Destiny of Boy 8

By rob roberts

Published on Dec 1, 2023


Destiny of Boy 8

This story is total fiction and is meant for readers over 18 and where legal. It is the property of the author and may not be used elsewhere. If you have comments, please write me at I hope you enjoy it and make a contribution to Nifty to help keep this site going

Thanks rob

I'm happy this morning. I'm laying in a fine bed with a big black man who has used me all night. Some of it wasn't fun like when he beat me on my ass before he made me suck him awhile and then fucked me real good. I was supposed to go back home last night but he tied me down and I couldn't leave. That will make Pa happy! Makes me happy too as He pulled out some big bills and left them on the table before he fell asleep. So I guess I just will lie hear a while until he wakes up. Maybe he'll fuck me again.

I'm boy five. Pa says I'm 16 now so I don't know how much longer I will be around. See, I'm a boy whore and make pa lots of cash to let mostly men and sometimes a lady use my body anyway they like. They just got to pay for it. Pa will look me over and then if there are marks or I'm bleeding, he will get extra money. I don't get any of it but Pa says that's the way it is for boys like me.

I don't really have a name that I know of. Sometimes they call me Jeremy but usually just boy or 5 when my brothers are near and Pa wants me in rather than any boy in our family.

We live out in the country in a place they call Kentucky, I hear. See Pa and my Ma fucked a lot when they were maybe fifteen. He got her knocked up and they left town and came to where our farm is. They set up housekeeping and he rented out Ma's pussy to get by one. I guess maybe they rented him too but anyway, they had a boy. Not wanting to get caught by the law, they never really got hitched nor did they ever get the boys any kind of birth papers. He got no name really other than boy. I guess they fucked a lot cause we got 8 of us now. We all live on the farm. None of us ever went to school. Ma taught us some stuff but by the time we was big enough, they found they had a good business renting us all out. I got six brothers and two sisters. We all live naked on the farm and don't go anyplace. The older brothers now get to fuck the girls and make more. I think I'm the last one Ma had with dad. I'm almost the youngest but there are two younger boys than me and a younger sister.

We all live on the farm. Well, most of us do. One older brother left with some men a while ago and Pa said he was going to his destiny. I don't know what that means but before they put him in a box, Pa was given some big cash. He's told us some day we will all go to our destiny. I like living with the family though and am proud when Pa calls me and sends me out to get used by mostly men. I'm proud cause Pa gives me a good squeeze when I come back and the men give him lots of cash. He says he's proud of me for bringing home money for food.

We all sleep in the same room. There are some mattresses on the floor and we all sleep together. It gets crowded so we all sleep kind of tangled up like. Usually at least one or more of us ain't there cause we are being used. Ma now cooks mostly and makes us clean. We especially have to clean the special rooms we go to when men come for their fun and stay at our place. That's the only time we get blankets so it is real nice. Sometimes it isn't real nice what them guys do to us but we heal up fine. When we get cash for what we do, we give it all to Ma or more likely Pa.

I'm hoping today I bring in a big 'ol pile of cash for Pa. We live away from most everyone so all we got to do is work when Pa says so. He shows us what is to be done and we do it. Pa even get s a few men just to come out and watch us work. They sometimes just point to one of us and we go with the men and do whatever they like.

The house we're in is kind of plain. We don't got a lot. Us boys get to wrestle around some for play but we don't got no t.v or nothing. MA and Pa have one but we don''t get to look at it so the only time I see t.v is when Pa delivers us to some place called a motel and the man renting us turns it on. Usually we know ehn we are going as Pa hoses us down outside and makes us shit and piss. We get the cold hose water up our cunts , both the boys and the girls, so we are clean. He puts an old long coat on us and takes us to where we are going in his truck. None of us drive and probably won't ever though sometimes the oldest boy, Boy 1 drives the truck on the farm when we are in back doing some picking or cutting wood.

I've never worn any clothes so when we go, Pa says we look kind of different with our bare legs and feet showing under the coat. When we get to the place, the men talk to Pa and he tells them whatever he needs to but always says were good for whatever they want. A few times two of us have gone. After a set time, Pa comes, gets us and the money. He may give us a hug if we are ok, we put the coats on and head to his truck.

I don't know where we go. Usually its in a city 'cause there are lots of big buildings and these motels he calls them. That's where we go, and play nice as we can with the men. Sometimes we got to go where two me are. That kind of scares me as they sometimes want to stick their big dicks in me a one time. Pa checks our holes after every visit and now says mine is stretched good, but he makes us do something called exercises to keep our holes a little tight for the next man.

Now only boy 6 has no hair on him except his head. I got my hair a while ago now. I was scared at first cause when one of the bigger boys, number 1 or 2 would fuck me at night for practice, they said I got pubes and as they fucked me, white stuff came our of my dick. It felt real good but I didn't know what it was. Boy 2 told me I was getting to be a man now and he told Pa. Pa fucked me then and said I was getting to be in something called puberty. He laughed and told me it was ok. He even let me fuck boy 6 'cause I guess I did a good job or something. still ain't got n hair but when I fucked him he squealed like we all do sometimes, and I shot my white stuff in him. Pa laughed and said he might let me fuck a girl someday and make a new me. Not sure what that means but it sure was fun for me, not so much for 6. Now six gets used a lot as I hear tell that some men like young ones. I recall hearing that about me too.

The black man next to me finally woke up and pulled me down to his huge cock. It was real nice and black as can be. I knew my job and began to lick itbut he stoped me and put just the big helmet head in my mouth. "want ys,all to taste me boy." Iknew what that meant too as Pa often did that with me and the others. I felt a warm squirt and then, holy shit, he let loose and filled my mouth with his stale piss, I had to start swallowing it as it would have splashed all over the stinking mattress. Not that that would matter, I guess, but I knew better and to avoid more pain, it was just better to drink it all down. It kind of filed me up too. I figure I wouldn't get no feed when I went back home. Ma only feeds us all once in the morning and if you ain't there, too bad for you. I guess this was breakfast.

He finished pissing . I had to go too but knew I couldn't ask for that privilege. Pa says we boys wait until our man (or woman) says we can and then we go outside. The man smiled at me with a big grin. I knew I made him happy. I was doin't real good I figured. He rolled over and let me lick his brown hole. I knew he had farted some like we all do so I just licked away. My hole was pretty sore from all the fucking he did. Pa says my hole is all puffy now and pretty open. Ever since those two boys double fucked me and made me scream like a bitch, It has been kind of torn. Like my big brothers' holes. Not real pretty to look at but it is the way it is supposed to be I guess. Pa taught me about getting a fist up there too and two guys who shared me once not long ago, did that too. I'm proud 'cause Pa says I done good. I cried like a little girl and that made them laugh and fuck me more. I bled that time, but when I saw the cash Pa charged them, he smiled and 'though it made me hurt a lot I felt like a real pussy boy. I didn't have to work hard that week at home. I even got one of the boys to lick up all my blood and the stuff that I farted out. One of the girls even rubbed stuff up there that made me feel good. I am most happy when Pa says I done good.

I hear knocking on the door and knew Pa was there to retrieve me. The black man got up and let him in. He looked me over good. I was almost jumping around I had to pee so bad. Pa pocketed lots of big bills and lead me naked out of the door. I was afraid to ask but pa saw I was almost leaking and let me go outside and piss. Damn I pissed like a horse all over the parking lot while some other men folk stood and watched me and laughed. They offered Pa some cash and I had to suck them off naked while the snow began to fall. Pa got more cash before he trew an old coat on me and said I should ride in the back of the truck as I was leaking too much to sit inside.

I shook and tried to move around and hoped the coat would keep me warm. I hated where we lived in the winter. I guess it was winter all right. By the time we got back to our place, my teeth were chattering and I couldn't talk to good. Pa sent me inside and the warmth sure made me feel good. He grabbed the coat off me and I went to see if Ma had left me some food. No such luck. She shooed me out of the kitchen and told me to go clean out my boypussy.

I went back outdoors and cleaned up a bit. One of my brothers dried me off which was ral nice and took me to our barn. I wasn't sleepy tired but exhausted and my hole hurt. He looked me over and said I should go back outside, shit, and clean my hole again and he would grease me up.

I did that but was glad I was done. I hope nobody came by the farm today wanted to use me.

Pa came in later as I laid on a mattress trying to get warm again. He told me a gentleman was coming by to check me out. I didn't know what that meant but figured my sore hole was going to get used again. Well, that was my life so I said yes to Pa and waited.

About an hour or so later, I looked out the window. Snow was still falling and the car crunched to a stop on the snow. Pa went out to greet the man. He was older than me for sure but looked real fine. I wondered what he would have me do. It made my dick hard thinking about making another man and my Pa happy.

I was glad that I was cleaned up and made sure my pits didn't stink too bad. Pa brought the man in the barn and called for me. I did what I always do and went right to him. Both men were wearing coats and hats and boots. I sure wish someday Pa would say I earned boots too. I looked at my big feet and hoped they were clean. I went to pa and stood there with my hands behind my head. Pa said customers like to see all of us and I was kind of proud of my big fat dick and low hanging balls. Pa started us out wearing things that pulled them down some, when we young boys. My ball bag hung a little lower than my cock head. Pa made us bend over to see if they swung some. I guess mine did. He said that was a sign of a well bred animal. I guess I was.

The man smiled at me and smiled at me. I didn't know if I should smile or not. I didn't . Pa said I was the boy he had asked about. I guess he saw some pictures of me someplace. The man touched me and he felt nice and warm. He asked why I was so cold. Pa said he keeps us that way so we want to work harder. The man nodded and then began to feel me all over. His hands felt nice and it made me get a boner. The man said I showed good. I hoped that made Pa proud. He told the man I could take a fist, but still could make a nice dick feel good. I was totally ruined. I didn't know what that meant. I had to bend over to show my boy pussy. I was proud that I could take almost anything up there now. The man spent quite a bit of time checking my mouth and teeth and other than saying I had bad breath, he seemed pleased. Pa made me go brush my teeth. I felt kind of weird doing it but did as Pa told me.

When I came back, my older brothers were standing there too. I guess I was thought to be ok 'cause the next thing to happen was the man handed Pa some money. It was a lot I guess. I was proud that I got Pa more cash for letting this guy look at me.

Pa said I didn't need any restraints. Not sure what that is. He said he would plug me if the man desired. He said no but he might keep me that way when he got home to keep my pussy open for show. Was I going someplace? No one asked me anything.

Pa said he kept us all kind of stupid so we didn't know where to go if we ran away. We never did. "I'd keep him that way and has to rely on you for everything." The man nodded but asked me if I could read or do math. I didn't know what "math" was so I said I could read some. He smiled at me again and took me by the hand. I figured we was going back to a hotel for him to play with me.

I was surprised kind of, when Pa said I was meeting my destiny and would be going away. I didn't know what that meant. He never told me. My older brothers all gave me a hug which made me worry a little . Wouldn't I see them anymore? I would miss them. The man took me by the hand and lead me to his car. He didn't make me ride in the trunk or nuthin'. I got in and he made me sit on a cloth, a towel or something. And then had me put on a very short tee shirt that only covered the top of my body. He told Pa that people wouldn't ask questions. Without a hug or anything from Pa or Ma, I rode way quietly. I was afraid to speak. The man put his hand on my leg and said it felt real good. I was glad he was happy. I was more glad when I felt hot air blowing on my exposed body and then on my butt as the seat got warm. It was so nice . I smiled at the man and he said I hoped I liked my destiny, and then laughed. I laughed too but not knowing where destiny was.

Next: Chapter 2

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