Diamond Run

By Christ Sol

Published on Aug 9, 2003


"Diamond Run"

=christ sol=

Disclaimer: m/m themes. some course language. reader discretion advised.

fan mail to webtrash@unpunk.com

Chapter 5 (at last)

Shucking off his jacket, boots and pants, Mark pulled me back onto the bed, running his hands lightly over my face and neck as I kissed him deeply, moaning gently around my tongue. I moaned back, pulling away to rip my sweater and shirt off in one movement, shoulder muscles rippling across my upper back as I struggled to get the ball of fabric off.

"Whoa, easy there. You're gonna dislocate something, Scout."

"No worries, it's happened before." I grinned.

Mark smiled back, and ran his fingertips casually over my chest and abs.

"So what's your real name? Theres no way I'm screamin out 'Fuck me, Scout!', not even for a hottie like you."

"Eh, I hate my name."

The bluehaired athlete rolled on top of me and pinned my arms to the foam mattress underneath us.



"Oh come on, be a sport. I have."

I rolled my eyes and tugged out of his grasp.

"Names Scott. Scott Delson."

"Heh - cute. Scott, Scout."

"Glad you think so." I kissed him squarely on the lips, my hands roving down under his thermals and over his thick cock. Mark gasped and rolled onto his back, thrusting gently into my hand.

"Fuck, that feels wicked."

"Then this should really do it for ya, dude."

I kissed my way down his chest and engulfed half of his dick in my mouth, tounging the knob as I grasped his balls and rolled them in my fist. Mark gasped again, humping against my mouth as I struggled to accomodate him. A line of drool leaked out of the corner of my mouth and along his nutsack. His hands grabbed at my neck and shoulders, before sliding up under my beanie and into my longish hair. Grunting appreciatively, I had a second to reflect that this was the first time in nearly six months I'd been with anyone apart from Ry. It felt exciting, and my blood ran hot and cold as I bobbed up and down on Marks dick, his rough hands pawing at my shoulders and head.

My jaw spasmed and I gagged a little, and I pulled off for a breather.

"Little thicker than you're used to?"

"Something like that."

Mark reached under a pillow and pulled out a small plastic lunchbox, removing from it a pipe and a lighter.

"You smoke up?"

"Fuck yeah."

We took a few hits of the harsh weed, then cuddled up together. NOFX's "I heard they suck live" album had finished, and a german band i hadn't heard of was playing. I curled up against Mark, mt hands endlessly roving over his pale skin, my face just touching his.

"I could lie like this forever, man."

"Yeah, me too."

"But I also need to get off. Y'wanna fuck me?"

Mark grinned, the light from the flouro lamp bouncing off his eyes. | "Roll over."

I rolled onto my side and waited impatiently as he fumbled for a condom, then a bottle of lube. I heard the snapping sound of the rubber, and smelled latex and lubricant. Mark settled against me and slid a finger into me.

"Hows that, man?"

"A little sore. Go easy." I whispered through gritted teeth.

Mark paused, then slid in a second finger, slowly fucking me with them as he kissed me on the back of his neck. He licked at my ears and I smelt the oily tequila and weed as he pulled his fingers out of me.


"Hell yes dude. Get it up me."

Mark rubbed his fingers on the blanket, then held my waist steady as he pressed against my asshole. A long, sharp moment where I sucked my breath in, and he was halfway in. He paused again as I panted, trying to overcome the pain. I leaned back against him and he pressed his face into my collarbone.

Mark whispered in my ear, his hands massaging my hips.



"You're a top sorta dude, aren't you?"


"So why am I fucking you?"

I twisted my head around to look him in the eye.

"Because you're beautiful."

Mark smiled, and kissed me on the forehead, beginning a slow, deep, rhythm inside me. I felt my innards pushed around a little, but my cock jerked and leaked precome as he fucked me, reaching around to pull my foreskin over my knob.

"Fuck I love uncut dudes, man."

"It's all yours."

I lifted a leg and Mark fucked me harder, now jerking me off as he nipped and kissed at my neck and shoulders.

"Scott, I'm gonna come soon."

"Cool, go ahead."

I grabbed my cock out of his hand and milked it hard as Mark's breath became shallow and ragged, his flat stomach slapping against my back. Crying out, I blew my wad into my hand, my back arching. Seconds later, Mark followed suit, his eyes rolling back into his head as he forced himself all the way inside and his dick pulsed again and again, his hands gripping my forearms so hard, his knuckles whitened.


I collapsed against him, sated, as the muscular guy wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the back of my neck, his stubbly jaw scratching at the skin on my back.

"That, my friend, was fucking awesome."

"I agree. For a corporate whore, you're a hot fucker."

Mark chuckled and slapped my ass playfully. I responded by lightly elbowing him in the gut.

"By the way, Scott... fourteen point two centimeters at eight hundred feet by 10a.m., frost points at 5am, 9am and 11:20. south-south-westerlies at just over a knot, six a.m.

through 3p.m. You earned it, babe."

"I was joking about the stats, man."

"Too bad. I was gonna carve it up with you tomorrow."

I pulled off his cock and rolled onto my back.

"I'd love to, but I don't know. Ryan would be pissed if I-"

Mark cut me off, an annoyed tone to his voice.

"Your little mate can get fucked. His attitude sucks as badly as his stance. Ride with me tomorrow. I like you."

I had to think about this one. It was the best offer I'd had in a long time. I waited till Mark had yanked the condom off his soft dick and tossed it in the bin, then rolled back over and pulled him into a tight hug. Mark pulled a scratchy grey blanket over us and I rested my head on his shoulder, my cheek to his.

"Maybe. I'll let you know in the morning. I need to sleep on it."

I felt Mark's features pull into a smile.

"That's cool. No pressure. I just--- fuck, I dunno. I just think you're awesome."

"Likewise. Shut up now, we got a foot of pow tomorrow. Night, dude."

I closed my eyes and was asleep in seconds.

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