Diary of a Prison Officer

By Jeff B

Published on Oct 21, 2010


All characters contained within are entirely fictional; any similarity to any real or fictional person living or deceased is totally unintentional. Do not read this story if you do not enjoy reading about consensual sexual activities of an exhibitionist nature. Otherwise read on......


Dear diary, this feels very strange indeed! I haven't written a diary entry since I was fifteen; when filled with angst against the world in general and in particular that I was unable to lose my virginity no matter how hard I tried. I would fill page after page with my rantings. So here I am now some thirty years later making another go of it.... why? I hear you ask. Long story, let's just say that after spending twenty years in the army and a failed marriage behind me I think it's time to get my head together and climb out of the doldrums I have been wallowing in for the last eighteen months and this seems as good a place as any to start. So thank you diary, although you say nothing back to me you are going to help me put my thoughts down on paper and let me see the world as it really is, for a change.


I have decided the first part of my recovery plan is getting myself a job. Yes I know, financially, I don't need to work full time thanks to my army pension and divorce settlement but a man needs to feel fulfilled and bouncing around these four walls and going down the pub is doing me no good at all. So I went down to the newsagent this morning and picked up last week's local paper to see what jobs were available that might be suitable for me and of interest. Initially I couldn't see anything at all, but then over a second cup of coffee it caught my eye. There tucked away in the corner was the strangest sounding advert I have ever seen, naturally it piqued my interest and I couldn't resist giving the number a call. This is what the advert said, what do you make of it?

"Are you fit and of sound mind? Do you believe in tough love? Do you agree that everyone deserves a second chance but if they refuse to reform they should be punished? Are you available to start immediately? If so, why not start a new career with the prison service. Give us a call on 0800 012 3456 and ask for an application pack"

When I called the number I got an automated message asking me to leave my name, address and to list five attributes I consider the most important to me. Mmm, this was unexpected -- five attributes, did they mean mental, vocational, physical or all of them? So I hung up, left it a few minutes before calling back and this is the message I left for them.

"Hi my name is Samuel Telby and my address is Flat 135, Berghouse Court, London, EC1V 4XA. My five most important attributes are: Fairness, Loyalty, Fitness, Open-mindedness and Stamina. I would be very grateful if you would send me the application pack as the job advertised sounds very interesting and I would like to learn more about it. Thank you."

There, that's it all done, on to the next job application; well it will be next week as there aren't any other jobs that are any good. By for now diary, it's the end of a mentally exhausting day and I'm just about beat, so it's shower and bed for me. Night night.


The application pack has arrived through the post. All I can say, it seems the ideal job for me. I'm just worried it's going to be too good to be true. I spent most of this morning reading and rereading the information booklet and job specification, then this afternoon I took my time and completed the application form with great care. I then raced down to my local post office to return it by recorded delivery.

In brief, this is what it's all about:

HMP Ollerton is a failing prison and is in urgent need of modernisation and change in focus. The prison service is seeking a complete change of staff under the guidance of the new Prison Governor Liam Havers. He requires from his staff total trust and loyalty, ability to withstand the pressures associated with policing dangerous and difficult male prisoners, willingness to undergo professional and on the job training. In return a generous salary and benefits package is provided for the right candidates.

So diary, what do you reckon? Too good to be true? All I hope is that it is genuine because it's right up my street and something I can sink my teeth into. At last I will have a job that I can utilise all my discipline and combat experience to a positive effect. I will just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope to hear from them.


Dear diary, major peed off that's how I'm feeling right now. Still no news about this prison job but at least there's been another job in the paper which may be promising, a Physical Education Officer at the local college. Only trouble is its part time, three days per week though with reasonable salary. I decided to go out tonight and hitch up with my long time friends Tom and Mike down at the Kings Head. I've known Tom since I was a kid and I met Mike through my ex-wife, we remained friends even after our divorce. I chatted about the two jobs and discussed the merits of each with them. It wasn't a great surprise for me when they gave the thumbs down for the prison job but it was a big thumbs up for the college job. Their logic being that working in a college with nubile young females would be vastly preferable to working with pent up volatile male prisoners. I could see their point, when thinking with your dick, but thinking long term from the vocational perspective it would not be as satisfying. Tom changed the conversation slightly by bringing up the subject of his eldest son, Aaron, now 23 years old (crikey I remember taking a telephone call from Tom, proud as punch when Chrissie gave birth to him at home). Last week he'd told Tom, out of the blue, that he and his girlfriend were going to get married as she'd fallen pregnant and he wanted to do the decent thing. Naturally they were both shocked but pleased that he was doing the decent thing and now the wedding organising machinery had kicked into action. Aaron has been busy planning for his stag do and asked Tom to join him, mainly so that he could act as the responsible one to make sure everything ran smoothly and didn't get too extreme. For Tom this is a double edged sword, yes it's a sensible idea but he's going to feel like a granddad surrounded by Aaron and his young friends. As he was recounting this to us Mike and I reached the same conclusion simultaneously and announced in unison, to our amusement, why don't we join you and keep the old codger company? He was relieved with this idea and I have a sneaky feeling that he was hoping we would say that. He didn't have precise details about the date or the venue but would give us a call once he had any more info. Over the next couple of pints we took a trip down memory lane, recounting all the escapades we had got up to..... It was a laugh but god, how old do I feel now thinking about the years that have flown by! After parting company with the guys I called into the local chippy and treated myself to a large back of chips and a battered sausage, I was starving.


Tom called; he says the wedding is going to be Saturday 6th March 2010 at 2.30pm at the St. Edmunds Church on Station Road. The stag do is going to be on Saturday 27th February 2010 starting at 8.00pm and going on till late. It will start off with a sit down meal at the local Indian restaurant before moving onto the Sundown Nightclub where a function room is going to be hired and a female double act are going to entertain the some fifty guests (I didn't dare ask what the entertainment theme would be!). It sounded really good and I told him so, yes, he agreed Aaron has certainly swung into action now, it's a shame he left it so late to tell us as it leaves little time to arrange things what with the baby due to be born at the beginning of April, never mind, life is never neat is it Sam he asked? Aah, that explains the closeness of the wedding date. We chatted for a bit longer before arranging to meet down at the Kings Head again next Friday, timetables permitting.


Dear diary, I'm as happy as a sand boy and the postman is once again on my Christmas card list. It finally arrived in this morning's post, an official looking envelope marked "HMP Services", with fingers shaking I carefully opened the envelope to reveal a single sheet of paper with three lines of writing on it and this is what it said:

"Dear Mr Telby,

We have received your application and can confirm that an interview has been arranged for you on Monday 8th February 2010 at 9.00am. Please bring with you your passport, driving licence and two proofs of address. You will be required to undergo a physical fitness test and medical examination so shorts should be brought with you.

We look forward to meeting.

Yours sincerely, PG Liam Havers"

I literally danced for joy around my living room, I picked up the telephone to spread the good news but then remembered the reaction I had received previously and in any case I didn't want to jinx my chances of getting this job, so I put the phone down again with a rueful smile. Shit! I thought to myself, what am I going to wear to the interview? All my suits have definitely seen better days and my shorts are a little worn. Tomorrow I will go into town and buy myself a new suit and sports shorts -- and a pair of shoes that aren't scuffed to hell......


I didn't know clothes shopping could be so tiring. I've spent nearly all day going from department store to department store, bespoke tailors to bespoke tailors searching out the ideal suit at a reasonable price for me. Finally I made up my mind which one I liked the best and bought it, and then it was on to the shoes, then the shorts. It was all so expensive! Hopefully it will all be in a good cause if it helps swing the job for me, plus it's been a long time since I devoted a whole day to retail therapy and paying attention to my appearance.

Looking in the mirror, I can see the tell tell signs of a forty five year old man; the ever deepening wrinkles around the eyes and across the forehead, the white hairs flecking my close cropped beard and showing up in ever increasing numbers on my head. My green eyes still twinkle but have that worldly air about them which only comes from a lifetime of experiences, some good some bad. I don't think I've ever been described as handsome but I must be fairly pleasing to the eye because I've had my fair share of lovers (and wife) none of whom have ever called me ugly, but for me my best attribute must be my body. Ever since being in the army I have had a well toned body, not overly muscular but defined enough to draw glances when I wear just my shorts while jogging round the park or in the swimming pool. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the attention but I'm not so egotistical to believe that I'm the best thing since sliced bread and the ground that I walk on should be worshipped!

On Friday I shall go and get my hair clipped short again which will make me look the part for a prison officer (not jumping the gun here am I?)


Dear Diary, nothing much to tell you to be honest, have been loafing around as usual. Gave the flat a spring clean, it's a task I've been conveniently overlooking for too long and boy did it need it! Four bags of rubbish, three dirty dusters and half a can of polish later and the place was looking good as new. This has helped motivate me to get back into the fitness regime of jogging in the evening and going swimming in the morning starting from tomorrow..... but first a pint while Eastenders is on. After all I will want to be as fit as I look.


Oh boy, am I like a cat on a hot tin roof! I have sorted out my outfit for tomorrow twice so far, ironed everything and polished my shoes and now I am pacing around like a caged lion. I would go out for a change of scenery but it's raining heavily and I've already been out for my jog round the park. I've been very good I have done my daily run every day since Thursday and been swimming twice. I have even cut out the beer, how dedicated is that? It's going to be a long day tomorrow so I'm going to have an early night and try to get some sleep, over and out.


Oh diary where do I begin? I know I said yesterday that today was going to be a long day, I just didn't know just how long it was going to be and what I was going to be put through. I'm glad I didn't know in advance otherwise I think I might have changed my mind there and then. Sorry, I'm jumping the gun and racing ahead. I will start again at the beginning.....

6.30am My alarm clock buzzes, my brain wakes slowly but my body jumps to attention. I'm sitting upright by the time my eyes are fully open. Something doesn't feel quite right. It takes a minute to register, I'm naked, and my T-Shirt I wear to bed is lying crumpled on the floor. I must have been hot in the night. Shrugging my shoulders I pick it up, fold it and place it on my pillow for later. I saunter to the shower, wash and have a shave before drying myself and going to the kitchen (still naked) to make myself some breakfast. Two coffees and a bowl of muesli later I feel human at last, checking the clock I see it's time to get ready. So I get dressed and spend the next half hour perfecting my attire and appearance. Last job of the morning is to pack my bag with the necessary documents and the all important shorts.

8.30am Having studied the London A-Z I'd planned my route carefully but I had forgotten just how slow and irritating the rush hour traffic can be, nevertheless with nerves still intact and not too hot under the collar I arrived at the imposing front gates of HMP Ollerton Northern entrance. As I stopped the car at the barriers an armed guard walked up to my car indicating that I should wind down the window and produce identification. Trying to disguise my nervousness I handed him my letter from the Liam Havers, he quickly scanned the contents, looked me straight in the eye and said "Welcome on board Mr Telby" with a quirky grin. I replied that I was only at the initial interview stage and that his congratulations were a little premature. "Sure" was his only response before walking back to his station and pressing the release button allowing the barrier to rise and let me inside the prison car park. There were few parking spaces available considering its size but eventually I found a spot and pulled in. Finding the main entrance was a doddle, the prison walls were over thirty feet high and with only one small door the choices were limited. I went to bang on the door when I noticed a push button the right, duh! Who would have heard me knocking anyway? Pressing the button firmly I just hoped it was ringing somewhere because I couldn't hear anything. Almost immediately I heard a whirring noise, turning my head in its direction I saw a CCTV camera pointing at me. I showed my letter to the camera which seemed to do the job as the door clicked open after a short delay and silently opened. Stepping inside I was greeted by the sight of a plain reception room with a large table facing me, with a sheet of paper upon it, a chair adjacent to the table with an empty box on the seat, in one corner was another metal door, in another corner was a large scanning device (just like you get in the airports) and the ever present CCTV camera watching me. Walking over to the table I could see that the sheet of paper was actually a set of instructions which read as follows:

"All job applicants are to read and follow the instructions exactly. Failure to do so will constitute a refusal and jeopardise your application. There is a purpose to each requirement, do not question them; they are also a test of your trust in your potential employer and the establishment.

  1. Step up to the CCTV camera and announce your name, address and purpose for being here.
  2. Return to the table, empty the contents of your pockets and place them on the table. If you have a bag, empty its contents also onto the table.
  3. Remove all of your clothing until naked, fold them neatly and place them on the chair in the box provided. They will be returned to you after your interview.
  4. Walk over to the CCTV camera, reconfirm your name before holding your arms out to horizontally from your sides turn slowly until facing away from the camera.
  5. Spread your feet until they are two feet apart, place your hands on your buttocks and bend at the waist as far as is comfortable. Pull your cheeks apart.
  6. When you hear a buzzer, stand up and walk slowly through the scanner before returning to the table.
  7. You are permitted to wear the shorts you have brought with you but no other article of clothing is permitted. Personal possessions are not to be brought with you.
  8. When you have completed these tasks knock on the door and you will be escorted to the interview room."

I think it's fair to say that I was surprised by the instructions and I read them twice over to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me, but no, they were there in black and white. Whatever my personal thoughts on the matter were irrelevant and if I wanted to progress with my application compliance was necessary. So I walked over to the camera proceeded to give my name and address and a short speech about my aspirations of becoming a prison officer and how pleased I was to be given this opportunity.

Then returning to the table I emptied all of my pockets and the bag I had with me placing the items neatly on the table. Then with my back to the camera I removed my shoes placing them in the empty box; then my socks, rolling them up and putting them in my shoes; unbuckled my trousers then carefully stepped out of them before folding them and placing on top of the shoes; my jacket followed, then my tie and shirt leaving me standing in my pants. With a momentary pause I quickly pulled them down, added them to my other clothes, then turned round and walked back to the camera. Feeling a little foolish I restated my name before lifting my arms up and doing a slow pirouette so that I was facing away from the camera. Spreading my legs I dropped my arms and reached behind me lightly holding my cheeks. Bending over at the waist I felt my face flush, I'm not sure if it was from the position or the embarrassment of doing a moony to whoever was behind the camera. When I pulled my cheeks apart I felt cold air blow over my anus making it quiver and to my surprise my cock filled a little in response. I seemed to hold that position for an eternity as the camera zoomed in and out judging by the sound of the whirring noise behind me. Finally the buzzer sounded and I released my cheeks, stood upright stretching my back as I did so. As casually as possible I sauntered over to the scanner, stepped through it and quickly returned to the table where I retrieved my shorts. I was relieved to feel the material slide up my legs and the waistband fit snugly against my flesh. The one fly in the ointment was due to my semi-flaccid cock being of a decent size it flopped around quite noticeably within my shorts as I strode up to the door and knocked three times.

The door opened to reveal a uniformed prison officer, in his fifties who introduced himself as Archie after shaking my hand. He asked me to follow him (not much choice there!) down a long corridor, this judging by the signs on the doors lining the corridor was the administrative part of the prison, at the very end was a door signed "Interviews" and it was through this door I was shown. The door closed behind me, in front of me was a long table behind which sat three men, again in their fifties all in prison uniform reading their paperwork. At the sound of my entrance they slowly lifted their eyes and smiled in unison.

"Ah, Mr Telby, it's good to see you" said the man in the middle. "Let me introduce myself and my colleagues. I am Liam Havers, the prison governor and the gentleman to my right is my twin brother Max, and to my left, my youngest brother Adrian."

My surprise must have been evident on my face because all three burst out laughing and Liam started to speak again.

"An unusual situation I know, but it is all above board I can assure you. My brothers and I have been involved with the prison services all our lives and when the opportunity arose to reform this failing prison it was one we couldn't resist. We have mortgaged ourselves up to the hilt to purchase this prison from the Government, it is the first venture of its kind and they are monitoring our progress closely. We will receive generous funding if we can restore law and order within these walls, reduce the rate of reoffending when the prisoners are released and eliminate the physical abuse between the prisoners. How this is achieved is our business. Unfortunately many of the existing prison staff are as corrupt as the prisoners and will be replaced as quickly as possible. We are adopting a fast track employment system so providing you pass this interview, the medical and the physical fitness tests today we will be looking to start your training and employment with us on Monday 1st March 2010. There are twenty prison officer positions to be filled and thirty applicants we will be interviewing today and throughout this week, so I don't need to point out that competition is fierce and the slightest mistake on your part will affect your prospects."

I gulped silently to myself, I didn't realise how sought after this job was, mind you the wages and benefits were generous so I shouldn't have been that surprised especially with the recent downturn in the economy etc. Doing my best to retain a confident manner I agreed that the position must be very attractive to a lot of people who want to do this type of job.

"Indeed." Liam replied. "We are however looking for a certain type of person with the right experience, capabilities as well as attitude. This we saw in your application a great deal, however when it came to the first of the practical tests this morning we were a little disappointed in how you responded. We are looking for a 100% pass rate at this stage yet you only managed to score 85%. Would you like to know where you lost those percentage points and if you wish to, how they can be regained so that you pass that test?"

With genuine confusion in my voice I said "I am really sorry to hear that, I thought I had followed the instructions closely and did everything required of me. Yes I would very much like to know where I went wrong so that I can correct this situation as I want this job and don't want any avoidable issues to stand in the way."

"Excellent response! You're correct in that you followed the instructions, yet we felt there was some reluctance on your part. This was demonstrated by the way you turned your back to the camera when undressing; you hesitated before pulling down your underpants and rushed to put your shorts on. We must have confidence when giving you instructions that you will follow them to the letter and you will not question them. Unfortunately with the type of prisoners we have in here, the slightest chink in our armour will enable them to break through and risk the success of our endeavour. I am going to ask you to remove your shorts, fold them neatly, hand them to me and then sit back down in your seat. Please do so now."

Knowing what was at stake, I didn't hesitate for a second. I stood straight up, pulled my shorts down, stepped out of them before folding them neatly and placing them in Liam's outstretched hands. I then sat back down in my seat, trying to act as normal as possible in the circumstances and ignoring the fact that my cock was now semi-hard and I was the only naked person in the room!

It was very surreal, the rest of the interview carried on as if there hadn't been an interruption, the questions were what I expected and I had little difficulty answering them. Then there was a knock on the door and a young Asian man walked in, from his uniform he was obviously an inmate, pushing a tea trolley. As he walked past me he did a double take at the sight of my naked body, but said nothing, merely bowing slightly as he left the room. I had little time to react, probably just as well considering how quickly I had dropped points in my first test. Just as the conversation was drawing to a close and I had finished my cup of coffee, Liam pushed a hidden button and a couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" was all the Liam said.

In walked two men, one in a white coat, the other dressed as a physiotherapist. I guessed my next two tests were about to begin. The guy in the white coat was introduced as Richard (the prison doctor) and James (sports coach). Liam smiled warmly at me, informing me that I had not only had I passed the interview but I had also regained the lost points from the first test. He then went on to say that I would first have a medical assessment with Richard, followed by the fitness test with James then a final short after exercise check-up again with Richard. If all tests were successfully passed then I would be invited back into the office for the return of my clothing and signing of the contract. Standing up I walked over to the table and shook all three interviewer's hands before turning to follow Richard and James out of the room.

"Mr Telby, have you forgotten something?" Liam called after me with a chuckle.

I turned round at the sound of his voice looking in his direction I saw him pointing to my shorts still folded neatly on the table in front of him.

"No Sir, I didn't forget about them. I simply assumed that you would tell me when I could have them back and didn't give them another thought. Is it okay to put them back on again?"

"Mr Telby, you are growing in my estimation and I think you will be a valuable asset to the team. With that `can do' attitude you will go far. Yes you may don your shorts again."

Slightly embarrassed to have five pairs of eyes focused on me I was more than happy to pull my shorts up, and thanking them once again followed Richard to the medical centre. As I followed him up the stairs I guessed he must be in his late 60's or early 70's, presumably this job was to top up his pension. Richard made small talk as we entered his office/consulting room.

As I sat in the chair opposite him I felt more at home having had more medical check-ups than I care to remember while in the army and had a pretty good idea on what would follow. Sure enough Richard pulled out a three page document from his drawer and started filling in the standard information i.e. name, address, family medical history & personal medical history. Then he took my blood pressure, general stats, weight, lung capacity and temperature. Still sitting in his chair but leaning forward he asked me to stand in front of him and to remove my shorts. I followed his request and naked once again I calmly watched him gently roll my balls feeling for any unexpected lumps before turning his attention to my cock. He pulled the foreskin back and examined it closely for any abnormalities, so close in fact that I could feel his breath on my sensitive head. It pulsed and expanded in response until it was fully erect at just over eight inches long. Richard seemed very pleased with this result and commented on its healthy appearance and functionality. Not knowing quite how to respond I simply said that I had no complaints with it, he laughed and said he didn't think I would or anyone else would for that matter! He turned in his chair; opening a drawer he retrieved a pair of latex gloves and a tube of KY. Uh oh, I know what they're for I thought to myself.

"Please turn round, bend over at the waist and pull your cheeks apart." Richard said in a neutral voice.

As I pulled my cheeks apart I heard the snapping of the gloves being put on and then felt the cold gel being applied to my anus. His finger felt large to me and my ring tightened in response as it smeared the gel around my ring. "Relax please otherwise you will experience some discomfort."

I did my best to relax, taking deep breaths as I felt pressure being applied. Eventually the finger pushed in up to the first knuckle.

"Mr Telby, you really must learn to relax. From your tightness I can tell you are not used to having objects inserted up your anus, I am not going to hurt you, now please try harder."

"Yes Sir, you are quite correct I am not used to having things up my arse! My wife used to try to push a finger up me but I didn't like it. I am trying to relax honestly but this position is uncomfortable for me."

"Mmm, let me think." Richard said deep in thought gently pulling his knuckle out. "Okay, hop up onto the couch, lie on your back and pull your knees up to your chest."

Open to any suggestions to move this situation on, I did as I was bid. To be honest it was a new position to me but somewhat reminiscent of the missionary position! I said as much to Richard who smiled in response but said nothing, instead he picked up the tube of KY and stepped up to my exposed anus and slowly squirted a liberal amount onto my hole. It momentarily clenched at the cold jolt but slowly opened again as the gel warmed up. Richard looked down at me and started to ask me about my life in the army and seemed genuinely interested in the answers I gave. I give him credit for his distraction method worked a treat, I barely registered his finger's entry into me until I felt his knuckles brush my crack and his finger tip was pushing against my prostate sending throbbing pulses into my cock. I looked up at Richard and grinned saying

"Well doctor you seemed to have reached the spot!"

"Indeed I have, well done. You have a perfectly healthy prostate and rectum. I often find this position is successful for those tighter than average rings, and yours has got to be about the tightest I have come across for many a year."

"Really, I am surprised." I replied quite genuinely. "I would have thought most of the men in this prison would be in the same position as me."

"Oh you'd be surprised."

With that he withdrew his finger, wiped it clean on a tissue and announced that the medical was over until the post fitness test. As I pulled on my shorts again I saw the figure of James standing in the doorway casually watching me or rather my crutch as it bobbed around behind the fabric as I stood up again. Richard told James that he would join us in the gymnasium shortly to carry out the tests. James nodded an acknowledgement.

"Are you ready Mr. Telby?" James asked. "If so, we'll start your fitness assessment in the gymnasium downstairs, please follow me."

Not waiting for a reply he marched briskly along the corridor, down the stairs and back along the main corridor, almost to the main entrance then through a side door into what had to be the best equipped gymnasium I had seen in a long time, it even had three frosted glass shower cubicles at the far end. For the next hour I used every piece of equipment with James watching intently and writing endless notes on my progress. By the time I had completed the last test I was hot and exhausted, sweat was pouring down my face and pleased to be taking a breather.

I heard the door open behind me, looking round I saw Richard walk in carrying a small bag and clipboard. Walking over to me he placed his bag down on the floor and took out a small thermometer and a stethoscope.

"Mr. Telby would you please lower your shorts down to your knees and bend over at the waist, as you did in my office and spread your cheeks please. I am about to take your temperature."

Doing as I was instructed I avoided looking at James for I could feel his eyes on my body and did my best to not react when I felt the rectal thermometer push up inside me.

"Okay, if you would stand up again, clench your cheeks to hold the thermometer in please and I will measure your heartbeat now."

I felt the cold metal stethoscope explore my chest and back all the time hearing approving grunts and the scratch of pen on paper. Then the gentle pressure of a hand pushing me over, as I bent over I felt the thermometer being pulled out.

"Well Mr Telby I am pleased to be able to confirm that for a man of your age you are perfectly fit and healthy and I will have great pleasure in recommending your employment here. Please pull up your shorts and we will return to the Governor's office."

As I did so, James came over and shook my hand congratulating me on passing the fitness and medical tests and expressed how much he was looking forward to working with me in the future. I smiled politely and thought I bet you do!

I followed Richard back to the office in silence, thinking how much I would like to have used the shower facilities had I been given the chance as I no longer smelt as fresh as I did before I entered the gymnasium. Shrugging my shoulders, it was pointless worrying about it, I had already passed the interview and tests and it was now just a matter of signing on the dotted line and getting my clothes and possessions back. Richard opened the door for me and ushered me inside, waiting for me were my three interviewers, this time though they were standing casually chatting by the coffee table at the far end of the room near the main window. On the coffee table sat the box containing my clothes and personal possessions. They turned as one on my entrance and walked over, each one shaking my hand and congratulating me on successfully passing all tests put to me. Liam led me to the desk upon which lay my new contract and indicated that I should sit down and read it carefully before signing it, in the meantime I gratefully accepted the cup of coffee Max held out towards me. Half an hour later I had signed the contract, arranged to start my training on the 1st March and finally wearing my suit again. I'm not sure if it was my imagination but I am sure that Adrian did his best to slow me down and divert my attention as I was dressing as if to prolong the exposure of my flesh to their gazes. Oh well, no business of mine, it didn't bother me in the slightest.

11.30am Back in my car now, trying to stop myself from grinning like a Cheshire cat, I reviewed the last three hours. What a strange experience it had been but if I am being honest with myself I had found it slightly erotic. I had the distinct feeling that my experiences were only just beginning with that place. Hey ho! That's as may be but reality was soon kicking in, my stomach was growling I needed something to eat and fast!

12.00 Noon -- 7.00pm Quick visit to Burger King for a Whopper Meal and then it was time to continue with my clothes shopping, I would need more than one shirt, tie, trousers and jacket in my wardrobe. I finally got home just before 7.00pm, if I bumped into one more shopper I would scream!

Well diary that was my day, slightly unusual I think you will agree...... I can't wait for the 1st March to arrive.


Met up with Tom and Mike for our weekly drink in the Kings Head, they found it hilarious listening to my interview ordeals. Naturally I left out the bit about finding it a little bit erotic; I simply don't think they would have understood. As far as they were concerned a man's arse was a one way street and only a woman should take pleasure in the sight of a man's body. Having said that, I too was of that frame of mind for many years, all through my army service and my marriage I maintained the insecure all-macho stance of a he-man. However since I left all the mind-numbing crap behind me I have become more relaxed in myself, don't get me wrong I'm not gay or anything like that, never had sex with a man or wanted to. I'm just happy to be me with nothing to prove. Sorry diary for getting all heavy with you, but who else is going to listen to me? Ah well, the lads are good for me. They stop me from moping and keep my feet on the ground; in return I make them laugh with my antics and out of the norm way of thinking.


Dear diary, sorry I haven't written anything for the last two weeks. I have picked you up every evening only to put you back down again simply because nothing out of the ordinary has happened. I feel very much in limbo; everything is ready for my new job on Monday but before then is the stag do I am going on tomorrow evening. At the time it seemed like a good idea but now it's almost here I am reluctant to go, it's easier to be a couch potato -- which is precisely why I am going to go, I refuse to let laziness win over being sociable. Apart from anything it would be letting my mates down, which for me is a big no no.


Oh boy, what a night we had last night! There was absolutely no way I was in a fit state to write an entry when I got home late last night/early this morning, I was totally wrecked. I woke up this morning with a thumping headache! As I sipped my coffee this morning with the curtains firmly drawn I tried to remember the events of the previous evening. I am ashamed to say this is what I remember of it.

7.30pm Met up with Mike and Tom at Mike's house before catching a taxi over to the restaurant.

8.00pm Inside the restaurant it was chaotic with the waiters struggling to cope with the demands of a thirty strong group. Us oldies were given pride of place next to Aaron on the big table on the condition that at the nightclub we would take a back seat to let the youngsters do their thing. Oldies indeed! But watching Aaron and his friends it really did make me feel nostalgic for the days when I was his age. Ah well, can't turn the clock back, just got to get on with life while you still have it!

10.00pm Our group has consumed vast quantities of food and Indian beer (some of us are already a little merry); it's time to waddle over to the Sundown Nightclub where the other twenty stag guests are waiting for us. The manager greets Mike, explains the house rules, he then leads us up to the top floor and through controlled access double doors. Inside is a large dance floor, a dedicated bar and at the other end of the room a large stage with boxes of props adjacent to it. Two barmaids and a barman stand behind the bar waiting to serve us with a ready smile. The next hour is spent getting everyone served with drinks and getting the party started.

11.00pm With a great fanfare the female double act make their entrance and receive a great number of appreciative wolf whistles in response. They were in their late twenties/early thirties and dressed in tight fitting leather cat suits with buttons running from the neckline down to the crutch, very attractive and immaculately manicured. They introduced themselves as Zara and Ingrid and were from Russia, which drew further wolf whistles! The youngsters surged towards the stage area leaving Mike, Tom and I behind at the bar making ourselves comfortable on the bar stools.

To my surprise the girls were brilliant at winding up the lads to fever pitch with a mixture of songs, jokes and smutty innuendos. For over an hour the energy levels in the room rose and fell as directed by the girls, all the time the drinks were flowing and the lads were slowly getting drunk.

Mid-Night The girls announced that it was now time for a little competition; they wanted four volunteers with the winner getting a £50 voucher off their next visit to the nightclub. There was no shortage of volunteers after the prize was announced with at least twenty guys energetically waving their hands in the air trying to be picked. Naturally as the stag groom, Aaron was picked along with three other handsome young men. From the back of the room Mike called out encouraging words of advice to his son. We clapped enthusiastically as the four men climbed up on stage and now stood a little nervously in a line aware that everyone in the room was watching them.

"Right guys" Zara announced as she walked up and down the line of men. "This is what we're going to do. We're going to blindfold you, then, each of you is to strip down to your boxers. Don't look so alarmed, we will be sparing your modesty by erecting the shoulder high black plastic curtain you see to your right before you strip so only we can see you, none of the audience will be able see anything. Okay?"

The four of them looked at each other distinctly nervous but with their friends in the audience egging them on they finally nodded to one another and agreed to the game. Ingrid jumped off the stage and fetched four blindfolds from the prop box, climbed back up and then proceeded to blindfold each of the contestants. Zara then followed behind making sure that they could see nothing through the blindfolds, then, spaced them out ensuring they had room to move without bumping into each other and gauging the others progress. When all were done Ingrid reached for the curtain rail on which the black plastic curtain appeared to rest and pulled it along the stage in front of the competitors. However the black plastic curtain was actually only a foot wide, the remainder of it was totally clear, providing the audience with a perfect view as if the curtain wasn't there at all! Ingrid turned to the audience and made an exaggerated "ssshhh" sign with her finger on her lips. To reassure the guys she asked them to reach out and touch the curtain and confirm that they were hidden from view, which they did and said they were happy with it. Then turning to the audience she asked us if we could see the four guys, understanding what was expected from us we all shouted a loud "No!"

"Now then, what we want you to do is to remove each item of clothing and hang them on the curtain rail in front of you, take your time, we don't want any accidents with you tripping over now do we? Okay guys? Let's do it!"

As if by magic the music in the room changed to the strippers tune, making everyone chuckle including the contestants. We began to clap in time to the music and this spurred on Aaron to make the first move by undoing the buttons on his shirt and slipping his arms out of the sleeves before draping it over the rail in front of him. Then he pulled the T-shirt off over his head revealing his well developed torso with a smattering of dark hair, despite myself I found my eyes drawn to him and I felt my gaze drop to his waist line where I could just see the waistband of his pants peeking above his jeans. Movement to his left caught my eye, Jason, his best man was catching up, he had removed his T-shirt and was in the process of unbuckling his belt. He let his chinos drop to the floor revealing a pair of hairy muscular legs before stepping out of them and throwing them onto the rail. Lee and Simon, the other two contestants were a little slower having chosen to take off their shoes and socks, then their jeans. I had to start supping my beer to disguise the fact that my mouth was getting dry and had to discreetly adjust my crutch. I was mentally wrestling with myself, these were guys I knew and yet I was getting aroused by this drunken stag do competition. Within a couple of minutes just as the music reached a crescendo all four guys were standing in just their underpants or boxer shorts. Unknown to them Ingrid had been silently collecting up their clothes and placing them in a neat pile on the bar next to Mike for him to look after.

"So who wants the £50 voucher? Raise your hands now if you still want in, it's your free choice, if you want out take a step back and sit down on the floor." Zara said to the guys.

With only slight hesitation all four hands rose into the air to the delight of the audience and to my surprise Mike was one of the loudest with his whistling and handclapping.

"Okay guys let's do it! The first guy to remove his underpants, throw them into the crowd and wank himself off to orgasm will win the £50 voucher, the guy who comes second will win a £30 voucher, the guy who comes third will win a £10 voucher and the guy who comes last will get a box of tissues to clean up the stage!"

The room went silent for a minute before the crowd started to wolf whistle and cheer loudly. Ingrid started the music again; I was too intent on watching the action to even notice what was being played. I think Aaron was initially too stunned to react however he soon realised that he was trapped by his own enthusiasm so with a shrug of his shoulders he announced

"You're on -- come on guys, let's show them what we're made of!"

With that he grabbed the waistband of his pants, pushed them down and quickly stepped out of them before raising them over his head and threw them into the crowd. A cheer went up with enthusiastic clapping. He started to play with his balls and cock quickly arousing it to a decent erection of six inches. Not far behind him Jason threw his boxer shorts into the crowd, there was silence for a second before an even louder cheer went up. Jason's cock was already standing erect and it had to be the biggest cock I had even seen. No word of a lie but it had to be at least ten inches long and very wide, any wonder he always has a crowd of girls in attendance! He was busy whacking his cock off as if there was no tomorrow. Lee and Simon in unison threw their pants as far as they could but this only served to slow them and their cocks were only semi hard before Jason started to shudder and rock before with a guttural grunt he spewed jet after jet of jism into the air before landing with a distinct splat on the stage and curtain. There was an audible intake of breath round the room which turned into a roar of approval. Aaron started to pant and grimace, then he went rigid and spewed sunk all over his hands and the floor. Claps and cheers met this spectacle. Simon started to panic realising that two guys had already beat him and his cock started to soften as his concentration lapsed. Lee, bless him, always the quiet one (except apparently when orgasming) cried out and howled as his spunk became airborne much to the amusement of the audience and his fellow competitors.

With a loud clap of her hands Zara announced that the game was over, Simon was to stop beating his meat and that the competitors could now remove their blindfolds. Well, their expressions were comical to say the least! It went from relief to have the blindfolds off and being able to see, then came the realisation that the curtain was not black but see-through and they could see the audience, then finally it dawned on them that the audience had been able to see everything from start to finish. To give them their due they did recover from the shock remarkably well, initially they flushed red with embarrassment and their hands flew to cover their crotch. I thought Aaron was going to lose his temper but at the sight of his dad, Mike, giving him a standing ovation he lost his embarrassment and his hands dropped to his sides. Deciding to go with the flow was the best course of action; he started to chuckle himself, then turned towards Jason and shook his hand to congratulate him on winning the competition, all the time trying not to stare at the pendulous cock facing him. He then shook the hand of Lee before clapping Simon on the shoulder in commiseration. Ingrid signalled to the guys that they were to join her by the microphone where she handed the £50 voucher to Jason, the £30 voucher to Aaron, the £10 voucher to Lee and the box of tissues to Simon, which he took with a grimace before kneeling down and carefully wiped up each pool of cold jism. When he rejoined the group Ingrid and Zara thanked them for being such good sports and for having gone with the spirit of the game, was there anything they wanted to say. Aaron, sharp as ever asked Ingrid who had thought of this game because this certainly hadn't been on the planned itinery. Laughing she said it was the bright idea of your father, he said that you were cocky enough to go through with it and he was right! Fair enough he replied but it's his 50th birthday on June 12th 2010 and it will be payback time - dad you've been warned! Mike, by now very drunk roared with laughter and told him to bring it on.

Shortly afterwards the four guys were allowed to leave the stage and retrieve their clothing. To my surprise they seemed in no hurry to do so as their mates surrounded them and much raucous male bonding ensued.

2pm Feeling distinctly drunk I leave the club along with the others, all fully clothed now and catch a taxi home before falling fully dressed onto my bed and slipping into oblivion.....


Dear diary, the big day finally dawned, the first day of my new job. Daunting would be a very good word to describe it but at the same time it was exciting. I arrived at the staff car park a little early as I already had experience of the traffic levels, this time when I entered through the controlled access door and into the reception room things were a little different. This time there was a prison guard sitting behind the desk, checking the new recruits in off his list and ushering them down the corridor to the fitting room where we were kitted out with two sets of uniforms, one to wear now and the other for spare. From there we waited in what we would call the classroom sited adjacent to the gymnasium until all twenty new recruits had arrived. Liam entered without warning closely followed by Max and Adrian, as a group we went to stand up but with a relaxed gesture Liam indicated that we were to remain seated. Liam informed us that Max would be responsible for training us initially and then Adrian would take over when it came to going "live" on the shop floor, as it were. Any questions or problems should be directed to them in the first instance, with that he and Adrian withdrew leaving us under the care of Max.

The rest of the morning up until lunchtime was pretty mundane, making sure that all personnel records were correct and up to date, then came the usual breaking the ice exercise where we all had to stand up and introduce ourselves, give a little speech about our backgrounds along with likes and dislikes. The guys seemed by and large a likable bunch and I think we will bond pretty well over the coming weeks and months.

Lunch was a buffet style affair served to us in the classroom by a couple of inmates dressed in catering attire. One looked familiar to me, perhaps he was the same guy who brought the tea trolley in during my interview, whatever the reason he took no notice of me. I was simply another face in the crowd.

The afternoon was more interesting, we were given a more in depth explanation for the mass recruitment and the direction in which the prison was heading. In the long term they wanted HMP Ollerton to become a flagship of excellence for prisons in the UK and lead the way in reforming other failing prisons. Before that could happen there was a lot of work to do and was summarised as follows:

  1. Eliminate prisoner violence 2. Eliminate prisoner intimidation 3. Eliminate prisoner drug abuse 4. Eliminate prisoner sexual abuse 5. Eliminate smuggling into/out of the prison 6. Reduce rates of reoffending by at least 50%

This will be initially be addressed by monitoring every prisoner and room in the prison, at present workmen are installing damage proof CCTV monitors into each cell and room within the prison and the outside areas. Once completed implementation of the new prison rules would start following 24 hour surveillance of all areas including cells.

Someone in the class mentioned that it sounded draconian. Adrian laughed in response, saying that it may indeed but as mentioned during the interviews the new management believes in tough love and sorting out the criminals once and for all by whatever method works successfully. Sounds fair enough to me. By the end of the afternoon my head was reeling from all the facts and information that had been imparted and I was glad when it was time to leave.

So that diary was my first day at work, my brain aches and all I want to do is fall into bed and sleep like the dead, so night night until tomorrow.


Sorry diary, a bit late I know but I simply haven't had the energy to maintain my diary for the last couple of days. Not only have I been mentally exhausted every day but I have also been physically tired too. Each day at work followed a set routine:

09:00 -- 10:00hrs Fitness class in Gymnasium 10:30 -- 13:00hrs Prison Theory & Practice -- Classroom 13:00 -- 14:00hrs Lunch 14:00 -- 17:00hrs People Management - Classroom

I never realised how much was involved with prison work and the responsibilities that came with being a prison officer. By the end of next week we will have trained enough to be introduced to the prison and the inmates and get down to the real work -- what a scary thought now that I know the realities of prison life! One consolation is that my body is becoming more toned and even fitter, not only that but I am regaining my confidence in dealing with people again which I had lost somewhat since my divorce. Something inside me is looking forward to the conflict management, perhaps because it seems akin to being in the army again, who knows, time will tell.


Same excuse again! Busy week but what an eye opener! Yesterday we completed our training course and today we went on a walk about the prison and its grounds led by Max and Adrian. Each of the six wings were being modernised and made more secure (or should that read more manageable for us staff?) and all of the CCTV installation had been completed much to the disgruntlement of the inmates! Needless to say that there was a lot of jeering and catcalling from the gang members and leaders but the average inmate was either wary or respectful which was the reaction we were seeking. Outside were the kitchen gardens, recreational green (used for cricket, football or rugby depending on the season), the small prison farm where pigs and chickens were kept, and finally the multi-faith chapel which had fallen into disrepair. It was in this last building which held the biggest surprise for us. It had been converted into a small cinema but one in which would be used for correction treatment of inmates who had broken the rules. I asked for an explanation, but was told to be patient as all would be revealed. At one end of the room was a huge white viewing screen facing twenty five rows of chairs capable of seating up to five hundred inmates at any one time. Then at the back of the room behind the last row of chairs was a door marked "Staff Only" with a controlled access keypad. Adrian tapped in the pass code and ushered us through the doorway, the sight that met us was astonishing. It was a cross between a gymnasium, shower area and torture chamber. In one area there was a leather sling, a large wooden St. Andrews cross and a vaulting box. Each device had hand cuffs attached at each corner. In another area was what looked like a dentist chair along with an operating table, again with restraints attached to each arm. In the shower area there were two handcuffs hanging from the tiled wall above which a single shower head could be seen. What puzzled me was a second hose which came out of the pipe feeding the shower, it had a rounded end with holes (looked rather like a pepper pot!) and hung redundant on a hook next to the shower head. There was also a commode (toilet seat fitted within a chair) made from clear plastic suspended over a clear plastic tank with water inside. From the ceiling over each device was a CCTV camera standing safely away from the wet area near the entrance was a handheld video camera and stand. On the other side of the entrance was a large wardrobe sized metal cabinet securely locked, inside which we were told were implements to be used in the correction treatment. With the tour of the correction room over we were led outside and back to the main dining hall for the inmates from where a lot of hammering noise was emanating. Inside two of the maintenance crew were attaching a large notice on the wall in clear view of all diners, this is what it announced.

"With effect from Monday 15th March 2010 the following rules will be implemented:

  1. Possession of weapons, drugs and contraband of any kind will be strictly prohibited. 2. Violence or abuse of any kind will be strictly prohibited. 3. Smuggling of weapons, drugs and contraband in or out of the prison will be strictly prohibited.

The first infringement will result in temporary (48hrs) loss of all personal possessions. A second infringement will result in permanent loss of all personal possessions. A third infringement will result in public correction in the chapel. Any further infringements will result in public and prolonged correction.

If you have any questions regarding the above rules please speak to a member of staff."

Then underneath in bold red writing was another announcement.

"There will be an amnesty for weapons, drugs and contraband on Monday 15th March 2010 from 00:01hrs to 23:59hrs inclusive. Any prohibited items found after the amnesty period will result in due punishments described as above."

Adrian warned us that Monday will be busy but the rest of the week will be busier as the rules will have to be implemented as the toughest inmates will seek to resist and break them. We have been warned to make sure that we're thoroughly rested this weekend ready for next weekend.


Time out with the boys tonight, met up with Mike and Tom and had a real laugh at the Kings Head supping a few pints and enjoying their down to earth sense of humour. I kept my tales of my job pretty lightweight with no mention of the new rules made. Tom was slowly coming round to the idea of me working for the "establishment" but Mike still needed convincing and thought I would have been better off working for the college. Ah well, time will tell and all that.


First day of the new regime and the amnesty produced a flurry activity from the small time crooks and regular guys who were sensible enough to understand that the writing was on the wall for their activities. By the end of evening some two hundred weapons had been surrendered and several kilos of drugs. I expressed my admiration on how successful the amnesty had been to my supervisor, Pete. He snorted and laughed saying that he thought less than half of the gear had been handed in, so tomorrow will be long and tiring as there will be some tough nuts to crack.


Dear diary, Pete was sooo right! During our morning briefing the first of the gang leaders were to be targeted. His gang name is "Flick" on account of his favourite weapon being a flick knife cunningly disguised within a toothbrush, his real name is more mundane -- Charlie Smith. His reputation was of being fearless and the first to wade in if a fight broke out, although he wasn't the tallest or heaviest built of guys he was strong and knew it. He was being targeted to send a strong message to the rest of the gangsters.

So after the briefing six of us donned riot gear and armed with stun guns we marched into A-Wing and climbed the stairs onto the first floor and headed for cell 59 where Flick was housed. The normally noisy wing fell silent as the inmates realised something was happening and stopped to watch the proceedings. Arriving at the cell, the door was flung open catching Flick by surprise; he was sprawled out on his bunk reading a glossy girlie magazine. The look of shock rapidly changed to the customary aggressive expression and demanded to know what was going on. He was told that he and his room was being searched for prohibited items. Laughing in response he said that we would find nothing; his mirth was short lived because unknown to him using the CCTV installed in his room we had watched him secreting his stash of weapons and contraband. Within a couple of minutes we found the first of his knives, his face fell as he realised the game was up. We radioed back to the control room that we required a belongings box ASAP (this is a large plastic box on wheels which can be secured with a padlock and chain used to store confiscated items). Five minutes later the box arrived and we continued searching the room, as each article was examined it was placed into the box with prohibited items being placed into a separate bag. As bit by bit his cell emptied of his personal possessions Flick became agitated protesting at the treatment he was receiving. He was told in no uncertain terms what the new rules were and as he'd broken them he was facing the confiscation of all his possessions for 48 hours, he'd get them back if he was a good boy.

He smiled quirkily and said "Sure. I think I can do good."

Within ten minutes his cell was empty and the box was brimming full of his clothing and personal bits and bobs, the only items left was his bedding and the clothes he stood in. Now we turned our attention to Flick, telling him to remove the clothes he was wearing. Backing away from us he made for the doorway in a bid to escape, without success as Pete blocked his route and drew his stun gun.

"Now son, you can do it the easy way and do as you're told or you can do it the hard way. We will stun you, then strip you and you'll wake up aching all over. Either way you're going to be naked for the next 48 hours." Pete told him as he cocked the trigger of the gun.

Gulping audibly Flick thought for a second or two before pulling his prison issue sweatshirt over his head and handed it to me, quickly followed by his T-shirt revealing his smooth chest covered in green and red dragon tattoos with their tails trailing down his muscular biceps. Despite myself I could not help but admire his physique and thought he really was quite attractive in a bad-boy way. Catching my eye he grinned impishly before slipping his hands inside the waistband of his jogging bottoms and pushing them down to his ankles. As he stepped out of them he straightened up revealing the fact that he had been going commando and his decent sized cock bobbed at half mast indicating that he wasn't too bothered by this turn of events. Last to go were his socks which he threw in the direction of the box announcing that he had complied with our request so, were we happy now?

Pete nodded indicating that he was satisfied with the outcome and turned on his heels pushing the now padlocked box in front of him. As we filed out of the cell Flick followed us asking what he was supposed to do now and what about the box. Being the last one out I turned round, trying to keep my eyes on his face I replied

"You need to carry on with your normal routine, your prison job is to be carried out and meal times attended etc. Your box will be returned to him in 48 hours time."

"That's easy for you to say, it's not you who's naked!"

"True enough, but rules are rules and you broke them. Make sure you don't break them again otherwise you'll be in this state again and next time it will be permanent. Besides, I don't think you'll be the only one in this predicament by the end of today." I smiled as I walked out onto the landing.

Flick followed me clearly wanting to continue the conversation, momentarily forgetting himself until he realised he had the attention of the entire wing. Frowning he looked around before yelling out

"What are you lot staring at? Never seen a man's knob before? Get a life!"

I chuckled at this latest outburst all the way down the stairs and caught up with my colleagues before leaving the A-Wing and making our way over to B-Wing. Word gets round fast in our prison; the inmates on B-Wing were waiting for us including our next target, Tyler Abegundi. Flick had been our warm up in preparation of this man; Tyler would need more careful handling. He didn't bother with weapons or drugs to rule this wing, he didn't need to; he was a mountain of a man, tall and very muscular with huge fists which could break bones with ease. He was normally placid but when riled he went ballistic and his sadistic nature became evident. Self-confident as ever he casually leaned against his cell's door frame clearly in view of the wing as if holding court.

"Gentlemen." his voice boomed along the landing towards us "You won't find any prohibited items in my cell; you're wasting your time. So don't think of pulling that stunt you did on Flick with me."

"Come on Tyler, don't play dumb with us." Pete retorted with equal confidence "You know your activities have been closely monitored by us. Rule 2 - Prohibition of Violence & Abuse was broken this morning when you threatened to break the jaw of your new cell mate in the wash room because he hadn't yet agreed to spread his legs and let you shove your donkey dick up his arse. As this is your first offence under the new rules you will forfeit all of your personal possessions for the 48 hours."

"I don't think so and you can't make me!" was the gruff reply.

Peter walked up to Tyler and spoke quietly in his ear indicating that he had a proposition for him if he co-operated with us. This change of tactics clearly surprised him because Tyler's eyebrows rose momentarily before nodding his head in the direction of his cell and walked inside.

"So what are you guys offering me in exchange for my kit? It had better be good or I am going get real mad with you" he said, glowering down at us as if to emphasise his point.

"Relax will you." Pete replied in a calming tone. "What we have in mind you will definitely enjoy. You will no doubt be aware of the new rules and the penalties that will be imposed. We will need volunteers to assist in administering punishment for persistent offenders and you are the perfect candidate what with your physical attributes."

"What do you mean by attributes?"

"Firstly you're built like a brick shit-house so no one messes with you, we don't want any resistance from the inmate being punished and your reputation will be an advantage. Secondly you must have the biggest dick in this prison which when on show will put the fear of god up most inmates reducing repeat offending."

"So what's in it for me?"

"Basically you get to shove your dick or anything else you care to use up the arse of any repeat offender that is due to be publicly corrected. If I'm not mistaken you have to go to great lengths to persuade guys to let you shaft them, this way you get your way without having to break any rules and as often as corrections are required. So are you interested or not?"

"If this is for real then count me in, it's an effing nightmare trying to get my rocks off in this place. What do you want me to do then to make it look a genuine bust?" Tyler was all business now and even seemed keen to go with the sweetener offered to him, it clearly appealed to his desire for power over other inmates.

"For a start, we'll handcuff you, stand you outside on the landing while we strip your cell and pack the box up. You can curse at us if you want, we'll ignore it. Then I'll get my stun gun out and threaten you to comply when your handcuffs are removed. It would be better to strip on the landing so that all can witness your reluctance to comply."

"Well what are we waiting for? Cuff me and let's get the show on the road, my balls are getting heavy and I need an arse to break real soon."

Without further delay I brought his hands behind his back and handcuffed them before pushing him out of the cell onto the landing where the inmates were still avidly watching the proceedings betting on the outcome. As his cell was stripped and his belongings packed into the box I stood guard over Tyler as he cursed and swore at us acting his part really well. A few minutes later the job was completed and Peter joined us with stun gun drawn instructing me to release the handcuffs. He then told Tyler to remove his clothing voluntarily or be stunned and we'd strip him while he's out cold. Still acting in character Tyler snarled at us but started to undress as instructed. He crouched down and removed his trainers and socks, handing them to me before standing up and pulled his sweatshirt over his head revealing his heavily developed chest and arms. His black skin gleamed like polished obsidian in the prison lighting with just the odd curly hair dotted over his chest. Without pausing he took hold of the waist band of his jogging bottoms and pushed them down past his equally developed thighs and calves. Stepping out of them he stood tall and proud in just his boxer shorts, pausing to see if we were satisfied. Peter nodded to the shorts and indicated that they were to come off too. Sighing loudly Tyler pulled his boxers down slowly and stepped out of them. He was deliberately drawing attention to his cock which although was flaccid, hung down his leg some seven inches long and three fingers wide. No wonder no one wanted to accommodate it! His balls were equally magnificent like black polished billiard balls. Apart from a few discreet quiet whistles there was no reaction from the rest of the wing, whether it was due to being in awe or because of Tyler's fearsome reputation I didn't know nor particularly care. We informed that in 48 hours his box would be returned to him before leaving the wing to carry on to C-Wing, then D-Wing, E-Wing and finally F-Wing.

All in all it was very draining having to mentally battle with naturally reluctant inmates to persuade them to part with all of their possessions and clothes. In fairness to them, there was only one inmate we had to actually use a stun gun on, the rest saw sense and complied with our demands.

The final job of the day before heading home was to place an amnesty box on each wing with an additional warning that from tomorrow everybody's room will be searched. Today was a gentle warning; tomorrow the rules will be enforced more rigorously!


Day three of the new rules and if anything it was harder than yesterday, not so much mentally as physically. Due to time constraints we were working in twos with fifteen minutes allowed per cell. This meant that we had little time to chat with the inmate concerned other than to tell them what was expected of them and the consequences if they did not comply. Following yesterday's events everybody knew the score and each amnesty box had been pretty well filled up with weapons and drugs. As a result most cells proved to be clean of prohibited items and on each wing there was on average maybe only five or six inmates who had be stripped of their clothes and possessions, they had been foolhardy enough to believe that we wouldn't carry out our threats.

At lunchtime we finally sat down in the prison canteen which we share with the inmates. I was surprised how well the naked inmates were integrating with the clothed ones. I had half expected them to remain hidden in their cells waiting out their 48 hour punishment but I was wrong in my assumption. The ring leaders had gained some kudos by flaunting their nakedness, by showing that they had lost everything at the hands of the management yet carried on as if nothing had happened just added to their reputation. As to the other inmates it very much depended on their standing beforehand, but in general the lower ranks stayed where they were and subjected to the expected light hearted ribbing you get between men. I was just finishing my desert and chatting to George, a prison officer who had started at the same time as me, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning reflexively I was faced with a black cock which all but slapped me on the nose, I recognised it instantly, it was Tyler's. Semi-erect it was now about nine inches long but still three fingers wide. Despite myself I couldn't help but notice that his cockhead was black as well, the only other black guy I had seen naked had a pink cockhead, I made the mistake of voicing this observation. He had clearly been planning to bump into me and this simply added to his amusement and he chuckled as he sat down opposite me.

"Well boss, you don't know that much about us black guys do you? I suppose you've only ever stuck to your nice white boys, eh?"

"No Tyler, I never had sex with either black or white guys. I am actually straight; I have been all my life."

"Yeah right, I've seen how you've been watching me when you think no one's looking and I'm not the only one who thinks like me."

"Really and who else is of the same opinion?"

"Well, Flick for a start and Dinesh from D-Wing thinks so too. We think it's cool to have gay prison officer, it's not often we get to have one."

"I've already told you I'm not gay. Why do you think I am and what difference would it make?"

"Apart from the way you look at us, it is the way you interact with us and the genuine interest you show in our well being. If you were totally straight you wouldn't give a shit about us. When you were outside my cell yesterday and as I removed my shorts you just couldn't take your eyes off my body could you? I'm not imagining it but I'm sure I saw you unconsciously lick your lips and adjust your trousers. Am I right? As to the difference it would make, perhaps none, who knows. It's just nice when a guy can be honest about himself, mutual respect can grow as a result, even friendship?"

"Like I said before I've never had sex with a man before but you're right lately I have been finding the male body strangely fascinating despite myself. I didn't realise that I had been making it so obvious, I apologise, it is unprofessional of me and it won't happen again. I do hope that we have mutual respect, it's part of my job to engage with inmates and help where I can."

"Okay Sir, I get you, well if there's anything I can do to help you out you just let me know." Tyler said with a wink as he stood up and joined the other inmates making their way out to the kitchen gardens for the afternoon shift.

I looked at George and asked him what that was all about.

"Dunno Sam, but just looking at his member makes my eyes water. How anyone man or woman could accommodate that thing is beyond me!" he remarked grimacing.

The afternoon bell rang indicating that lunch was over. The rest of my day was spent doing paperwork and supervising the art class.


Dear diary, much of today has been spent returning the confiscated possessions back to the gang leaders, or should I say they had been instructed to collect them from the governor's office. If I was of a suspicious mind I would think that my sexuality was being tested to the extreme. I'm not making much sense am I? Perhaps as always it's best that I start at the beginning. Then you can see for yourself if my suspicions are correct or not.

When I clocked in this morning there was a note in my pigeon hole that I was to report to the governor's office first thing. I knocked on the door and Liam's distinctive voice invited me in, I had a sense of déjà vu because Liam, Max and Adrian sat behind the long desk as they had at my interview. In the far corner of the room I spotted the six locked boxes containing the gang leaders' possessions. I sat down on a chair to one side as indicated by Liam before I was told that they wanted me to act as an assistant to the doctor and be a witness to the proceedings. Fair enough I thought; it would be a change from the routine so I said that I would be happy to oblige in whatever capacity required. This seemed to be the correct response and as three men smiled, Liam picked up his phone and spoke briefly into it before making small talk with me for a couple of minutes until Richard (the prison doctor) walked in wearing his familiar white coat and carrying a small leather bag I had often seem him with.

At 9:00am on the dot there was a knock on the door and in walked Flick, he hesitated briefly at the sight of the five of us but carried on walking until he stood in front of the desk facing Liam as instructed, with his hands clasped behind his back displaying the tattooed dragon's tails curling down his arm. Liam informed him that his possessions were to be returned to him but before this there were some missing details on his medical records which needed completing and this was the ideal time to collect the information. Flick nodded his understanding, I couldn't help but notice that he clenched his buttocks repeatedly as he nodded and I wondered if he was more nervous than he was letting on.

"Okay, Flick" Liam started apparently reading from a record sheet. "Outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Yes, but only within the prison. You know how frustrating it can get inside."

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Oral, I was sucked off."

"Okay, final question for now. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

"Yesterday evening, I gave myself a hand job in the showers."

"Thank you, if you don't mind the doctor is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"Be my guest, I've got nothing to hide."

Richard took this as his cue, slipped on a pair of latex gloves and asked Flick to face him. He gently cupped Flick's balls in his hands and appeared to weigh them. He agreed that they seemed reasonably light in keeping with being emptied yesterday. He then asked Flick to face towards the desk and rest his elbows on it, thereby bending over at the waist and exposing his anus for examination. It also gave me a perfect view of it. Even to my untrained eye it looked small and tight, virgin territory a small voice said in my head. Richard retrieved a tube of KY from his bag and liberally lubricated his finger and Frick's anus. At this latest development Flick looked over his shoulder frowning but said nothing. I pulled my chair forward until I was within touching distance of his anus so that I could get a good view of the impending penetration. Richard nodded approvingly before saying

"Good thinking Sam, I want you to see exactly what I am doing because I shall require your assistance in a minute. Is that okay?"

"Sure." I said nodding, not taking my eyes off the small puckered pink hole before me.

By now Flick had stopped looking over his shoulder, instead he was looking straight ahead of him and as Richard's finger tip started to push against the tight entrance he bowed his head to disguise the discomfort or embarrassment he was experiencing. After a couple of minutes it was becoming apparent that Richard would be unable to enter further than the first knuckle without causing Flick pain. It was then I had an idea, or rather a memory floated to the surface.

"Richard" I said tapping him on the elbow. "Why don't you try the technique you used on me during my medical assessment? It worked for me, so I can't see why it won't work for young Flick here."

"Excellent idea!" he replied, gently pulling his finger out of the tight hole. "Flick, would you please stand up and turn around. No, really there's no need to cover your erection, we're all professionals here and we've seen it all before many times. That's better, please relax, it will make things a lot easier for you. Okay, now step backwards until you are sitting on the table. Okay, now lean backwards until you are lying on your back, bring your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms behind your knees. That's excellent, thank you."

Oh my god! I was now beginning to see what attracted men to other men..... and what Richard had seen the day he examined me. Flick's anus was being forced to relax due the position he had assumed and at the same time was more visible to all in the room. Flick was doing his best to retain his dignity as all five of us were now standing round him peering down at his hole.

Richard wasted no time in applying further lubrication to the hole and using the same distraction techniques on Flick that he had with me. He spent about ten minutes discussing with him his opinions of the new rules, at the end of which his whole finger was buried up to the hilt and gently stroking his prostrate which was bringing gentle groans from Flick. Adrian pointed out to the group that Flick was now sporting an erection which brought a chuckle from everyone except Flick.

"Oh man did you have to say that?! It's bad enough that I have a finger up my arse but I am sporting a boner too!"

Liam appeared to consider this for a minute before announcing

"That's a fair comment actually. Okay, here's what I propose. Flick, you can let go of your legs. Max, you take hold of his left leg and Adrian you take his right. That's it, hold them up and slightly apart that way Flick will be more comfortable and you see that his cock has now been released. Now Sam, what I want you to do is to slip on a pair of gloves and lubricate your index finger. That's right, now slowly insert it into the anus taking the same care that Richard took. When your finger is fully inserted I want you to feel around until you can feel his prostate."

Saying nothing in response I did as I was instructed. It was the first time I had ever stuck a finger up a bum (including my own), it was very different to a vagina and in this case a lot tighter. I finally understood why the anus was called a ring; it was smooth just like the inside of my old wedding ring but a lot softer and warmer. It was so erotic feeling around knowing that my finger was the inside a living breathing person who by the sound of it was beginning to enjoy the sensations I was arousing.

"Now Flick." Liam continued "You have two options now. Would you like Sam to withdraw his finger and you will now be free to collect your belongings or would you like some relief for your aching cock?"

"Sir, I really need to shoot a load." Flick's reply was rather hoarse. "I don't think I can hold off much longer!"

"Sam, I want you to explore your boundaries and take a step beyond them. Firstly, keep your finger inside Flick, then with your spare hand I want you to take hold of Flick's cock and wank it off to orgasm. I know this is a new experience for you but think of the relief you will be bringing to our inmate."

Keeping my mind as blank as possible, not really taking in the enormity of it all, I did as I was told. Within a couple of minutes I felt his cock throbbing in one hand and his anus clenching round my index finger of the other hand, and then he shot load after load of jism all over his chest and stomach. As his cock subsided and started to shrink I gently pulled my finger out just as Richard came over a wad of tissues to wipe ourselves clean.

Max and Adrian released their hold of his ankles and Flick was allowed to stand up again, which he did with a sheepish grin saying "Thanks guys, I think!"

"No thank you." Liam replied. "You have complied with all that has been asked of you. We can now confirm that your records are fully up to date. Please collect your belongings from your box, you are now free to get dressed. We trust that we won't need to see you in this office again under these circumstances will we?"

"No Sir." and with that Flick went to collect his belongings and it was almost comical watching him scurrying over to the box with his name on it and rifling through it for his clothes. In less than thirty seconds he was dressed and making his exit. I was sorry to see his naked body clothed again. Liam must have read my mind as he laughed and assured me that it won't be the last time we see him in this predicament, well that was his feeling at least. It was 9.55am and we just had a couple of minutes to touch base and for me to be told that the next session would be run in exactly the same way.

Sure enough at 10.00am just as we had sat back in our chairs there was a knock on the door and in walked the massive frame of Tyler. Liam's preamble was word perfect and I took the opportunity to study the muscled frame of Tyler's back and legs. Evidently he was calmer than Flick because his massive hands hung relaxed down by his sides and his cheeks never clenched once.

Then the questions and answer session started.

"Okay, Tyler" Liam said, again reading from the record sheet. "Outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Yes, but only when there's been no pussy to shag."

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Both oral and anal, I was sucked off and I did the fucking, the only way man."

"Okay, final question for now. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

"Last weekend, just before I got busted by you guys. My balls are nearly blue they're so full!"

"Thank you, if you don't mind the doctor is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"Uh huh? Go ahead, doesn't bother me none."

By now Richard had a fresh pair of gloves on and asked Tyler to face him. He gently cupped Tyler's balls in his hands and announced that they did appear to be very full and heavy. He then asked Tyler to turn around, bend over at the waist and with his hands pull his cheeks apart. Without hesitating the black guy turned round, bent over and expertly parted his cheeks for our inspection. I crouched down and inspected it closely with Richard by my side. We both agreed that it looked as tight and virginal as Flick's had.

"Damn right it is, nothing larger than a finger has ever been up there or ever will!" came the gruff response.

However unlike Flick, Tyler seemed to have little difficulty in accommodating Richard's finger nor mine when it slid in after Richard's had exited. I felt around until I found his prostate and started to massage it from the inside, this seemed to go down well with the patient because he clamped down on my finger before standing upright and taking a step forward leaving my finger behind. As I looked to Liam for guidance at this apparent defiance Tyler spun on his heels and faced me with hands on hips. In front of me standing erect was his humungous ebony cock, it had to be at least twelve inches long but still three fingers wide as it had been when flaccid. The foreskin had naturally pulled back revealing the equally black cockhead smooth and shiny under the bright office lighting.

"I think this is what you've been looking for, isn't it. Now be a good boy and give my cock a good sucking." Tyler said with a lustful gloating expression on his face.

I was in a quandary, the straight part of me was repulsed at the very thought of it yet, the new developing side just wanted to grab hold of it and lick it like it was the last lollipop in the world. I looked over at Liam hoping he would have an answer to my predicament; sadly it was not to be when he replied.

"Sam, it's entirely up to you. No one is forcing you one way or other. The only comment I would make is that by offering relief to Flick you got to know him a bit better, he respects you more which can only be a good thing and he will be a lot calmer now having shot his load. I dare say that will be true for Tyler."

"Oh man, if you could just do this for me then I would be the best behaved inmate on my wing, just a perfect pussy cat." Tyler confirmed as sincerely as he possibly could.

With a silent groan inside I nodded my agreement and indicated that he should step up to me. As the knob bounced in front of my mouth I could smell the faint aroma of the man, not strongly but just a little, clearly he had recently showered. For a moment I wondered if he had been expecting some action but then dismissed the very idea as being absurd and turned my attention to the task at hand. Tyler took a half step towards me, placed one hand on the back of my head and with the other hand guided his cock towards my lips. My mouth opened instinctively and waited for the inevitable, I didn't have long to wait. With a subtle thrust of his hips, the cock was in and completely filling my mouth, it kept on sliding in until it hit the back of my mouth making me gag reflexively. The head withdrew slightly before hitting the back again; once more I gagged to a loud tut above me.

Max knelt down beside me and in a quiet voice instructed me to breathe in gently through my nose as the cock entered, to completely relax my throat and breathe out as the cock withdrew. He also told Tyler to be patient as I this was the first blow job I had ever given. We tried again with me following Max's guidance, this time although I gagged slightly I was able to swallow more of his cock and after a few more thrusts was able to get about six inches of the cock in my mouth and down my throat. In the background I could hear words of encouragement. This spurred me on; I took hold of his hips and pulled him closer towards me. As a reward for my eagerness Tyler upped the tempo and really started to fuck my face, with considerable concentration I was able to time my breathing to his thrusts and before I knew it my nose was brushing his pubes and his cock was buried fully within me. All of a sudden he started to shudder and growl, his cock pulsed (I guess he was shooting his load down into my stomach). Slowly it subsided and he pulled it out much smaller and covered in saliva and jism. It certainly came out easier than it went in! I gave a loud belch, which caused a round of laughter, licked my lips and in a rather a hoarse voice asked for a drink of water to wash the spunk down. Richard helped me to my feet and led me to my chair while I got my breath back under control, then hand me and Tyler a tissue each to wipe ourselves clean.

Liam glanced at Tyler who was busy wiping his now flaccid cock clean and said

"Tyler, I never thought I would say this but thank you for helping to educate Sam here. You have done all that was asked of you and you have shown a side of you rarely seen by us prison staff. Please collect your belongings from your box, you are now free to get dressed. We can now confirm that your records are fully up to date."

Tyler didn't seem in a hurry to get dressed, he walked over to box, unlocked it, retrieved a pair of shorts, holding them casually in his hands he turned towards us and said

"Pete mentioned something about my services being required to administer punishment to prisoners, was he being genuine or was he just using that as a ploy to get me to go along with the punishment?"

Liam looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, while Tyler pulled his shorts up and retrieved a T-shirt, before carefully replying.

"No Pete was telling you the truth about requiring volunteers, we're currently drawing up a shortlist of possible candidates and yes you are one of the candidates being considered."

"Seriously? That's brilliant, I've done nothing but think about it for the last two days and I think I would be perfect for it, don't you Sam? When will I know if I've been successful? "

"That very much depends on you to be honest, we will be assessing everyone over the next few weeks and your behaviour will be scrutinised meticulously, one foot wrong and you will not be considered further. We have to be absolutely sure of your commitment and that you will not abuse your position of power over the inmates."

"Okay okay, serious stuff then. Count me in though, I promise I will be as good as gold. What can I do to convince you of my sincerity?"

"Well, for a start, once you are a volunteer punisher your services can be called upon at any time, day or night and it is important that you provide a highly visible deterrent. All volunteers will be permanently naked except for a red beret (like the military police). So if you want to make a real start with your training and show us your commitment then I suggest you remove all your clothing from the box, you may keep your other possessions, surrender them to us now and remove your shorts and T-shirt you have just put on."

Tyler was cornered, if he refused to do so then his voluntary career was over before it began, however he thought quickly on his feet.

With a simple "Right you are then." He took off his T-shirt and stepped out of his shorts, once again revealing his magnificent cock, placed them on the table and proceeded to remove the rest of his clothes from the box. Within five minutes we had a pile of clothes on the table and one aroused Tyler wheeling his box out of the room. Liam called after him that we would be in contact with him. I asked Liam what the plans were, he replied that he had no plans but it seemed like a good idea at the time! He was sure that he would think of something soon.....

There was a knock on the door, it was 11.00am already! As we drank our second cup of coffee of the morning Eduardo from C-Wing walked in, as naked as the other two men had been. He was a handsome young man, slim and no older than twenty three. He was in prison for drugs offences and it was these that had been found in his cell resulting in him being stripped of his possessions. He had a certain juvenile cockiness which was endearing rather than annoying as can often be the case.

As he stood facing Liam listening to the preamble I studied the young man's figure. His jet black hair was cut short and his skin had the typical Mediterranean olive complexion except for his cheeks which were a glowing white, I guess from wearing Speedos when out sunbathing. His legs were hairy as were his arms but his back was quite smooth.

"Okay, Eduardo" Liam asked. "Outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Yes both inside and outside of the prison. I enjoy it, I like girls but I also like guys."

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Both and I am versatile."

"Okay, final question for now. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

"This morning, I was fucked by my cell mate and I came without touching my cock."

"Thank you, if you don't mind the doctor is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"I have told you the truth, I have nothing to hide."

As this was the third time we had carried out this scenario I knew what was expected so while Richard proceeded to weigh Eduardo's balls I slipped on a pair of latex gloves and started to lubricate them with the KY. Eduardo's cock rapidly expanded and became erect, from the corner of my eye I could see that he was watching me getting prepared; clearly the anticipated procedure was turning him on. I asked him to turn around, bend over supporting himself on his elbows and to spread his legs wide.

He smiled and said "Si, Senor" before doing as he was told. I squeezed a little of the KY onto his anus and carefully smeared it around his ring before gently inserting the tip of my finger as I had with the other two guys. I could feel the difference immediately, with Flick and Tyler there had been a lot of resistance and they had clamped down on my finger every time my finger moved inside them, however with Eduardo my finger slid in easily right up to the hilt. It was only then that he clenched momentarily, gave a little wiggle of his hips and looked over his shoulder at me with a smile on his face.

Richard stood beside me and quietly spoke into my ear suggesting that I try to insert another finger or two to assess how anally experienced Eduardo actually was. I withdrew my finger and applied more KY to my fingers before placing two of them at his entrance and smoothly pushed them inside until I could go no further and then pulled them out again. As Eduardo had shown no reaction I decided to try a third finger, as I inserted the three fingers I detected more resistance and as I sank in up to the third knuckles he started to clench down hard on my fingers and his body language made it clear he had reached his limits. In response I withdrew my fingers and wiped them clean on some tissue offered to me by Richard, who asked me what my conclusion would be to this exercise. I thought carefully for a moment before replying.

"Well, I would say that this young man is certainly comfortable with having objects inserted up his rectum and judging from the dilation he is more that capable of accepting most cocks up him."

Richard nodded sagely and agreed with me, he then invited Eduardo to stand up as the inspection was over. As Eduardo stood up and stretched his back and arms, Max whispered in Liam's ear who nodded and then turned to Adrian who also nodded thoughtfully after a couple of seconds. Max looked over to Eduardo and said

"You have done all that has been asked of you and we confirm that your records are fully up to date. You are now free to get dressed and can collect your belongings from your box; however we are curious about the statement you made about being able to ejaculate without touching your cock. We wonder if this is an empty boast."

Eduardo gave a nervous laugh and assured us that what he had said was the truth and if required he would demonstrate this fact to us. Max nodded and said that they would like to see this trick. Eduardo simply smiled in response then looked at me and said that he would like me to help him.

"Help you? In what way?" I asked, clearly naive despite me being a man of the world as my mates call me.

"Si, I would like you to fuck me. I will lie on my back on the floor and you will insert your cock up my arse and fuck me until I cum."

He left me in no doubt that he was serious, again I looked over to Liam who smiled and nodded encouragement. Mmm this was really pushing my boundaries; I had never fucked a bloke before. I've had anal intercourse with a woman and it was okay, at the end of the day a man's hole can't be much different to a girl's can it? So feeling just a little self conscious I removed my uniform, placed it neatly folded on my chair, I didn't look up until I was standing stark naked and playing with my cock to wake it up again. Richard walked over to me and with a wink squeezed a generous amount of KY onto his fingers before taking my cock in his hand and lubricated it from base to head. Well that did the trick! My cock was rock hard within a few seconds and I was ready to go! By now Eduardo was laying on his back with a chair cushion under his hips, with his arms wrapped round his knees exposing his anus to me which was still glistening from its previous lubrication and was just slightly open. It was the sight of this that drew my eye and all I could think about was sliding my cock into it and shooting my pent up load deep into him. Wasting no time I knelt down and then placed one hand on his thigh, with the other I guided my cock to his waiting hole. Then when my head has gently pushing against the ring I removed my hand from my cock and held onto his other thigh. In one smooth thrust I fully entered him and buried myself up to the hilt causing a groan of pleasure to escape from his lips. Giving him a moment to adjust to the impalement I looked down at his cock and it was throbbing with a life of its own, then slowly I thrust in and out gradually building up the tempo trying to reach further and further inside, only stopping when my balls slapped up against his cheeks. He let go of his legs and let his arms flop onto the floor, I moved my hands to his ankles and spread his legs wide so the others could have a clear view of his cock. On and on I banged his butt, it felt so good, never had I fucked a guy's arse before nor one so much younger than myself! Eduardo was constantly groaning and slowly he started to writhe around, then arching his back and a thrash of his head he yelled out as his cock suddenly spewed out jets of jism all over his face and chest. His anus clamped rhythmically down on me which tipped me over the edge and I shot my load too deep into his bowels before collapsing on top of him, smearing his jism all over my chest.

For several minutes we simply lay there catching our breaths, as I raised myself up Eduardo caught me by surprise by kissing me hard on the lips. My face must have been a picture because he chuckled as so did everyone else in the room. Once more Richard did the honours by offering us tissues to clean ourselves up with, as I wiped myself off I could not help but wonder what else could happen today, little did I know! As I put my clothes on again lost in my own thoughts I didn't hear Eduardo come up behind me on his way to his box, he whispered in my ear making me jump.

"Senor, any time you would like to fuck me again just let me know, your cock is very big and I love it!"

"Uh thanks, I'll bear that in mind."

"Please do."

Then without further ado he trotted over to his box, opened it and quickly got dressed before pushing it out of the door with a cheery wave to everyone in general. There was about ten minutes spare before the next inmate was due so Liam took the opportunity to quiz me on the last session and had I enjoyed fucking Eduardo. I gave my honest feedback and yes I had enjoyed myself.

"So, would you still describe yourself as being straight or bisexual now?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess, if I'm being honest I'm swinging more to being bisexual if this morning's experiences are anything to go by" I replied, before continuing with "Why? Does it make any difference?"

"No, it makes no difference at all. I was curious that's all."

It was now 12 Noon and right on time there was a knock on the door and in walked Dinesh, the other inmate who thinks that I am gay (I was beginning to wonder what he knew that I didn't). I think it would be fair to say that his is striking rather than handsome in the classical sense, not only in his looks but also in his demeanour. Authoritive would be a good way to describe him. I would put him in his early forties, of Indian origin, dark skin with a full head of hair cut fashionably short and a close cropped beard, again trimmed in a fashionable style. His body was hairy but he clearly kept it neatly trimmed, he was heavy set without being overweight, toned without being overdeveloped. He carried himself well; with confidence as if being naked was the most natural thing in the world. Perhaps this isn't surprising considering the fact that he was a master fraudster!

As before, while he stood before Liam with his arms crossed before him, I took my time to study him and wondered if I would get to fuck him like I had Eduardo.

"Okay Dinesh" Liam said having done his speech "Outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Yes, of course I am gay."

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Both oral and anal, I have done everything you can think of and have enjoyed it all."

"Okay, final question for now. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

"Yesterday, I fucked and sucked off one of the guys on my wing."

"Thank you, if you don't mind the doctor is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"Be my guest, I have no reason to lie to you."

Richard and I worked smoothly as a team, he weighed Dinesh's balls concluding that they had indeed been emptied recently, while I donned on a new pair of latex gloves and retrieved the KY. By the time I was ready Richard had instructed Dinesh to bend over the desk and spread his legs for our inspection. He was more than happy to oblige and even helped us by resting his chest on the desk and using his hands to spread his cheeks. I could tell that his hole had seen action because as with Eduardo it wasn't clamped shut tight, if anything it was slightly more open which I found curious.

I liberally applied the KY to his anus, which quivered in response and my fingers. I gently pushed my index finger inside and met no resistance, so I withdrew it and inserted a second finger, again I met no resistance. It was time to lube up a third finger, I was expecting the same resistance that I had with Eduardo but no, the three fingers slid in easily. With the three buried fully inside Dinesh I asked him if he was okay, he replied that he was and that there was plenty of room for more. I glanced and Richard who raised an eyebrow and encouraged me to continue, so withdrawing once again I applied some more lube and started to insert four fingers, again they slid inside quite easily. I now had the attention of the whole room; Max, Liam and Adrian along with Richard were now standing round me to get a good view of the proceedings. Richard told me to leave my fingers inside Dinesh and to tuck my thumb in behind them making a cone before pushing my hand further inside. I carefully followed his instructions and was surprised to find my hand sinking inside up to the widest part of my hand, where at last resistance was met. Dinesh was breathing heavily and now supporting himself on his elbows, looking over his shoulder he told me to keep going because he could take it and started to push backwards against me. I kept up the gentle pressure from my end and slowly the resistance from his ring gave way and my hand slid in smoothly up to my wrist bringing a sigh from him and the guys standing next to me. For a while his ring clamped tightly against my wrist, once it had relaxed I gently pulled my hand out with a quiet slurp and the hole slowly closed behind me. Dinesh stood up and turned to face us; I was a little disappointed to find that his cock was flaccid rather than being stiff like the other guys had been after I had explored their arse.

"Welcome to the noble art of fisting Sam, I think you're a natural, well done." Liam said patting me on the shoulder.

"I would agree with you there" Dinesh agreed. "Will that be all Sir, or can I help you with anything else? Like return the favour perhaps?"

"Er, no, that will be all for now but thank you for the offer!" I managed to reply, my cheeks had clenched so hard I was getting cramp in them.

Liam intervened and thanked Dinesh for being so amenable, his medical records were now complete and that he was free to collect his belongings from the box and get dressed. Dinesh nodded in response before striding over to his box and quickly got dressed. He repeated the invitation to me with a wink and then left the room with his possessions before I could respond.

Still puzzled by the state of Dinesh's cock I asked Richard for an explanation, if there was one.

"Sam, it's simple physiology really. Dinesh was concentrating so much on relaxing his anus that his arousal levels were suppressed. You will find that in a more relaxed situation and prolonged activity that his arousal levels would have risen again and it is common for recipients to orgasm spontaneously as Eduardo did earlier on this morning."

"You're absolutely correct Richard. I have witnessed this and indeed experienced it on several occasions." Liam added.

I was stunned by this latest comment and could only look at him in surprise. Ignoring my expression Liam announced that it was now 1pm and time for lunch, we had one hour before the next inmate was due. As we made our way down to the dining hall small talk was made and continued until we sat down in the private area for senior staff. We sat in silence eating our food before Liam started talking business. He asked Richard for his opinion on this morning's proceedings and whether or not I would be able to assume his role for future sessions. Richard gave his feedback on the morning and to my relief gave me a big thumbs up. However I had a couple of issues to raise.

"Future sessions? You mean that there will be more of these? I thought this was a one off!" I said in all seriousness.

"Good God no, this is simply the first one, we will be carrying out cell searches randomly for the foreseeable future in a bid to eliminate the prohibited activities. We predict that these type sessions will be repeated on a weekly basis and with training this is something you and Adrian will be able to do without the need for Max, Richard and myself to be present. As you can appreciate this is time consuming and we simply can't spare the manpower, plus we need to explore the processes for the next level of punishment."

"The next level?"

"Yes, the public corrections but this is a little further down the road, we haven't even reached the stage of repeat offenders yet but that will come soon, probably within the next month when we have a new batch of inmates. The new ones always try to push the boundaries." Liam announced with confidence. "This afternoon I want you to assume Richard's role, he will be there simply to advise you if necessary. You know what's required so I don't think it will be too much of a problem and you have shown a great deal of competence, a willingness to learn new skills and expand your experiences beyond your comfort zones."

"Thank you. I will do my best this afternoon."

By now lunch time was nearly over so we made our way back to the governor's office and prepared ourselves for the last two sessions of the day.

At 2pm there was a knock on the door and in walked Jarek from E-Wing, I could tell immediately that he was of Eastern European origin, Polish in fact, just by his colouring. He was of average build and height with light brown hair and pale skin. As he stood with his back to me listening to Liam's speech I couldn't help but look at his white cheeks, clearly they had never seen the light of day. Unlike the four guys before him he didn't appear comfortable with his nakedness judging by the way he kept his genitals covered by his hands despite Liam's invitation to relax.

Then Liam started to ask the same questions he'd used this morning.

"Okay, Jarek, outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Never, it is disgusting and against God's rules."

"How have you felt about being naked for the last 48 hours?"

"Very uncomfortable, it is degrading having others stare at your body all the time."

"Do you think the punishment will deter you from offending again while in prison?"

"Definitely, I cannot tolerate being like this again."

"Okay, final question for now. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

"With all due respect that is none of your business; however I have to admit I had a wet dream a few days ago."

"Thank you, if you don't mind Sam is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"What do you mean physical checks?"

It was at this point I stood next to Jarek and explained what I would be doing. He frowned and was clearly unhappy with this, however he did place his hands behind his back when I asked him to and made no comment when I gently cupped his balls to weigh them. I decided they did feel heavy and wrote this down against his records indicating that he hadn't ejaculated for several days. But when I asked him to turn round and bend over this was a step too far for him and he point blank refused to despite my assurances that it wouldn't hurt. In the end I had to get assertive and pointed out that if he failed to comply with my request he would not be permitted access to his possessions until he did so, in other words he would remain naked until then. His jaws were clenched tightly as were his fists but slowly he turned round and bent over at the waist. I slipped on a pair of latex gloves, lubricated the index finger of my right hand and with my left hand spread his cheeks. Even with my untrained eye I could tell his hole was virginal, it was so tight and clearly clenched that I had to tell him to relax several times. When that didn't work I resorted to teasing it gently before pushing my finger tip just inside. He reared up in response and clamped down hard on me pushing me out, it actually hurt my finger! I stood up and announced that the test was now over, as far as I could tell nothing had ever been up there.

His relief was immense and when Liam invited him to collect his belongings he ran over to the box and scrambled into his clothes, muttering in Polish all the time, before quickly disappearing out the door.

Liam asked me how I thought it had gone; I concluded that it had been good experience for me to show how different the reactions can be to what is asked of the inmates, he nodded in agreement. With that it was time for the final inmate of the afternoon, Tony from G-Wing.

When Tony knocked on the door and walked in I was sure I was going to have the same difficulty with him as I had had with Jarek. I would say that he was probably an ex-Hells Angel in that he had tattoos all over his arms and neck, still wore his hair in a ponytail despite being in his fifties and had numerous piercings all over his body. He had a decent body except for the beer gut which he wore with pride and had a reputation for being handy with his fists.

In his defence his manner was easy going and appeared completely comfortable with his nakedness; standing quite casually listening to Liam doing his speech, then came the questions to which I listened with interest to see what the answers would be.

"Okay Tony" Liam said. "Outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Yes, inside here only, not much choice is there?"

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Both oral and anal, I have fucked a few guys and been sucked off too but that's my limit."

"Okay, final question for now. When was the last time you ejaculated?"

"This morning, I received a blow job in my cell."

"Thank you, if you don't mind Sam is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"Whatever, it's all the same to me."

Gaining confidence, this time I decided to be seated and had already slipped on a new pair of gloves before I asked Tony to stand in front of me while I weighed his balls. Although they were large in size I gauged that they were quite light confirming his statement that they had been emptied this morning. With this new confidence I asked him to turn round, bend over and support himself by holding onto his knees which he did with no hesitation. This presented me with a hairy crack and an anus which looked to me like anything but virginal! I applied a generous amount of KY to his hole and deftly inserted my index finger up his rectum bringing a little sigh of contentment from Tony. Withdrawing it I inserted two fingers again with relative ease, I was beginning to wonder if I had another Dinesh on my hands, but I needn't have worried because Tony was unable to accommodate three fingers. This led me to the conclusion that Tony was actually taking it up the arse despite his assertion to the opposite. I wrote these thoughts down on his report by made no comment to Tony himself.

I decided that I had finished testing him so invited him to stand up and clean himself off using the tissues on the side. As he did so he swung round revealing an erect cock of average length but with a comparatively large head, anyone on the receiving end of that would certainly feel it I thought to myself. He must have read my mind because he invited me to sample it any time I like as I was just the type of guy he liked to fuck with, I thanked him for his offer but declined it as tactfully as I could. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders then asked if he could have his possessions back now. As with the other five inmates Liam thanked him for cooperating with us, that his records were now up to date and yes, he could collect his belongings and get dressed.

Ten minutes later I was sat round the table with the other four for a thirty minute discussion on my progress this afternoon. At the end of the meeting I agreed to give running the post-punishment sessions a go as I was confident of my abilities to handle the punished inmates.

And that diary was the end of my long and tiring day at work! Driving home I mulled over the day's events and my reaction to the different situations I had come across. By the time I got home I hadn't reached a conclusion other than to take each day as it comes and make sure that I don't get pressurised into doing things I don't feel comfortable doing.


Dear diary, compared to yesterday work was uneventful, business as usual you might say. Everyone apart from Tyler was dressed as before and you would have been forgiven for thinking nothing had changed, and yet it had. There was a degree of calmness about the place and there was a little more respect for the staff, at least on the surface and just as importantly there was less bickering between inmates. As I walked back to my car at the end of the shift, I was both glad the week was over but at the same time I was looking forward to the next week too! Went down the King's Head and met up with Mike and Tom for our usual get together. It was great to let my hair down and talk about things other than law and order, the only trouble I had was as the beers flowed it got increasingly harder to keep my mouth from spilling the beans over the unorthodox events in the governor's office.


I think it would be fair to say that today was another eventful day at the office, so to speak. It was visiting day and one that will go down in history as the first real test of the new regime and I am relieved to say we pulled it off to great effect. The inmates concerned have been left in no doubt that the management mean what they say and that the rules will be implemented.

The day started off as usual with a briefing meeting for the day ahead, after that we did the rounds on the wings before getting ready for visiting period. As the inmates filed in and greeted their visitors waiting for them I took my position at one end of the room along with three other prison officers spaced around the room. Our role was to provide a visible deterrent to any obvious misdemeanours, but it was the hidden CCTV and microphones which would be used to detect any rule breaking. Our CCTV control room would feed back through our ear pieces if any inmate was to be detained after the visiting session.

For an hour I stood there carefully watching the inmates but for the life of me I could not spot any wrongdoing, however as the visitors filed out of the room my earpiece crackled into life and informed me that Jarek, Sayeed and Gus were to be detained. Jarek indeed! It was only yesterday he had declared that he had learnt his lesson, clearly not. I'm going to enjoy this I thought to myself. As was prison policy we had to have two officers per inmate for our own protection and also to prevent possible claims of abuse etc. George and I selected Jarek (at my suggestion) and as he made to rise from his seat I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and said.

"Not so fast Jarek, we need to have a word with you."

"Oh shit guys, what now? Why do you keep hassling me?"

"You were observed on CCTV receiving a small packet from your visitor and slipping it down the front of your trousers. As you are well aware this is against prison rules and you are required to surrender it immediately." I replied in the most authoritive voice I could muster.

"I haven't done anything wrong and I don't have to prove anything. This is typical, you're just targeting me because I'm Polish and think I will take your crap." Jarek said getting agitated.

"Come on Jarek, you can do this the easy way or the hard way, which one do you want?"

"Just fuck off and leave me alone! I'm going back to my cell; now get your hands off me." He growled and stood up shaking my hand off his shoulder and marched off.

We couldn't let him get away with this unacceptable behaviour and rebelliousness, so in unison we ran after him, caught up with him and pinned him to the wall, with his back to us. Before he could react we had his hands behind his back and quickly handcuffed, then turned him around facing us.

"So it's the hard way then." George said sternly before continuing "You do realise that you have just broken another rule which is refusing to comply with a request made of you by a prison officer. By my calculations that is the third infringement since the new rules came in, so not only will you be permanently losing all your personal possessions you will also be the very first recipient of the public correction in the chapel. I hope that you are proud of yourself."

Wisely Jarek said nothing but I could tell from his expression that he was majorly pissed off by this announcement, in fact he must have been boiling inside because he suddenly blurted out

"You are corrupt and perverted you pigs. I thought this country was fair and lawful but it's not, it's disgusting and you make me sick!" Having got this out of his system he stood there glowering as if to dare us to take the next step. We had no option but to continue and show that we meant business. With a nod from George I knelt down in front of Jarek and undid his belt and pulled it free from his jeans, then undid the button and unzipped the flies before pulling them down to his ankles. There was no sign of the packet seen on the CCTV.

"I told you there was nothing there."

"I haven't finished yet" I replied, at the same time I slipped my fingers into the waistband of his pants and slowly pulled them down, again to his ankles. His tackle swung uncomfortably close to my face as I looked inside the pants, still there was no sign of the package and said as much to George.

"Don't be fooled Sam" he replied. "I bet you'll find them clenched between his cheeks."

Determined to keep up a professional appearance I nodded my understanding and so with my right hand I reached up between his thighs and felt between his clenched cheeks. I told him to relax, deciding the game was up he did so and I then found the small packet I had been seeking. Examining them I suspected they were illegal drugs and passed them to George for safekeeping.

"Right then Jarek, you know what comes next don't you? We're going to have to strip you here and then go and clear out your cell. This evening you will be taken to the chapel for your public correction, do you understand?"


I then set about removing his shoes and socks before asking him to step out of his pants and trousers, leaving him just wearing his T-Shirt. Unlocking his handcuffs we removed his T-Shirt before putting the handcuffs on again and leading him out of the visitor's room. In the corridor waiting for us stood Dave and Mick guarding a naked Sayeed, who like Jarek appeared very unhappy with his situation. He stood between the two officers covering his genitals as best he could. It really was a shame because he was a good example of a man in his prime, muscular with no trace of middle aged fat appearing, youthful but had lost all trace of any adolescent gawkiness. Seeing Jarek naked with his hands tied behind his back must have surprised him as his hands dropped to his sides momentarily, letting me have a good view of his sizable packet nestling beneath a black bush of pubic hair. His skin was an even light mahogany all over indicating that he perhaps being naked wasn't all that unusual for him, only his cock and balls differed being slightly darker in colour. He spotted me studying his body and his face flushed red with discomfort, however I was more interested in the fact that his cock swelled and bobbed in reaction.

The sound of doors opening broke my reverie, looking over my shoulder I saw Tim and Steve escorting the naked figure of Gus, in appearance he looked very similar to Jarek but darker in colouration but that's where the similarity ended. Where Jarek was moody, close minded and aggressive, Gus was cheerful, broad minded and cocky. Jarek was uncomfortable being naked but Gus seemed to be in his element, revelling in his new found freedom and his erection was testament to his enjoyment of being naked in public. Returning my attention to the job in hand I led Jarek back to his cell and with George's help we removed Jarek's belongings and took them back to the stores department where they'd be distributed out amongst inmates who may be lacking certain items. As we removed his handcuffs he went to say something and then thought better of it, smiling in acknowledgement I told him we'd be back for him at 8pm.

Before then there was a lot of work to be done, afternoon rounds of cell checks, paperwork and then monitoring the evening mealtime in the dining hall. There was a buzz about the place; word had got around about the three guys getting caught. They were now subject to the ribbing that had happened last week especially as this was no longer a novelty. In the dining hall was a large poster advertising the first public correction in the chapel at 8pm, there were 500 seats available on a first come first served basis, there seemed to be a continuous crowd around this poster, clearly this was going to be a popular event.

At 7.45pm I collected Jarek from his cell, he was very quiet as I handcuffed him once more with hands behind his back. He had also lost a lot of his aggressiveness, hopefully this was a sign of things to come. He shivered slightly as he stepped outside of the prison wing and into the evening air, which I had to admit was slightly chilly. I encouraged him on and within a couple of minutes we arrived at the chapel's main entrance. Not giving him time to react I pushed him inside and directed him to the front of the room where Liam was already standing on the podium and giving a speech to the expectant audience (all seats had been taken and there were even guys standing at the back and in the side aisles!). As we stood there with all eyes focused on Jarek, Liam explained that once we had gone through to the correction room then the video cameras would be switched on and the audience would be able to watch the action going on live care of the huge viewing screen. Liam invited the inmates to make themselves comfortable and enjoy the viewing, with that he stepped down and handed over to Max who would be supervising the audience.

The three of us walked down the central aisle, with Jarek doing his best to ignore the comments and sniggers coming from several guys, when we got to the door Liam tapped in the pin number and we stepped inside. On the other side of the door was a little hive of industry. Richard and James (the sports coach) were busy prepping the equipment and Adrian was standing in front of the metal cabinet which had been locked the last time I had been in the room. This time the doors were open and I could see several shelves chocked full of dildos and butt plugs of various shapes and sizes along with cans of Crisco and bottles of J-Lube. Liam left us and headed for the mobile video camera, turned it on and swung it round so that we were being recorded. Richard by now was in the shower area and indicated that we were to join him, so taking Jarek by the arm I pointed him in that direction and walked him forward with one hand on his arm.

When he was positioned in front of the shower I unfastened his handcuffs and then quickly fastened him to the handcuffs either side of the shower head. Jarek looked at us suspiciously but said nothing. James by this time had stripped down to his usual T-shirt and shorts, commenting that he was likely to get wet in the next few minutes and retrieved the shower head from its stand on the wall before turning the shower on and adjusting the temperature until it was pleasantly hot. Without saying a word he turned aimed the jet of water on to Jarek and continued until he was wet all over, then handing me the showerhead he soaped him up all over. Still Jarek said nothing, simply closed his eyes wishing it was all over, that is until James soaped up his genitals and arse crack when he started to growl menacingly but James simply ignored him. In fact this seemed to appeal to his playful side because he took extra care with his cock and balls, positively massaging them until he was fully erect, then her turned his attention to the crack and really took his time with it before moving lower and soaping up his legs and feet. Once he was finished he asked me to hand him the showerhead, thoughtfully he took great care to ensure that all the soap was off from every nook and cranny. Once he was satisfied he kicked at the insides of Jarek's ankles forcing him to spread them wider and wider until he could go no further. Richard came over with a can of Crisco, opening it he took a small chunk and warmed it in his fingers before kneeling down between Jarek's outspread legs and applied it to his crack. Alarm spread across Jarek's face but he was powerless to do anything except hang his head in shame as he felt Richard's finger slide up inside him greasing his ring and rectum. Richard spent several minutes warming up the ring in an attempt to relax it, making encouraging comments all the time to Jarek. This seemed to work as finally two fingers made a very snug entrance to the previously virginal hole. James in the meantime had placed the showerhead back in position and taken the douching tube (I had since been informed about this tool and its use) from the holder and was adjusting the flow and temperature to body heat. He then joined Richard and gently inserted the tube's nozzle deep into Jarek rectum, in response Jarek groaned and arched his back at both the sensation of being penetrated by the metal tubing and the feeling of warm water flowing up into his guts. Richard asked me to quickly fetch a bucket from the cabinet which I did immediately and handed it over to him without saying a word because I was too busy watching Jarek's stomach distend with all the water inside him. Finally when James was satisfied that there was enough water inside he withdrew the nozzle and told Jarek to release the water into the bucket underneath him. Needing no second telling a jet of water mixed with faeces shot out into the bucket and continued for what seemed ages, finally it slowed to a trickle and a relieved sigh from Jarek. If he thought his ordeal was over, he was very much mistaken as James immediately reinserted the nozzle and water once more flowed up inside him before withdrawing it to allow the mixed effluent to escape into the bucket. This cycle was repeated another three times until the water ran clear.

Releasing his handcuffs an exhausted Jarek was relieved to be escorted over to the massage table and once he was comfortable and lying face down he was handcuffed securely by the wrists and ankles. The table had two comfort holes in it, one for the face and the other for the genitals, from my vantage point I could see his bollocks and cock swinging freely. James took another chunk of Crisco and applied it to Jarek's crack, rubbing it in until it softened and then began to massage the anal ring. He continuously inserted a finger, swirled it around before withdrawing it and then reinserted it again. For over ten minutes his did this until he was able to insert two fingers simultaneously with ease, all the time Jarek was groaning and his cock was getting harder and harder. I nearly forgot to mention that Liam had been filming all of this action panning the camera around to catch all of our reactions along with Jareks before zooming in again on the anus receiving the attention and occasionally underneath the table. Richard wandered over to the metal cabinet and retrieved an assortment of different sized dildos ranging from normal cock size up to the ten inch variety! He meticulously greased up each one with plenty of Crisco and arranged them in ascending size deliberately in view of Jarek, now that's what I call sadistic.....

James picked up the smallest dildo first and with relative ease pushed the head inside, pausing a moment to allow for adjustment to the intrusion and then smoothly pushed the whole length inside so that the dildos balls were pushing against his crack. He fucked the hole for a few strokes before fully inserting it again and resting his whole weight on it. After a couple of minutes continuous pressure James pulled the dildo out and threw it into the now empty bucket before picking up the next sized dildo from the floor. He asked me to step over and pull Jarek's cheeks apart, at the sound of his voice Jarek looked over his shoulder at us with an unreadable expression. He glanced at the camera now pointing at him before burying his face into the hole again, no doubt wishing the punishment was over! As I leant over the table and pulled his cheeks apart I could see that his anus was beginning to loosen up and opened a little. I have to admit that I was beginning to feel aroused by this situation and more than once the thought of sinking my cock into his arse sprang to mind before being dismissed again. James expertly inserted the slightly bigger dildo and repeated the process all over again. When this dildo (large cock sized) was removed I took another peek at the anus, the hole remained open for several seconds before it twitched and closed up again.

Whilst this had been going on Richard had been busy adjusting the "dentist" chair, he had attached two metal leg supports complete with leather straps. Once he was satisfied he nodded to James and together they released Jarek from the massage table before escorting him over to the chair. Once he was comfortable they handcuffed his wrists to the chair's arm and secured straps round his chest. They then tilted the chair backwards until he was lying horizontal and then lifted his legs onto the leg supports and strapped them securely into position. The lower part of the chair was folded backwards resulting in Jarek's bum hanging over the edge and with the leg supports tilting outwards his crack was parted exposing his anus to everyone who cared to look. James wasted no time in fetching the unused dildos and expertly slid the next one deep into the waiting hole bringing yet another groan from Jarek before fucking him energetically with it. I could not help but notice that through all of this Jarek's erection had not subsided one little bit and was now beginning to leak pre-cum. After half an hour James had worked up to the largest sized dildo, some ten inches in length but still not as big as Tyler's monster cock. When the final dildo slipped out, Jarek's hole was so relaxed and loose that it failed to close up for several minutes, this fact was not missed by Liam who filmed the slow closure in its entirety.

Richard announced that the punishment session was over and that Jarek's anal ring had now been stretched sufficiently to withstand the pounding it would get should Jarek break any more rules. This made Jarek look up in alarm making James laugh and say that they could have stretched him a whole lot more (excuse the pun) than they had so far. James and I undid all the restraints and helped Jarek to his feet, who was stiff in more ways than one. Looking down at his own cock he asked Liam if he could beat himself off, Liam nodded and Jarek started to wank himself off. I couldn't resist the urge any longer, so kneeling down behind him I slowly pushed two fingers up into his rectum and felt around for his prostate. Having found it I massaged it firmly and constantly until he started to orgasm. I didn't need to look up to tell this because I felt his anal ring contract and grip onto my fingers, his cheeks clenched and he started to shake before spewing his jism in thick ropes all over the floor. When he released my fingers from his tight grip I gently removed them and wiped the grease off on a spare sheet of tissue.

James guided Jarek back to the shower area, told him to wash himself off and to hurry up as he had an audience to address in five minutes. Jarek said nothing except give him a weary, resigned and horrified look all rolled into one but did as he was told. Liam continued to film him all the while including as he towelled himself dry and then followed him outside into the main part of the church where his audience were waiting for him.

As Liam reached the podium he turned the camera off and indicated Jarek was to join him and face the audience, who initially clapped and wolf whistled but then slowly fell silent. Liam then did a post-punishment speech warning them that any one of them potentially faced being in the same situation if they continued breaking the rules. Jarek was only one step away from the ultimate penalty of being locked in the stocks and available for `use' by anyone who wanted to use his services. I think Jarek was too stunned by this latest announcement to react; he simply looked down at his feet avoiding the gazes of the front row of the audience.

Finally it was all over and my shift was done. Back at home I sat in my armchair with a can of beer in my hand and reviewed today's events and my reactions to it. I careered from being disgusted with everything to being turned on by it all, the only thing for certain was that by the end of it I had a throbbing hard on which wouldn't go down and as I adjusted my crutch I spontaneously exploded and made a wet sticky mess in my boxer shorts!


Dear diary, another great day at work and another step closer to accepting that man to man action is as hot as man to woman action. Not only that I got to play being doctor today, no wonder Richard came out of retirement to work at the prison!

After the usual prison rounds and opening up the cells Adrian and I set up camp in Richard's surgery. Adrian decided that he would ask the questions and write down our findings while I would do all the physical work (as I had last time). Personally this was fine by me.

At 10.00am our first visitor arrived, Gus knocked on the door and walked inside confident as ever. Adrian started with a preamble and then started asking the prepared questions:

"Okay Gus, outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Yes, of course many times."

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Both oral and anal, I have done loads of things including what Jarek had done last night."

"Okay, final question, when was the last time you ejaculated?"

"Last night, Tyler fucked me senseless."

"Thank you, if you don't mind Sam is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"Ah, I've been looking forward to this bit" and grinned broadly at me.

I raised an eyebrow but tried my best to keep my face composed when I asked him to step up to me where I was sitting in Richard's chair. Cocky now he stood in front of me, half erect, with his hands on his hips. I ignored his dick and cupped his balls trying to weigh them which was getting tricky as they were tightening as a result of his erection. Finally I decided that they were rather light and told Adrian so. Next I told him to bend over the couch and spread his legs while I put on a pair of latex gloves and fetched the KY. He was just so cocky I could slap his arse! It was round and very pert (for a guy) and as I lubricated his hole my cock sprang to attention and I wanted so badly to fuck him there and then. He easily accommodated three of my fingers and as I went to insert the fourth, he looked over his shoulder and said.

"Not so fast Sir, I need my hole warmed up by that big cock of yours first, then I will be able to take more than four fingers if you know what I mean."

Indeed I did! So with permission from Adrian I dropped my trousers and then my boxers before slipping my rampant hard on up his arse. As this was now my second time fucking a guy I felt more confident and set about giving him a fuck that he wouldn't forget in a hurry. I was banging away and he was loving it, he backed on to me as much as he could and met my every thrust. By the time I shuddered and shot my load of jism deep into his rectum I could tell that his hole was getting very loose indeed. Pulling out I wiped my cock clean and told Gus to climb up onto the couch on all fours and to face away from me. His ass lips looked slightly reddened and very moist from all the lube and my jism, reaching out with three fingers they disappeared inside his hole with ease. I pulled back and inserted four, I felt a faint quiver of resistance but then pushed them up to the hilt before pulling back again leaving a slowly closing hole behind. I tucked my thumb in behind my fingers to form a cone and pushed in until the widest part of my hand met some resistance and his hole actually felt like a ring. I asked Gus if he wanted more, he nodded his head and braced himself for what was to come. I told him to relax before applying a steady pressure which did the trick and before I knew it my hand slid inside completely up to the wrist with his ring gently clamping down. The feeling of his warm silken flesh enveloping my hand was mind blowing! I kept my fist motionless to give him time to adjust to the intrusion; while I did I recalled that Gus confessed to having been fucked by Tyler last night. If he was able to take the whole of that monster cock, no wonder he was able to accommodate my fist and then I had an idea. Again asking him if he was okay, which he replied that he was; I slowly started to push my fist in further inside inch by inch until I reached the second sphincter separating his rectum from his bowels. Unlike his anus this inner ring was tighter and would need loosening up carefully if I was to go any further.

So I spent the next half an hour massaging the ring and gradually increasing the number of fingers that I could insert from one, to two, then three and finally four. Gus was panting and sweating, his upper torso was flushed but at no time did he ask me to stop. So at long last I was ready to tuck my thumb behind the fingers and telling Gus to brace himself I started the final push. The resistance was great but slowly ever so slowly it gave way and with a growling groan from Gus the ring gave way and my fist slid past it and into his bowels. I carried on pushing and again my hand inched its way up inside Gus, by now three quarters of my forearm had disappeared. We must have forgotten that time was passing, Adrian was transfixed by the spectacle unfolding before him; so much so that he hadn't noticed that it was now 11.00am and time for the next inmate to arrive, until that is there was a knock on the door. All three of us instantly froze and held our breaths.

The door slowly opened and in walked Sayeed, the expression on his face was priceless. He had been looking down as he came in and looked behind him as he closed the door. Then he turned round and saw my arm buried deep inside Gus and Adrian looking on in awe. His mouth dropped open and he flushed a bright red clearly embarrassed by what he saw. Adrian looked away and back to his paperwork. I half turned and smiled and putting as much calmness into my voice as I could, I asked him to take a seat and we would be with him in a minute. He stammered an okay and sat down on the chair indicated. I did however notice that again his cock was slowly swelling between his outspread thighs.

Gus was getting restless so taking the hint I gently pulled my arm back, his anus gripped my arm almost lovingly as it exited. Again there was resistance from the inner ring but with patience it released my hand and the rest of my exit was a lot easier. My hand finally reappeared with a wet sloppy squelch, poor Gus collapsed in a heap with a quiet groan and a hole that still hadn't closed properly. Using a handful of tissues I gently wiped his cheeks, crack and hole clean, the tickling sensation produced by the paper caused his ring to clamp shut tight again. I then wiped my forearm clean and removed my soiled gloves. Anyone walking in now would never guess what had just happened.

When Gus had recovered he climbed off the couch and stood facing us with hands clasped behind his back as cocky now as when he had first walked into the room. Conscious of the over running of the session Adrian wasted no time in telling Gus that he was free to collect his box of possessions and get dressed again. I watched him step into his clothes and as his pert little bum disappear into his pants and then jeans I still could not believe I had been so far up inside him, part of me was wishing I could still be there or at least for a replay. Who knows one day perhaps.....

As Gus shut the door behind him we turned our attention to Sayeed who by now was getting a little restless, any sign of arousal had disappeared with his cock hanging flaccidly over his balls between his legs. As I donned another pair of latex gloves Adrian asked him the routine questions.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting Sayeed, hope you didn't find the show too shocking."

"Umm, it's not something I've ever seen before or thought humanly possible. I do hope that you're not going to try anything like that on me!"

"It's not on our agenda but we would seriously consider your request should you change your mind" Adrian replied with a chuckle.

"Definitely not!" came Sayeed's emphatic reply.

"Okay Sayeed back to the task at hand, I have some routine questions to ask you. Outside the prison environment would you describe yourself as normally being gay, straight or bisexual."


"Have you ever had sex with a man?"

"Only On the odd occasion. When my needs have been too great to be resisted any longer."

"Was it anal or oral sex, were you passive or active?"

"Oral several times, my cell mate gave me a blow job each time. Anal only once, in the showers late one night, a guy there begged me to fuck him, so I did."

"Okay, final question, when was the last time you ejaculated?"

"Last week in my cell, I gave myself a hand job."

"Thank you, if you don't mind Sam is now just going to carry out a few physical checks to verify your answers."

"None of your funny business now, I've told you the truth to your very personal questions, so why do you need to do these tests?"

I beckoned him over to where I sat and informed him that these tests were to complete his medical records and for no other purpose, no other inmate has refused so far nor has anything been done against their wishes. Sayeed still seemed a little reluctant but chose to say nothing before walking over to me and standing in front of me with his hands crossed in front of him with a frown on his face as he looked down at me. I reached out and gently cupped his balls which in my mind felt heavy and possibly a little tender from the way he responded to my manipulation of them.

"I get the distinct impression Sayeed that you are suffering from a term we call Blue Balls i.e. too much semen stored in your balls caused by lack of release resulting in aching and soreness. Am I correct?"

"Yes Sir, they are indeed tender."

"I would recommend that you release it as soon as possible but first I need to complete the final test. Please turn round, bend over at the waist and grasp your knees." I said in the most doctor-like voice I could muster.

"Is this absolutely necessary?"


"Well, I suppose so but I have a proposition to offer you."

"Go on, what do you have in mind?"

"I really don't want you anywhere near my back door. However I will let you do what you want on condition that when you have finished I can do what I want to do?"

"Mmm. What do you think Adrian?" I asked looking in his direction.

He simply shrugged his shoulders before saying "We need to complete the tests so why not? I can't see what harm it will do and it will get Sayeed's co-operation."

"Okay, you have yourself a deal" I said returning to face Sayeed "now please turn round and bend over."

Smiling gently to himself he did as he was told, as he grabbed his knees he clenched and released his cheeks a couple of times before relaxing and giving me a clear view of his hairy crack. I located his anus nestling amongst the black hairs, it was pinkly glistening and really quite appealing in its obvious tightness. I unintentionally licked my lips before I applied a large glob of KY to the hole and smeared it round with my index finger before applying a little pressure and pushing inside up to the first knuckle. It was tight, but not as tight as Jarek's had been. So I left the finger there for a couple of seconds for the ring to adjust to the intrusion before pushing in a little further. After further massaging and applying pressure I managed to fully insert my deep inside him bringing a stifled groan from his lips.

All the time I was feeling around inside seeking his prostrate he was clamping down hard on my finger, I had to tell him to relax otherwise he would chop my finger off! Finally I found it and was satisfied that it was normal so I slowly withdrew my finger and wiped it clean. I told Sayeed that he could stand up the test was over, I was satisfied with the results, they agreed with his statement.

"Of course they do, I was telling you the truth, I am an honourable man and never lie. Now we had a deal, are you going to be as honourable as me Sir?" Sayeed said looking at me with a new found confidence.

I must admit I was a little taken aback by his statement and simply replied "Of course, we had a deal, you've kept your end of the bargain so why wouldn't I? Now what was it you had in mind?"

"First of all I want you to remove your clothes and then kneel down in front of me."

I didn't need to ask what he had in mind having been in a similar position before! I glanced over at Adrian who simply raised his eyebrows and gave a quirky smile in encouragement. There was nothing for it but to keep the promise so looking Sayeed back in the eye I slowly and confidently stripped off my uniform placing each item on my chair neatly folded. First the jacket, then the shirt, next my shoes and socks, then my trousers leaving just my boxers shorts to go; then with a faint smile on my face I pushed them down and stepped out of them and placed them with the rest of my clothes. Now fully naked I knelt down in front of him as instructed and looked up at him for the next instruction.

He didn't say a word; he simply held his erect cock in his left hand and guided my head with his right hand until my lips met his cockhead. The first thing I noticed was the smell; he certainly wasn't as fresh as Tyler had been. I guess he hadn't washed since the previous evening as it had a distinctly prawn-like smell but thankfully there was no sign of any smegma, I would have heaved my guts up if there had been! Instinctively I opened my lips and licked them with my tongue to wet them, just in time as his cock was shoved inside. I felt both hands grip my head; unlike Tyler he showed no consideration for me, as he thrust his cock straight to the back of my mouth and down my throat. I gagged reflexively but just managed to stop myself from being sick and then concentrated on breathing in time with his thrusts. I expected him to keep going until he shot his load but he obviously had other plans as he abruptly pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me to stand up.

Confused I did as I was told and asked "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." He replied very seriously, then, he cracked a smile and chuckled "You're doing very well, much better than I anticipated actually. But it's time to take it to the next stage and it's going to be even better. Have you been fucked before?"

My face blanched and I stammered "N-n-no. Is this really necessary?"

"Excellent!" He replied "A virgin hole! Just what I like! Yes it is necessary, this way you'll know the joy of having my cock from both ends. What could be nicer?"

A lot of things I thought to myself but wisely kept these thoughts to myself.

"Walk over to the couch, bend over and spread your legs wide."

I did as I was told and prayed to god that it wouldn't hurt as much I imagined it might. Just as I was thinking this I felt two hands grasp my cheeks and pull them firmly apart allowing cool air to waft down my crack; then before I could react a hot wet tongue made contact with my anus. It surprised me to say the least then I felt the tongue lap all round my hole and flicked in and out coating it lavishly with saliva, despite myself I moaned in reaction to the pleasurable sensations I was experiencing and began to back onto the tongue. This seemed to go on forever but was probably only a couple of minutes in reality and then it was gone. In its place was something much bigger, much, much, bigger in fact it felt enormous! Looking over my shoulder in alarm I saw Sayeed carefully guiding his erect cock between my cheeks and pushing against my back door. From the glistening appearance of the cock I guessed that he had lubricated the whole length of it. Seeing me watching Sayeed smiled and told me to relax, the more I relaxed the less it would hurt and the more I would enjoy it. Unable to think of anything worthwhile to say in response I looked away and closed my eyes to concentrate on relaxing as best as I could. The pressure was gradually building and eventually my ring stretched and gave way and allowing his cockhead to slide in. Aargh! I cried out at the intrusion, it felt enormous as my ring clamped shut around his shaft; all I wanted to do was get it out straight away. I tried to pull away but Sayeed had taken hold of my hips and leant all his weight on me effectively pinning me down and preventing me from moving. He remained motionless for a couple of minutes and slowly the pain subsided as I became accustomed to its presence, then I felt it move further up inside me and continue until I felt his thighs pushing against my outspread legs and his balls gently slap against mine. I had never felt so full inside and despite myself it began to feel strangely good.

Then the fucking started in earnest! Pain erupted through me again but quickly died down as it had come, in its place was an intense sensation, impossible to describe, with each thrust my cock pulsed and expanded until it was rock hard. Harder and harder, quicker and quicker he banged into me, until I could bear it no longer and with a load groan my cock exploded shooting jism out trapped between my stomach and the plastic couch cover. Sayeed was oblivious to all of this for he kept hammering away until he started to shudder and then with a growl he convulsed and shot his load deep inside me before collapsing on top of me. I could feel his hairy chest scratch my back and his hot panting breath on the nape of my neck. After a few minutes I felt him shift his weight and then push himself up, in doing so his shrunken juice covered cock slid out of my sloppy hole and I felt strangely empty.

"Thank you Sir, if you don't mind me saying you have one hot hole, it's a shame you're not a poof coz I could shag you every day and for me being a straight guy that is a big thing."

Standing up myself I gingerly touched my aching hole and said "Uh, thanks I think. That is everything now isn't it?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Well, in that case you're free to collect your belongings and return to your cell." Adrian informed him.

Having cleaned myself and the couch up I got dressed and watched Sayeed leave the room with a distinctly smug expression on his face.

Adrian turned towards me and said "That went rather well didn't it?"

"I wouldn't say it went quite as I expected! But I have had worse days I must admit."

That dear diary was the last of the excitement for that day, thankfully. The rest of the day was business as usual although I did walk rather stiffly for the rest of the day, can't think why can you? Oh and I found out that what goes up must come down. Yup, when I got home I found that my shorts had been soiled from all the spunk that had leaked out, yuk!

Needless to say that later that night down at the Kings Head with Mike and Tom I forgot to mention my sexual exploits, I really don't think they would have understood.....


After a quiet weekend spent catching up with household chores, food shopping and then spending quality time watching Sky Sports and several cans of beer it was back to work.

As soon as I walked on to E-Wing I could tell something was up, many inmates seemed agitated and others withdrawn. I asked Mick (fellow prison officer) what was going on as we did our rounds checking the cells and inmates. He said that late last night things had kicked off between Jarek and Vince, a newcomer to the ward. Vince was a nasty bit of work and had taken an instant dislike to Jarek. He started shouting xenophobic insults across the wing and then went on to shout homophobic insults based on what he had been told by other inmates who had witnessed Jarek's punishment in the chapel. Jarek naturally took exception to this and waded in with his fists to put Vince in his place, which he did to great effect. The two men had fought like wild animals and by the time Jarek had beaten Vince into submission the wing had been trashed and most inmates had run for cover, except for a few that had been egging them on. The prison staff arrived just as Jarek was dealing his last punch to Vince's very bloody head, who then crumpled into an unconscious heap. Jarek was immediately overpowered and frogmarched into solitary confinement and checked over by the medical staff. Satisfied that he was okay they left him alone and turned their attention to Vince who was still unconscious. He was carried to the hospital wing where he was kept under close supervision until he regained consciousness and early this morning was fit enough to be returned to his cell. Jarek was still in solitary confinement waiting for his visit from the Governor.

I didn't see Jarek until later that afternoon; he was looking a little worse for wear with bruises beginning to appear all over his face and naked body. He carried himself with pride and confidence because he had won the fight and was still top dog on the wing regardless of the price he would no doubt have to pay for the fight.

And there was indeed a price to pay, which came as no surprise for anyone least of all Jarek. Liam walked onto the wing late in the afternoon and announced that Jarek will be punished on Wednesday 31st March 2010 in the stocks sited at the entrance to the wash area for two hours between 20:00hrs and 22:00hrs. There was little reaction to this announcement on the surface, but underneath there was a quiet buzz and word would no doubt get round very fast.

When he had finished talking to the inmates Liam spoke to Mick and myself asking us if we would volunteer to oversee the punishment and maintain order with overtime being paid. We confirmed we would, for myself I was more than a little curious to see what would be involved during the punishment.


After the morning round I was called to the wash area where Mick and Dave were already waiting for me. We had the delightful task of erecting the heavy wooden stocks, which took us the rest of the morning to do simply because of the weight of the components and the lack of instructions! When it was finally complete boy did it look imposing, I sure wouldn't want to be incarcerated in it for it had all the appearance of a medieval instrument of torture. Physically it was situated in the centre of the entrance hall of the wash area so you could hardly miss it but it was easy to walk round when not in use, apparently it was going to be sited there permanently as a constant reminder to the inmates of the ultimate punishment. It had two sturdy legs at either end of a horizontal bar, on top of which sat another bar attached by a huge hinge at one end and secured by a padlock at the other. In the middle of the bar was a hole cut approximately six inches in diameter and either side was another hole about three inches in diameter. These were where the neck and wrists of the inmate would be secured to prevent their escape. Set in the floor about three feet behind the stocks were metal rings where the inmate's ankles could be secured further reducing their range of movement. I was getting quite turned on by the thought of Jarek being placed in the stocks and several times I had to adjust my trousers discreetly as a result.

On the wash area notice board we put up a large A3 poster announcing the first ever punishment by stocks tomorrow evening at 20:00hrs with Jarek being the first participant. Inmates will be able to participate in whatever activity they wish but physical injury will not be permitted under any circumstances.

Within an hour word had gone round the whole prison and there was a constant stream of inmates to read the notice board and examine the wooden stocks. The whole prison was buzzing with excitement, except that is for Jarek who managed to combine a look of being major pissed off, total resignation and a determination to maintain control of his wing. Oh, and as for Vince, he was keeping a very low profile. He knew that he was responsible for Jarek's coming punishment and was worried what the payback would be afterwards. Not only that he had a problem of his own; while he had been unconscious in the hospital wing his punishment for starting the fight had been meted out. He had had his clothes removed leaving only the sheets to cover his modesty. Unknown to him he had also had his cell stripped of all belongings as was now the routine, no one took much notice any more except for the inmate involved. When Vince had recovered from his beating he was escorted back to his cell amidst vocal protests about his lack of clothing which did not go down well with the other inmates. They told him to grow up, he had been man enough to start a fight so he should be a man enough to take the punishment; at least he wouldn't be in the stocks tomorrow night. He seemed to realise that he was on dodgy ground so kept his head down for the rest of the day doing his best to avoid Jarek.


Dear Diary, today I completed the first month of my employment at HMP Ollerton and it has been just as eventful as the rest of the month. It has given me much to think about. When I first applied for the job I thought it would be a good move for me, that I would enjoy the change in my career and hopefully the job itself. That thought has proved to be a total underestimation. I now know that I have found my vocation in life, I find myself acting as a father figure for many of the inmates; sharing their up and downs, providing a firm but fair and approachable point of contact for many inmates who know they can talk to me about anything on their minds. I also suspect that my activities in the post-punishment tests have been relayed amongst them adding to the impression that I am a decent guy willing to give and receive.

But what has hit me the hardest has been the seismic shaking of my previously rock solid heterosexuality. I knew man to man sex went on but it had never occurred to me that I would ever participate in it let alone enjoy it! Now if anyone asked me how I would describe my sexuality I would have to hand on heart call myself bisexual because as things stand at this moment in time I would have a hard time saying which gender I prefer, the jury is very much out. Men and women are different having their own flavour, if you'll excuse the expression! Anyway, I am digressing; today's events have sealed the fate of my heterosexuality.

I will skip the bit about my day shift, it was very much business as usual and I don't want to bore you by repeating what I've already described before. So straight to this evening's events, it really started at 19:00hrs when I escorted Jarek from his cell, again he was very quiet and subdued so I did my best to lift his spirits by giving him positive affirmations and a couple of light hearted jokes. The best I could draw from him was a quirky smile and he withdrew into himself once we walked into the entrance hall of the wash area and he saw the stocks. Mick had removed the padlock and the top stock bar; he had then attached a set of hand cuffs to each of the metal rings ready for Jarek's incarceration.

I guided Jarek to the rings in the floor and attached the cuffs to his ankles, then got him to lean forward putting his neck and wrists on to the half-circle grooves on bottom bar. Mick then swung the top bar over and then gently down onto the bottom bar ensuring that Jarek's flesh wasn't nipped in the process. When he was satisfied that all was okay Mick attached the padlock locking the bars into position. Jarek was now bent over at the waist, not the most dignified of positions but then it wasn't supposed to have been. We then called Richard to let him know that we were ready for him. Ten minutes later Richard came down pulling what looked like a very large vacuum cleaner, I asked him what it was. He informed me that it was a portable colonic irrigator designed for when a shower system can't be used.

Not needing to explain further Richard got on with the job in hand, starting by reaching into his pocket and taking out a small tub of Crisco and smearing a load of it along Jarek's crack and pushing a wad into his anus with two fingers and spreading it all around inside his rectum and anal ring. In response to this intrusion Jarek shifted his weight around but was unable to avoid the roaming fingers and his greasing up. After a minute he gave up and accepted his fate. Once Richard was satisfied that Jarek was thoroughly greased up he turned his attention to the metal douching tube attached to the end of the machine's flexible hose (this actually had two pipes inside). When the tube was greased he deftly inserted it into Jarek's anus, just a little bit, maybe an inch or two. He told me to turn the motor on, which started whirring, then the pipe flexed and water started to pour into Jarek's rectum. It continued for a couple of minutes before stopping and reversing the flow allowing the faeces and water to exit through the other pipe. Richard then pushed the tube in further and the process started all over again. This cycle was repeated until some eighteen inches of pipe had been pushed up inside and Richard was satisfied that Jarek had been thoroughly cleaned out. Richard then withdrew the piping and re-greased Jarek's crack and arse. He then packed up the machine and wished us good luck because it was going to be a busy evening for us; the timing of this punishment had been deliberate as these two hours were the peak time for the use of the washing facilities so the greatest number of inmates would be going past.

At about 19:50 the first inmate entered the entrance hall seemingly oblivious to the announcement that had been made on Monday because he was caught by surprise by the stocks and explanatory poster. He stopped beside us and asked for an explanation, by the end of it I was not convinced by his naivety because he asked all the right questions but his attention seemed very much focused on Jarek's body. Either way he sauntered off into the wash area for his shower. For the next twenty minutes inmates filed through, some made a point of greeting Jarek with others simply looked either at the posted or at Jarek without comment. It wasn't 20:30 that the pace picked up with the first inmate showing interest in using Jarek's services, it was Eduardo who having thrown me a wink walked round to the front of the stocks and told Jarek to open his mouth. True to form Jarek began to protest until he was reminded about the poster, with a loud sigh he closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Eduardo wasted no time in slipping his cock into the waiting mouth, egged on no doubt by the gathering crowd; his action seemed to break the dam of their reservation. Within a minute or two another inmate had slipped his cock into Jarek's arse and was pumping away with great vigour (again I suspect putting on a performance for the crowd). I couldn't help but feel sorry for Jarek, I know he was being punished for a good reason but his humiliation was total, no longer was his pride intact. Eduardo and Bert (the one doing the fucking) seemed to be working in tandem plunging in and out at the same time. For nearly five minutes they continued until Eduardo started to shudder and then ejaculated down the throat, shortly followed by Bert. Again in unison they pulled out their still dripping cocks and went back to the wash area to clean up. Their positions were immediately filled by the next waiting participant who set about relieving their own needs with gusto.

I suppose this continued for the next half an hour until the imposing figure of Tyler made his entrance. His booming voice stilled the others into silence when he announced that it was his turn to partake of Jarek's love tunnel, the guys stepped aside including the inmate who was already inside Jarek! Tyler was clearly turned on by the whole scene for his enormous cock was rock hard and standing upright. Standing behind Jarek he pulled his cheeks apart and from where I was standing I could see that his hole was getting very loose and sloppy from all the fucking it had received and jism was slowly dripping from his slightly puffy lips. Satisfied with what he saw Tyler aimed his cock at the hole and in one smooth thrust expertly inserted it halfway in. Jarek groaned in reaction and tried without success (because Tyler was holding him securely by the hips) to move away in an attempt to avoid the impalement. Then adjusting his position slightly Tyler continued to slowly push until his cock was fully buried up to the hilt. Remaining stationery for a moment he allowed Jarek to get accustomed to him before he started the fucking in earnest, slowly at first but gathering momentum all the time until he was really hammering away. On and on he went, Jarek was moaning in time to the thrusts, whether it was from pleasure or pain was impossible to tell but it didn't matter he was getting fucked and that was that. With a loud cry Tyler bucked and shuddered before collapsing on top of Jarek having shot load after load of jism deep inside him. When he pulled out there was a squelchy plop and an audible gasp from the audience as the hole recently vacated seemed unable to close up, I could see deep inside him and now I understood the term "tunnel of love".

If I had thought that was horny what followed blew my mind! Following Tyler was Gus, as cocky as ever; he knelt down, facing towards us, between Jarek's legs and took his semi-flaccid cock in his mouth and started to give him an expert blow job. Then quite casually he reached up with one hand exploring along his crack until his fingers found the sloppy hole, finding their target they honed in on it. The finger tips disappeared straight away and then up to the second knuckle with ease. Four fingers were now fully inserted up to the palm and Gus used them to fuck Jarek in time to the blowjob. Almost imperceptibly he started to tuck his thumb in behind the fingers (I knew what was coming next) without missing a stroke. Any resistance from Jarek's ring was disappearing fast and before we knew it Gus had inserted his whole hand and was gently fist fucking the hole. Abruptly a muffled cry (due to a cock already being in his mouth) came from Jarek and Gus enthusiastically swallowed the whole load of jism, except for a small trickle from the side of his lips. When Gus had finished sucking him dry and the cock had shrivelled to its normal state he gently withdrew his fist and took his time massaging and stroking the stretched anal ring until it had almost closed up again. Standing up he bowed to the stunned audience before slapping Jarek's arse and disappearing into the wash area.

There was just half an hour left of his punishment period and the tempo slowed considerably, Jarek gave a further four blow jobs and received one more fisting -- from me! I just couldn't resist it. Liam's words about me being a natural fister were echoing in my ears. As my hand slipped inside his rectum, I savoured the resistance giving way and the smooth slide into the enveloping silky warmth. I gave him a firm but steady fisting to loosen him up, then, a thought occurred to me which I brought to life immediately. Stepping up close using my free hand I guided my cock in beside my wrist and as it slid in I held it in my hand before fucking him until I orgasmed. After I had withdrawn and cleaned myself up it was time to release Jarek from the stocks and let him wash himself off in the showers. He walked away very stiffly in a slight daze, after all two hours is a long time to be bent over in the stocks especially when getting stuffed from both ends! Mick and I were still clearing up when he returned from the showers looking a lot fresher than before but he was unable to meet our gaze and quickly disappeared back to his cell.

Finally my shift was over and I was able to make my way home to a readymade meal care of my microwave and a cold can of beer from the fridge in front of the TV. Thinking back over the last month's events all I can think of is how much I have enjoyed and learned from the journey I have been on. I can't help but wonder what next month will bring!

I very much hope you have enjoyed my story and I would welcome any feedback. Please email me at: jaypbee@fsmail.net


Next: Chapter 2

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