Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Aug 31, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in reallife. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in noway meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simplythe work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Sorry about the wait. I was really trying for once a week, but alas things always happen to interfere. Typical. If it happens again. Shoot me. Just kidding. Anyway, here is the new chapter for all of you.

Chapter 18

"Prepare to fire," yelled Aragorn to the Elves armed with their bows and arrows.

"Their armor is weak at the neck and under the arms," echoed Legolas in Elvish.

Thunder clashed again and it began to rain heavily, as the approaching Orc hoard charged toward the wall. Justin sheathed his sword and picked up the bow and quiver full of arrows that were near him. He readied them and aimed carefully waiting for Aragorn's signal to fire. Seconds ticked by and still the call didn't come. Justin began to worry. Was Aragorn going to wait till they were at the wall before giving the signal? Water dripped into his eyes and numbed his fingers, but he held steady. Finally, Justin heard Aragorn's cry to fire the arrows. Justin aimed at a rather mean looking Uruk-hai and fired.

Justin wasn't as good as Legolas with a bow, but he was pretty good in his own right. The arrow flew through the air and hit the Uruk-hai dead center between the eyes, killing the creature.

The first line of Uruk-hai fell under the constant rain of arrows fired by the Elves and humans. It wasn't enough however. There were too many of them. Justin fired arrow after arrow, killing as many of the creatures as he could. He ignored the pounding rain not letting it distract him from his task.

Justin turned to his left, seeing a ladder land against the wall. He looked down to see six Orcs quickly climbing up. Justin readied an arrow and shot downwards. The leading Orc gave a cry of pain as the arrow impaled into his shoulder. It lost its grip on the ladder and fell backwards, impacting the Orcs behind it. They fell to the ground with a loud thud. Justin put his foot to the ladder and pushed, making it fall away from the wall.

"Shit!" Justin exclaimed, watching as Uruk-Hai successfully scaled their ladders further down the wall. It was only moments later before Orcs began to pour over the top wall.

Justin reached for more arrows only to find the quiver attached to his back empty. Quickly, he threw down the quiver and bow and unsheathed the Dawnbringer from his side. Justin faced off against a Uruk-hai that looked bigger and meaner than the ones he remembered that day in the woods at Amon Hen.

"So," said Justin casually, smiling carefree at the Uruk-hai. "You must work out a lot. Do you use any kinds of steroids, because m-- "

The Uruk-hai wasn't as patient as its brethren. It growled loudly and charged directly at him. Rapidly, Justin kicked the soldier in the gut and chopped off its head as it bent down from having the wind knocked out of it.

Justin ran to where Gimli, Boromir, and Legolas were fending off against invading soldiers. They formed a mini circle and dispatched any Orcs that came near them. The fight on the battlements was fierce. The Uruk-hai kept coming up the ladders in droves.

"Six, already," shouted Gimli, slicing an Uruk-hai across the abdomen with his heavy battle-ax.

"I'm on fifteen," replied Boromir.

"Nineteen for me," said Legolas, breezily. "Wait. That's twenty now."

Gimli blew out a loud breath. "Arg! I will have no pointy-ear outscoring me!"

Justin looked at them stunned. His mouth flapped open, but no words came out. "You guys are keeping count?" asked Justin, incredulously.

"Yeah. Aren't you?" said Boromir, stabbing his sword into the side of an Orc.

'I wonder what's the polite term for, what the fuck is wrong with you,' thought Justin, while slashing at an Orc who took a swipe at his biceps.

The battle was long and perilous. Justin didn't know how the others kept count of their kills. He cut down any Orc that approached him, which was many. It didn't seem as if the battle was going to end soon. Dimly, over the loud sounds of battle he could make out Gimli's voice still counting.

"Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty one. Twenty two."

Near him, Justin saw Theoden fighting with a fierce expression on his face. "Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, Saruman," yelled Theoden, cockily.

Justin cringed inwardly. He could almost see the Gods above them saying, 'Oh yeah, bitch. Well take this!' Justin wanted to trip the king. Hadn't the man ever heard of jinxes?

Below the wall, a Uruk soldier carrying a metal ball ran toward the culvert beneath the wall. Another Uruk followed him with a second ball. A great Uruk soldier with a torch ran towards the hole at a fast speed. Justin and Aragorn both saw this at the same time. Justin knew immediately what the Orcs was planning. It was something right out of a Saturday morning cartoon.

Aragorn called out to Legolas in Elvish. "Bring him down, Legolas! Kill him! Kill him!"

Quickly, Legolas hit the Uruk with two arrows, but failed to kill it. The Uruk took the hits and kept on his path to the wall. Justin held onto something knowing what was about to happen. The Uruk-hai made it to the wall and suddenly there was a loud explosion. The whole foundation shook from the force. Justin turned to see Saruman's army immediately start to crowd through the newly formed hole in the wall.

"Brace the gates! Hold them! Stand fast! Gimli! Aragorn!" Theoden yelled, panicking.

Gimli charged toward the Orc warriors and jumped right among them.

"Gimli!" called Boromir.

Aragorn turned toward the army of Elves. Their numbers had dwindled with loss because of the Orcs, but they still were an imposing force to behold. "Hurl the arrows! Charge!" yelled Aragorn to the troops.

That's when round two started. Everyone seemed to get their second wind. Justin and the Dawnbringer moved gracefully through the groups of Orcs. Rows and rows of Orcs fell under his flurry of strikes and combos. Justin caught sight of Legolas out the corner of his eye. The elf stood on top of the Deeping Wall. With impressive movements he grabbed an Orc shield and used it to surf down the stairs, shooting Orcs as he sailed along.

"Show off," muttered Justin with a soft smile.

The enemy force still kept up their large numbers even though they were being constantly cut down.

Theoden turned to Aragorn breathing heavily. "Aragorn, pull back to the keep! Get your men out of there!"

Aragorn nodded curtly. He looked in Haldir's direction and called out loudly. "To the Keep! Haldir! To the Keep!"

Haldir nodded and called back his troops. Justin had to resist chuckling as he cut down an Orc. Gimli had to be forcibly grabbed and carried against his will. Everyone could hear his yells of resistance. Justin ran around helping fallen victims to their feet. The others were doing the same thing. His 'spidey sense' went off suddenly, making him snap his head up in alert. He looked up right as an Uruk-hai ran Haldir through with his sword.

"Noooooooo!" cried Justin, running to his friend's aid.

He kicked the Uruk-hai in the head, hearing the telltale sign of its neck snapping from the hard blow. Justin dropped to the ground and cradled Haldir in his arms. The elf smiled softly at Justin not saying anything as the lights in his eyes disappeared and his breathing stopped.

Rage that Justin had only felt a few times in his life overcame him. It flooded through his being and grabbed a hold of his mind in a crushing grip. Justin looked up as an Orc descended on him. The Orc took a step back seeing Justin's eyes glowing an electric blue and blazing brighter than they had ever been before. What looked like little forks of lightning danced in Justin's glowing eyes.

"Back," Justin said coolly at the approaching Orc.

Instantly, the Orc was seized by an invisible force and thrown backwards through the air. It hit the stone wall with the sickening cracking sound of its skull shattering on impact.

Justin carefully laid Haldir's body on the ground. Slowly, he stood up and glared hatefully at the Huruk-hai that surrounded him. He could hear the gasps and noises of surprises his friends made at the sight of him.

Justin held up his hand and whispered. "Ignite."

The soldiers that surrounded him caught fire as if they had been drenched in gasoline. Their screams of pain didn't last long before the fire consumed them and they fell to the ground lifeless. Justin stepped over the dead bodies. The scent of charred flesh didn't phase him in the slightest. He had talked to Haldir a lot while they stayed in Lothlorien, and he considered the elf a friend even though they hadn't known each other long. One thought ran Justin's through his mind continuously. Sauron, Saruman, and all their minions would pay for killing Haldir.

Justin turned his gaze to the gate where the Orcs streamed. He lifted his hand pointing his palm at the invading army. "I owe you pain!" he said, icily.

Crackling, forks of light blue energy burst from his palm and hit the roaring Orcs. They screamed in pure agony as the energy ripped through them and incinerated their flesh. Justin kept up the constant outpour of energy. Killing any and all Orcs who poured from the gate. After a while, Justin suddenly began to wobble unsteadily, as fatigue hit him. Fighting then using so much magic had weakened him tremendously. He tiredly fell to ground kneeling on one knee. His breath came out in short gasps.


Arms grabbed him and hoisted him to his feet. Tiredly, he looked up into Legolas' worried blue eyes. "Luv, are you alright?"

Justin barely managed a nod before his eyes closed and he fell into an exhausted sleep.

"Shore up the door!" yelled Theoden to the men.

Some men came with long beams and pieces of wood for the door. Meanwhile, the Orcs outside were preparing a huge catapult with anchors to shoot ropes over the battlements. They started pulling up large frames, like giant ladders, which could carry many more Orcs at one time. Legolas saw this. He laid down Justin on the ground and readied an arrow. He shot one of the ropes, so at least one frame full of Orcs fell to the ground. Gimli and Aragorn fought outside the gate giving the men time to repair the door.

Boromir kneeled down beside Justin. He looked up at Legolas worriedly. "Do you think he's okay? I've never seen him do anything like that before."

Legolas shook his head his eyes turning sad as he looked down at Justin's unconscious body. "I can not say Boromir. I have not seen him display power such as that before neither."

"It reminded me of that day at Amon Hen when the Fellowship was broken. He destroyed all those Uruk-hai just by screaming. He was really angry then too. Maybe he channels his full power only when he's angry."

"Gimli! Aragorn! Get out of there!" yelled Theoden, loudly.

Boromir and Legolas looked at the repaired door. Gimli and Aragorn were trapped on the other side facing off against the Uruk-hai army. Boromir grabbed some rope off a dead soldier's body and ran to the wall.

"Aragorn!" he called down.

Legolas sighed in relief as both Gimli and Aragorn were pulled up over the wall by Boromir. Legolas turned back to the door. It shook and groaned as the Uruks on the other side tried to break it down by force. Legolas picked up Justin watching the door warily.

"Pull everybody back. Pull them back!" commanded Theoden to the men.

The men ran into the keep quickly. Legolas and Aragorn were the last ones inside before the reinforced door fell under the force of the Uruk-hai. They barely closed the inner doors of the keep before the beasts were upon them.

Legolas laid Justin down onto a table in the room that they occupied. Legolas ignored the tired and hurt warriors. All his attention was focused on Justin. He put an ear to Justin's mouth and sighed in relief at hearing him breath. It was weak and haggard, but he was breathing.

Boromir crossed his arms, giving the king a hard stare. "So, what do we do now?"

Poor Justin. The next chapter should be the end of the Two Towers part of the series. Here is a question for everybody. I just reread Return of the King and I was wondering should I go by the book for the rest or wait for the movie to come out. I've been going by the movieverse so far. If I do go by the movie it will be months before I update though.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback oryou just want to drop a word send them to

Next: Chapter 19

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