Disney Vacation Follow Up

By ten.tsacmoc@74dtnarg

Published on Jun 29, 2008


Nature takes over and I start to meet his movements with mine. Soon we both are pumping and grinding as he strokes his hard manhood. "Reggie...I ...ain't ...gonna...last...much...longer" I pant. "Me...neither" he huffs. With that I make a big lunge up into him and hold his waist down into my groin as I unload volley after volley of my man milk into him. A couple of strokes later he is spouting like "Young Faithful"! His cum shooting like a geyser onto his chest and stomach. We both lay there like rags, exhausted and panting. My hands massage his legs and inner thighs. "Grant...I have wanted you for so long." He says regaining his breath. "Well...was I what you expected?" I ask. He leans forward, me still semi-hard inside of him, and says "More than you know!" With that I open my arms and he lies on top of me. I wrap my arms around him and hold him as tight as I can with my deflating member sliding from within. I look deep into his eyes, he smiles with satisfaction and we kiss. I roll us both to our sides and we lay there in each others arms and drift off to dreamland.

Well that happened almost a year ago and it's still just as vivid to me today as it was then. So with everything still as fresh as ever, I shall continue!

After our venture into dreamland, Reggie woke up the next morning before I did. I awoke to the sound of running water, which was him doing his morning ritual. I quietly got up, hid beside the doorway to the open bathroom and waited for him to exit. Just as he was starting to look around for me I tackle him around the waist and take him down to the bed. I work my arms around him into a full nelson wrestling move. Just feeling his smooth naked body beneath got me aroused. I was at full attention. "Damn Reggie! Are you this sexy EVERY morning?" I ask. He tries to answer with his head buried in the covers of the bed. All I can hear is "Blah, Blah, Blah!" and that was muffled. I turn him loose and he rolls over with that patented Reggie smile saying "Only around you G." With me on top and our naked bodies pressing together I lean down and just softly kiss his lips. "Is that all I get" Reggie pouts. "That's it for now my pouting beauty", I reply, "We want to take full advantage of today. So let's get moving!" Slapping his nice round butt I dash for the shower with him close behind.

As much as he wanted to play in the shower, I told him we had better not. We would have never made it out of the room if we had! We both donned our shorts, polos and walking shoes after a quicker than average shower. Actually, looking in the mirror we looked more like Father and Son than "occasional" lovers. Must have been the "Sandy Blonde" Just for Men I had used! LOL. "Ok baby...Lets ROLL!" I demand as we head for the door. I feel a pinch on my bottom as Reggie says "Look whose talking about being sexy in the morning!" "Just for you R" I laugh "...just for you!" And we were finally out the door.

We enter the lobby and head to the breakfast buffet. We both grab a bowl of fruit, juice, coffee, me a bagel and Reggie an English muffin. We had an "Express Breakfast" and then we were off to the parking lot. Reggie grabs my hand and then gives a wave. I have to look around to see who he is waving at. There she was, the "Breakfast Lady". She just sort of blushed and gave a little wave back. I just shook my head and chuckled while looking at the handsome young man that had my hand in his. "You are something else Reggie!" "Yeah I am...aren't I?" he replies.

We reach the car and get all buckled in. He asks what are agenda is for the day. "Ok here it is. First China Town; we can do most of our walking and sight seeing there. We can also hit Union Square, with all of the designer shops, make a stop at the SF Mall on Market Street and then grab a Cable Car to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch. Bum around the Wharf and Pier 39 for a while. Then Cable Car back to the Metreon parking garage and then head to Twin Peaks and then back to Castro for dinner." I say for a quick run down. "Ah saving the best for last huh?" he winks. "Hey I don't want all those roaming eyes all over your body!" I jest "They will all be jealous! I should be carrying a stick just to keep the guys away from you!"

It's a good thing we went to China Town first. The shops were just beginning to open and the streets had very few tourists. We even hopped over a couple of streets from Grant Street and got the "real" China Town. We were walking by an Herbal Shop and I asked Reggie "Ya think they got any powered Tiger penis in there?" He gave a quizzical look and asked "Why!" "So I could keep up with you in bed!" I answer. "You DON"T need that!" he says patting my butt and then a quick pinch as we stroll on.

He was amazed at Union Square. He said it was like a giant designer mall with streets running through it. On one corner there were a few animal rights folks with their "Fur is for animals, NOT HUMANS" signs. As we walk by Reggie points at one of them and says, "Didn't I just see you at McDonalds eating a Quarter Pounder?" Then points to another and says "Hey nice leather shoes!" giving them a thumb up as the guy looks down at his own shoes. All he got in return was sneers and glares. Once again I was chuckling and shaking my head.

We walk along Powell Street and once we are in front of the St. Francis I ask, "Want to check into your room now?" motioning to the lobby of the St. Francis. He turned and his mouth was agape in awe. We walk in past the marble columns, in through the impeccably decorated lobby, past a grand staircase to the check-in area. The middle-aged gentleman behind the counter gives us both the "once over" and directs his question to me. "May I be of assistance to you sir?" Reggie pops up "Yeah, I'd...we'd like to check in." I see the eyebrows go into an instant arch as he replies "Your name young sir?" "Reginald Reynolds." Wow, that was the first time I had heard his last name! "I'll...We'll be staying for the next week." Reggie continued. "I see..." the clerk says with a bit of doubt in his voice. "Ah here we are. A Grand Deluxe room with ONE king bed." I can hear a bit of jealousy in his voice as he asks "I WILL need to see two forms of identification." With that Reggie whips out his South African passport and driver's license saying "This was a gift from my grandparents. They wanted to make SURE I had a good time while I was here." "Why aahhh...yes Mr. Reynolds" he stammered, "We're here to make sure you are well taken care of." "Not to worry my good man." Reggie replies with a bit of arrogance, "I have Grant here to make sure THAT!" giving me a wink. The guy about choked when Reggie said that. I almost burst out laughing right then. Reggie still had his boyish wit about him. A bit more chit chat, a parking pass and a room key and we were off on our next adventure.

Since we really hadn't made good use of our time, a cable car ride to Fisherman's Wharf for lunch wasn't high on Reggie's list. He said we could do that tomorrow. He wanted to check out the Castro District. I told him that we'd pass it on the way to Twin Peaks and for him to keep his eyes open.

Our drive down Market Street to Twin Peaks was nothing but hustle and bustle. Reggie was amazed that no left turns were allowed and pedestrians seemed to be everywhere. "They have no sense of safety do they!" he mentioned. I pointed out the gigantic Rainbow Flag in the Castro District as we passed by on our way to Twin Peaks. Reggie's head was like it was on a swivel. I think he was trying to check out every guy walking along the sidewalks. "Ok you horn dog!" I jokingly say, "Cool your jets!" He just blushed and kept on looking.

If you have never been to the Twin Peaks in San Francisco, then you are missing one of the very best sights around. From that vantage point you can see from the Golden Gate to Sausalito, Alcatraz to the Bay Bridge and Candlestick Park to SF International. We had the very best blue clear cloudless skies that you could ask for. The view was literally breath taking. I don't think Reggie's mouth closed the whole time we were there. The kid in him was coming out big time. He was leaning over the stone walls, climbing up to a different vantage point. He approached tourists, which could speak English, and asked them to take our picture. I think he used up the memory card in his camera and then some! He kept saying, "I can't wait to e-mail these pictures home!" and "This view is awesome!"

He was also amazed of all the tourist buses that made the trek to Twin Peaks. There were bus loads of Orientals, Germans, Brits and Brazilians (they were all wearing shirts saying they were from Brazil) coming to enjoy the view. If you have ever seen the view you would surely understand why Twin Peaks is a "must-see" stop when you visit San Francisco. You will not be disappointed at all. Just make sure it's not a foggy day. There would not be much a view.

I was standing there just gazing out over the bay and I hear, "G!" I turn and there's Reggie with his camera taking my picture just a few feet away from me. "Thanks for bringing me up here" he says "I never could have even imagined this!" Before I could say or do anything. He wraps his arms around and plants, I mean PLANTS, his lips against mine and passionately kisses me. Momentarily forgetting where we were I had fell under his spell and reacting with the same passion returned it. I know for sure that we were the subject of a few tourists' camera. But really, I did give a rats' behind. I just went with the flow! And let me tell you, the feelings were flowing. We had to act as if nothing was going on as we walked back to the car, both with tented walking shorts! Needless to say there were a few grins and snickers.

The little hand on my watch was quickly approaching the 6 o'clock p.m. hour. Since we had passed on our lunch trip to the Wharf, dinner was sounding pretty danged good. Down off the hills we drove, winding our way through the neatly kept and some luxurious hillside homes. We make the right hand turn onto Castro Street, the main drag. "Keep your eyes open for a parking spot PLEASE!" I say as I poke him in the ribs. "They can be quite hard to find down here." "Is this also a touristy place" Reggie asks. "OHHHH yeah! Everyone wants to come to Castro and see the freaks and fairies!" I say laughing. And Castro was beginning to come ALIVE! After about ten minutes we did find a parking spot on the next street over. I HAD to drive down a side street keep the attention on finding a spot.

We hop out of the car and head over to the Main Drag. It was just around 6:30 and the place was getting active. "Where are we going to eat?" asks Reggie. "Well I'm not to sure." I reply "We'll make the stroll up and back and then decide." It seemed that most of the places along Castro were beginning to fill up. So I mentioned a place called "Nirvana" as we walked past it. The aroma's that were wafting out were unbelievable. I instantly had pains of hunger. The cuisine was Southeast Asian, and the smells pulled us in.

As we walk in we are approached by a very cute smiling Asian greeter. I watched his eyes as he very coyly checked out Reggie first and then me. "Welcome to Nirvana gentleman" he says as he gives a slight bow. "Would you care to dine inside or on the patio?" "I think we'd like to dine outdoors." I reply as I make eye contact and give him a wink. I can make out a slight blush as he makes another slight bow, keeping eye contact with me he says, "Nice choice sir. The evening should be nice" As I take Reggie's hand I say, "I'm sure it will be. Lead the way." With a very wide grin and a head nod he replies, "I'm sure it will be as well sir. This way please."

Our greeter seats us at a far corner. We can almost see the whole restaurant from this vantage point. There are bamboo plants and other greenery around us and the covered portion of the patio was shielding us from the brisk SF breeze that can come up at almost anytime. "Will this be good for you two this evening" he asks as he place the menus on the table. "Well...for dining it will be great!" says Reggie. The greeter smiles and says, "My name is Lin and I will be your server this evening. May I recommend the Castro Coolers for drinks to start your dinner?" "Hmmmmmm" Reggie says as he looks over the drink menu, `Those do sound good! Bring us both one!" With that Lin scampers off smiling to get our drinks.

Reggie seemed to be taking control of our dinner plans at this point saying, "Ok Grant what are you going to have. You know it's my treat this time, you've been paying for everything so far." I look at him over the top of my menu and say "Well, I wouldn't mind starting with Lin as an appetizer!" "Dang G!", Reggie replies, "I think you are reading my mind!" "Guess we both are a couple of Horn Dogs huh?" I question. At this point we both are laughing. But it was the truth; Lin would have been an awesome cute little nibble!

Upon bringing our drinks bad, Lin asked Reggie for his I.D. Reggie hands Lin his passport asking, "Will this be O.K. Lin?" Always smiling Lin takes it and with a slight bow nods his approval. "Ah, you are not American" Lin comments, "Are you here on vacation with relatives?" He asks looking at me. "Yes and no" Reggies answers, "I am here on vacation but with my lover." With the Reggie grabs my hand and gives it s little squeeze. I just smile and give him a wink. By now Lin is all smiles and his eyes are now actually checking us both out. "I am sure you both will have a good time! Now, what shall you have for dinner?'

We started our dinner with their grilled Korean style shortribs, they were served with a sweet chili dipping sauce. They were awesome! I had the Grilled Steak Rangoon and Reggie had Giant Marinated Grilled Prawns. Everything was excellent and our service was exceptional! Lin was the most attentive server I've ever had the pleasure of being served by. Lin brought our check and with another slight bow said "I hope the two of you enjoyed our restaurant and that I was able to satisfy all of you needs!" Before I could answer Reggie said "You satisfied all of our dinner needs quite well Lin! Thank you." Lin calmly replies, "I there ANYTHING else that I may be able to help satisfy gentlemen?" Wow that sure sounded like an invitation to me! And Reggie did pick up on it, "Well since we will be here for the next week, there is a good chance you just might be able to." "I would be glad to be of service to you!" Lin says as he hands Reggie a business card. "That is my online business card, it has my cell phone and my e-mail." Lin continues. "You may get in touch with me anytime." "That sounds great Lin" Reggie says as he hands Lin the check and a 100 dollar bill, "You can keep the change, your service was way above average!" Lin gives another bow and thanks Reggie. "Reggie you do realize that you just gave him a 30 dollar tip?" I confirm. "No problem G" he replies, "I just want him to remember us."

We head out of the restaurant and Lin is waiting door ,"Please call me ANYTIME ok you guys?" he says "I would be glad to be your tour guide while you are here in San Francisco as well." I shake Lin's hand "Lin, thank you for a great dining experience and I am SURE you will here from us." I didn't want to let go of his hand, I felt a "vibe" go through my entire tire body. His hand was strong yet delicate and smooth. I moved my left hand over top for a two-handed shake. "It was my pleasure sir." Lin says, his eyes stay in contact with mine as he bows. Reggie shakes Lin's and reaffirms that we shall be in touch. With that we are out the door into Castro's bustling nightlife.

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