not only to get away from you but to check on Jas."

" Is she alright?"

" Yes, she's fine. I'll come back tomorrow."

" Good, I miss you, I love you so much."

" I know. Jas wants to talk to you."

" Desty?"

" Hey Jamie."

" How are you?"

" I'm great! I'm home, I'm great!"

" Are you coming back soon?"

" I don't know, I think want to stick around for a bit. But maybe I'll come in for BJ's birthday in a couple days, or in a few weeks, if it's ok with Mommy."

" I'm so happy you're home."

" As am I."

" Good night Desty."

" `Night Jamie. I love you bro."

" I love you too. Can I talk to Nick before you hang up?"

" Sure." Jas passed the phone to Nick and headed upstairs.

" Lance?"

" Are we gonna be alright?"

" We are alright. I love you Lansten. Forever."

" Oh g-d you don't know how much I love hearing that. I love you too. Goodnight Nicky."

" Goodnight baby."

Jas sat in her bed watching TV, while she brushed her hair. Nick walked in and sat down with her. He took the brush from her hands and brushed her hair for her. Jas giggled a bit.

" Thanks Nick."

" No prob. Thank you for helping me, and talking to me and being my friend."

" I love you Nick, you're like a brother to me. I should be thanking you."

" Goodnight Jas." Nick kissed her cheek and walked out of the room.

" Night Nick." Jas shut the lights and crawled into her bed. Her bed in her house. Her bed, in her house, with her family. Her life was good.

So? Is it interesting? If so, please tell me, if not please tell me that too, but I hope it's positive feedback! But either way, tell me please! Thanks!

Next: Chapter 9

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