Dick or Treat" 1/1

By Captain Chlorophyll

Published on Oct 22, 2001



WARNING: This is an erotic fiction story intended to be read by individuals who have reached the age of majority (18 or 21 years in most places). If you do not wish to read about love or homosexual acts between males, proceed no farther.

DISCLAIMER: This short story is a fantasy of my own creation. The characters are physically similar to people I have known, but inferences about their sexual orientation and behavior are most likely not accurate. To protect their dignity, I have not used their real names. To the best of my knowledge (following a web search), "Highland College" does not exist. The institution I created for this story is neither a community college in Illinois nor a religious college in Scotland, and no resemblance to either of these institutions is intended.


"Dick or Treat" by Captain Chlorophyll

"You're back early," Tommy said, startled by his room mate Ben, who had grabbed the bottom of the ladder to steady it. "Why aren't you still at the party?"

"It was boring," Ben replied, looking up at his room mate's bare legs. "Since the house is on campus, we're not allowed to serve alcohol, and there was a school administrator there all night, to make sure we didn't try anything. Even most of the brothers who live in the house had gone to their rooms, so I took off, too. I figured I'd help you clean up."

Tommy and Ben were in the lobby of their dorm, cleaning up after the hall government's Halloween dance. It was just past midnight, and visiting hours were over. When the girls had to go home, the dance ended.

Tommy was on an A-frame ladder, pulling streamers and balloons from the suspended ceiling. His costume was simply a surfer's black wetsuit that went down to his knees. Their college was more than a thousand miles from the nearest ocean, so it wasn't his own. He had borrowed it from his buddy, a student from California.

Ben, standing beneath him, had just come back from his fraternity. He was dressed as Aladdin, in a blue vest and white, billowing pants. The Disney movie had been released that summer, and he thought the girls at the party would like it. He was right; they were all over him, putting another brick into the heterosexual facade he showed the world.

Ben and Tommy were room mates at Highland College, a private university in middle America. They were also lovers. They had met in high school, where Tommy had been team manager for several boys' sports, including Ben's football and baseball teams. Tommy cultivated the image of a physically inept boy who still loved sports and wanted to participate in them somehow. Although he could have qualified for both the swimming and tennis teams, his persona was the perfect cover, enabling him to ogle fit, young men in the locker room. Ben was a letter athlete, and no one with his talent on the sports fields could possibly be gay, could he?

It was Ben who had first approached Tommy, after noting his roving eye. They became friends then fell in love. They were able to keep their relationship a secret. After graduation, they enrolled in the same college and requested each other as room mates. It was still the first semester of their freshman year.

Ben pledged a fraternity, Delta Iota Kappa, because several other athletes were in it. Tommy was also social, but he still thought the Greek system was full of either snobbish elitists or rowdy drunks, a stereotype which dated back to the release of "National Lampoon's Animal House" nearly 20 years earlier. Tommy joined the hall government instead, and easily won the chairman position for the Halloween dance.

Once the dorm lounge was clean, Tommy, Ben, and the other volunteers took the elevator back to their respective floors. The last other resident got off on the eighth floor. A quick kiss and conversation ensued in the privacy after the doors closed on the eighth floor and before they reopened on theirs, the ninth and top floor of the dorm.

"I wish you could have gone with me, Tommy. I would have had more fun."

"That's all right. You know neither of us is ready to be out, so we just put up with the inconveniences like this until it's time. Besides, we each had a party to attend. It's not like one of us was sitting alone in the room." The doors opened.

"You're right." The lovers stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall to their room.

"I'm going to take a shower," Tommy announced, as he removed from his neck the cord which he used to hold his room key for lack of pockets. "I'm sweating like a pig in this thing."

"I'll bet," Ben replied as the door swung open. "I probably should, too, to get the `party smell' off me. I hate still smelling like that the morning after, and then I have to wash my sheets, too." The door closed behind them.

As the latch clicked, Ben pulled Tommy to him and kissed him deeply. "God, you look so hot in that!" he gasped, nearly breathless as they released each other.

"Me? You're the one in the tiny, open vest and satin pants!"

"I'm glad we got dressed and left for our parties at separate times. I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands off of you."

"Let me tell you what I did as I got dressed," Tommy said as Ben groped his behind through the skin-tight garment.

"What, babe?" Ben replied, as he sucked Tommy's left earlobe.

"I teased the fairy across the hall."

"I thought we discussed that word," Ben glowered as he released his boyfriend and stepped back.

"I know we did, but he's stereotypically stylish, effeminate, and he puts mousse in his hair. It makes it that much harder for normal-looking guys like us to come out and not be immediately categorized with him."

"Let's drop it for now. I can't possibly have a serious conversation with you while you're wearing that."

"How about if I'm not wearing it?" Tommy leered. He spotted the bulge beginning in his boyfriend's loose pants. "You dared wear your normal boxers under those?" he asked as he groped the mound, which swelled under his touch.

"Yeah. You didn't think I'd get a hard-on in a room full of sorority sisters, did you?" he replied as he reached around Tommy and pulled down the zipper on the back of the wetsuit.

Both Ben and Tommy forgot about the story Tommy was going to tell, and conversation ceased for the moment. Ben curled his fingers beneath the open flaps and pulled forward, peeling the wetsuit off Tommy's torso and arms, revealing his smooth, small pectorals and slightly developed abs.

Once his arms were again free to move, Tommy opened the small, blue vest and pushed it off Ben's broad shoulders. It slipped from Ben's arms to the floor behind him. The rest of Ben's broad, flat pecs and solid stomach, all covered in dark brown hair, were visible.

Tommy and Ben embraced and kissed, rubbing their bare chests together. Tommy's nipples tingled and hardened from the contact with the soft, warm hairs. He stepped back and licked his way down Ben's neck to his chest. His tongue plastered the hairs to Ben's skin before he concentrated on his lover's dark pink nipples.

After a few minutes, Ben pushed Tommy away and said, "Your turn." He followed the same path as Tommy had, eventually zeroing in on Tommy's already erect nubs.

At the first contact of Ben's tongue to his nipple, Tommy writhed. "Stop!" he shouted, pushing Ben away. "Oh, God, it hurts!"

Alarmed, Ben immediately pulled away. "What?" he asked, panic in his voice.

"Shit! Sorry, I didn't mean that. I was enjoying it, but I can't get a boner in this thing. This damn wetsuit is too tight, and it hurts down there."

"I'm sorry, baby," Ben said, embracing his boyfriend. "I'll take care of it."

Ben moved his hands to Tommy's hips and slid them downward to remove the wetsuit completely. He was puzzled when he didn't feel the waistband of Tommy's briefs where it should have been. Shortly, however, he felt fabric lower down. Ben knelt and pulled the wetsuit down Tommy's sparsely haired thighs and calves. He focused on Tommy's feet as he helped his boyfriend step out of the garment.

Tommy's dick, free of the wetsuit, surged forward. Finding its way still trapped by underwear, however, it slid off to the side and fully lengthened.

"What's this?" Ben asked, both surprised and amused as he remained kneeling in front of his boyfriend. Tommy was wearing gray, nylon bikini briefs, which had slightly pulled away from his crotch from the pressure of his erection, so the top of his dark brown pubic bush was visible.

"They're Mike's," Tommy explained. "He let me borrow them with the wetsuit. When I was at his place, trying it on, you could see the seams of my normal briefs through it. He didn't want me naked inside his wetsuit, so he gave me some of his underwear to wear beneath it."

"Mmm, thank you, Mike," Ben said. He began kissing and sucking Tommy's balls and shaft through the sheer fabric. Tommy shuddered as Ben moistened the cloth. Ben then nudged Tommy's cock skyward. As it cleared the narrow waistband, Ben continued his ministrations, focusing on the sensitive underside of his lover's shaft.

"I'm close! Wait," Tommy interrupted. "I want to shoot on you tonight." He hooked the waistband of the bikini briefs under his rising balls, pushing them forward.

Ben gave Tommy's slightly hairy testicles a couple of playful kisses then leaned back, supporting himself by stretching his arms to the floor behind him. Tommy straddled Ben's legs and bent at the knees. After a few strokes, it was time.

Tommy's dickhead erupted with burst after burst of clear, sticky semen. He moaned and closed his eyes as he juiced Ben's hairy pecs. When Tommy had finished, Ben sat up and licked extra jizz from Tommy's fingers and diminishing cockhead. Tommy looked down and admired the mess his spit and cum had made of Ben's broad, hairy chest. He overlooked the lust in Ben's blue eyes. "I want you to wear my cum to the shower."

Ben stood up and kissed his lover, sharing the aftertaste of his load but careful not to smear what Tommy had deposited on his chest, and pushed down the borrowed bikini briefs. "See what you can do with this," he said to Tommy, indicating his own boner.

It was Tommy's time to kneel before his boyfriend. He carefully pulled the elastic waistband of the white satin pants over his lover's protruding white boxers, not wanting to discomfort Ben. He then took down the boxers as well, leaving them atop the puddle of satin at Ben's feet.

Tommy lost himself in the dark brown forest of Ben's crotch. He licked, sucked, and inhaled every square inch of the upper thighs, hairy balls, and swollen shaft before him. Too soon, Tommy thought, Ben lightly tugged on his lover's hair, pulling his head away from the now juicy glans.

Ben was inspired. He lovingly stroked Tommy's hair and said, "I want you to wear my load, too. Let me come in your hair." Tommy acquiesced and rubbed his dark brown hair along the bottom of Ben's cock. Ben merely had to add a bit of pressure against the top, and he was there.

Ben would never win a prize for distance, but the appearance of his cum would be perfect for porn videos. It was thick and white. The splotches contrasted with Tommy's dark brown hair, and it didn't run at all. One day, Ben thought as he tried to catch his breath, he would have to photograph this.

Tommy squeezed out the last of Ben's load onto his thumb and licked it up. He stood up and kissed Ben again. It was a relatively chaste kiss, for the lovers couldn't embrace without smearing Tommy's load on Ben's chest, nor could Ben run his fingers through Tommy's hair. The two young men fetched their shower supplies and wrapped towels around their waists. Ben snorted and giggled. "What?" Tommy asked.

"I just thought of something. It's Halloween. `Dick or Treat', get it?"

Tommy groaned but ran his fingers lovingly along the five o'clock shadow on Ben's jaw. "That was a terrible pun, but I'd choose you over candy any day of the year. Besides, I got both a dick and a treat this year."

"Do you think anyone will see us?"

"Hmm, it's nearly one o'clock. I doubt it. Any of the guys on our floor who had been at the dance will have gone to bed by now, and the ones who went to off-campus parties shouldn't get home for who knows how long. Besides, I think it's kind of hot, risking the chance of someone seeing us." He followed this with a pinch to Ben's firm glutes through the white, terrycloth towel.

"You have your key?"

"Yeah." Tommy had put the key around his neck again.

"All right. Let's go."

Unbeknownst to Tommy and Ben, their RA Mark had spotted them from down the hall as they entered the bathroom. He was on duty that night, and he had just finished his last round of the building before he would head to bed himself. "That's odd," Mark thought, "What are those guys doing? Everyone else is in bed or still out partying." He decided to see what the boys were up to in the bathroom.

-- THE END --



  1. I would like to thank the author "Handjob" for creating the fictional fraternity "Delta Iota Kappa" in his story "The Fratbrats Whip Out a Ruler".

  2. I deliberately did not mention penis size nor circumcision status of any character. Readers who prefer one state or the other can infer it to enhance their reading pleasure.

  3. I intended this story to be a one-time entry, but I left the ending open to possibilities, upon the request of my editor. If you would like to read about what happens to Ben and Tommy after this episode leaves off, e-mail me at CapnChlorophyll@netscape.net.

  4. I appreciate critiques of my work. Please send your comments to CapnChlorophyll@netscape.net. If you didn't like it, why did you read this far?

  5. Permission to post this story and affilated notes has been granted to the moderators of the Nifty archive, the ASSGM newsgroup, and ASSGM's affiliated archive site. Readers may download this story to their hard drive, a floppy disk, or a single paper copy for their own enjoyment. Other uses of this work must be approved by the author.

COPYRIGHT: September 16, 2001

-- *********************************** * My name is Big Jimmy Fruithead, * * and I control the horticulture * * in this town. If'n you're * * a-planting any fruit trees in * * these here parts, you have to * * deal with me! * * -- Pinky and the Brain -- * *********************************** * Captain Chlorophyll * * CapnChlorophyll@netscape.net * ***********************************

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