Diego's Model, Gay, Celeberty m/b

By Eric Blyton

Published on Jan 20, 2000



Diego's Model: M/b, Celeb, oral, anal This story and anything else I write is always posted first at my website http://members.tripod.com/ericblyton/

This is based on "Jessie" which airs on NBC's Thursday night "Must See TV" right after "Friends". It's about a single mother living with her family and raising her young son. She has an on again, off again relationship with her neighbor; a hunky Chilean immigrant named Diego, who works as an artist.

Her father is a poor man's Archie Bunker and her two brothers are not much better. One is colossally stupid and the other one refuses to ever speak a work for some reason. The only ones on the show with any sense seem to be Jessie herself, Diego and her son, Little John. It's a decent show and in Bruno Campos (Diego) and Eric Lloyd (Little John), it has two of the best looking actors on TV.

One point, I started writing this story last year and didn't finish it. They've made some changes this season, including getting rid of Jessie's brothers and father. The end result is that the character of Little John is now referred to simply as John. Rather than change what I'd written, I just left this story as being set in the first season.

Jesse and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.

This story is copyright 2000 Eric Blyton. All Rights Reserved. This story may be distributed as long as it is in no way altered.

Diego's Model

By Eric Blyton

Email ericblyton@hotmail.com

Little John sat by his bedroom window and looked out. Because his mother's house was on a small lot, the neighbor's house was right next to theirs. The end result was that he had a bird's eye view into the living space of the current occupant, Diego. As he looked down, he could see that Diego was working on his art. When he'd found out what the man did for a living, Little John had been shocked. Somehow he'd always figured that guys who did art would either be sissies or grumpy old men. Diego was neither; he was a little younger than Little John's mother and was one of the most masculine people he'd ever met.

When his mother had started dating Diego, Little John had been pleased. Most of the men who came on to his mother annoyed him and he was able to scare them off by going up and hugging them and asking them if they were going to be his new Dad. Most of them went running at that point, but not Diego. He'd just seemed mildly amused. Diego hadn't even minded when Jessie had to end one of their first dates to come home and take care of him when he'd gotten sick. He knew that Diego and his mom and been fighting a bit lately and he hadn't had the chance to talk to him. Somewhat to his surprise, he found he missed him.

Looking at his watch, Little John realized with a sigh that his mother's shift at the bar had just started; she wouldn't be home for hours. He was bored being in his room and went downstairs. His Uncle John, known to everyone as Junior, was watching TV. Silently he indicated for Little John to join him. The boy sat beside him, but already he could tell that this wasn't going to solve his problem. First of all, the TV was on a show that he didn't like, but he wouldn't be so rude as to ask Junior to change the channel since he was clearly enjoying it. Second, because of Junior's refusal to speak, he tended to be very bad company. Little John pretended not to mind his Uncle's idiosyncrasy, but the truth was he considered it very stupid. He went to great lengths to make sure that none of his friends ever found out about it.

Little John sighed. He felt chatty and here he was stuck next to a voluntary mute. Junior would make hand signals, but the boy found this frustrating more than anything. He considered getting his Uncle to take him down to the bar so he could hang out with Mom and Granddad, but he knew that this was likely to be a busy evening. He'd only be in the way. If only his Mom was still going out with Diego; then he could go and talk to him. Then it occurred to him; why couldn't he do it anyway? The man was nice enough; Little John could have a friendly relationship with him as a neighbor even if he wasn't currently his mother's boyfriend.

"Junior, is it all right if I go over and talk to Diego for a little while?" he asked.

His uncle raised his eyebrows. Obviously he knew that Jessie and Diego were on the outs at the moment, but apparently couldn't see the harm so he gave Little John the O.K. sign.

"I'll be back before bedtime," Little John said as he got up. He would stay over there as long as Diego let him. At least the man would give him a two-way conversation. He went out the door and around the fence to Diego's door. A few moments after he knocked, the door opened, revealing his Latin American neighbor.

"Little John. Is Jessie with you?" he asked. Little John loved listening to Diego speak. Unlike some Spanish accents that the boy had heard, the way Diego pronounced English made him sound cultured rather than ignorant.

"No, it's just me. My uncle was baby-sitting me and I got bored. I was wondering if I could visit for a while."

"Sure," Diego said as he opened the door wider. "Come on in."

Little John walked in and made his way to the living room. He saw Diego's art supplies spread about, but the sketch pad and canvas were both blank.

"What 'cha working on?" he asked.

"Well, I was supposed to be doing some drawings of a woman, but my model didn't show up. I was trying to think of something else to draw, but couldn't come up with any ideas. You want a soda or something else to drink?"

"Got any Coke?"

"Sure thing," Diego said as he went over to the fridge. He took out two sodas and tossed one to the boy. Little John caught it and popped it open. He took a big swig and sat down in a padded chair.

"Why don't you draw your car of something?" he suggested.

Diego smiled, thinking to himself that this was very typical. When he'd been a boy, most of what he'd drawn had been cars or planes.

"Well, I'm really in to drawing people at the moment," he said. "Plus, I'd have to go outside to draw my car and I like to work inside."

"Oh," said Little John as he took another swig. He put his mind to work and came up with the most obvious solution.

"Why don't you draw me, then? I could be your model."

Diego gave him a small smile.

"I don't know how much you'd like that Little John. You'd have to sit still for a couple of hours."

"Oh, I don't mind. You could put on the TV and I could watch while you draw me." It had been a spur of the moment suggestion, but now the boy realized that he would like to see a drawing of himself. Like most adults, Diego would have a bunch of reasons not to do it, but Little John was sure he could overcome all of the man's objections.

"The thing is, Little John, I mostly draw nudes."

"What does that mean?" the boy asked, though he had some idea.

"It means I draw naked people."

"Oh yea, I saw that naked woman in here last month," Little John said before he could think.

"I wondered how Jessie found out about that. You little spy, you got me in all kinds of trouble," Diego joked.

"Why do you draw naked people?"

"Well, drawing someone's body is better than drawing clothes. There's something more honest about a nude painting. It's kind of hard to explain."

"What if I took off my shirt and maybe my pants?" Little John suggested. "That way I'd still be wearing my undies but you could draw most of my body." He wanted Diego to draw him, but he wasn't sure he wanted to get naked for it.

"I don't know, Little John. I'd have to ask your mother."

He could hear the reluctance in the man's voice. Clearly, he didn't want to talk to Jessie at the moment. Little John could only think of one way out of this.

"You don't have to ask her. I just won't tell her. You wont show the picture to her, will you?"

Diego thought about this. It was probably a bad idea, but the thought appealed to him. It would probably be useful to have a few drawings of children in his portfolio. Right now, he only had women and diversity always helped. Of course, he wouldn't be able to sell the drawing locally without getting Jessie's approval first, but probably this would be one he would want to keep. Little John was a good enough kid; if he said he'd keep his mouth shut, he probably would. Diego hadn't lived in the US long enough to realize how much hysteria there was about adults, kids and sex. In Chile, the attitudes were different. Unaware of how much risk was involved, he decided to do it.

"All right, Little John. If you want to be my model for the night, that would be great!"

"Cool!" the boy said as he bounced up from the couch. He went over to the window and casually pulled the drapes closed. He didn't want his uncle looking in on them. He'd probably be hurt that Little John was watching TV with Diego and not with him. Meanwhile, Diego was considering how to set up the picture. The boy would have to be sitting, preferably in a comfortable position since this was going to take over an hour. Little John had taken off his shirt and was fiddling with the clasp of his jeans, looking questioningly at Diego.

"Go ahead and take them off," he said absently. He was composing the drawing in his mind. Would this work better on the couch or on the chair? The boy would probably be better propped up in the chair, so me moved it around so it was facing the TV.

Little John had removed his pants and rather casually dropped them over the back of the couch. Despite the fact that he was now only wearing his white briefs, he didn't feel as if he had sacrificed his modestly. When you got right down to it, underpants and swimsuits covered up the same things and plus, it was only Diego after all. He saw the man getting the chair ready for him so he went and sat down, leaning into the cushions.

"I'm going to need you to sit one way for a while, Little John," Diego was saying, "So whatever way you like to sit most, that would probably be how you want to fix yourself."

Little John shifted around. How he liked to sit wasn't something he thought about much; he just did it instinctively. Also, Diego's chair was different to the furniture in his own living room; the cushions were softer and the arms were somewhat lower. After a minute or so of squirming, he threw his right leg over the armrest and leaned back. That seemed the most natural way to sit in this chair.

"Is this O.K.?" he asked. His mother didn't like him to put his legs up on the furniture like that.

Diego surveyed the scene. The boy looked relaxed and natural, not posed. It was just the effect he was going for.

"That's fine, Little John. You sure you'll be comfortable like that?"

"Yep. Can I have my soda, though?"

Diego picked up the boy's half-drunk soda and handed it to him, as well at the remote to the TV and told him to put on whatever he wanted. Little John started flicking and didn't even notice when Diego picked up his pencil and started to draw furiously.

Diego started with the boy's chest, figuring that he could work on the face when Little John got immersed in a TV show. Right now he was moving his head a bit too much. With every twist of his wrist, the boy's body started to appear on the paper. Despite his model's age, Diego could see the young muscles starting to form on his tight chest. With expert precision, he shaded in the small pink nipples and moved to the arms. This didn't take long; Little John had found a movie he liked and was not moving. Taking advantage, Diego sketched in the shape of his head and drew in the details of his face. This required him to look Little John right in the eyes, something the boy noticed. His eyes would flick past the TV toward Diego and he smiled slightly. Diego managed to capture the boy's grin and added it to the portrait. Once he had the face complete, he figured it was safe to have a conversation with the boy. He didn't want him to get bored, after all.

"You're a very good model, Little John," he remarked. "Most kids your age would fidget like crazy."

"It's probably 'cause when I was small, my mom used to punish me by making me sit still in the corner for a long time. I used to hate it, but then I figured out that all I had to do was daydream and the time would pass. Eventually she realized that it didn't bother me though, and she stopped doing it. Now I get grounded or have to do extra chores or something."

"You're lucky. When I was your age, if I misbehaved my father would spank me."

"Some of my friends get spanked, but Mom doesn't do that to me even though sometimes Granddad says she should. I'm sort of glad; I don't think I'd like it if she did that."

"You're not supposed to like it," Diego said with an amused smile, "But anyway all those hours sitting in the corner paid off. I'm more than half done."

"What are you drawing now?"

"Your hands, so please don't keep twitching your fingers."

"Oops, sorry!" Little John relaxed his hands and focused on the TV again.

They continued to chat and Diego moved to the boy's feet, drawing his way up his legs. He'd deliberately left his midsection for last because that was the only place Little John was still dressed and Diego considered himself a bit weak when it came to drawing clothes. Looking at the picture, Diego had to admit that it was very good. He'd have to make the extra effort to get the underwear right otherwise it would mess up the whole picture. Starting with the elastic waistband, he scrutinized the cotton fabric, trying to get every detail right. Little John seemed blissfully unaware how hard the man was staring at his crotch and went right on talking in between glances at the TV. The bulge of the boy's basket of boyhood gave Diego his biggest challenge. He had to get the lines and shading just right or everything would look out of focus. He moved his chair closer so he could get a better look. The way Little John was sitting had stretched the fabric tight against his equipment as well as creating a gap between his right thigh and the leg hole. Diego could see a small patch of the boy's hairless nutsac and dutifully added it to the picture. As he was drawing the last part, which happened to be the area around the head of Little John's penis, Diego realized that the boy was circumcised. This was almost unheard of for boys in Chile except for Jews and thanks to John Senior's bigoted ravings, Diego was quite sure that Little John wasn't Jewish. Making a few last minute additions, Diego leaned back and looked at the portrait. He was quite satisfied with his work.

"O.K., buddy, you can move now. It's done."

"Good, 'cause my leg was starting to cramp," Little John said as he swung his down. "Can I look?"

Diego held the pad out to him and he studied it. Even though, he'd seen Diego's art before, he was very impressed. He'd looked into a mirror enough times to know that the man had captured him perfectly.

"I'm going to draw in the rest of the chair later, and maybe add some background," Diego told him.

"It's really great, Diego," Little John said. He wished he could show it to his mother, but he understood instinctively that she would appreciate the fact that he had let Diego draw him in just his underwear. Maybe another time he could get Diego to draw him one with his clothes on. His mother's birthday was coming up and he thought that it would make a nice gift for her. Diego went into the kitchen and came back with a chocolate bar, which he offered to Little John as a reward.

"You can get dressed now," he said.

"Is it O.K. if I stay like this for now?" Little John asked. "It feels better."

Diego shrugged and sat on the couch. Little John sat next to him and they watched the end of the movie. Snuggling up to the man gave him a warm feeling. It was kind of like having a much older brother or perhaps a really cool uncle. (Little John didn't consider either of his real uncles, especially Junior, to be very cool.) When the movie ended, Little John looked at saw it was his bedtime. He silently got dressed and prepared to leave.

"I'll walk you over to your house," Diego offered. Little John didn't think this necessary, but decided he didn't mind.

"Can I come over tomorrow?" he asked as they went out the door. Tomorrow his Mom had a double shift starting at 11 in the morning. Right now Junior was scheduled to watch him; not Little John's first choice for company on a Saturday afternoon.

"That kind of depends, Little John. If my model shows up, I'll be drawing her all day and I don't think Jessie would be happy if I had you over with a naked woman in the house."

"Shucks!" Little John said with a smile.

"Still, if she doesn't show up again, I'd be happy for you to come over. She drives a red car; if you don't see it, come right over. Just make sure you ask Jessie, though."

They had reached the door and Little John opened it. Junior came over and smiled, pointing at his watch.

"I know it's bedtime," the boy said. "Thanks for letting me go over. I had a good time."

"Hi, Junior," Diego said. Junior greeted him with a sweep of his hand and Little John went inside. When the man had left, the boy ran up the stairs and entered his bedroom. He stripped back down to his briefs and climbed into bed. His uncle came by and tucked him in and then left. Despite the hour, Little John wasn't at all sleepy and his eyes darted around the room. Looking at his window, he could detect a glow coming through. Realizing that Diego must still be up, he got out of bed and went to the window. The curtain that he'd pulled shut in Diego's living room had come open at the top and Little John could see the man sitting on his couch, holding the portrait and drawing in the rest of the chair. Because he hadn't been able to watch the man doing the actual drawing, he found this interesting and his birds-eye view let him see it from the best possible angle. He pulled over his chair and sat down to watch. For about five minutes, Little John watched the man draw, but it became clear that the man was restless. Finally, he set aside his pad, stood up, and took of his pants. This didn't particularly surprise Little John, he knew first hand that sitting on Diego's couch in your underpants was comfortable, but he was unsure why he got a secret thrill from spying on his friend in his briefs. In the light of the lamp, he could see the clear contrast between Diego's darkly tanned skin and his white briefs.

With his pants disposed of, Diego sat back down and picked up the portrait again, but did not start drawing. Instead, Little John saw him lightly ran his fingers over the image on the paper. Then something happened that did surprise the boy; quite a bit, in fact. Diego reached for the waistband of his briefs and tugged them down. While the boy watched safely from his bedroom window, he saw his neighbor raise his hips up and pull his underwear all the way down to his ankles and spread his legs open. With his left hand, he held the sketch pad and with his right hand... Little John's mouth fell open; Diego had wrapped his fingers around his dick and seemed to be pulling on it. There were some binoculars on his desk and Little John blindly fumbled for them, refusing to turn his head away from the scene unfolding beneath him even for a moment. His hand grasped the cold metal and he brought them to his eyes. Spinning the dial with his thumb, he brought the action below into clear focus.

Diego's cock was jutting rampant up from a dense patch of black hair and his big balls were hanging below. Little John gasped as he viewed the man's enormous tool, magnified in the powerful lenses. His own meat sometimes got stiff, (in fact, it was getting that way right now) but he never imagined a penis could grow to something this size. As the boy watched, Diego ran his hand up and down his long shaft, pumping the fat head and stroking the length. Little John moved the binoculars for a moment, studying the man's face for a moment. He was looking down, apparently at the portrait, and Little John knew enough about facial expressions to recognize pure pleasure.

A few times recently, Little John had been motivated by instincts that he didn't fully understand to play gently with himself when he got stiff, but he had always stopped after a while. He'd enjoyed the feelings he'd gotten, but he had found them slightly scary somehow and since he had no close male friends he could talk to, he'd remained ignorant. But now, watching Diego beat his meant with unbridled passion, Little John found his free hand making its way down beneath the waistband of his briefs and onto the sensitive, hairless flesh about his now stiff penis. He sucked his breath in as his fingertips brushed over the hot head of his 31/2 inch boytool. Wrapping his fist around himself, he tried to stroke himself the same way the man below was. It was awkward, though; he found his tight briefs restrictive and so, further following Diego's example, he slipped them down to his knees. The chair beneath him had been warmed by his body heat and the smooth plastic felt good against his bare bottom. Now that his cock was free, he found he could rub it with ease, and each stroke gave him a warm rush of feelings. He retrained his binoculars on Diego, trying to copy the man's motions exactly. Little John's efforts were rewarded with a growing feeling of pleasurable tension. He reached the point where he had stopped in the past, but this time he went right on going, secure in the knowledge that Diego was doing the same thing. Little John's mind was split; half taken up with the glorious Latin cock filling up his vision and the rest by the ascending pleasure building in his crotch. He was faintly aware that he was making soft crying noises at the speed of his pumping motions increased.

For a moment, he imagined that Diego's hand was wrapped not around his own dick, but instead on Little John's hairless member and this thought, both thrilling and scary at the same time, brought him to a place his body had never been before. Like a thunderbolt, a shock wave of pure pleasure spread out from the epicenter of his dick and washed over his body. His arm spasmed and the binoculars fell from his eyes and landed with a thud on his bare tummy. Leaning back limply in his chair, Little John enjoyed the aftershocks of his first orgasm and his dick throbbed in an unfamiliar fashion in his tightly closed fist. For a minute, he just sat there, trying to comprehend what had just happened to him. It was as if his eyes had been opened for the first time; he'd never believed that he could feel that good.

Suddenly, he remembered the man in the house below and he looked through the field glasses again. Diego had apparently finished around the same time as Little John, because he was now busy wiping his stomach with his discarded underwear. The boy reasoned that he must have spilled something on himself when he got the good feeling, the same way he'd dropped his binoculars. More than anything, he wished that he could go down and talk to Diego about it, but that was impossible. Besides, he doubted that the man would be too pleased to learn that he'd been spying on him. Diego moved away from the window and out of Little John's view. With a bit of regret, the boy put his briefs back on and got back into bed. Sometime later, he was vaguely aware of his mother opening his door and looking in on him, but even this was masked in the fog of sleep.

When Little John woke up the next morning, he glanced at the clock and noticed that it was nearly 9 o'clock. He had to hurry, or else he'd miss some of his favorite Saturday morning TV shows. Bouncing out of bed, he dashed over to his chest of drawers and got out some shorts and a T-shirt. Having gotten dressed, he scurried downstairs and kissed him Mom good morning.

"Good morning to you, sleepy-head," she said, "Do you want some breakfast?"

He was hungry, but all he wanted was cereal. After fixing himself a bowl, he went and sat down in front of the TV.

"So, Junior tells me that you went over to see Diego last night," his mother remarked in a slightly probing voice when a commercial came on. Little John had rather hoped his Uncle wouldn't bother to communicate this bit of information to her, but he guessed he should have known better.

"Was that all right?" he asked in an innocent-yet-slightly-worried tone.

"Yea, it was fine. I was just a bit curious, that's all." She was a bit flustered. Little John knew her well enough to know what she wanted to find out. Why had he gone over there, what had they done and, most important, what had Diego said about her? He decided to fill her in only on the first.

"I just wanted someone to talk to. Hanging around with Junior gets a bit boring after a while. There was a movie on and we watched it."

"Oh, okay." Clearly, she wanted him to volunteer more, but he had no intentions of doing so. She went about her business and he enjoyed his shows. Around 10:30, he went and looked out the window. There was no red car in front of Diego's; his model must not have showed up.

"Mom, is it okay if I go over to Diego's for a bit later?" he asked, figuring he'd better get permission ahead of time.

"Junior is supposed to be watching you, Little John."

"Mom!" he said, rolling his eyes. She must have gotten the idea. After all, she also considered her brother's refusal to speak very silly and had told Little John so.

"Well, make sure you don't bother him. He's too polite to ask you to leave, so you'll have to watch to make sure you aren't in his way."

While the boy watched another show, Jessie went off and told Junior that he might go over to Diego's for a while and that it was all right with her. Just before 11:00 she left, apologizing to Little John for having to work all day. He hung out for a while; mostly to make sure Junior's feelings weren't bruised by him running off right away. Round about 11:30, he told his uncle he was going next door and went outside. He knocked at Diego's door, and the man opened it. His eyes lit up when he saw Little John and he invited him in.

"So, I guess your model didn't show up," Little John said as he walked into the living room.

"No, she called me. She's in bed sick with the flu. I won't be seeing her anytime soon."

"Gee, I'm sorry Diego. What are you going to do, now?"

"Oh, just find something else to paint. I'd get another model, but I already had a few drawings of her and I like to have a series. Anyway, I used my free time this morning to add some background to your portrait. Come and look and tell me what you think."

Diego handed him the sketchpad and he looked it over. The chair had been fully drawn in as well as the wall behind. All in all, it made the picture look complete.

"This is really neat," he said. Diego recognized this as a sincere complement and put his hand on Little John's shoulder.

"Thanks. You were a good model for me."

"You know, if you want, you could so another one of me. Since your model isn't coming and you said you like to do drawings in a series." This was a spur of the moment suggestion, not something that Little John had put any thought into.

"Well, thanks for the offer, Little John, but I don't know about that. I'd need to get four or five drawings for a good series, and I doubt that you'd want to sit still for all that. That's why models get paid, because it's work."

"Oh," he said, momentarily defeated. Diego asked him if he'd had lunch and when he said he hadn't, the man offered to make him a hamburger. Little John was quite happy to accept and soon there was a pair of burgers on the stove. When they sat down to eat, he hit Diego up with a revision of his idea.

"You know, when I saw that drawing last night, I wanted to show it to my mom," Little John said. Diego's eyes widened slightly in alarm as the boy continued. "But I knew that she wouldn't like seeing me in my underpants like that. I was thinking, if I modeled for you, you could pay me by doing another drawing of me dressed and I could give it to my mom for her birthday. It's coming up in a few weeks and I don't have anything for her yet."

"Give me a few moments to think about that," Diego asked as he chewed another bite. Doing a free drawing would be a cheap way to pay for some modeling, and he could certainly use the extra cash. Little John was such a handsome boy; Diego could send a set of drawings of him to his agent in Chile and he was sure they could be sold for a nice sum. He'd already tried getting another model, but on short notice, it was so hard. He was getting ready to agree when Little John sweetened the pot.

"I mean, I know I'll have to be naked for you do draw me. It's cool, I don't mind. It's like that statue of King David; it's O.K. to be naked if it's art."

Little John didn't know it, but he'd effectively just tripled the value of his offer. Nudes of him would pay Diego's rent for a good while. All this same, it involved a bit of risk.

"I really don't think Jessie would be very happy," he said.

"I'm not going to tell Mom. She doesn't tell me all her business, so why should I tell her all of mine?"

"What if she asks you how you got a drawing for her birthday?"

"I'll tell her I paid you ten bucks to do it. She'll believe me; she'll think you did it mostly as a favor."

"I'm not sure I like getting you involved in a lie," Diego objected.

"It's just a fib," Little John amended. "A lie is what you tell when you want to hurt someone or are trying not to get in trouble. I just want to get her a gift she'll like."

Diego didn't quite agree with his young friend's reasoning, but the prospect of big bucks smoothed over any objections he might have. Nothing seemed immoral to him, anyway.

"All right, then, you're hired!"

Little John grinned and finished off the rest of his hamburger. After they got done eating, they moved back into the living room.

"Do you want me to do the one for you to give to Jessie first?" Diego asked.

"No, better do that last. We can do that anytime, but we should do the other ones while she's away at work and she's at work all day today. Besides, that's my pay and you shouldn't pay me until I've done the work."

"Fair enough. Let me just get my stuff."

Diego went over to his supplies and got out the required pencils and such. When he turned around, Little John was standing there in his underpants looking a bit uncertain.

"You don't have to get all the way naked if it makes you uncomfortable, Little John," Diego volunteered. "I can just draw you like I did last night."

"No, it's cool. I don't mind being naked. I just didn't know where you wanted me to sit."

"How about on the corner of the couch," Diego suggested.

Little John walked over to the couch and rapidly striped his briefs off. Despite what he had said, it did require a bit of nerve and he didn't want his reluctance to show. Once he was totally bare, he turned around and held his hands up.

"See? I'm naked. No big deal, right? You draw naked people all the time."

Diego raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly. He did draw naked women all the time, but this was the first time he'd be drawing a naked boy and he was coming to realize that it had a different effect on him.

"Sit with your back against the arm of the couch so you're laying on it," he instructed. Little John did as he was told and looked enquiringly at Diego.

"Hmm, O.K., stretch your left leg all the way out and let your right leg hang over to the floor. Put your left arm to your side and drape your right arm over your chest. That's right; now turn your head so you're looking at me. Perfect, that's just how I want you. Are you comfortable?"

"Sure!" Little John chirped. He felt a little exposed with his legs hanging open the way they were, but otherwise everything was fine. Staying like this for an hour or so would be no problem. Diego tossed him the TV remote and he deftly caught it. After he found a station he liked, he put it up behind him so it would be out of the picture.

"Actually, why don't you hang on to that, Little John? Hold it in your right hand on your chest. It adds something; makes you look more natural."

Little John did as he was asked. At first the plastic was cool against his bare skin, but his body heat soon warmed it up. Diego was immersed in his drawing, glancing at Little John and scratching away on the paper. Before too long, Little John forgot he was even naked.

Diego, on the other hand, did not forget. With his female models, he'd trained himself not to get aroused while drawing them. And when he'd drawn Little John last night in his underwear, he'd been mostly unaffected. It was only later, when he was adding details and reliving the experience, did Diego realize that the whole thing had turned him on incredibly. He'd jerked off looking at the drawing, but since then had tried to forget about it. Diego couldn't remember being turned on by another male since he and two of his cousins back in Chile had fooled around with each other when they were boys. Now, faced with this very handsome, naked boy, he had to admit to himself that Little John was making him horny. As he drew, he avoided looking at the child's crotch, depicting the angelic face, slender arms and legs and tight chest first. But after a time, he had to turn his attention to the boy's midsection. As he was shading in the converging lines that led down over Little John's hairless pubis down toward his plump cock, Diego felt the unmistakable feeling of an erection starting. He shifted his body, hoping to hide his growing manhood and wished that he had worn something other than these cotton shorts.

Little John's mind had been on the TV, but when Diego shifted it drew his attention to the man. Right away he spotted the expanding piece of meat snaking its way down Diego's leg. He moved his eyes away, not wanted the man to know he had noticed it, but he kept glancing back, unable to help himself. The thought that Diego was getting a boner started to provoke a similar reaction in Little John.

Diego was carefully tracing out the gentle curve on the top of Little John's tight, hairless ballsac when he noticed that the boy's dick was starting to twitch. As he watched silently, he saw it swell and rise up until it was pointing up to the roof. His eyes met Little John's; the boy was blushing furiously. Diego figured he'd better say something before he got too upset.

"Don't worry about it, Little John," he reassured the boy, "That's something that happens to all of us."

"I know. I can see it happening to you. It's just...well, I'm naked."

Diego was a little disarmed to find the Little John had noticed his arousal, but he was more worried about the boy's embarrassment.

"You can get dressed if you want, Little John," he said. "We don't have to finish this now."

"No, I want to finish it. You're nearly done, aren't you?"

"Yes, I only have one thing left to draw."

"What?" Little John asked, though he suspected he knew the answer.

"That." Diego said, smiling as used his pencil to point to the boy's erect tool. "But I have to wait for it to go back down to draw it."

"Um, sometimes it takes a long time to go down," Little John said awkwardly.

"Really? You don't know how to make it go away?"

"No. What do you mean?"

"Well you, you know, touch it."

Now Little John knew exactly what Diego was talking about, but he continued to feign ignorance. He wanted to see what all the man would tell him.

"Little John, don't you sometimes, how do you say it, play with yourself?"

"A few times, but nothing much ever happened and it didn't make it go away," the boy fibbed.

"That's probably because you didn't do it long enough."

"I don't get it."

Diego considered the situation. One of his cousins had introduced him to the joys of masturbation when he was about Little John's age now. Of course, his cousin had been only two years older than him, but Little John didn't have any brothers or cousins. Plus his father was almost never around. Who would explain things to him? From where Diego came from what he was about to do, while not something discussed openly, was not all that uncommon.

"Would you like me to show you?" Diego asked him.

Little John caught his breath. This was what he'd been hoping against hope for. Silently he nodded. Diego moved his chair over next to the couch and sat so he was facing him.

"If anything I do bothers you, tell me and I'll stop," Diego said.

Not trusting himself to speak, Little John just nodded again. Diego put his hand on the boy's inner thigh, just above his right knee and started slowly sliding it upwards. The boy watched silently as the masculine hand stroked its way toward his bunched-up little balls. Diego flexed his fingers and gently caressed the sensitive orbs. Little John started to breathe heavily as tingles shot up from his nuts. Diego's hand moved further up, coming to rest on the shaft of his aching penis. Taking it between his thumb and forefinger, he held it out and stroked it.

"Does it feel good?" he asked. Little John just nodded. He was in absolute heaven. Diego moved his other hand over and rubbed his bare chest, tweaking his little nipples. Then he moved that down to the boy's crotch as well. There was only so much boymeat to go around, so Diego found other things to do with his free hand, stroking the sensitive bald patch above Little John's pulsing cock, managing his tender balls and firmly pressing against the spot right underneath them where his butt cheeks ended. With each touch, Little John reveled in new delights. This was so much better than what he'd done to himself last night! He looked at Diego's face; he was giving him a sly, knowing smile. Little John's cock had grown so hard, he felt as if it might snap off as Diego's fingers rubbed up and down on the smooth shaft and plump head. The feelings built do a crescendo of pleasure and Diego's fingers were everywhere. Little John cried out as orgasm exploded full force through his body. Diego held his dryly-throbbing cock as the pleasure slowly receded, leaving him in its glorious afterglow.

"That was...great!" Little John exclaimed, unable to find better words.

"See, that made it go down," Diego observed, releasing his grip on the boy's now flaccid penis.

"But yours didn't," Little John pointed out, nodding towards the man's crotch where his cock was straining to break free from the restrictive fabric.

"Well, that's because I didn't touch it the way I did yours."

"Can I play with it?" Little John asked in a small voice. Diego was a bit startled. This was a bit of an escalation, and not one he'd planned on. Little John had already been naked; Diego would have to strip in front of the boy if he was going to jerk him off. Naïve about Americans he might be, but he was sure that this would be frowned on.

"You got to touch me," Little John pointed out. He was wondering if he hadn't gone too far and was trying to justify his request.

"Let me take a minute to finish the drawing," Diego said. This would give both of them a chance to calm down. If Little John still wanted to do it then, he supposed that he would let him, but better make sure that it was what the boy wanted.

"Oh, O.K.," Little John said as he leaned back on the couch. His body wasn't in quite the same position, but it didn't matter because his dick was lying exactly as it had been before. Deftly, Diego captured the young organ on the paper, completing the nude portrait with a flourish.

"You want to have a look?" he asked. Little John nodded and came over to him. The boy was even more impressed than he had been last night. He'd worried that he might be a little embarrassed seeing a naked drawing of himself, but found it wasn't the case. He didn't have to vocabulary to express it, but he found the picture tasteful and classy, truly a work of art. The fact that he was the subject of such a fine piece was a compliment to him. Still, Little John had other things on his mind besides art appreciation.

"You're still hard," he said, slyly pointing toward Diego's barely concealed erection.

"You sure you want to do this?" Diego asked. Now that the moment of truth was here he was finding that, apart from any ethical concerns that he might have, he was a bit shy about letting this boy see his raging manhood. When Little John nodded, he reached into his pants leg, preparing to pull his meat out from the bottom of his shorts.

"Not like that," Little John protested, "You have to take your pants off."

Diego laughed to himself. There wasn't any getting away with anything with this kid. He took hold of his shorts and underpants together and deftly slid them down to his knees. His cock sprung free, slapping him on the stomach so hard drops of pre-cum flew onto his chest. Then he moved over to the couch, his erection swaying with the motion of his steps. Little John was right next to him, not letting Diego's boner out of his sight. They sat down and the boy eagerly reached for the big slab of Latin meat.

"It's so big!" he said as he wrapped his fingers around it.

"Thank you," Diego said as the heat from Little John's palm sent the first tingle of pleasure through his body.

At first the boy was just exploring; he'd never had a chance like this and he wanted to find out as much as he could. He ran his hand through the dense patch of black pubic hair, marveling at its thickness. With his other hand, he fondled Diego's big balls in wonder. His own were so tiny in comparison. But most of his attention was captured by the throbbing monster in front of him. Up close, it was just so long and fat. He thumbed Diego's retracted foreskin, not realizing why he didn't have the same feature on his own dick. All the while, certain moves he made would cause Diego to moan in pleasure. He figured that he'd better set about playing with the man properly and started to stroke up and down. It was awkward at first; it was so much bigger than his and his hand was effectively backwards from the way he held himself, but with some gentle encouragement from Diego, he got a good stroke going. Smiling up at the man, he massaged his hard prick. As Diego's moans got deeper, he realized that things were building to a conclusion. But he didn't expect the white eruption that followed the man's sharp cry of pleasure. Startled and a little frightened, he jerked his hand back and watched as spurt after spurt of cream came out of Diego's cock.

"What happened?" he asked as the man opened his eyes.

"That? Oh, I came. Didn't you know about that?"

Little John just shook his head. His mother had discussed a few basic things about sex with him, but she had provided no details. And his peer group at school had just started to find this sort of topic fascinating; no one had volunteered very much to him at this point.

"I'm sorry, Little John. I thought you knew," Diego said. He wiped himself off with a paper towel and then set about filling the boy in. Little John was fascinated. He was glad that he was having this conversation with Diego and not his mother. As much as he loved her, it wasn't the sort of thing he'd want to talk about with her or any woman. The knowledge that Diego shared with him made him feel older and wiser.

"So what would you like to do now?" the man asked after he'd answered the last of the boy's questions.

"Well, why don't we do another drawing?" Little John suggested.

"I can draw it if you don't mind posing again," Diego said.

"My Mom's not going to be home until late tonight, so we may as well get done what we can. But since I'm naked, I want you do stay naked, too."

Diego saw no harm in this and so he went back over to his sketchpad. At his direction, Little John lay on his stomach with his head on a cushion. He bent one knee slightly, raising his middle up so that his penis was just in view. This also highlighted the curve of his butt, which was one of his best features. Diego went to work again, transferring the angelic vision in front of him onto the paper. This went even faster than the last one; he was getting better at drawing the boy. As before, he'd left the midsection for last and once again, he found himself stirring as he took in Little John's dick. Knowing that this would likely cause a reciprocal reaction from the boy, he hurried to finish the drawing before Little John's cock grew too big. He put down the pad and told his subject that he was done. Little John smiled and flipped himself over onto his back. His hairless member was now fully hard and laying against his bald skin. He smiled at Diego and was clearly inviting the man to join him.

"Would you like me to play with you again, Little John?" he asked. It seemed obvious enough that he did, but Diego needed to make sure. When the boy nodded, Diego pulled out a beanbag chair that he sometimes liked to lounge around on and directed the naked boy to come lay on in. As soon as Little John was sprawled out, Diego laid down on the carpet next to him.

"You've been a very good model, Little John," he told him. "I want to do something special for you and so I'm going to touch you in a different way. If you don't like it, just tell me and I'll stop and do it the other way, but I think you will love it."

Little John was clearly game to try anything that Diego had in mind and told the man so. Diego rearranged himself so that his head was down near Little John's crotch and he started caressing the boy's thighs and tummy. The boy relaxed, sinking into the beanbag chair and enjoying the firm, masculine hands running over his body. Diego knew just how to touch him to make him feel nice. After a few minutes of this, Diego took hold of his stiff rod at the base and held it up away from his body. Little John was expecting to feel the man's fingers traveling the length of his boyhood, but instead found himself enveloped by warm, moist lips. He sucked in his breath, momentarily startled. Diego had put his dick in his mouth! For a minute he was frightened. He'd never expected this. But he trusted the man and he realized that what he was doing to him felt very good, even better than what he'd done before. Little John relaxed again and he felt Diego's lips go lower, even putting his balls into his mouth. He purred in contentment as the man gave him his first blowjob. Diego's tongue was all over his cock and balls, licking them while his lips slid up and down on his shaft. He spread his legs as wide as he could, enjoying the feeling of the beanbag sliding up between the now-parted cheeks of his ass. The muscles in his thighs were twitching and he felt himself building up to a peak. Diego must have known what was happening, because he increased his speed. Little John got a feeling like he sometimes got just at the start of a roller coaster ride; when the cars have reached the top and you feel the first rush of fast movement. He cried out and his body went into overdrive. His hips bucked and Diego had to hold him down with one hand as his cock pulsed in his mouth. For Little John, it was his best orgasm yet.

After thirty very intense seconds, Little John relaxed again and Diego took his mouth of his limp penis.

"Did you like that?" he asked.

"Oh! It was great! What...what was that?"

"That's called a blowjob. I don't guess you've ever head of that before."

"No, I've heard of it. I just never knew what it was. Why do they call it that when you don't blow on anything?"

"You got me," Diego shrugged. He moved back so he way lying next to Little John. The boy was quick to note that he still was sporting a boner.

"Can I do you again, Diego?" he asked.

Diego nodded and Little John rolled on his side and started playing with the man. After Diego had cum the last time, he'd gone limp and the difference between the man and the boy's penises had been obvious. Little John had asked why the end of Diego's meat was covered by skin while his own wasn't. Did it grow when you turned into a man, he'd wondered? Diego had explained about circumcision and now the boy understood. But it made him more fascinated in the man's foreskin, knowing he'd never be like that. He played with it, pulling it and stretching it gently while he stroked Diego's shaft. His face was up close to the man's rod and he thought about what the man had done to him a few minutes before. If someone had asked him about it before, he'd have thought it gross, but clearly Diego hadn't thought so. It was just skin, he figured. No worse than sucking your thumb. Once the idea entered his head, he found it impossible to get it out. Would Diego even let him do it? He was sure he'd never be able to put the whole thing in his mouth, but what about just the head? Diego had licked him too; maybe he could do that. Little John decided not to ask; he just moved his mouth right up next to it and stuck his tongue out, running it lightly down the shaft. Diego had noticed, but he didn't complain. And it didn't taste bad; other than a slight taste of salt, Little John didn't notice anything at all. He got more daring and licked the head, rasping his tongue over the fat head.

"That feels nice, Little John," Diego told him.

Emboldened by these words of praise, Little John set about licking it up and down and all around. He even licked Diego's balls, running his tongue over the wrinkled skin before moving back to the main course. By now he wanted more, but he had one more concern.

"It I put it in my mouth, will you tell me before you cum?" he asked. He wasn't at all sure that he wanted the man to shoot in his mouth. That sounded too much like having someone pee in your mouth; a prospect that Little John found most alarming.

"Yes, don't worry. I won't come in your mouth," Diego reassured him. "Just be careful with your teeth. Do like this."

Diego demonstrated what to do with his lips and the boy copied him. He wrapped his mouth around the hot head and sucked it. The salty taste increased as he did this, but not enough for him to mind. He slid his lips down until they he had several inches of Diego's rod in his mouth. There was no question of trying to take it all, but what he couldn't suck, he stroked with his hand. Bobbing his head up and down, he listened to Diego's moans, thrilled that he was able to give the man so much pleasure. He barely notice that time was passing and was surprised when he heard Diego's voice, warning him of his imminent orgasm. Removing his mouth from the throbbing organ, he continued to stroke is and moments later saw a hot jet of sperm blast its way out; shooting up in the air and then splattering on Diego's stomach. It was followed by several more spurts with varying degrees of power and Little John was absurdly reminded of a program he'd seen in school on Old Faithful, the geyser in Yellowstone Park.

"Thank you, Little John," Diego said. "I haven't had anybody make me feel that good in a long time."

This made the boy very proud, and he beamed. Diego wished he could capture his expression at that moment, but he was too tired to draw. After wiping himself off, he pulled Little John next to him and the silently cuddled for a bit.

Little John enjoyed the feel of Diego's body next to him. Neither of his uncles liked to cuddle with him and his grandfather was hardly the type to do it, either. He rested his head on Diego's manly chest and closed his eyes.

He didn't realize he'd fallen asleep until he felt Diego gently shaking him awake.

"It's getting dark, Little John," he said, "I think we should get dressed now."

"Yea, I guess so," the boy said. The two got up and put their clothes back on. Diego took the drawings and hid them in his bedroom closet.

"My mom's not working tomorrow," Little John said regretfully, "So I won't be able to come over and have you draw me some more."

"That's Okay, Little John. I'm sure we'll get together again, soon."

Diego walked the boy back to his house and held him in a tight embrace before Little John went inside. After saying hello to Junior, he left and Little John sat down on the couch. His mom would be home soon and no doubt would want to know all about his day with Diego. He thought of a few good fibs to tell her and smiled. Jessie had wanted to fool around with Diego, but he'd beaten her to it! And she'd never even know.

More to come...

Several days passed before Little John could visit Diego again. They saw each other in the yard and exchanged pleasantries and Little John winked at his friend, but each time Jessie or one of her brothers was around and they had not chance to talk freely. He'd hoped that he would be able to go over one night while his mom was working, but she had been filling the early shift and had taken him to work with her. He was worried that Diego would get his female model back and not want to draw him anymore. But as the weekend approached, things began to look up.

First of all, Linda got sick so they were short-handed at the bar. Jessie told him that she would probably have to work all weekend and that his uncles would have to baby-sit him. Well, that was fine with Little John; it would be no problem getting away from Junior or Darren. Then Junior announced that he was going away for the weekend, leaving only Darren. He was so irresponsible, he wouldn't mind if Little John asked if he could jump off the roof. Jessie wasn't happy about it, but what could she do?

That Friday afternoon when Little John got home he found no Darren; only a note on the counter. It was short and to the point; he'd met a girl and they were going on a weekend jaunt together. Shaking his head, he called his mother. She was predictably upset.

"I'll have to come get you, Little John," she said. "You'll have to stay here with me."

"I don't want to be down at the bar all weekend," he protested, feeling a bit guilty as he did so. He didn't want to make his mom feel bad, but he didn't want to spend the next couple of days watching people get drunk, either.

"|Well, I can't come home, honey," she pointed out, "And there's no one to look after you."

"What about Diego?" he suggested. "He could watch me."

There was a long pause and he held his breath. If she said no right off, he'd probably not be able to talk her into it, but if she wavered...

"I don't know, Little John," she said, "All weekend? I'm sure Diego has things to do."

"But he won't have any classes to teach," Little John pointed out as he marshaled his arguments, "And he doesn't even have to come over here, I can go over and stay with him."

"He doesn't have a spare bedroom."

"But he has a pull-out couch. Come on, Mom; let me stay with him. I know things are kind of weird between you two, but I like him. And I really don't want to be down at the bar all night."

This was hitting a bit below the belt, but Little John was determined.

"Things are not 'weird' between us, young man. Diego and I are neighbors...and friends...and...and so that's it. There's no reason why I can't ask him to baby-sit my son."

"Great! So you'll ask him then?"

"Yes! I'll call him right now."

Little John hung up, pleased with this bit of manipulation. He was sure that Diego would say yes and so was not surprised to find the man knocking on his door a few minutes later.

"I hear you need a baby-sitter for the weekend," Diego said as Little John let him in.

"That depends. Do you still need a model?"

"Yes, as a matter of a fact, I do."

"This should work out great, then. Let me just get some stuff."

Little John got some extra clothes, though he hoped he would not need them very much, and they went over to Diego's house. He showed his young guest the first two nudes he'd done. He'd embellished them somewhat; Little John remained the focus of the pictures, but a more complete background had been added. Seeing these nude images of himself made Little John feel a little funny, but he shook it off.

"So how many more of me would you like?" he asked.

"Well, five would make a nice set, so three more."

"We'd better get started then, right?" Little John pointed out as he pulled off his shirt. He had a strong desire to get naked in front of Diego again and was wasting no time. By the time he was down to his briefs, Diego had picked up his pad and was sitting opposite the couch. With his last garment discarded, he got Little John to spread a blanket on the floor in the front of his couch and then sit on it with his legs spread open. The very act of stripping had turned the boy on and he was now sporting a boner.

"That's going to have to go away before I can finish this," Diego said with a smile as he pointed his pencil toward the hairless erection.

"I might need some help with that," Little John grinned back.

"I think I can give you a helping hand if you need it."

Little John flicked on the TV and Diego started drawing. He'd hoped that Diego would come over and jerk him off right away, but no such luck. It made sense, he supposed. Work before play, after all. After a while, his dick went back down as he concentrated on the TV. He'd found a movie on the HBO and became engrossed in it. He was quite startled to hear Diego say that he was done.

"That quick? How did you do that?" Little John felt a little cheated. He'd wanted to get a boner so that Diego would have to play with him before he could finish.

"It's been over an hour," Diego pointed out.

"Oh, I guess I didn't notice. I was watching the movie."

"Well, it's nearly over. Do you want something to drink?"

"Yea; a soda, please."

Little John watched the end of the picture while he guzzled the soft drink. His joints were stiff, so when the credits started to roll, he got up and stretched his legs. He made no move to put his clothes back on. He could see that Diego's eyes were following him and he liked that just fine. Thinking about the man made him get hard again. His boner bounced in front of him as he walked back and forth through the room, making sure Diego got a good look each time. When the man still didn't say anything, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He went over and sat in Diego's lap.

"Do it to me," he said, spreading his legs wide.

"What do I get if I do," asked Diego, clearly amused.

"I'll put yours in my mouth again," Little John promised.

"All right." With one hand holding Little John's chest, the man reached down and started playing with his hard boymeat. Little John closed his eyes and pushed back against Diego's body, enjoying the handjob.

Diego didn't rush things; he seemed to know just how to pace his strokes so that it always felt like it was getting better, but he didn't go over the edge. Little John was aware that Diego's own cock was hard underneath him.

"Do you mind it I pull my shorts down, Little John?" Diego asked.

"No I don't mind. How come?"

"Because I want to feel your warm butt against me."

That seemed reasonable enough to Little John. He raised himself up while Diego slipped his shorts to his knees. Then he sat back down. Now he was very much aware of Diego's hard cock. It was resting between his butt cheeks and precum was smearing on the small of his back. It took a minute for the feeling in the boy's dick to get back to where it was, but Diego had him moaning again before too long. When he came, he clenched his butt cheeks together, clamping down on Diego's rod.

"Okay, now I'll do you," he said as got in position to suck the man's tool.

"Wait, let's get on the floor," Diego proposed. He threw down some blankets and cushions and created a makeshift bed. Lying flat on his back, the hunky man rested his head on his arms and spread his legs. Little John scooted up between them and carefully probed Diego's balls with his finger.

"Your balls are neat, Diego," he said. "I can't wait for mine to get big and heavy, too."

"Oh, I like yours just the way they are right now," Diego assured him.

Little John didn't understand why Diego felt this way, but he sensed that this was not just a fib to make him feel better. He decided to get to work and started licking the hot shaft in front of him. There was plenty of precum, but he lapped it up with no problem. His eyes darted toward Diego's face as he took the head in his mouth and he saw a look of ecstasy come across the man's face. This encouraged him to get as much of his cock in his mouth as possible, and he got two-thirds of it down before he had to stop. Then he bobbed his head up and down, trying to ignore the sensation in his throat.

Diego purred while the boy sucked him off. He let Little John set his own pace; he could have made suggestions, but he was doing well enough without them. So deep was he in the haze of lust that he almost missed the building crescendo of his approaching orgasm.

"Um, Little John? I'm nearly..."

Little John knew what Diego meant, but for a few moments he could not sort out the significance of this, so focused on the cock he was. Just when he made the connection, Diego's cock was three-quarters of the way down his throat. He was about to take it out, but it was too late. The first blast went off and it shot down into his belly. When the second one followed, only the head was still inside, but he felt the salty taste spill over his tongue. He got his mouth free, only to have the remaining shots catch him in the side of the face, spraying over his cheek, ear and hair.

"I'm sorry, Little John," Diego said. The boy looked so comical, with a shell-shocked expression on his face while cum slowly dripped onto his naked shoulder. "I don't guess I gave you much warning."

"I...I forgot to take it out!" Little John stammered. He'd swallowed what had gone in his mouth. There hadn't seemed to be much point in spiting it out and he'd been absently aware that the taste was not unpleasant.

"Here, let me clean you up," Diego offered.

Little John expected him to just wipe the cum up, but instead the man leaned over and licked his cheek instead. This seemed a bit strange, but he made no objection. He found it kind of pleasant, especially having Diego's face so close to his. The man lightly nibbled on his ear, causing new waves of pleasure. He even licked it out of the boy's hair, making Little John think of a cat cleaning itself.

"Is that better?" Diego asked when he was done.

"Do you like the taste of it?" Little John asked, feeling the cool air on his skin where Diego's spit was evaporating.

"It's fine to me."

"I thought it was going to be gross, but it wasn't."

"Well, I still didn't mean for you to swallow any of it."

"Um, it was all right. Now that I know what it tastes like, I don't think I'd mind."

While Diego had not planned any of this, he was pleased by the outcome. A blowjob is better when the end of it is not interrupted. If Little John didn't mind swallowing his cum, he'd give him plenty of it. It was, after all, good for you.

They took a rest before they set up for the next picture. Diego wanted a butt shot, and so he had Little John lay over the beanbag chair while looking back over his shoulder. His rear was elevated and his cheeks parted slightly.

"But you can't see the best part of me," Little John joked, as he pressed his dick against the pliable beanbag.

"I see plenty there that I like," Diego told him as he picked up his pad and pencil.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your rear end," Diego clarified, as he starting sketching out the curves of Little John's firm ass.

"You like my butt?" Little John sounded more confused than ever. What was there about his rear that turned Diego on? Diego's ass was a different story; it had a bunch of short, black hairs and firm muscles, of course Little John liked looking at it. But his was just...there.

"Yes, I do. I think it's a very sexy butt."

"What's sexy about it?"

"Oh, I don't know. The smooth, soft skin. The way it wiggles when you walk. It makes me want to grab it and fu..."

Diego stopped talking and blushed. He'd gotten carried away with himself and said more than he'd intended. He bent over his pad and concentrated on the drawing. Little John didn't say anything. It was obvious that Diego was embarrassed and on edge. He let the man draw while he calmed down. But he was determined to find out what had upset him so. When he saw the man applying the final lines to the portrait, he re-opened the conversation.

"What do you want to do with my butt after you grab it?" he asked softly.

"What?" Diego asked, feigning confusion.

"You said you wanted to grab my butt an do something," Little John pressed. "What were you going to say?"

"Oh, I don't remember. I think I was just running on."

"Diego," Little John said in a voice that was part demand, part plea, "please don't lie to me. I know you remember what you were going to say. I just want to know what it was, okay?"

Diego finished the drawing and put it down with a sigh. It was resting against the couch and so Little John could see it. Like all of Diego's drawings of him, it was well done. He was a little surprised and embarrassed to see that his butthole had been visible and Diego had accurately drawn it, but he was more interested in pursing his inquiry.

"I got a little carried away, Little John," Diego admitted. "I forgot for a moment that you're much younger than me. I was going to say that I wanted to fuck you, but I caught myself. Just not in time, I'm sorry."

Little John raised his eyebrows. He'd heard the word, of course, but other than the fact that it was one of the worst swear words one could use, he was not too aware it's meaning. He'd had a vague idea that it involved a man doing something to a woman, but since more often than not, guys would say 'Fuck you!' to each other, he reasoned that it might easily involve two males.

"What's that mean?" he asked.

Diego sat next to him and stroked his hair.

"Well, it's not the best word to use, first of all. The nice way to say it is that I want to make love to you. But what it means when you are talking about two guys is that one guy puts his dick up the other guy's butthole."

Little John looked at Diego's limp penis and reached around and probed the cleft of his ass. Was such a thing even possible? Who ever thought that up?

"You want to put your dick up my butt?" he asked in wonder. "Would that feel good?"

"It would for me, but it would probably be very uncomfortable for you. Sometimes it's fun to think about doing things, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to do them."

Diego was clearly still uncomfortable, so Little John dropped it. He'd found out what he wanted to know, anyhow. It was getting dark outside and Diego got up and started to cook supper. He put his underpants back on and Little John followed suit. When they sat down to eat, they had a wonderful conversation and were both totally at ease with each other. After they were done, Diego suggested that Little John bathe while he cleaned up.

Sitting in the bath soaping himself up, Little John thought about what Diego had said earlier. What would it feel like to have the man put his dick up him? The thought embarrassed him, I mean, that was his butt! But it also intrigued him and he felt his curiosity growing. Noticing how the soap made his skin slippery, he decided to try a little experiment. He turned over so that his butt was sticking out of the water and reached around and lathered up his plump cheeks. It was very awkward, but his found his entrance with his middle finger and slid it in. Little John was surprised at how easy it slipped in as well as by the fact that there was nothing up there. Of course, Diego was much bigger than his finger, but what about two? When he eased the second one in, he felt it. Not that it hurt, exactly, but it made him feel a bit stretched. The way he was laying in the bathtub was uncomfortable and his arm was starting to cramp from the way he was holding it, but he decided to see what three felt like. At first he couldn't even get the third one in, but he persisted and was able to regain entrance. Now he felt very stretched open, but he found if he ignored the growing discomfort of his position, the sensations from his rear were all good.

"You nearly done, Little John?" Diego asked as he casually walked in the door. Of course Little John hadn't locked it. He'd not expected to be fingering himself and if Diego saw him naked, so what? But being caught like this was definitely uncomfortable and he withdrew his fingers as fast as he could while Diego halted in mid-stride. Obviously, this was not what he expected to find, either.

"Sorry, Little John," Diego said as he put up his hands and backed up. "I should have knocked."

"Um, I'm nearly done," Little John said as he turned back over, blushing furiously. Diego left him alone to finish up and then he got out and dried off. With a towel wrapped around his middle, he walked out and nodded his head to the man. Diego stripped off his underpants and walked into the bathroom naked while Little John watched his every move. Diego took a shower and when he came out, he was drying his hair with not a stitch of clothing on his body. Little John had felt a bit of modesty return after being found in such a compromising position, but Diego's casual nudity made him feel comfortable enough to hang his towel up and join the man in his birthday suit.

"Do you want to do the last picture, Diego?" he suggested. It only seemed natural, as they were both naked and clean. Diego agreed and had him take up an new pose sitting on a backwards chair with his arms rested on the headrest and his ankles wrapped around the legs. There was an empty space between the backrest and the seat portion and Little John was very aware that his cock and balls were hanging out. The area from his navel down would be in plain view. It was not the most comfortable way to sit, but he got used to it and the TV distracted him sufficiently. The time passed and then it was done. Diego showed it to him and he admired it. Looking at the set of five, he felt very pleased with himself, even if he had only been the model. Now that the work was done, his mind started to go elsewhere and a grin came across his face. Looking at Diego made him hard and he made sure to draw the man's attention to his hairless boner. All it took was one look for the hairy cock to rise up to greet him. He was just about to take hold of the throbbing tool when the phone rang.

"Damn!" Diego said under his breath while he stood up to answer it.

"Oh, hi, Jessie," he said with a touch of alarm in his voice as he sat down on the couch with the phone against his ear, "Are you home, already?"

Little John was horrified by this; where were his clothes, he had to get dressed!

"Oh, you're still at the bar. That's good."

The boy relaxed. That scare had made his heart hurt. He went over and got the portable phone from the kitchen.

"Well, when I say 'that's good' I mean it's good that you're busy down at the bar, not that it's good that you can't come home. You must be earning lots of tips." Diego was trying to explain away his relief and Little John thought he should help out.

"Hi, Mom," he said, breaking in on the portable.

"How are you, Little John," she asked, forgetting about Diego for the moment.

"Oh, I'm fine. We just ate dinner and then watched some TV."

"I hope you're not making things too hard on Diego."

"No, he's not making things on me hard," Diego cut it with a slightly defensive tone, "What are you talking about, Jessie?"

"No, Mom, I'm not making things hard for him," Little John interrupted, hoping he wouldn't need to do damage control.

"Yes, why would he be making things hard?" Diego asked.

"Oh, chill out guys, I was just asking. If you two are having fun, that's just fine with me."

"We are, Mom, don't worry," Little John said as he walked over and sat on Diego's knee. Much to the man's alarm, he grabbed Diego cock with his free hand. It had gone limp after the phone rang, but Little John's grip was changing that.

"Jessie, he's making things hard for me now," Diego said in mock exasperation.

"Little John, come on now. Don't bug Diego. Get a grip."

"Okay, Mom," Little John said with a giggle as he tightened his grasp on Diego's expanding member.

"Thanks once again for keeping him, Diego," Jessie said. "I won't be home 'till real late, so I'll talk to you all in the morning. I love you, Little John."

"I love you too, Mom," he said as he hung up the phone.

"You little rascal," Diego said as he hung up extension. "You're going to pay for that!"

He pulled Little John onto the couch and maneuvered him so that he was face down over his lap. The boy was laughing too hard to put up any effective resistance and once Diego had him where he wanted him, he smacked his bare bottom with his hand. It wasn't all that hard, and somehow the mildly stinging slaps made Little John laugh all the harder. The mock spanking went on for about a minute and at the end Little John's rump was tingling and warm.

"That will teach you not to play games with my when I'm on the phone," Diego said, amusement evident in his voice as he rubbed Little John's lightly toasted buns. Both of them now had full hard-ons and Diego's long, thick rod was crossed with Little John's hairless and circumcised boycock. Laying there over the man's lap, feeling the soothing feelings on his ass got Little John's mind working.

"Diego," he said carefully after a minute of silence, "what if I wanted to try fucking? Would you do it to me?"

The hand paused on his rump.

"Was that what you were trying to find out in the bath?" he asked as his hand resumed it's rubbing. "What it would feel like?"

"Kind of, yea. I wanted to know if it would hurt. But I didn't hurt myself."

"It's not just that, Little John. It's the most serious thing two people can do with each other."

"You're the only one I'd ever ask, Diego," Little John said, turning his head so that the man could see the serious expression on his face.

"You're very young, Little John. As you grow up you'll meet any number of people who you might choose to sleep with. Most of them will be your age, also."

"How old were you?"

Diego paused. The boy had him there. He'd been twelve and the cousin who had figuratively busted his anal cherry had been 17. Not quite the same age difference as there was here, but still...

"Diego, I don't just want to do this with you because I want to know what it's like," Little John said as he pressed his case, "it's also because...I...I love you."

Admitting this for the first time gave him a rush of emotion. It was as if his words had momentarily stopped the stars in their courses.

"I love you too, Little John," Diego whispered back. "You're like the younger brother I never had. But I'm a bit worried that you might feel the way you do about me because your father isn't around."

"No. I know it's different. I love my Gramps and I love my uncles. And I love my Dad too...kinda. But I feel different about you. It's not the same."

Diego pulled Little John up so that he was sitting in his lap. The boy felt the huge erection underneath him and shuddered in hopeful anticipation.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked the boy.


"Prove it, then. Kiss me."

Little John closed his eyes and brought his lips against Diego's. He'd never kissed anybody in passion before, but he had an idea of what was involved. Opening his mouth, he let Diego's tongue inside and did his best to demonstrate his love. They were together for what seemed like ages before breaking apart. Little John opened his eyes and locked gazes with Diego. It was clear from the warmth in his black eyes that the man understood the depth of his feeling.

"I need to get something, Little John," Diego said as he carefully moved the boy off his lap. When he came back, he was holding a tube that looked like it held some kind of lotion.

"If you want to stop at any time, of it anything hurts you, please tell me. I'll stop right away."

Not trusting himself to speak, Little John just nodded. He let Diego pick him up and carry him over to the beanbag chair. He draped the boy over it, so that his bottom was sticking up and his legs were apart. Little John watched as he squirted some of the lubricant out onto the palm of his hand. With his other hand, he parted Little John's smooth ass cheeks and started smearing the cool lubricant all around his boy entrance. He sucked in his breath when the first greasy finger penetrated him, not because it was uncomfortable, but because it was just the prologue of things to come. Seeing no problems, Diego added a second finger, and then eventually, a third. Again Little John felt the stretching feeling that he'd discovered in the bath, but seeing as his body was in a much more comfortable position, he was able to enjoy it to the fullest extent.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, Little John?" Diego asked him one last time.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Diego removed his fingers and greased up his meat. Little John had his head turned so that he could watch. Looking at the man coating his latin love-muscle with the slippery goo made him feel all weak inside. He could hardly believe that that big thing was soon going to be inside his body.

After wiping his hands off, Diego scooted over on his knees so he was in between Little John's spread legs. Dispelling any misgivings he still had, he leaned down and parted the boy's smooth cheeks with his hand and aimed his thruster at the target. Once he had it firmly pressed against the puckered hole, he rested his body on his arms and increased the pressure. It seemed that his dick wanted to slip out of place and he pushed to prevent this from happening. The end result was that his fat head slipped inside Little John's bottom a bit faster than he'd intended. The boy gasped and scrunched up the beanbag in his fists.

"Are you all right, Little John?" he asked with some concern. Apart from the fact that he didn't want to hurt the boy, his dick was now starting to take over his thought process and the tight boyass that it found itself partly lodged in felt very good and it did not want to have to pull out.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just wasn't ready."

"Sorry, I slipped."

"I'm ready now. Do you want to stick it in further?"

For an answer, Diego fed the boy's willing ass another couple of inches and when he didn't protest slipped it in even deeper. By taking it easy, he was able to get all of himself up Little John without causing the boy any further discomfort. When his balls were resting against the smooth skin, he stopped to take stock.

He was lying down on top of the boy, but with his weight partly supported by his hands so as not to crush him. The slim body underneath him rose and fell with Little John's deep, rapid breathing. His thighs were bracketed by the smooth legs of the impaled boy and his dick was firmly grasped in hot, tight clasp of Little John's pulsing boy hole. Carefully, he eased out an inch or so, before he shoved his hips forward again. Hearing Little John sigh in pleasure at this mini-thrust, he pulled back further and pistoned once again.

Diego took his time. The boy he was deflowering was quite tight and to go at it like a minx would undoubtedly hurt him, but the slow, steady stroke of his cock in Little John's ass was clearly giving him pleasure. The boy was wiggling his rear, sometimes even pushing back against Diego as if he wanted the man to go even deeper. Diego was putting more of his weight on him, pushing down and pressing the boy's naked body against the false leather covering of the chair.

"Does it feel good, Little John?" he asked in a throaty voice.

"Yea!" It was more of a high-pitched squeak.

"Does your little cock feel good too? Do you think you might cum soon?"

"Yea. It's so hard!"

"Then this should help!"

Diego made a growling noise and he started fucking the boy with increased force. He was still taking it slowly, but the thrusts were harder. Little John's cries increased in pitch and volume. So turned on was Diego that he almost didn't notice when the body beneath him went stiff and the high-pitched squeaks became grunts, but he could have scarcely missed the feeling of the boy's anus clenching on his fucktool as the boy's orgasm overcame him. He buried himself up to the hilt in one dramatic thrust and as his balls bounced off the boy's ass, they unloaded. Shot after shot of hot mancum went flooding up Little John's insides, impregnating the boy with his seed.

For several minutes, neither of them moved. Diego was supporting some of his weight again, but trying to move was too much. When their breathing returned to normal, he carefully pulled himself out and collapsed on his back next to the fucked boy.

"Was that what you wanted, Little John?" he asked.

"Yes," he said softly and then, almost as an afterthought, "Thank you."

"No, thank you, Little John. You have no idea how good that felt."

"Well, I know it felt good for me."

They looked at each other for a while. Words just weren't necessary at this point. Diego watched as his cum slowly started to leak out of Little John's puffy asshole and drip onto the chair. He decided that they should go clean up. He stood and then picked the boy up in his arms. Taking him into the bedroom, he laid him on a towel while he quickly retraced his steps and wiped up the blobs of cum that had dripped out while he'd carried him. Then he returned with a damp sponge and cleaned the smooth skin around Little John's asshole.

"That feels nice," the boy told him. "I like it when you touch me there."

"So it would seem," Diego said with a sly smile. Little John's dick had gotten hard again and he pulled it down with his fingers before letting it go to bounce off of the hairless skin above it.

"Diego," Little John said hesitantly, "do you wanna maybe...do it again?"

"What, right now?"


Even before his mind had a chance to think about this, his cock answered for him. The thought of a return trip up that tight boy pussy caused it to swell and lift off of Diego's big balls.

"Does that mean yes?" Little John smirked, looking at the man's big boner.

"I guess it does, but I want to try a different way. You just stay on your back."

Since he'd not had a chance to clean himself, there was no need to get the lotion. He climbed on the bed and took Little John's ankles in his hands and lifted the boy's legs in the air. This time he was able to watch his young lover's face as he penetrated him. Other than a slight wincing of his eye muscles, Little John's expression displayed only raw lust as Diego shoved his cock back up inside him. His own little boycock was bouncing as the man slid inside him, making him flex his internal muscles.

Little John also enjoyed watching the naked man as he pushed his organ inside his body. His chest muscles were so tight and firm that Little John reached up and ran his hands through the light forest of hair. When the cock came to rest all the way inside of him, he felt so full he thought he was going to burst. He was anxious for the fuck to begin in earnest and he jerked his hips to convey this message to Diego. Soon they established a steady rhythm. Since this was the second time, Diego's need was less urgent and Little John's rectum was more accommodating. They set a leisurely pace, deep steady thrusts that made the bed groan in protest. Lacking the friction of the chair on his raging boner, Little John reached down and started pulling on it himself. Diego noticed and stopped for a moment.

"Let's switch positions," he suggested.

Little John had been happy with the way things were, but he did what the man said. Diego pulled out and he got on his hands and knees. The bed was firm, so there was no danger of him sinking into the mattress, but he was quite anxious to have Diego back inside of him. Soon the man had mounted him from behind and was bent over him, plowing away. He realized why Diego had wanted to switch when he felt the man reach down and start to play with his balls.

"Oh, yea!" he gasped as the man's hand moved north to his straining cock.

It was heaven, being filled from behind with Diego's firm grip on his front.

So intense were the feelings that Little John would have collapsed had Diego not been more or less holding him up. He could not control himself and started to have the most intense orgasm of his young life. Diego matched him, slamming into his bottom and sending another load of spunk up his back door. Feeling the man's hot juice fill him up made him warm all over.

After that they both collapsed, although Diego fell to the side of him. When they had recovered a bit, Diego tried cleaning him a second time and this time they didn't do anything further.

"I feel tired," Little John said and Diego put him under the covers. There was no talk of setting up the couch.

After he climbed in bed himself, Diego turned out the lights and held the boy lightly against his body until they both fell asleep. When they woke up in the morning fully rested, Diego drilled his ass a third time at his request. Then they got dressed and Diego did the drawing that would constitute Little John's payment for the modeling. With a smile on his face (and a slight lurch in his step), Little John went back to his house to meet his mother. Diego sent the nude drawings via FedEx to his agent in Chile, who soon sent back a large cheque along with a request for more like that. Diego had the clothed picture of Little John framed and the boy was able to present it to his very surprised and thrilled mother at her birthday. She thought that Diego had done it mostly as a favor and this made her want to start dating him again.

All that was fine with Little John. If his mother was dating Diego, so much the better. Even when they weren't having sex, he very much enjoyed the man's company. But of course, every so often when the time was right, he slipped next door for another taste of that hot Chilean cock.

The End

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