Destiny of Boy 8

By rob roberts

Published on Feb 2, 2023


Destiny of Boy 8 Ch 3

This is a story of gay erotic fiction. It is intended for readers over 18 and where legal. Don not copy or use anywhere without permission of the writer. Please make a contribution to Nifty to keep this site alive.

Thanks. Obediently yours, Rob

In the morning, the man who I now called Sir as he told me to but something I did with all men and boys who wore clothes, had me go outside to piss and shit. He watched me and smiled. I had to squeeze real hard to drop a load in the grass. I smiled back as with a big fart, I let out a stream of kind of loose crap. This was new to me as usually the mash Ma gave us made us shit hard turds that were easy to pickup and dispose of. Sir said it was probably due to me eating stuff I hadn't ever ate before. I nodded and didn't mind that he watched me. Pa and sometimes my brothers and even sisters all shit together every morning, together. We never gave it any thought. Then we usually cleaned out one another's holes so we'd be nice and fresh. There was no hose or nuthin' like that so the man had some kind of squeeezy bottle of stuff he shot up my hole> he did it several times before the water was clear. I even thanked the man for cleaning me good. Sometimes, at home, we got some kind of grease or something which we all did to one another. The man said he liked seeing some of my innards pop out as I guess my stretched hole showed my insides. I figured it was pretty normal as I now had hair. When I was a youngin', my hole was just a tight little thing but after the couple of years of the fuckings I got, well, it wasn't maybe as pretty. He said some big rosy part kind of came out. He liked seeing me push it out and then let it slide back in kinda, although it didn't always go all the way back. I did find shitting easier though and sometimes had a hard time keeping it in. Seems like with time, I was loose enough that nothing held nothin' back I guess that's why Pa and now Sir wanted me cleaned out. I didn't want to leak.

My piss slit was pretty wide open too. Pa had made us practice getting thin but gradually thicker pipes to be slid up our piss slits. Sometimes we had to do this practice for some time. It had hurt at first but now, shit I could almost take a writ' pen up there. when I pisssed or cummed, it kind of shot out of me. Sir laughed and said it pissed like a horse. After I was done, he made shure I didn't have nuthin' on my big feet or legs. He didn't want no mess. He got his camera and took pictures of me pissin a big wide stream and my red rosy parts coming in and out of my boy pussy. He said it was beautiful. I'm not so sure but if said so, it must be true.

Sir even made me stand next to a tree and do what he called posing. He liked my big dick and bush. He did say he might shave it off which scared me. Would I be a little boy again? Fuck if I knew. He took close up pictures with something he called a cell phone, of my big feet. Don't know why anyone would want to see pictures of my feet but he seemed to think they were real nice. I recall he had rubed the and even licked them some when they was clean. He had me lick and suck each of his toes. From his socks and shoes, they smelled some but I kind of liked that. Wasn't sure what it was but it did make my dick hard. He liked that!

He was real nice to me too. He didn't make me put no clothes on either. I had kind of got used to this tight shirt he made me wear while we drove at first, but now the weather was warmer. He still wore pants and a shirt and a jacket . He said he was glad I could go naked anywhere and anytime no matter what the weather.. I guess he liked that about me. I had never worn no clothes so wearing 'em was fun but they kind of rubbed on me and all and I was just fine naked.

It made me think to being naked in the cold and snow. I didn't like being cold but that as all I knew. It also made for us all, boys and girls to sleep tight together to keep warm in our barn. I liked being close to other skin. Only time, I didn't like it was when the younger boy and me had to sleep with our faces buried in the girls pussy's as Pa called them, when they had something called a period. We had to keep licking them all night and I didn't really care much for the flavor of the blood and stuff that came out. As their pussys were hairy on the older girls, it tickled some on my face but it was warmer.

Anyway, we finished and I got hugged by the man or Sir. I liked that feeling his warm body under the clothes. We slept that way too although then he was naked like me and I really got to enjoy his warm body against mine. I could bury my face in his pits or ass or anywhere on him and feel truly loved as I knew my only satisfaction came when I pleased another. It didn't matter what happened to me. Pa and Ma had taught me that.

We finally got to a place where he got off a big road and then drove awhile on a small road until he finally pulled off and a dirt road. We drove awhile. I wondered where we were. I kind of figured it must be a long way from my house as it was warm and sunny.

We finally drove into a place that was kind of like home except a lot warmer. He pushed some kind of button and the window next to me went down. It scared me some as I had never seen nothing like it. The warm sun came through and I liked that on my skin.

He finally stopped the truck near a barn. I hadn't noticed then but there was a house there too. He got out of the truck so I did too. I felt something wet running down my leg and realized that I was leaking. I couldn't seem to stop that. Nothing had come out of me since I shit and pissed earlier. I wanted to not make crap but I couldn't. He looked at me and said I would now have to wear either a plug or a diaper. He let me go over and make a crap. I felt kind of funny doing it but he didn't seem to care. When I was done, he said I should follow him. I didn't clean out my pussy or nuthin' . He said I was just like an animal. "May have to keep you outdoors 'til I get you plugged up." He smiled so I smiled back.

I wondered some about what my body was doing. I remember I used to wonder why other boys and men wore clothes and I didn't and that they just had me do stuff to them. How come I wasn't like them I wondered? Oh well, Pa said I wasn't nuthin but an animal. He didn't care so I finally just got used to it. Maybe some boys were made to be men and some weren't. I just let it go as Pa and Ma said I was fine as is. I wondered wat kind of animal I was. I had seen dogs and horses and even got fucked by a dog a few times. It hurt some when they did something called knotting, in me. But then the rush of that hot cum shooting in me made me feel all warm inside and I figured I was just kind of like them but looked like some other boys. I used to lick the dog clean after and even drank their pee. Just the way I was supposed to I guess.

We walked up to the barn and another guy who looked about my Sir's age came out and they hugged. "See you got us another animal." The man said. He came up and touched me all over and pushed me to bend over so he could see my hole. "Damn, this one is really destroyed. I was proud now as Pa had said that was what he wanted for all the boys. I guess I was ready for more. The man put his whole hand up my pussy. I felt kind of good but Sir said I was full of shit and to be careful. When the man pulled his hand out, it was kind of brown like and he said just wiped his hand on my body.

They then led me to the barn. I figured this was where I was to sleep and all and maybe I find a boy like me to sleep with and keep me warm if it got cold. Inside there were a few other boys. Most were the same color as me but there were one or two who looked like they were much darker. They didn't look like the black man who had used me a few days ago. They all had dark hair. One was shaved all his hair off except for on his head. I smiled trying to be friendly like.

Sir said, " meet your new bothers. They are here for the same reasons you are." I didn't know what that meant but I guess it didn't matter. I waved at them and wanted to be real nice as I figured they were going to fuck me some too.

Sir had one of the white boys, who had hair like me, on his dick and balls and pits and when he turned, I saw he had hair in his pussy and on his butt. He was a bit taller and bigger than me, kind of like my older brothers. I saw his pussy was wide open too and that pretty red part of his hole was showing. It kind of winked a me and went in and out. Maybe he just wanted me to see. Sir told me to get on all fours which I figured meant getting on my hands and knees. I did it just like he said. He called the boy over. He didn't have any name either as he was just called boy. He didn't smile or nuthin' but just looked at my hole before he dropped down on the ground and put his face right in my pussy. I felt his hot tongue all over my but it found its way inside of my pussy and he just began to slurp and lick and probably eat me. Oh it felt so good. He had a bigger cock than me and he wore some heavy things around his sack which pulled it way down. I had noticed it hung ral low and his big balls in the sack hung way down. Sir grabbed it and he kind of shook like he might be in pain. "Eat out your sister, boy and make it all nice and clean. He must have slurped away on me for a while never stopping until sir told him to stop. My big 'ol cock got real hard . Darn, it was nice having him eat me just like I ate other men. Sir and the other man chatted and felt me all over. Sir put a little pail under my dick and began to milk me just like we milked the cow at home. I moaned away happy as pig in shit as P a used to say until I felt my boy juice shoot out in long spurts into the pail. "Damn, "the man with Sir said, " just like a damn cow.

Sir had me stand up and I could hardly stand it. The boy was ordered up and I saw he had brown all over his mouth. He licked his lips . I think we could get some cash just making films of this and maybe letting others do it to.

Now that I was kind of cleaned out, sir put a big cone like thing up my pussy. "This will keep you from leaking all over. The man with him said we should maybe put a tail on this one. Both men smiled at me. The bigger boy who ate me just stood there.

He didn't try to clean up his face or anything. I wanted to kiss him for eating me so good. Pa made us do that to the brother or sister had eaten out our holes at home. We all got to taste our shit from the boy who ate us. WE took turns doing that and we all kind of liked it. "Show your new sister, some love" Sir said. I went up to the boy and kissed him . Damn he was hot. His big dick had gotten very hard just like mine was.

I was confused though as he called him my sister. I think Sir realized my confusion and said we were all pussys and that we should call one another sister. I didn't understand as he was a boy like me. "See, you pussy boys are all just cunts who happen to have dicks. We like that some but for the sisters who don't work so good, we sometimes cut off the boy parts and make them real sisters. He pointed to another boy standing there and my mouth fell open. He had no balls! "That sister is going to lose his cock too if he don't get better. But taking its balls has helped a lot"

I didn't learn until much later that some of these boy/girls weren't raised like us but they had taken them from places and made them what he called slaves. We like to find ones like you who are bred to be fuck toys, better. You don't know no different.

I just smiled. I wndered what it was like to have no balls. Maybe they didn't get milked. I did notice that that girl / boy didn't get a hard cock like I did., but his pussy was almost like mine, all stretched and open and red stuff sticking out. We were all naked so nothing was hid.

We left the barn then and both Sir and the man took me to the house, Inside a few boys maybe younger than me some maybe older, we doing chores like I did at home. It felt real funny to have that cone thing up my pussy but I didn't leak anymore when it was in me!

The other boys came to see me and didn't say anything but felt me. Sir told them to kiss my cock. I guess it was some kind of welcome or something. They all did. They were all pretty good looking. Some were older than me, some were younger. Some had no body hair and others were like me. He then told me which was the head boy. He was a bit older looking than me. I was made to suck him off and kiss his ripped up hole. He tasted real fine and I liked it. He did smile at me and took me by the arm and told me he was Seth but Sir called him Boy 8. He said in a low voice that they would teach me how to make the Sirs happy. I must have met a whole bunch of boys but Sir called them all girls.

I felt good being with them and Sir smiled at me and said I was a good boy. Most of the boys had things stuck in their pussys just like me I figured that was the way things were to be and was glad I was there. Master said I would learn to be a good boy like the others but to never not do whatever I was told, especially by the Sirs or any other men. I said " oh yes, Sir. That is the only way I know."

"Good, boy," he said. So began my new life in the place that I guess was my destiny. I felt kind of good as I was again with other boys or maybe girls, who were just like me. I would find out more again.

Next: Chapter 4

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