Di Training

By Bert Carley

Published on Nov 5, 2019


DI Training - Chapter 6

The following story is fiction and involves sexually explicit interracial erotic events between males. I really thought this story was complete after chapter 2, but... So, here we go again guys with chapter 5 finally making its way to print. Hope you enjoy. If you are offended by smut material or are too young to be reading material of this nature, or live where it is not allowed, do not read the story. Make sure you protect yourself from disease in the real world by always using protection.

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Comments and suggestions can be sent to the author. bert_carley@yahoo.com By the way, the old email address of bertcarley@goldrush.com I used for years on many of the older stories I still have posted on Nifty created between the years 2003 and 2008 is no longer active or functional. Those stories can all be found on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section and alphabetically searching for my name Bert Carley.

Chapter 5 ended with the following:

I could not hold back my emotions and screamed, "Oh Yea! Fuck Me Tyrone!" Well that he did indeed, as he had me blasting off hands-free multiple times with that Big Black Juicy Dick slapping against my balls like what seemed forever, as Darius was delivering a very similar juicy injection to my red-headed new roommate Carter. Did those two young Niggers leave after dropping a couple of cum loads into us? Hell No! They crawled up in our beds with us, placed our faces in their wet armpits to lick, suck and inhale their strong pit juices as we all slept until the DI pounded on the wall that adjoined his room and ordered us to shower and prepare for lunch.

The six of us hit the showers and then made our way down through the chow line again where they discussed the fact that they were obligated and had to attend the pool party they had been invited to at the Company Commander's home that afternoon. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and give my body a rest, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Damn it was only Saturday, so had a day and a half yet to get used like a fuck cushion. Thank god for pharmaceuticals ran through my mind as we headed back upstairs to our room to get further instructions from Sgt Long and DI/MSgt Jackson.

Chapter 6

By the time DI Jackson had us all packed in his van headed to Captain Bruski's house off Post it was going on to 2:30pm. The pills he had Collin and I take after lunch, well before we left for the pool party had started to kick in and I was wide eyed and bushy tailed, again all charged with sexual stamina by the time we arrived at Captain Bruski's home off Post in Tillicum. I could see Carter was as raring to go again as I was by the bulge in his pants. Fuck yea, my mind cried out to me as the two of us were striped down to our skivvies before even leaving the van. The DI and Long ushered us up through a side gate that opened into a large pool area in the back. Oh hell, I should have realized the pool area would be packed by the number of vehicles and motorcycles, mostly Harley Davidsons, parked along the way.

No sooner had we stepped into view than Tyrone and Darius spotted us and came running and exchanged a few words with the DI and Long. The two young bucks quickly striped us both of our skivvies, leaving us as them, in the raw. They each grabbed us by our tackle and took charge of us as the DI and Long turned and walked in an opposite direction from where the two younger Bros led us. The next thing I knew they had us making the rounds around the pool area getting pawed and fondled until one big buck finally thrown us in the pool with a whole bunch of other nude white boys, all being tossed in the air by some pretty muscled Alpha dudes, all white, black or guys of mixed races. Before I realized it I was pulled into the group and was being catapulted into the air over and over as hands brushed and fondled me until I was spiked and having the time of my life swimming between legs checking out the meat, some in full display and anxious to play. I was in full pharmaceutical rush from the pills the DI had me take before we left the barracks.

It didn't take long and Tyrone had me pulled from the fun and laid over the side of the pool putting the meat to me as other guys gathered to participate in any way they could to just be involved until they figured their turn was to arrive to mount the new boy at this all boy party. Tyrone would have nothing to do with others taking my pussy for a spin.

He promptly pushed me up and out of the pool and led me to a table laden with pharmaceuticals of many colors. He grabbed a few, popped one and put another between my lips, as he placed a bottle of a nasty tasting concoction to my lips and told me to drink it all down. Within half an hour I was getting quite spacey as he led me around introducing me to his other Bros. Each gave me a massive finger wave before Tyrone moved me along. Before long I was hallucinating big time and feeling fantastically warm and sexy. Damn, it suddenly occurred to me. Yea, the answer to these new feelings I was beginning to experience.

It was about then I realized Tyrone had slipped me a halogenic of some kind. Now this was new to me and I wasn't handling the effect it was having on me well, as I always liked to stay in control of my brain functions. This was some powerful shit! Everything suddenly was in vivid technicolor now and Tyrone's talking had changed to absolute nonsense, yea, total nonsense from anything that made sense. It was gibberish to my brain! Nothing but vivid colors and psychedelic music filled my head as Tyrone led me into a tent and turned me over to the big Polish Company Commander, Captain Bruski. He was shirtless and dressed only in his black boots and leather pants, including a cod piece, which he removed as I approached. Whatever words he and Tyrone exchanged my brain couldn't interpret.

It didn't matter, as the moment my eyes zeroed in and recognized this huge dick as the largest Alpha white dick that I have ever seen in my life hanging between our Captain's legs where the cod piece had been, it became my only interest. My total focus switched to that huge uncircumcised Polish Toad Stabber. Not only was it huge, it was a mass of beautiful veins that ran up, around and down over the entire surface of the monster. It was like a huge pendulum swinging as on a grandfather clock flashing like a beacon from a lighthouse out at sea to me, as I was really tripping now. A huge halo of light suddenly surrounded it as it transformed into a huge white dragon monster and became a huge pacifier between my drooling lips. My surroundings became like a colorful electric lite parade at Disneyland as I tripped out on the dragon monster leading my parade in joyous wonderment.

I soon was swinging in a sling suspended from the clouds of heaven with the Polish ass destroyer up my anal canal lighting up my gateway with fantastic colors and new feelings of sexual fulfillment in the living colors of a gay parade flag. I was in a very happy place right now and just relaxed and enjoyed the attention I was getting. Talk about a trip I was on for hours swinging on dick while my head was in the clouds watching the fireworks.

I like to get feedback from you readers. Let me know if you are enjoying this story and give me the incentive to maybe start another chapter if you think the story still has the potential to keep your minds involved and your juices boiling. If not, maybe a new story is in order. My other stories can be accessed by going to 'The Prolific Author's Section' on the Nifty Archives and searching for my name alphabetically, as Bert Carley.


Next: Chapter 7

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