Discovering Love

By Marcos Rojas

Published on May 10, 2005


Welcome to this adventure of feelings. Reading the story should bring you into a world of young men dealing with several problems including their sexuality. There will be scenes with explicit sexual content describing homosexual sex. If you are not allowed to read this, or feel uncomfortable you shouldn't read it. All characters are the product of my fantasy. Should there be someone who recognizes himself in one of the characters please mail me. It would be nice to meet my fantasies! :-) Still these characters remain just like this story or any part of it exclusively mine.


Discovering love


By Marcos Rojas

"The greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me, "The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all." Whitney Houston

From chapter 2:

"Oh, ladies and gentlemen! This is Joshua Edouard, Jean's little accident from his first marriage." Anita said this in a way that she got everyone's attention. She also pronounced the second part with an excusing laughter, as if speaking of an eternal shame. "The boy claims to be from an English noble family. Please treat him with patience, he's a bit vulnerable. Oh, Your Highness, unfortunately there is no chair for you. Would you go to eat in the KITCHEN?" Anita told that with an acted concern.

That was too much for Jed. He turned and left. Straight into his room. Taking his keys he ran to his car. Raul noticed Jed heading out of the house so he followed him. He got there to far. Jed already pulled out.

"Wait!" Was all Raul could say.

"This is no life! I won't live this life! It's time to meet God, or hell, maybe the Devil!" With that he drove off leaving a frightened Raul behind.

Chapter 3:

The following hours were Hell on Earth for Raul. The worse possibility was telling his Anita or Jean about has just happened. "Now, I have to protect him!" So he took care of diverse people covering Jed's absence, at least keeping everyone busy enough not to think about where Jed was. The crowd eventually went to sleep, the parents too. Anita didn't even bother asking her son if he had any problems with sleeping in Jed's room. But that was okay with Raul. This time it was even better not being forced to lie to his mother.

Raul walked around the property trying to relax. He eventually gave up on waiting an went upstairs.

Around 1:30 in the night Jed arrived "home". He parked the car and quietly entered the building. Strange sounds were coming from all possible rooms. This was Hell on Earth, but he couldn't care less. The only guiding light was the Moon. Jed reached the corridor where his room was. There was something lying in front of his door. He slowly went closer and discovered a shivering Raul. This was too much. He gently touched the boy's shoulder.

"Raul, come on, let's go inside!" Jed whispered. He took the boy in his arms and carried him inside. It was no hard job since he was much stronger than the sleeping boy. Raul opened his eyes.

"Oh Jed! Thank God you're here!" these words touched Jed. So simple but still telling the truth. He knew Raul spoke from his hearth.

"Why didn't you come in?" Jed asked irritated.

"This is your room and I've never been here. It is your private space, your castle. I didn't want to intrude." Once again these words came from the heart.

"Remember one thing Raul! This door is always open for you and you may enter this room when und as often as you wish."

Only a quiet "Thank you." From Raul's side.

"You must be tired. Let's go to bed!" Jed smiled. Raul nodded. Jed turned on the lights.

"Oh God, what happened to you?" Raul almost shouted.

"Shhh! Don't wake up the whole house! It's nothing to worry about." Jed tried to sound relaxed.

"This is mud and blood! Who did this to you?" Raul insisted.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But promise me not to tell anyone!"

"This hurts! You know you have my word..." Raul really looked hurt.

"That I know, but this is something different. You know that my Mom is buried in England. Practically there is no chance for me to go to her grave. So I looked for a grave, a lady's grave. Here in the graveyard is one grave, an older one. It looked abandoned and I started taking care of it. It was like going to Mom's grave. It is my intimate place and you are the only person who knows about it. Every time this situation would become unbearable at home I drove there and spent some time talking to her. Today I was decided to end my life. What my father did is too much to take. And I just can't live with the thought of being rejected by my own father. Not having a person to talk to I wanted to end my life. The graveyard was the perfect place so I went there. I did hurt myself but then I realized this won't help. I have to show my father and the world, that I can make it. I have the courage and the strength to make it. So I returned home. But to tell you the truth, I don't know if this was the right decision." Jed looked at his dirty arms. Blood and mud. He smiled.

"You know it's funny. Yesterday I didn't even play with the idea of touching soil. It looked so dirty. But the contact with it, the sensation of me being only dust and to become dust so soon made me some to my senses. It is bloody easy to take your life, but hey, what is I accomplished in my life? Nothing! I am a spoiled teenager! There are some texts I've written but nothing more. The sad thing is that there is not a single person who would care if I died." Jed could see the hurt look in Raul's eyes.

"I would miss you! I already missed you a lot! Jed, may I tell you something?"

"Raul, why are you asking for permission all the time? It's not like you are the staff of the house." Jed was again angry.

"Don't be mad, please! It's just fear." Raul couldn't look into Jed's eyes.

"But I'm not a person to be afraid of!" Jed said matter-of-factly.

"Well, Third-World-Boy and little brother..." Raul once again bit his lower lip. It was a clear sign of hesitation and fear.

"Oh my God. I really am an asshole! Oh God, you're right! Dad is right! I must have died!" Jed realized.

"So you don't care if I missed you or not..." Raul whispered.

"Raul, God, this is so complicated." Jed touched his wounded arm and whined. Raul immediately offered:

"Would you allow me to take care of these wounds?" He surprised Jed with this question.

"Would you care to do that? Do you really want to that for me?" Jed locked eyes with Raul. His beautiful blue eyes had a different glance in the evening.

"Of course, if you want me to." Raul smiled. It was a shy but very sexy smile. Jed loved this smile.

"Where is the bathroom?" Raul asked.

"You know, this room happens to be just as big as yours and it happen to have a bathroom like yours." Jed joked.

"I just wanted to ask for permission."

"Do that once more and I'm goanna get really mad!" Jed protested.

It was a real pleasure to observe Raul. He adjusted the temperature so that te water wouldn't be too hot.

"I need to get the first-aid kit from the kitchen. Wait here." And he disappeared.

"Raul!" Jed turned around. "Don't you dare knocking when you come back!" He saw a very surprised but pleased Raul.

In a couple of seconds Raul was back. Gently cleaning the wounds Jed had on his left arm he was a spectacular view. His touch was very gentle and his face showed exactly what he was feeling. Jed felt his heartbeat get faster. "Could this really be? Could I really fall in love? My God, can this really be happening? Me deserving love?" Raul interrupted the flow of his thoughts.

"You are ready! Clean and ready for bed." He once touched Jed's arm, maybe a bit too long.

"Well thank you. This was the best medical care a guy can ask for!" Jed sported his best smile.

"You're too kind! I'm not that good. In fact I'm not good in anything." There was sadness in Raul's eyes.

"Don't say that! There are at least ten things I saw you can do just fine!" He could tell Raul was flattered but also feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"So Raul, do you want to take a shower?" Jed asked.

"If that's no..." Jed took the boy's face in his hand and locked eyes with him.

"Don't you dare saying the word! You and problem are two different notions! Completely incompatible. Do you get it? Now move it pretty boy! You have ten minutes, cause I stink and don't want to kill you with my smell tonight!" He laughed and turned. Raul quickly stripped and entered the shower. It was too much contact for him with Jed. He was very confused. He finally had what he was longing for. Jed really saw HIM, him the little useless ugly kid. Everybody told him he was ugly and nothing he ever did seemed to please his family. He touched his skin. It was electrifying. He taking a shower in Jed's bathroom, using Jed's masculine shower gel. The foam felt like a gentle touch and he was just in heaven. It was too much for Raul. He was hard and he was ashamed. It was a sin! He needed to think of something really sad. Grabbing Jed's towel almost made him hard again. It smelled so good. It was pure Jed. Wrapping it around his waist and putting back his shirt he entered the room. Jed was checking his mails. He had no shirt on. Raul blushed. This third view wasn't exactly helping him. Seeing those arms again, and that back forced him to sit. This way he was could hide his wood.

"There you are! All cleaned up and ready for bed! Be back in sec." Jed started stripping in the room. Raul caught a last view of a naked Jed seeing his perfect ass. This was too much. Jed was recalling the feeling Raul's finger caused him and he was instantly hard. The beautiful eyes, the perfect fingers and that face! The black locks moving around and this last view. Raul definitely had sexy legs. And how shy he is! "He is just what I need! He is THE one and I'm goanna make him mine! Anita, I'm back on the battlefield and you are going to have a hell of a surprise. I'm planning to get you son and I'm intending to keep him! You don't deserve such a son!" There certainly was a detail a part of Jed's anatomy which needed help. And badly! So there he was with the boy of his dreams just 10 meters away from him. Recalling the beautiful face he saw, the light of the disappearing Sun in those eyes, the beautiful cheeks. He was close. Undressing Raul! Uhm! First just a little kiss making him blush. Than an act of aggression. Grabbing the T-shirt and tearing it with one move. A beautiful chest! No muscles, but a beautiful chest, with the contour of the pecs and sensual nipples, dark-olive and red, an interesting combination. Now he was very close, hammering with his hand for his life. Now the towel! Raul blushing and he slowly removing the towel. Oh God, he did the mistake of touching himself with his left hand. It was like Raul's electrifying touch. It pushed him over the limit. He couldn't hold it back. "Uoah!!! Fuck it!" It was too loud and his feet also started shaking. One shot, two, three. He couldn't keep his balance and crashed.

"Jed, is everything okay?" he heard Raul ask. But there was no way he could answer. His orgasm seemed to last longer some last drops of cum still appearing. After a couple of seconds he was able to answer.

"Be there in a sec!" His voice gave him away. At least he was convinced it gave him away. After another ten minutes of relaxing his muscles he had to exit the shower. It was clear he still was tensed but he didn't want to spoil this first chance to fall asleep near Raul. With a towel around his waist he went back to the room. Raul was still sitting on the couch looking nervous.

"Oh, you didn't change!"

"I really don't have other options. There is nothing I can wear for the night." Raul was very confused.

"Well lucky me!" Jed thought. But seeing the boy blushing he couldn't do that to him.

"Let me get you something! A shirt and a boxer short. Do you wear boxers?" There it was again. Jed was in heaven. This boy was so shy! He could make him blush in a blink of an eye. He loved it.

"No, I actually never tried one." Now he was red as a tomato.

"Well my dear! It's high time! Put these on!" Jed threw the boy a pair of his boxers and a white T.

"Be back in a second." Raul quickly escaped.

"Damn! He escaped! But I'll have him. Don't worry little one!" Jed stroked his dick smiling. He jumped on his bed wearing only boxers. He wasn't going to miss the spectacle. Lying on his back with his head on his hands, well he was also a view. He certainly hoped to be one.

Raul entered the room. "Damn! He's so sexy!" Jed thought. The T was way too large and the boxers too. But he was sweet in his shy way to be. "Come on, come on! Take a look at the offer!" He was hoping to catch Raul's eyes. But there was no signal. The boy just stood there in the middle of the room.

"Well?" Jed asked raising an eyebrow.

"Which couch may I use?" Raul asked looking at his options.

"None of them!" Jed smiled. Raul gave him a questioning look.

"Come here pretty boy! This is where you're goanna sleep!" Jed indicated his king-size bed.

"Oh no, I can't!" The smile disappeared from Jed's face.

"How so?" He was sitting. This was getting interesting.

"Well, it's your bed and you shouldn't sleep on the couch to let me sleep there."

"Who said I'm going to sleep on the couch." Jed asked with a cool tone.

"You wouldn't accept a Third-World-Boy in your bed..." He bit his lower lip. Jed couldn't believe this. He knew he had him! Silence followed. For what it seemed an eternity. Jed focused on Raul's face to catch his eyes. Raul finally gave Jed a scared and worried look. Jed locked eyes with him and stood. Never breaking the eye-contact he stopped in front of the helpless boy.

"You are not going to sleep on the couch! I shall BRING you to the place you are supposed to sleep!" With that he grabbed Raul's body. Raul`s face showed fear. Jed brought his little boy to his bed carefully stretching him on top of it. "This of course if you don't have any objections..." Again sporting his killer smile.

"Thank you so much!" Tears were rolling down Raul's face. Jed turned off the lights and in a second was lying next to Raul. He needed to feel him.



"Is everything fine?"

"Snip. Yeah!"

"Doesn't sound like that.."

"Sorry it's just it means a lot to me to be here. I never thought you would..." Jed turned to his side and admired Raul's beautiful face. The moonlight made it obvious he was still crying. Reaching for Raul's hand Jed spoke:

"Listen to me good! Because I'm not so good in telling this. I might have some talent in writing but not in telling this. You are a very special person. As far as I can remember no other person excepting my mother was so tender with me. I can't thank you for that. I also know I'm an asshole and I acted like on. God Raul, I didn't even realise you had a body! You were there and period. But that night at the panorama, you were so tender and so caring. Today too. I can't recall someone ever taking my side. I can't thank you for being there for me as my father humiliated me in front of those strangers. And tonight for taking care of my wounds. You are too good to be true. And... ahm... Raul you are the only person I trust now." It suddenly became hard to speak. Jed had to fight back his tears. It was Raul's turn to help. He turned towards Jed.

"You are the only person I can trust. And... Ahm... Raul, please don't let me down..." Jed's body started shivering. He was crying. Raul moved closer and took his friend in his arms.

"I'm here for you! And I won't go anywhere! Trust me on that!"

"Thank you for everything my brother." Both boys started crying.

"Jed, my brother! Finally I have a brother! I won't leave you I promise you!" They broke their hug lying just on the bed feeling happy.

"Never leave me Raul!" Jed stroked Raul's hair.

Jed was very happy. Opening his heart was easier than he thought it would be. He made it. It wasn't the lust and the desire, it was the pure feeling of love.

"Would you hold me? Please!" A shy Raul asked.

"Anytime you wish my little brother. My little Raul Angel. My personal angel." He hugged his brother. The two bulges now formed one. Under the sheets there was the fragile body of Raul almost melting into a muscular Jed. Both boys were in heaven. After a few minutes Jed could hear the calm breathing of his love. Raul was already in dreamland.

"My little angel. If only you knew how much I love you! Thank you Mom for sending me an angel." He gently kissed Raul's black locks and a few minutes later he was in dreamland.

To be continued

Thank you so much for the mails you have been sending me. It is very important for me to know how you all feel about this story. So any comment opinions and suggestions welcome as always!


Next: Chapter 4

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