Dirty Harry

By Chris Jones

Published on Mar 4, 2013


Disclaimer - This story is pure fiction. The idea came from reading many of the stories on Nifty. There is no element of truth in this, at least from my experiences.

This story deals with watersports and scat between a boy and a man. It will get more explicit as more chapters come. As always, if this subject matter is offensive/illegal to you, don't bother going any further.

Dirty Harry 2

Sitting in the garden enjoying the combined smells of tobacco and shit with such a beautiful young boy was like heaven to me. Unfortunately, like with everything in life, the good times have to end at some time. We both finished our cigarettes, with Harry giving a little cough. Fuck me, even that sounded stupidly cute.

Looking over at him I realised how much fun we were going to have whilst his mum was away. He was sat there wearing a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt. The shirt was turning more of a light brown colour as the moist shit on his skin started to soak through. Beautiful.

"Right then mate, time to get cleaned up" I said.

"Do we have to? I love being covered in shit, and having you just as covered is fucking hot!" Harry replied.

"Sorry mate, but I do still have to go out to town. Can't be totally covered walking around the shops can I?"

"I guess not, although that would be cool!"

We both went back inside and got ourselves cleaned up. Although his body was clean, Harry insisted on wearing the slightly tainted white t-shirt with his other clean clothes. There was still a slight smell of shit rolling off him, but nothing anyone would notice unless they were really close. He put on a checked shirt over this just to hide the colour a bit.

"Can I come out with you? It gets boring here on my own just playing with my cock." Harry asked.

"Of course you can. Car is in the next street though, a little bit of a walk."

"Cool, let's go then."

We walked out of the house and headed towards the car. It wasn't too far a walk, although Harry did seem a bit fidgety as we walked. I didn't pay too much attention to it although he did keep grabbing his cock. I was too busy focussing on his arse. It looked so good in the tracksuit bottoms.

Reaching the car, Harry jumped straight in.

"Oh fuck, I knew I should have had a piss before we left. I could wet myself right here." He said.

"Well, I aren't going back now, you will just have to hold on 'till we get to the shops." I replied.

I started driving. The shops were about 20 minutes away from us so I knew this would be an entertaining drive. I got my cigarettes out of my pocket and lit one up. Harry took the packet and lit himself up too. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I couldn't help but notice how hot he looked taking in the smoke and exhaling. It felt so wrong but again so right seeing a young stud like him doing something so damaging. Within a few minutes I was hard as a rock again.

Harry was sat in his seat squirming around quite a bit. His spare hand was on his crotch squeezing away. He really did look desperate. I heard a whispered "fuck" and then he moved his hand away briefly. In his lap was a dark spot which was about as big as a fingerprint. Nothing much, but as we all know, once you pop you can't stop.

"I can't hold it much longer. Can't you pull over?" Harry pleaded.

"No chance, this will teach you a lesson to go to the toilet before we go out." I told him, grinning.

Harry opened the car window, threw his cigarette butt out of the window, shut it and then stated:

"Fuck it, I can't hold this piss any longer!"

Just as he finished speaking I heard the tell-tale hiss of piss. He removed his hand from his bottoms and sighed as the wet spot on the front got bigger and bigger. Seriously, this boy needed a piss and he needed it bad. It just kept on coming and coming. No wonder he was in so much discomfort. He pulled down the front of his trousers and released his still pissing cock, aiming it upwards towards his chest.

"This feels so fucking good. If my bottom half is going to be wet, the top half might as well get wet too."

When the stream finally died down, Harry was soaked through. His lightly brown t-shirt was now see through, with a twinge of yellow added to the discolouring. His bottoms might as well have been dark grey. There was barely a dry spot on them.

"Is that better?" I asked.

"Totally. It feels so fucking awesome to do what I want around you now. You are the best, and I'm glad we don't have to hide anything any more." He replied.

Whilst he was saying this, he was slowly stroking his cock. It looked so hard it could explode. No wonder he couldn't keep his hands off it. He wanked it harder and harder, eventually spraying cum all over himself, adding to the copious amount off piss there.

We pulled up at the shopping centre.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked.

"Come with you of course!"

"Aren't you bothered about being covered in piss and cum?"

"Nah. It feels kind of cool. I love getting all the attention."

"Fair enough, it's up to you."

We got out of the car and walked towards the shops, Harry getting strange stares all around.

I got the bits and pieces I needed and then decided it was getting on for lunch time. There was a McDonalds nearby so I suggested we get a bite to eat there. Harry was more than happy with this. He seemed in heaven, smelling of piss, partially dried clothes and people staring at him all over. He truly was a little exhibitionist.

We went into McDonalds. Harry got a table whilst I ordered. He wanted a large milkshake and ice cream with his meal.

"Doesn't that normally play hell with your stomach?" I asked.

"Not recently, I think I grew out of that shit."

Who can keep up with teenagers these days? We ate our meals, Harry rubbing my leg under the table. Luckily we were sat in quite a secluded corner so nobody could really see us. I reached down under the table and grabbed his crotch through his still slightly damp bottoms. It felt so naughty doing this in public. Harry was as hard as a steel rod so I continued to rub him. I wanted this boy to cum as much as possible with me, and who was I to turn down this further opportunity to make this happen.

His eyes were glazed over slightly as he reached his personal nirvana. Whilst I was stroking him, he was trying to do the same to me. Unfortunately his feelings got the better of him so he stopped stroking me. After two or three minutes his face went bright red and he let out a little moan. I felt my hand become more wet and the faint smell of cum wafted up from under the table.

"Fucking awesome, I love cumming in public." He whispered.

We finished up, Harry practically inhaling his food and dairy products. It was now time to go home so we headed back to the car. About half way, Harry started to grab his stomach.

"I thought I had grown out of this." He moaned.

Being not too far away from the car I suggested we carry on walking.

"I can't, it hurts!"

With that I heard the unmissable sound of a wet fart. Harry looked down. Looking at his arse it was clear what was happening. The boy had started to shit himself very openly in public. The mound visible in his arse area was getting bigger and bigger by the second. A little bit more piss came out. The flow seemed to stop for a bit. Harry looked up and straight at me. His face had a huge, beaming smile on it.

"That's fucking better!"

People around us were really starting to stare so I suggested we keep walking now. Harry walked alongside me. His right arm came around my waist. I looked over and saw his left hand was on his arse rubbing at the mound of shit in his pants. The back of his bottoms was turning from a medium grey colour to brown.

"Nice one mate." I whispered in his ear. The smell of shit around us was incredible.

We got back to the car and Harry just sat straight down in his mess. "This feels fucking awesome. I love having this big load of shit in my pants. I never thought I would be sat in a car with you in this state. It fucking rules." Harry stated, the smile on his face looking like it would never come off.

I started to drive the car off. We both lit up a cigarette each. While smoking his, Harry reached into his bottoms and pulled out a handful of sloppy shit. I thought the smell was strong to start with, but this was something else. He reached over to me and started to rub the shit onto the crotch of my trousers.

"There you go, you can be messy too."

"Good one Harry. You just wait 'till I get you home though." I replied, excited about what was going to happen when we got back.

Well, Harry is back. Sorry to everyone for the wait. I have had a lot going on in my personal life so this story took a complete backburner for a long time. I am now more settled and more inspired than ever to keep this going.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me. Your words of encouragement have been truly great. If you want me to write more please do get in touch. If you have any constructive criticism I am also willing to listen.

Please let me know what you think at lovethemboys@live.com. Would be interested in talking to guys that like this kind of kink. This is the height of fantasy for me :-)

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