Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Nov 14, 2008


The usual applies. So if you're not 18 or older, then get out, but who's gonn catch you if you keep reading? So be careful.

Also, check out the yahoo group. I always post the story there before I send it to Nifty. So it's http://groups:yahoo.com/different_styles_of_Adrian.

just a reminder, this chapter will have two different points of view, not only one

Wow, this is weird. What happened to me? I feel like, like, I don't know. But. Something. Something is definitely not right. Think. What was the last thing I remember. Cmon, I gotta remember. I just have to. Ohhh I don't remember. Man, what happened??? Wait! I'm remembering. Someone. A face. Cornrows. Dark skin. Ohhh man, who are you?? Cmon, think, think, THINK!!!! gasp ADRIAN RODRIGUEZ!!!!

Ohhh man, I just punched Jaime in the face and he's knocked out and his face is swollen. My hand extremely hurts now. Fuck this. Why did I have to go all vigilante on Isaiah? If I hadn't, Jaime would've been fine. Ohhh what is the consequence for this between me and Jaime. Ohhh shit, I don't want to lose him. I honestly love him. I love him sooo much. He's the best thing that's happened to me.

Oww, why does my face hurt? Hmm. Maybe wisdom teeth or something. Wait, why does my face feel swollen? What the fuck happened to my face? I feel like I got a couple of teeth knocked in. Damn, this is fuckin hurting. Well, with the pain aside, where am I?? Cmon, Jaime, you can do it. I know you can. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. Man, why can't I move? I wanna move next to him. To kiss him. He needs it. He needs me.

Ohhh Adrian, where are you? I'm scared. ADRIAN!!!! Ohh man, I'm scared. I'm all alone. I need you babe. I need you. I love you. I never said it before, but I need you and I love you. Now, come get me out of this lonesome place.

Ohhh, Jaime, come back to me, I need you. I need you sooo much. You're the one who's brought me back to myself. I need you sooo much. I love you. I need my baby boy back. Please, give him back.

I need you Adrian Rodriguez. I love you.

I need you Jaime Santana. I love you.

I kept looking at Jaime and nothing, no movement. I wanted to kill myself right then and there. What had I done? He was never going to want to speak to me ever again. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. I saw Isaiah right next to Jaime. He was rubbing his hair, calling his name. Nothing. Silence. That's all it was. Silence. It was disturbing. It was such a horrific feeling. I just stood there.

I kept walking around this dark place. Why did I have to come here? Why couldn't I come to a place full of Pokemon?? I mean, I love Pokemon, who doesn't. But this, this is like Hell. Wait, what if I'm there already? I wanna get out of here, but I'm guessing this is my eternal punishment. Why me?

I felt my leg twitch. I looked down and I saw that my left leg moved. It was ahead now. Cmon, keep going. My legs kept walking over till Jaime. I looked at him. Right at my feet. Thank God. I pushed Isaiah away and took Jaime into my arms.

"Baby Boy, please, I know you can hear me. Come back to me. I need you. I need you everyday. I love you. I love everything about you. Come back to me. To us. To Isaiah. To Max. And especially, come back to the one person who loves you. Please? Ohhh Jaime, come back." I couldn't hold it back. I was crying so hard. I didn't even look at Isaiah. I didn't want to. This was my fault. No one elses.

I heard crying. But it was a familiar voice. Where have I heard it before?? I heard muffled talking. What was it saying?? Cmon, concentrate. "come back to the one person who loves you. Please? Ohhh Jaime, come back." It was Adrian. I can't believe it. He loved me. And he was crying for what he had done. I need to get back somehow. How?

I told Jaime how I truly felt. And I cried about it. I couldn't help it. I had truly fallen in love with him. Now I needed to get him back. I kept rubbing his hair. Trying to do anything in my power to wake him up. I was crying a lot, tears streaming down my face and falling onto Jaime. I wanted to be with him.

I kept walking, hearing the faint sound of crying. I just didn't know where it was coming from. I saw someone standing a few feet in front of me. Hmm. I walked behind them and saw it was a guy with cornrows. I turned around and saw it was Adrian with tears streaming down his face. Why was he crying? I hugged him very hard and started kissing his ear.

"No, you left me Jaime. Leave me alone. Get off."

"No, I'm not doing that. I know you love me. I love you soooo much and I'm not giving up without a fight. I love you." He stayed quiet. Looking into my eyes. It was like he was judging me, seeing my soul. He blinked and smiled. He leaned in to kiss me and gave my a kiss on my forehead and hugged me.

"I know you love me Jaime. I always knew. I was nervous to say it. I thought you were going to laugh in my face.

"No, I wouldn't. I would say it back."

"Ok. Well, Jaime, now you need to wake up and be with me. So wake up baby boy. Wake up cuz I'm waiting for you in my arms." I was looking at him weird and wondering what he was talking about.


I was crying and I heard a loud gasp coming out of Jaime's body. I looked down and saw that his eyes were open. He was looking at my face and tears were still streaming down my face, shocked that he had woken up. He looked at my face, grabbed my face and kissed me so hard. I felt his tongue entering my mouth. His mouth was warm, and I tasted cherry candy again, a taste I always received when I kissed Jaime. I was happy. My love was back. The one person who I wanted to take care of, he was back. . . . And I was gonn have him here for as long as I can.

I'm back. I feel the pain in my cheek but the sight I saw first was just enough to make me happy. I saw Adrian. The one guy I loved. I had him in my dreams and I had him in real life. . . . And I wanted to keep him with me forever.

"Baby boy, how you feelin? I'm soooo sorry for punching you. You know I would never do that to you. Please, I'm soooo sorry. I'll treat you like the king, my king, I promise you baby boy. I promise you with my life." Adrian said, his voice trembling. "Addy, it's fine. I love you. I'm not letting you go so easily. Believe me." I knew I had to show him I was happy to be with him. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. Not a long one, but one with enough passion that he knew I would always be there. He smiled and hugged. I was really happy that I had him in my life.

I got up from off the floor and had Adrian hold me up. I looked at my brother Isaiah and he had a look of anger on his face. As if he didn't want me hanging onto Adrian. I knew that he didn't like it, but still, Adrian was my boyfriend and there was nothing that was going to change that. Nothing.

"Baby, do you still want to come with me? After everything that just happened? I would really like it." Adrian looked into my eyes and I felt sadness pouring from them. His eyes, dark brown with little specs of light brown in them. There were amazingly nice. I smiled at him but he still had his look of sadness.

"Of course. This weekend is for us. No one else." When I said this, I saw Isaiah walk away into his room. I'll deal with him later I guess. I got off of Adrian and walked to my room. I had my dresser and 3 mattresses on the floor. I really liked it like that. I hated beds. I always liked being on floors. I went to my dresser and took the last 3 pairs of socks and 2 boxers.

"Baby boy, we gotta get you some new clothes. That's what we're gonn do today also. We're gonn go to Bay Plaza or Fordham and get some new clothes and I'm not letting you slip out of it." Adrian said. I guess he saw the only clothes I had were little bits and pieces. Well, I do need new clothes, but I'll feel bad that it's from Adrian.

"Ok. We can go. Where can we go for boxers? I kinda don't like K-mart. I'm sorry." I looked down. I didn't want him to know that I had preferences to clothing.

"We can go to Target on 225th street. They have plenty of boxers and clothes there. As for jeans, shirts, tees, we'll do that another day because I wanna go to downtown Manhattan for that." He grabbed the boxers from my hand and threw them on the bed. He grabbed my hands and put them around his waist and gave me a strong hug. His smell of cologne was strong, but not strong to say it's too much. The smell of Tommy was wafting from his clothes, hitting my nose at full force yet, gentle. Very calming. He let me go and I took my hands off his waist and smiled. I continued looking for clothes even though there wasn't much. Finally, I grabbed a plastic bag and put my clothes in.

"No, no no no no no, you're not putting clothes in a plastic bag. Fuck it. Leave your clothes here. Cmon, we're starting ALL over. All new clothes. Cmon." I looked at him in shock. It was already almost 3 in the afternoon. I was wondering what shopping we can do. I put my things down and left my room. My apartment, not knowing when will be the next time I will ever return. Adrian and I went downstairs to the bus stop. We waited for a few minutes and saw a bus coming down the hill. The M100. Inwood, W 220 St, via Broadway. I looked at him.

"That's not our bus. We gotta take the Bx. 7 thatll take us to the Bronx and 225th Street. We're gonn get you underwear, socks, t-shirts, anything." He looked away, not once seeing a smile come out of his face. I continued looking up the hill. I saw another bus coming down. It was the Bx. 7. I took out my MetroCard and so did Adrian. The bus stopped and we boarded in silence. I have never seen him like this. Granted, this is my second day of seeing him, but, Adrian, he's always got a smile on his face. He sat down in the back first and I sat next to him. Goin down the hill. Near West 207 Street, he did something I wasn't expecting. He grabbed my hand, and held it tight. He put his head on my shoulder. I looked at him and he had closed his eyes. And with that, all was said. All was heard. All was, most definitely, understood.

I nudged Adrian in the side. Not hard, I'm not a mean person, just hard enough to let him know that we were crossing the Broadway Bridge. He got up slowly and smiled at me. He tried letting my hand go but I didn't let him. He looked at me, and I mouthed to him "I love you Adrian." He mouthed back to me "I love you too Jaime" and smiled. He pushed the tape and the bus stopped at 225 Street. We got off and ran across tje street so we can start walking to Target. I had heard about this Target. They put it here a few years ago, I think in 2004 or 2003. I started laughing and Adrian looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Uhhh, Jaime, you ok?"

"Huh, oh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm laughing because it's been here for a few years already and I haven't been here at all."

Adrian started laughing and we had a good time. We entered Target and it looked big on the outside, it was big on the inside all right. I looked around and Adrian put his arm around and smiled. We started walking towards the socks area. I saw some green socks and immediately went to them. My favorite color is green so when I saw them. They definitely caught my eyes. Adrian had gotten a carriage out of nowhere and pointed to it and smiled. I put the socks in there and started smiling to. We grabbed to packages of different kinds of socks. Crew socks, for sleeping. Ankle socks, for going out and some other ones. We put them in the carriage and went to the underwear section. I looked around and Adrain decided to be the doofus and bring me a pair of skimpy undies that had a bow tie on them and another that was of a Christmas hat for holding one's present, if you wanna call it.

"You are kidding, right?"

"Nope." He looked at me smiling an amazing grin. Wow, he was a dork.

"Ok, put em in. We can use them for tonight." As soon as I said tonight, his eyes grew amazingly huge and he was happy. He threw them in the carriage, grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the cash register.

"What are you doing, chuckle stop pulling me, Adrian laugh." He looked back at me and smiled.

"I wanna go home now. I wanna test these underwear." I broke out in laughter. I already knew the Christmas hat was for him. He was gonn tell me, "Christmas has come early. Open your present." I just knew it. I pulled him back and pointed at the clothes in the carriage and he understood. We walked back to the underwear section to continue picking out clothes. I picked out some nice green and blue plaid boxers, some Fruit of the Looms, some Joe Boxers and finally, at the request of Adrian, silkies for playtime. I took one that was silk, and a royal blue, the first one Adrian suggested, and I took a red one, a black one, and a green pair that were boxers, but silk and tight. He really liked those. We went to the t-shirts and took 3 packs of t-shirts, and 2 packs of long sleeve shirts. He told me to get these because they are good for keeping warm during the winter so I obliged. We went to pay for all of the clothes when I looked over to the game systems

and electronic area.

"Baby, have you ever had a game before?" I looked at him and started walking away. I never did, always wanted one but never acted on it. Never had the money too. I took the carriage and walked away. I looked behind and saw that Adrian wasn't behind me. I wonder where he went?

"Adrian? Where are you?" I stood there waiting for him and he came around the corner with a new a new box in his arms. I saw it when he came closer. It was an XboX 360 Elite with 3 games, Halo 3, NBA 2K8, and WWE Raw vs. Smackdown 2009. I figured out that Adrian is a wrestling fan because of all the Rey Mysterio posters. Truth be told, Rey Mysterio is my favorite too.

"What are you doing with that?" I looked at him wondering why did he have those things with him.

"Baby boy, you will be the proud owner of an XboX 360 and a few games. Tomorrow, if we have time, I'm gonn get you more." He smiled and I didn't know what to say. So I stayed quiet about it. I mouthed "I love you" to him and he smiled.

"I know you do Jaime, that's no surprise there." Such a cocky attitude. I loved it. I love him. He's amazing. We went to the cash register and paid for everything. Everything came out to over 600 dollars. I looked at him and he took out a card. The lady swiped it through, Adrian pushed a couple of numbers in, and she gave him a receipt. I picked up some of the bags but Adrian didn't let me carry them. I smiled at him and we left Target.

"Adrian, what do we do now? Are we really going to Fordham with all this?" I asked waiting for the Bx. 9. He smiled at me and looked away.

"We're gonn go to my place first. Then, back to Fordham for some outfits, then we're going back to my place for the night. Cmon, the 9 is turning. Here it comes." We both got up and waited in line for the bus. We got on, paid, and were on our way to Fordham Road and Webster Avenue, to take the Bx. 41 and back to Adrian's house.

We walked off the bus and started the 5 minute walk to my place. I was feeling a bit tired but I told Jaime that we were going to drop off the things we bought at Target and go to Fordham. I'm just too tired. This morning took a lot out of me and I was just emotionally and physically drained. I wonder if Jaime sensed it. It was such a drain in my energy. I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep. That was it. I felt bad for feeling this way.

"Jaime, my keys are in my right pocket. Can you get them baby?" I looked at Jaime with a failed attempt at the puppy dog eyes he does to me. He smiled and grabbed my keys from my pocket. I showed him which key was the one and he opened the door. We went upstairs and before he opened the door, he turned around and gave me a long kiss.

"Adrian, I love you. A lot." He looked down and sad.

Since my hands were full, I used my body and pushed him against the wall. He looked at me shocked.

"Baby boy, I know you do. I've been knowing that." I gave him a kiss on the lips and he smiled. He opened the door and we went inside.

"Adrian? Is that you?" Ohhh crap, it was my mom. Well, I knew this moment was gonn happen, I just didn't mentally prepare myself for it. I walked straight to my room and put Jaime's new clothes on the bed and put the XboX 360 on the floor next to the window. Jaime sat down on the bed and looked at me. He was worried cuz he sensed that we had to talk with my mom. I wanted to do it when Max wasn't home, so it would just be my mom, Jaime and myself, hoping for the best.

"Babe, stay here. Let me see if Max is home. If he is, then I'm gonn try to make him leave. If he isn't, then I'll come get you to meet my mom." He nodded in response and I left the room, hoping that this will go all well.

I noticed that Max wasn't home, what a stroke of luck. Heh, either good or bad, I still hadn't decided but it was luck nonetheless. I went back to my room and signaled Jaime to come with me. He followed on my heels and we saw my mom was in her room.

"Ohhh, hey baby, how are you?" She asked me smiling.

My mom was a likeable woman, but like I said before, big mouth. She had her hair down with her recent auburn highlights and black hair. She had fair skin, tan like mine, but a bit lighter. She had her earrings on, and her red nails were long, but not extremely long, like I have seen on some Puerto Rican women. My mom kept them in check. She was a full woman, but she looked very skinny, prompting her plenty of times to say that she was fat, when she never was, even when she was pregnant with me or my brother. To be honest, it was like she was never pregnant at all. Her figure was just amazing, curves in the right places. Basically, I guess, I inherited my mom's good looks genes and they were modified for a boy, me.

"I'm fine. Tired, but fine. Uhh, mom, we kinda need to talk to you. It's really important." I looked at her and her smile disappeared.

"Ok, talk. Are you guys okay? Did something happen?" Ugh, like always, whenever Max and I need to talk to her, it's always something bad. Hmmm, can't really blame her though. We have pulled some bad things in the past.

"Mom, we're fine, but. . ." I looked at Jaime and he looked back at me. Then, we looked in each other's eyes and he grabbed my face and gave me a long passionate kiss in front of my mom. When he pulled away, I was shocked. I couldn't believe he did that. In front of my mom, no less. I turned my head slowly and looked at my mom straight in the eyes.

"Finally, I was wondering when you would find a boyfriend. And this one is cute. I like him. Where did you find him?" She gave me an evil smirk and I knew everything was going to be fine.

"Mom, you're okay with me being gay and having a boyfriend??" I was still shocked. I wanted to make sure.

"Yeah, I've been knowing that you're gay. Cmon, don't you remember Nickolas? From Freshmen year? His mom is good friends with me. She told me that he came out to her and I was trying to set you two up to be together, but nothing happened so I gave up and decided that you'll go gay on your terms. Now, is that all??"


That's all I thought.


"Actually, no, there isn't. Mom, Jaime needs a place to stay. He's livin on the streets, he gets hit by his dad and he doesn't like where he lives. Could he stay with us?"

"Hmm, do you love him." She looked at me. At the moment, I grabbed Jaime into a hug and looked into her eyes. My eyes looked like they were about to start releasing tears. I held him tight against me, and soon enough, tears starting falling. I couldn't help it. I loved him. Everything. I wanted to have him happy.


With me.

"Well, okay. But as a trial basis. First, some ground rules. You can have sex, blowjobs, handjobs, whatnots and whatevs." I started smiling.

"BUT, it has to be done in your room. If no one is here, then the house is yours, except my room."

I smiled at Jaime and he was happy.

"Oh, and not the kitchen. I mean, we eat there. I'm pretty sure I don't wanna smell my son's cum or his boyfriend's for that matter in the kitchen. Next, making out, do it as much as possible, now, later, I wanna see love. I know you care about each other, so no need to hide it. Next, condoms, I will not ask who is top and bottom," I interrupted her on that.

"We haven't done anything yet. All we've done is kissed and he gave me a blowjob. I thought having sex may be a bit too soon for it."

"Ok, well, nonetheless, if you guys don't have money and need condoms, let me know. I'll be happy to buy some. Actually, I need to buy some for Angel anyways." (Angel's the boyfriend, fyi, just in case some people were wondering.)

"Ok, uhhh, too much info mom. But yeah, now that you know, dad kinda knows too. I saw him last night." I knew she would get mad. Her and my dad really don't get along anymore. It was more on a physical relationship. Yeah, sex, but ehh, sex is good. Right?? Right????

"Ugh, I hate that man. One of these days, he's gonn get it with that shit. Oh well, lucky I have no part with him anymore. I have my 3 sons and I'm all set."

"Three sons?? Mom, uhh, what???" I was very shocked by this. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh, Jaime, duh, he's my son now. I'm telling you right now Addy, treat him right. He's a good boy as from what I can tell. But yeah, go, I'm late for Titi Maria's party for Janetta." She got off her bed and shooed us out of her room. I looked back at the door and smiled. My mom always came through.

I walked to my room again with Jaime in front of me. I fell on my bed, and that was it. I was out. But before, I was fully gone, I felt someone take off my clothes and put their head on my chest. I knew it was Jaime. The blanket was laid on me and I felt warm as I wrapped my arm around Jaime and went to sleep.

I woke up with a slight start and looked at the clock next to Adrian's bed. It said 8:55. Ohhh, Naruto was about to begin. I loved Naruto. I'm not sure if Adrian would like having a boyfriend that watched anime. But I wasn't sure if I should tell him or not. I slowly got up from Adrian's bed, slowly because he was still holding me. I went to the living room and saw that the apartment was warm but dark and quiet. I guess it was only myself and Adrian in the whole apartment. I turned on the TV and saw that there were still commercials going. Well, since I lived here, I guess I can get something to eat. Or maybe not. Hmmm, I'll wait and see if Adrian wakes up. I kept watching the tv and Naruto began. It was a movie that was coming on, "Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom" and I wanted to watch it. About half an hour past and I felt something behind me. I turned around and nothing was there. I continued watching the tv.


"AHHHHHH!!!! ADRIAN, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???" I was really mad at him. I looked at him and his smile disappeared. He looked like he was about to cry. I felt sadness from him.

"I'm sorry Jaime. I won't do it again baby boy." He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me. His warm chest felt good against me. I jus had a wifebeater on and a pair of basketball shorts on. He just had another pair of basketball shorts on. I hugged him back I wouldn't stay mad at him. I pulled him to the couch. He sat down and I laid down with my head in his lap. He began rubbing my head with his warm hands. I kept watching Naruto until finally, it had finished. I'll admit that I watched it, but I didn't really pay attention. I was paying more attention to Adrian. I felt his warmth from his cock radiate onto my face. I could have sworn I felt his cock twitch a few times. When Naruto finished, I got up and Adrian had fallen asleep. I gave him a kiss on the lips to try to wake him up.

"Mmmm, Jaime?" He replied groggily. I knew he was tired. He needed some rest.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you hungry?" I looked at him smiling. He closed his eyes and nodded his head yes. I went to the kitchen and looked around. I found some chicken breast that was already thawed out. I took it out, seasoned it, and put it in the oven. Hopefully it would be done soon. We hadn't really eaten anything all day except for this morning. I found the rice and began cooking it. I felt good that I was cookin for my man, just thinking this made me smile. I went to the living room and woke up Adrian again. He got up and went to the kitchen rubbing his eyes. He looked into the fridge but didn't take anything out.

"Babe, let's watch some tv. That way, you don't fall asleep again. Ok?" I rubbed his shoulders and he smiled at me. We went to the living and saw that Robot Chicken was on. I decided that maybe he wasn't into this so I wanted to do something that he would be interested in.

I started rubbing his legs slowly, through the basketball shorts. He twitched once, maybe I had touched a sensitive and ticklish spot. I started going further up, towards my prize. He groaned a little when I finally put my hand on his cock. I started massaging it and soon enough, I felt it growing underneath my hand. The warm feeling I felt in my hand was long gone and I now felt a radiating heat that continued to heat up as he got bigger. Finally, he was at his maximum hardest. I really haven't asked Adrian how big he was, but I took a guess at it and thought it was 9 inches. Maybe more. Maybe less. But still, he was big and that was good. Since according to his mom's rule, no one was in the house, so we can do it anywhere. I wanted to take advantage of that. I lowered his basketball shorts only enough to see his head sticking out. The shorts were really straining now as they fought his hardon but they were gonn lose if I wanted it so badly. I gave it

a few strokes and he gasped lightly followed by taking in a deep, long, breath.

"You ok?" I asked, making sure.

"Yeah, your hands are cold." He chuckled.

"Sorry." I was embarassed. I didn't mean to freeze his cock. I continued rubbing it and a drop of precum slipped out. I rubbed my finger through it and spread it all over his head. I got real close and began licking his head and finally took it all the way down my throat. I started massaging his cock with my tongue and throat muscles. His cock was twitching with rage. It was hitting the back of my throat with such force that I actually wanted to feel that somewhere else.

"Adrian? Can we?" I looked at him and stared into his eyes. He moved to my face so quickly, grabbed my face, and began kissing me with such passion.

"Yes, I want to. Let's do it. I need your ass sooo badly." He picked me up and brought me to his room. He started taking off his clothes slowly so I can watch everything he does. It was amazing. His six pack, his tan skin, his hair, still in a ponytail because he took out his rows a bit earlier. He was down to his boxers, once again blue. He bent down and gave me a kiss and smiled.

"Now it's your turn. Cmon." He said airily, with that sexy voice he does a lot. I began taking off my shirt and put it on the floor in front of the window. I looked at him and smiled while nodded in approval of what I did. I got up off the bed and put my hands on his shoulders and brought them down until they were on his strong stomach. I looked into his eyes and I saw a few sparkles that I had never noticed before. I took my hands off and decided to take off my pants. I left my boxers on, like him, and sat on the bed. He came towards me and pushed me softly onto the bed. I looked up at the ceiling. It felt unreal. I saw stars on the ceiling that I had never noticed before, glow in the dark shooting stars and planets that were glowing blue, red, and green. It was like sex underneath the stars. I felt time slow down until finally, still, and I looked at Adrian, he stood in that same spot as well. He benÞ over and lowered my boxers slowly until my cock was exposed. This was the first time he had ever seen it. I was about 7 and a half

inches. That was only a guess, cut too. I think that turned on Adrian because I looked back at the ceiling and began seeing stars, literally. I looked at him and saw that he began sucking on my cock and it felt amazing. For some reason, I really didn't leak a lot of precum normally. I wonder if I was now. Not that it mattered, I wanted Adrian to make love to me, not me to him. I don't think I can do that. A few minutes later, he got off my cock and licked his lips. I was soo turned on by him.

"How you feeling?" He smugly said.

"Fine, now, your turn." I replied.

He laid down on the bed and put his hands behind his head. I saw some vaseline on the dresser and I immediately thought to myself "Does this boy have lube?"

"Babe, do you have lube or something? It's gonn hurt me without it." I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, I do." He got up to walk to his dresser and took out a tube of KY gel. Hmm, he must have known because it was never opened or used. He closed his dresser and tossed it to me. I was finally gonn do this with Adrian Rodriguez. He laid back down onto the bed and I lowered my boxers to see his fully erect Puerto Rican cock sticking straight up, pointing to the sky. I put a lot of lube on it to make sure it was slippery enough.

"Wait, baby boy, let me do you. Iight with you?" He held my hand and I let go of the lube. He took the lube and put some onto his hand. I turned around and waited for him to start. I felt his hand on my ass going up and down.

"Yeah, you know you got the booty of a Puerto Rican?" I started laughing like crazy.

"Hmmm, maybe it's cuz I am Puerto Rican? Maybe that has to do with it, huh?" I turned back around.

I felt his warm hands still holding onto my ass. His hands were warm and gentle but still firm. I felt him give small kisses on my ass then a final lick to each side. He put his fingers in between and started spreading the lube all over. He stuck a finger in and moved it around. I was feeling good as it is with one finger but he put in two and rocked me out of my mind. I just wanted his fingers and nothing else. I was still facing away from him when he took out his fingers and wrapped his arms around me. His cock was already sticking up so all that was needed was a bit of direction. I felt his head on my hole and him pushing in. I tried relaxing as much as I can and when he felt he was getting in, he shoved his whole entire cock in.

"Ohhhhh shit. Jaime, you got a nice hot tight ass, Baby Boy. Mannn, maddddd tight."

He kept moaning into my neck while feeling his cock deep in my ass. I wasn't in pain, I was in pleasure. Not even when he pushed in, it didn't hurt. It was amazing. I didn't want it to end. He picked me up and put me face down on the bed. I felt him pull out slowly halfway and then thrust back in. I grabbed the sheets to his bed and held on tight. He kept pulling out halfway and thrusting back in fast. It was an amazing feeling. I didn't want him to go slow, but not too fast either. The speed he was going was perfect, he was perfect. The perfect boyfriend. The perfect relationship with the perfect opportunity of sex. He kept going in and out, and all over groping, grabbing my shoulders, holding me down onto his cock. I felt his strong hands pull me up and he was still in me. He grabbed my chest and laid onto the bed. I felt his cock go in even deeper by us laying there face up. He wrapped his legs and arms onto my body and continued to fuck me harder,

deeper, faster, more movement, more moaning, more gasping. I felt every twitch, every second he held me harder, his fucking got stronger. I was happy and moaning, groaning, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Adrian, I'm cummin. Keep going." I miraculously gasped out. He grabbed my cock and tighlty held it.

"You're not gonn cum till I say you can. Got it? I wanna cum wit u and I sure as hell aint ready, but I'm close."

I grunted out a yes and he held onto my cock harder. I squeezed my ass around his cock and that must have pushed him over the edge because he was thrusting harder until I felt blast after blast of his hot stream of cum entering my ass. This put me over the edge and I felt my cum going through my body and finally coming out. Good thing too because Adrian had let go right at the last second. My shot went all over the place, my face, his face, his bed. I was extremely happy that it had finally happened. He finished and wrapped his arms around me and held me.

"Wow, that was just amazing. I love you soooo much Adrian." I put my hands onto his and turned my head so I can see him

"Yeah, it was. You're the best. I love you back Jaime." When he said this, he held me tighter and kissed my neck.

"Addy, we gotta get up. The chicken is gonn burn." I smiled and he let go. I got up and finally felt his cock slip out. We both cleaned up and put our clothes on. Now, we weren't just Adrian Rodriguez and Jaime Santana, we were Adrian and Jaime, one made for the other in love.

So that's Chapter 6. Yeah, wow, took me long enough. Sorry, I've been busy because my birthday is on Monday, November 17, so I've been planning that and working as well and schoolwork, in the end, it all piles up. Well, I hope I can do Chapter 7 really soon, but I know it'll be done before Christmas. Remember, no more tmail address so any comments, criticisms, or things like that, send it to hydrostrike485@yahoo.com or reggaetonart1789@aol.com. Cmon, let me know what you like or what you don't like about the story. And always remember about my yahoo group as well. The link for my yahoo group is up top.


Next: Chapter 8: Different Styles of Adrian Delay 2

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