Discovering Love

By Marcos Rojas

Published on Oct 29, 2005


Hello ladies and gents, boys and girls! First of all sorry for keeping you so long. I just had to take care of some "asuntos" of my messed-up life, of course to mess it up even more! ;-) But here you have the next chapter. Please tell me if you like the direction the story is going to. Feedback as always is desperately needed. And of course, the usual disclaimer... AND special thanks to Erick for editing. As always... Besito para ti!

Take care


Discovering Love Dreams coming true

By Marcos Rojas

"The greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me, "The greatest love of all is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all." Whitney Houston

From Chapter 8:

"Well, you have no option! Anita can't speak to you! As I said before, she is in the hospital. I'm taking Raul with me!" With that he grabbed his lover by the hand and headed out.

"Ladies, pleasant flight!" Just a nod towards the shocked stewardesses.

After taking the corner Jed pushed Raul against the wall. Two misty brown eyes were looking at him.

"I love you! You are my life! Don't you ever do this to me! Don't you ever let someone tear us apart! Promise me that!" Jed sounded desperate. He was like a lost little kid.

"I promise you!" Raul whispered and pressed his lips on Jed's. They melted into each other in a passionate kiss.

Chapter 9:

"Jed! Why? How?" Raul tried to get his answers as soon as possible.

"We'll talk about this at the right time!" Jed said licking his lips in a very sexy way. He still couldn't believe what he did. He actually kissed Raul the way he wanted. And it was the best kiss of his life. It was THE kiss...

He grabbed Raul's hand and pulled his boy towards the exit. It felt like the most natural thing having his hand in his own. It was the best feeling. Just a warm little hand. `He trusts me! He really does! He just follows me without even asking a thing!' The boys got back to Jed's car. Jed opened the passenger's door:

"Sir..." and with a dramatically serious face he helped his boy in. Raul just blushed and that made the whole thing even better for Jed.

Jed started the car and pushed the button. He loved his cabrio, it was the best thing to drive in the evening with the stars above him. Well, the streetlights too. But still, it was the beat thing. Except being with Raul. Of course. But that was now more than obvious. He didn't say a thing, kept focusing on this new feeling he discovered. All he loved just came together, it was all there: the evening breeze, the stars, the presence of Raul. `What more could I wish for?' He kept on watching Raul from the corner of his eye and saw the slow change. The nearer they got to the residence the more nervous did Raul get. By the time Jed parked the car Raul was shaking.

"Something wrong?" Jed asked touching Raul's hand. It was colder than ice.

"I am so scared. I was a bad boy. Mama is going to punish me..." Raul whispered.

Jed now realized the gravity of his act. This boy followed him and did what he wanted him to do even though he knew what was going to happen at home. But what was going to happen? Why was Raul afraid? What did Anita do to frighten his son this much? Jed felt the blood rising into his head and to get angry was the last thing he wanted to do right then.

"Shhh baby boy! Don't worry! She isn't at home and she won't be for several days now! Just trust me OK?" Raul still couldn't move his head. He felt his tears running down his cheeks and he felt just too weak. He was ashamed and confused.

Jed looked at his boy. It would have taken just a single look to realize how much he loved his Raul. But Raul didn't look into Jed's eyes. He had an inner struggle for a couple of second, decided then to get out of the car. He opened Raul's door and helped his love out of the car, then suddenly took the shaking boy into his arms and carried him into the mansion. Raul hugged Jed tightly and laid his head on the boy's shoulder. He didn't know what was happening, but it didn't really matter. He felt safe and that was the only thing he needed for the moment. Jed carried Raul up the stairs and brought him into his room. He gently laid the little body on the bed and turn on the night light. The room turned into the deepest forest. The changing shades of green created a strange atmosphere. Jed turned on the music, slow and warm music.

Raul was still lost in his thoughts. He didn't know what was happening to him. Things just kept on happening since he got up that morning and he was like a spectator of his own life, not having the power to answer at all. It was an awful feeling, but it was real and it made him even weaker. Lost in his thoughts he didn't have any sense of time. The next thing he saw was Jed lying next to him and smiling at him. Those eyes just told everything.

"Thank you for..." he couldn't tell more. Jed's index was on his lips, but it wasn't the only obstacle in the way of his thoughts turning into words. He couldn't have said one more word even if he tried. Jed was still smiling.

"Come with me baby boy!" and with a coy smile he took his boy's hand. "Just follow me! Or should I carry you?" There was something devilish in that smile and Raul blushed realizing the reaction of his body.

Jed took his boy into the bathroom. The water was still running, the tub was a paradise of foam. It was Jed's personal Jacuzzi, he always wanted to have one. Raul was amazed and just stood there. This must be Heaven, no doubt about that! It must be Heaven, it is too good to be true. Jed just smiled seeing the surprised look on his boy's face. Hugging his boy from behind Jed rested his head on Raul's shoulder. Without moving for several seconds that seemed to be an eternity for Raul he finally spoke. Moving his lips through Raul's hair he gave his boy shivers. Breathing in Raul Jed finally arrived to his destination, Raul's right ear:

"Beautiful sight I know, but I have an even more beautiful in my mind. A gorgeous one. YOU in that hot tub kissing me!" If Raul was red he turned now into the deepest shade of red.

"Hey baby boy, no need to be ashamed. It's just us! And that's all that matters."

Realizing Jed was right he made the preparations to undress.

"Stop!" Jed yelled at him. Raul turned around in one second and his eyes were filled with horror.

"You are not allowed to do that! That is MY job. Let me do the honors. Pleeeeeease???" Jed was now like a child wanting to get his favorite toy.

"It is nothing special..." Raul looked down. He couldn't look into Jed's eyes.

"Let me decide that, will ya?" With that Jed moved close, slowly took Raul's hand. With his right hand he lifted the boy's head. The player started playing one of his favorite songs.

"... I just wanna be close to you And do all the things you want me to I just wanna be close to you And show you the way I feel for you..."

"May I have this dance?" His clear blue eyes looked Raul into the deepest corner of his heart.

"Thank you..." Raul whispered.

The music kept on playing, the green light filled the room and made the atmosphere in the bathroom even more special. Candles, maybe several dozens of them lightened the room. Raul felt Jed's body touching his, the rhythm united them, their bodies moved as one and Raul finally let go of his everlasting control. He wanted to loose control just once. He knew that once he gave up the control he will give up his past. In that moment time didn't seem to have any dimension. It was just one moment in time, it was the eternity. Space turned into something fuzzy, there were no limits. It was another level. Looking at the twilight of the candles and the green lights Raul felt Jed's lips touching his neck. One kiss, the next and Raul closed his eyes in ecstasy. This must be Heaven! ...Kiss...And if this is Heaven, why is it so wrong to do this? ...Kiss... I don't care. ...Kiss... I wish... Kiss ... I want ...

"I need you!" It finally came out. Not louder than a whisper but just loud enough for Jed.

"I am here for you! Let go of all..." Jed's hands made their way under Raul's shirt. It was pure ecstasy. His skin burned and every touch of Jed's hands made him feel a strange wave running down his body.

"...And do all the things you want me to..." "Close to you"

Shirtless now Raul felt Jed enter his jeans. Nice and slow...

"Aarrghh! Don't torture me! Please!" Raul whined.

"Somebody is loosing control? How much? Show it to me!"

There was no need to tell him twice. Raul attacked Jed's lips and pressed his body against his boy's. The kiss lasted for what seemed to be an eternity. With an elegant move Raul dropped his jeans.

"Baby boy! You're not wearing any underwear!" Not the best answer for the atmosphere... Putting his arms around Jed's neck Raul didn't even seem to have heard the words. Once again he attacked Jed's lips and this time there was even more passion. Jed was still stunned from so much heat and passion.

"You brought out the beast of me, now take it like a man!" With that he removed Jed's clothes in a blink of an eye. Taking the stunned Jed from his hand Raul led his boy. In the tub he leaned against his dream boy. Everything was so perfect, but there was still something missing. There was the last step and he was willing to take it. Facing Jed now he rested his body on Jed's. Looking into the deepest sea Raul moved into the position. Feeling the touch of Raul's most intimate part on his member Jed managed to warn his boy.

"Slowly baby boy, you are not ready for this!" Jed said fighting his growing lust. Hunger and lust were burning in his eyes.

Pressing himself against Jed Raul slowly began something that was new for both of the boys. Jed had now fear in his eyes.

"Listen to me very carefully! I don't know how long this is going to last and I really don't care anymore. I have learned to live for the moment and there is nothing better than this moment. If my life should end now I wouldn't care because I lived to feel the way I do now. I can't thank you for showing me what it means to love someone. Thank you for entering the desert of my life. I don't have much to offer... Just my heart and body. There is something I always kept for someone special. For THE one. For the ONLY one. I have no guarantee that there will be some more and you will love me the way I love you. But I want to offer you this gift." By the time he finished he had Jed all inside of him. There was no pain, just a weak feeling of discomfort. But that disappeared the moment he saw Jed's face. It was angelic. There were no words that could express better what his lover was feeling. It was all of his beautiful soul. All pure and woundable. Even if he was the one offering his virginity and body Jed seemed more woundable. He finally managed to establish eye contact. Slowly moving Raul started taking his baby to heaven. They never broke eye contact and the minutes seemed like hours. It was making love. But it was still incomplete. Raul needed more. He stopped and Jed slid out of him. Standing up and looking down on a puzzled Jed he quietly spoke:

"Follow me..." And Jed followed him. Drying both bodies Raul lead Jed to the bed.

"I need to feel your body not the water! I need to feel how much you love me..." He said it all.

Taking Raul's legs on his shoulders Jed prepared himself. A final look on a smiling Raul and he was in Heaven. It was the most beautiful show. Raul's senses went mad and all he could feel were colors and sounds and heat and feelings. It was no simple sensing any more, all converged into the strongest feeling. Two strong hands, the touch of a perfect body, the warm skin and the body heat, the green lights and the music, two gorgeous blue eyes showed the most beautiful soul, the sound of the heavy breathing, Jed's taste, the ecstasy of the kisses and biting, and the music:

"Once I get my sights on you I got a license to kill And you know I'm going straight for your heart I got a license to kill For anyone who tries to tear us apart."

Jed looked down and Raul got the message. There was an even more furious rhythm and suddenly Raul felt the biggest pleasure and it got more and more. With every thrust Jed hit the button and brought him near to madness. Raul was close to insanity. One last furious kiss, one more hit and it was Nirvana. All he could do was to take a strong hold of Jed's arms and the world faded away. Shot after shot he felt the deepest pleasure, he never ever imagined it could be like this. Bringing Jed over the limit the sound of his lover's voice brought him back to reality. Jed was yelling, crying and talking in the same time. Finally he collapsed on Raul's body. Right there where he belonged to. The feeling of his heart beating fast, the heavy breathing, the weight of the body, that was like a second orgasm for Raul. It was all real and it was happing to him. And it was HIS boy, it was HIS lover, and for the first time since having met Jed he wasn't afraid. He had the boy and it was his. No matter what was going to happen he had Jed. He was Jed's and Jed was his. There was no force that could have changed that. No possible human force. It was history and it was THEIR history. He had a lover. He finally was in LOVE and his love was being shared.

"I love you." Raul whispered. "With all my heart. You are my life. My all. You will always be my only love. Never forget that!"

Jed looked into his lover's eyes.

"I won't! because you will always be here to remind me! I adore you! How can I thank you..."

"These things aren't made to be thanked. You have this chance once in a lifetime and you know when is the right moment and who is the right person."

"Thank God the right person came along. I would have hated myself if there was another guy before you." Jed commented holding his baby in his arms.

"You don't mean to say it was your... do you?" Raul asked rather jokingly.

"Hey baby boy, it was a bunch of firsts... My first, your first and our first. I made love for the first time in my life. I hope we just made this love stronger to last."

"My love, all I ask from you is all you can give. All you are ready to give."

"Then get ready to get it all baby boy. Cause I am yours, body and soul."

Resting his head on Jed's chest Raul was busy saving all these emotions and feeling in the safest parts of his memory mean while Jed's thoughts were drifting to a far place, to a cold graveyard, to a cold stone, to the symbol of the existence of one human being. "Thank you Mom! Thank you for giving me all his love. I know now that you wanted it to be like this. Thank you for his love. Please take care of him. He is all I have left. I can't loose him too..."

A sleeping Raul moved closer to Jed. Saying some un-understandable words he wrapped his arms around Jed's neck.

"Dream with angels my only love. I'll never let you go again..."

To be continued?

**************************************************************************** First of all thanks for reading. Secondly, the question goes on: should I continue? Please send me your comments, share your thoughts with me. And the lyrics, this time Gladys Knight "License to Kill".

Marcos (

Next: Chapter 10

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