
By Rose Brooks

Published on Feb 4, 1998



Dianne Chapter 1

Hello. I'm a 26 year old young lady and have recently had a series of experiences which have changed my life. I would like to share these with you, but first, some background. I'm blonde, 5'5" and, while I've always been a stocky girl, I have quite a shapely figure. I was raised and went to college in a small town in the mid-west where I also got my first job. A few months ago, however, I decided it was time for a change. So, I moved to the San Francisco bay area where I found an excellent job. That's where this adventure begins.

One reason I was so happy to get this particular job was that my new manager would be the woman who interviewed me, a highly competent, professional, and impressive woman named Tracy. During my first days on the job, I was somewhat in awe of Tracy's technical expertise and the manner in which she handled her fellow employees both subordinates and superiors. In the begin- ning, I was almost shocked at her tendency to openly chastise upper level managers, some of whom are founders of the company, for errors in judgment. Later, I discovered that she is highly respected by those same managers because she is not afraid to vocalize her opinions -- especially since those opinions so frequently turn out to be correct.

Tracy is a tall 29 year old dark haired beauty originally from the bay area. While she is much more extroverted than I, we found we had much in common, and over the course of our first few weeks working together, we became good friends. We even went to several happy-hours together and attended a couple of small parties. I must admit, however, that before long I found myself growing envious of Tracy's talents both at work and on those occasions when we met informally.

One Tuesday, Tracy invited me to go to her athletic club the next day for a game of racquetball during lunch hour. Since I had played racquetball regularly in college, I jumped at the opportu- nity. I was anxious to meet Tracy in a forum where I could provide some stiff competition since I was beginning to feel increasingly overshadowed by her professionally and socially. When we arrived at the court, we hit the ball around a little to get warmed up. While doing so, I definitely got the impression that I had the advantage where racquetball was concerned. Before we began our first game, Tracy said, "Tell ya' what. Just to make this a little more exciting, why don't we make a little wager. Let's say the loser has to give the winner a pedicure." I thought these stakes were a little odd, but since my confidence was running high, I agreed.

Well, my confidence was running even higher after winning the first game. Tracy had put up a tough fight, but I still managed to better her by five points. In the second game, though, it was a different story. Tracy played with a determination like I had never seen before. It was primarily this which allowed her to steal victory. When the tie-breaker began, I realized that if I were going to make good on my effort to prove to myself that there was something I could beat Tracy in, I had better get myself going. I played the third game so hard, I thought I might pass out from the exertion, but once again Tracy found the energy to overcome me through shear willpower. On the way off the court, Tracy slapped me lightly on the rear and said "Good game, but to the victor goes the spoils. See you at my place tonight at 7:00." I had practically forgotten about the bet, but I guess we had a deal, so I knew I would be there.

That evening when I got to Tracy's house, she was sitting around in a short black skirt and loose tee shirt watching television. I joined her in a few drinks and we chatted for a while before she suggested that I get started with my "duties." She left for a minute and returned with a bowl filled with warm water, a nail kit, and some hot pink nail polish. She leaned back and propped her feet up on a footstool, telling me to remove her shoes and begin by washing her feet in the water. As I knelt at her feet, I realized that this was going to be more of a production than I had bargained for.

I slipped off Tracy's shoes, carefully washed her feet, removed the cuticles, and clipped and filed her toenails. We talked a little while I worked and occasionally she would issue instruc- tions or ask me to get her a drink. I didn't know that hand-maid duties were part of the deal, but rather than seem petty (and since she is my boss), I fixed her and I both drinks while admin- istering the pedicure. As I began to polish the toenails on her right foot, she lifted her left foot to rest it on my shoulder. When she did this, I glanced up at her with a curious expression at which point I accidentally noticed that she was wearing the skimpiest lace panties I had ever seen. I must have blushed instantly because as my eyes continued up to her face, she smiled demurely and simply pointed me back down to her feet. I have never been attracted to someone of the same sex before, but I actually found myself becoming slightly aroused.

There were many confused and conflicting thoughts racing through my head as I continued to polish Tracy's toenails. Between coats (she required three), Tracy would put her feet together and wiggle her toes as I would lean close to them and blow gently to speed the drying process. When I continued painting again, she also continued resting one foot on my shoulder. Sometimes this foot would brush against the side of my face or my hair would get caught between her toes. I'm not sure if this was accidental or not, but it certainly wasn't helping me to sort through all the distressing thoughts that were going through my mind. My palms began to feel cold and a little sweaty and my voice was trembling somewhat, but if Tracy noticed this at all, she ignored it. Once in awhile when I would glance up to speak with her, I was shocked to catch myself stealing glimpses of her panties. Finally though, I managed to finish her pedicure. When I was done, she held her toes right in front of my mouth and said, "So, what do you think?" For some unfathomable reason, I had an overwhelming urge to bow down and smother her feet with my kisses. I was barely able to suppress this insane desire as I stammered "They're beautiful." I got up and hastily said my good-byes hoping to get out before making a complete fool of myself. On my way out, Tracy smiled, patted me on the head and thanked me saying, "You do good work. I'll be looking forward to next time."

Needless to say, the next day I felt pretty silly at having gotten so worked up over such a meaningless episode. I was too embarrassed to mention it to Tracy, and since she didn't bring it up, I tried to forget about it. I couldn't help noticing, howev- er, that she wore a pair of sexy black open-toed high heels without stockings which showed off her new pedicure quite well.

Over the next couple of weeks, things at the office went pretty normally though I was never was able to completely put my visit to Tracy's out of my mind. Several times during this period, I had occasion to be in Tracy's office to talk about a product plan I was developing. Twice she came around to sit on the front edge of her desk and I caught myself attempting to discreetly peek up her skirt to see if she was wearing those same lace panties. I managed to discover that she also had a red and a black pair just like the ones I had found so enchanting during my visit. I was deeply concerned about these strange thoughts and tendencies that were still churning through my head, but my only defense was to try unsuccessfully to ignore them.

Then, one day after I had given my report to Tracy to be re- viewed, I was in the vice president's office. He happened to ask me how I liked working for Tracy, and when I replied positively, he mentioned how he felt she had virtually unlimited potential with the company. He went on to cite several of her strong points, and as an example, handed me a report she had given him earlier that day. After I read the first page of the report, I nearly fainted. It was my report with Tracy's name on it! I was too mortified to speak. I was barely able to contain myself long enough to finish our conversation and rush back to my office. While in my office, I calmed down enough to think the situation over, and decided to confront Tracy directly with my anger.

I marched into Tracy's office ready for blood. I told her in no uncertain terms what I thought of her actions and asked her if she had any explanation. She sat me down on the chair in front of her desk and paced shortly back and forth in front of me as she said, "Dianne, you know you're a extremely talented young lady. You've got all the capabilities necessary to become a successful employee here or at any other firm. You must admit, though, that you don't possess the qualities required to become a president or vice president of the company. While your technical abilities are excellent, you lack the complex traits which make someone a good leader as well as the determination that creates opportunities. With the proper management, however, you can certainly make some significant achievements. I like to think of you as a thoroughbred racehorse. You've got what it takes to win the race, but you need the right jockey to spur you into the winner's circle. You've been with this company long enough to realize that I'm that jockey. I'm headed for the top of this corporation with you or not, but, if we help each other, it will be much easier for both of us. Sure, there will be times like now when you might think you feel the sting of my whip, but remember, in the long run, it'll be best for both of us."

I wanted so badly to maintain my anger with Tracy, to really stand up to her for having wronged me, but it was difficult. I had to confess that she had several good points. It did appear that she was headed for professional success even before I got to the company and she probably would be whether I was there or not. While I had not actually admitted it to myself, Tracy was also right in saying that I was not aggressive enough to ever achieve an upper-level management position. And even though I wasn't sure I appreciated her racehorse analogy, I found myself becoming slightly aroused at the mental picture it invoked as she lectured and paraded in front of me. Again I found myself alone with Tracy and flooded by a quickly rising tide of mixed emotions.

As the wave of emotions built up inside me, tears began to well up in my eyes. Tracy continued, "It's painfully obvious that the business world is still male dominated. As women, it's our responsibility to stick together and insure that we each do the best we can. Think of us as sled dogs pulling in a race. I'm the lead dog, and you're my number two. I decide our course, take all the risks, and pull my fair share, but the sled's not going anywhere without your help. You have to learn to keep pulling no matter where I lead us. Once in awhile, it may seem to you as though I've made a wrong turn, but I promise you I'll get us to the finish line in good shape." Then, with a mischie- vous smile, she added, "the only thing you have to get used to is that as number two dog, no matter how hard you pull, you'll always have my butt staring you right in the face." At this point in her conversation, Tracy stopped pacing right in front of me and turned so that her behind was immediately before me. I didn't say anything, but the tears began to slowly trickle down my cheeks. Tracy started again much more softly, "But that shouldn't be such a difficult thing to get accustomed to." She reached behind her and raised the bottom of her skirt, uncovering the lower half of her pantied buttocks. "Don't you agree?" she asked teasingly.

During Tracy's speech, I had been gradually coming under her power. She had made many good points, and where her arguments left off, my growing lust for her took over. I couldn't take the surge of emotions any longer. I suddenly decided to give in on my complaint and my competitiveness and to surrender to my newly found passions for this beautiful and commanding woman. She was wearing those irresistible white lace panties again. As I made up my mind, the tears began to flow more freely, but now they were actually tears of relief that I could end my ridiculous and futile resistance to this great woman's control.

I slid off my seat and onto my knees, burying my nose into the crevice of those incredible lace panties and the gorgeous white mounds hidden beneath. I pressed my face into Tracy's butt, rubbing my nose up and down in between her cheeks under the pretense of wiping my tears on her panties. Tracy leaned forward slightly, pulled her skirt up a little more and spread her legs a few more inches give me better access. She reached back and placed her hand gently on the back of my head saying, "There, there. Go ahead and wipe those tears. You'll feel fine in just a moment now that you've come to terms with your proper position in life."

She was right, of course. The delicate, unfamiliar mixture of aromas from Tracy's perfumed skin, the soft tantalizing scent of her anus, and the increasing bouquet of her womanly juices were quickly combining to make me forget everything but my desire to satisfy this magnificent creature. I couldn't resist reaching forward with my hands and holding her buttocks close as I shut my eyes and massaged her entire bottom with my face.

Tracy removed her hand from my head and pulled her underwear down to her thighs rewarding me with the most wonderful sight of her lovely, smooth, round cheeks held up by strong, soft, tanned thighs, meeting in the middle to form a mysterious, sexy, dark valley. I had never even kissed a woman before, but I eagerly wet my lips and began to press them gently, slowly, and carefully to her perfect buttocks. After each kiss, I licked my lips greedily in an attempt to savor every taste and in hope creating an even more pleasurable experience for Tracy with the next one. Using my tongue, I began to reverently caress her exquisite white mounds starting from the outside of her right cheek and licking from the top of her thigh to just below her waistline. As I made my way inward I adored the tiny blonde hairs on her butt which stood up briefly as my tongue glided past, then laid back down under the weight of the moisture that was left behind. Before I reached the meeting point of her cheeks, I moved to her left side to continue my tender tonguing of Tracy's bottom. After I neared her crack from this side, I leaned back a little to admire the priceless work of art before me and to quickly consider exactly how far I should carry this procedure.

Before I could decide for myself, however, Tracy reached back with her hands placing one on each side of her cheeks. She spread them to reveal the downward curving path which led from between her buttocks to the circle of light brown skin which surrounded the small mound of her moist, glistening pink anus. Without having said anything, it was clear what Tracy expected, so there was no hesitation as I leaned forward to fulfill her wishes. This time, I let my tongue begin at the top, above where the heavenly path between her cheeks began. I lowered my head, dragging my tongue along the inside most portion of Tracy's left cheek, barely snaking it along the darker skin beside her anus, stopping when my tongue reached the fold of skin between her thigh and the side of her labia and my nose was adjacent to her pink rose-like sphincter. Keeping my nose against her body, I slid it gradually back up to her waist while cleaning my tongue inside my mouth. I was almost driven into a sexual frenzy at the taste of the warm, salty mixture of perspiration and womanly fluids, and the hint of the more satisfying sensations which were to come. I repeated this devotion on the inside of the right cheek, this time paying more attention to the swells of erotic stimuli flooding my senses. Again I raised my nose up through the valley of those incomparable white mounds while relishing the tastes that entered my mouth.

Finally, I stuck my tongue in the middle of Tracy's crack, once more starting from the top. I lowered my head even more slowly than before, but this time stopped just as my tongue reached the warm dark skin surrounding her anus. My nose lingered in place as I pulled my tongue in to clean it once more before reaching my goal.

While I did this, Tracy playfully swayed her butt slightly from side to side, causing her cheeks to brush against my face until they until they bumped my nose. Taking this as a sign that Tracy was anxious for me to continue, I lowered my nose a little more and began to run the pointed tip of my tongue firmly in circles around the dark rim of her rectum. I quickly pulled my tongue back in for another swallow and this time extended it as flat and long as I could. Starting from the bottom of her crack, I licked a wide trail right across Tracy's pink, flowering anus. Tracy sighed with a long "Mmmmmmmm" as I continued to lap hungrily against her puckered hole, losing myself in its unusual, deli- cious flavor. My lips encircled her anus as I extended my tongue straight and hard toward her anal muscle. Despite my efforts, her sphincter was too tight for my tongue to truly penetrate, although Tracy did flex her anus allowing me to feel as though we were engaged in a kinky, passionate French kiss.

We went on like this for several minutes while I pretended as though I was "making out" with Tracy's butt hole. I kissed, licked and sucked with more affection than I ever had felt be- fore. Tracy began to move her butt around pressing back against my tongue, grinding her anus across my nose, and pushing her cheeks together, squeezing my face between them. Frequently she would release another breathless "mmmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhh" which encouraged me to continue my services with even greater enthusi- asm. Sometimes, her now very wet vagina and inner thighs would rub against my chin, coating my face with a combination of her sweet juices, my own saliva, and the savory moisture around her anus.

Suddenly, Tracy straightened up, and said simply, "Pull my pan- ties back up." Naturally, I obeyed. Tracy lowered her skirt and turned to look down at me on my knees before her. I realized that I had forgotten we were in her office, still at work. I was slightly embarrassed by this recollection and also at the extent to which I had serviced Tracy's buttocks. I tried to hide this by looking down when Tracy turned to face me, but she lifted my chin with her hand, forcing me to gaze up between her breasts into that beautiful, commanding face. "You've progressed very well here today," she said moving her hand to rest it on my head. "But it's already late in the afternoon, and you've had quite an eventful day. You should take rest of the day off to go home and think over what we've accomplished. Then, you will show up at my place at seven o'clock sharp so that I may further instruct you in your responsibilities and you may learn more of what is re- quired to please me both professionally and personally to the best of your ability. Understand?" I nodded timidly. Tracy stared right into my eyes with a haughty triumphant smile as she said, "Now, perform your obeisance and you may leave." Obedient- ly, I bent to the floor, wet my lips, and kissed Tracy's toes at the ends of her shoes. I crawled back one step, then got up and hurried out, wondering what was in store for me later that evening.

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