
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Sep 23, 2000


Devotion Chapter Four: Lunch Time Lovin'

disclaimer: I think you know the drill by now. Thanks for sticking with me! I hope you like the story!! Feel free to send me feedback (hint, hint) -Angel1313 ^_^

Roughly half an hour later, Lance began to pace back and fourth in his room. The doorbell rang and he yelled, "I'll get it!" Joey, who was laying on one of the beds laughed and called out, "You do that, Scoop." Lance pretend to glare at him before answering the door. It was room service with the food. After tipping the bellboy who had brought it up, he closed the door and placed food on the round table in the corner of the room near the TV. Joey began to reach for it, but Lance slapped his hand away. "Wait for everyone else, Joseph," he chided his friend. Joey laughed and Lance sat down next to him on the bed. "Where is everyone?" he asked impatiently. "We still need to discuss the whole dancer issue." Joey groaned. "Oh, god, do we have to? I don't want JC, or worse, Justin, to bite my head off again!" Lance laughed, but quickly turned serious. "Then I think that you should let me do the talking." Joey laughed, but nodded his head in agreement. "I think I'm with you on that one, Scoop." The doorbell sounded again, and Lance responded, "Good," before getting up to answer the door. Lance opened the door to reveal Justin, his hair still damp from his shower. "Hey, Curly," he greeted happily, opening the door wider for Justin to step through. "Come in. The food's already here." "And I didn't eat it all yet!" Joey added from across the room. Justin smiled slightly. "Well, I didn't order anything, so go ahead and help yourself." "Justin!" Lance yelled in mock-anger. "After all my hard work training him, you just waltz in here and within seconds, he's back to his old habits." The three bandmates laughed, and Lance lead Justin over to where they were going to have the meeting. Justin took a seat on the couch as Lance moved back over to the bed. "Hey, Just," Joey suddenly spoke up. "Isn't that shirt JC's?" Justin blushed a little. "Um, yeah," he mumbled. "His, bags were, uh, accidentally put in my room, so I just borrowed some of his clothing. He, uh, probably has mine, so um..." Justin trailed off, looking at his feet in embarrassment. "That's cool," Lance said casually, watching Justin out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, I just hope you didn't borrow any of his underwear!" Joey added with a laugh. Lance quickly smacked him. "Joey!" Justin's blush deepened. "O-of course not!" Luckily they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Lance quickly got up to answer. Chris and JC stepped in. "Hey guys, what's up?" Lance asked as he moved back to his seat next to Joey on the bed. "Make yourselves comfy." "Yes!" Joey exclaimed, lunging at the tray of food. "I finally get to eat!" "Oh, yeah, I forgot to order anything," JC said, following Chris over to the table. "Naw, I got you covered, man," Chris replied, flashing him a smile. "You got the turkey club over there." "What?" JC asked the older man. "How did you know what I'd want?" Chris smiled again. "Justin told me." "What?" came the monotone reply. "I had to borrow his menu so I asked him what he thought you'd want," Chris replied nervously. JC didn't respond, he just walked over to the table and picked up his sandwich. Sitting down next to Justin on the couch, he turned to his friend and asked, "Didn't you get anything?" "No," Justin replied, looking down at his feet again. "I wasn't hungry." "Wasn't?" JC repeated. "Well, then, um, would you like half of my sandwich?" he asked timidly. Justin knew that this was a peace offering and he gladly accepted, even though he still wasn't really hungry. "Sure!" he replied enthusiastically. JC smiled at him and handed him half of the sandwich. Lance, Joey, and Chris sighed collectively in relief. Much of the tension in the room was lifted, and JC and Justin were chatting quietly together as they ate their sandwich. "Ugh," Justin suddenly said loudly. "Chris, you ordered it with pickles!" "Um, so?" Chris responded in annoyance. "JC doesn't like pickles on his club!" Justin explained, looking at Chris as if he should've known that. Chris begged to differ. "How the hell should I have known that?" he replied in exasperation. JC laughed. "We'll just pick them off," he told Justin with a smile. Justin smiled back, "Okay," he said, taking the offending pickles of JC's half of the sandwich. JC continued to smile as he reached over and removed the pickles from the half Justin was eating. Chris rolled his eyes. "They're back to normal," he muttered, grabbing his food and moving to take a seat on the floor, leaning against the far end of the couch. As they exchanged sandwich halves, JC noticed what Justin was wearing. "Hey, isn't that shirt mine?" Justin grinned cheekily. "The pants, too," he admitted. "And the underwear!" Joey added. He promptly received another slap from Lance. Justin blushed. "I'm wearing my own underwear, thankyouverymuch." JC laughed and threw an arm around his friend. "It's all right, Just. I don't mind. Our bags got switched somehow. I'd be wearing your stuff right now if I didn't have a spare change of clothing in my gym bag." Justin smiled and cuddled up against the older man, "I know, I had clothing in my gym bag, too, but I just missed having you around, and I just-" Justin was cut off by Lance, who said, "Oh, that's right, isn't it? This is the first time you two haven't shared a room!" Justin's face fell, "I know." JC leaned over and kissed the younger man on the cheek. "Tell you what, if it makes you feel better, I'll sleep in your room on the floor or something." "Oh Josh!" Justin exclaimed, sitting up. "I'd never make you sleep on the floor!" "Especially when he wants you in the bed," Chris joked, having no idea how true that was. "N-n-no I don't!" Justin yelled back. "I just don't want him to give up his bed for the floor because of me," he explained. JC laughed. "And what makes you think that I'd make *you* give up *your* bed for the floor?" "But I'd be happy to, if it meant that you and I could share a room again," Justin responded seriously. "He did say he'd do anything to make you happy," Lance said, chuckling. /He did?/ JC wondered to himself. /When?/ "Tell you what," Chris cut in. "How about Justin and I switch? That way I get my own-er, um, I mean, that way you two can share a room, and you can *both* have beds. Deal?" "Deal!" JC and Justin agreed happily. "All right then, it's settled. Chris and Justin will switch rooms," Lance summarized. "Now that we've settled that, let's move on to more important matters." He paused for a moment to finish his salad. When he was done, the unofficial leader of *NSYNC continued. "Okay, first things first. Our performance at the Video Music Awards: dancers or no dancers?" "I think that we should have dancers because it's going to be a really important performance for us, and it's gotta be big," Chris offered. "Plus, we already have the whole TV-thing where we'll be alone," Joey added. Everyone turned to JC. Justin spoke up first, looking up tenderly into JC's eyes. "I'll agree with whatever you decide, Josh," he whispered. JC smiled down at the younger man. Kissing the top of his still-damp curls, JC whispered back, "You're such a sweetheart, Just." Justin smiled happily and cuddled closer to the older man. Finally, JC turned back to the rest of the group, who were closely watching the two. "I guess I'm fine with dancers. You all brought up good points, and besides, it's not like I'm going to have to *touch* them or anything." Chris laughed. "Not like you *would* even if you did have to!" JC smiled. "You know it!" Smiling himself, Lance nodded in approval. "It's settled then; I'll call Darren and we'll begin practice with the dancers tomorrow. As for today, I guess we can do whatever we want!" Joey perked up immediately. "Let's go clubbing!" he suggested enthusiastically. Justin rolled his eyes. "Is that all you ever think about, Joe?" he asked sarcastically. "No, I think about you two, honey," Joey replied, batting his eyelashes at Justin. Everyone laughed, but Justin felt JC's arm tighten around him. He smiled in satisfaction and rested his head against the older man's chest. "Sorry, Joey, I'm not interested," he said with a laugh. "What?" Joey asked, pretending to be offend. "How could you not fall for my incredible good looks and amazing charm? It can't be me. There must be someone else!" "There is," Justin replied shyly. Four sets of eyes locked on him. "Who?" JC asked a little too quickly. Justin laughed again. "I guess you'll never know." JC laughed as well. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" He then began to tickle Justin mercilessly. "I'll never break!" Justin gasped between fits of laughter. The other boys shook their heads as they looked on. Finally Justin lay on the couch with JC straddling his thighs. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" the brunette asked in resignation. "Nope," the younger man replied with a smile. "I told you I wouldn't break," he added smugly. "Cocky, aren't we?" JC asked with a laugh. "I'll wipe that smirk off your face!" With that, he began to tickle Justin again. Justin struggled to get his hands free, laughing hysterically. Finally he wiggled them free. Placing his arms around JC's neck, he pulled the older man down onto him. JC stopped tickling Justin to free his own arms so he could support himself above the nineteen year-old. Their faces only inches apart, Justin decided to give in to temptation. He began to slowly lift his face towards JC's. Suddenly, the phone rang. JC quickly got off of Justin and glanced at the clock. As Lance answered the phone, he said, "Well, I guess we'd better move you into our room." As he stood, he reached an arm down to Justin, who was still laying down, his eyes closed. "Justin? Hell-oo!" The blonde finally opened his eyes to see JC staring at him, his hand extended. Justin took his hand and allowed himself to be pulled up. "Chris?" JC asked, looking to the older man. "Oh, all right," he responded irritably. "I'll come help you move." Justin laughed at Chris and the three left Lance to his phone call. Joey finished any food that people had left before settling back down to watch some more TV.

I hope you're enjoying yourself. I know that nothing much has been happening, but at least Justin and JC finally made up! (C'mon, Jon. It wasn't so bad, now was it? They were only fighting for a few chapters!)

Next: Chapter 5

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