
By andy t

Published on Dec 26, 2000


Standard nifty rules apply: Don't read if you are under 18 (Although if you are under 18 and have come this far, these words probably won't stop you, but you have been warned)

Don't read if it is illegal for you to do so in your area

If consenting sex between two teenage boys offends you, then skip ahead to page four, or just don't read any of this story at all.

************************************************************************ "I know the feeling, it is the real thing, I know you feel it too. That perfect moment, that golden moment, you can't refuse the embrace." Faith No More-"The Real Thing" ************************************************************************

The boys slept in each others arms until after noon. The effect of the previous days full contact scrimmage had finally arrived. Both were sore and slow to getting up and around. They showered together, each washing the others injured body. Practice was early that day, so any further activity would have to wait until later in the day.

Friday practices were typically a laid back affair, often with out pads. That day was no exception. Just the normal stretching and running. The coaches spent a lot of time running plays, ensuring that both Nate and Jarret knew what to do come game time. The season started next week, and they had plenty of learning to do in a short time. It was a fairly uneventful session, most of the varsity welcomed the new players. A few though, were less than thrilled.

After pracice, Nate and Jarret were hanging around the locker room, waiting to use the showers. Being the plebes that they were, they were forced to wait until everyone else had gone before them. Upon finally showering and dressing, they were on their way out of the gym when they were stopped by Cody Little, starting quarter back.

"Hey, you two, wait up!", he shouted, running to catch up. "You guys got plans tonight?"

"No not really, probably just gonna hang out together," Jarret spoke for the both of them.

"No your not, I'm having a party tonight, and I want you two to be there. I'm talking kegs, liquor and all the pussy you could ever want to fuck", said Cody, informing them of their new plans for the evening.

"Do you really think that's a good idea? Taylor was acting like he was gonna fuck Nate up," Jarret queried. Ever since Coach Grinstead put his job on the line, Eric Taylor had been less than cordial to Nate.

"Fuck him, this is my party, my house, my team. If he tries to start anything with you, we will issue him a beating. There are allot of guys who would love to make him taste his own teeth," Cody continued, obviously Mr. Taylor wasn't the most popular person in the world. "The party starts at eight, show up after then. Bring your girls if you want, unless you'd rather fuck each other. If that isn't your thing, there will be allot of pussy out by the pool. Either way, be there. It'll be good for you to get to know the team on a more social level." And with that he left.

"What do you think? Should we go?" Nate asked.

"Fuck yeah, why not? You heard him, they won't let Taylor touch you. Besides, like he said, we should meet the team on a social level. If we're gonna play with these guys, we oughta know them."

"OK, what time you coming over?"

"Probably about six-ish. I'll bring my guitar, see if we can't learn you something"

"K, see you then"

They each left their separate ways. Nate was a little worried about tonight. Taylor was bigger than he was. What if he tries to kick my ass, he thought. Fuck him, he decided. If he wants me, I won't back down. What better way to make him look bad, than to stand up to him. If he wants me, let him come get it.

He arrived home to an empty house, as he had expected. His father had worked allot, leaving Nate by himself quite often. Recently, he had also started dating, finally rejoining the social scene years after his wife passed away. Nate was used to being home alone, but often times, the walls bared the tragedy the had occurred within them. Being there alone during these times was horrible for Nate. Often times, such as this, he would remember his mother, sometimes the good memories, sometimes the only bad one he had of her. That one bad memory usually superseded the good ones. Like the many times before, he started to cry. It wasn't as bad as before, but when Jarret arrived, he knew what had happened.

"Dude, you OK?" He asked with obvious concern. Although he had been witness to many breakdowns, he was always unnerved at the sight of his friend in such emotional distress.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just the usual, you know. Ya bring your guitar."

"Yeah, its out in the mud room, you sure you're OK? You look upset."

"Look, I said I was fine. Just get your shit and bring it in here." Nate was already getting a little agitated. He knew Jarret was concerned, but Christ he was started to be a little to motherly.

"Alright, you don't have to get bitchy with me for caring."

"I'm sorry, but if I say I'm fine, then let's just leave it at that. I'll make it up to you, I promise," he apologized, winking.

Jarret went and got his guitar, and upon return, they decided that they would play "Smells Like Teen Spirit'. That being one of the only songs that Nate knew the whole way through. They ran through it perfectly the first time through.

"OK, what next?" Jarret asked.

"How bout Would'?", Nated suggested. It was another easy song, both knew it pretty good.

They worked their way through it with only a few mistakes on Nate's part. His practice had been paying off. Jarret offered up "Higher Ground", Nate groaningly agreed. With a pick he was adequate, but when it came to slapping and popping, he made a rather terribly noise. This time however was different. much to both of their surprise, he did it perfectly. He even was able to sing the chorus, without slipping up.

Both conceded that it was probably best to leave it at that, and took off their respective instruments. They looked at each other, knowing what the other was thinking. There was time to kill before the party. What better way to kill it than with a little bit of nookie?

With out so much as a word between them, they came together in a kiss. It was less clumsy than their first attempt the day before. Nate lay Jarret down upon his bed, broke off the kiss and started to undress his lover. First the shoes, then the socks. He sat Jarret up, and slowly pulled off his shirt, exposing the teens rippled chest and already erect nipples. He undid the belt that was standing in the way of his triumph. This was his favorite part, it was like opening a birthday present. He knew what he was getting, but the anticipation of receiving it was unbearable. Jarret lifted his hips to ease the process, and Nate promptly slid them off, revealing the six inch treasure beneath. As always, Jarret had declined to wear any underwear. That didn't bother Nate in the least, he actually had expected it. He knew his friend all to well.

He took his lovers tool into his mouth halfway, teasing the head with his tongue. Jarret lay back in the ecstasy that was overwhelming his body. Nate worked his friend's engorged member, stopping only to suckle the two large balls hanging underneath.

"Stop, and take off your clothes," Jarret said between breaths. He just had to have his lover right then. Completing the circle was all he wanted to do right then. His uncertainty of starting this relationship had exited him. Being with Nate from then on was all he knew he wanted.

Nate stood and went to his CD player and popped in a CD. "What'cha playing?", Jarret asked. Nate looked at his as if to say you'll hear it in a second. Before long, the all to familiar drum beat that started NIN's "Closer" was booming through the room. Nate stood up on the edge of his bed and started performing a strip tease to the beat of the music. First his shirt was flung without aim, he undid the top button on his shorts, and slowly released the zipper. His shorts dropped down to his ankles, exposing a pair of tented briefs that were stretched to the point of ripping. Kicking his shorts into the corner, he put his thumbs into the elastic of his briefs and slid them down at a pace that was painfully slow for Jarret to watch. When his drawers finally hit the corner, both boys looked at each other, and along with Trent Reznor, sang, "I want to fuck you like an animal...I want to feel you from the inside." At Mr. Reznors cue, Nate knelt down and crawl over to his exposed lovers side.

They kissed briefly before switching into a sixty-nine. Each was already to explode. Their teenage bodies worked into a molten frenzy. Swallowing each other for all it was worth had a quicker reaction than wither had expected or wanted. It was only a few minutes before Nate's six and a half inches offered up its creamy goodness to Jarret's eagerly awaiting tongue. Feeling Nate's penis swell inside his mouth cause a kneejerk reaction in Jarret's loins that sent his own wave of liquid pleasure into Nate's mouth. This time however, it was Nate who had trouble coping with the size of the load that was launched into his mouth. He swallowed what he could, and promptly lapped up what had spilled out.

The lay there, savoring the moment for several minutes before Nate crawled around and situated himself by Jarrets' side. Nate rolled over, half on top of Jarret, laying chest to chest.

"I love you Jarret Carlson. I am yours forever," and gave him a kiss on the end of his nose.

"And I am yours Nathan Mathers," Jarret replied, returning the kiss to his lovers nose.

"What time is it," Jarret asked.

Looking at the clock on the wall Nate saw that it was time to leave for the party. He would much rather stay home with Jarret and told him so. Jarret agreed that he wanted to stay there too, but that this was something that they needed to do. Somewhat reluctantly, they dressed and got ready for the party.

It was about a twenty minute walk from Nate's house to Cody's. They arrived shortly after nine o'clock, and by that time the party had already reached full swing. They could hear the music before they had even rounded the corner to the block that Cody lived on, and cars were parked up and down the street. There were drunken voices emanating from behind the house, where both naturally assumed the pool was located. A huge splashed followed by the obviously displeased screams of some female guests confirmed their guess.

"Well, here we are. Let's go mingle," Jarret said to his nervous friend. Social gatherings were not Nate's forte'. Being in large crowds, especially those full of people he didn't know, made him very uneasy. He tried to put his fear aside as the walked in the front door.

Upon their entrance, they were met by blank stares from people who had no idea who they were, let alone cared about their presence. They were about ready to leave when they heard Cody drunkenly holler their names from across the room.

"MATHERS!! CARLSON!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS UP!!!!" Great, they thought, nine thirty, and the host of the party was aleady shitfaced. Cody pushed and stumbled his way through the crowd gathered in the kitchen, several of whom were involved in a drinking game called "Asshole". Cody finally arrived, and spilled half of his beer on Jarrets shirt.

"Oops, sorry `bout that Carlson. Glad you guys could make it. Ya thirsty? The liquor is in the bar downstairs, and the keg is out by the pool."

"No problem there Cody. Thanks for inviting us. Yeah, we're thirsty, but I'll take a towel first," Jarret said, indicating his doused shirt.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Follow me to the kitchen, I'll get you a towel and introduce you to everyone," Cody said, already heading to the kitchen.

They two boys followed Cody's path through the crowd out to the kitchen, which was already way too crowded.

Jarret was looking over the mass of flesh when a towel hit him upside the head and wrapped itself around his face. Assorted chuckles ran through the crowd. He grabbed the assailant towel and started wiping at his shirt.

"HEY EVERYONE, LISTEN UP!!," Cody shouted. As usual when he spoke, everyone listened. With all eyes on him Cody proceeded, "I want you all to meet the newest members of the varsity, even though they are both piece of shit freshmen, they are going to help us win allot of games this year. This tall drink of water with a taller drink of beer on his shirt is Carlson, um, Jarret right?" Jarret nodded. "He's gonna run for 2000 yards this year, and the fella next to him is the reason Justin is a one-legged derelict right now. This little pack of whoop ass' name is, um, Nate right? Good. Make them feel welcome, and that doesn't mean strip `em naked. Ladies, wait until the doors are closed before you do that. That is all, party on!!"

The last part caused both boys to blush and several of the girls to giggles. In fact, a few of the girls had already started to mentally undress them. The boys made their way outside to the beer, stopping to talk to a few of the guys on the team. They finally got to the beer and poured themselves a glass. Surpisingly to both of them, more and more people started talking to them, and soon, they were the talk of the party. Mainly among the guys who couldn't wait until next Friday's game. The first of the season. They all wanted to see the boys in action and were certain that Jarret was the future of the team. There were also several girls who were eyeing them as potential token varsity boyfriends, thinking only about being seen with a varsity player by their side

They worked their way back inside, struggling to get through a grossly overpopulated kitchen. "Let's go get some liquor," Jarret shouted, leaning close so as to be heard even though he was less than a foot away. Nate led the way downstairs to the dimly lit basement. It was mercifully less occupied, there were only a few couples spread throughout the room. Most were busy necking, and didn't acknowledge their presence. Rummaging through the heavily stocked bar, they decided on some Absolut Citron, and poured themselves a generous shot. They raised their glass in a salute to each other. "I love you," Nate silently mouthed to Jarret. Jarret smiled and returned the sentiment. They both belted back the shot and immediately winced as the unfamiliar sting of vodka informed them that they really shouldn't do that. Upstairs the music played on, and the party surged forth.

When they returned to the party, some of the crowd had departed, only to be replaced by others. The beers and the vodka had started to take their intended effect. The two of them had well on their way to being drunk when Nate spotted Eric Taylor across the room.



"Taylor's here, and he just eye fucked me."

"Just ignore him, let's go get a beer."

Outside, they saw that most everyone had gone inside, except for a few people who were on the other side of the pool, smoking a joint. Nate was beginning to feel like something bad was going to happen. Unfortunately, he was right.

The volume of the music increased as the back door opened. They turned to look, and there was Eric, stumbling towards them. Obviously pissed off and looking to start something.

"Evening ladies," he said walking up to the keg. "Beer please."

Nate looked at Jarret, wondering what to do. The hesitation only fueled the tension.

"I said beer please, Now one of you freshman douchebags get over here and pour me a beer. It's time you learned your place on the food chain."

Jarret, knowing that Eric was looking for a piece of Nate, walked to the keg, poured a beer, and handed it to him. Eric took a sip of the beer and threw the rest in Jarret's face.

"I think it would taste better if you poured it for me," he said pointing to Nate.

Nate figured that if he got the beer, Eric would go away and leave them alone. He walked over and poured a beer, making sure that there wasn't too much foam on top. He handed it over and watched Eric intently, waiting for the splash that he knew would be coming. It didn't. Instead, Eric downed the glass in one huge swallow. He lowered the empty glass and handed it back to Nate, letting out an obnoxiously foul smelling burp. Nate filled it back up and handed it back.

Eric again consumed the beer in one gulp. "Just remember one thing you overachieving cock sucker, I'm the starter, the master. Don't even think of trying to take my job, if you do, I will wreck you."

He had moved up into Nate's face, spraying him with beer and spit as he spoke. Nate never took his eyes away from Eric's. This naturally pissed Eric off. He was expecting a response of fear and respect, all he was getting was a silent challenge and attitude.

"You think you're tough? You want fucking go?!!!" Eric started to yell, poking Nate in the chest with the typical tough guy machismo.

Nate said nothing, never taking his eyes off of Eric. He knew it was going to happen, and by God, he wasn't going to back off. A fire had lit inside of him. Regardless of what was going to happen to him, he was going to make sure that this jarhead fuckstick knew what hit him in the morning.

Jarret tried to get between them, not wanting his Nate to get hurt. Eric was allot bigger than Nate, and would probably destroy him. His effort at intervention was futile. He was met by two hands from separate bodies pushing him away from the inevitable. He took the hint and moved back, ready to pounce in case Nate had needed his help.

Eric kept moving in closer, bumping Nate chest to chest, slowly but surely moving him backwards. The group of people watching from across the pool had moved in for a closer view. One of the spectators had went in to get Cody and the others, sure that they would want to watch a fight.

Eric pushed Nate again, and this time Nate was able to stand his ground. Angrily, Eric cocked his right arm back and took a swing that wildly missed its mark. A crowd of people rushed out side just in time to see Nate counter with a punch that exploded Eric's nose upon contact. Eric collapsed backwards on his ass, totally stunned by what had just had happened. He tried to get to his feet but his legs were shaky and unstable. Nate seized the moment and planted a heavy hand right under Eric's eye. More blood flew, splattering on Nate's clothes, and dousing several bystanders who had gotten to close.

Eric again stepped back, but managed to keep his feet. With his legs apart for balance, Nate struck the obvious spot next. His kick hit Eric's crotch with a dead thud that dropped its victim to his knees. There was a loud groan from the crowd as many of the guys gathered, winced with the sympathetic pain.

Nate grabbed a handful of Eric's hair and started to drive his knee into Eric's face. Blood was now everywhere, and seeing that Eric was defeated, several of the guys ran to pull Nate off. After a huge effort, they succeeded. They pulled Nate off, but not before Nate had ripped off a huge clump of Eric's hair.

Still trembling from the rage and adrenaline, Nate sat down in the back corner of the yard while people tended to the beaten Eric. Tears began slowly and worked their into a flood. Every bit of rage that he had suppressed had just vented itself. Emotions clashed within him. He was glad he had stood up for himself, he felt bad that he had hurt some one. He wanted his mom.

Jarret was comforting his friend. A small group of people were watching them. They watched as Nate cried in Jarret's arms. They heard Nate tell Jarret that he loved him and dismissed it as emotional, drunken babble. Cody came up and dispersed everyone into the house.

"You OK there killer?", he asked as he knelt down by Nate.

"He'll be fine, Eric just pushed the wrong button at the wrong time," Jarret answered for his tearful friend.


"How is he?", Nate managed to get out between sobs, snot and deep breaths.

"He's in a bad way Chewy. They're taking him to the hospital right now. But don't feel bad, he started everything with his macho bullshit. You're not the first one he's tried to push around, but he may be the last,' Cody said handing Jarret a towel.

"Thanks Cody. I think we are gonna leave now, he shouldn't be here any longer than he has too," Jarret said, wiping Nates face, not looking at Cody.

"OK, here Let's get you on your feet Chewy."

The two of them stood Nate up. Cody walked with them to the road. They said their good-byes, and Nate and Jarret walked to Nates house silently. Nate still clutching Eric's hair.

************************************************************************ End of part two

Thanks to all who wrote to me. I greatly appreciate it. I hope this is to your liking. I'll try to have part three written sometime soon. Again, your opinion and constructive criticism are appreciated. Hope ya liked it

Drew Caspast@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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