
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Oct 17, 2000


Devotion Chapter Twenty-Two: Saying One Thing and Doing Another

Disclaimer: The sexuality of any and all members of *NSYNC is a mystery to me. In fact, it's sort of confusing in this story, too ^_~ Well, I hope you enjoy; you know the address, feel free to write me. I love feedback!

Four members of *NSYNC sat in Justin and JC's hotel room, absolutely sick of looking at clothing. The two stylists, one hair dresser, and make-up artist had left, their work, for the time being, finished. "I'm glad *that's* finally over with," Lance commented, lying across the couch, his head in Joey's lap. "No kidding," the New Yorker agreed, running a hand through his newly cropped hair. "You know, Joe," Chris observed, watching his bandmate. "With that red hair of yours gone, you almost look human." "Yeah, but what are we gonna do about you?" Joey teased. "You got a hair cut, but you *still* look like cousin It." "Shut-up," Chris laughed. "Don't worry, it looks nice, Chris," Lance assured the oldest member of *NSYNC. "Thanks. Say, when do you think JC's gonna get back?" the twenty-eight year-old directed his question to Justin, who had been unusually quiet since the twenty-four year-old had left. "I don't know," the blonde replied honestly, worry laced in his voice. "I expected him to be back by now." "Aw, don't worry, Curly," Lance soothed. "JC'll be fine. He probably just got caught up somewhere, like listening to some guy playing his guitar on a street corner or something like that; you know how he is." The nineteen year-old sighed. "I know, it's just that I'm not sure if he's still mad at me, and I'd feel better if I was able to talk to him." "I bet you'd feel even *better* if you weren't just *talking* to him," Joey teased. Turning a deep shade of crimson, Justin mumbled, "That's not funny, Joey." Chris laughed. "At least he didn't threaten to kill you this time." "That only happens when Joey makes fun of JC," Lance explained, a smile on his face as well. "Well, excuse me for looking out for my friends," Justin snarled, turning away. "You know what?" Chris asked his bandmates. "I think that Lance is gay." "What?!" Lance exclaimed, glaring at the twenty-eight year-old. "Why?" Justin asked, looking at Lance critically. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and his voice became more hostile. "He didn't come on to Josh or anything, did he?" "NO! No," Lance replied hastily. "I don't know where Chris got that idea." "Oh, so you think it's a *bad* thing to be gay?" Justin demanded angrily. "So you're saying that Josh is a bad person? I know you're religious and all, but I always though that you were more open-minded then that, Lance." "Wait, wait, wait," Chris cut in before Lance could defend himself. "I was just kidding. You see, I wanted to prove that you only get all defensive when someone makes a comment about *JC.* When it was Lance's sexuality, it was okay, but once you thought he was insulting JC it became a big deal." "Couldn't you have picked Joey or something?" Lance complained under his breath. "Okay, so I'm protective of Josh, so what? He's always done the same for me, what's the big deal?" Justin snapped, clearly becoming even more defensive. Realizing that he wasn't going to be able to reason with the nineteen year-old, Chris decided to drop the subject. "So, speaking of JC, did he at least tell you where he was going?" "No," Justin replied sadly. "He just shot out of here. And things were going so well, too..." he trailed off, looking wistfully out the window. "What do you mean?" Not surprisingly, the question came from Lance. "Well, he was being so sweet this morning, even after I was really rude, you know, when I ran out of the room. And then all of a sudden, he wanted to go out to take a walk, and then at the elevator, he didn't say anything after I, um, nevermind," the nineteen year-old mumbled, after he realized what he was about to say. "After you what?" the Mississippian prodded, watching the younger man carefully for any indication as to what was going on in the blonde's mind. "Nothing," Justin hissed, becoming testy again. Chris signaled for Lance to drop it, and Lance sighed. "Fine, whatever," he muttered, sighing again. "So," Joey began, breaking the silence that had fallen between the four men. "I just realized that I don't have a date for the VMAs yet! I tried to pick up that Tearsa babe, but she's taken. Then I tried to pick up Carrie, the make-up artist. She's taken, too." Laughing, Justin asked, "What about Nancy or Sheri?" Blushing, Joey muttered, "They laughed when I asked them." Patting the New Yorker's back consolingly, Lance said, "Aw, don't worry about it, Joe. That's just because they're both much older then you." "Well," Justin cut in, his mood much improved. "Not *that* much older. Joey's an old man!" "Hey, I'm younger then *your* boy toy, so take that," Joey retorted, smiling. "My *what*?!" Justin exclaimed, not sure he heard correctly. Rolling his eyes, Joey clarified, "You know, JC. Your boyfr-" "Best friend," Lance quickly interjected, glaring at the New Yorker. "JC is your best friend." "No, he's Curly's everything, remember?" Chris joked, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction. "But not his date. Are you going to tell us who this mystery lady is?" Smiling smugly, the nineteen year-old replied, "Nope." "So who else has a date?" Lance inquired, turning to look at Chris and Joey. "Not me, that's why I'm gonna go clubbing tonight after rehearsal," Joey informed the group. "I'm coming with you," Chris added. "I met a girl the other night who said she's there all the time, so hopefully I'll see her again." "What about you, Scoop?" Joey inquired, turning to the blonde. "I guess I'll come with you all tonight. And we can probably count on JC coming, too," the Mississippian responded. "Why?" Justin asked, re-joining the conversation. "Well, he needs a date, too," Lance explained. "Even if he *is* gay and is just bringing a girl to display." "Oh," Justin muttered, feeling a little rejected. "What?" Joey teased. "You didn't expect him to go all by himself, now did you?" "Well," Justin began, but he turned away. He didn't own JC; in fact, they weren't even together. He had no control over whether or not his best friend brought a date. Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Justin?" JC's voice called. "I forgot my key again." Lance, who was closest to the door, walked over and opened it. As JC stepped inside, the Mississippian caught the dirty look Justin was giving him. "Hi, Lance," JC greeted breathlessly. "Hey, guys. I forgot my key again, sorry. I just need to grab a few things..." The brunette trailed off as he swiftly made his way over to the dresser where he grabbed his wallet and keys. "What's the rush?" Joey asked, watching his friend in amusement. Justin, hurt that JC hadn't said anything to him yet, remained silent. "I met a girl and we're going to go out to lunch or something, so I have to make sure I have some cash. I didn't even bother to grab my wallet when I left earlier," the twenty-four year-old replied. Justin, who was now leaning against the wall next to the door, folded his arms across his chest. /JC met a girl?!/ he repeated to himself, a bitter smile creeping across his face. /One kiss from me, and he's already rethinking his sexuality./ His wallet and key secure in one of his pockets, JC made his way back over to the door. "I'll take a cab and meet you guys at Radio City a little before five, okay?" the brunette addressed the group. Turning to where Justin was standing, he added, "Oh, and Just. I'm not angry with you at all." He then leaned in and kissed the nineteen year-old gently on his lips, before swiftly making his way out the door, calling a quick, "'Bye!" over his shoulder. His eyes closed and his arms still folded across his chest, Justin stood still for a moment, thinking about all that JC had managed to do in the few minutes he had returned. Lance, Chris, and Joey all glanced at each other nervously. Each was thinking about leaving, but having Justin standing right next to the door created a problem. "Well," Joey finally broke the ice, again. "I guess I'm gonna head back over to our place and rest up for a couple hours." "I think I'll join you," Lance piped up, so eager to find a way out of the situation that he didn't think about how he had phrased that. "Well," Chris laughed. "I think I'm going to watch some TV. Although, a big nap all cuddled up with Joey *does* sound fun. I can see why you'd want to join him, Scoop." Turning bright red, Lance muttered, "That's not what I meant," before rushing out of the room, past Justin, who did nothing to acknowledge the situation. "Gotta go, he has my key," Joey stated, following his flustered bandmate out of the room. "Meet at our place in an hour and a half, okay?" Justin nodded, and Chris said, "No problem," as he followed the New Yorker out the door, leaving the youngest member of *NSYNC alone to contemplate his relationship with his best friend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ooh, the tables have turned! What's Justin to do? JC with a woman? Hmm... isn't he supposed to be gay in this story? ^_~ What an interesting (yeah, right!) twist! Thanks again for reading!

Next: Chapter 23

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