Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Nov 29, 2005


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. Also this story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Rings or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author J.R.R. Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really, really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Chapter 29

The armies assembled out on the Pelennor fields the next day. Justin shuddered at the sight of the blood that still stained the once green field. The mass army made an impressive sight, all decked out for war, but a gloom hung over them. A sorrow that existed in the air so thick you could almost taste it. Just a few days before they had been laughing and full of joy at their victory. Today, there was lot less to cheer about. But what was when you were marching to Mordor, Middle Earth's very on hell?

Justin sat on the back of Lightwings subtly gazing at the captains of the armies. They stood tall and proud, radiating and hope and courage, not letting any see the doubt they had be feeling within their hearts. The doubt they all felt. The doubt Justin was feeling nudging at his very core. He sighed and smiled grimly at the concerned look Legolas shot him. Most of them gathered didn't know if they were going to their deaths. So even Boromir looked grim as he rallied his men.

It was only a few hours past dawn when the trumpets sounded through field. It was time. Justin swallowed and urged his horse forward. At least he wasn't alone in this coming battle. He had all of the Fellowship, except Frodo, Sam, and Merry with them. Yes, Pippin was there and riding with Gandalf. Just beyond Gandalf was Aragorn, looking surprisingly good with his hair combined and face washed. Justin had to admit, with the gem shining on his brow and clothed in war armor, Aragorn was a handsome sight. Justin almost kicked himself for thinking that about the asshole. He still didn't like the jerk, freshly showered or not.

Up in front with Aragorn rode the captains- Elrohir, Elladan, Boromir, (some Dunedain whose names Justin couldn't get right) and the newly crowned king of Rohan, Eomer. They rode onward in a steady formation, resting at noontime at Osgiliath. The journey wasn't a quick one. It was three days later and they were still riding toward Mordor. Through the day, while marching, trumpets would blow and men would herald the cry `The Lords of Gondor are come and all that is their land they take back'. It was a challenge to those near that may have hope of overcoming them. None answered the challenge.

Legolas kept Justin's mood from falling too far down. When they would camp or take breaks, they would sneak off for a little quiet time and if Justin had his way a make out session. At a crossroads they stopped and the army was given the command to fall out. The captains gathered to discuss matters of strategy.

"You are beginning to worry me, my love," said Legolas, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist from behind.

They stood in the shadows of trees and no one was paying particularly much attention to them, so their public display of bold affection went unnoticed. It wouldn't be right for a prince to be so bold in plain view.

Justin sighed. "I'm worried for Frodo and Sam. Will we be enough? Can we really keep Sauron's Eye turned from them, so they can have enough time to destroy that damned ring?"

"All we can do is hope and pray to Eru that we are enough," Legolas replied laying on kiss on his temple. "We will all make it through this, my love. I promise you."

Justin turned around, half smiling. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Las. But thanks for saying it. I love you."

"I love you too."

Later in day, Justin noticed that the heralds cry had changed to `the King Elessar', has come. Legolas, with a smirk, had pointed out that Aragorn looked increasingly annoyed and scowled deeper - while Gandalf looked smug, steadfast ignoring the glare that Aragorn shot him. Harry chuckled.

"Gandalf's idea," said Boromir in answer to his silent question. He rode up to Justin on his horse. "He thinks it will strike fear into the enemy. Aragorn hasn't been crowned yet so you know he is being his usual stubborn self."

Eventually on the second day past the crossroads that Nazgûl came and followed every move of the army. Justin had no idea why but they didn't come to kill them. Instead they flew high and out of sight of all save Legolas and Justin, and yet their presence could be felt, as a deepening of shadow and a dimming of the sun. The Ringwraiths offered them no hindrance whether to stoop low and capture men or to emit their soul wrenching cry. Still however their presence was felt and could not easily be shaken off.

Everyday the urge to give up got stronger on the men. Days passed and they came to a point where thousands of men didn't want to go on any further. Aragorn took pity on them and urged those that refused to go and retake Cair Andros, the small fortified island recently captured by forces from Mordor. Some took hope in this task that seemed their measure, but others felt shame at the mercy of Aragorn, and overcame their fear to continue on.

It was two days later that they came upon the Black Gate. The prime entrance to Mordor. The gate was huge, seeming to tower above them forever. They were huge, thick, impenetrable, and so black and awe worthy that they seemed built into the cliffs themselves. It was housed in a long, tall jagged mountain chain. Thick, black smoke rose in the distance beyond the mountains from the top of an omnibus looking volcano.

" that's Mount Doom," murmured Justin, looking at the smoking mountain.

Legolas nodded, his lips set in a thin line. "Let us hope that it be the last we see of that cursed place."

The Nazgul hovered near the towers in the cliffs and all was still. The battlements under the gate were dark and no sign of the enemy could be seen. But they knew they were there. They were being watched. The army was halted at an overlooking hill and the captains were bade to ride forward to challenge the lord of the black land. Justin, Pippin, Gimli, and Legolas were permitted to go also, so that all races who were enemies of Sauron could bare witness.

"I don't like the look of this," Justin muttered, riding with the captains up to the Black Gate.

The whole desolate look with the gray clouds overhead didn't inspire any hope in anyone's heart. The heralds rode before them, their banners unfurled and waving proudly in the wind.

"Come forth! Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Justice shall be done upon him. For wrongfully he has made war upon Gondor and wrested its lands. Therefore the King of Gondor demands that he should atone for his evils, and depart then for ever. Come forth!" they cried, and in the silence that followed, they waited.

And waited...

"This is bullshit," said Justin under his breath. Honestly, he was getting a bit bored. "That damn Sauron needs to get a move on before I start raining down lightning."

Gandalf gave him a chastising look. "Your powers though vast are no contest against Sauron. He was once one of us, but no longer. His power is too twisted and dark from those of the Mair."

Just as Justin was about to suggest they go back. The other's brought it up first. They almost rode back when the Black Gate swung open with a great clang. Drums sounded through the black fields and thunder echoed off the cliff faces. An embassy, the likes Justin had never seen, appeared in the open gate.

At the head of the small company was a tall, black robed man. His helm was black as the horse he rode on. The horse was clothed in a coat of mail and smoke blew from its nostrils and fire burned in the depths of its eyes. Their armor was so dark that no light reflected off its surface. Justin's eyes widened at the sight of the banner they carried with them. It was black with the Evil Eye blazing a flaming red. Halting a few paces before the captains, he looked them up and down and laughed.

"My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome. Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" he mocked.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed," said Gandalf coolly. "Tell your master this: The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return."

The Messenger turned to Gandalf and said with scorn, "Old Greybeard. I have a token I was bidden to show thee."

He gestured to one of his guards, and he came forward baring a black clothed bundle. The Messenger, dismounted from his horse, unwrapped the bundle and threw its contents at Gandalf, who caught it quickly, and held it up for them all to see. A blackness settled over their hearts as their eyes focused on the object. It was a coat of mithril-mail. The very same coat that Frodo had worn under his hobbit garments. Their hope was gone, and they felt as if the earth moved beneath them, as reality of what Frodo's coat meant. He and Sam was now lost to them. Justin shook his head to stop the tears that pricked his eyes from falling.

"No!" Pippin shouted in grief.

Gandalf placed a calming hand on Pippin's shoulder. He gave the shirt to Pippin, who clutched it close to his chest. "Silence, Pippin."

"The halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did, Gandalf. He did," he ended with a low, deep laugh that filled them with a feeling of dread.

Aragorn dismounted from his horse and walked forward, closing the distance between them and the Lieutenant of the Dark Tower. The Messenger looked Aragorn up and down and that creepy laugh echoed through the air again. Justin really had to prevent himself from just summoning a lightning bolt to rain on him. He rubbed him all kinds of wrong.

"And who is this? Isildur's heir?" the Messenger chuckled. "It takes more to make a king than a broken Elvish blade."

Aragorn raised his sword, faster than they could track, and lobbed off the Messengers head. Their was no blood as the men had truly died long ago. His body fell to the ground with a thud. The guards eyes shone with a fear as they took in their dead master and the proud king of Gondor, standing their sword still raised and challenge in his eye. They turn and fled back through the Black Gate.

Justin snorted. "Finally, somebody shut him up."

Boromir nodded, sharing a look with Justin. "I almost wanted to do it myself."

"Well that concludes negotiations," Gimli smirked.

"I will not believe Frodo had fallen," said Aragorn, frowning. "I will not."

"This is the final hour," Legolas said, gazing at the Black Gate that had swung back open.

A great host of Orcs, trumpets blowing, and drums beating, marched out from the inner land of Mordor. Justin's mouth went dry at their numbers. Numbly, he followed the others back. Aragorn rode up to the gathered army and began to hurriedly give directions and issue orders. Thousands of Orcs streamed from the gate, growling and yelling incoherently, drunk with the thirst of battle.

"Hold your ground! Hold your ground!" shouted Aragorn, the frightened soldiers stopping in their frantic movements. "Sons of Gondor, of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down. But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth. I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

The armies of Mordor closed in on them from all sides. And Justin took in a deep breath and unsheathed Dawnbringer. Legolas pulled out his twin knives with their pearl white hilts. They shared a look and Justin mouthed "I love you", trying to convey as much love and feeling as he could in his gaze. He supposed it worked because he could see all the love that Legolas had for him reflected in those crystal blue eyes.

Justin gazed into the distance and could say the flaming Eye, alit on the top of the dark tower of Barad-Dur. He gripped the hilt tighter and prepared himself. It would so suck if he died today.

"For Frodo!" yelled Aragorn, raising his sword, and charging toward the incoming Orcs.

The armies echoed his cry and followed his led, charging toward the approaching army of orcs. They slammed into the army breaking their formation. Justin surged forward and his sword hewed the heads of three orcs before their numbers overtook him, and he was forced off Lightwings. He fell to the ground, landing on the balls of feet, ready for what they threw at him. He kicked an orc in the gut sending it flying backward into a line, breaking their ranks. He fought with pure adrenaline racing through his veins. Punching in an orc in the face, and then gutting it with his sword, became his new quick method of survival.

He screamed loudly as a blade sliced his shoulder cutting into him deeply. Justin shook it off and drove his sword into their perpetrators chest. The sky suddenly darkened and wind grew chillier as piercing cries rose over the noise of the battle. Justin looked up. The Nazgul had arrived. Their cry seemed to give courage and renewed vigor to the forces of Mordor, and it did the exact opposite to them, instead making them quake with fear easy prey for the orcs.

Justin ducked a blade and yelled as kicked an orc in the face, hard. He could hear the bones in its neck snap and it fell to the groud, its head lying at an unnatural angle. He stopped for a second to catch his breath and his eyes widened as two orcs fell to their death on both sides of him. He looked up quickly seeing Legolas appear at his side, retrieving the knives that rested in their chests. Justin grinned and embraced his love quickly.

"Be careful, love," said Legolas, tenderly.

Justin rolled his eyes playfully. "Aren't I always?"

Legolas eyes suddenly widened and he cried out a warning. He threw himself at Justin, taking them both to the ground. Legolas rolled over and didn't have time to move before a three pointed spear slammed into him, pinning him into the ground. His blue eyes went wide and they glazed over in pain before they closed, and he went slack. Not moving. At all. Justin screamed so loudly that orcs near him stopped moving, staring at him in fright, as they slowly backed up. They could sense something had changed in the air.

"Las! Legolas!" Justin yelled, shaking the unmoving elf. Sobbing he fell over Legolas, cradling his body. "Legolas wake up! Legolas!"

It was over.

Legolas had become his everything and he was lost.

Legolas was dead because of him. He should have been paying more attention, been more careful. If he had been more on top of his game, Legolas would still alive. Something clicked inside his head, like some distant echo, the sound seemed to make him aware of everything within him. He felt as if he was weightless. Gravity couldn't even hold him down, because his heart was crumbling. Wave after wave of self-loathing, despair, and a fury so great that it threatened to consume washed over him. The fury burned within him, setting his insides on fire. Justin looked up with tears trailing down his cheeks.

Gimli and Boromir, who stood nearby, gave a cry as they saw Justin crumpled over Legolas' body. Their grief was forestalled as they gazed into Justin's eyes. His eyes were not their usual blue. Not even the glowing, electric blue they shone when his power showed itself. No, not this time. This time they were black. An inky black from edge to edge. They drew them you in and made you think about your worst nightmare. They were dark and swimming with the light of distant stars. Justin didn't call his power this time. This time he became the power. It flowed up, instantly, spilling into his hands, making them glow deep, dark blue.

Justin thrusts his hands into the sky. He didn't know what he was going to do but he wanted them, the orcs, to hurt. Feel the pain his heart was in. Feel the fire that burned deep within. Laughing madly, he yelled into the sky, "Burn you bastards! Burn!"

A harsh wind blew, blowing everyone but Justin back, knocking them off their feet. Fire sprang up around Justin, eighty feet high, a towering twisting pillar of flame. The orcs cowered away from the fire and those that ran from it, a tendril of flame would leap out, sending them up in a blaze. Justin controlled the fire, letting it touch everyone but those humans opposed to Mordor. He screamed as more orcs tried to slink away. The pillar rose up higher, and spread out in a sudden explosion that threw everyone back. Screams of those orcs on fire filled the field. Justin reveled in their pain. It only filled him with more fury and the fire blazed hotter. One of the Nazgul flew to close to the pillar of flame and the fire ensnared the Ringwraith and its fell beast, blackening their skin, burning through their bones with its intense heat.

The Eye of Sauron from its tower turned and focused on him. Justin grinned, sweat pouring down his face, and threw his arms forward throwing wave after wave of fire down the line of orcs that ran to the open Black Gate.

"Such power. Join me. Rule with me," said a whispered voice in his mind. Sauron's voice.

Justin threw the voice from his head, the power of that move made him sway on his feet. Boromir raced forward the fire not touching him. None of the fire had harmed their fellow allies. Justin fell to his knees and the fire that surrounded him blazed down and smoke, thick and black, filled the air, making his eyes water. Justin looked teary eyed as Boromir picked him up on his feet. He had nothing left. The pain was still there. Drowning him in an ocean of despair. But the power was gone for the time being. His body ached and his lungs felt as if they couldn't work, as he chocked on the smoke in air.

Suddenly, from the South within the inner lands of Mordor, there was a loud rumbling roar. Hearing some distant cry, the Nazgul gave a cry and raced off toward the Dark Tower. Tired, and heavy with grief, Justin only dimly heard the cry of "the Eagles are coming!". He felt the earth shake beneath him and suddenly a shockwave knocked them all off their feet. The Black Gate and it's guard towers swayed, tottered, and fell down into a collection of rubble; and from far away, now dim, now growing, now mounting to the clouds, there came a drumming rumble, a roar, a long echoing roll of ruinous noise. The land beyond what was once the Black Gate began to fall into a chasm into the earth. A great cry rose up as the tower of Barad-Dur fell in and the Eye of Sauron extinguished.

"The realm of Sauron is ended!" Gandalf said, his staff gleaming in the sunlight. "The Ring-bearer has fulfilled his Quest."

And as they all looked south to Mordor, it seemed as if a huge shape of a shadow rose, black against the pall of cloud, impenetrable, lightning- crowned, filling all the sky. The last of the spirit of Sauron, the Dark Lord. It reared up above them all, enormous and terrible, but impotent and incorporeal. Even as it leaned over as if to smite them, a wind came up, and it was blown away like a cloud of so much dust. Quiet fell over the land.

Justin didn't care about Sauron being destroyed. He didn't even cheer with their others as the remaining vestiges of Sauron's army threw themselves in the chasm in their fear as the power of their master left them, leaving them weak and cowardly. All he knew was Legolas was dead. Dead and immortal though Elves were, Legolas had been dealt a fatal blow that even one of the Firstborn could recover from. He closed his eyes and just gave up. He didn't fight the welcoming darkness that grabbed him, taking him away from the ache in his chest that grew with each passing second.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for the emails guys telling me to continue on with the story. There is actually, I'm guessing, maybe two or three more chapters left. Once again, thanks for the support. Yall always kick my ass in gear. If you want to reach me just email me at

Next: Chapter 30

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