Discovering Love

By Marcos Rojas

Published on Jun 9, 2005


Hi guys! Sorry for being able to post this chapter a bit later! But there will be a plus, chapter 5 is almost done, so if you like it, please mail me and there will be nr. 5 very soon. I guess there is no need for the disclaimer anymore! There is one little thing, it wasn't as much sex in the story as planned. Yet! :-) But there will be!


Discovering Love

Wedding day

by Marcos Rojas

"The greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me, "The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all." Whitney Houston

From chapter 3:

"Would you hold me? Please!" A shy Raul asked.

"Anytime you wish my little brother. My little Raul Angel. My personal angel." He hugged his brother. The two bulges now formed one. Under the sheets there was the fragile body of Raul almost melting into a muscular Jed. Both boys were in heaven. After a few minutes Jed could hear the calm breathing of his love. Raul was already in dreamland.

"My little angel. If only you knew how much I love you! Thank you Mom for sending me an angel." He gently kissed Raul's black locks and a few minutes later he was in dreamland.

Chapter 4:

The cold morning breeze woke Raul. He always gets up early, just in case Anita needs something. And there is school too; something he really liked since attending university was something very new for him. It was different this time. He wanted to hide under the covers as he usually did but there was just a new feeling there. His legs felt warm and were mixed up with somebody else's and there was an obvious sound in the room. He opened his eyes and turned to find a sleeping Jed. Now this was a sight worth to be seen every morning. Jed slept in hi usual impossible position, a mixture of arms, legs and covers, it took an eternity to just figure out what belonged to which part of his body. The expression on Jed's face was just unbelievable. The messed up hair fell so artistically on the beautiful face. Raul followed the line of the beard towards the red lips. Jed's perfect lips were showing the hidden treasure, the white teeth of this gorgeous boy. Now Raul could definitely understand why Erika was feeling the way she did. It all made sense. The thought of having the privilege of seeing Jed sleeping and even sleep in the same bed with him made him smile. HE was the privileged one and NOT Erika! Jed's quiet snoring stopped and his breath's rhythm changed. Raul watched these changes in horror.

"Raul stop bloody staring at me!" Jed said with a sleepy voice and opened lazily his right eye. Raul was by now horrified and tried to bring himself into a more adequate position. He was deeply ashamed.

"Hey pretty boy! Why do I have the feeling you are trying to say sorry because of some silly reason once again? Say something!" Jed said never opening his eyes. Raul looked at his brother a bit hesitating.

"I didn't mean to wake you up..."

"Here you go again!" Jed stretched and still yawning went on. "Do you still think this bed is made of eggs and you are afraid not to break them? Well let me give you THE news! There are only four eggs in this bed. Suppose you have two balls my dear! And they aren't going to be broken unless you are in a wild mood!" Raul blushed hard. Jed raised only one eyebrow and rose himself on his elbow.

"Oh right! Where are my manners? But you look so cute when you blush! I didn't even know you could!"

Raul was still sitting in the bed showing the deepest shade of red focusing on the wall. Jed took a few seconds to check the boy out and what was tenting above his crotch was just too delicious not to be seen. It was mean but it had to be.

"So, guests first! Go and take a shower! That unless you are firmly decided to exercise on your laser-look and perforate my wall with just your look!" Jed said smiling devilishly.

"Oh, no, please, this is your room! You go first!" Raul was now clearly panicking.

"Now this isn't going to happen! Not in the room of a British gentleman! Please do accept my offer and act like a polite guest! That unless you want to hide something there!" With that Jed put his hand on Raul's crotch grabbed his brothers member. Raul freaked and Jed expected the reaction. He just let go, sprang out of the bed and smiled back at Raul.

"Well, maybe tomorrow! Go on breaking my wall as log as you don't kill us!" He winked and entered his bathroom of course using every inch of the way to move and show his body just as much as possible. It was a view and he definitely wanted his brother to see it. Kind of amused he entered the bathroom not bothering to close the door and started his morning ritual.

Raul was stunned! His hard on started to give him literally a hard time. He couldn't believe it! He has just been caught and touched. He had to do something about it! He sprang out of the bed covering his erect manhood and dressed leaving the room in a hurry.

Jed went through his ritual. Remembering Raul's hard on made him cum and scream like he never did. It was better than any of the videos he has ever seen. Slowly recovering from his orgasm reality kicked him. He was starving. Anita's words and last evening's humiliation came back in no time. The beautiful dream was gone and he had to face the reality. Stepping out of the shower he could clearly hear the different voices coming from the yard. "Oh God, so it is going to happen! There is nothing I could do to stop this!" Lost in his thoughts Jed shaved and with a towel wrapped around his waist entered his room. No Raul. "Great! He escaped too! Not even HE wants to be around me!" There was no way he would let this day pass without making it on worth to be remembered. At least worth for him and painful to remember for Anita. "Let the games begin bitch! You wanted it!" He smiled as he picked his clothes. Standing in front of the mirror he gave himself an approving look. "Now this is what I call THE suitable clothing for a catholic wedding day!" There were a few things to do, like checking his mails. "Let's make the papas and mamas feel some rhythm! Now let's find something really perverted for them! Like something from E-Rotic???"

The music was too loud even for his taste, but it had to be! He walked over to his balcony door and opened it wide. He could instantly hear the reaction as the singer started moaning and screaming. "Now this is the way we want it, don't we?" He danced back to his bed to get his favorite silver ring from the nightstand. A very rich breakfast served in an original way with one red rose, all of it on a silver tray was on his nightstand. There was a red envelope under the rose. Still not believing his eyes Jed opened the envelope and read the text:

My dearest Jed,

I know you can't eat in the kitchen and things haven't changed since last night. Mother is even angrier. So I decided not to let my brother starve. Thank you for your kindness and for making me feel special...


There was a bigger spot of ink above the name. Jed smiled. "What did you want to write there Angelito? Truly yours or love? In my dreams..." In seconds the tray was empty. He needed the energy and now he had it. Plus there was the extra load of life given by the fact that Raul surprised him. Jed didn't want to think about that right then. "I will need something to hang on tonight! There has to be something good kept for tonight! Stop thinking at this now!" It was a Jed-technique to postpone things for situations where he just knew he would feel down. Thinking about these things at those moments kind of saved him.

There was a lot going on in the house. Jed couldn't help smiling meeting the people's scared looks. "So far so good!" Entering the dining room there was Anita and Jean sitting at their places. They seemed to enjoy the intimacy of the moment.

"Vaya vaya MAMA! Que sorpresa!" Anita rolled her eyes not bothering to look at her soon stepson.

"I won't do this to myself on my wedding day! Jean do something!"

"Now this is a way to greet me! And precisely as I wanted to congratulate you! What a pity!" Jed acted hurt and filled a cup with frappe. It was a must to have frappe, if not Jed's fury was outrageous.

"Just eat or do whatever you wanted to do here and leave Anita alone! She has too many things to take care of today! You could show at least some understanding! You know, at least pretend! Not that you would be able to FEEL something at all!" Jean commented.

Jed just shot back a whatever look. He was kind of annoyed. "Come on bitch! Look at me! Let me see your eyes widen and you freak out!" Taking a place far too close to his father Jean just stood and left. Jed knew his father too well. The way things stood between the two of them he wouldn't accept to sit so close to him. So he would eventually leave. "Bingo!" Jed followed his father leaving moving only his eyes. Seeing the danger out of sight he turned towards Anita.

"Now dearest Mother! With him out of sight you can become the monster you really are!" That caught Anita's attention, as she was ready to answer. Jed quickly went on.

"Oh, but before you turn bitchy again let me finish! A fine LADY like YOU wouldn't interrupt a helpless KID like me! Since I'm just a harmless little piece of shit, aren't I?" Anita showed all signs of being close to loose it. She didn't want to look at Jed. Jed slowly stood with the frappe in his left hand and walked over to Anita stopping behind her. Leaning in he put his face next to her right ear and spoke.

"But there is a little detail you unfortunately miscalculated. That would be my dignity and the memory of my mother. Now listen bitch!" Anita tried to move but Jed grabbed her right shoulder pushing her down.

"I don't think so whore! You will listen to this! You wanted a war, you got it! I promise you this! I'll make your day unforgettable! Now cool down will ya!" With that he emptied his glass on Anita's dress. The woman was in shock she couldn't believe her eyes. After the first wave of shock there was a short scream.

"That's it! You're REALLY good at this!" Jed laughed out loud and walked towards the hall. He ran into Rosita who obviously scared by the scream wanted to help Anita. There were several people standing in the hall, probably all of them wanting to have their breakfast.

"Oh, bitch junior! Rosita! Clean that mess will you?" Jed said pointing towards her stepmother. "And this room stinks! Didn't you know PIGS aren't allowed in this house?" Jed shouted pointing towards the shocked crowd. "Oh, I almost forgot. Mom-bitch, don't expect me to the wedding! Byyye!"

It was Anita's turn to excuse herself and leave the people puzzled. She needed to change.

Jed walked out of the house and got into his car. He needed his space and there was just one place to go to be left alone. The plan was still only halfway successfully through.

Raul was in the yard as he heard his mother scream. He was almost too afraid to find out what happened. There could only possibly be one reason for a scream on her wedding day: Jed. He had to eventually go there and see what was wrong.

Raul felt his mouth getting dry. This wedding was very important for him. He wasn't the after the money and the influence. Okay, there was his education too but the most important thing was Jed. Once married his mother wouldn't leave the house. Not even dead! So this was the final day of his waiting. Ever since he has met Jed he was waiting for this day. He wanted to be sure Jed was there under the same roof with him. "God please don't let Jed destroy everything today!" He quickly took care of the appearances and tried to make the guess forget about the incident.

When no one noticed, Raul quickly checked Jed's car. It was the clearest sign of him being there or out in town. During the preparations of the day he couldn't stop thinking of Jed. His touch made him hard all the time and he felt guilty.

With everything sat and done around 1 pm people started the preparations for the big event. The floors appeared again so familiar to Raul. He was kind of lost in his own home. Something was missing... Somebody was missing. As the hours passed his desire to see Jed just grew. He wanted so badly to be in bed with Jed, to reply the scenes of the morning... he found himself sitting in the middle of the main stair house.

"You aren't ready?" A shrill voice brought him back to reality. To an awful reality...

"How am I supposed to be standing next to you dressed like this?" Raul just looked up and forced a smile.

"Hello to you too Erika! You look good! As usual..."

"Oh, you are boring me! Stop that! And you look like shit! You are like this would be your day to die! Now move it! You aren't goanna make it if you don't start dressing now!"

Raul followed Erika not even bothering to listen to what she was saying. Once in Anita's room he was glad to be taken over by the dressers and Erika was off talking to his mother.

Anita shared a room with Jean, the biggest bedroom of the house. Raul could see both wings of the building from the window. His eyes stopped on Jed's balcony. He replayed the events of the morning. It felt like going insane. "I must focus on not revealing anything now! I'm so close to making it!"

Erika was shining and radiating. Her fake smile could mislead everyone, not Raul. Her eyes were scanning the yard like an army radar, and that to find the object of her so hidden desire: Jed. Raul smiled at the thought and remembered the comforting feeling of waking up just next to Jed.

"Ahm, Raul, I am like soooo excited! Let's see if everybody is here!" She trilled dragging Raul with her through the yard. Most guests have already taken their seats and were chatting with the excitement written on their faces. Raul looked at the yard. He didn't even have time to see the changes his mother made. There was a long red carpet leading towards an open-air altar. "Well Mother, you surely got the American taste!" The tables were spread in the whole garden. It must have been at least 200 chairs and 20 tables. Looking back at Erika Raul found her still searching for Jed.

"Are you looking for a specific person?" Raul wanted to play with the fire. Erika turned to face her boyfriend. She was terrified. Was she too obvious? Raul enjoyed the situation.

"No silly! Who should I be looking for?" A too kind voice... "Besides, you are my boyfriend!"

"Not that I have noticed it lately!" Raul objected wanting to give the girl a hard time. The melody already played and they had to watch the bride come out of the house.

"You silly! Of course you are my boyfriend!" She forced a smile kissed Raul on the lips and hugged him showing a disgusted look.

Jed followed the preparations from behind his window. He wanted to get the perfect moment. Scanning the crowd he couldn't help pausing a bit longer on Raul. The boy was so sexy! And there was Erika too. "The poor girl! If she only knew! She doesn't have the required equipment..." the boy smiled. But still Raul was so sexy. Jed took the letter in his hands and read it over and over again. "Maybe I just should forget about revenge. Hurting Anita would hurt Raul too. I don't want him to suffer..." Jed got scared from his own thoughts. "Houston we have a problem! I'm getting ill! Since when do I care what others feel?" Jed felt a cold shiver on his spine. "Can this be the first step? Am I learning some common sense or am I maybe..." He had to swallow. "... or am I falling... falling... in... love?" The idea shocked him. "Could this be love? Is this the miracle of love? It must be the greatest power that can make one change just to make the other feel better or to surprise him." His face lit up, he smelled the red rose and the envelope as if wanting to feel Raul closer to him. "God, I'm definitely in LOVE!" He screamed! "This must be it! Haha! This is sooo weird!"

The yard went quiet and the music started. Suddenly woken from his daydreaming Jed looked out just in the moment as Erika kissed Raul on the lips. Jed froze. The kiss took him off guard.

Raul kept his fingers crossed and watched the entrance of the mansion. He still was afraid of Jed's reaction. He still was afraid that something could go wrong. If feeling calm during the ceremony the boy felt a sudden anger and frustration. There was something going on. It was like feeling some negative vibes. It made him shiver. Still he tried to focus on his mother and Jean.

Anita and Jean finally said their "yes" and Raul sighed relieved. It was over. There was nothing that could possibly...

Applause came from the entrance. Raul froze and glanced over to his mother then looked to the entrance. What he saw was revolting and stunning in the same time. Jed was standing at the entrance with a sarcastic smile on his lips. He was all dressed in black, but it was a special material. The entire outfit was pretty much transparent revealing his beautiful body entirely. What made the entire appearance even more revolting was the tiny black tong under the pants and the huge silver chain and the cross on it. Now Jed surely got many eyes but Anita was just about to explode. The first reaction of the crowd was shock, and then the ladies exchanged looks, some of them nodding others looking puzzled. Raul was really afraid.

"Oh, it seems I missed the "If anyone has objections bla bla bla" part! What a pity! I guess there is nothing to be done anymore! What the HOLY church blesses that just can't be undone!" Jed walked along the red carpet as many pairs of eyes followed him. Jean just knew there was nothing to do anymore. Anita did her best to fight back her hate and play the loving and understanding stepmother. "Oh, there is a way! Sorry! I forgot about it! DETH!" Showing the big silver cross Jed stopped in front of the pair. "Or did you forget about what you swore to my MOTHER? Answer me DAD!" Deep silence! "Answer me DAD! Oh, there are no members of Mother's family here so you shouldn't be reminded of the promise you made! You said you would love her till you die! That she was the ONLY woman!" Jean was feeling uncomfortable. He looked at his son and whispered:

"That's enough! Cut the show!"

"Cut the SHOW! That's the right expression! A fake show with a fake bride!" Jed said stepping closer to Anita.

"But don't worry! I'm giving you my blessing! You B I T C H should get what you deserve! I hope sincerely you will! And don't throw that ugly bunch of flowers. You might help other bitches to destroy some lives!" While saying this Jed looked straight into Erika's eyes and then into Raul's finally saying to him "I hope you'll be happy!" With that he took the bride's bunch and threw it away making of course a not too slow and not too fast exit front the show.

Raul couldn't move. The hate has returned into Jed's eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes were full of hate and were just icy, merciless. Raul couldn't control himself anymore. Tears filled his eyes as he whispered "Oh God, I can't lose him!"

To be continued???

Well it's up to you now if this story goes on or not! I really want to hear your feedback! I wouldn't want my twisted mind to bore you! So please mail me after reading this and let me know what you think! For those who have written, thanks a lot, you are the best!

Marcos (

Next: Chapter 5

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