Dieter Goering

By Anonymous4371

Published on Oct 24, 2006



by Bill Smith

[Feedback is essential for a developing story. Forward your comments and suggestions to the author, Bill Smith, at if the story is to continue]


Dieter jokingly referred to the whereabouts of his manpower sources as "The Origins of Man," partly to honor the writings of Charles Darwin, a hero of his whose work could be extrapolated into the exciting field of eugenics, the selective breeding of humans. Generally, the Goering "stock," as Dieter referred to it, currently came from five major sources: the "investors," the "collaterals," "wards," "outright purchases," and their own "bred slaves" (where eugenics had been rigidly practiced for centuries). The degree of control the Goerings had over the people in each category increased the further they were down the list: "investors" having definite time limits of their servitude along with some restrictions as to their use while the last two categories were out-and-out slaves where anything could be demanded of them at any time and the condition was lifelong as it would be for their offspring.


If you were born into a family without means, about the only way you could attend college or receive the technical training demanded in the contemporary job market was to join the "investor corps" where you signed off as an indentured servant, two years of indentured servitude for each year of total college support. The typical contract was for eight years, insuring the indentured servant four years of college and/or technical training their release all expenses paid. Colleges loved these types of students: the company paid their bills with no problems, no financial aid was needed to support them, and they were older, more mature, and accepted the discipline demanded of college life well, having spent years under heavy discipline prior to their matriculation. Both males and females were eligible for this program. Most members of the "investor corps" were exposed to a system modeled after most Armies: they were processed upon induction, losing their long hair, their former clothing, and any free choice. They then underwent rigorous basic training in the single corps coveralls issued, lodged in simple corps barracks where they had a slot on a bunk bed, a peg to hang their coverall, and a group toilet and shower room, and fed basic, healthful, but cheap food. After the harsh training which emphasized complete obedience at all times, subservience and humility to all those they served, and working as hard as they could without complaint or rebellion under strict discipline, they were assigned work in manufacturing plants, agribusinesses, and construction for the length of their terms, again fed, housed, and clothed identical to what they had become accustomed to their basic training.

They couldn't marry and birth control was not available, but they could cohabit although any offspring became "lifetime wards" of the Goering family, so many of them tried to abstain from any sexual activities that would led to reproduction, especially since birth control was not available to them. Consequently, and especially since men and women were housed separately, homosexuality was the referred sexual activity and was generally rampant in the barracks. For those willing to meet outside the barracks in order to engage hetereosexually, oral and anal sex supplanted vaginal intercourse in most cases, although, of course, women corps members still got pregnant now and then and their offspring were whisked away to the Goering orphanages, never to be seen again.

Those in the investor corps made up a large share of the labor force and most secretaries, bookkeepers, and janitors, along with assembly line workers, warehouse workers, farm workers and construction workers were corps members. They were worked 84 hours a week generally (12 hours a day 7 days a week), given only a single garment to wear which was laundered weekly, and issued two blankets a year for their bunk. Although there were no restrictions on what work they could be put to or, really, for how long, or what discipline could be used to insure full productivity, there were some restrictions on their use: they could not be used sexually without their permission; they could not be forced to work nude for prolonged periods of time; they could not be branded or bodily mutilated beyond circumcision if the corps officers decided that was best for them (although a reasonable amount of whip scars was allowed, it being viewed as inevitable under proper discipline) , and they could not be used for medical experiments or organ transfers. If they died in service, their family would receive the full value of their college debit in cash through the Goering's insurance plan.

Those males exceptionally handsome, sexually appealing, and extremely well equipped (less than one-fourth of one percent under current criteria) had the opportunity to volunteer for a chance to compete to be assigned to the Goering's special corps where they would work at the family's private estates and serve the Goering's directly - a rare privilege. Since such a select group had learned long ago how to trade on their looks, the special demands they had to meet for membership in this elite group didn't take too long to accept: constant nudity; fondling of their bodies with a smile on their face; and use of their bodies for any sexual activity imaginable. This group was told bluntly they wouldn't "work out" unless they viewed their bodies as a way to please their user's sexual needs. A few declined, most didn't, in that in return you got out of hard work (other than exercising to keep your body in top shape), got to eat regular food, and, got considerable praise and admiration from the Goerings as well as their many guests. Many of those chosen for the 'elite corps' had previously been male models, high-priced call boys/girls, or 'kept boys' previously, so the transition to this new assignment came natural. Among themselves, they referred to themselves as Goering's 'whore corps,' a label they were proud of. Those not eligible for consideration bad-mouthed them, probably out of jealously and envy more the moral outrage they claimed. Given the chance, they too would strip down and flaunt their bodies if anyone would care to give it a glance.

The investor corps proved to be so popular that most poor kids signed up without question in that the program assured a future for them in return for a small investment in their youth. Even middle class kids were finding the program attractive in view of the rather bleak alternatives they faced in modern society. The program was so popular in third-world countries the Goerings had been forced to establish quotas by nationalities. But in Europe, America, and the Pacific Rim, applicants flocked in by the thousands. It was one of the Goering family's greatest contributions to stabilizing the world economy and meeting the social aspirations of literally millions of the world's youth. It was through this program that the Goerings got most of their American and British boys they so enjoyed in their personal service.

About the time the stock was beginning to age, the indentured period of servitude expired and the 25-26 year-olds started their college careers, now work experienced and confident in their future. Since they were financially secure in their college careers, they could concentrate on their studies and made excellent students. Faculty loved them for their eagerness to learn as well as the self-discipline they exhibited at all times.

Those coming out of the highly selected 'elite corps' generally headed to careers in the entertainment and travel industries, making great resort and casino managers as well as personal servants to CEOs, etc. As one exceedingly handsome green eyed Latino boy said now that he was about to finish his college career, "I learned in the corps that a big willing dick and a well-trained mouth and ass opens a lot of doors - that's even true here at the college and really helped with my job interviews. I've landed a high paying job as a resort manager in the Caribbean and plan to staff it with some decent looking 'investment corps' boys who have learned there's more to running a successful resort than hefting baggage and serving meals. I know all about the restrictions on sexual use of the 'investment corps' members, but I've found out most of them sign away that restriction the minute they see for themselves the opportunities available if they are unrestricted. Since anyone I take will have signed off, I'll be literally on their back showing them how to make a success of themselves in the resort business."

However, all 'investment corps' members, restrictions still in place or not, had learned how to work hard, set production goals for themselves, and, invariably, they graduated exactly on schedule and got good jobs which utilized their newly learned skills. Such success was the best advertisement the 'investor corps' could possibly receive and the applications far exceeded the number that could be processed each year.


The next group that had some restrictions on how they could be used were labeled "collaterals." These former big spenders had been set up by a materialistic economy to literally spend themselves into servitude. Once their credit cards hit $20,000 and they missed their first monthly payment, a court action was filed by the banks and, within weeks, the cardholder found himself at "collateral camp" for a period of time determined by the amount of his indebtedness, e.g., one year of indentured servitude for each $10,000 of unpaid debt. It was figured their labor was worth around $20,000 a year, but $10,000 of it was taken up housing, feeding, and clothing them, so only $10,000 actually repaid their debt each year. Unlike the 'investment corps' which was, after all, self-initiated, the 'collaterals' were sentenced by the courts and thus they had considerably fewer privileges. Clothing consisted only of a pair of ragged cotton pants (with a halter for females to cover their breasts), food was 'livestock' quality, e.g., a special crunchy dry chow for human consumption, whips, electric shock prods, and food deprivation were the main sources of discipline and work motivation. Like their colleagues in the 'investment corps,' they could not be used for sexual purposes without their permission, but this was widely ignored by their overseers and supervisors if they were young and attractive. But, still, they could not be put out for sexual usage by the public without their permission. Although gender separated in their housing, males and female 'collaterals' coupled frequently when they could and, since birth control was not available, female 'collaterals' found themselves frequently pregnant. Those pregnancies resulted in large number of life-time "wards" for the Goerings who typically raised them in nurseries until marketable and then sold them as full fledged lifetime slaves who had no restrictions whatsoever on their usage.

There were two things about 'collaterals' that were ironic. One was that they were usually placed in service 84 hours a week producing the very materialistic goods they couldn't resist and got them into their present circumstances to start with, e.g., the fancy cars, the plasma TVs, the I-pods, the designer clothes, etc. The other was that they were the biggest source of 'wards,' the perfectly legal slaves who brought the Goerings fantastic profits when they were sold over and above the modest costs of raising and training them.

Once their debts were repaid, 'collaterals' usually returned to the very malls that were their downfall originally and, within a couple of years, often returned to the very 'collateral camps' where they had originally been housed. Thus they cycled in and out of the camps, frequently being joined by their equally undisciplined brothers and sisters. Apparently, being forced to make the goods that were irresistible with their own sweat and toil didn't teach them not to want them, whatever the consequences of not having the money to pay for them on the spot. But then no one claimed the camps were rehabilitative, nor did anyone seem to care that they weren't. This way, there was always plenty of cheap labor to produce the goods and those forced to make the goods were a wonderful source of high-profit slaves a generation later in that their lack of self-discipline seemed to fully extend over into fucking without a thought of the consequences of their actions. "Feeling good for the moment" was a lifestyle with these people, the Goerings always claimed, and the evidence certainly backed them up. For every female entering the camp of breeding age, the Goerings could count on an average of two offspring who would fetch at least $100,000 18 years later.


'Wards' was simply the name used to label the offspring of both the 'investment corps' and 'collaterals,' as described above. Actually slaves for life from the moment of their birth, the offspring legally were lifetime wards of the Goerings who, as their guardians, were responsible for feeding and clothing them as well as training them in what would make them a sellable commodity when mature. In return, the Goerings got to keep whatever they brought at auction in recompense for the expenses of caring for them in their childhood.

'Wards' were brought up without knowing their actual parents, but were carefully watched over by well trained overseers who taught them what they needed to know to be successful slaves in today's society. Hence, they received just enough reading instruction to figure out written commands, just enough arithmetic to do their master's or mistress' shopping, and simple history lessons that emphasized how all human societies had slaves since the dawn of time and various ways slaves had successfully adapted to their lowly status as owned possessions. Philosophy was even taught: Aristotelian teachings that emphasized some men were born to be masters; others, like them, were born to serve without question. Religious instruction consisted of priests telling them it was "God's will" that they were slaves and their worldly obligation was to serve their masters with everything they had if they ever hoped to enter slave heaven where they would still be slaves, of course, but slaves of God who would use them, if they were lucky enough to get there, to keep heaven neat and orderly at all times.

'Wards' generally were kept nude at all time, were collared from birth on to denote their status, and generally branded around the age of 10 with the Goering family coat of arms. They started work around five or six, doing simple tasks, but took on more and more complex tasks as they got older. Similarly, the hours they work extended with their age until, by the time they were of market age, they had been trained to work a full 12 hours day without ceasing and with just two meals a day under their belt. The best looking among them were sold as pleasure slaves to both mistresses and masters, but all 'wards' received full sex training the minute they physically matured. Thus, any of them could fully satisfy anyone buying them in any way an owner could want. Hence, any 'ward' who wasn't grotesquely ugly could expect fairly heavy sexual usage, no matter who bought him or her. It was simply part of being a slave as they well understood by this time. Shame at their nudity was non- existent by the time they were sold; humiliation or embarrassment at being used sexually even in public was also foreign to them by this time. They were slaves and those emotions were unknown to them, thankfully, since they were totally inappropriate for their status.

The Goerings averaged about $100,000 for each 'ward' sold around the age of 17 or 18, the peak age of marketability. Those unusually attractive and sold as pleasure slaves brought up to twice or, exceptionally, three times as much, depending on their beauty as well as bodily attributes, but those not up to standards often sold for as little as $25,000 and were generally sold in lots as industrial and draft slaves. One 18-year-old 6"5" black stud of exceptional musculature and unusual good looks, as well as prodigious sex organs almost always erect, recently sold at a Goering action for $410,000, a record. But, in that same auction, an ugly girl with a cleft palate and a curved spine brought only $8,000, a record low and little more than the value of her transplantable organs. But, as the Goerings present at the auction commented, "there was something for everyone - from the finest flesh for the true connoisseur to have service her or him in a feather bed to just a hunk of miserable flesh for the poorest man to fuck on the floor."


The Goerings weren't the only ones selling slaves outright. Others all over the world were doing the same thing. Their slave supply came from forced breeding operations, secret military and political prisoners, prisons getting rid of people due to overcrowding, parents selling their own children in economic desperation, abductions, and the natural reproduction of existing slave stock all over the world.

The Goerings purchased slaves from these markets selectively, picking out the best the markets had to offer, usually limiting themselves to males 14 to 28 years old, and those who were well trained, exceptionally good looking and sexually endowed, and those who seemed to have no inhibitions whatsoever on use of their bodies. Any slave picked for purchase by the Goerings knew to the core of his being he was a slave for life, his sole purpose was to please his new master or mistress, and that he had no wishes or wants of his own nor should he.

The Goerings paid plenty for such choice stock, usually $100,000 up depending on market conditions, and weren't adverse to paying whatever was necessary to get exactly what they wanted - the very best the market had to offer. Consequently, the Goering's outright purchases were a most attractive lot and were the embodiment of what contemporary slaves should be: handsome, appealing, attractive, compliant, obedient, and sexually eager.

Purchases were always sold naked so a purchaser could see exactly what he was buying. Usually a potential buyer had the right to thoroughly examine a slave prior to purchase in a holding cell where he or she was could be examined all over, including their most private parts, and tested out sexually if so desired. Consequently, most female slaves up for sale had their tits fondled heavily, their clitoris stroked until they were fully excited, and usually fucked right in the holding cell to see how well trained they were. Males generally also had their tits stroked to erection, their balls hefted to see how much they weighted, their penis stroked to full erection, and then were often milked to ascertain the taste, volume, and texture of their man milk before being fucked up their ass and down their throat, again to see the extent of their sexual training. By the time the slave was placed on the auction block, all sweaty from sexual usage, it was more a relief the examinations were over than an embarrassment at being shown like this before hundreds. An auction sale, as well as the pre- sale examination, reminded every slave of his exact circumstances even if his tight slave collar and inevitable ownership brand did not.

Once recent set of purchases was made by Dieter Goering himself at a large auction held in Dubai, timed to coincide with the annual Dubai Breeder's Club Horse Races since most of the world's billionaires would be there for that event anyway, all of them owning at least one or two racing stallions themselves. Since most fanciers of superb horse flesh were also fanciers of superb slave flesh, the two events were almost always held simultaneously for the billionaires' convenience.

Dieter bought three magnificent slaves in the morning sale for a cool 2.5 million out of over 1022 auctioned off (total slave sales came close to one billion dollars that day), a bargain compared to the 5.8 million he plunked down for a single stud horse. All three purchases were a deep tobacco brown (a color of Dieter's preference), all were large (6'2" to 6'6"), all had huge musculature, and all were the epitome of masculinity, including their proportionately large prick and balls (large even when flaccid and huge when erect). All were either 18 or 19 years old, all were superbly trained as potential sex slaves, and all, in the pre-sale inspection, had produced large amounts of thick, fresh semen on demand. One was from Chad and only recently had been enslaved; a second was from Senegal and had been previously owned by a resort in the British Virgin Islands catering to frustrated rich widows; the third was being resold by a couple (a 55-year-old mistress and a 60-year-old master) who had kept him for their own sexual amusements. All three didn't mind being auctioned off to a new life, although they were well aware that life would involve the heavy use of their body to provide sexual pleasures - nothing new about that! When sold at the auction today, it was obvious mistresses and their endless demands to be licked, fondled, fucked, and 'loved' would be nothing but a distant memory. From now on, a master would be calling the shots and they suspected they would be the ones getting fucked from now on for the main part. One thing wouldn't change they were sure: they would be kept nude at all times, their slave collars would remain intact along with their tit rings and genital bands that guaranteed a good display of their bodily attributes at all times, and that they would be milked from time to time for the rich cream in their balls.

In the afternoon sale, Dieter bought two more slaves on a whim: a 17-year-old Libyan brown boy who had been caught a short while back while on a hunting expedition by local slave catchers along with his 18 year-old black slave, a recent birthday gift from his rich merchant father who had mysteriously died shortly thereafter, leaving him without any family at all since he was an only child and his mother had died years before. Both boys were splendiferous: well built, handsome to a fault, and well equipped. The black had obviously been the fuckboy of his slightly younger master but seemed happy in his role. His master was also well satisfied with his personal servant - he fucked his tight ass at least twice a day and had the black suck him at least twice a day in addition, so he was constantly drained of his youthful excess and his black slave had both his ass and his tummy full of rich man cream at all times. The sex slave's brown master was now reduced to being a slave alongside him, but had been around slaves all his life so he knew what to expect in his new life. When the former brown master was first fucked after his capture by the slave catchers, he accepted it without question, knowing all slaves were fucked by their masters, and completed his slave training without rebellion or resistance, although his relationship with his former black slave was more relaxed, now being his colleague rather than his owner so they now fucked and sucked each other when they could rather than maintaining a master-slave relationship. When they were sold off as a pair to the new German master, they seemed to be delighted they could stay together.

Dieter made arrangements for all five newly purchased slaves to be shipped air express back to his estate in Germany where his house steward would quickly complete their training. This would include lessons in cleanliness and hygiene, keeping their bodies in pristine shape through exercise and careful diet, and, of course, advanced sexual training so nothing asked of them in their future life would be unexpected. Such training included instruction on improvement of sucking skills, presentation of their bodies for maximum appeal, and learning how to enhance the experience of fucking them as well as delivering a good fuck themselves when called upon to do so. Even such simple tasks as learning how to cooperate in being milked for their output was covered, although most slaves Dieter purchased, due in large part to their extraordinary sexual appeal, had considerable experience in all of these tasks long before they came into his possession. The brown Libyan and his former black slave were no longer allowed to fuck and suck each other at their discretion - they quickly learned their activities would be strictly controlled by the house steward and any sex would be for the pleasure of their new master or his guests from now on. Nevertheless, the house steward frequently had them fuck or suck each other as part of their ongoing training, along with being paired off with all the other slaves in their training as well. But being housed apart in separate cages was a constant reminder their lives had now changed from the carefree days of the past when the former Libyan master had his cock sucked anytime he wanted and the former black slave he owned had his master's prick stuffed up his ass so often he felt empty without it. The other three slaves purchased had no such romantic entanglements and took to getting down on all fours and spreading their legs for a good fucking, sinking to their knees to suck a big prick all the way down their throat, or mounting a fellow slave to fuck for the amusement of others with a stoic indifference experienced slaves developed over the years.


Finally, there were the Goerings' own carefully bred slaves, produced for specific business and personal interests of the Goerings, especially Dieter Goering. The Goering family had held considerable property in Namibia dating back to the time it was a German colony called German Southwest Africa. One obscure holding was as far off the beaten track as imaginable and could be reached only via a small carefully camouflaged airstrip. Dieter now held title to the property and had quietly turned it into a clandestine slave breeding operation whose products he sold to his most trusted agents for resale to discrete clients or gave as gifts to business associates who shared his values and threw him lucrative contracts when they had the opportunity. Dieter had found over the years that these business associates liked nothing better than the opportunity to actually own another human being and his gifts made the best bribes possible in the world of high finance.

Dieter had set the operation up while his father was still alive and when he was only 17. Now, 20 years later, the investment was paying off handsomely and for the past five years has been producing a good 100 or so slaves a year. Stocked with 100 young women (selected for their beauty, sturdy builds, and fecundity) at the still operational, but somewhat hidden, Namibian slave markets and two huge Namibian studs selected on the same basis, the output was steady (each female yielded a pup a year on the average), losses were very low (personal hygiene and good health habits were rigidly enforced), and the products themselves were spectacular: nice muscular physiques, handsome good looks, and trained to be always eager to please a master, no matter what was asked of him or her. The slaves produced had no concept of freedom, no shame in their constant nudity, no embarrassment in being used sexually, and no aspirations beyond being viewed by their master or mistress as a "good slave."

About 20 of each year's crop were given away as gifts by Dieter himself. The other 80 or so were marketed through agents to mistresses or masters around the world who were willing to pay through the nose for the privilege of actually owning another human being trained to do their bidding, preferred black stock as long as it was highly appealing and sexually stimulating, and had the good sense to keep the actual status of their purchases away from public curiosity. Consequently, the farm's output were generally kept far out of the public eye, secluded from potential kidnappers and predators, kept in pristine condition, and, some said, pampered. Most were purchased for sex, although they usually had a heavy schedule of housekeeping or garden chores assigned as well. All but a few were routinely kept nude at all times for their owner's viewing pleasure, but were dressed appropriately when taken out in public for one reason or another, such as chauffeuring, shopping, etc., where the outfit hid their slave collars (and tit, clitoral and genital rings if a slave was so outfitted). Dieter always picked out the best one or two of the current crop for his own use since the majority of his harem consisted of blacks, a lifelong preference he had since he could first remember.

Dieter's only expenses raising slaves was the cost of the studmaster, a huge Namibian slave Dieter had inherited from his father, his female assistant that served as a midwife as well as a nurse who was bred regularly herself, and upkeep on the barns the stock were kept in. They grew their own food, drew their own water, and clothes weren't needed or allowed. Older stock took care of and trained the younger, the studmaster maintained discipline with a heavy whip, made sure production quotas were met, and arranged the yearly "showing" when a new crop had reached the peak marketable age to carefully selected agents from all over the world, the only time the tiny airstrip was used heavily. Agents took their purchases with them, Dieter took his selected stock (both the ones he planned to give away as well as the additions to his harem) on his own private airplane, so the studmaster and his assistant had actually never left the small farm. Since the broods and the two studs were now aging (the broods had generally produced over 20 pups each and the studs had fathered over a 1000 each), Dieter was planning on selling them off and replacing them within the next year, but the studmaster and his assistant would stay in place - their experience was too valuable to lose no matter how much he was offered for them. Worn-out breeding stock still made good household and farm workers so they still brought a decent price at auction, but nothing like the very high prices their offspring brought when marketed. Overall, Dieter's secret enterprise was proportionately one of his most profitable and the two or so each year for his own harem was a nice extra dividend.


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Next: Chapter 3

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