Destinys Child

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Mar 13, 2022


Appreciation to my slave who wrote this one on my command. But I need more sub proofreaders and writers to write for me. Email me for your appreciation and comments and don't forget to donate to nifty.

Chapter 2

Ken woke up feeling good until the horror of last night and situation came flooding back into his mind. He had talked with Jack long into the night and, the good friend he was, he had believed Ken. Ken knew most people would have thought he was crazy talking about vampires, murder, abduction, and some weird shit about a book but Jack had taken it all in his stride. They knew they should go to the police but Marcus had killed and was holding Ken's mum hostage so they could not risk it. That also meant they could not draw attention to themselves given the last killing had been only quarter of mile from Ken's house they cops would definitely be calling if they started behaving differently. Jack convinced Ken they needed to go to school and would start finding out all they could about vampires to work out what they were going to do. A search online had found nothing about the Book of Moon and Blood and all the vampire stuff was just about the latest TV show so they needed to go to the library. Jack and Ken were self-admitted nerds who when they got into doing something really went for it and had done several school projects together and this, while the stakes were much higher, would be approached in the same way.

When Ken got to school he could tell something was wrong before he even got through the door. As he went in Jack grabbed him and asked, "Have you heard?"

"Heard, what?", Ken replied

"Simon's Dead!", Jack said, "Simon Michaels is the one you saw that vampire kill last night."

"Shhh", said Ken as several people turned around, "Fuck. We can't talk here, come back outside."

"We can't, headmaster has called an assembly for right now. We gotta go to the hall.", replied Jack

Ken and Jack headed to the assembly hall along with the whole school where the headmaster formally announced the news that Simon Michaels was dead. He went on about what a great sportsman he was and how everyone loved him and what a bright future he would have had. Ken groaned inside at how nice everyone was being about one of the worst bullies in his life. The tributes continued and Ken started to get angry and it showed. Jack had to dig him in the ribs to calm him down when quite a few people noticed how agitated he was getting including Peter Daniels but worse also by the policeman, Detective Inspector Johnson, who was now talking to the school reassuring them about what they were doing to protect them and urging them to come forward with any information. The assembly ended with details of a memorial later in the week and the news that school was now cancelled until next Monday but students were told the teachers would be in school if they wanted to talk about what had happened or for those where nobody was at home.

The school descended into near chaos with lots of talking, most students leaving, some talking with teachers. Jack and Ken took the opportunity to follow up on their plan and head to the library but there way out of the hall was blocked by Peter Daniels.

"Where you going faggots? I want to talk with you.", Peter said as he put his arm out to stop Ken and Jack getting past him.

"What was that about in there you piece of shit.", Peter went on, "Simon's dead and you seemed way too agitated when that cop was talking. You know something about it fag, coz if you do you better tell me and you better tell me now!"

Ken glared, he could feel Jack pulling on his arm for them to move away, but then that smell and his dick started to stir. Mr Lupman came up behind them and said "Ken, can we have a word." Then as the Detective Inspector appeared, "The inspector here would like to have a talk with you", and turned to Peter adding, "move along Peter give this man some room."

As Peter left Jack also moved away but not completely out of earshot. For a second Ken looked at Jack pleading for him to come back but then he thought he saw something flash past the window. Before he had time to process it he was distracted by the cop introducing himself, "Hi son, I'm Detective Inspector Martin Johnson. As I said up there I am investigating the death of Simon Michaels."

Ken tried to relax, knowing what was coming and knowing he had to get away from the man and not say anything. His mum was depending on him and he could not get this wrong.

"You seemed very agitated when I was talking. Are you okay, did you know Simon well. I hear he was very popular in school. Was he a friend of yours?", the cop asked.

"No. We definitely weren't friends", Ken said honestly but then regretted it as he now had to explain why he was agitated, far more than everyone else in the school, about the death of someone he hated. So he said, "It was just such a shock. I go through that park where he was found all the time. It's on my way home.". Ken then added, "To be frank sir, I was thinking it could have been me. Why does someone think they can get away with doing this? I hope you catch them soon."

DI Johnson considered Ken for a moment but it was a reasonable response. He had one more question, "OK son I understand. Given you know that park were you in there at all yesterday? And, did you see or hear anything?"

"No Sir", Ken answered, "I was with my friend Jack most of the evening." Then using the lie he and Jack had agreed to move the time he left Jack's home to an hour later he said "I did head home around midnight but the police cordon meant I could not go through the park as usual, so I just walked round to get home. I did not find out it was Simon who had been killed in there until I got to school this morning."

"Okay son", said DI Johnson, "Thanks. That's all I need for now." He turned with Mr Lupman walking in the direction of the headmaster, adding, "We'll catch him", to Ken as he left.

Ken's mind wandered as he watched the detective walk off with Mr Lupman thinking the cop was almost a match for his idol with his build, near similar height, piercing blue eyes and, particularly as he walked away, his sexy ass. Jack grabbed Ken pulling him away from his thoughts and they headed out of the hall towards the library. Jack talked all the way saying that was a close-run thing with the cop but that Ken did well and the police should not bother them. He went on asking if had Ken noticed how closely Mr Lupman had been watching him and listening to what he had said. Jack just kept talking going on to say that they needed to look for books on vampires but also the whole world of creatures of the night and religions that worshipped the moon. Ken was not fully listening thinking about Mr Lupman and DI Johnson again until his mind flicked back to his mum and he was able to focus and asked Jack to explain again what they needed to do.

The boys spent a couple of hours in the library checking lots of books but only a few seemed to have anything that might be useful about vampires. They discovered a few interesting things around a lot of nonsense. They managed to discover vampires and other creatures like werewolves while considered mythical had been known of for a long time right back to the dawn of western civilization in Greece and lots of people did believe they really existed. They read about people that had hunted them and even that Bram Stoker had written Dracula from real experiences he had while travelling in Eastern Europe.

Jack had a pile of about ten books and suggested that they head to Ken's to continue studying as they were getting strange looks from the librarian about looking at vampire, werewolf and black magic books the day after a student had died. The boys checked out the books and headed out.

Back at Ken's they sat down to read. Six hours later Jack threw the last book down admitting defeat and saying, "Useless. All these books are useless."

Ken, who had given up a couple of hours earlier, came back into room with the food he had cooked offering some to Jack who now took it and ate. "So, what do we do now?", Ken asked. He knew Jack was smarter than him and if there was a solution to this Jack would find it.

"I don't know", Jack said, "I hate to admit it but we might have only one choice. There is a murderous vampire on the loose, he has your mum and he wants something we don't have and don't know how to get. We have to go to the police."

Ken's phone buzzed and a news alert popped up which he looked at. "There's been another murder", he told Jack who switched the TV on to the local news channel.

"Detective Inspector Martin Johnson was found dead outside his home at 8pm this evening", the reporter on the TV announced.

"Shit", the boys said in unison. They listen as they discovered it was another suspected Vampire Killer victim given the nature of the death but that this time there was a difference and the police had just released details of a note that had been found pinned to the victims chest saying "You were warned. You have 24 hours." There were unconfirmed rumours the message was written in blood.

"Oh shit", the boys said again realising this message was for them. Marcus must have seen the policeman talking to them and he was making it clear they were on their own and had one day to get him this book. Ken looked at Jack seeking support and with a barely susceptible nod he allowed Ken to grab him and hug him and cry in despair for himself, his mum and for what the hell they were going to do. After about a hour Ken started to calm down. Jack took control and called home to say he was sleeping over at Ken's, then told Ken they would keep looking tomorrow, then that they needed some rest as it would be a long day. That night was the first time the boys slept in the same bed together, but it was also the first time in a very long time that they did not jerk each other off. They just cuddled and both fell into a fitful sleep.

Next morning Jack was up first and cooked breakfast for them both and had them on the way back to school and the library as it opened at 8:30am. The librarian was a kindly older woman, Mrs Seaman, who seeing them again told them if they were really interested in this `stuff' as she called it they needed to go to a bigger library. She then produced a student day pass card and told the boys this would allow them to use the library up at Yale University where she was sure they would find a lot more information. It took the boys an hour to track across town to the university and then find the library having to ask a few of the students where it was. When they got there the administrator eyed them suspiciously, but they had a pass and when they mentioned Mrs Seaman he relented and let them in with a warning not to disturb anybody.

Jack is in his element and the boys soon have a table full of books on mythical creatures, vampires, werewolves and moon worshippers. As the boys read Ken realised Ancient Greece keeps cropping up and told Jack it could be important so they head off to the history section of the library to see if there is anything useful on vampires in ancient Greek times. When they got to the section they saw a man, maybe in his sixties, looking through the shelves, he was clearly an academic and this was confirmed when he turned to acknowledge them and they saw a name badge saying Professor Nicholas Cunningham, Ancient Greek Studies.

The boys starting looking for anything relevant talking about vampires while Professor Cunningham picked up a book and started to flick through it. After a couple of minutes it suddenly clicks and he turned to Ken and said, "Son, what's your name?"

"Ken Robertson, Sir", Ken replies.

"I knew it", Professor Cunningham said triumphantly, "You're Daniel's son aren't you."

"What", says Ken.

"Daniel Robertson, he was your father.", the Professor said, "He married your mum, Valerie I think she was called, and then he died not long after you were born. Sorry about that it must have been tough."

Ken was taken aback this complete stranger seemed to know so much about him but he looked kind so he nodded back and asked, "yes, but how do you know about my dad."

"Well", said Professor Cunningham, "apart from the fact you look just like him. I taught him when he studied here you know. It's what you are talking about that proved it to me. Vampires. Like father like son. Your father was somewhat obsessed with vampires in Ancient Greece too."

Ken looked a Jack barely able to believe what he was hearing. He knew his dad had done some studying but he never knew what he did and what on earth was he doing studying vampires.

Jack stepped in, "I'm Jack Brokaw sir, Ken's friend. We are very interested in vampires but did not know Mr Robertson was as well."

"Yes. Daniel was very single minded. He said it was all because of a book. A book that Daniel said had been in his family for generations and talked about vampires and werewolves and the tribes of Ancient Greece", the professor explained.

Ken was getting excited now, a book, could this be the book Marcus wanted. "Sir, do you know what my dad did with that book", he asked

"No", said the Professor, "He never showed it to me. I assumed you probably had seen it and that was why you were here following in his footsteps so to speak."

"Not exactly sir just a general interested maybe something I picked up from him but I don't really know", said Ken now desperate to get home and search through his dad's old stuff so said, "Come on Jack, we need to get home."

After making their goodbyes to Professor Cunningham they rushed back to Ken's place and Ken was up in the loft looking through old boxes before Jack had even closed the front door. Jack joined Ken looking through five boxes of fifteen-year old memories, papers, and pictures of his dad. Ken had not looked at this stuff for years but was able to stayed focused and just searched until, near the bottom of the fifth box, he found it, an old leather bound book with the word Selenia' in gold writing on the front. Ken flicked it open and saw immediately the words vampire' and `werewolf.'

"This is it", he shouted to Jack and taking the book down to the kitchen and light so they could read. The boys read about a place called Selenia and about the Vrykolkas and Lycantropes and about how they visited earth, in Ancient Greece, as vampires and werewolves. There were references to Exotikas and Satyros as well who also came to earth as elves and satyrs but as they read on, while it was interesting ,there was nothing about anything called an Angus or a Book of Moon and Blood. It read like a good fairy tale and if they had not known of Marcus would have dismissed it as just that.

It started to get dark and Marcus would be back in a couple of hours. Ken told Jack he had to leave as he could not be there when Marcus arrived as he would probably kill him just like the detective. Ken told Jack he would show Marcus the book he found and hoped it would be enough. They agreed Ken would call Jack every hour to check in and if he didn't then Jack would call the police.

When Jack left Ken took the book with him up to his room to wait. He flicked on the light to his room and bulb blew. In the darkness he put the book on the bed and was about to go get a new bulb when the moon emerged from behind a cloud and flooded the room with silvery light. He looked at the book and the golden writing on the cover was gone, replaced with `The Book of Moon and Blood', in silver. The book was now much thicker than before and it looked even older. Ken opened it and started reading. Again he read bout Selenia and the clans who constantly fought each other. It talked about a portal that brought them to earth where they could sate there urges and pleasure themselves with the pliant humans. Ken was enthralled in the book especially when he got to the chapter on the Angus. The Angus was the one who controlled all the tribes with his legendary weapon, the Gates of Heaven. But, that was it nothing after the mention of the weapon just loads of blank pages. Ken was still searching for more information in the book when he felt a movement in the air and suddenly Marcus was there in the room in front of him.

Marcus was annoyed. The stupid boy had talked to the police and so he had had to kill that officer. He nearly got caught when that Lycantrope had come sniffing by. It had been close but he had got away and been able to leave his message. This human woman was a tiresome burden too and he would be glad to be rid of her when he no longer needed her as leverage over this boy. Turning to Ken he could see the book and his mood changed. The boy had it. Marcus was going to be able to become the Angus. He and his brother could rule Selenia and he could finally get off Earth.

"Give it to me", Marcus ordered pointing at the book.

"Where's my mum", Ken asked back as bravely as she could.

"She's here", Marcus said waving as Valerie came into the room still deep in a trance. With that he grabbed the book and started reading.

Ken went over to his mum, she was stiff and cold but she was alive. He hugged her. "What have you done to her", he asked Marcus

Marcus ignored him and kept reading quickly getting to the section on the weapon, The Gates of Heaven, but then the blank pages. "Be quiet boy", Marcus ordered, and then started an incantation over the book and as both he and Ken watched writing appeared on the blank pages.

After a few minutes of reading Marcus turns to Ken and says, "Strip"

"What", replied Ken.

"Strip", repeated Marcus, "I need your seed. Your seed is your power. With your seed I can become the Angus. Do this and I will let you and your mum go."

Ken was confused but if this got his mum back then he was ready to do it. So he started to strip soon standing in just his underwear in front of his entranced mother and this alien vampire. He then hooked his fingers through his briefs and pulled them down and over his ankles standing now completed naked before this Selenian.

Marcus laughed. "What the hell is that", he said point at Ken's dick. "That tiny thing. That is not a penis", he laughed again.

Ken cringed but he had heard this all his life. He just stood there.

"How could anyone think you, such a weak, inferior, small, micro-dicked human could be the Angus", Marcus taunted. Then went on, "Start jerking I need to collect your seed. Lets hope your capable of producing some little boy as even Selenian babies have bigger equipment than that. Now get jerking."

Ken knew he had to do this but it was not easy. He was scared and his dick was not playing ball. It took him a long time to get hard and start to even think about cumming. Marcus was getting mad that it was taking so long, constantly taunting him which wasn't helping. Eventually as he started to get closer Marcus fetched a glass from the kitchen and ordered Ken to jerk off into it. It felt like it took forever but eventually Ken's dick started to react to his frantic jerking and he shot a surprisingly good amount of cum into the glass.

Marcus snatched the glass off Ken who, with cum still dribbling from his cock, sat down exhausted then watched disgusted as Marcus drank his jizz. "Yes", exclaimed Marcus, "now I am the Angus, now I have the power. Selenia is mine." He turned to the boy's mother and with a click of his fingers he released her from the trance and then was gone.

Val turned to her naked son and scolded, "Ken! What are you doing. Why are you naked? Have you been playing with yourself again? You'll go blind you know." Ken just stood up and hugged her happy to have her back. His mother clearly had no memory of the last 48 hours and that was fine by him. He quickly got dressed and followed her downstairs so happy it was over.

Ken rang Jack as promised and explained everything that had happened. Jack insisted on coming over and made Ken tell him everything at least ten times before he started looking at the book. Jack was impressed with the book and Ken let him take it home with him when he left a couple of hours later. It was only as he left Ken released that was the second day in a row the boys had been together without jacking each other off.

Ken woke with a start. He had had the weirdest dream where this tall, muscular, naked, super human male, with a huge dick, all bathed in a brilliant light had come to him,

"He will come for you Angus and you must be prepared. Selenia is in danger and only you can bring balance, Angus", the being said in his majestic voice.

"But how?", I asked.

"You are the destiny's child. The younger of any Angus previously. Destiny has chosen you and destiny will guide you. You just show patience", he then came near me and put his hand on my forehead like transfering something into me.

See this Angus", he grabbed his I don't know how much larger cock made of light and I lost in its beauty.

"This is your weapon Angus. This will make you the conqueror and you will be taking critical decisions with it. Be vigilant and decisive", he then started vanishing.

"What...there are lot of questions...what is ritual of the souls?", I shouted and shouted but it vanished and I woke up sweating.

It was morning so Ken got up and did something he hardly ever did and worked out in his room doing press ups, sits up and crunches before getting a shower and having breakfast. He had been up for a couple of hours when Jack called him. Jack told Ken to come over as he had lots to tell him about the book and that he did not think this was over. Ken headed over to his friends and was soon sat in his bedroom while Jack wearing only his underwear told him everything he had found out. Ken already knew the stuff about the Angus and the portal. Jack had found out some interesting stuff about the Vrykolkas not being suspectable to garlic, needing to be invited into buildings, or being killed only by silver bullets or any of that nonsense but the Earth sunlight was too bright for them to be comfortable and, for the Lycantropes, the size of Earth's moon made the new moon a difficult for them with them strugglung control their base urges and the wolf-like beast inside. Jack had also read what Marcus had revealed with the incantation and he explained the book did say the Angus' power came from his sex and his seed but it then went on to say that not just anybody could become the Angus. The Angus was selected by destiny and that when he was ready to take on the responsibility the mark, the claws and wings, would reveal itself on his body. Ken had already told Jack about his mark but he stripped his shirt at this point to look again and it was now a vivid deep red set of wings around dark black claw marks, no longer bleeding, but more vivid than the freshest of tattoos.

"You are the Angus Ken", Jack said looking at and touching the mark, "this proves it."

As Jack touched the mark Ken heard himself snarl and seeing the boy in front of him in his underwear had the strangest of urges to overpower and fuck his friend, but the desire passed as quickly as it came, leaving only his now half hard dick as a memory of the thought. Ken adjusted himself on the bed and urged Jack to continue explaining what he had found.

Jack had heard the snarl but dismissed it thinking it was just a strange ticklish response to his touch. Jack went on to explain that, as Angus, Ken would have control of the portal that linked Earth with Selenia and also through his weapon, The Gates of Heaven, have control of all the beings on Selenia. The book did not say what the weapon was. It did say there is a ritual called the Bonding of the Souls that allowed the Angus to become the supreme being on Selenia and control any male on the planet no matter how powerful he might outwardly appear. It did not explain the ritual or whether the Gates of Heaven weapon is used but Jack said, "I think I have worked it out."

"Worked it out how", Ken asked sceptically.

Jack explained, "I think this is ritual of sex. I have read in ancient stories that "bonding" means to have sex with someone. Marcus wanted your seed as the source of power. I think there needs to be sex and that sex is what gives the Angus his power."

At this point Ken told Jack about his dream and the thoughts to woke with after the `touch'. Jack got excited saying it all fit and that it was somehow all about sex. Jack had to admit he did not know what the actual ritual was or what the Gates of Heaven weapon was but that Ken, if he could work out how, had the power to wield it. Ken started to protest saying he did not know how to do anything but even as he said it he knew that was not true. Even though he did not know what to do he was starting to get the feeling when the time was right he would know, he did not know why, but he was sure it would happen. He knew Marcus would be coming back and would be angry and while that did scare him he was beginning to believe he might just be the Angus and could deal with this. But then a doubt crept into his mind could he, a boy with a 5-inch dick that men laughed at, be the one, the Angus, that exerted this sexual power. As he said it he glanced again at the handsome boy standing across the room, the shapely bulge in his underwear clear, and a firm ass almost begging for attention. Ken shook the thought away and made his excuses and left before he did something he might regret saying he needed to think and plan before Marcus returned.

Ken passed the afternoon reflecting on the last few days but it was his dream from last night that kept coming back and the fact he was sure he would know what he had to do in future. Marcus did not let him down and appeared in his bedroom just a few minutes after dusk. The Selenian was angry with bloody eues.that his swallowing of the seed had not worked and not made him Angus. He too had been thinking and realised he had made a mistake, the Angus' power was sexual, and to complete the transfer he had to sexually dominate, control, and fuck the boy.

"Strip boy", Marcus ordered as he stripped out of his own clothes, adding "no tricking me this time. I know what I have to do to take the power of the Angus from you I need plant my seed in you. I need to fuck you."

Ken was really terrified as he stripped but not resisting. Repeating the situation from last night he stood naked in front of Marcus but this time Marcus was also naked and his huge 12-inch dick stood proudly to attention. "This is what a real cock looks like boy", Marcus taunted grabbing and stroking his dick, "not that baby thing you have between your legs."

Ken acted relaxed even when Marcus told him to bend over and present his ass to him. As Marcus placed a hand on Ken's ass to position him Ken's was hit with a vision, the mists of his thoughts cleared, he knew what he had to do. He knew he was the Angus. He knew Marcus could not be the Angus or take it from him but he also knew he did not yet control the Vrykolkasian. Now however, he knew how to change that. "Stop", Ken pleaded hesitantly, "this is not the way. This is not the ritual, this is not the Bonding of the Souls."

"What", said Marcus stopping despite himself at the words from Ken.

"I don't know but I had a sort of vision and it felt wrong", ken said confused. Marcus knew that Angus of the past also had visions that were always the facts, sometimes future revelations which proved right.

"So what was in your vision?", Marcus was so eager to know. Something important might have revealed.

"The vision kinda revealed that it was wrong. May be the ritual is not done this way. It doesn't feel right.", Marcus was skeptical whether to believe him or not.

"You lowlife...", He threw me away and I hit the wall.

"You are of no use...and now it is time to kill your mother", he said with a cunning smile and started walking away.

"Wait...I know...I know...I know what is ritual of souls", suddenly my mind forced me to say these words and he quickly turned back.

"Spit up then", he again grabbed me by my collar.

"It is so strange. I just had something hit my mind and it revealed that the ritual is....actually ...a sex ritual....when an Angus have sex with any Selenian being and when the sex is done with real passion and intention, something happens", he left me and gazed me

"Get to are we gonna do it?" He asked.

"As I said...if there is no truth, passion and sincerity the ritual is not gonna work plus it is gonna be opposite. My sperms have the power and the way you can get is being the passive one...on the receiving end not the giver instead a taker", I wanted him. I enjoyed his vulnerable situation and was surprised how this come to my head? But I recalled those words that destiny will guide me and I guess it was the way to make things right and save my mom. There was shock on his face. His red eyes popped and his handsome face looked so cute. I knew he wouldn't go for it but it was what my mind told me. And I hoped he would say no and leave me.

"So start it lowlife human", he said silent surprising me. Marcus thought that if he gets Ken's power this way then it was worth it. Plus ken got a point, if he was fucking him how would he get his seed? So technically this was the right way. But a bonding with human, a low life was so disgusting but he had no other choice.

"It is considered so bad in my world but I need your power", he complained.

"For having such supernatural beings, your world is so conservative", I smiled and my fear started reducing.

"Let's kiss first", I said hesitantly.

"What is that?", He asked.

"You don't know what is a kiss?", I was surprised at his innocent look.

"Then let me teach you", I said smiling and grabbed his face in my hand. I heeled up and kissed him on his lips.

" mean par combages?", He said in his language.

"Yeah...whatever", I replied and kissed him again. His lips were so soft and delicate and his odor was erotic. I just wanted to kiss him more and I inserted my tongue into his mouth. It was so magical, my first kiss with a man and not an ordinary human but a supernatural being. I couldn't stop feeling the power rushing though me. I kissed header and rolled my tongue over his. Both of our cocks were rock hard. And I was surprised that being so conservative and apparently straight he was hard.

"I thought you were str8", I said.

"What do you mean?", He counter questioned. I forgot he was not form this planet.

"I meant you were into women", I said.

"I'm into women, I have my girlfriend back at home", he revealed.

"But you are hard...I meant your cock is hard",

" is natural for us Vrykolkasians. We have high sex drive and can get hard with anyone. But we mostly prefer women", he said and all my thoughts about him being I treated in me vanished. I somehow hoped he was liking this.

"But you must show sincerity Marcus", I addressed him by his name and then pushed him on my bed. We started kissing and then i didn't know how did I get such confidence that I moved his legs up and revealed his ass crack sliding my cock against his ass.

"What are you doing?", He asked confused.

"I really don't know. I just felt like doing it. My sperms have the power so what is the best way of transfering it to you is by fucking you and someone is forcing me do that", I said smiling. It was not me talking and doing this. There was someone else inside me taking over me.

Marcus looked at me weirdly but didn't say a word.

What Ken now knew the Bonding of the Souls was how he exercised his power as Angus and took control of the Selenians. Buried deep in the body of every Selenian male was organ called the Gates of Heaven, it was accessed through the ass shaped to accept only a male cock head and when touched the Selenian immediately and totally obeyed owner of the cock who had touched it. The organ was so deep in the ass that no ordinary male on Selenia, or any planet, for that matter had a dick long enough to touch it -- only the Angus was gifted with necessary tool. Plus people of Selenia tried to find out that organ in dead ones but first their life span was so high second they didn't find any such organ and everyone considered it a myth and none believed in such myths.

Marcus was only doing this to become the Angus, he told himself it did not matter what the kid did, in a few minutes he would be Angus and the kid could be killed. After all, he told himself, how much damage could his puny 5-inch dick actually do?

Ken climbed onto the bed positioning himself above Marcus. As he knelt there his thoughts turned to all those years of bullying and all the taunts and claims he was not really a man. Well tonight he was going to prove the man he was. He stroked his dick and with his other hand ran his fingers up and down the vampires presented ass hole.

"Get on with it", Marcus demanded, clenching and preparing himself for the unwanted but necessary invasion.

You must be feeling humiliated at how a lowlife human is gonna fuck a superior being like you. Don't you Marcus?", What did just I say to him. I entered my cock I to his tightest hole.

He glared at me but I didn't care and them pushed in.

"Ahhh", his face contorted and he squirmed with pain.

"Wait....", He said stoping me but there was nothing inside me that didn't want and with one push I slammed in.

Ken steadied himself and lined up finally touching his cock to the presented hole. As his dick touch the Selenian flesh he felt a shudder through his whole body and his dick started to swell and grow gaining three inches in a matter of seconds. Shocked Ken pulled back and looked at his now fat 8-inch cock throbbing in front of him urging him on to claim his prize and prove himself a man. He did not need much encouragement and lined himself up again and pushed forward easing his dick into the tight vampire hole. Marcus groaned at the invasion but quietened himself not wanting to show any weakness to the boy. Ken felt his cock head push against the walls of the Selenian's ass filling the tight space but he wanted more and he thrust himself forward deeper into the hole. Marcus screamed, unable to deny the pain of the invasion, as Ken burst through his anal sphincter.

Ken paused but he felt his cock still growing and expanding pushing deeper and deeper into the vampires ass. That tight warm ass felt good on his cock and he pushed it back home again to feel its warm embrace. He had been waiting 17 years to feel pleasure like this and he was going to enjoy it!

Ahhhhhhh......ahhhhhh", he screamed out. I ignored his groans and started fucking him harder and faster. It was the first time I was having a sex with such a handsome, strong and tall man and who was a complete top. This vulnerable being was just taking my dick and groaning with pain underneath me. Marcus was in pain. Marcus was in shock. What the fuck was happening? This was no 5-inch baby cock in his ass. This was a monster that was ripping him apart as it probed deeper and deeper inside him. Just how big was this boy going to get. He started to worry and starting telling, no pleasing with, Ken, "Stop. Please stop. Its too big." But, then disgusted with himself he bit down on the pillow and urged him to continue -- it was worth it to become the Angus. Anything was. He tried to think of the power and control he would have but it was no good he could think of nothing but the monster dick buried deep in his insides. And then it happened, the cock grazed against another barrier deep inside him, the touch sent waves of mesmerizing bliss through him. Then it pushed through and took him to the promised land, to a world of total euphoria, wave after wave of rapturous delight, and a all consuming need to be used, to be taken, to be bred. His Gates of Heaven had been breached.

Suddenly I felt weird and chimerical stuff happened. I was kissing Marcus on the neck and fucking him like someone possessed me and even he was moaning obviously enjoying it. But strange thing was a smoke started appearing around both of us and some weird tattoos like markings started appearing on our bodies.

"Wait...what the hell...take it out...take it out..futuo....futuo...take it out aurhhhhhh..ahhhhhh...what is's so weird...", He was struggling to escape underneath me but I was also going crazy. Suddenly I felt a lot powerful and kept him underneath me and continued my fucking.

"Irrumabo.....what is''s...soo...", Marcus was getting breathless with each thrust of mine. Even I felt that his ass was getting deep as my cock just grew and grew inside his hot tunnel without any end. What was happening? Wasn't there any spot in his hole where my cock could stop but it grew. I had fucking five inches not fifteen. How could I feel so much distance inside of him? I went crazy and my cock wriggled inside even more. And suddenly my cock hit at something.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh....just do it...yes...human just do it....futuo. noooooooi...arghhhhhh.ahhhhh..ueahhh....irrumator paetor.....oh do it....yeah ...irumabo me...yeahh", a moment ago this muscular hunk was moving away from my cock and suddenly he was pushing his hips on it....hurling his legs aorund my back and his large bodywas hugging my smaller frame tightly.

" selenian bitch...just take my cock...", I was glued to him literally but still I could feel so much space to fuck and explore inside him and my cock also didn't stop moving and slid forward like a snake.

"Ahhhhh...yeah....futuo.....what the hellll....irumabo me..irumabo me human...just irumabo me", the smoke got thicker and markings on our bodies wider. We both were at the epitome of pleasure. I had never fucked a man or even a boy before and it was amazing. The best sex of my life. Suddenly he turned me on the bed with my cock deep inside him and he started bounding and riding me. Seeing a muscular interstellar being dancing on my cock was so powerful, dominating and authoritative. I was in heaven literally. I looked around and everything was pale and smoky. Everything was silent just Marcus's naked body riding me and screaming out louder filling the room with pleasure.

Ken felt the change as he pushed his now unbelievable really expanding dick deep into Marcus he felt resistance as he hit another wall but sensed the resistance from the vampire fade inviting him in and he pushed through his cock head now enveloped by the chamber inside. Instinctively he knew this was it, this was his weapon, his mighty cock had broken through the vampires Gates of Heaven and the Selenian was his to use.

Marcus starting begging, "More, please Angus, more", moaning as Ken shifted around inside him pulling out them ramming back home to cries of, "Yes!", from the vampire. Ken was playing with the Selenian's body moving in and out riding him giving his cock what it had always craved but until tonight had never had. Whenever Ken paused to take in the enormity of what would happen Marcus would literally start whimpering and begging more and more earnestly for Ken to continue to ride him to use him to take his slutty ass and make it the boy's own.

Ken felt his power grow. This male beneath him was no longer a threat he was a vessel for him to use for his own pleasure and boy, did his monster cock crave pleasure.

Marcus was being driven wild by the power of the Angus, he needed more, he needed deeper, he needed harder and as he begged and pleaded the Angus, Ken, obliged and took his pleasure from him and his willing, desperate and accepting body. "Take me, use me, make me yours Angus", Marcus heard himself imploring of Ken scarcely able to believe it but unable to deny this was what ever fibre of his being needed.

Ken moaned in pleasure, sensing Marcus now working to please him. Thoughts of gratitude where quickly replaced with the realisation this was his right and what this Selenian slut was born to provide to him as Angus. "Work it bitch", he said, "work my dick, prove to me you are worthy of my mighty cock. Is that all you got slut? Put some effort in. Make me believe you want this, make me believe you deserve this."

Marcus heard his Angus command him and he focused everything he could on serving the cock by pushing his ass harder on his massive cock that was using him.

"Not fucking good enough", snarled Ken pulling clean out. "Turn over slut, present your ass. Get those legs in the air and use your arms to hold them there." Marcus meekly complied turning to face the boy and presenting his ass for fucking. "Higher bitch", Ken demanded, "Get that ass in the air." Again Marcus complied and watched as this boy now positioned himself above him and rammed his monster cock home in one, laughing as he saw the pain on Marcus' face. "Take it slut", Ken demanded as he worked his cock in and out of the presented hole.

Marcus knew he had been tricked but was powerless to refuse this boy, this dick, this Angus as he pounded his ass over and over. How had the meek and weakling human done this to him? But then Ken invaded his gate again and all thought was lost the only need the only reason to live was to serve and to give this cock pleasure. He worked and worked the cock and sensed the Angus tensing getting ready to cum and give Marcus the reward he so desperately needed.

Ken was sweating from the exertion of fucking this slut but he felt amazing this was the best work out ever. Why had had denied himself this pleasure until now? As Marcus worked him he felt himself getting close but now, as man, he held back savouring the need of this slut to get his seed and denying him that reward until he, as the one in control, had taken all the pleasure he wanted from this willing hole. "Voy a venue...human", ken kept it going for a long time but after thirty minutes it he felt the overwhelming need and a couple more thrusts and he exploded his load deep into the tight hole still working his cock. He shot load after load, it felt like gallons of cum, and the slut took it all moaning in delight as he claimed the gift from the Angus.

Marcus felt the cum shoot deep inside him, over and over flooding his insides with Angus seed. He did not want it to stop and he worked the cock impaling him for all he was worth to claim as much of the seed as he could. When Ken's cock stopped pulsing Marcus relaxed and slumped in the euphoria of use. He was unable to focus on anything but the face of the boy, no the man, no the Angus, in front of him and the fact he had been chosen and been allowed the gift of being used. He sighed in despair and loss as the cock inside him started to withdraw.

As Ken pulled out of the Selenian's hole panting and still sweating profusely he was shocked to see his 20-inch dick as it started to shrink and return to its former boyish size. He rubbed his eyes and saw it again. It was his normal 5 inch cock. May be he was hallucinating.

They laid besides each other in post orgasmic bliss but when Marcus returned to his senses, he was mad, a furious Vrykolkasian male who had been used, abused and humiliated by a child. The anger burned in Marcus' eyes and he leapt at Ken desperate to kill the impudent human.

Ken saw Marcus leap but at the same time his bedroom window smashed open and a wolf-like beast was on Marcus tearing at him keeping him off Ken. The beast was powerful but Marcus was quick and the two faced off against each other locked in combat parrying any move the other made. Marcus feigned defeat and as the wolf move in for the kill he jerked away and his mouth, now full of fangs, lunged for the neck of the wolf. The wolf was ready for the trick and turned throwing the vampire out of the window as it lunged for him and hearing it fall to the ground he leapt after it. Ken jumped up to see the two fighting outside hurling each other around but then they were gone the noise of their battle echoing down the street. All that was left was his wrecked room, smashed window and the strange exotic smell permeating his room, his dick stirred automatically, the smell of Andy Lupman.

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