Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Aug 27, 2008


This story is 100% fiction. The names are not meant to be anyone in real life. If you are 18, then leave, but who's gonn stop you? So be careful. Check out the yahoo group if you want to see some advanced chapters of Adrian and Jaime. Here's the link.


Enjoy chapter 2. Email me at reggaetonart1789@tmail.com or hydrostrike485@yahoo.com with your comments or questions.

Chapter 2

I went to my other classes of the day. I was already tired and yawning during my third period class.

"Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah." I heard.

I sat up quickly and asked the girl next to me if what I heard was correct.

"Yeah, he just said that. We're all wondering why he said that." The girl said.

"Ok, now that I have your attention, let's continue, shall we??" Mr. Rhinelander said with a huge smile on his face. We were all busted for not paying attention to the lesson at all.

We all made believe that we were paying attention and taking notes. I was just doodling my name and looking back and forth between the board and my notebook.


Finally, freedom. And it's lunchtime. I was putting away my notebook when I saw what I had truly written. I saw a heart with Adrian+Jaime in it and a smiley face underneath.

"Oh shit, what's going on with me?" I closed my notebook and shoved it in my bag. I put my bag on and that's when my pocket vibrated.

"What the-?" I asked wondering what the hell was going on in the last 2 minutes of my day. I looked through my pocket and found my cell phone in there.

"Whoa, I thought I lost you three days ago." I smiled at the fact that I found my phone. I guess I forgot that I put it in these pants and left it.

"One of these days, my bad memory is gonn get me in trouble." I opened up my phone and saw I had a text from Max.

"Hey Addy. Need ur help. Me n u 4 lunch?"

"Wat is it?? I got plans alredy w/ sum1."

I walked out of class and went to the first floor for my hour lunch. I walked outside of the school and sat on the steps watching the Bx 12 bus pass by. It was empty which surprised me, so I guess that's why I was intrigued by it. Just then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw that Jaime was looking at me smiling.

"I don't know if you still want to eat with the new kid. Is that ok with you?" he asked so quietly, like he was nervous.

"Yeah, it's fine. Let's go. Now, where do you want to go? There's a pizzeria on Webster Avenue that has pretty good pizza, or there's this Chinese restaurant on the corner of East 188 Street and Tiebout Avenue. So, you decide."

"Ummm, I guess we can go to the Chinese restaurant. I like Chinese. If that's okay with you. If not, pizza is fine." He looked down at his feet again. He was really shy.

"Chinese it is. You like that so I can get it. Let's go. It's about a 5 minute walk." I put my arm around and him and he looked up at my face. I smiled and he put his head back down.

"Cmon, let's start walkin." I took my arm off from around him and started going down the stairs. He looked at me and then started coming down the stairs and caught up with me. We walked up Fordham Road looking at the different stores that were there. We stopped in at V.I.M. on Elm Place for a quick second and moved up the block.

"Uhh, Adrian?" I heard him calling me from behind, although it was very faint. I looked behind me and he had a pair of pants in his hands.

"Yeah Jaime? What's up?" I took the pants from his hands. They were really nice. Dark Blue with the L.R.G. Logo on the back. I looked at the price tag and saw the pants cost 45 dollars. I looked up at him. He was looking at the ground.

"Jaime, you like these pants, don't you."

He nodded but kept looking at the ground. I knew he was shy and scared around me. I don't know why. He shouldn't be. I'm a really nice guy. Well, this gives me a new reason to get to know him better as well as not have him scared of me.

"Jaime. How much money do you have? I'll help you out in buying them." I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up and just stared into my eyes. So much pain, yet a yearning of happiness. He's been through so much pain.

"I don't have any money. I'm, uhh, broke."

"Ok. Cmon, let's go to the registers." I turned around and started walking.

"Wait, why??" It sounded like he was worried.

"Cuz I'm getting the pants. For you. And don't worry about it. It's fine. Cmon, are these pants the right size? If not, get the right ones and I'll get them."

He nodded at me and followed me to the register. I gave the girl the pants and took out my wallet.

"As for this week, we have a sale. Buy a pair of pants, get a shirt of equal or lower price for half off. So if you want, I'll hold the pants and you can grab a shirt. Ok with you?" she said while taking off the safety clips on the pant.

"Yeah, that's good. We'll go now. Cmon Jaime." I started walking away but I felt my arm being grabbed. I looked back and saw Jaime holding my arm. For a skinny guy, he has a strong grip.

"Adrian, please, don't. It's fine. The pants are already too much for you to get me. Please???" he begged at me and gave me some puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist them. They were so beautiful, but so pained. I wanted to take away that pain, make him happy.

"Do we have to, babe?" I looked at him with my own puppy dog eyes.

"Adrian, what did you just call me?" he gave me a questioning look.

"Uhhh, nothing. Just, uhh, get the shirt Jaime. It's fine." I tried coming up with a save.

"Fine, I'll get a shirt. Can you help me?" he looked at the shirts and started walking. I looked back at the lady at the register and she smiled back. Man, I hope she didn't hear me call Jaime babe.

"Adrian, I found this. What do you think??" Jaime held up a blue shirt with a red tree design. I actually had this shirt and it was one of my favorite shirts.

"I like it. I have it too. It's really nice. Just imagine me in it." He stared at me and looked back down. I noticed he was blushing.

"I'll take it, if it's okay." He smiled up at me and I smiled back.

"It's not problem at all. Cmon, we gotta eat. Let's pay and go." He ran to the register and gave the shirt to the cashier. He was so happy. I was glad that I put a smile on his face.

"Ok, your total is 61 dollars. Would you like the receipt in the bag?"

"Yeah, that's good." I smiled while handing her 80 dollars.

"Out of 80. Here's your change. 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 dollars. Have a good day." She gave me back my change.

"Thanks. You too." And we left. We were walking outside when I saw that he was holding his stomach.

"Jaime, you're hungry. Let's get the food so we can go to school. It's up the block." We walked up the block and turned onto Tiebout Avenue. I looked at him and he was staring forward. I nudged him and started laughing. He rubbed his arm up against mine but pulled away quickly.

"It's down the block. We're almost there." We kept walking. We came on the corner of East 188 Street and Tiebout. We saw the Chinese restaurant and I looked at his face and he had a smile. He had such a nice smile, so happy, so joyful. He was a really cute guy. I'm starting to like him. Wait, what am I saying?

We entered the chinese restaurant and went to the register to order. We spent about 5 minutes thinking of what to order. I decided on the Chicken wings with pork fried rice. Jaime decided on General Tso's Chicken with pork fried rice. We gave our orders and sat down.

"Jaime, I got a question and I want you to be completely honest."

"Ok, I will."

"Ok, first, are you gay?" I looked straight into his eyes. He looked down and answered.

"Yeah. I am. I'm sorry. If you want me to leave, I will." He started getting up and I grabbed his hand. He looked back at me and just stared.

"Jaime, sit down. Will you relax? Who cares if you're gay. I'm fine with it. But still, we need to talk and clear things up. So, let's eat, and talk. We have 40 minutes left." I said looking at my phone. He sat back down and looked at my hands. He was so scared.

"Ok, first. I should tell you something Jaime. Ever since I saw you today, I've been feeling different. I've been feeling like I am starting to like you. More than a friend. I hope that's ok with you. You're a really cool guy."

"Yeah, that's fine Adrian. Uhhh, actually, I think you're cute, but I was just nervous about it. I thought you would've beaten me up if I said anything."

"It's fine. I was actually hoping you would." We looked at each other and then down. We hadn't realized that our food had already arrived. We ate our food. Jaime was done first. He was really hungry.

"You were hungry, weren't you. Did you eat breakfast or anything?" I said with rice in my mouth.

"No, I don't eat breakfast much."

"Oh, ok. Well, Jaime, I was wondering if maybe we can do something, you know, go out something. Ok with you?"

"Uhh, I don't know Adrian. That might be a bad idea. Actually, I gotta go. Thanks. I appreciate it." And he ran out. I looked at him leaving and saw tears coming down his face. I looked back and saw he left his clothes there. What was up with Jaime?

I got up, grabbed his clothes and paid for my food. I was just put in the worse mood ever. I can't believe I messed up with Jaime. Man, that was bad. I started walking fast to school thinking along the way.

"There has to be something wrong. If he said it was a bad idea, there's a reason. But why did he say no? And how come he ran out like that? There's gotta be a reason. Why? Man, I wish I knew why."

I put it in the back of my mind and continued walking with his clothes. There was still 20 minutes left in lunch and I just walked around campus.

"Listen, fag, you should just leave this school. We don't want you here. You got that?"

I turned around and saw Manuel Ortiz and Jayson Callahan pushing Jaime around. I looked on. I didn't know what to do. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Max next to me.

"Adrian, help him. He's a new kid. Cmon." Max pleaded with me. Even though Max can be a bad boy, he has a good heart. I ran to where Jaime was. Manny was about to punch Jaime when I tackled him on the ground. I got up and punched Jayson in the chest.

"ADRIAN, BEHIND YOU!!" I looked at Jaime and he was on the ground pointing behind me. I started looking behind me but it was too late. I felt a pain in my back. I stumbled to the ground. I looked behind me and saw Manny standing above me with a smile.

"So now you're protecting that fag now? Why? He'll fuckin want you to fuck him." Manny started laughing. I looked back at Jaime, and saw tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"Yeah, you asshole. I am protecting him cuz he's my boyfriend. If you don't like that then I'll fight you. No one makes fun of me and Jaime. YOU GOT THAT?!?!?!" I was yelling at the top of my lungs. I was getting really mad at Manny. He can be an asshole, but this is the lowest of the low.

"Ok, ok, I got it. Chill. You fags aren't worth my time. I'm out." He turned and started walking away.

"Yeah, be out. No one wants you here." I gave him a lil lasting present when he turned around, I flipped him off. He saw that and kept walking. I stood there watching him go. I didn't know what was going on. I had lost control and Jaime saw me like this. I knew this was a problem for me. I just didn't have control of my anger. But still, during all of what was happening, I felt someone give me a hug. I ws brought back from my trance and turned my head to see who it was. It was Jaime. And he was crying.

"Jaime, cmon, don't cry. Please. You gotta stop." I started stroking his hair, just for him to calm down but it wasn't working. I wrapped my arms around him and I felt him tighten his arms around me. I know that he really liked me. I held him tighter.

"Adrian, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring you into this. Please, forgive me." He was bawling into my chest.

"It's fine. I'm here now. And I'm going to protect you. Don't you worry."

"Adrian, were you joking when you said I was your boyfriend?" he looked at me with red eyes.

"Yeah, I'm serious. If you will let me, then I will be your boyfriend. I want to be. Will you let me, Jaime?" He stared into my eyes and smiled at me put his head into my chest.

"Yeah, I will. I love you Adrian Rodriguez."

"And I love you Jaime Santana." We stayed holding each other for about 5 minutes when I heard the warning bell.

"Uhhh, Jaime, we gotta go to class. The bell rang."

"Oh, ok. Well, I guess I'll see you later." He looked down at the ground

"Hey, you got a cell phone? Maybe we can text." I showed him my phone.

"No, I don't have one. I can't afford one. Neither can my dad."

"Ok, well, how about this. We have five minutes. Call your dad and tell him you're going to be staying with me tonight. Here. Just remember, dial the area code first." I gave him my phone and he looked at it. He opened it up and started dialing. He walked away, enough so I was out of hearing range. During this time, I took out my wallet. I have 348 dollars in total and my credit card that my dad gave me with a 1,500 dollar limit. I gotta find out when his birthday is. That'll be the next thing. When I put my wallet away, I saw Jaime walking towards me crying.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why you crying?" I put my hand on his face and he tilted his head, letting his head rest in my hand.

"I'm going to sleep over, but my dad doesn't want me to. I hate him."

"Hey, don't say that. He's your dad. If you can't, then you can't. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"No, I'm going to whether he likes it or not." He had a look of determination on his face. It was so fierce. I knew I lost. I didn't argue with him.

"Well, ok. I will follow whatever you say. Buuuut, can I have my phone so I can call my mom and let her know?" I gave a smirk and he started laughing.

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot. Here." He handed my phone and smiled. I dialed my mom's number and waited for her to pick up the phone.

"Accounts Payable, Leanne Martinez speaking."

"Hey mom. How's work?"

"Hey Adrian, it's going good. Oh, please don't tell me Maximillian is in trouble again. I'm going to ground him for whatever he did. Like now, I'm texting him saying he's grounded for a month." You see what I mean, mother gets worked up because of my brother.

"Mom, no, Max isn't in trouble. Relax. Everything is fine. Just wanted to ask you something. I was wondering if a friend of mine can stay over tonight. Is that ok?" I was hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah, that's fine. I was gonn call you when you got out of school and ask you if you would mind watching Max tonight. I have a date."

"Yeah, ok. I can do that. No problem. Jaime was gonn come straight home with me on the bus. I think Max is coming with me home too."

"Ok, that's fine. I can leave you some money for food then. I should be home a bit late. If anything, you have my numbers, and there's some emergency money in the hiding place. Hoping Max hasn't found, which I doubt, there's 430 dollars for an extremely rainy day."

"Ok, I'll check to make sure it's there. So I gotta go mom. Bell's about to ring. And I have Jaime next to me."

"Ok, be careful. Bye."

"Bye." and I hung up my phone. I looked at Jaime and smiled at him. He knew what that smile was for.

"Yes, you can stay over. You're coming straight home with me. And you don't need a change of clothes. I just got you new clothes today. And all you need is a toothbrush, and you can use some of my under clothes." I put my arm around him and kissed his forehead. He laughed.

"I will never get used to this."

"RRIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!!" Finall bell. I'm free. I can spend some time with Jaime. I started going down the stairs of the school and I didn't see either Jaime nor Max. I sent a text to Max and told him to meet me at the end of school outside in front of the bus stop. I looked both ways and didn't see them. I went down the stairs and put my bag on the ground. I stood next to the fence hoping I see them soon. I was looking down Fordham Road towards Southern Boulevard and sighed.

"HEY!!!" I jumped up as someone jumped on my back.

"What the fuck? Get off? Who the fuck are you?" I started getting mad.

"Sorry. I guess you don't like people being on your back." I recognized the voice immediately and knew it was Jaime's voice.

"It's fine, hehehe, next time let me know you want a piggy back ride." I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Cmon, we gotta get to the bus stop. We can take the Bx 12 and take the train north at Pelham Parkway or take the Bx. 41 and still take the train at Gun Hill Road. Your choice. Either way, we gotta find my brother Max."

"We can take the Bx. 12. I like taking the trains." He smiled and then pointed at the Bx. 12 bus stop.

"I guess I can say the Bx. 12?" He looked at me and nodded and smiled and I started laughing. I heard my phone ringing in my pocket and took it out. I saw that I had a text from Max. I had a look that I was staring at my phone. I kept staring until I felt Jaime's hand on my face.

"Adrian, what's wrong? You're scaring me. What's going on."

"No, it's just Max. He's gonn take the Bx. 41. I'm not gonn argue with him. Let him deal wit this." I said angrily. I grabbed Jaime's hand and we walked to the bus stop hoping tonight will be good.

Next: Chapter 3

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